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BATTLE TRAITS PLAGUE LEGIONS AND CONTAGIUMS DISEASED. ach of the Maggotton 2 walhing vector of den. 4 willing incubator for malades that rage the body prt with horrifi raence sh vo fe ence nr nl sof Beers cach gre core ch ey tte thin fy ey Massa elise cone Ace cahors mein cf Fanaa pons anyone cone yen Hat mer odes pols har a than) WEAPONS Parad tell fo a atch ade eth, iS that have been allocated te wn thi they ae allowed te edh they | dincate poi fren the unt LEGIONS OF CHAOS vy dedicate 0.6 of the Cheon Gods . rmparied by hordes of ng herd of eat im nd. smal gon ss sochadecoation hose wit at be given the NURGLE Mark nf Chaos Keyword. Lin every 4 unite in the army can be a onlin sit foe the Skaven faction that has the CLASS PEsTiLeNs keyword. | in every 4 units in the aby can be a coalition unst from the Beasts of Chaos faction that doesnot have the Terewren keyword. Thove units gain the Nunave keyword. qo stay one of the Maggotkin is a fearsome Areenge thst botes are all bu imme to pay ou her ongans practically worthlese computer corrupt energies which aniiiate thorn the pricadly MAGGOTRIN OF NUNGLE models have Pied ofS Tn addtiot,at start of your hero phase, YOU © Hocated to each MAGGOTKEN OF NUKGLE mod LOCUS OF FECUNDITY The following friendly units are each a Locus of Fecundity: Gueat UNCLEAN ONE, HoRTICuLoUs Sepevx, Tw GLOTTXIN, FRsTUS THR fy Lescatoxp sly Resilient battle Las o ed to a model instead pa na cree atti any Lock a : ‘~ PLAGUEBEARER HOs® wi I mates —_ SUMMON DAEMONS OF NURGLE Poxbringe, Herd Nome ‘Areas of the Mortal Realms that are overrun by pn = ures minions become weak points in reality a through which his daemons can be drawn from the Tusccive Suites an mete = Realm of Chaos, Sloppity Aepiper aM Nerge i. Spoilpos Scriveser, Herd of Neng ‘You can summon NURGLE DAEMON units and Feculent Gnarmaws to the battlefield if you have “eaough contagion points (referred to as ‘CPs! At the start of your here 2. Fecund Vigour Alen ate treat as being iia county LORDS OF THE ROTBRI MaccorgiNor Nunate Mowray father’s Blessing: This oy Nuri able of decay to thei W Geta roundatier the Cyl Infernal Conduit: This shampion of Nurgle is suffused with the power of their patron that their mere presence ‘senouglto draw forth daemons Jom the Garden, lfthisgeneral is on the batlefeld atthe start of your hero phase, rll a dice. On 41, nothing happens, Ona you receive I contagion int Ona 6, you receive D3 sontagion points. living Plague: This general disease that cases INGERS Mane only Avalanche of Rotten Flesh, When this general tombers in bat foes are crushed their rancid butk. e After this general makes a charge Imo ean pick vemiy unit within 1" of them and roll wamber of dice equal (the charge roll or that change ove. For each 6, that enemy it suffers 1 mortal wound and give that enemy unit 1 disease point Bloated with Corruption: this _geriera’s swollen body is turgid with foul seereions, Should their flesh be pierced, these rank ‘Sluis will squire out ta drench those nearhy, fan unmodified Disgustingly Resilient ward roll for this general is 6, you ean pick Tenemy unit within 3° of this general ans giveitL disease point ‘Overpowering Stench: This general exudes an odours ‘wretched that even Nurgles daemons cannot adequate describe it, Enemies recoth ‘choking on their ov at it lightest wi it ot ete Fema tera cairn ten wal degidimitans by releasing a fever upon ‘hem hat dst ey wild em Once pete tthe srt ‘hecombu pe yrs ‘hat ths ere wl lene Sichenig eee joa don, ntl he ed ofthat phe a {othe tacks characte of meee weapon asd lcendly Maccorxaw oF Nonte nits whitey ee ‘wholly within 7 ofthis ena Narang Infestation Nar larmon ites are drawn this general. confounding the attack foc wh 0 strike the and hing lhe hander in tht presence. Subtract 1 om its foraack that arget his genera in adtion a1 itr fratacks mide lly ittael ksh thre which aie pecs when ot a smougir to stand before th rently verve by te imy eve. Shout rebearer at ague God's nox lsat the start of our hero phase if tans within 14 of the points, you ean roll 2D6. Ifthe foel tothe bearer that The Foetid Shroud: Ths mildewa ng is wearer oay as though drenched in fever-weat inemies find therm gle in ts clammy escape the shrouds sopping grasp. At the start ofthe comba: phase, you ean pick enemy Ho that isnots MosreR and is within 5° of the bearer, Subtract from hit rolls for attacks made by that Hiro in tht phase, and add Ito hit rolls for atacks that target that HeRo in that phase, ‘The Shield of Growth: This revolting shield is fashioned from diseased troggorh flesh grown around “aframe of asi iron. The more damage it takes, the ‘moreit regrows, bulging outward into a ponderous bulmar of rotting blubher and skin. You cao resol sve rolls for attacks that target the earerifthe save roll is gual oor ess than the __-mamberaf wounds allocated tothe bearer, TT RRTEER Ton ER el hehe 7 je himself sserims! Reece ee One's antler, Da it blessing its rer with supernatural resilience the bearer bas a Disgustingly Resilient ward of 4 f z in the way the drinker ity though not alwa nce per battle, atthe start of your hero phase, you fh sty the bearer will drink from the Fecund Flag. Ifyou do 40, roll Dna 2, heal all wounds allocated to the be 11, the bearer is slain the bearer is slain, before they are removed from Jay, you can add | Beasts OF NURGLE Unit that has I model to your army and set t up within 1" of the beater, The BLAsts oF Nuxout unitean coy be set up within 3° of an enemy unit ifthe bearer was within 3” of that enemy unit when they were slain Muttergrub: A daemonic familiar prised from the Rotwood joists of Nurgle’s Manse, this bloated maggot curls itself within its master’s ear and mumbles the secrets of Nurgle's magic fo ‘The bearer can attempt to cast the Gill of Disease spell (pg 66) in your hero phase in the same manner 88a WIZARD, Ifthe bearer isa WiZARD, they know the Gift of Disease spel in addition to the spl You can normally pick for them from the Lore of Malignance, and you can ada 1 tothe casting rll when they atterapt to cast Gift of Disease DAEMONIC RooNs URGI or *y “ora oie Die A A cloud of cheerful uc ‘daemon at all tirtes their bodies N*M Nall Rumogy an vd from, n th meontrefind toenails Te fone ee of oe inating rinse tn al i mn et na ae ‘nt One of the beaser’s mele lee weapons. Attacks ate atthe start of yourheo phe pice ae tht penn ee a, "esos wthn ot heberersadaeaeag eae a cag aa Share asin et eee tees aa 7 at model is s1 a mone ited Moneta eee ee onl eas with . vitwhea twas slain. The bearer can attempt to cst the Giftof Disease spel (PR 66) in your bero phase in the samemanscr The Endless Gift: Whenever thisdaemon is injured ava WeaARO. the burt os Wizaao, epee by ts oes blious flab and scutling parasites spill the Gif of Disease ypelin akon othe pel from the wounds. These heap into layers of new ou can normally pick fr them from the Loe of {growth before crusting over and solidifying into iralence, aa you can add | tothe casting rll tnnatral flesh, leaving the daemon healed as whe they attempt to cas Gift of Disease though it had never been harmedat all. The Witherstave: Carved from the heartwood of hems with asbeing within 14° ofa tormented Trelord, the Withersave ‘he bearer is always treated as being wit crys Locus of Fecundity, sound Natlous Nexus: This dacmon is afestering carrier of .ajaring dng of despa lus ther mi thousands of Nurgle's most virulent piagues. Ser ply j pea risks myriad of hrrble fates agonising then the las. LORES 10) jor Nunote Macoore i sweep of thelr ees he cman shades ys upon the han ec ch of ele Nema endbs pe casting sia sa : ‘and visible to the subtract 1 {fom AMagnisicene Bbow is vahie of of T enemy Hero withi 1 m : ee nl ion Seca tt Ho = i. dispelling and unbinding {from chanting casting, rolls fr that Hao. yn extravagant prayer {0 Plague Squall: Singin Grandfather Nurgle, the Sorcerer cases the skies tosplitopen ie the swoller belly ofan old corpse raining a glorious shower of boiling filth upor ‘heroes. Plague Sgual iss spel that has a casting value of 6 Tfsuecessally ast, roll7 dice. For each 6, you ‘an pick I different enemy unit that is visible to the ‘asierand give that unit disease point loving Quagmite: The Sorcerer truss ther and nt te so causing the ground to putrfy ‘into a sucking, grasping quagmire, p OF MALIG! or wa \ANCE i puding Unique units) only tades of Putrefaction: The wizard blesses weapons Blader yey onze with the choicest of Nurgle’s ar cada cage of Maaco cat pick | friendly MAGGOTEIN OF NURGLE u hit oll 05 oF 6. Gif of Disease: With a gesture, the wizard smothers their enemies ina foul fog buzzing with daemon-flies ling airborne diseases. Gift of D) that has a casting valueafé anda range 0 y cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Give that nit within 7” of that unit and each ather enemy. unit] disease point. Rancid Visitations: As the wizard reaches out, their enemies are seized by a terrible affliction that blackens their flesh and rots their organs to mulch, Rancid Visitations is a spell that has a cast s a casting value of 6 anda range of 7 If successfully cast, pick 1 _ fnemy unit within range and visible to the caster and Toll dice for each model in that unit that is within ing a iid favoured Poxes: Calling upon Nurgle to grant his blessings, jhe daemon concentrates their attentions on an enemy, inflicting wave after wave of debilitating sickness upon them, Favoured Poxes is a spell that has acasting value of 7 and a range of 14”. If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Until the caster moves, attacks, ng, unbinding or makes a cas' dispelling attempt, or is slain, subtract | from hit and wound attacks made by that unit and subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that nnit. eat 7 LORE OF VIRULENCE MAGGOTEIN OF Nurci DAEMON Wrz arp (iricluding Unique units) on) Fleshy Abundance: The daemon generously bestows a growth spurt of the most repulsive kind upon a group of allies, causing their bodies to bloat with great wobbling mounds of grey-green fat. Fleshy Abundance is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 14”. If successfully cast, pick | friendly MaGGorKin oF NURGLE DAEMON unit within range and visible to the caster. Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of that unit until your next hero phase. Designer’s Note: This can result in a model that is affected by this spell being slain if the wounds allocated to that model equal or Stream of Corruption: Uttering glottal curses, the daemon unleashes a torrent of bile and brackish filth upon their enemies. Stream of Corruption is spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 7”. If successfully cast, pick I enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Roll 1 dice for each model in that unit that is within range of the castei For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Before attempting to cast this spell, you can say that the cast will project the stream across greater distance. If you do so, the spell has a range of 14” buy only inflicts 1 mortal wound for each roll of 6 instead of exceed its Wounds characteristic on MUNIFICENT WANDERERS eles nost Page Leon, the Mulficent Naderers are respon forsowing sickness and 63) trou vant avathes ofthe Eig Reali Ths task they carry ot seth een forthe belleve 1 Js generous ils a traly bese BEFOULING HOST The Befouling Host are the most 1 Legions intractable ll P Uke mortal clinging to life, they are grimy accepting of sufering even for Nurgle’ children, Their sheer ability to endure has seen them entrusted with protecting their Grandfathers beloved Garden. wankers THe Infested With ve diseases Wander Municent Wo aa horrific ae reps end heycannol ny unit swith (pany MUSEFICENT Ww f : Host that has 10.0r more tric end of the movement phase A Delouling Host army that a DAEMON general can include Feculent Garlmaws inste of | Setup the secand Feculent Gnarlmaw wholly seithin your territory, more than 7” from all other Feculent Gnarimaws and ‘more than 3" from all objectives and other terrain features, pd enon to oak they have ROO ike {Malai No other Rotbringer sity has battled 0 farand wide stro the Martal Realms np Innicted so many grievous defeins dhe enemies of the Plague Gnd, DROWNED MEN Stinking, piratical raiders who Ibi ign fein foes will foraeton tratalty, the Drowned Men ‘They are matters of aerial and. formidable warriors HILTHBRINGERS No Contagium seeks Nurgl's ‘magical secrets as eagerly as ‘heFilibbringers. Through studying their god's deepest ‘mysteries these Rotbringers seek feral transformation into an uni ih roll nm Wosindy turn {wil Bor each, ge tht enemy NE disease point » i fea above the Mog et ofthe Drowned Menane larkened ya pstent oud of Bight Alice deployment but heine the rat battle round begins. you can ‘move each friendly Duownen Mey Lamp oF Arriteriows and Puscovss BricHtLamns unit up 10 8° Ifboth players eats mowe units before the firs battle round begin, they must rol off and the wine b Rot Coven: Fillbringer Cysts are often led by covens ofsarcerers that have a commana of pestlent magie fowean match You can include Rol Govens in ‘your army (pp 104). Atthe start (of the hero phase, you can pick Waza from each Rot Coven CS sara Ff cn | rEGIES. a GRAND STRAT a se rand strategies fromthe fiat below nnd record ion your 3 THE GR, NOTATHAR'S WILL Bia eipanp a Saal [Blessed Desecration: You can pick this grand. - sruegy only tke model picked tobe your praia builesnis,you asthe wr keyword you dav ar Te hCard han ae Heras eae that whi anpickany atl nds, sou complete BATTLE TACTICS Atthestartof yr her ase yu can pl opponent anf battle ta ow have val ier that ee than once pes bt METHODS OF CULTIVATION Maggotkin of Nurgle army onl, ee. ieee dhe Droning: You complete this tactic there ina aly uni with Ro Fly mount in each atthe goacaninclod ony ofthe following core bata seca that YoU ca Use core Batali, UNIT ICONS BATTALION ABILITY ICONS (Mandatory/Optional) ‘by Unified: One-drop Deployment (cote rules, 252.1) BB vemon commander: yp Expert:Onceper battle 1 unit from this bataon aa receiv the Gneat UNCEEAN ONE All-out Attack or all-out Defence command without the command being issued und without command pin being spent. 4g hie tate: MonTALMAGGOTKEN — @ Magnificent: When you pick enhancements for your aay orNuraue Leader with (core rules, 273), you can pick l extra enhancement Wounds characteristic (9& Slayers: Once per battle 1 unit from this battalion can receive the ‘All-out Attac« or Unleash Hell command without thecommand being issued and without a command point beingspent. ROTIGUS of Noralings——Uanged Maw ce AT UNCLEAN ONE Bloated with Corruption: 4 Great inclean One's inriese bey i slen puri secretions. Should the an unmod fed wa ‘his un That enemy tit suters Iiese Pot Mountain of Loathsome Flesh Great nce Ones te mashely Bimpaye, enemies caughtin ty Are often swallowed band Beton great lls af rane le You can cary ou th naar ito te ny Hoge cence i ys pe yin ane Rt ny To Wound Rend, is Tonit a age Atala TO is ‘ nae APONS D6 —s json w Toit To Wound Rend” pga a ile Autacks i Nel Range Ait ms > Mountain of Loathsome Hesh Putrid Offerin di Reverberating Summons: es Ball atth agus Wind: The wien ust na atid " putida ‘hey wnt au cating loc of7fada rg fxscnlycas, pk panne Sula within ange ans ie {othe caster and draw « straight! ‘between that point and the closest oho a MELE WEAPONS: Mound of Nurgings deni, Tlhman of Nurs stmed vith Baleswand tnd MELEE WEAPONS Ringe Attack TO HC 10 Wo she Ttiyband Suc EPIDEMIUS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound ofMurl sca. that wre ‘afore ger the Bogue rans row se At the tut of yon hero phase, i Unison the tle se the aliwing umber ode for exch ofthe ‘loviogunitsaadterrintentanene Aevuth othaunte 3s chen near Unctean Onn. aus Designers Note lif di or wit wgpara that each need Pale fs enaly PrAGUEDEARER Host that ha 0 nd ach Feet ny WIZARD, HERALD OF make single rl tng the bats Rend Damage oof pp remeron ite A SlopityBilepiper, Herald of Nurse ‘sarmed with MOLES Wane MON, NUXGLF, MAGGOFKIN OF NUNGLF Ho, Hiucax MELEH WEAPONS Range Ais 5 Beppe pine: ta a Maroter sitesi hob ns Tent nce thetlowing ues ee gf ps A tone net om a cee se 4 ha ieee 89, eee aca those tunes Inca pe ‘Toute Toward othe al Rend Damas] A subbing We WG On ening ee it Sea viskaaxbysinedt ‘Sycta Daas nol realy Or in ton Jurrurs plying tae mics oot (urgelaaltentou WARSCROLL PLAGUEBEARERS MiLEE WEAPONS Range Attaek ToWie To Weung r nd Re H * B MELEE WEAPONS opping Shears Ste encrusted Jans Lopping Shears MOUNT his wits nxt ale, tay es, tnd hock wa howd etna Rosny yee S OF NURGLE MELEE WEAPONS reer PLAGU MISSTEE WEABONS Rae Aaa be . Damage Damage Ta Woand Rend TMi To Wound Rend DANAGHTARIE Gutipny— Ghusk’sTentatl Abundance Heh Peter rite opronen nig te eM ecard tha further ‘ira ec Pangea Senn ORGHOTTS DAEMONSPEw Rtlacks 7 Rang Afiack en ROTSPAWNED ‘MISSILE WEAPONS DAMAGIT ARIE nn WARS 3 MONON Ree MORBIDEX TWICE NISSiLE WHAPONS Benge Aes lay ike AR Renae AG Ee ee WH Red Bi wanscxou, GUTROT SPUME Attacks Tem © To Wess end By oy Se) a atch oa sa TL Attache Toit To Wound Red Cunos, Mowat, Newsie, Macorkin oF Nena sano, Lower BH ren FESTUS THE LEECHLORD | waKscrou, Aad ta Hig nA To Wound Red hg ee LORD OF PLAGUES LITT hata en THE WURMSPAT wor Nuaett BIISMD SIS, PUTRID Lee wayne Nees Raa Hea HT apa peter BLIGHTLORDS Wrockand Reins tnt earned vith alighted Weapon. wioride Ret Tivevery 2modee bearmed widhe De MOUNT This units or Pes ve each il sare arsed withChiws,Moupurie an wt Tova Oat 1g : wou FLX, This unitcan ieatage na Ahernrtal ours unl ofthe models iethe ut ane net itary oe Gaara or wih fa obese Lib. The tables below contai of allies that ean be ta

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