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Lecture 05

Home Assignment Solution

Solved by: Sajeeb, IBA (MBA), 65D

Question 01

Total Distance travelled is given (2 miles)

We need to find out first, total time it took to travel the entire distance.
Then, the average speed would be, v = d/t

যাবার সময়,
4 মাইল যেতে সময় লাগে 1 hour
So, 1 মাইল যেতে সময় লাগবে 1/4 hour


ফিরে আসার সময়,

5 মাইল যেতে সময় লাগে 1 hour
So, 1 মাইল যেতে সময় লাগবে 1/5 hour

So, Total time,

(1/4) + (1/5) = 9/20

Now, v = d/t

d = 2 miles
t = 9/20 hour

v = 2 / (9/20) = 40/9 (Option C is correct)

Question 02

One-third of the 90-mile trip is 30 miles

Time it takes to travel that distance is:

(1/2) * 2 = 1 hour

Average Rate (v) = d/t = 30/1 = 30 mph (Option B is correct)

Question 03

Distance from School to home:

d = v * t = 4 mph * 1 hour = 4 miles

At new speed of 5 mph, it will take less time to reach home

t = d/v = 4/5 hour = (4/5) * 60 minutes = 48 minutes (Option B is correct)
Question 04

We know,

Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time

Average Speed = 80 mph (given)

Total Distance Covered (d) = v * t

= (100 mph * 8 hours) * 2
= 1600 miles

Total Time taken = 8 hours + x hours (return trip এ কতটু কু সময় লেগেছে তা জানি না)


80 = 1600/(8+x)

Solving for x, we get x = 12

Option D is correct

Question 05


Johny walked at a speed of 2 mph (v = 2)

Distance covered on foot = 10 miles

So, t (time taken on foot) = d/v = 10/2 = 5 hours

Then, he returned on a bicycle.

Speed of bicycle (v) = 5 mph

Distance covered on bicycle = 10 miles

So, t (time taken on bicycle) = d/v = 10/5 = 2 hours

Total time taken on the entire trip is (5+2) = 7 hours

Option E is correct.
Question 06

We know,

Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time

= 50 mph * 6 hours
= 300 miles

Total Distance covered = (300 + 300) miles

= 600 miles

Total Time = 6 + 9 = 15 hours

Average Speed = 600/15 = 40 mph

Option B is correct

Question 07

Important Formula
Boat’s Speed (Still Water) = ½ (Downstream Speed + Upstream Speed)

Speed downstream = 11 km/hr

Speed upstream = 5 km/hr
Thus speed of boat in still water = (1/2) * (11+5) km/hr
= 8 km/hr

Option C is correct
Question 08

Speed Downstream (v)

= (13 + 4) km/hr
= 17 km/hr

Time taken to travel 68 km downstream,

t = d/v
= 68/17
= 4 hours

Option C is correct

Question 09

Speed Downstream (v)

10 minutes এ যেতে পারে 1 km

So. 60 minutes এ যেতে পারবে 6 km

v = 6 km/h

Speed Upstream (v) = 2 km/h

Boat’s Speed (Still Water) = ½ (Downstream Speed + Upstream Speed)

= ½ (6+2) km/h
= 4 km/h

Required Time (t)

= d/v
= 5/4 hours
= 1 hr 15 min

Option C is correct
Question 10

Distance covered while traveling downstream = 120 km

Now, when the boat is traveling downstream, the speeds get added. So, speed downstream =
24 km/h
Now, when the boat is traveling upstream, the speeds get subtracted. So, speed upstream = 16

Time taken in downstream = 120/24

= 5 hours

Now, we need to find the distance traveled upstream in 5 hours.

Distance = time × speed upstream= 16 × 5 = 80 km

Option C is correct

Question 11

Let Length of Train = L

Case-1: Distance = 400 + L (While crossing the bridge)

Time = 60 Seconds
i.e. Speed = Distance / Time = (400+L)/60

Case-2: Distance = L (While passing the lamp post)

Time = 10 Seconds
i.e. Speed = Distance / Time = (L)/10

But Since speed has to be same in both cases, so

(400+L)/60 = (L)/10

Solving for L, we get L = 80 meters

Option C is correct
Question 12

This question tests you on relative speed.

Train A leaves Saqib’s house traveling at 50 miles/hr.

So it covers 50 * 2 = 100 miles in 2 hours.

After 2 hours, train B leaves from Saqib’s house.

When train B leaves from Saqib’s house, distance between train A and train B is 100 miles since
train A has already traveled 100 miles.

Now train B needs to cover up this distance between them by traveling faster than train A.
In one hour, train B covers 50 miles more than train A (because train B's speed is 50 miles/hr
more than train A's speed).
So train B will cover the extra 100 miles in 2 hours.
Train A had traveled for 2 + 2 = 4 hrs before it was overtaken by train B. Hence, it had covered a
distance of 4 * 50 = 200 miles.

Option C is correct

Question 13

Insufficient Data
Cannot be determined

Question 14

Speed of the Train = 72 km/hr. = 72 × 5/18 [Changing into m/s] = 20 m/s.

Time taken to cross the Platform = 30 seconds.

Time taken to cross the man = 18 seconds.
∵ Speed of the Train = Length of the train/Time to cross the man

∴ Length of the Train = Speed of the Train × Time to cross the Man. = 20 × 18 = 360 meters

Sum of the Length of Platform and train = Speed of the Train × Time taken by the Train to cross
the Platform. = 20 × 30 = 600 meters

∵ Length of the Train + Length of the Platform = 600

∴ 360 + Length of the Platform = 600
∴ Length of the Platform = 600 - 360
= 240 meters

∴ Length of the Platform is 240 meters (Option A is correct)

Question 15

Here, a train of 100m is crossing another train of 120m

So, the sum of lengths of the trains is the distance the second train travels.

100 + 120m ⇒ 220m ⇒ 0.22 km

Now let the speed of the second train be x km/h

Since they are in opposite directions.

So relative speed = (x + 50) km/h
Time = 6 seconds = 6/3600 seconds = 1/600 hours

Distance = speed × time

0.22 = (x+50) × 1/600

Solving for x, we get x = 82

The speed of second train is 82km/hr
Option B is correct.

Question 16

10 Minutes = 1/6 hours

= (10 mph + 8 mph) * (1/6)
= 3 miles

Question 17

t = d/v

Total time spent on journey = (10/30) + (10/40) + (10/50)

= 20 minutes + 15 minutes + 12 minutes
= 47 minutes

Motorist spent 12 minutes at 50 miles/hr speed.

The answer is 12/47

Option E is correct
Question 18


Distance = 400 miles

Let, h is the hour by which two trains will meet

Distance covered by first train = 50 * h = 50h

Distance covered by second train = 30 * h = 30h

According to the question,

50h + 30h = 400

Or, 80h = 400
Or, h = 5 hours

Option C is correct

Question 19

Distance covered by B in 25 sec = 200 meters

Distance covered by B in 22 sec
=(200/25) * 22 meters
= 176 meters

∴ B was at a distance of (200 - 176) meters = 24 meters from the finishing line.
Option B is correct

Question 20

Let the distance between station A and station B is x km.

Given Train M starting from A will take 7 hours to cover x km

and Train T starting from B takes 4.5 hours to cover the x km.

Speed of Train M is x/7 kmph

Speed of Train T is x/4.5 or x/(9/2) kmph or 2x/9 kmph

In 1.5 hours, the distance travelled by Train M is 1.5x/7

Remaining Distance is 5.5x/7 (total distance x থেকে বাদ দিয়ে)
Now, let they start at 5:30 AM and they will meet after t hours with each other

Solving for t, we get t = 2.15

60 minute এর ১৫ অংশ = ৯ মিনিট

So, 5:30 + 2: 09 = 7:39 AM এ তারা নিজেদেরকে ক্রস করবে

Option E is correct

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