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p 90 aara\ ( Va ALI AAMIR ig) Extr: id Extracellular Fluid. About GOIpEXGEA ot the adult human body. isailig mainly a water solution of ions _and other substances. Although most of this fluid is inisideytheyedllS and is @allegintracellular tluid, about onefiftesis in the spaces outside the Gills anc is Called) extracellularfluid. ‘This extracellular fiuid_is in constant motion throughout the Body. It is transported rapidlyin the dfculating bIoo® and then GREE between the ‘load and the tissue Huis by ifusiontiolgh thai WAID 8 og Gil yt ake ail Guill! pus ys BO ollgs Aldi! a lS JiLull laa plas i ga at yl gle .g Sl slgeg ligt ya gile Jalna ge ayle tulu'll 94 5554 GD gigs Gi Ul LUI Jol flu! Silly YUE! Gi gag0 JiLull a4 5s 4 ASI! ald Jolull a alo a ls Sila gD LLL! gS Le! 211 oe Gly 95 aggaGIGRRD 3 de yay 185 ply patil lail gues g8 dyelate ay MIS GU oe tsa Say pl In the extracellular fluid are the(fonsand pails needed by the cells to maintain Ii Thus, all cells live in essentially the the extracellular fluid, For this reason, theextracellular fluid is also called iné)infStralenVironmentofthe"bOdy.Cells are capable of living and performing their special functions pfoperconcentationsimot oxygen, glucose, diferent _ions, amino acids, fatty substances, and otherconstituents are available in this internal environment. issasesstestesteress L Kglaal LUI Leslisd GRAM asten gst Jotul 94 561 Jal - 2 LUI ayes Uline dioeg alot gle RGRIGTBED pus! Lagi gol 1S Joa gle Glos pull lg ALLEL! g LS eee Beya Epa 2510 pty cli yineall gle ayrld LUSILE ld \ salgellg dina lll galor'Uly adlidell lig/tly jefglallg guru 'Ul Gaal agli Atel ae LigSell yo Ld yetg deiasall ) earns Cc e. Cell Membrane. The cell membrane (also hélplasmalmembtanie) envelops the celland is a thin, @liable, GlaStic SHFUCR only 7.5 to 10 manOMEtEFS thick. It is composed almostentirely of proteins and lipid8. THePappréXimatencoMBSBitiOn is proteins, 55 percent;phospholipids, 25 percent; cholesterol, 13 percent; other lipids, 4 percent; and carbohydrates,3 percent. —_—___. dais ye aylee aglsil oles (GUM CUA lipsi) ats cLak ad Lae Jalolls Se4ring tpi GDB 10 oI 75 QROEPS» Ge BD 55_lisigyll 9 Qmyaiilmammepya) §—GSABMy GILG «Clg Sodroll cil 13 Jgyiulg Soil sailolls 25 agilawgall Sgargll aillls —. —_—_— —S eee diol 3 Sy gudgss4llg ‘dill 94 4 ig ) Stas ahi ali reece nnmeeaene nanan na __Cell Membrane. _ pedes Penetration by Wate Figure 2-3 shows the structure of the cell membrane vvila¥er,whichis_a_thin, Jdouble-layered film of lipids-each layer nent thick-that is continuous over the entire cell surface. Interspersed in this lipid film are large globular proteins. soluble Substances. ets loll 94 Sliginl! ALLAN! Igo! glial alos $85 ABDGERGAMI, jc Fe gals glee aN she agi 3-2 Jc Wigha dds 4 slow Gly = Gadtall ga doll Aagia 5a aaa) ditaly g¢ 4,Lie Sidra! pled Ie gt GRGD dll aylall alow gle dyoima 989 ~ __Cell Membrane. _ Phospholipids are the masfaBUNdAlib of the cGllIGHBEAAE)lipits, One end of ead phospholipidmolecule is SlUBIGNA}WaGr; that is, it is AYRROBAING. The other end is —— thalis, its hydrophobic. The BHESHAISTEM of the pOospREIBID is Ho cise si ADELE 94 Gea ATTASD 26 coealstogAll SU ply ALB «i 51 ALNGAGUARD ls 9 yous’ goad 2955 oe Hlawgall Alpi .g2ue dil gies liog tle djl Api@iall Gles'Ull e}a9 elo Aide g yg4u9l! yal oN Cell Membrane. Because the AAYEFOPAGBIG portions of the (GABSPHElipIAIMOISUIES are repelled by water but aremutually attracted to one another, they have a natural tendency to attach to one another initheniddlélofihelifisibraries as shown in Figure 2-3. The fyarophilic phosphate portions thenconstitute the two surfaces of the complete cell membrane, in contact withgintra¢ellular wateron the inside of the Giembranieyand extfacellularwater, on the outside Surface» Lpiéls cloll po palit GUE WANES 50 ABB; «| 52Ul GU 15h BRM 9s rou ana GUAT oso! ols GAUL Usa soba AMR M “lougsll cljal Jodi 3-2 Jeiill 94 ainga 46 Lod «(lial sLia!l yo SIS BSN ote GRICE CMe Jloit 92 Joo alstl Lie SSETBGAI, 5 1< ALM, “15 The lipid layerthe The lipid layerthe idle of the membrane isimipermeable to the usual water- "solublesubstances, such as ions, glucose, and urea. Conversely, fafSoluble “substances, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and alcohol, can penetrate this —_—=_ Pasties ~sO ccLinatl 50 GRIM 9.04 vigil Abby! bet als ye yetall gleg -Lyssalle jofoslally JerSlg 91,41 srwZl gilig gasane yep Jie o™ he @holesterolwMoleCUes in the GEMDFARE are also (ipilS because theinsstéroid (quel archighly @kSOlubIe) These molecules, in a sense, are @iSBONeGhAthe bile of the tH@MiBrafle: They mainly help determine the @agre@iohpermeability (or fipetmesbilty) of the ilaVer toWAlSSOlUbleNconstituents|fotlbodyetiuids, PeEDYSSISaD Cholesterol controls much asset Tian, Th ipi he_ Apia relaall Laila OU Soa 90 Aaah = ga le 95 ll LL jal age gist GED (Gel F30)s!) BSUS 94 pull pois elu p05 8 Ja ytule coll ptonis uN : Ail Lidl algae 50 C ow PHSIGAL 7 i THERE? p op,

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