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(isd sm MAIN 4-INFORMATIN SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE ‘DOMAIN 4~INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE (23% ) [At Amorpmizton is considering ung new IP See prove From an ait perspesive, which fhe flowing wou be te MOST inp: te review! ‘A. Refs fom ater ins forthe ence provider BB Thephyncl eu ofthe sense prove se (C_Thepoposd serie level apecmeat ah he service provider 1. Bhotgtund costs ofthe serie pride enploees sutton 2c gee ey such einige frm tll god ati, ba he ee {eed gromeat GLA) wold ne cf tne # nul dt wha Sie es of perma trolled sod eth poi snc gad eve lst was rms 18. dor aigence acy uch ae evening pyc! ecunty contol a ood pact, bat the SLA ‘oul te mst cata teense wuld defen species of scanty would be etd and Tle thepoidr enact bed 0 dlver what was roms (c.Mihen contracting with servis provider, ita god practice tener int an LA with the providers An SLA ra grantee thatthe provider wilder Ue series acarding tthe Eonract The 1S ator wil want ensure that performance and crt requirements ae ‘aly sted inthe SLA 1 due dligence wctiviy sch asthe se backend chock fhe sevice provider employes is ‘lod prc, butt SLA ld be most eral case it woud fine what specie levels of ‘Xuan labor pies would be required ad mak the vie conactaly cpt to ive at ws poised [AMA AalS aditristo asses the saliy of «sevice level grcment(SLA) between he npsrization ad The spl foutsured services. Towichof he allowing dbeervatons shoo he IS autor pay He [MOST nero? The SLA does tot comin |A. tetion auss romthe old plier one sup or cto intel inthe ase of expiration 1 pmyment se betwee he customer andthe spi. cata commnen frees npeovere 1. Gop rein grcede bewen te contacting pies tote erect answer. istifain sethe delivery of services a a speci caste ways implies lose inkageBeteen the ‘lent ate supple af the sere I there aren cntet ens wo spec ow the ranion os mo soli ay be pestarmed here he Fk tht teal splier may simply “all the pl” tube coma expires wis tarminaed gray no make data available tthe outsourcing rnieaton a new sop This woud be th rete sk othe araniation 1B Comms oncsegung payment service inprveret rd pt esol import ht eves ctl as ening tat sve Girpton, aa ss, date, ber nent es ‘nor te eve thatthe onion shes tare fm prontingousoued services. C.Thevcrie eel agrsmest SLA) soul des pefrmance arr nd ete report on fhe sores of ervo=s pode eo he enue for perfomance inpoveret log isncemandes, . TheSLA sould ales dgute essen proce and pei he jurist incase of eal Spates but sis a he mom oil prof an SLA. {ISA Reon Guatons, Answers & Explanations Maal 72 Eilon ma Saat eee eee @s Ms ‘An IS aaliorviewiog a mw otsoucieg const wih venice provider would BeMOST concerned i hick fe flowing was misig? ‘A. Aus providing "ight to aul” he sevice prover BA clase defining pry pment for por performance C,Preefine serie evel cpr tnliter Di. chase rearing sup into of bility Ate the correct anew. usiation: [AC The abvence os right ta aude aus rahe form of atetton tha he sepia compliant with certain standard wold potently preven the 18 autor fe investigating Spee of supplier performance moving forward, ining attra dees, poor performance and adherence to legal roqlrement Ths would bea malo concern forthe 1S ‘tudor because would e ical for he organization to ses whether the appropriate ‘antes al bee atin plc. While a leaden of eoaly payment eis dine, eal ona ouie te payment of| pels for poor peroance, and when performance pees re esd dae pean se fen Sujet to negainton on eat basis AS Suh, he abso fis infomation woul ot be ts giant a kof ito at. (CW istsion of serie lee report tpn would be desl, a long 2 the resume for sevc level porting is inched inthe cota. he absence of predefined emptor ‘epi it = iia cacen 1. Theabonce of ation of abit hoe forthe serie provider wold toe expe he provider to ulimit abit This woul be othe avatge of te cutscurcng company 8, wale (Beau igh igi thesvese of ssh clase, wold tons aj conse. ‘When reviewing the desktp softwar compan of wn oaniasion the IS ander scald be MOST. encered if the nll twa as intl br ot coment nthe pret ese ‘re eng sed aes propel tiene ‘Soot iste inh ppd stare standin doce ces wl expe ithe net 15 ppee Che me correct anes. Justication, ‘A> Allstar inating css shou be documented aT eprment reo bu iis ot ‘eons te vena of poly in ising upped sofa B. _Disoerng hat uses ae ot ee eral waned inthe wef Stare pod comme, sad whl at ea mst aris piles oer ie ht an sis ering hom 0 we She sve eres, (CThelnsalain of software hat swt allowed by plc serious iltbn and nad pat the organization a sect legal abd Sinaia se Any software that alle shes Be ae of stan ‘ompllance wih plies, 1. Asoftwar zens hats about io epi in ae isk if here ix poces in pice ene Rev stn, Anes & Bante Manual 2 Elion TSA Aig een omen DOMAIN 4- INFORMATION EYSTENS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESIUENGE MS AaB oor hah ca nano reviewing onacal terms si onions of id pay lod poder sig cosierel obs pale! eal infra, Whi fellow contact ts ‘oulde th GREATEST ck tthe custom eration? ‘A. Dats oven elaine by the cso eanizaton. 'BThethrpaypevdr reserve thigh acces dat to efoem cern peas (CB du witha mechaisms ae unit 1 Thecasimer onions spose a aap archive and rete ‘A The cite orgaintion wld watto wtsindtonnerip ad there, hs wouldnt be 2 tsk 1B, Some sevice providers reserve the right sees custome Information (tire pary acc) {operform certain tratactos and prove certain sevice In he case of protected eath infromation, elaine may retrit certan acest. Orgniatio mun ee the eglatary "sronment in whic the cloud provider operates beeause It may have requirements OF ‘estictas a Ke oa, Organizations must then determine whether the oud provider provies rat trols a ensure ha ata ae appropri eee cc. Anenpnzation my event wish o omit service ah ahi pat habe vie The orion wad then wae a ree dat fe he tan ens tht be ‘ervie vie clears th ss (ug any bckyps) fs tS pros dont offer titomatd oul data withirval mechanisms, whic ts czasiation neds omit its ‘has ets should be cried pee towing thy poi. 1D. Anepiiation may oo plan sow data ecovey process nd proces if srvice rover dos mote his rll te organ has doubts abot he serie provider ovens, This wuld nly bears ite asomeronsniztion was ual o perform these tvs tall ALS Whichofth wing recovery states ix MOST appropri fra bes Iavag mui offices ina epion ands ted ressery Bue A. Aut sit maine by the bases 1B Acommercl eld te © Arecponl arangement bewsen is fice DL Aturtpary bot ste bathe correct answer estietione 1A Ao sie mit by the bes won be aco oton bt wou provide igh degree sooner. Muli col ss eel forthe mpl ies wo eo nine sin ith poor ail (C._ Far absiness avingmany fies iin regina ere arangment anng i ffs wank ‘mst pprpriae, Fach fe cul be dest os recivery se some thro. This ‘woe th east expenive approach abd wood preview neeptable evel of oatiece. 1 ‘ay Sy fc eon povided by a Uda te. Thi wall be 3 costly apprcash rvidieg a igh depe of confidence. {ISA Review Quetons,Jnwars& Explanations Maral 1° Faon ma Ste mantras DOMAIN 4-INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE ‘AGT Ding napicon ait, a 1 ator ised o provide surance of th data fering ‘Wich of he owing shuld be revewei? AL Filddefinion 1B Material einiton ©. Conoste kee 1. oregn ky stwctre Die thecorrstanower, Josten ‘A Fi detiions dsb he at ofthe tebe mt rth lat to fear, BL Mastrbledeinton Sscnbes the suse of te das bos ot a lated to refer ing Compose aj deiebe how the ey ered bute st ili to fees ie D. _Referenia itegry in a lana databace erst onistency bet coupled aked) fable Refer nei sally enforced bythe combination a primary hey ‘anddate ky (alternate ky) ss foreign Key. Pr rleretia inert fo old any fli {abl thats declared freon key shoal contd only vals fom x parent ables pritary yor cana key AbS An IS aullr ie resioing databace secu fr an naz. Which fhe flowing he MOST import consideration fr database badting? ‘A. The defi confguton are changed B.Allalsin he dtabee re denon Sted procedres ad tiers ae emery 1. Theserice port sed ye datas rere i change A fethecerrct anon. Sustain: [Av Det database coniguratins, such as deta pasewords and services eed be changed sxe, the database cule easy compromised by malicious code and by intrder 1B, Thedenomalation af dobse ited more performance than Seu Limiting acoso stred rede «aid ecu sooieion bt mot cele aaging dt contigs Changing te sevice por uly he dbase cxmpocent oft confgunton charge that ‘old be le othe abuse, but thre ae thermore ent configuration chang tat eeu mae fst me ‘IS Review Qostons, Answers & Bxplntions Mana 72 Eaton ‘Stover suo oWAD4-NFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESIUENCE Inaotig «dts enienment nS ar wil be MOST conse if te aaase dns ering which ofthe lowing Fusions? Ping tabse changes ssoting change angen precedes Inaing patches o uppes oh epeating stem ‘Sng el pce an consign ble joa tions Pefrming backup and corey roses Bis he corset answer. patie datshs chmges acting ong manage prose wel be ural function of ‘he dts ans (DBA) a lb cmp whe aclu: ots oration 1, Installing patches o apgrades to he operating sytem ina fenton hat sould be performed by {systems administrator, nt by 2 DBA. ta DBA were performing this nein, there wold be {ak bed on inappropriate segregation of dae. c_A'DBA is expated to suport he basis though Rlping dein, rar ad aan dates and the interfaces the datasen 1. The DAN ofe pero or pprts bse backup and eowery proces Which ofthe lowing i the MOST rasa pion fr ecoveing 2 noc systen? 2 Mobile se Heese D Caldsie athe correct answer Jostein: ADA mur st is gene aviable ata meu cs ques es time to coe pean an is ‘tle fr sete operons tht tpl be recovered ina ade anc of ine 8, Amobilesite ie velsele dy wih all cesary compete eupnet th can te moved to any Toston, dpeaing won the neo. The net fra tle st depen wp te sale of operas ©. A hte tact fara shar time prod at ihe cot ands eter sted for recvey of ‘il wd erie splctions, . Generally a col ses contrasted fora longer pred at omer est Because It regres more tin to make col te operational, is generally ae fr none appiaions. ‘GSA Review Gestion, Answers & Explanations Maal 72> Elon ‘ich Ameo DOMAIN 4- INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE sm Au sen An IS audio seating the efeinenes oft change maigement roses ina crsazaon Whats the MOST ingots col ht he IS sor shold lnk foro canse system ly? (Chages a subi by IT manages al tine User accepiace testing prtead ad property docunened ©. Teplnn ad rset ext laze lly fllone 1. Capuesty plinning i peronaed part of ech desopest prose, ee Clete coreect ane, unison: ‘A Changes ar usally ruin be signed off by basins anys, member ofthe change conto ‘ord te authored resent, ot ees by TT managane 1B. _Usersecopance testing is important bt aot aca elemen of chugs contol an would nt usually dese pi avait sed te queso, (C._‘Themost importin contol fr esurng system avai to implement sound est plan ind procedares ta are fallawel consistently 1. Wale capcty pling sold be cone in ech development prot wil tes system rab os itp of the chp conta roe: ‘at ow gram te sed by 1 sits: ey Sey cont biel hip eel as fos apical summa dta ate rd orgs, ory step by tep deals of dat geersion Cis the correct answer Jusieaton [A Laing hay conse not the fo of dts fw dagen The foes athe ae sates oft 1B, A da dona my be ted to document daa eft, dats ow diagram is sto Sent ow daa move rough proce (© _Data lo ingame ane as to praph or chrt dataflow apd storage They tate data Db {om the organ to estination, highlighting the paths and storage of dat. ‘The apo ofa data Now gram so ak th sovemeot of dt hha posse nd et ima to cuneate dt ae eer ‘Wht ofthe fooming stats suse wie dafing» ser covery a? Downtime cos dese he eer pit bjs ieee. Domaine co nen with ine Recoey esse inden of ine. Recor cows can oly be coledon a sate basi pose oss ‘AP Dovatine costs are ot elite othe sony oi jv (RPO). The RPO dens he ta bap sty which related toecoery casa to Gosin oss. 1B. Dovtie cot sucha ss of ales, evouree, salaries inerese with tine. A dsastr ecmery plan shld be dra to achieve the lonesome cost posible C_Reawery st eres ith then allow! for mcoery For etamp rene) cosa over ‘snes pero within to dy legs hn th cost rene buns: wii even ay ‘Th eens of an efletve DRP sto minimize cern and ices presi. With gos pling eoery cogs an Be tied a contain. ‘A Reon ans ewe Ean a in Ox oon semua orowras owes RBtne® [AGI —Alhogh magenta tata thre, an antes ens tone hl tbe ganization is Thing sft tat at sel thi siti, he Sado sool FIRST: ‘A. inde the atemen fom manage th wat ep Sey te sofa in use dough eng (Cece the tein teat ep. 1. dacs the sue with senor anagem cae could lave anepatveimpacon he rpnizon Bis the correct answer. usin Jee stemet fom management may eosin th ani report atthe wir souk independent) ante the statements ude by managsmeto ee completeness and accu 1B. When there a dation ha am organization might be using unlicensed stare, the 1S itor shal bien slice eldene before inulin tin eprt. C.Watnepett baste epee uel fom mage cot be indent vei 1D rth canton (using sft ttt ened he Sant, 1 sina objec and indepacace rt inde hs int repor a eS uo sou vey Cat his i he hs bef sting it eo manage |AMAS An avenge sing msi tised pir (UTP cable for data commusieton ove ober corp tabs nth UTP cable A. recs cesta betwen pir proves proton gaint wiping C._ Canbewset inlong-dstasoe newer, D. isinglew ial Ais the correct nove nsieatione 1 tn use of ushisded tste pair (UTE) copper wil rc the eto feet BL White the wied ne the mda wil ooceeniviyY destemagoete bance, an nied copper wie dosnt pode dequtepotecson guns wien c.Mtenatin seni oper tied pir cables use fo ge than 10 mses, cenitaing the sae ata epever 1 Theta nd techniques fo nll UTP ae ot simpler esi ter xpper ase ste, |AGI6 Which ofthe fotowing i he MOST esl leet efetely emete ads covery plan? AL Orfite soap ofbockap data Upc of key ister coy comes (Cail of arepocemest acne 1D. Chery dead covery tect backups tn mst rte disaster recovery plan (DRP) element afte tems Tied ees acest o Bacup datas reed to restore stems. 1, Moving sts oy contact import but ot sinprtant as having aot data bc. (CARP nay usa teplcemet eta enero ome tesla such asa mobi St, ipa! 1. long dey did every tne chases speci inpart fr tines csi is, bt the ce damem of asco eto of noe slap is baka fee “i8ARevion Questions Answer xploatns Manual 72 ion a ‘Stim ‘DONA 4-INFORNATIONSYSTES OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESLIENCE od er ‘DOMARG4-RIORUATION TINE CPERATIN AAO EUQPERSERSIOS aur ‘white viewing the proves or cominuos moitiag of cpa nl pfrmenc of Tecan TS aniee sou PRIMARILY exsure tt te proces i fctsd on. [A sdegutly monitoring service lel of sous nd seis. ‘3 oiing ata o cob tel lansing fr capac aol prornane rere, {Coding acute odbc on resource cape. 1D. pope frcasing petra, capt and tought of I resources (Cine corec answer. Jostiaton: i Setiaoas motrin np fo ens tht eve evel arument(SL.AS ae met, buts woukt ‘rb the pnary fees of muting Is pose tht een tem wee one, woul mae "Se tegen of an SUA. Ttfre, ast sui motoring inion 1b. Wht piel fm apc and performance montnng wuld bean ingto the ening Soest primary fous would be monitor wai, [Xeric capacity monitoring of TT reonrens would be he mos crcl lene of continuous teontoring proces 1. While comnoes mani wold elp maragenct to pre ey IT ecu casi, he noe cel sae wold e ta saat momtoing css “Wai ofthe owing grup i th BEST source of infrmation fr detemining he ica of Apoltton stems po abi ipl mali? ‘AL Busines process omnes 5. Taangement (© Scnir bse mangement D> Industry exerts Aisi coset anor. useaton: 1 Susiness proces omers have the ost evant Impact says BTA) ts designed oevalt tent and recovery ime Les based 0 sine neds 1 Wile mmagecat must fe imo, hy ay ote ily ware ofthe busnes pos ht ead be rose. (C._Whi ene management ust be involve thy may ately amar teeta of plications hat eed be protested 1, TREBIa dependent on he onic basis sets ofthe rgsizaton and the advice fndsty pers ned ae OO _________ GE ew Gost ne tong al in Oya DUAN 4-INFORMUATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESIUENGE [AGA AnIS saltoris viewing an opnzatin's dsr covery an (DRP)implemestato, The pot mas ‘Setlctl ine ootudget Ding the reve anor encoves sever ares of ose, Which tte floming presets the GREATEST sik? A. Teting of the DRP hasnt been prermes. ‘BL Tie dhseer recovery stat) dos oot specify wo hose (C.Thebicis input say warcmdated but the es wie mot wd 1. Thedisnser emery projet manager forthe iplemetato ss een ef fe ogsiation, Cle the erect answer. Justine Ah tiga eter recovery pin ORE) is acti cmponc ofa scent doer ey Soy thi lhe ie te ige k caes napa tt op sane 1 Un sTahoesitisa sate dteminnton bred on Mende dowaime, cs nd te tn ‘Anus using bi may be odes god pci, hss ery coy slo hat ay tet be ued fore nani. cTherisk oon using terse of the business impact analysis (BLA for sat reevery ‘phoning means hat he BRP ay othe designed recover the mos eral asst in he [erect rer Asa rsu th plan may nt be adeute tallow the organization to recover fro datr Ifthe DRP i signe and documented poe te oso an experienced oj: anaes should Tne minimal pact The ik of oot ego plan that may ot meet the egies ofthe sions smock nee ict fan he ik pod by asf the poet mamas. [A420 Avendc hn lensed seve ral ear pales over the ost ew moss ni tis pa tin ‘be lity of th ain oka the pd ete an deployed na iely mone Th ‘lmunsens have ake if they could tu toting of ats, Wha aproch shoul the sezuiaton ae? ‘A. Covi te caret oes of tetng nd aping patches. 1B. Reto sting ad ens tht an eget takou lan in pl. {Calypso far esng ee ale 1. Relyon the vendors ing of he als ustiiaton: ee aohing sect sofware pushes promptly ical o matin the scr ah serves, faheresing te pth snort caste the paces may aft ther sens and sis fran Because the vendors rece eked vrata ates ash ne, am be Tepe hat sia tenorary problem apd dae noted revo to ply or rots 1B Reo estig ices ek of bases opeson din de to alto incre ych Wil Sackor plan dows eb gate hs ka oroagh esing op at wold Be he ae propre pion c._Apbng security sive eis prompt is rca omni th secu ofthe seve. ‘Debyns pane wel ingease he ik a soar breach do fo stm vulnebly. 1D. Thetesting dove by th vendormay note apple the systems and evirnmesof the ‘enzo ht reeds deploy the pte. {A Reve Goons Answer & Explanations Manual T= Fao cy ‘cn gone ‘MAIN 4-INEORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESRIENCE (is) sev aan ‘Which of th wing isis sho! be & MAJOR conse oan 8 aor who ising sevice level agent SLA? [A.A servceadjusines sing fom a xcptin repo tok dy tinge. |B The complotiy feptaton logs abd for servic toring de the view ici CSerice manures nee tine i the SLA ,Thedocment upto a arma ass Che the correct answer Justo 1A Resarng nts at ta exsption pte an operational ise ht sou aes int ‘erie level greene (SLA homer a expose dine fee day maybe aoa depending on the tem ofthe SLA 1B. Thecomplesy of aplizston sis an operational ue, whishis not led the SLA C._ Lack serve metres wl makelt ent ogg he ees and electvnes ofthe IT services beg provided ‘While tis imort tha te doe be cae, depeoding onthe emf nthe nse to ange the docu ae feu thn anal. yeemen, ity Darogan 18 audit of he dst sory plan olor the auor ober tht sme ‘ent fies tae ery Hite T sous, Wichof te following bens would be the MOST cris fre 1 aon? |A. Aesth not been mae fo nett ol snes oul mann eur and sevice stndards tsb cern om a disse oF incident 18 The conor ins contoty pln does bo Aecutey doce the systems ht exists seme offs ©. Copont secu mesures ve nt een inorportd ato he test plan. 1D. Avewehas not Ben made ener tht tape ache fom he rete offices a wale Justia: [A Regards oe capability ofa T rests dhe most vita sk wow be te ck of Acting, which woul deny quality sos in the recovery Proce 1 The ceponte busines comity plan may ot alae disaster recovery Plan DRP) tals or ome ofc fie important cst tht he eal pls bas bern eed (c._Souy nan upovtn rete tn ool my bs mans dong aor Hose, it eine pan ems pat 1 Thotckape anatase tthe ave been ested, Horeve hs shall done spar of he cera et of the DRE ‘GSA vin Gusts Anawers& Explanations Maal 7 Eaten TEAC Ap ew [M23 Which ofthe flowing pons so an Sandor use to check compan with serie eve sapeement requ! or ute? A. Usisaon repre BL Hisar ever eps Csjstemiogs DL Avail opr isthe correct none seston: ‘A Uilntion por document the use of comput supe and canbe wed management © pret how where andor when rescces e eued 1, dwar coe eer vie nfrmting ida Jeet ardware ale an init faut acon These ee pots ay ot nist cal te sine, ¢.Syse logs aze ws forrecordng th jst actives They my mt nde aay 1.8 insti, such ae downting saree by aay reports These reports provide fete periods daring mich he computer was avaiable for wizatin by users ther [A424 Which ofthe following wood Swit wo to determine if wud modiftins wee made fo rodtionpogans? A. Sytem og ansis B Complince stae Forni ante DL Aula view isthe correct anne. sieatin: Sytem lo amass would dey change an ae oa.a yt ba would ot en wheter ‘he change wes ail us onde a apr af acompbnc es. 1B, Desermining that nl authoried modifications are made to production programs would Feauie the change management proces be resewed to evaluate the existence of all of ttcumentary evidence Complance ting wool! Help vert thatthe change management oct bas ben appli consistent Cc. Forensic ans sii eho oxi investtion 1. Anan view stash ger onto nroameat fan rin. {BA Reon Questions Answer & Explanations Manual 12 ton a DOMAIN 4-INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE ‘ich matcher DOMAIN 4--NFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESIUENCE tad Aas a6 aan Dari actrg? cnt ao poiucton stam an aie nt th ange mage roca stem decane a at wre mira cots al Wt shu i 1 alt doe ‘A. Recoamend solesining the change management ces 1B Gainmor atrance rhe ind hgh rot aoe ana (C. Recommend th rogram migrionbe sped ntl he hange possi doesent 1. Doeunet he ting a tsa 6 maemo Bethe correct answer [AY Wilettmay be ncesary to resign th change mamgement roca hi amt be one unt a soot casas crite to Satine why the cure poces mot bing flloke 1B. change management proces is rite to TT production systems. Before recommending ‘hat the organization take any ther action eg, stopping migrations, redesiguing the change ‘management proce) dhe auditor sha ain asrance ht the ineents reports are Felted to defienciesin the change management proces nd not cused by some proces other ‘than change management (© Abusines els on Being able tomake chen when cesar seu thes mt ofen be Sepleyed Pept Iwo noe el oll changes nl new pcs is Seep 1. Theresa of tea inating te findings aocipance wl be dered to Manama omc oot ase aaj the su as ben cmp. ‘AIS anitorevhasog he esleneof highly network soadhe MOST conemd i ‘A. these is geoph spend thesia cued ino te, Chose redy for sation BD sere rung implemented othe netwak isthe corzectaner Jaton: [AL Disposed score bcatons prove back if asta een deste A chstered setup none site makes th entire netvark yloerable natural sate or other disruptive evens CAtsie would lobe» good leat era sine pin fire st D. Der asin vie teecormamiton backap is ewok ibm Munageneateesidered no protons frit ater recovery an plan A wih to moet fly ‘scorn plan B with ht mono aly seer, The osavery pot cstv ae the ame in bth ‘ls seasonal to expec tat an B projet igh ovate sos. resumption os, ‘aeoery costs, waltrovgh ot, some Ate the correct anoer ition: [AD Because managment cansiered longer tine Win fr recovery fa an B, dowatine eats {nce in the pl are kl t be ibe. Because he ear ee fr plan ge, resumption oss can be expected to be owe Becrse he emer ne or plan Bs longer rear cosa be xped whe oe, Wale-tough oss ae nt pu of dar meovery Oya ‘DOMAD4--NFORMATION SYSTEMS CPERATIONS AND BUSINESSRESIIENGE A428 Which oft flowing woul an Sar considers te MOST helpful when erating he esiveness od adequacy a preventive computer malstenane ropa? AL Assn downtin oe Veal fps (C._Requtty shel mnenance 2 1. Aten vent uence bed Atethe creams. Jnsaton se stem downtine log provides eidense regarding the effectiveness and adequacy ef computer [reentve maintenance programs The Inga detective one but because it validating the “Eectveness ofthe maintenance program, itis valiatng a preventive conta. 1 Venlrh realty fgres ent fete mente of pevetemsitenane prog, {C._Reviving tela good deter ono ease th minean® ising Gane ener aly the stn downtime wil int wheter the prevene muitos tata workin wl 1 Rican ood goto este ha atnane scheduled ad tt oes ar mse in theimanenance sched; hve ot uate th the woe actly Ying dane [A429 Anocpnizton has implementa nie csr help desk piston sing twas aa service {Sia opeatng mode ARIS ator sake recommen th best en 0 monitor the svi eet Soret (SUA wt the Su vend a it ltr to saat What the BEST recommendation ht he ar an prove? A Asktde SaS vendor in pode weekly reper oo aplisin opine 1B Implenent nce pling tel omositr he aplication nd record outages. C._ Loall aplication outages epee y rer 0d ase he ote ie weekly 1. Contnc! tn indent ti pty to pie week rps on appation is, Bathe correct amner osiaton A ely aplictio slsbiy repos are wef bu these prs erst nl te vedo ste While montage repo, be opnzaton anv cee fincas wee, wont mento, suck cones amo be bai |b. Impomenting anole ping tol 0 monitor and record application outages th best onion foranorgniation te menitrthesoftmae ara ervle aplication svalablity. Comparing Internal reports ith the vendor's service eel agreement (SLA) reports wou nse thal the ‘ewor's monitoring af e SLA is accrat and that all onli ae appropriately resolved, (c_ Lessing the tage ines pri by ser rp Bt dos gv tpt fall outs ‘he cle aplcton. Sms oats ny gounepre xpely the outages ener 1D. Contacting hid party to mpement eit mononng ie ana cost-effective ot ‘Acland th SiS verso to itoring te ad py, ‘isk Review Quest, Aner & Eplanatone Mana 7° Elon a Setanta Se se @a- ‘A430 Applying arsteton ton le wil ese ht: A. da oot rend ul he dt ae St il ot bo dled before at, (Cackap copies are at eine fer ht ate D,_ansetshving the sane me ae eae Bis hecorset ane. Justo: ‘A The teion dt wil tlle he ily teal fle, 1B. Yeteion date il esure that fe ante he nein dtd efor tha aha pase (CBadup copier wold eget oberon sn tees ay be enn er te file has bon ever 'D_-Thecretion ts, not he tention dt, wil aise ies with th Same name, AESL__ White allowing network grist ht moni a act ewok infaton? ‘A. Online mote B Dovel opr eps ep DL Proto amir Dis e caret anime station: ‘A Onn ments measur tecommunicontasmisions a deterioe what tansntsions were secant nd comple. Donnie reports ack the aaah of telecommankation ines nd ci (Hel ek rears ae peared by he ep desk hich tale or sapped by 1S ach appt estumel tained to bul pblews octsring ring the cou ofS operons. 1. Protcolaalyers are network dagnont tos that monitor an record mtr norman ‘rom packts avelig mn the nko which the alee laced. AGS: AnlS sine een review th procedures ud tn ere sfvaeapletion oe sti rif pale, There, sor gens tase ‘A. ellen management proces 1, sae deepest posts © tack proces Laden atagemet proces Cis the comet answer. asians [Ay roien manigemen proces wd to a ue fk ants rate tthe operation of 1 applition fo eo anal and pole elton, Scare developer procedures sch eh ome dveopnea ie eee SDLC) ae wed 0 mage the cteon or aoqustion of ney o€ mode stare (¢._Baetet procedures are se restore x sytem 0 4 previous tte and ars an portant lemeat ofthe change contel process The ether ehices ae ot rated tthe change contrl [rocay- proces which pees what procedure shoald be followed whe software log ‘Upgraded but the ypgrade dos not werk and requires fallback os former sae 1, Init manignsat poses sed to mae cry ox bles with tem peo. They scusaly sed bya help dese. One ofthe nia angen pole ty be hw £04 ‘ab pin me ‘ISA Rel Ooetons, Answers & Explains Maral 1 Eon TEAoU ate ee ‘ce DOMAIN 4-INFORMATIN SYSTES OPERATIONS AND BUSHESSRESLIENCE Se [M32 Whishofthe flowing isa MAJOR coocem ding review hep desk ste? A. Ceri lls oud noe eae bythe help des ta. Badia so amg the help Sk eu © Resuved inden re closed without erence 10 ewes, 1. Ttlp descargas ben down for aoe han i moths. Sstienton: Aton hs of ona, should be expected. Apolem escabonpocedae shoe developed to ban uch weno. Tia ably des eam soul ave ect ies bt hs exception i notes eis he tect tam tery closing an nde (CThetetp desk fonction ina service oriented unit The end wer st be adn bere an Incident am be regarded as ose 1h tas messing aman improve the teenth ek tm. absence cana te seen a or once at long a all cn il tee (AMA The MAIN purpose fr ply esing oft dst covery iii i A. protest he testy te da inthe database Klint te need develop dead comingeny rls. {Cruze te comin cnet of he owing faites. 1, ere that program and sje documentation es cures. ete correct answer, steam: eee testing of an ote iiity doe ating to prot he tei fe tabs. my tet he ‘alii of taka but does nt rts hee. 18, Testing offi oeon valde th vale of the otngnsy ls andi not wed toctininte eas plans (C,_Themaln purpon of ite hardare testing fw ensure the continued compat of te amtngee facies so that asrance can Be ated hat he cotingeney plans meld Wack Stracal dnstr 1 Prog nd ese documentation shoul be reves onion for carey. A test of an fie Foi my ere athe dvamentton fr te scare a sis othe pros of sing soit elit. ‘SA Revlon Gv Anewers&Explnstione Man! 1° Elon Es ‘eh ated ow 4-INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESRIENCE see A435 Arg hin of shop with lst md afr pic ae devices has cera ommunisions rocsse for conning ote baling network. Which of he flowing he BEST dsr covery ‘ln forth omimaniatins pres” A. Ofte store of ily bask B. _Aterate ssby rocesransie (Castle of duplex cosmuscation aks 1D Altai soy procs at sane network nde De the corect name ssi: ‘A Ofte strige of askaps wad ot help, case econ ud tasers ob an elie proces and steerage wl notice the yuna proceso 1. Thoprvson of m ater roses ost woul be fies # wee en opment ple bt Isls of dplex commas inks woul bent propite ftwete nby the atone at lel avingam alternative standby procera another network nde wool be the et ston, ‘The anavaabily ofthe ene eommunictos processor would dspt al aces othe aking network, resign the aren of operations or al f the shops. Ths cold be edb flare a equipment, poner or commoneations. |AG36 The tabs linia spe th dabei canbe ingroved by devmizing sme ‘ah. This wold retin A. os of oni, Bireseddimticy C.muborize cesses, DL plction matics Dis the corres answer. ete [A Denamazson hl ot aslo fenietiy ve tough cote aa ay be iad. The dake die shel sO sce cok ot aes ein ve. 1B. Nermaluao a desig ylation proces for elatinal database hat nreses edaadaney. Redundancy, whch ssa eomsiere pote when ts gueston af resource avai ‘pena database event cate i dands dtonal and there ws ata ning ert Denrsalon semen vate fr fnctioal esos (© _Denormlzation eran to Bearer ofthe abn thease con It should ot et numer aes . Denomalaion may requ some changes tote eal twee aes and plications bu shuld case appcationnalfancions 5A Reson Gost, nsw & Ets Maral En, |AdaT Ant asters ben esigned to od test at compares job ran ops to comput sched. ‘Which of te following obseratios would be ofthe GREATEST coocem othe 18 wii? A. Thera growing munber of emenpeny shan 'B The wee instances hen some be wer ne compld on ine {©The woe nstinoes hen ee bs were rein by computer operator. 1D. Bois shows tt seal js re rm the erect answer. eit ‘An Emery camge ae ase a lng they ae prope documented apart f the process ‘8 fetaors of jbs nt being ample ome apse and ode esate Bat ti tie pets concer ‘The overtiing of computer processing jobs by compute operators could lead oanauthoreed ‘hanes oda ot programs This a contol concern hs, salwar 1b, Theil i ttl holed oh were asa ha ny exceptions were doomed, This woul nt bea lion [A438 Ase bss repuoment egie hanging abate vendors, Wich fe following aes shuld oe 1S solice PRIMARILY examine isla tos iplemenation? AL ney of the dats B Tiago te cater Ashoratin lvl ses DL Nonmton ofthe ta Ais he correct anne, Jesiton ‘Aral ioue when migrating dats fom one database to another bs the integrity ofthe data lodensring ha the ta are migrated completly and ore 18 Thetining ofthe ever sports at ease te dats re beng migrated to anew datas, dip cation sold ote an isu (¢_Theouthoration of th were ent as elevate autoriation the pli esate he thes wl ere withthe use hough nap and he srs wl oo ict ine wih he dase. 1, Noman s se to ssgn the dss andi not necessary reste o Gabe miseaon [A439 Theabeiveof oncueny sora nthe system is Aoi ptng ofthe dase oauorind wes Baur gi wheat ces atengt 0 ope he ae ata tthe sue tne. pete iivret owatonna of dain the dmb. 1. taser acaay completeness and consency of it. inthe coeet answer. stseatons 1A Aster oats resist ypting ofthe dats autorzed we, BL Concarvency conta preven dats nerity problems, which can arse mheatwo update races atest the ste dat fem fhe same ine cc. Counlssachss passes pete inde our dcsae of ia en the dats. 1. Guy cots uc eters he seri, complteness pd consistency data mained in tie dibs. ‘GSA Raven Guetns, Answers & Explanations Maral 7 Eton = ‘OMAN4-INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSHES RESIUENCE evga tnan ‘DOMAD 4-NFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILENCE -A¥40 Whi ofthe flowing cool wuld povide the GREATEST aan of dashse ings? A Andi ig proces A Table laketence checks Query ses ine cack . Ralls nd lr datas eres isthe correct aner usa: [AP Audie proved enable recor fleets that ave en ied and ep in acing he ea dowevt thy ealy pt to he event a omit emu completes cra th ‘abs conten, 1B. Performing table okrfeence check serve detest abl inking errors each at ‘ompleness and aecercyof he content af he database) and this provides urns of dataate epi. CQuersromoniaring tbe acces checks ele designer prove abs performace but oie. 1. Rollo ad rollovard dase fates eure rover fom an ahaa apn They are ‘he inet ofthe tasactin tat mas bing reese ate tine of sation, bt do ot rove sure on the nego he coe af the dasha LAL Which of he olin is ely acetone of tril enponents networking manage? ‘A. Cafigeaion wl change anager 18 Tepslopeal mappings C._Appision af monitoring ols D._ Pray sve teubesnaag Ais the corre anon. sian: ‘A Configiration management is widely accepted at ane ofthe hey component af any network ‘case leestablses hw the meter wl feo tera an externally Ila deals wth the management feonfgnraton and monitoring perormance, Change management esas ‘thatthe tap and management ofthe nctrork i done propery, inadng managing canget to he oatiguration, removal of default pssmords nd possibly hardening the network by sahig unneeded serves 3, Toplogal mappings provide cuties ofthe components fh eck an is cones. Tiss impo adiess sus sich as tle points ffir and proper ats lion but ek he ‘acti empunet of aetverk management (© Appicson montoingfemt inp of ewok naps. 1. Pray ener woblesbotg is used fr boblsbootng proses, and managing roxy oly 2 sal ptf ork marae me ‘A Review Orson, Anorers &Explanstons Manlio Teh tig ee @s= sou nero STEN OPTS AO WUNESSRESLNCE |AG42 —Inerhatng programmed cota ver pasword managenes, wih ofthe flowing the 1S aor MOST tly eon? AL Asizochek B Akih o © Avot cack DL. Atieidcheck fe the correct answer, [Ar Asis css fl Poca psseds shold haves minima gh, bts ot as tg of fontol a vaiy. 18 Prsonords ao pial else in tc ode, Ssh te woul ot be fete Mose epost shld ot ceptors vals fa asor sox bas ol 5 aco wil inet any weak pasos 6 or omisions Cea heck would e the most arta forthe vereaton of pasword becase would ‘ef tha the required format hat ben ied—for example no sing dictionary word, [ictuingnowaphabeialchracter ee. An fective passward must have several diferent {pe of eharacer: slab, numeric and specs, 1D. Theteplanctto of field check woud nb ax efleve a ai chack tat vets hat al pmsword eerie bea met. ALE Whichof he following reeset the GREATEST rere by 2 proc agrement fr dswer ‘svovery mide betwee we companies? |A. Develops may eatin hardware an software incon 8 Resorces may not eerie wen need CT rcovery plan cama ee ted 1. The scutes neck company my be ies. Ais he correct answer. Justiaton: Ane organization wpate is hardware and software enaiguration It may mean ha iis no Tange capable ith he sem ofthe athe party fn the agreement. Ths may mean hat ‘ch company i unable twa the ates the ober company to ecver ther processing {stony aster. 1 Resources being waa when acd are mnie ik in any repr eee, ba is ‘conc eras not the pratt sk C.Theplin cane wey persed weg nosy by ape een he companies, 1. The cifrence inser nasrctaes, whl i ot euros, {A Review Guestene,Anower &Exlanton Maal 7 Eaton me Sick Apter WAIN INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESLIENCE @e= ALL Which oft flings MOST Getafe by mtn performance mating tas? AL messy Baby Complies: De Cofienay Bis the correct anne Justia: ‘A Network monitoring wl cas be ed to eet eos tht poping tough etc, bat ‘tir rimary foes sn eon elit sot he eters seen rege. 1B. _Network monitoring ols alow absrvatin of network performance td prem This allows ‘he administrator to take eoreetive action when network problems ar observed. Therefore he ractrste tha is mst recy affected by otwork monitoring ala (C, _Network mooring tools wil mt este completnes fhe communication. Ths mei by the ca poi inthe cmc ._-Aserwerk monitoring fol an vat confidently by lowing a tock ainirtr a observe owned ac This eqs crf proecion an oie egg he ase ecw ‘momterig tos. |AUAS When ing the onsteacivng ross of ml the IS aac bul py the MOST steno A. the exisene of dats retention pai. Be orgs capaci of the archiving stn Chalet of wer awueeess concern ema es. DL the seppert and sabi of be hing min munatat Ate the correct answer Intention [Ar Without data retention picy that aligned tthe company’s basins and compliance quirements, theemall ahve may not preserve and reproduce the ores information en require, 1B, Thesorage capt ofthe acing soson woul be inet ifthe proper email messages hase ten prope posed an ots ave ba dt “he evel of er evaenes concern eae wuld not iret he opens secuncy ofthe cited a 1D. The super an sabiy of the aching slton mance is sory othe oo ese sree pol. Veda supper would ot ly asthe completeness sco fe tuchived eal Et ‘SA Revi Gostons, Arenas & Explanations Maal FE Tea Reve DoMAN 4-INFORUATIN SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AN BUSINESS RESIUENGE [AAG Vendors ead patches sng erty ans inthis Which of te tlowig shold an 1S sda semen in statin? A. Assess the impact of patches prio instalation Ad the vendor frat ow softeneveon wih all Misc CIs de curt puch immedi. 1D. tnt del wih then vendor i th fae. asian: he ee otinsallng the patch should be nmeditly evaeated and installation shea ccar Ted on the results he evaluation, Thee are merous cases where n patch frm one vendor has atfected ter systems therefore, i neesary to et the patches as mec 8 pons efor ling them oa he etre organization, 18, New fare eon thal fine lcd reno away valle an alison cool be ¢.Tonstl he pach without wing what igh affect cul easly case robes, The estlsion fap ny lo ast sytem ait, the ach sou ele uta ime that is tecepblto the Buses. 1. Dednng to deal with ers doe ake care ofthe Sa and my severe Limit eve options [AMAT Which the fotlowing cols woud be MOST fstive in ensuing ta pron eco at chest ode syria? [AL Relase orl soe a objest compari prs ‘Liar con sonar esting changes to ore coe C. Rearied axes to source cade and cbjet cole BL Datcandtime samp review of source and bt code Dis the corrctanswer, Jusiaton Dona vets contol sofia and comping sure an bjt cde ia ood praicebut my at (ects rola woe he soe ode aire version than the bjt oe 15, Aldi tue nl be potted with aco cool, lay ptt once om ‘Snreig Hove hs wil nt ne thous objet cds a tse xh ste vei Cine good grate to protect al ore ad bjt code—even in development Haweves, in will cme the ynchrozaon of source wl jet code. 1D. Drinand estan revine of wre and object ade would ensure that sourcecode, Wh hasbeen aie, mathe the production objet ode This the mat fete ay tense that te approved ratio sonre coe complled ands se on lng we ee ‘ISA Raven Guests, Ancwers& Explorations Manal 1° aon co ‘Shout doe DONA 4-NFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS ANO BUSINESS RESMIENCE aus A Gutshse ministre (DBA) who seeds to make ener sang & dash afer noma working ous shoud oi wih er named acount mae the changes ‘ih he shred DBA scour mae te change {0 the server adninistive sae one the anges, ‘ote oer account to make changes Als the correct neve. Satine ‘A+ Logging ning th nad wer account etre wing the database Adainistrator (DBA) comme ides accountability by noting the person making the changes B.TheDRA acouns pica hated wer acon The tte eur nes TE eseish ‘heen of he per wer wh performing th abs pate, (C.Theserver dniseativeassuns re shared be ed by ih pert ers ion, she server vege com's my not at hay o perform dnb changes 1. The fanaa we oot ule he ie ube tae can nh dase, Daring an ses oftware development eccesan Ss ind tht open sous oftware ompooents wee wel nan wlan designed fr sem. White he GREATEST concer fe maior would have soar the use af pes ue sas? ‘A. The cco id ot py othe ope auc oar ogee 1B Thecrguizaon al eat mt comply with open sue sla Hces ems. Ope source software ar sent uals, DL Opensource softare is uel Yor commer we. isthe core anon ustonton: ‘Ar Ajo benefit of wing open souce softar i tt itis, Telit it eo o py forthe open sure sot compos ower, ot the deveopng ception od tcl hal be nese south cen ers and condstous of te open source efor components ht te rng ued B, There aremanytypesof open source softwar cass and each bs diferent term amd ‘ondions. Some open soare software ning allows eof the ex vue sofnare ‘component fel ut requires thatthe competed sftare product meat righ This is known as viral Mens, and if the evelopment organization ‘recs could oat hens terme by sling the red fr pri. The IS audio hoa De ‘mos concerned with apen source sofware iensing compliance t avoid enitendd net roprty isk or lel consequences. Opensource software jst ik a) sfvae ce, shuld ett fr easy ans and should be a ofthe onal ssem developer cjel(SDLC) proses Tis iso oe of conse La zeae compan . Opensource sftar does not ise ask uli. Lik any vie cle soul eet Sor baby and shoud be pr ofthe noma SDLC paces. This sna note of concern han Iesiag empire ‘ISA Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Mana 12 Eon ToC ge eee a uA 4-INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESUIENGE ‘AGO AnIS aulior revawing dabse cots rove tht change te tas ring om woking ours were led igh Snir’ set of precedes Howeve changes mae fle oma us epic ely an bbrvned amber of ses fa this station, which te lowing woul be consid li deg tf compensating oot? |A. Allow cangsto bem oly with th database sdhinstr (DBA) user acount ‘BL Makechages ote dare er ring cust 2 prma we 2c C.Ueie DBA wer acct nike ngs log sages and ve th chang gt flowing dey 1D Useth nora er cent oma cages, lng th hanes aa reve the change og he faving edhe correct nse. uses: pe thewe ofthe base dinsttr (DRA) user account wit loping woud pet sed ‘hago oe ado ditabices afer aces othe scouts chnined. Ronin! ver accuse ul ot av acess datas This weld permit uncut changes to any ofthe dabses (©. These fa DBA er accounts normaly setup tg alchanges made and most, {npropit for changes made out of worm Bours. Te use lop, which records he ‘Changes lls changes to be reviewed ecaue am abbreviated number of eps are uses ‘representa adequate wt of compensating contre ‘Une son at be al foe hanes Laging woul ely provide information on changes mde et woul uo int baer only thse who were ane |AMSI Which fhe ftlowing tet perme by an Sate wouldhe the MOST fective i demining enlace with change col presen ganization? A. Reviw sare migration eons and ely proms. 2 Leny changes tht ae sce sd ven ppv C._Reviw shang onto dcumestaion and ver approvals 1D. ase tnt only sppropsite su en igte changes eo potion isthe correct answer. Sustain 1x Sas migration ecnds may not neal cass ted —changes could uve eso mad tht wee st laden the sigan ears 1 Theos eee metodo deerine what changes have bees made Chek os and Iii tes andthe verify that hey have een approved: © Changs contol end ny not hae al hangs ste ‘howe tt only appropiate can mgr chang int poducton sa Key coo process, init, des not vent compe. ‘GSA Revlon Ovstons Anon & Explains Man 1 Falan 7 See kiegertw DOMAIN 4-INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS ANDO BUSINESS RESILIENCE Men ess ‘When an ori’ dsaster covery plan has eos arent, which f the folowing ik ‘eaten apace big apes? A. Tranter 3 Migaton .Avouuace D.Aceeptines| Bi the correct answer. Sustain nk raster the nseence ok ta thi ay (baying sane for ctv th pose a rk, 1b Areeipoca agreement in which wo organietion agre to provide compuling resources to acheter inthe event of sser form of sk itgatn. TRS useaty works well | ‘oth organizations have lar nformation processing faites. Because the ined eet {treciprocal precmns is to have a fenetonal aster recovery pla, tsa rk mitigation steategy C.Ridkorince ste dosionta cee pent race ht gv rie ta ik or came Compa a sto wept cet ca payment ow ek edad inert dione. 1, Risk acepsnce sours when an ogiaon dies apes mk is an odo mothing to tigate nei | propre malicisly mie a roduon peor change dt an hen soe back tothe tvs code Whi of th flliving wold MOST este detect the mio ati? A. Comparing some cote B. Reviewing sm op les Comparing objet cole 1D. Reviowng ecole ad source cole intesty Biv thesonrst answer, usteton: {A Soc cade compari ae intestine Benue te rpm prams were rere atthe chang rr does ot exit 18, Reiewing stn og flee the only rai hat may provielaformation abut the naathorized cvs inthe production teary ©. Objuctodeconparion ar elective bets hig programs wee estore the changed progr doe tei. 1, Reviewing excuse source ode itegrty is an nlletive com, becuse he vue code was ‘hanged tack the oral sd wl age wih he eet execu "GA Review Goer, Answer Explanations Monta 12 Eaton TACK peso

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