Anti-Vawc Virtual Festival

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This College

Dear Sir:

A pleasant day!

Pursuant to Proclamation 1172, s. 2006 is the declaration of November 25 to December 12

as the 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Children and Republic Act
10398 or the Act declaring November 25 of every year as the National Consciousness Day
for the Elimination of VAWC, State Colleges and Universities are delegated to raise
awareness on the problem of violence and the elimination of all forms of violence against
women and girls. These problems worsen underlying gender issues and affected our
immediate community.

On the second year of Covid-19 Pandemic, the undersigned, together with the proponents,
thought of conducting the 1st Anti-VAWC Virtual Literary and Cultural Festival.

In line with this, the undersigned would like to ask permission from your good office to allow
the conduct of activity and launch the contest on September 6, 2021 for students to join.

Attached herewith is the proposal for your perusal and approval.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Director, GAD


Title of the Project : 18-day Campaign to End VAWC & 1st BASC Anti-
VAWC Virtual Literary and Cultural Festival
Proponents : Mrs. Edna Mae D. Cruz
Associate Professor V / GAD Director

Engr. Joselito D. Tucit

Associate Professor V / IPO Director

Dr. Ma. Leonora C. Sta. Ana

Associate Professor V / CADO Director

Dr. Jennifer P. Adriano

Instructor I / OSAS Director

Target Beneficiaries : BASC Students

Target Date : September 1 – October 31, 2021

Venue : This College


The advent of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (CoViD-19) pandemic has affected
people in all walks of life. As of August 28, 2021, there have been 1.94 M confirmed
cases, including 33,008 deaths (Wikipedia, 2021) in the Philippines alone. The reduction
of mixing of susceptible and infectious people through early ascertainment of cases or
reduction of contact, i.e., social distancing (Lewnard and Lo, 2020), and implementing
measures such as quarantines and lockdowns, are proven highly effective in controlling
the spread of the disease (Baker et al., 2020).

Despite the arrival of vaccines to combat the disease, many academic activities are
still prohibited. Although the Commission on Higher Education announced last August 27,
2021 that over a hundred higher education institutions (HEIs) nationwide have been
allowed to hold limited face-to-face classes in medical and allied health sciences, it still
depends on the readiness of the HEI. Moreover, the number of students that would be
allowed to attend the limited in-person sessions may still depend on the size of the
room to ensure that social distancing.

The occurrence of COVID-19 presented huge challenges and learning curves for all
forms of education and the many extras that play a role in developing a well-rounded
student. Teachers were of course faced with a gigantic task to teach through a screen
and students were no longer provided with one-on-one attention. The days in front of an
electronic device were long for both the teacher and the student, without any “outlets” or
extracurricular activities to release the stress and anxiety created by this classroom
environment. Virtual learning cancelled all SUC-sponsored sports, contests and all after
school special interest clubs. The indefinite cancellation of extracurricular events found
students missing out on peer socialization, increasing lazy habits, and with a decline in
creative energy (Snoke, 2021).
In the Bulacan Agricultural State College, the annual observation of the 18-day
Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Children from November 25, 2021 to
December 12, 2021 is also affected. This Campaign supports the Philippine government’s
goal of protecting the human rights of women and girls by upholding its commitment to
address all forms of gender-based violence as enshrined in the 1987 Constitution. By
virtue of Republic Act 10398 or the Act declaring November 25 of every year as the
National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of VAWC, government agencies,
specifically state colleges and universities, are mandated to raise awareness on the
problem of violence and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls.

It is in this light that this proposal is conceptualized. This 2021, the country is reeling
from the COVID-19 pandemic that aggravated underlying gender issues and affected
marginalized and vulnerable sectors. To carry out our mandate and pursue our gender
equality advocacy through literary and culture even in a virtual platform may create
impact to alleviate boredom and fear posed by the virus. The Philippine Development
Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 acknowledges the role that culture and values play in
development, especially in strengthening social inclusion and equity. Lodged under the
Malasakit pillar, culture is seen as a means in enhancing the social fabric toward a high-
trust society by promoting cultural awareness, identifying and inculcating values for the
common good, cultivating creativity, and promoting culture-sensitivity in governance and

 To observe 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Children using the
produced materials.
 To rekindle the literary and cultural spirit of BASC students.
 To produce copyright-worthy knowledge products (KPs) and Information, Education
and Communication (IEC) materials.

IV. THEME: “VAW-Free Community starts with me”


 3-minute Jingle-making Contest (Anti-VAWC Campaign Jingle)

 Spoken Poetry

 5- to 7-minute Mini-Film

 Anti-VAWC Poster Making

 “Isang Bilyong Babae ang Babangon” or “Juana, Ikaw na ang Manguna” Dance Video

1. All materials should be 100% original including musical scores except for the dance
video contest.

2. The contest is open to all bonafide students for AY 2021-2022 either individual or
group of fives coming from the main and satellite campus of the College.

3. Grand Prize: Home Wifi Prepaid Internet (Individual)

32G Flash drives (per every member of the Group)
4. Entries must be sent through email: with the following
- Accomplished Entry Form
- Digital File

 CMO 1 series of 2015
 Magna Carta of Women
 Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022

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