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The effect of giving rewards and punishment to

students interest in learning by teacher in senior high


By :
Alif Pramono Jati
172120118 / PBI 6 D


A. Definition of Reward and Punishment

Reward is giving something to others as a form of appreciation for souvenirs or

memories that are one of the methods of educational psychology
The role of reward, in the teaching process is quite important especially as an external
factor in influencing and directing student behavior.
This is based on a variety of logical considerations, including rewards can cause.
student motivation and can influence positive behavior in student life. By giving
positive awards and judgments, children can develop positive self-actualization and
self-concept. Punishment (punishment) is an act that is less pleasant, in the form of
suffering given to students consciously and intentionally, so that it raises awareness in
the hearts of students not to repeat their mistakes again. the student who is convicted,
but can also be a motivational tool, a motivating tool for intensifying student learning
activities (increasing student motivation and learning achievement)
Interest can simply be understood as a tendency and excitement that is high
or passionate about something. The term interest is the terminology of personality
aspects, which describes the existence of a will, an impulse that arises from within an
individual to choose other similar objects.

B. Reward and Punishment Theory

Learning theory of behavioristic psychology put forward by behavioristic

psychologists. They are often called "contemporary behaviorist" or also called "S-R
psychologist". They argue that human behavior is controlled by rewards or
reinforcement from the environment. Thus in the behavior of learning there is a close
relationship between behavioral reactions with stimulation. Thorndike's learning
theory is called "connectionism", because learning is the process of forming a
connection between stimulus and response. Meanwhile, according to Ghuhtrie,
"learning requires reward and closeness between stimulus and response". Ghuthrie
argued, "the punishment is not good and not bad".
Likewise Skinner considers "reward or reinforcement as the most important
factor in the learning process". In teaching, operants conditioning guarantees
responses to stimuli. The teacher plays an important role in the classroom to control
learning activities towards the achievement of the goals that have been formulated
C. Kind of Reward and Punishment
( Reward )

1) The form of gestural is the teacher nodding a sign of pleasure and justify an
answer given by students.
2) Verbal form that is the teacher gives encouraging words (praise) such as,
"apparently your writing is good too.
3) The form of work that is work can also be an award. For example, "I will give a
little more difficult problem soon, toni, because the number 3 is apparently a bit
too easy to do".
4) Forms of activities, namely awards aimed at the whole class.
5) Material forms are awards in the form of objects that are fun and useful for

( Punisment )

1) Punishment (punishment) is preventive punishment (punishment) carried out

with a view to avoiding violations.
2) Punishment (punishment) repressive, namely punishment (punishment) carried out
because of an offense, by the sin that has been done.

1) Should the teacher give praise to students who excel?

a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
2) Should the teacher set an example to encourage students?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
3) Is when a student gets a good achievement is given an award certificate?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
4) Do you think that if a student makes a mistake just give advice or guidance?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
5) Should the teacher give a strong reprimand for student offenses?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
6) Should the gifts and rewards from school not mean something to students?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
7) Will a student be dependent on the teacher's assertiveness in giving punishment
and the consequences of applying sanctions?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
8) Do you think the application of grades and scores to student success is good?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
9) Does gift giving increase student motivation to learn?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
10) Do you think that a good environment influences student enthusiasm for
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
11) Do physical punishments need to be applied to improve student discipline?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
12) Do you think that having tests is a trigger for diligent student learning?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
13) Should classmates stimulate an interest in studying hard?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
14) Should it not be necessary to hit students because it is inhuman?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
15) Do students who repeat the same mistakes need to be tolerated?
a. Strongly agree d. Disagree
b. Agree e. Strongly Disagree
c. Neutral
( I distribution quisionner to 10 respondent )

1) Question 1
Out of ten respondents 6 people said "Agree", 3 people said "Strongly agree" and
1 person said "Neutral"
2) Question 2
Out of ten respondents 7 people said "Strongly Agree" and 3 people said "Agree"
3) Question 3 Out of ten respondents 4 people said "Agree", 3 people said "Very
Agree", 2 people said "Neutral" and 1 person said "Disagree"
4) Question 4
Out of ten respondents 1 person said "Strongly Agree", 1 person said "Agree", 5
people said "Disagree" and 3 people said "Neutral"
5) Question 5
Out of ten respondents 3 people said "Strongly agree", 1 person said "Agree", 3
people said "Neutral" and 3 people said "Disagree"
6) Question 6
Of the ten respondents 8 people said "Disagree" and 2 people said "Neutral"
7) Question 7
Out of ten respondents 6 people said "Agree", 1 person said "Neutral" and 3
people said "Disagree"
8) Question 8
Of the ten respondents 4 people said "Agree" and 6 people said "Neutral"
9) Question 9
Out of ten respondents 6 people said "Agree" and 4 people said "Strongly agree"
10) Question 10
Out of ten respondents 5 people said "Strongly agree", 4 people said "Agree" and
1 person said "Disagree"
11) Question 11
Out of ten respondents 2 people said "Disagree", 5 people said "Neutral" and 3
people said "Strongly disagree"
12) Question 12
Out of ten respondents 7 people said "Agree" and 3 people said "Neutral"
13) Question 13
Out of ten respondents 6 people said "Agree", 2 people said "Strongly agree" and
2 people said "Neutral"
14) Question 14
Out of ten respondents 3 people said "Agree" and 7 people said "Strongly agree
15) Question 15
Of the ten respondents 1 person said "Agree", 1 person said "Strongly agree" and
8 people said "Disagree"
1) Question 1

= 60 % ( Setuju )

30 % ( Sangat Setuju )

10 % ( Netral )
2) Question 2

= 70 % (Sangat Setuju)

= 30 % (Setuju)
3) Question 3

= 40 % ( Setuju )

= 30 % ( Sangat Setuju )

= 20 % ( Netral )

= 10 % ( Tidak Setuju )
4) Question 4

= 10 % ( Sangat Setuju )

10 % ( Setuju )

50 % ( Tidak Setuju )

20 % ( Netral )
5) Question 5

30 % ( Sangat Setuju )
10 % ( Setuju )

30 % ( Netral )

30 % ( Tidak Setuju )
6) Question 6

80 % ( Tidak Setuju )

20 % ( Netral )
7) Question 7

60 % ( Tidak Setuju )

10 % ( Netral )

30 % ( Tidak Setuju )
8) Question 8

40 % ( Setuju )

60 % ( Netral )
9) Question 9

60 % ( Setuju )

40 % ( Sangat Setuju )
10) Question 10

50 % ( Sangat Setuju )

40 % ( Setuju )
10 % ( Tidak Setuju )
11) Question 11

20 % ( Tidak Setuju )

50 % ( Netral )

30 % ( Sangat Tidak Setuju )

12) Question 12

70 % ( Setuju )

30 ( Netral )
13) Question 13

60 % ( Setuju )

20 % ( Sangat Setuju )

20 % ( Netral )
14) Question 14

30 % ( Setuju )

70 % ( Sangat Setuju )
15) Question 15

10 % ( Setuju )

10 % ( Setuju )

80 % ( Tidak Setuju )
Sangat Tidak
Netral ( N Tidak
Question Setuju ( SS Setuju ( S ) Setuju ( TS
) Setuju
) )
( STS )
Question 1 -   - -
Question 2   - - -
Question 3     -
Question 4     -
Question 5     -
Question 6 - -   -
Question 7 -    -
Question 8 -   - -
Question 9   - - -
Question 10   -  -
Question 11 - -   
Question 12 -   - -
Question 13    - -
Question 14   - - -
Question 15   -  -

Conclusion based on reward and punishment :

1. Respondents who say agree more than neutral and disagree
2. Respondents who say strongly agree more than agree
3. Respondents who said agree a little more than strongly agree, disagree and neutral
4. The number of respondents who said they did not agree was more than they
strongly agreed, agreed and neutral
5. Respondents who say strongly agree more than agree, neutral and disagree
6. The number of respondents who said they disagreed was more than neutral
7. Respondents who say agree more than neutral and disagree
8. Respondents who say agree less than neutral
9. Respondents who say more agree than strongly agree
10. Respondents who say disagree are very few compared to very disagree and neutral
11. Respondents who say disagree are less than neutral and strongly disagree
12. Respondents who say agree more than neutral
13. Respondents who say more agree are more than very agree and neutral
14. Respondents who say agree are very few compared to strongly agree
15. Fewer respondents say they agree and strongly agree rather than disagree

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