Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Module 5 - Vikranth Kannanth

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Additive Manufacturing

9. Additive Manufacturing Systems: Basic principles of additive manufacturing, slicing CAD
models for AM, advantages and limitations of AM technologies, Additive manufacturing
processes: Photo polymerization, material jetting, binder jetting, material extrusion, Powder
bed sintering techniques, sheet lamination, direct energy deposition techniques, applications of
AM. Recent trends in manufacturing, Hybrid manufacturing.
10. Future of Automated Factory: Industry 4.0, functions, applications and benefits.
Components of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IOT), IOT applications in manufacturing, Big-
Data and Cloud Computing for IOT, IOT for smart manufacturing, influence of IOT on predictive
maintenance, industrial automation, supply chain optimization, supply-chain & logistics, cyber-
physical manufacturing

Additive manufacturing
• Additive manufacturing (AM) refers to a process by which digital 3D design data is used
to build up a component in layers by depositing material. Additive Manufacturing (AM)
is an appropriate name to describe the technologies that build 3D objects
by adding layer-upon-layer of material, whether the material is plastic, metal, concrete
or one day…..human tissue.
• The term 3D printing is increasingly used as a synonymy for AM. However later is more
accurate in that it describes a professional production technique which clearly
distinguished from conventional methods of material removal. Instead of milling a
workpiece from a solid block, AM builds up component layer by layer using materials
which are available in fine powder form. A range of different metals, plastics and
composite materials may be used.
• Common to AM technologies is the use of a computer, 3D modelling software
(Computer Aided Design or CAD), machine equipment and layering material. Once a
CAD sketch is produced, the AM equipment reads in data from the CAD file and lays

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Additive Manufacturing

downs or adds successive layers of liquid, powder, sheet material or other, in a layer-
upon-layer fashion to fabricate a 3D object

Principles of additive manufacturing

• AM technologies fabricate models by fusing, sintering or polymerization of materials in
predetermined layers with no needs of tools. AM makes possible the manufacture of
complex geometries including internal part detail that are approximately not possible to
manufacture using machining and moulding processes, because process does not
require predetermined tool paths, draft angles and under cuts.
• In AM the layers of a model are formed by slicing CAD data with professional software.
All AM system work on the same principle; however, layer thickness depend upon
parameters and machine being used and thickness of layer range from 10µm up to
200µm. Layers are clearly visible on the part surface in AM operation, which controls the
quality of final product. The relation between thickness of layer and surface orientation
is known as staircase effect. However, thinner the layer is the longer the processing time
and higher the part resolution.
• Layers in AM are built up at the top of the previous one in z axis. After layer gets
processed the work platform is dropped down by the single layer thickness in z axis and
the fresh material layer is recoated differently for number of other methods. In resin
based system traversing edge flatten the resin, in powder based system deposited
powder is spread using roller or wiper, in some system the material is deposited through
a nozzle which deposits the required material. Because recoating time is even longer
than the layer processing time.
• For that sake multiple parts are building together in the time of single material recoating
build. Different software's are available to position and orient part so that maximum
number of parts can be built together. Available software's are VISCAM RP and Smart
Space used in MAGICS.
• Some delicate parts produced through AM technologies need a support structure to
hold the part in work platform during the build process. All AM machine uses different
support structure that are designed from specific material for effective use of build

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Additive Manufacturing

parts. Commonly used support structures are thin small pointed teeth to minimizing the
part contact so that they can be removed easily with the hand tools.

Slicing CAD models for AM,

Process planning includes the steps for slicing the part’s triangulated surfaces, tool path
generation for each layer and conversion of the tool path data to a suitable CNC data (i.e G-
codes). The latter two steps are well established and are almost identical to CNC milling.
Different part slicing algorithms for various AM processes exist. Adaptive slicing is one of the
approaches to resolve the inevitable staircase effect by using variable layer thickness. The
algorithm saves each layer data on a separate file in order to ease path generation process and
free computer memory. A slicing method suitable for Color Rapid Prototyping (CRP) is
presented. There is presently no industrial or formal standard for slice data. As a result the
developer or the manufacturer is free to decide on or to develop its own slice data to create the
required AM machine code. Some proposals made in this area are listed below.
 Common Layer Interface (CLI) represents each layer by its thickness and a set of
contours. These contours define the boundaries of the solid material;
 Layer Exchange ASCII Format (LEAF) provides each contour as a non-self-intersecting
polygon described in terms of 2D primitives, the polyline and the circular arc;
 SLC Formats represents several slice formats that use a polyline approximation to
represent the contours of a slice.
The AM process is mainly composed of three stages. Fist stage includes 3D CAD modelling and
STL conversion. Nowadays this stage can be performed by using the freely available 3D
modeling software such as Sketch Up 3D, Personal Edition, Power Shape-e and etc. Second
stage is the aforementioned process planning and the final stage is the production of the
physical part, which depends entirely on the AM machine.
This study concentrates on the second stage of the AM process and presents a STL slicing
algorithm with the ability of G-Code generation. Special emphasis is given that all the software
packages used in this study are freely available open source or freeware applications. This work
is part of a wider range effort concentrated on the development of an open-source AM system.

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Figure : (a) a tessellated cube with twelve facets (b) a sliced cube

Fig. (a) shows triangulated STL representation of the surfaces of a simple cube shape and Fig.(b)
shows the sliced cube. The algorithm is mainly developed to obtain the contour data of the
desired slicing level. As a result it does not have the capacity to slice some facets which are
positioned between two slicing planes where no intersections occur. This problem can be
solved easily by reducing the gap between two adjacent slices. The gap between two adjacent
slices defines the layer thickness which is also a variable inside the code. Also, the software
code is developed based on the assumption that the STL representation of the geometry is
error-free and is normally assigned in the z-direction. Intentionally, the developed code has
divided into separate sections which carry on the calculations based on the results of the
previous section. This approach has simplified the debugging process and made the code more
flexible when needed.

Advantages of AM technologies
• Complexity is free: It actually costs less to print a complex part instead of a simple cube
of the same size. The more complex (or, the less solid the object is), the faster and
cheaper it can be made through additive manufacturing.

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• Variety is free: If a part needs to be changed, the change can simply be made on the
original CAD file, and the new product can be printed right away.

• No assembly required: Moving parts such as hinges and bicycle chains can be printed in
metal directly into the product, which can significantly reduce the part numbers.

• Little lead time: Engineers can create a prototype with a 3-D printer immediately after
finishing the part’s stereo lithography (STL) file. As soon as the part has printed,
engineers may then begin testing its properties instead of waiting weeks or months for a
prototype or part to come in.

• Little-skill manufacturing: While complicated parts with specific parameters and high-
tech applications ought to be left to the professionals, even children in elementary
school have created their own figures using 3-D printing processes.

• Few constraints: Anything you can dream up and design in the CAD software, you can
create with additive manufacturing.

• Less waste: Because only the material that is needed is used, there is very little (if any)
material wasted.

• Infinite shades of materials: Engineers can program parts to have specific colors in their
CAD files, and printers can use materials of any color to print them.

Limitations of AM technologies
• Requires post-processing: The surface finish and dimensional accuracy may be lower
quality than other manufacturing methods.
• Discontinuous production process: Parts can only be printed one at a time, preventing
economics of scale.
• Limited component size/small build volume: In most cases, polymer products are about
1 cubic yard in size, while metal parts may only be one cubic foot. While larger machines
are available, they will come at a cost.

• Poor mechanical properties: Layering and multiple interfaces can cause defects in the

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It is a form of 3D printing technology used for creating models, prototypes, patterns, and
production of parts in a layer by layer fashion using photopolymerization, a process by which
light causes chains of molecules to link, forming polymers. Those polymers then make up the
body of a three-dimensional solid.

Stereolithography is an additive manufacturing process that works by focusing an ultraviolet

(UV) laser on to a vat of photopolymer resin. With the help of computer aided manufacturing
or computer-aided design (CAM/CAD) software, the UV laser is used to draw a pre-
programmed design or shape on to the surface of the photopolymer vat. Photopolymers are
sensitive to ultraviolet light, so the resin is photo chemically solidified and forms a single layer
of the desired 3D object. Then, the build platform lowers one layer and a blade recoats the top
of the tank with resin. This process is repeated for each layer of the design until the 3D object is
complete. Completed parts must be washed with a solvent to clean wet resin off their surfaces

 Laser beam traces a cross-section of the part pattern on the surface of the liquid resin
 SLA's elevator platform descends
 A resin-filled blade sweeps across the cross section of the part, re-coating it with fresh
 Immersed in a chemical bath
 Stereolithography requires the use of supporting structures

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Additive Manufacturing

2. Material Jetting

 Material jetting creates objects in a similar method to a two dimensional ink jet printer.
Material is jetted onto a build platform using either a continuous or Drop on Demand
(DOD) approach.
 Material is jetted onto the build surface or platform, where it solidifies and the model is
built layer by layer. Material is deposited from a nozzle which moves horizontally across
the build platform. Machines vary in complexity and in their methods of controlling the
deposition of material. The material layers are then cured or hardened using ultraviolet
(UV) light.
 As material must be deposited in drops, the number of materials available to use is
limited. Polymers and waxes are suitable and commonly used materials, due to their
viscous nature and ability to form drops.

• Drop on demand method

• The print head is positioned above build platform

• Material is deposited from a nozzle which moves horizontally across the build platform

• Droplets of material solidify and make up the first layer.

• Further layers are built up as before on top of the previous

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Additive Manufacturing

• Layers are allowed to cool and harden or are cured by UV light. Post processing includes
removal of support material.

• Platform descends

• Good accuracy and surface finishes

3. Binder Jetting

The binder jetting process uses two materials; a powder based material and a binder. The
binder acts as an adhesive between powder layers. The binder is usually in liquid form and the
build material in powder form. A print head moves horizontally along the x and y axes of the
machine and deposits alternating layers of the build material and the binding material. After
each layer, the object being printed is lowered on its build platform.

Due to the method of binding, the material characteristics are not always suitable for structural
parts and despite the relative speed of printing, additional post processing (see below) can add
significant time to the overall process.

As with other powder based manufacturing methods, the object being printed is self-supported
within the powder bed and is removed from the unbound powder once completed. The
technology is often referred to as 3DP technology and is copyrighted under this name

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Binder Jetting – Step by Step

1. Powder material is spread over the build platform using a roller.

2. The print head deposits the binder adhesive on top of the powder where required.
3. The build platform is lowered by the model’s layer thickness or in some cases use of roller
will significant
4. Another layer of powder is spread over the previous layer. The object is formed where the
powder is bound to the liquid.
5. Unbound powder remains in position surrounding the object.
6. The process is repeated until the entire object has been made.

4. Material Extrusion/FDM

Fuse deposition modelling (FDM) is a common material extrusion process and is trademarked
by the company Stratasys. Material is drawn through a nozzle, where it is heated and is then
deposited layer by layer. The nozzle can move horizontally and a platform moves up and down
vertically after each new layer is deposited. It is a commonly used technique used on many
inexpensive, domestic and hobby 3D printers.

The process has many factors that influence the final model quality but has great potential and
viability when these factors are controlled successfully. Whilst FDM is similar to all other 3D
printing processes, as it builds layer by layer, it varies in the fact that material is added through
a nozzle under constant pressure and in a continuous stream. This pressure must be kept
steady and at a constant speed to enable accurate results (Gibson et al., 2010). Material layers
can be bonded by temperature control or through the use of chemical agents. Material is often
added to the machine in spool form as shown in the diagram.

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1. First layer is built as nozzle deposits material where required onto the cross sectional area
of first object slice.
2. The following layers are added on top of previous layers.
3. Layers are fused together upon deposition as the material is in a melted state.

5. Powder Bed Fusion

The Powder Bed Fusion process includes the following commonly used printing techniques:
Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), Electron beam melting (EBM), Selective heat sintering
(SHS), Selective laser melting (SLM) and Selective laser sintering (SLS).

Powder bed fusion (PBF) methods use either a laser or electron beam to melt and fuse material
powder together. Electron beam melting (EBM), methods require a vacuum but can be used
with metals and alloys in the creation of functional parts. All PBF processes involve the
spreading of the powder material over previous layers. There are different mechanisms to
enable this, including a roller or a blade. A hopper or a reservoir below of aside the bed
provides fresh material supply. Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is the same as SLS, but with
the use of metals and not plastics. The process sinters the powder, layer by layer. Selective
Heat Sintering differs from other processes by way of using a heated thermal print head to fuse
powder material together. As before, layers are added with a roller in between fusion of layers.
A platform lowers the model accordingly.

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Powder Bed Fusion – Step by Step

1. A layer, typically 0.1mm thick of material is spread over the build platform.
2. A laser fuses the first layer or first cross section of the model.
3. A new layer of powder is spread across the previous layer using a roller.
4. Further layers or cross sections are fused and added.
5. The process repeats until the entire model is created. Loose, unfused powder is remains in
position but is removed during post processing

6. Sheet Lamination

Sheet lamination processes include ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM) and laminated
object manufacturing (LOM). The Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing process uses sheets or
ribbons of metal, which are bound together using ultrasonic welding. The process does require
additional cnc machining and removal of the unbound metal, often during the welding process.
Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) uses a similar layer by layer approach but uses paper as
material and adhesive instead of welding. The LOM process uses a cross hatching method
during the printing process to allow for easy removal post build. Laminated objects are often
used for aesthetic and visual models and are not suitable for structural use. UAM uses metals
and includes aluminium, copper, stainless steel and titanium (Ultrasonic Additive
Manufacturing Overview, 2014). The process is low temperature and allows for internal

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Additive Manufacturing

geometries to be created. The process can bond different materials and requires relatively
little energy, as the metal is not melted.

Sheet Lamination – Step by Step

1. The material is positioned in place on the cutting bed.

2. The material is bonded in place, over the previous layer, using the adhesive.
3. The required shape is then cut from the layer, by laser or knife.
4. The next layer is added.
5. Steps two and three can be reversed and alternatively, the material can be cut before
being positioned and bonded.

7. Directed Energy Deposition

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) covers a range of terminology: ‘Laser engineered net shaping,
directed light fabrication, direct metal deposition, 3D laser cladding’ It is a more complex
printing process commonly used to repair or add additional material to existing components.

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A typical DED machine consists of a nozzle mounted on a multi axis arm, which deposits melted
material onto the specified surface, where it solidifies. The process is similar in principle to
material extrusion, but the nozzle can move in multiple directions and is not fixed to a specific
axis. The material, which can be deposited from any angle due to 4 and 5 axis machines, is
melted upon deposition with a laser or electron beam. The process can be used with polymers,
ceramics but is typically used with metals, in the form of either powder or wire. Typical
applications include repairing and maintaining structural parts.

Direct Energy Deposition – Step by Step

1. A 4 or 5 axis arm with nozzle moves around a fixed object.

2. Material is deposited from the nozzle onto existing surfaces of the object.
3. Material is either provided in wire or powder form.
4. Material is melted using a laser, electron beam or plasma arc upon deposition.
5. Further material is added layer by layer and solidifies, creating or repairing new material
features on the existing object.


1. Rapid Prototyping

Models and parts for research purposes can be easily manufacture whenever required. Easy to
make changes in the models as per the research proceedings.

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Additive Manufacturing

2. Food

Cornell Creative Machines Lab is making food items such as chocolates, candy, pasta, pizza
using 3D printing technique since 2012.

3. Apparel

Products such as customize shoes, clothes and eye wears are being manufactured. Nike is using
3D printing to manufacture the “Vapor Laser Talon” football shoe for players of American

4. Vehicle

In 2010 Urbee became the first car whose whole body was 3D printed (by US engineering group
Kor Ecologic and the company Stratasys ).In early 2014, Swedish supercar manufacturer,
Koenigsegg, manufactured a supercar having many 3D printed mechanical parts in it.

Defense arms such as guns, rifles and safety equipment has also been manufacture by AM. In
2012 US based group “Defense Distributed”, designed a working plastic gun that could be
downloaded and reproduced by anybody with a 3D printer.In 2013, ‘Solid Concepts’, based in
Austin, Texas, USA succeeded in manufacturing first working metal gun.

6. Medical

Nowadays medical devices, specific implants, hearing aids, dental products and pills are being
manufacture by AM. During October 2014, a five year old girl born without fully formed fingers
on her left hand became the first child in the UK to have a prosthetic hand made with 3D
printing. Till now more than 400 hands have been transplanted by E-NABLE. In august 2015, US
FDA( Food and Drug administration) approved 3D printed pills which allows very porous pills to
be produced, which enables high drug doses in a single pill which dissolves quickly and can be
ingested easily.

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7. Bioprinting Bioprinting refers to manufacturing artificial biological organs and body parts
capable of working like original ones. In this process, layers of living cells are deposited onto a
gel medium or sugar matrix and slowly built up to form three dimensional structures including
vascular systems. The first production system for 3D tissue printing was delivered in 2009,
based on NovoGen bio-printing technology. In 2013, Chinese scientists began printing ears,
livers and kidneys, with living tissue. In 2014, researchers at the University of Hasselt, in
Belgium had successfully printed a new jawbone for an 83 year old woman.

8. Space

In September 2014, “SpaceX” delivered the first zero gravity 3D printer to the International
Space Station (ISS). In December 2014, NASA emailed CAD drawings for a socket wrench to
astronauts aboard the ISS, who then printed the tool using its 3D printer. The European Space
Agency plans to deliver its new advance Portable Onboard 3D Printer to the International Space
Station by the end of 2015.

9. Education and Research

Scientific instruments, replicas of historical items, internal organs of human body, 3D models of
molecules and chemical compounds can be printed in classroom laboratories to study them.

Recent trends in manufacturing

AM applications for non-engineering and domestic applications include hobbyist
printing, gift article printing, ceramic printing, chocolate printing, bio-printing human organs,
For engineering applications, AM is mainly used for prototype manufacturing, tool
manufacturing and end-use part manufacturing. Use of AM technologies for engineering
applications will open up many new possibilities of improving the form, functionality and
economics of a product. The most significant change that industries need to address today is
the adoption of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in our design and manufacturing engineering
processes. Use of AM is seeing new frontiers like printing bio-inspired light weight designs for
aerospace and automotive applications, carbon fibre reinforced plastic printing, smart part
manufacturing by 3D electronics printing and AM, hybrid machines with metal laser sintering

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and milling capabilities, electron beam melting for AM, laser melting and deposition, AM
pattern printing for investment casting, etc. Let us look at some dimensions of the following AM
Bio-inspired light weight designs for engineering applications
The new lightweight parts created from AM take inspiration from human bone structure.
Human bones have internal regions with different levels of porosity covered with hard outer
layers with varying thickness. Regions where higher loads are frequently encountered have
denser porosity levels and thicker outer layers. Similar methodology is adopted for designing
parts to create lighter yet stronger parts. AM renders printing solid parts with internal
honeycomb or scaffolds with few layers of outer skin. New analysis tools claim to optimize parts
automatically with varying scaffold thickness and outer skin thickness in various regions
depending on load conditions. There have been rapid improvements in this area and we may
have a suite of new bio-inspired light weight parts in aerospace and automobile applications.
Such methodologies will help designing parts to take unique advantages of AM process rather
than printing parts that are designed for conventional manufacturing processes.
Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) printing
Multi-material printers are capable of printing more than one material and make a composite
structure consisting of two different materials such as a part with harder core and a rubbery
outer layer. A recent advancement in multi-material printing is that a new AM machine can
print CFRP with plastic extrusion printer that can lay up continuous carbon fibers in between
layers. This has opened up new avenues for printing much stronger materials using AM. This
technology could bring in more automation in creating different types of reinforced plastics for
aerospace and automobile applications in future. We could even envisage 3D FRP printers in
future integrated with software technologies, taking 3D model as an input and automatically
creating a fiber lay-up for a part depending on different loading conditions.
Smart part manufacturing with 3D electronics printing and AM
Smart parts, manufactured using AM, with integrated conformal 3D electronic circuits were
demonstrated by printing the part with plastic extrusion and printing electronics on the 3D part
by a leading AM technology company. Such technologies could mature in future to 3D print a
complete part with electronic circuitry in a single integrated machine having software

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capabilities to facilitate integrated designing and printing of both the mechanical part and
electronic circuits.
Hybrid AM and milling machines
Surface finish of additive manufactured parts has all along been an issue in successful adoption
of AM technology for hard core engineering applications. Printed metal parts often require
secondary operations. To counter this issue, leading precision machine tool companies are
introducing hybrid machines with AM and milling capabilities. One such example is a machine
with metal laser sintering unit that creates the part layer by layer and also has an integrated
high speed milling head which can machine layer by layer during the additive layer processing
itself. After every layer is created, the layer is machined to ensure smooth surface quality. This
hybrid combination can be very useful in making molds with 3D conformal cooling channels and
porous sections for gas venting which cannot be manufactured by other processes. We clearly
see this technology maturing in future with CAM software capabilities to machine only selective
regions in each layer, selective finish machining, etc.

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Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is a name for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing
technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing
and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 is commonly referred to as the fourth industrial

Industry 4.0 creates what has been called a "smart factory". Within the modular structured
smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the
physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over the Internet of Things, cyber-physical
systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time, and
via cloud computing, both internal and cross-organizational services are offered and used by
participants of the value chain.

Function of Industry 4.0

1. It eases current challenges for manufacturers.

In a world of increasing market volatility, shorter product life cycles, higher product complexity,
and global supply chains, companies are seeking to become more flexible and responsive to
business trends. The Industry 4.0 vision provides recommendations how companies can ease
these challenges: The digitalization of the whole product lifecycle will allow companies to use

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data from production, service, and social media which will lead to faster product
improvements. Smart items will bring stronger integration of top floor and shop floor and thus
more intelligence and flexibility to production. With these technologies, companies can react
faster to demand changes and implement new configurations easier or even re-plan production
much faster.
2. It leads to an innovation economy.
Digital chains will not only improve efficiency but also speed up innovations as new business
models can be implemented much faster (see Industry 4.0 Leads Into The Innovation Economy).
Here are two examples how Industry 4.0 speeds up innovations: 1. Manufacturers can generate
new business by sharing equipment or selling capacity they don’t need on marketplaces. 2.
Thanks to sensors and connectivity, products will be enriched by services (such as predictive
maintenance) or even transformed into services. An engine manufacturer might not sell
engines anymore in the future but provide them as a service to customers. He then would only
charge the power of the engines the customer uses.

3. It puts the consumer in the center of all activities.

Today’s consumers demand individually made products and services (“Made-for-Me”). Smart
items, products and machines will enable manufacturers to get down to lot size one and
produce customized products without extra cost. Digitalization will lead to an easier crowd
sourcing which will lead to a faster design process.
4. It even puts humans into the center of production.
As machines are becoming smarter, the work in production lines will be enriched and
humanized. Simple manual tasks will disappear. Workers will become coordinators who ensure
a smooth production and only intervene when a machine calls for action. Flexibility will be a key
success factor. Workers will be assigned where help is needed. This will place higher demands
in terms of managing complexity, problem-solving and self-organization, but also allow the
work force to become more flexible. Fixed shifts per day will be complemented by dynamic and
self-organized capacity planning that takes employees’ preferences into consideration. This will
improve the life-work-balance of all employees and allow shorter response time to a changed
order situation.

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5. It will enable sustainable prosperity.

The old models of industrialization run out: Economies and with it societies increasingly
recognize the risks of globalization, job losses and resource shortages. Generating profit and
realizing growth have to be put into a more long-term perspective, for example by finding ways
to cope with constraints on energy, resources, environment, and social and economic impacts.
Industry 4.0 can help to find solutions to these challenges. If it is smart and innovative,
production can reduce energy consumption, help companies to sustain their business with
existing and new business models and use new technologies to produce all over the world
(even at high cost locations) close to the markets and at the tact of the workers.

Application of Industry 4.0

1. German manufacturing giant Siemens, an industrial user, is implementing an Industry

4.0 solution in medical engineering. For years, artificial knee and hip joints were
standardized products, with engineers needing several days to customize them for
patients. Now, new software and steering solutions enable Siemens to produce an
implant within 3 to 4 hours.
2. German toolmaker Trumpf, an Industry 4.0 supplier and worldwide market leader of
laser systems, has put the first "social machines" to work. Each component is "smart"
and knows what work has already been carried out on it. Because the production facility
already knows its capacity utilization and communicates with other facilities, production
options are automatically optimized.
3. Predix, the operating system for the Industrial Internet, is powering digital industrial
businesses that drive the global economy. By connecting industrial equipment, analyzing
data, and delivering real-time insights, Predix-based apps are unleashing new levels of
performance of both GE and non-GE assets.

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Benefits of industry 4.0

1. Enhanced productivity through optimization and automation

It’s also one of the first goals of Industry 4.0 projects. In other words: saving costs, increasing
profitability, reducing waste, automating to prevent errors and delays, speeding up production
to work more in real-time and in function of the overall value chain, where speed is crucial for
everyone, digitizing paper-based flows, being able to intervene faster in case of production
issues and so forth.

2. Real-time data for a real-time supply chain in a real-time economy

Industry 4.0 is about the entire life cycle of products and manufacturing obviously doesn’t stand
on its own. If you look at the entire value chain and ecosystem within which manufacturing
operations reside there are many stakeholders involved. These are all customers. And
customers also want enhanced productivity, regardless of where they sit in the supply chain. If
the final customer wants good products fast and has increased expectations regarding
customer experience, quality, service and products that are delivered on the exact time they
want, this impacts the whole supply chain, all the way up to manufacturing and beyond. Speed
is not just a competitive advantage and customer expectation in an increasingly real-time
economy; it’s also a matter of alignment, costs and value creation. Moreover, customers simply
expect it.

3. Higher business continuity through advanced maintenance and monitoring possibilities

When a key industrial asset, such as an industrial robot in a car manufacturing plant gives up,
it’s not just the robot that’s broken. Production is affected, costing loads of money and
unhappy customers, and sometimes production can be fully disrupted. It’s everyone’s worst
nightmare as business continuity is an extremely high concern. On top of all the
replacement/fixing work, resources and costs, reputation can be damaged; orders can be
cancelled and with each hour that passes money is thrown away. If industrial assets are
connected and can be monitored (health status monitoring, for instance) through the Internet
of Things and issues are tackled before they even happen the benefits are huge. Alerts can be
set up, assets can be proactively maintained, real-time monitoring and diagnosis becomes

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possible, engineers can fix issues, if they do occur from a distance, the list goes on. Moreover,
patterns and insights are gained to optimize in areas where things seem to have issues more
often and a world of new maintenance services opens up as we’ll see. No wonder that asset
management and maintenance are the second largest area of IoT investments in

4. Better quality products: real-time monitoring, IoT-enabled quality improvement and


If you have everything in your production system and its broader environment hooked up with
sensors, software, IoT technologies, systems of insight AND the customer, you can also enhance
quality of your products. Automation definitely plays a big role here and so do the typical
components of cyber-physical systems (more below) and the Internet of Things whereby quality
aspects can be monitored in real-time and robots reduce errors.

On the flip side and one of the risks and challenges to tackle, as mentioned earlier: the more
you automate, the less work for people, in theory. And the same goes for other mentioned
benefits such as maintenance (the less you need engineers for support, the less support
engineers you need). It’s a dilemma and known issue which we’ll cover later. In the meantime
do know that robots are not going to take all human jobs over soon. Ample companies have
increased the usage of robots and at the same time hired more. The reason we mention it in
the context of quality is that this is certainly one area where you see cobots popping up (cobots
is a fancy term for advanced collaborative robots or put more simply: robots that fit a
collaboration between man and machine).

5. Better working conditions and sustainability

Improving working conditions based on real-time temperature, humidity and other data in the
plant or warehouse, quick detection and enhanced protection in case of incidents, detection of
presence of gasses, radiation and so forth, better communication and collaboration
possibilities, a focus on ergonomics, clean air and clean factory initiatives (certainly in Industry
4.0 as the EU wants to be leading in clean air and clean anything technologies), the list goes on.

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6. Personalization and customization for the ‘new’ consumer

People have also become more demanding, among others with regards to fast responses and
timely information/deliveries as mentioned earlier. On top of that consumers also like a degree
of personalization, depending on the context. Take sports shoes, for instance. Once a few colors
of the same shoe were enough, know we want the ability to customize them in whatever way.

Components of Industry 4.0

Internet of things (IoT)

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other
items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enables
these objects to connect and exchange data. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded
computing system but is able to inter-operate within the existing Internet infrastructure.

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The figure of online capable devices increased 31% from 2016 to 8.4 billion in 2017. Experts
estimate that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020. It is also estimated that
the global market value of IoT will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020.

The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network
infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into
computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit
in addition to reduced human intervention.

IOT applications in manufacturing

1. Digital/connected factory:

IoT enabled machinery can transmit operational information to the partners like original
equipment manufacturers and to field engineers. This will enable operation managers and
factory heads to remotely manage the factory units and take advantage of process automation
and optimization. Along with this, a digitally connected unit will establish a better line of
commands and help identify key result areas (KRAs) for managers.

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2. Facility management:

The use of IoT sensors in manufacturing equipment enables condition-based maintenance

alerts. There are many critical machine tools that are designed to function within certain
temperature and vibration ranges. IoT Sensors can actively monitor machines and send an alert
when the equipment deviates from its prescribed parameters. By ensuring the prescribed
working environment for machinery, manufacturers can conserve energy, reduce costs,
eliminate machine downtime and increase operational efficiency.

3. Production flow monitoring:

IoT in manufacturing can enable the monitoring of production lines starting from the refining
process down to the packaging of final products. This complete monitoring of the process in
(near) real-time provides scope to recommend adjustments in operations for better
management of operational cost. Moreover, the close monitoring highlights lags in production
thus eliminating wastes and unnecessary work in progress inventory.

4. Inventory management:

IoT applications permit the monitoring of events across a supply chain. Using these systems, the
inventory is tracked and traced globally on a line-item level and the users are notified of any
significant deviations from the plans. This provides cross-channel visibility into inventories and
managers are provided with realistic estimates of the available material, work in progress and
estimated the arrival time of new materials. Ultimately this optimizes supply and reduces
shared costs in the value chain.

5. Plant Safety and Security:

IoT combined big data analysis can improve the overall workers’ safety and security in the
plant. By monitoring the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of health and safety, like the
number of injuries and illness rates, near-misses, short- and long-term absences, vehicle
incidents and property damage or loss during daily operations. Thus, effective monitoring
ensures better safety. Lagging indicators, if any, can be addressed thus ensuring proper
redressal health, safety, and environment (HSE) issues.

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6. Quality control:

IoT sensors collect aggregate product data and other third-party syndicated data from various
stages of a product cycle. This data relates to the composition of raw materials used,
temperature and working environment, wastes, the impact of transportation etc. on the final
products. Moreover, if used in the final product, the IoT device can provide data about the
customer sentiments on using the product. All of these inputs can later be analyzed to identify
and correct quality issues.

7. Packaging Optimization:

By using IoT sensors in products and/or packaging, manufacturers can gain insights into the
usage patterns and handling of product from multiple customers. Smart tracking mechanisms
can also trace product deterioration during transit and impact of weather, road and other
environment variables on the product. This will offer insights that can be used to re-engineer
products and packaging for better performance in both customer experience and cost of

8. Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization:

The Industrial IoT (IIoT) can provide access to real-time supply chain information by tracking
materials, equipment, and products as they move through the supply chain. Effective reporting
enables manufacturers to collect and feed delivery information into ERP, PLM and other
systems. By connecting plants to suppliers, all the parties concerned with the supply chain can
trace interdependencies, material flow and manufacturing cycle times. This data will help
manufacturers predict issues, reduces inventory and potentially reduces capital requirements.

Big Data and cloud computing for IOT

Most IoT applications do not only focus on monitoring discrete events but also on mining the
information collected by IoT objects. Most data collection tools in the IoT environment are
sensor-fitted devices that require custom protocols, such as message queue telemetry
transport (MQTT) and data distribution service (DDS). Given that sensors are used in nearly all
industries, the IoT is expected to produce a huge amount of data. The data generated from IoT

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devices can be used in finding potential research trends and investigating the impact of certain
events or decisions. These data are processed using various analytic tools. Fig. Illustrates the
process of data collection, monitoring, and data analytics.

Fig. Big Data Flow in IoT.

Although IoT has created unprecedented opportunities that can help increase revenue, reduce
costs, and ameliorate efficiencies, collecting a huge amount of data alone is insufficient. To
generate benefits from IoT, enterprises must create a platform where they can collect, manage,
and analyze a massive volume of sensor data in a scalable and cost-effective manner. In this
context, leveraging a big data platform that can assist in consuming and reading diverse data
sources as well as in accelerating the data integration process becomes vital. Data integration
and analytics allow organizations to revolutionize their business process. Specifically, these
enterprises can use data analytics tools to transform a huge volume of sensor-collected data
into valuable insights. Given the overlapping research trends in these areas, this paper focuses
on the recent advances in management of big data and analytics in the IoT paradigm.

The IoT generates a vast amount of Big Data and this in turn puts a huge strain on
Internet Infrastructure. As a result, this forces companies to find solutions to minimise the
pressure and solve their problem of transferring large amounts of data.

Cloud computing has entered the mainstream of information technology, providing scalability
in delivery of enterprise applications and Software as a Service (SaaS). Companies are now
migrating their information operations to the cloud. Many cloud providers can allow for your
data to be either transferred via your traditional internet connection or via a dedicated direct

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link. The benefit of a direct link into the cloud will ensure that your data is uncontended and
that the traffic is not crossing the internet and the Quality of Service can be controlled.

IOT for smart manufacturing

Smart manufacturing allows factory managers to automatically collect and analyze data to
make better-informed decisions and optimize production. The data from sensors and machines
is communicated to the Cloud by IoT connectivity solutions deployed in the factory. That data is
analyzed and combined with contextual information and then shared with authorized
stakeholders. IoT technology, leveraging both wired and wireless connectivity, enables this flow
of data, providing the ability to remotely monitor and manage processes and change
production plans quickly, in real time when needed. It greatly improves outcomes of
manufacturing reducing waste, speeding production and improving yield and the quality of
goods produced.

Replacing the hierarchical structure that has historically defined the "shop floor" with an open,
flatter, fully-interconnected model that links R&D processes with supply chain management has
many benefits, including the optimization of global manufacturing processes related to
performance, quality, cost, and resource management. It also enables the manufactured
products themselves to play a key role in development and design of the manufacturing
process. This is because connected smart products are able to feed information back to the
factory so that quality issues can be detected and fixed during the manufacturing stage by
adjusting product design and/or the manufacturing processes. Smart products can also provide
insights on how they are actually used by consumers, providing the opportunity to adapt
features to better meet the real needs of the marketplace.

Influence of IOT on predictive maintenance

• Whether for controlling machines remotely, monitoring their operation or simulating

production processes, many manufacturers are now turning to the Internet of
Things (IoT). Already an indispensable technology in Industry 4.0, IoT enables
communication with a great variety of objects, from fork-lift trucks to chemical sensors.

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How does it work?

• The installation of connected sensors in an analytical program enables the constant

monitoring of a component, a piece of machinery or a system. How? In various ways,
including measuring temperature through infrared images, airflow pressure, or vibration

• The data collected by these sensors is analyzed to define a machine’s standard

operation. An anomaly is detected by comparison with the benchmark operation. If an
anomaly is detected, the maintenance agents are alerted and as such can possibly
intervene before the machine breaks down.

Better prediction for greater savings

• To boost their ability to anticipate wear and tear, more and more companies are now
using the combined potential of IoT and Big Data. For companies – because equipment
outages are expensive – the key points are real-time monitoring of machine
performance and significant savings.

• A survey conducted in three European countries and the United States in 2017 showed
that 70% of 450 IT decision-makers and on-site service managers do not know exactly
when their equipment needs to be maintained or upgraded. Forty six percent of their
machines’ unplanned outages are due to component failures. And what are the
consequences? Unexpected shutdowns, lasting 4 hours and costing 2 million dollars on
average, had a significant impact on production, IT and customer services.

This affects every sector!

• Predictive maintenance, the spearhead of the “connected plant” for detecting potential
equipment malfunctions on assembly lines, is now being used in all spheres of activity.
For example, elevator manufacturer Kone has set up a partnership with IBM to fit its
elevators with sensors to detect and anticipate malfunctions. Operating data, stored on
IBM cloud servers, are processed by the cognitive informatics of an artificial intelligence
program called Watson.

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• Meanwhile, aeronautical subcontractor Figeac Aero has been deploying predictive

maintenance for the last five years on a specific area of data received from its
manufacturing equipment: tool vibrations, geometric defects, and clamping strength.
This has resulted in the prevention of 40% of malfunctions.

Increasingly accurate predictions

• Over time, algorithms can be used to create malfunction flowcharts based on fault logs.
These models help recognize and then predict potential future malfunctions. Machine
learning technologies will progressively enrich these models to enhance reliability and
detect all types of faults earlier and earlier.


Today’s highly increasing competitiveness over the industry demands high quality and most
consistent products with a competitive price. To address this challenge number of industries
considering various new product designs and integrated manufacturing techniques in parallel
with the use of automated devices.

One of the remarkable and influential moves for getting the solutions of above mentioned
challenge is the industrial automation. Industrial automation facilitates to increase the product
quality, reliability and production rate while reducing production and design cost by adopting
new, innovative and integrated technologies and services.

What is Industrial Automation?

Automation takes a step further mechanization that uses a particular machinery mechanism
aided human operators for performing a task. Mechanization is the manual operation of a task
using powered machinery that depends on human decision making.
On the other hand, automation replaces the human involvement with the use of logical
programming commands and powerful machineries.

Industrial Automation is the replacement with computers and machines to that of human thinking. The
word Automation gives the meaning ‘self dictating’ or ‘a mechanism move by itself’ that derived from
the Greek words Auto and Matos where auto means self while Matos means moving.

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In a brief, industrial automation can be defined as the use of set technologies and automatic
control devices that results the automatic operation and control of industrial processes without
significant human intervention and achieving superior performance than manual control. These
automation devices include PLCs, PCs, PACs, etc. and technologies include various industrial
communication systems.

Why Industrial Automation? (Advantages of Automation System)

 To increase productivity
Automation of factory or manufacturing or process plant improves production rate through a
better control of production. It helps to produce mass production by drastically reducing
assembly time per product with a greater production quality. Therefore, for a given labor input
it produces a large amount of output.

 To provide optimum cost of operation

Integration of various processes in industry with automated machineries, minimizes cycle times
and effort and hence the need of human labor gets reduced. Thus the investment on
employees has been saved with automation.

 To improve product quality

Since the automation reduces the human involvement, the possibility of human errors also gets
eliminated. Uniformity and product quality with a greater conformity can be maintained with
automation by adaptively controlling and monitoring the industrial processes in all stages right
from inception of a product to an end product.

 To reduce routine checks

Automation completely reduces the need for manual checking of various process parameters.
By taking advantage of automation technologies, industrial processes automatically adjusts
process variables to set or desired values using closed loop control techniques.

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 To raise the level of safety

Industrial automation increases the level of safety to personnel by substituting them with
automated machines in hazardous working conditions. Traditionally, industrial robots
and robotic devices are implemented in such risky and hazardous places.


Supply chain optimization is the application of processes and tools to ensure the optimal
operation of a manufacturing and distribution supply chain. This includes the optimal
placement of inventory within the supply chain, minimizing operating costs (including
manufacturing costs, transportation costs, and distribution costs). This often involves the
application of mathematical modelling techniques using computer software.


Typically, supply chain managers are trying to maximize the profitable operation of their
manufacturing and distribution supply chain. This could include measures like maximizing gross
margin return on inventory invested (GMROII) (balancing the cost of inventory at all points in
the supply chain with availability to the customer), minimizing total operating expenses
(transportation, inventory and manufacturing), or maximizing gross profit of products
distributed through the supply chain. Supply chain optimization addresses the general supply
chain problem of delivering products to customers at the lowest total cost and highest profit.
This includes trading off the costs of inventory, transportation, distributing and manufacturing.
In addition, optimizing storage and transportation costs by means of product / package size is
one of the easiest and most cost effective initial implementations available to save money in
product distribution.

Supply chain optimization has applications in all industries manufacturing and/or distributing
goods, including retail, industrial products, and consumer packaged goods (CPG).

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Logistics is generally seen as a differentiator in terms of the final bottom line of a typical “hard
and tangible goods” organization; enabling either a lower cost or providing higher value.

While a lower cost is mostly a one-time feel good factor and has been the traditional focus area
in logistics, high value comes into the picture much later and may be tangible or intangible in a
good’s initial stages.
So while an organization like Zappos may look costly at a first glance, the extraordinary
customer service due to robust policies is a value which more than offsets the slightly higher
Logistics is concerned with both materials flow and information flow. While the materials flow
from the supplier to consumer, the information flows the other way round. It is not only
concerned with inventory and resource utilization, customer response also falls under the
ambit of logistics.
In simple terms, logistics can be seen as a link between the manufacturing and marketing
operations of a company. The traditional organizations used to think of them separately, but
there is a definite value addition in integrating the two due to the interdependence and
feedback channel between the two.

The level of coordination required to minimize the overall cost for the end consumer gets
tougher to achieve as the number of participants in a supply chain increase, as an extremely
efficient flow of material and information is required for optimization.

Logistics cover the following broad functional areas: network design, transportation and inventory

Manufacturing plants, warehouses, stores etc. are all facilities which form key components in
the network design. Transportation: the cost and consistency (reliability) required out of the
transportation network determines the type and mode of the movement of goods and also
affects the inventory.

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Buffer (or safety) stock is the reserve stock held to safeguard against shortages or unexpected
surge in demand, to avoid “stock-outs”. Fewer inventories with negligible stock-outs — the
hallmark of an efficient logistical system.
Cyber-physical manufacturing system
Extensive research and development activities in embedded systems over the last decades
resulted in generation of smart sensors and actuators with integrated computation and
communication capabilities. These devices represent CPS – systems that integrate physical
processes and computing elements through their real-time interaction. Smart sensors and
actuators are nowadays widely implemented in manufacturing facilities. Nevertheless, the
notion of CPS is wider than smart actuators and sensors – CPS can be regarded as systems of
systems , and as such they can be implemented at all levels of manufacturing process control
(manufacturing resources, their elements, manufacturing cells, manufacturing lines, up to the
whole enterprise and network of enterprises). However, the potentials that CPS devices offer
through interconnection of cyber and physical world are yet to be appropriately exploited in

CPMS represent the highest level of CPS application in manufacturing .Within CPMS real
manufacturing system and its cyber (virtual) representation are fused into one CPS through the
extensive exchange of data (Figure ). Implementation of CPMS requires the design of reliable
networks of smart resources with common data semantics. New methods for big data analysis
and information representation and retrieval are necessary. The issues of data protection and
security are also very important.

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