Causes of Social Ills

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Title: What are the causes of social ills among teenagers?

Due to the rapid development of the information age, young people can obtain a wide range
of information through the network. Teenagers are often exposed to all sorts of information and not
knowing how to identify the rights and wrongs of it. The social ills include truancy, vandalism and
depression. The lack of parental supervision, less interaction among young people and the
squandering of the media are the causes of social ills among teenagers.

One of the causes of social ills among teenagers is the lack of parental supervision. It is
because parents are making ends meet and spend less time with their children. There will be a lack of
communication and understanding between parents and children. Therefore, when a child has a
problem, parents cannot curb the child's behavior in time. As a result, social ills and crimes among
young people are on the rise.

The prevalence of digital communication has changed the way teens interact with their peers.
They browse through social media excessively and make less interaction with the public. For instance,
they will be immersed in their virtual world. As a result, many teens lack communication skills on
knowing how to express themselves.

Furthermore, the media is one of the causes of social ills for teenagers. While the media
brings some benefits, there are a lot of risks as well. It plays a role in the moral degeneration of
teenagers. For example, some teenagers are over-exposed to media broadcasting violence and
pornographic content. They generally lose their ability to think about the consequences which lead
them astray.

However, in order to overcome social ills among teenagers and to tackle the increasing social
problems among adolescents as soon as possible are the most crucial. As the saying goes, prevention
is better than cure, parents must spend more time to carry out meaningful activities that allow
teenagers to pay more attention to their self-discipline. (318 words)

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