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1) The IMO regulations for timber deck cargoes require.....

a taut lifeline on the ship's centreline

lifelines to be rigged on the port and starboard


lifelines to be made available if required

lifelines to be of manila

7) Before tucking the strands of ropes to be spliced, what should you do first?

Tie a knot at the end of each strand

Tightly whip the end of each strand

Number each strand in order of tucking

Thin the strands down by cutting out half the fibres

10) When considering the location for stowing a heavy cargo item, the typical distribution of accelerations on
the ship should be kept in mind that

lower accelerations occur in the midship sections and below the weather deck

lower accelerations occur in the midship sections and above the weather deck

higher accelerations occur in the midship sections and below the weather deck

higher accelerations occur in the midship sections and above the weather deck

30) Un gaz care, atunci cand este ambalat pentru transport este partial lichid, la temperatura de 20
grade Celsius, este definit ca:

gaz comprimat

gaz lichefiat

gaz lichefiat refrigerat

gaz in solutie

13) If a liquid chemical cargo is liable to polymerise during voyage, what treatment does it normally receive

it is continously recirculated during the voyage

it is kept at the temperature above 38 degrees Celsius

an inhibitor is added to it

it is loaded at 10-15 dgrees celsius and carried in insulated tanks

10) If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity, there will
always be an increase in the

metacentric height

righting arm

righting moment

vertical moments

11) What causes ships to experience 'Stresses?'

As long as a ship is properly built and handled , it will never experience stresses

When the upward force due to weight at a point, and the downward thrust due to
buoyancy, at the same point are unequal

Stresses to a ship are mainly caused when it is subjected to forces from wind, waves and

When the downward force due to weight at a point, and the upward thrust due to
buoyancy, at the same point, are not equal

7) What is a stay used for?

To support a mast or samson post

For securing canvas awnings

As a preventer

To attach to a mooring rope for throwing ashore

2) Which of these is an advantage of derricks over cranes?

The driver can slew the load from side to side

The driver can raise and lower the jib as required

Cargo can be positioned where it is wanted

There are less working parts so simpler to maintain

25) Corectia de asieta a deplasamentului se determina cu relatia:

la navele mari, aceasta corectie este neglijabila

27) Prin testul de stabilitate se intelege :

verificarea stabilitatii initiale a navei incarcate

determinarea pe cale experimentala a inaltimii metacentrice initiale si a

coordonatelor centrului de greutate pentru nava goala

determinarea inaltimii metacentrice functie de perioada de ruliu

determinarea cotei centrului de greutate a navei goale inainte de orice


29) In calculul cantitatii de marfa al produselor petroliere transportate in vrac, notiunea de

'Free Water' exprima
apa aflata in cargo tanc aflata in separare fata de marfa incarcata

apa aflata in cargo tanc amestecata cu marfa incarcata

apa care ramane in cargo tanc dupa descarcarea marfii

apa separata de marfa la temperatura de 15 grade

1) For general cargo, thorough hold preparation is required. This is mainly to ensure that.....

bilges are clean and working

all dunnage is renewed

the next cargo is carried efficiently and safely

the previous cargo value is realized

5) The maximum mean draft to which a vessel may be safely loaded is called

mean draft

calculated draft

deep draft

load line draft

6) On what parts of the ship are fire retardant paints used?

Cargo holds

Accommodation surfaces

Hot surfaces
Tank tops

7) When leaving paint spraying equipment for a long period, the gun should be.....

left in the paint

left in thinners

washed clean with thinners and left full of paraffin

hung up to dry

8) With approaching heavy weather, name three things that must be done with the windlass?

Open brakes - put windlass in gear - cover windlass with


Lash windlass to rails - remove brake handles - switch on

power to windlass

Tighten brakes - secure cables with wires - take windlass

out of gear

Tighten brakes - cover windlass with canvas - switch on

power to windlass

10) After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You find that the only cause
of this list must be a flooded leg. The list caused by a flooded leg means your vessel has a(n)

negative GM (metacentric height)

decrease in the GZ (righting arm)

increase in the waterplane and the metacentric height

less chance of deck edge immersion

12) What are 'Hydrostatic Curves' used for in ship calculations?

Obtaining the shape of the body sections

Mainly for trim calculations for predicting end draughts

calculating the righting levers for different angles of heel

obtaining values of KN

15) In transportul carbunelui pentru evitarea procesului de autoaprindere este recomandat


ventilarea sa se faca la suprafata marfii

ventilarea marfii sa se faca atat la suprafata cat si in


ventilarea sa se faca in interiorul marfii

la acest tip de marfa nu se recomanda ventilare

18) Prin intocmirea corecta a cargo-planului se asigura :

un numar minim de guri de magazii la operare

o stabilitate longitudinala negativa

o constanta minima

un numar maxim de guri de magazii la operare

23) Navele Ro-Ro sunt caracterizate de :

instalatii proprii de operare

axa de operare orizontala

dispunerea rampei de incarcare intotdeauna in pupa

termoizolatia peretilor si a puntilor

24) Corectia de densitate se aplica pescajului de medie a mediilor, cu relatia:

25) Prin afundare pe unitate se intelege :

variatia deplasamentului la depasarea de greutati la

bordul navei

variatia deplasamentului capabila sa produca o variatie

unitara a pescajului mediu

momentul capabil sa creeze o variatie unitara de asieta

momentul capabil sa creeze o variatie unitara de banda

26) Sageata negativa (hog) se determina cu relatia:

27) In cazul situatiei de echilibru instabil, bratul de stabilitate

nu exista

tinde sa aduca nava in pozitie stabila

actioneaza ca brat de rasturnare

creste la valoarea maxima

28) Suprafetele libere lichide de la bordul navei cauzeaza

cresterea bratului de stabilitate

reducerea bratului de stabilitate

atat cresterea cat si descresterea bratului de stabilitate

functie de pozitia la bordul navei a suprafetelor libere

atat cresterea cat si descresterea bratului stabilitatii

functie de nivelul lichidului in tancuri

29) Incarcare maxima a unui cargotanc cu gaze lichefiate este determinata de

valoarea maxima a volumului tancului

valoarea maxima a volumului pe care-l poate ocupa marfa

in tanc

maxim 95% din capacitatea tancului

reglarea supapelor de siguranta montate pe cargotanc

30) Transportul international al gazelor lichefiate pe mare este reglementat de

Code for existing ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk

Code for construction and equipment of ships carrying

liquefied gases in bulk

IGC code International code for construction and

equipment for ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk

toate cele 3 raspunsuri sunt corecte

28) O nava zvelta este caracterizata de :

stabilitate initiala negativa

stabilitate buna

stabilitate excesiva

stabilitate redusa

27) Abscisele greutatilor incarcate la bordul navei se masoara fata de:


planul neutru

planul de baza

11) Topside icing decreases vessel stability because it increases


free surface



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