LineCoding Exp

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Line Coding Techniques

Batch E
Names :
Pranav Gandhi 142207005
Samruddhi Lavate 142207007
Manali Kamble 142207006
Sakshi Shetty 142207008

Aim: To understand & study Line Coding

Apparatus: Scientech 2156 Trainer Kit for understanding Carrier Modulation & Data
Formatting Techniques and its Applications¸ DSO

Basic Concept: Line coding is a method used to represent digital data as digital signals
for transmission over communication channels. Digital data is typically represented using
binary values (0s and 1s), and line coding converts these binary values into electrical or
optical signals.

Properties of an Ideal Line Code: Polarity: A line code should be polar, meaning it has
both positive and negative voltage levels to represent binary 1s and 0s. Timing: The line code
should have a mechanism for clock synchronization between the transmitter and the
receiver to ensure accurate decoding.

DC Component and Baseline Wander: A challenge in line coding is the presence of a

DC component, which can cause baseline wander (fluctuations in the average voltage level).
Some encoding schemes, such as AMI and HDB3, address this issue to maintain a more
balanced signal.

Clock Recovery: Many line coding schemes require synchronization between the
transmitter and receiver clocks. like Manchester encoding embed clock information within
the signal, simplifying the process of recovering the clock at the receiver.

Spectral Characteristics: Line coding affects the spectral characteristics of the

transmitted signal, influencing factors like bandwidth usage and interference susceptibility.
Unipolar Encoding: In unipolar encoding, all signal levels are on one side of the time
axis, typically either above or below. Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ), a high voltage level may
represent a binary 1, and a low voltage level represents a binary 0. An issue with unipolar
encoding is the potential for a DC (direct current) component, which can lead to problems
such as baseline wander in long-distance communication.

Polar Encoding: polar encoding, signal levels can be on both sides of the time axis. In
Polar NRZ, positive and negative voltage levels represent binary 1 and 0, respectively. Polar
RZ ensures the signal returns to zero between each bit period, reducing the average power
but possibly increasing bandwidth.

Bipolar Encoding: AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) is a bipolar encoding scheme

where zero is represented alternately by a positive and a negative voltage level. Pseudo
ternary is another bipolar scheme where the absence of a pulse represents binary 1, and the
presence of a pulse represents binary 0.


Figure 1. Practical Setup On Kit

Figure 2Input Signal With Clock

Figure 3Input Signal With CLock

Figure 4NRZ Output

Figure 5 Bipolar Return to Zero
Figure 6Biphase Manchester
Figure 7 Bipolar Return to Zero

Figure 8Return to Zero

Figure 9 Return To Zero
Conclusion: line coding is a crucial step in the process of transmitting digital data over
communication channels. The choice of a particular line coding scheme depends on factors
such as the characteristics of the communication medium, power constraints, and the need
for synchronization and error detection. Each line coding technique has its advantages and
trade-offs, and the selection is often tailored to the specific requirements of the
communication system.-

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