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Rebirth of a Movie Star, 重⽣之朗朗星空 by

Category: Romance

Genre: acting, blackbelly, boyxboy, celebrities, childcare, chinesebl,

chinesenovel, danmei, drama, modernday, previouslifetalent, rebirth,
romance, secondchance, shounenai, showbiz, sliceoflife, timeskip
Language: English

Status: Completed

Published: 2019-10-04

Updated: 2020-12-10

Packaged: 2021-03-01 09:33:12

Chapters: 67

Words: 186,231


Summary: Disclaimer : Not my story all rights and credits go to the author
and translator. For offline reading purposes Author:J112233 Translator /

source : In his

previous life Bai Lang was a small star. He rejected his boss and stupidly
engaged in a relationship which he thought was true love. He didn't expect
that he would get betrayed, die of a heart attack and trouble his boss to
accompany him on his last journey. After his rebirth, he decided to give up
on true love. As for his boss... since he wants something then just let him
have it ba. So this little star after his rebirth collected his boss, and then it
became a true love story with his boss. In between there are good
friends/love rivals/scum men in the mix. A sweet story with a happy
ending. Year 2014 Status in COO 61 chapters + 6 extras (Complete) Note:-

Pictures in the book cover in not mine and was made using adobe spark.

Language: English
Read Count: 388,936

Chapter 1 - Digital Clock

"I'm telling you that it wasn't me. It's up to you if you want to believe it or

The man's voice was low and husky and carried with it a strange feeling.

Bai Lang had always been unable to like the sound of it. But right now what
made Bai Lang's hands and feet feel even more cold, was the meaning
behind those words.

"... if it's not you, then who?" Bai Lang's throat felt dry.

"You're asking me?" Seeing Bai Lang's tense appearance, the man's voice
carried laughter. "Shouldn't you be asking yourself?"

Bai Lang felt as though he had been hit over the head. He took an
involuntary step backwards.

The tall and imposing man in front of him bent his waist and picked up the
remote control from the table.

"Pa!" There was a noise and a TV that took up almost half of the wall lit up.

Bai Lang's thoughts were still sunken into a chaotic emotional state and the
sound of the broadcast pierced his ears painfully.

"... In regards to Kang Jian's earlier press conference, Asia International's

Chief Executive's daughter, heiress Shen LingLing has also ten minutes ago
updated her social media to publicly confirm the news of her engagement to
Kang Jian...."

Bai Lang suddenly raised his head. He stared disbelievingly at the

television screen.

The screen showed a press conference. The lights and cameras flashed
constantly, showing Kang Jian's unmistakably familiar face in high
definition. There was a dazzling smile on that face.

".... She writes that she is incredibly grateful for everyone's well wishes and
also hopes that everyone will continue to support Kang Jian. Kang Jian's
road to fame has not been easy and he has shown that he is an honest and
sincere person who is also warm-hearted and gentle. As for those people
who have spread heinous slanders about him and Bai Lang being gay in
order to suppress Kang Jian, Shen LingLing expresses deep regret. After all
she has been in a relationship with Kang Jiang for two years, it's only that
they didn't publicise until now..."

After hearing this, Bai Lang's entire person shook.

".... Now that these two people had decided to come together to form a
family and plan a future together, they hope that those slanders will settle
down. As for the date of the wedding, taking into consideration that in the
coming months Kang Jian will be filming Director Guo Shan's latest
masterpiece Mountain Rain Will Come, she plans to have a simple wedding
with Kang Jian overseas. To have the support and well-wishes of their
friends and family is their greatest desire. She once again wishes to thank
everyone for their support...."

The sound of the broadcast was incredibly crisp and clear. Each word was
like a knife cutting into Bai Lang's heart.

Bai Lang suddenly felt as though he couldn't breathe. Add to it the fact that
he had had trouble sleeping for a week and the vision in front of his eyes
suddenly went black. In his chest a terrible pain tore through his heart. Bai
Lang unconsciously clutched his left breast, crumpling his shirt.

The man in front of his eyes looked shocked. He took a step closer.

Normally Bai Lang would have backed away but this time he found that he
couldn't. He could only double over painfully. In his ears the words

"wedding", "dating", these type of words echoed repeatedly....

The pain in his chest became worse and worse.

It was so painful that cold sweat appeared on his skin, and from his eyes
tears fell out.

His last impression was that the voice that he originally didn't like was
yelling, filled with desperation.

"Bai Lang!!!?"


The terrible pain made Bai Lang gasp, then once again he woke up from
that terrible nightmare.

When he opened his eyes, he heard the sound of his own gasping and
painful breathing in the quiet room.

Bai Lang lay on the bed. He stared, dazed, at the white ceiling lit by a street
lamp from the window and listened to the sound of his own heart pumping
furiously; peng, peng, peng. It felt as though any minute now it would fail.

After a long time, when his heart beat had somewhat slowed down, Bai
Lang finally rubbed his face and raised his body to drink a sip of water.

There was a warm thermos beside his bed. In the last few days he had
gotten into the habit of preparing one before going to bed.

Only after feeling the warm liquid flow down his throat could Bai Lang
escape from the grasp of repeated nightmare he had night after night.

However if it was only just a nightmare, a dream, then how good would it

And if it wasn't a dream, then how should he describe it....?

Bai Lang clutched the thermos, staring dazed into the darkness.

His eyes turned, unbidden, again to the digital clock sitting on his bedside
In the darkness, the illuminated numbers and words clearly showed: August
23rd, Year 20XX.

This was the summer of ten years ago.

The him that had died of a heart attack, had somehow returned to ten years


In the entertainment world ten years into the future, although Bai Lang
perhaps could not be considered a superstar, he was at least someone who
had attained household name status.

He had a warm and gentle image. In the broadcast of the long drama
Partners for Life, he portrayed the role of a young single father. He held the
hand of a five year old little boy and this image of father and son was
carved deep into the hearts of the audience.

This kind of suitable role helped shape his image. Bai Lang's fans came
from all age groups: from small school students, to old 70 or 80 year old
grandmothers and grandfathers. During a particular time, he was also
considered every unmarried girl's dream "good husband" image

Suitably accompanying Bai Lang's image was his clean and warm
appearance. He had white skin that never tanned, straight and glistening
black hair, and full lips that carried with it a natural redness. He had a tall
and slender figure and was a living example of a white-skinned and red-
lipped scholar from a storybook. After Partners became a popular drama, it
was extremely difficult for Bai Lang to shake off this image.

This kind of advantage also had its limitations. In his next five dramas, Bai
Lang's company arranged for him roles all of which showed him as a good
and upright youth, it was unable to be changed. In the future all of his roles
went in this direction: righteous, good and family-friendly.
Thus Bai Lang's advancement was limited, however since this image was
suitable for many types of product endorsements, Bai Lang's rewards could
have been said to be more than his losses. In terms of amount of taxes paid,
in many years Bai Lang could have been accounted in the top five artists,
and can be considered an actor who worked hard for the aim of earning

[T/N: This is a bit hard to translate. It's basically saying someone who
accepts a lot of roles, not all of which are outstanding, in order to hunker
down and slowly bit by bit grind out money. Not someone who is chasing
achievement/awards or trying to make waves.}

However for someone like Bai Lang who had this kind of spotless image,
even the slightest bit of slanderous rumors was extremely difficult to
recover from.

In these ten years as an actor, Bai Lang had faced three great trials.

The first time was not long after Partners for Life became famous. Because
of the large debts of Bai Lang's brother Bai Li, his image suffered a blow.

But after all it was the problem of Bai Lang's family members and was not
directly related to him, and so after Bai Lang appeared to help Bai Li clear
his debts, he was able to pacify the talk about his messy family background.

However due to this incident, his fame which had only just begun to rise,
was once again pulled back down.

The second time Bai Lang became famous, it was after a few more years.

At that time Bai Lang accepted a role in the reality cooking show Who is
Hosting Dinner? and for the second time tasted the flavor of becoming
famous. The friendly and handsome young man would carefully select
ingredients and go to a famous star's home help them cook and host a
dinner party for their guests. At the same time the audience was able to see
each star's luxurious homes and get a glimpse into their private lives. This
plus the carefully selected menus and delicious delicacies made the show
incredibly popular with mothers and grandmothers.
At that time Bai Lang once again became the number one male star that
every woman wanted to marry. This was undoubtedly related to his cooking
skills. Any company that was half-related to cooking came knocking on Bai
Lang's door to ask him to endorse their products. All the way until an fuzzy
and unclear video was broadcasted onto a popular video-sharing site,
accusing Bai Lang of often attending luxurious yacht parties to gamble and
take drugs. These kind of serious accusations led to Bai Lang being
investigated by the police. Although the investigation turned up no evidence
to support these claims, Bai Lang's fortune took a second large blow.

But the God of Fortune had clearly taken an interest in Bai Lang. After two
quiet and lonely years where he didn't have much work, Bai Lang shot a
MV for a love song and once again audiences took note of this elegant,
clean and gentle youth.

At this time Bai Lang was someone who had been in the entertainment
circle for many years. After the two previous tumultuous incidences of
wind and rain, in which he had experienced the coldness of human hearts,
he had learnt to become strong internally. This kind of inner strength and
elegant bearing was not something a new young artist who had only
experienced success could demonstrate.

When he once again obtained a role as a second male lead in the movie
Sunset, Bai Lang portrayed the tragic role of someone who was
misunderstood however in the end stood in the background to silently bless
the male and female lead. This kind of role strongly hinted about Bai Lang's
own tragedies and misfortunes in the past, and so under the influence of this

"full of meaning" image, Bai Lang for the third time achieved a height in
his career.

However what didn't change was, after attaining this height, there would
always be an inevitable fall.

The third time was the last time. This time Bai Lang faced the accusation of
According to the stories, Bai Lang was not only gay but he was also a dirty

Because he used underhand and terrible methods to force the new star Kang
Jian to be with him.

Don't look at Bai Lang's cultured and clean image, underneath that he hid a
disgusting and ugly face.

Isn't it obvious that the reason each time Bai Lang was able to return to the
spotlight, was because he had climbed into some rich man's bed?

No wonder Kang Jian felt disgusted, and had no choice but to publicize
everything in order to prevent more people from being hurt....

As for the starring role that Bai Lang was originally supposed to have in
Mountain Rain Will Come, the fact that it was changed to Kang Jian was
only karma and justified comeuppance....

This kind of human scum should disappear forever from the entertainment
world, and never again see the light of day...


Each time he saw this kind of online comment, the corners of Bai Lang's
lips would lift ironically as he reminisced.

All of these was nothing compared to the words Kang Jian had once spoken
to him.

"Ah Lang, we love each other. Clearly we haven't hurt anybody so why do
we need to hide our relationship!?"

"I know that you want the best for me. However what I want is to stand
proudly by your side. I want to hold your hand in front of the whole world.

I love you so much, I don't want to hide anymore. I've suffered enough!!"

"Just think about our future together. Don't we have many decades together?
You know that I can't let go of you forever. How can we live the rest of our
lives hiding in the shadows like sewer rats?"

"Why don't we try? Let's try! Perhaps after publicising our relationship, we
will win everyone's support and love! Look at these comments, don't the
fans always say they'll support us no matter what? What do we have to

"Anyway, even if the whole world is against us, we will still have each
other isn't that right!?"


Unable to withstand Kang Jian's begging, Bai Lang finally decided to try.

He was stupid, so very stupid.

They had discussed it previously. Bai Lang would first make an appearance
at some particular venues, in order to allow the fans some time to get
accustomed to the idea. {T/N: Basically at gay venues, bars etc.}

However Bai Lang had only stepped half a foot out of the closet when
everything changed.

Kang Jian became uncontactable, and following that poisonous and terrible
rumours began to assault Bai Lang.

Bai Lang was hardly able to withstand it, however in order to fulfill his
promise to his lover, Bai Lang didn't run but could only force himself to
weather the storm. He had endured the previous two incidents in this
manner. Even when his father, mother and older brother all stood out to
publicly denounce him, announcing they were severing all ties with him, he
could only clench his teeth and endure it. {T/N: Remember the slanders are
not just that he was gay, but that he was someone who was dirty/slept-
around/forced other people to be with him etc etc.}

However two weeks later, when Bai Lang finally once again received news
of Kang Jian, he was met with this kind of press conference.
In it Kang Jian and Shen LingLing's wedding was announced, and at the
same time Kang Jian stole the role that he had been anticipating for a long
time and which was supposed to help change his image.

And so, everything became crystal clear.

However unfortunately it was not until the moment just before he died, that
he finally understood everything...

A familiar pain pierced his chest.

Bai Lang paid no attention to it. In the darkness he could only laugh at his
own idiocy.

Even he didn't understand why fate had chosen to return him to ten years

For someone who had nothing to live for like him, what was the point?

Especially for someone like him who had an unhealthy heart, who had been
told by doctors that he had to avoid becoming overly strained or undergo
too much pressure, and could only live carefully and delicately, he probably
had an expiry date of only 50 or 60 years. In his last life had used it all up
prematurely, but this time would the result be any different?

Working hard to live. Living carefully to survive. Last lifetime Bai Lang
thought he had done enough.

In the end all he had achieved was an episode of terrible pain. Fortune,
fame, in the end all of it had only been empty air.

If he could start again, with even a chance for revenge, so what of it?

However when thinking of those last painful moments, and those strange
last images, there was still a few things that Bai Lang couldn't forget.

It was as though his soul had left his body.

In his previous life, as for what happened after his heart attack, Bai Lang
should have had no knowledge. However strangely he actually knew. After
he fell down there was someone who had caught his limp body, someone
who had called his name desperately, someone who had taken him to the
hospital. The images which came after came into his head chaotically...

All the way until the emergency doctor had announced that the resuscitation
had failed and that all hope was gone for him. His parents and brother had
long cut ties with a "monster" like him. However at his funeral there had
been a lone black umbrella shielding him, and someone had with his own
two hands, slowly, slowly, taken his ashes into the cemetery.

Bai Lang closed his eyes and recalled his unbelievable images.

He had once heard the older generation say that ghosts at their own funerals
would be drawn to the person who mourned them the most.

Qiu Qian.

Bai Lang would never have thought, that it would be him.

Chapter 2 - A Black Umbrella

Bai Lang and Qiu Qian had met quite early on.

Long before Bai Lang first appeared on TV screens, the two of them had
had a meeting.

At that time, Bai Lang was a third year student at a famous university. One
day on the street he had been given a business card. For Bai Lang, who
looked clean and good-looking, this was not the first time something like
this had happened. Every time previously he had simply thrown it into the
trash bin and never thought about it again.

However that year was the first time his older brother Bai Li had
experienced a business failure, resulting in a large debt. Although the sum
was nothing compared to the one that in the future the Bai Lang who had
gotten famous would have to repay for him, however at that time it was
enough to make the Bai family suffer some pressure.

Thus, Bai Lang's father and mother came to Bai Lang to discuss
withdrawing him from school.

Bai Li was their eldest son. And their "backup son" Bai Lang was someone
who had been born unexpectedly and was outside their plans. In these two
old people's hearts, their expectations and concerns for their eldest son Bai
Li was always much higher than their second son Bai Lang.

And this time if Bai Li was not able to come up with the money, he would
face the penalty of a bankruptcy record, and would be a stain that he would
not be able to clean off his entire life. So no matter what the fact that the
younger brother Bai Lang should reach out to help his brother was
something that they felt was to be expected.

Bai Lang was not surprised by this request even though he was not close
emotionally with Bai Li who was older than him by seven years. However
withdrawing from school would impact his future greatly. So in order to

remain in school and still have money to help his family, Bai Lang sought
out the company who had given him the business card. He thought about
the advance signing bonus that the company promised him. If he could help
Bai Li weather this initial hardship, then he could slowly make up the rest
in time.

However in this world there was no such thing as a free lunch. Bai Lang,
who was innocent and naive and didn't have any societal experience, fell
into a trap this time. After he received the money, Bai Li's burdens were
reduced greatly. However at this time Bai Lang found out that his first job
was to go to a club to accompany people to drink. He regretted it but it was
too late to back out.

It was at this time that Bai Lang went out to the club, that he met the VIP

customer, Qiu Qian.

Qiu Qian was immediately attracted to the pale-faced Bai Lang at first
glance. It was not related to Bai Lang's appearance. It wasn't as though that
in the circle of actors and models that he was used to associating in, that
there wasn't anyone better looking than Bai Lang. What piqued Qiu Qian's
interest was the expression of panic and disgust in those eyes which the
young man was unable to completely conceal. He wanted to see what it
would take to make this young man yield.

However Qiu Qian overestimated Bai Lang. After only a few sips of spirits,
Bai Lang became dizzy and was able to be pushed down by Qiu Qian into
the couch. After being held underneath his chin and kissed with tongue,
with their upper thighs rubbing together, Bai Lang's eyes were filled with
tears and he was played with by Qiu Qian until he was trembling and
humiliated and nearly came inside his pants.

It was Qiu Qian who was pressing Bai Lang down who decided not to do it
until the end. It was like he was playing with a small animal. He only licked
Bai Lang's red ears and unexpectedly let Bai Lang go that night.

But the day after Bai Lang ran away in a panic from the club, he received
the notice that his contract had been transferred to the En Jiang Group's
subsidiary Total Entertainment. He received a call from a slew of strangers

which told him that Total Entertainment's big boss was Qiu Qian and that he
was very interested in taking Bai Lang as a kept lover, because he was clean
and beautiful.

{T/N: 包养 /"bao yang", literally means nurturing/cultivating and basically

means taking someone in and providing for all their expenses and in return
they will become your kept lover or mistress. A sugar daddy/sugar baby
type relationship.}

Bai Lang was so angry his entire body trembled. He was also both shocked
and scared.

When Qiu Qian called personally to ask him, Bai Lang rejected him with a
trembling voice. To this Qiu Qian replied in his husky voice and on the
phone lightly laughed at Bai Lang for his innocence and naivety.
In the following weeks Bai Lang was on tenterhooks, afraid that Qiu Qian
would come after him for revenge, however nothing came of it. However
all of the good opportunities for training and exposure passed him by. The
other small name actors beside him told him that this could be counted as
being slowly frozen out. If he didn't consider changing his answer, then his
career as an actor would be at an end.

This was something that Bai Lang could only wish for. At that time, Bai
Lang only wanted to fulfil his contract at the most basic level. Once he
repaid his debt, he would be free of this world of darkness and evil.

However it was as though the company wanted to keep Bai Lang hanging.

Every job he got came with minimal payment, such as being the waiter at a
wine exhibition or passing out flyers at a car exhibition. This way it
dragged on and on, the contract wore on for over a year and by the time Bai
Lang had graduated university, he still had not repaid his debt.

In this time Bai Lang had also considered breaking the contract. However
the high cost of breaking the contract was not something that Bai Lang
could repay. Also, the contract clearly stated that during the time of the
contract, Bai Lang was not able to undertake any other kind of separate

work. Whether it be a tutor, shop assistant or even an assistant teacher at the

school, it was all not possible.

It was completely denying Bai Lang all work opportunities. Even though he
graduated from university, if he wasn't able to get out of the contract, Bai
Lang was still restricted and had no income. And at this time the Bai family
was still not able to completely walk out from the shadow of Bai Li's failed
business venture. In the face of Bai Lang's inability to work, they were
filled with laments and complaints. They had completely forgotten that the
entire reason that Bai Lang had gotten into this mess was because of Bai Li.

After Bai Lang graduated university for two months, just as his situation
was becoming more and more hopeless, the company suddenly
unexpectedly gave him a role in a long drama that was to run for over half a
year. It was also something that suited Bai Lang's image.
In order to help him undertake this role which had a "not many but also not
few" number of scenes, the appropriate acting lessons and training also
soon followed. In the next four months, Bai Lang undertook a busy and
varied schedule of training which was almost equal to the official artists
signed to the company.

Of course, the costs of such a training were to be undertaken by Bai Lang

himself. According to the entertainment company, since the benefit of the
training was Bai Lang then it was up to Bai Lang to pay for it. However it
seemed that the previous incident of Bai Lang rejecting being a kept lover
seemed to have been forgotten by the company.

Bai Lang was suspicious about this incident however he couldn't consider it
too much. The reality of his circumstances forced him to accept these
conditions. He seriously undertook his training programme and completely
dedicated himself to his first role in Partners for Life as a single father,
Jiang XinCheng.

In the drama, although Bai Lang's acting ability was shallow, however his
image completely completely fulfilled the requirements of the role. He was
someone who had not been in society for long, an innocent and awkward
single father. All of this helped to cover up Bai Lang's inexperience, and the

addition of the cute and genius six year old child star Duo Duo helped a lot
too. He acted as Bai Lang's son in the drama and helped Bai Lang became
famous almost overnight.

As the six month long drama Partners slowly broadcasted, during this time
the company also helped Bai Lang accept many advertisement
endorsements. All different types of jobs came his way and further helped
push Bai Lang into the road of becoming an actor and after this it was
impossible for him to get away.

Even afterwards when his fortune turned, Bai Lang did not consider leaving
the road of being an actor. The first acting job really brought to Bai Lang
many feelings of true joy.
However afterwards, Bai Li once again had a second business failure. This
time Bai Li did not learn from the mistakes of the first time, and after
falling in with some unsavory 'friends' and believing he had some insider
knowledge, he thought he could invest in an unlisted company and be able
to win back a big profit. Thus he borrowed a large sum of money from an
underground money lender, and placed it all into this company. {T/N:
Underground money lender = loan shark. Decided to keep it as
underground money lender, sounds more sinister lol.}

However in the end the insider knowledge he received was only empty air.

Thus Bai Li fell into a huge debt. When the underground money lender
furiously pursued him to repay the money, the entire Bai family was placed
under violent threats of danger. So Bai Lang, who had no house or assets,
could only open his mouth to ask the entertainment company for more
money in order to help his brother repay his debts and bypass the storm.

From that day on, the Bai Lang who on the screen was bright and dazzling,
began to take on the dark and terrible burden of repaying debts.

Because it wasn't just Bai Li's debt, but also because Bai Lang had been
contracted to endorse several products however when the news of Bai Li's
debts ruined Bai Lang's image, he had repay a much larger damage of
defaulting on his contracts. {T/N: Because his contract probably stipulates
that he cannot have any image damaging incidents.}

And these two incidents of great rises and great falls became like a vicious
cycle. And Bai Li continued to ask Bai Lang to help him repay various
debts. Thus Bai Lang's debts became more and more, to the extent that even
if he wanted to buy a car, he had to consider things carefully.

However Bai Lang's debtee, from the beginning to the end, had always been
Qiu Qian.

It was Qiu Qian who helped Bai Lang settle his damages for breaking his
contracts, it was him that accepted all of Bai Lang's responsibilities. And
the reason seemed to be just so he could at irregular intervals call Bai Lang
on the phone, to discuss with him his debts and his choices in life, and ask
him to reconsider his proposal which was still valid: to be his kept lover.

After seeing the gentle but stubborn Bai Lang refuse him time after time, it
seemed that Qiu Qian was able to get some joy out of these interactions. He
loved to bring up this proposal each time Bai Lang was at his lowest, to test
Bai Lang's perseverance.

This kind of mocking and playful attitude provided an explanation for some
things. The people beside Bai Lang, whether it be his stylist, manager, or
make up artist, were all people of skill and talent. However each time he
faced a crucial trial, they would not receive much assistance. It was as
though a cold blanket always covered Bai Lang and so his road as an actor
was always difficult and shallow.

It was not until the final time that Bai Lang's heart really broke.

He would rather that these ugly and poisonous slanders were tricks that Qiu
Qian had created, rather than Kang Jian. That was why he had run over
there to accuse Qiu Qian. And the answer he had received was the one that
until now he had been too afraid to face: Kang Jian's betrayal.

It was probably good that he had died at that moment. Bai Lang always
thought this.

Facing the rejection of both his family and his lover, he really didn't know
what else he had to live for.

But he had never thought that Qiu Qian, whom Bai Lang had always seen
as a knife held to his throat, would be so unexpectedly sorrowful over him.

Even if there must have been some element of guilt in there, Bai Lang had
never blamed Qiu Qian. He only remembered Qiu Qian's holding the black
umbrella, and his anguished profile. That image was like a stamp, from the
moment it appeared, it remained stubbornly fixed in Bai Lang's mind....

In the darkness the piercing sound of the mobile phone rang, breaking Bai
Lang's daydream.

He picked up his phone and took a look. It was his older brother Bai Li

Bai Lang's heart felt extremely complicated. Because judging by the time,
he knew that his older brother was calling to beg for his help.

After Partners for Life was broadcast for two months, Bai Lang had only
just signed a few important endorsement contracts. However it was at this
time that Bai Li became indebted to the underground lender for the sum of
two million borrowed money plus three million interest, a total sum of five
million. He had received his final notice. If he didn't pay within one week,
then there would be consequences.

Since fate had chosen to let Bai Lang do over everything again, then this
time what should he chose....?

"Big brother," Bai Lang waited two more rings before answering the phone.

"Little brother!! You have to help me!! My life is in your hands!!"

Bai Li's cry sounded from the phone.

Chapter 3 - Little White Rabbit

This night, starting from 2AM in the morning, Bai Lang received three
phone calls. One was from his older brother and two were from his mother.

All of it was to tell him how dangerous the money lender was and how Bai
Li and the two old people were frightened to death. They had received
several phone calls in the dead of the night with no one talking on the other
end, and also people had been tailing them on their way out to buy
groceries. For several nights past they had been so frightened they couldn't
sleep. As for Bai Lang who had a successful career, all he needed to do was
to run by the bank tomorrow morning and borrow five million dollars to
help Bai Li and save their family. It was this simple, no?
Bai Lang lowered his head listening to their calls, and in his heart he
couldn't help but recall the scenes from his previous life.

Because after this incident, Bai Li would continue to borrow money time
and time again, and would time and time again ask him for help to repay it.

Through this incident Bai Li came to understand that if he was in debt, then
Bai Lang's reputation would also suffer. So since he knew that no matter
what, his younger brother Bai Lang would come to his aid, he felt free to go
out and do whatever he wanted.

All the way until eight years later when Bai Li had finally accumulated
enough experience from this manner of using money and was able to open
two relatively successful restaurants in his hometown of T City. He became
the so-called boss of a "chain" and made a minor name for himself. Then
when the ugly rumors surrounding Bai Lang being gay was broken to the
media, Bai Li was the first person to stand out and post on the two
restaurant's website that the Bai family had not taught this younger son
well, that they wanted to apologize to society, as well as to completely cut
off all ties with Bai Lang.

This notice was furiously reposted by all the paparazzi. Everyone said that
even though there was no real evidence to support to rumors, Bai Lang's

own family had pretty much admitted it. Hence it was clear that Bai Lang
really had some serious problems. So the previously unsubstantiated
slanders became real in this fashion. For Bai Lang, who had painstakingly
supported Bai Li and these two old people these past years, he was
heartlessly stabbed in the back several times.

However at that time Bai Lang still felt guilty towards his parents. Because
he knew that the two old people, who had grown up in a small regional
town, were very traditional thinking people. Homosexuality in their eyes
was something that was disgusting and perverted. Actually when Bai Lang
admitted his sexual orientation to his parents, the words they had spoken to
him were even uglier than that which was being said outside by others.
However people's hearts in reality were made of flesh and blood. If it was
cut then of course it would hurt.

Bai Lang had been a good and obedient son for his entire life. He was a
good younger brother. However all he had gotten in return was this kind of
abandonment. Although he understood it logically, however Bai Lang did
not want to repeat this kind of experience.

Especially Bai Li. When Bai Lang thought about letting Bai Li use him for
money again, he really wanted to jump out of the window of the building.

The phone had still been held in his hand for too long and it was slightly
hot. Bai Lang paused for a few seconds and then finally decided to dial a

In his previous life, he had never before called this number voluntarily.

However it had always been saved inside his phone.

"Du–du–du—", then there was the sound of the call been connected.

Then,"Who is it!?"

The deep and husky voice sounded angry. It seemed like the person on the
other end hadn't even had time to open their eyes yet.

"It's me, Bai Lang." Bai Lang looked again at the digital clock. It was still
August 23rd 20XX, 4AM in the morning.

"Does Mr Qiu have time to talk?"


"You have something on in the afternoon? Brother Lang, are you going
somewhere ah?"

The young voice on the phone belonged to Bai Lang's assistant Xiao Yang,
Yang GuoZhong.
Bai Lang had previously considered Yang GuoZhong a faithful and loyal
assistant who had helped him in many situations, even down to the details
of selecting his lunch boxes and creating multiple accounts to help talk for
him on the internet. Once Bai Lang had completely trusted him and had no
guard against him at all.

However after the incident regarding the video of the yacht party, his
assistant was suddenly changed from Xiao Yang to Er Hong, whose real
name was Hong Hong. {T/N: "Er" means two, referring to the fact that
Hong Hong name has 2 Hong's. They are different characters but
pronounced similarly.} It was not until then that Bai Lang knew that other
than being his assistant, Xiao Yang had another job, and that was selling
news about the private lives of stars to the paparazzi.

He clearly had such a friendly and happy face, with a liveliness that
brightened the atmosphere everywhere he went. However in reality he was
doing all he could to get close to the assistants of other famous stars, and
through casual conversation he was trying to glean information that he
could sell. Until that moment Bai Lang finally realized that the news about
Bai Li's debt was most likely leaked because Xiao Yang was by his side and
overheard Bai Lang speaking to Bai Li when the other person was yelling at
him and begging for help.

After all when an underground money lender was trying to chase a debt,
they would keep it secret from the outside world. They obviously knew that

Bai Li had Bai Lang behind him to help repay his debt, so the money lender
would not do anything so stupid as to destroy Bai Lang's fortune and also
expose themselves in the process.

Originally Bai Lang had been suspicious that it was Qiu Qian who had
leaked the news. After all Bai Lang had had no choice but to ask the
company to lend him money. He had also received a phone call from Qiu
Qian asking him if he wanted to reconsider the matter of being a kept lover.

But now that Bai Lang thought about it, it was more likely that Qiu Qian
only had a passing interest. But because of that, in this life, Bai Lang finally
had the courage to make that phone call last night.
Towards Xiao Yang's question, Bai Lang only said vaguely, "I'm going to
see the boss. I have some things to discuss with him."

"The boss!? Big Boss Qiu?!" The voice on the phone rose two octaves.

"How come ah!? Is it a new drama or what? You should tell me these kind
of things ah! Okay, is it tomorrow afternoon? I'll take Brother Lang there.

Where are you meeting? I'll take you Brother Lang, you don't have a car

Bai Lang laughed. This type of question was probing him for information.

The Bai Lang who had mingled in the entertainment world for ten years
could already discern it. "Since we are having a discussion, where else
could it be but at the company office? Is there something wrong with the
company office that we have to go out and spend money?"

"Oh. It's like that." Xiao Yang's voice fell slightly. "Then what time? I'll go
and pick you up?"

"There's no need. These two days I won't be turning my phone on. You
should have a good rest. The advertisement shoot has been changed to the
day after tomorrow."

They were still filming Partners for Life {T/N: Remember it is a super long
6 month show, and they're filming and broadcasting at the same time}.

However because the male lead had some conflicts in schedule, so they
could only film a little, then rest a little. The director was so stressed his

hair nearly went white however this let Bai Lang have quite a lot of free
time to do other jobs.

"Tomorrow as well? What are you doing? Are you meeting Mr Qiu again?"

Xiao Yang asked inquisitively.

"Tomorrow I'm going home to see my family whilst I have some free time.
When I get busy again I won't have time." Bai Lang pretty much only went
home once every few months, so this reasoning made sense.

"Okay. Brother Lang, once you finish your talk with Big Boss Qiu,
remember to tell me ah!" Xiao Yang didn't want to give up. "I hope that
Brother Lang will get more roles in dramas and fly up to the sky! That way
I can become the most important assistant on set, ahahaha!!"

Hearty laughter sounded from inside the phone. Bai Lang thought about
how much sincerity there was in that laughter. "Okay. See you in two days."

"Bye, Brother Lang."


Two hours later, Bai Lang sat respectfully on the sofa outside Qiu Qian's
office, waiting for him.

Total Entertainment was only a small subsidiary of the En Jiang Group, so

Qiu Qian didn't often here appear here. If one wanted to see Qiu Qian then
one had to make an appointment very early and come here to wait.

If one wanted to talk about the En Jiang Group behind Qiu Qian, everyone
knew that it belonged to the Xindao's Qiu Family. {T/N: Xindao is a place
name, like Qingdao. It literally means "New Island". The author's following
description makes me think of Macau/Hong Kong but it's a made up place


Speaking of Xindao, it was a place that only in the last ten years had been
legitimized as a designated speciality gambling area. It was known for its
nightlife, exportation business and entertainment business. However

previous to that, it was a place where illegal gambling and black market
exportation was rife.

The illegal activities coming from on the island was very serious and it was
almost impossible to completely change its ways. Until one year when the
government somehow saw the light and decided to just simply legalize its
gambling and open its harbor. That way they could openly and legitimately
police and regulate its activities.

The Qiu family had been doing business on Xindao for generations. At the
time of the legalization they were already quite powerful. Once their
business became legal they immediately began to spread their business
properly and openly. They opened casino after casino, hotel after hotel,
buying up bundles and bundles of land. After ten years of washing
themselves clean, they could now be considered a very legitimate
entertainment, hospitality and shipping company.

However the Qiu family still followed the old traditions and family business
model. Their so-called "professional management model" was just a veneer,
underneath it the regulations that they followed were a minority, and the
ones that they flaunted was the majority. In actuality, all the power still lay
in the family head. So of all the Qiu's family's enterprises, not one was
listed on the stock market. They simply placed it under the umbrella
company called "En Jiang Qiu Group". In the business world no one dared
to look down on them.

{T/N: So basically unlike most major corporations which are listed on the
stock exchange and have a board of directors and are answerable to their
shareholders, the En Jiang group is basically run in an old-school family
business model where all the power lies with the head of the company who
is also the head of the family. Think more mafia or yakuza style. Hope that
makes sense. I tried to follow how the author wrote it, but not sure if the
translation makes as much sense as the original.}

As for the Qiu family which originally came from Xindao, because they
were involved in the shipping business, from an early time they had
expanded to all corners of the world. In the mainland, other than shipping,
the Qiu family also was familiar with the hospitality business. Since unlike

on Xindao, gambling was illegal on the mainland, so they turned their focus
on entertainment venues, hotels and high-class clubs, as well as the related
businesses of selling alcohol, cigars and luxury cars.
In the last couple of years, the Qiu family had taken steps to venture into
the entertainment world and had created the not large but also not small

"Total Entertainment" company. Originally insiders did not have much

expectations of it. They felt that the entertainment world was too complex
and its ocean too deep, just because you had money didn't mean you would
become successful. However within a few years, Total Entertainment had
debuted a successful male idol group R-RED, as well as two winners of the

"Golden Coil" trophy {T/N: A made-up singing award like the Grammys}.

In addition they had signed the young movie emperor Su Quan who was
developing overseas. These kind of showy successes had smashed the
glasses of many insiders, causing them to realize that once you had both
money and power, then no ocean was too deep for you to swim in.

As for Qiu Qian, who in the rumors was the illegitimate son of the head of
the Qiu family, in the beginning he was just a small-time shipping boss that
worked at the docks and was often at sea, and the family did not place much
importance on him. However for reasons people didn't know, in the last few
years he had suddenly become powerful, to the point where he behaved as
though he was the successor of the family. Old man Qiu, the head of the
family, really had in the last half year, started giving control of the family to
the just over 30 year old Qiu Qian to manage. Especially the heart of the
family, its shipping business, which had caused Qiu Qian's personal worth
to skyrocket to over ten billion in one stroke.

However Qiu Qian's outer appearance completely did not match with the
appearance of a company big boss.

He had a tanned complexion, untamed half-long hair, and always wore a

shirt that was never completely buttoned up. In front of his chest he always
wore a thick and large gold chain. Even after he took over control of the
company, he still looked like a shipping worker, it was only that he had
changed his flower print shirt to a more high-quality silk shirt that's all.

{T/N: If you guys want to get some idea of what Qiu Qian's personal style
is, just google the Taiwanese movie "Monga" and look at what Ethan Juan
and Mark Chao are wearing lol. Basically like a yakuza or a thug.}

Even so, it couldn't obscure Qiu Qian's very strong and tall body, his
handsome and deep-set features, as well as his unique personal charisma.

Even though his style was crude, it gave him a sort of wild and untamed
handsomeness. The year Qiu Qian took over Total Entertainment, he had
been listed by a tabloid publication as the "number one most desired
patron". It was a fortunate coincidence that his name also contained the
world "Qian" {T/N: Sounds like the character for money.}

It was unknown if it was because of this, however Qiu Qian loved to make
this kind of joke.

Bai Lang waited quietly for a few minutes. In his heart he still had not fully
made up his mind.

In his previous life's ten years, Bai Lang had more or less heard stories
about Qiu Qian's methods. He looked strong and generous, decisive and
practical, however he also had a vicious personality. He knew how to hide
his intentions and motives, before pulling out a knife that could kill with
one stroke. Towards his enemies, he was undoubtedly their greatest

If not for the scene he had seen from his previous life, then Bai Lang would
never have believed that he had been special in any way to Qiu Qian.

In Qiu Qian's position, how many small stars would have enthusiastically
warmed his bed? Bai Lang's rejection really was something that was
unimportant. He wasn't the most talented or eye-catching person within the
entertainment circle and Qiu Qian likely never really took his rejection
much to heart. Even in his previous life, Bai Lang understood in his heart
that Qiu Qian had helped him in some small ways, however the motivation
behind that should have been to play with him, so as to entertain himself by
seeing the drama unfold.

But as for what Qiu Qian had done for him after he died, to Bai Lang it
really was something completely out of his expectation.
Even from the perspective of a friend, the fact that there was someone that
would mourn for him made him feel that there was at least one person that
recognized his road of suffering and fighting. After being rejected by so
many people, Qiu Qian's one act of kindness was etched deep inside Bai
Lang's heart.

However in his previous life Bai Lang had been a small star that resolutely
refused to bow his head.

But this time he had voluntarily sent himself to Qiu Qian's door. Bai Lang
laughed mockingly to himself. Like this, would things between them still be

Outside the door there was a flurry of activity. He heard the sound of people
enthusiastically welcoming their boss.

A few moments later the door was brusquely and roughly pushed open.

There was a cigar dangling from the corner of Qiu Qian's mouth. His head
was tilted and his eyes swept over Bai Lang with interest.

"Little white rabbit, you were looking for me?"

{T/N: The "Bai" in Bai Lang's name translates to "white", hence his
nickname. }

Chapter 4 - Five Million Dollars

"Little white rabbit" was the nickname that Qiu Qian had given Bai Lang
the first time they had met.

He had called Bai Lang in this way for ten years. Bai Lang knew there was
no chance of him making him change it, so he didn't bother to waste any
energy on it.

Actually listening to it now, there was some sense of nostalgia.

Bai Lang stood up and nodded at Qiu Qian. "Yes. Thank you Mr Qiu for
finding the time to see me."
Actually the Qiu Qian of ten years later didn't change much. Especially his
face which wouldn't lose to many young stars. And his untamed charisma,
which when Qiu Qian was young made him seem older than his age, would
also when he was older make it difficult to tell his age.

A cigarette dangled casually from Qiu Qian's mouth and he ambled over
carelessly to another couch and threw himself onto it. "Sit, say whatever it
is you want to say."

Bai Lang sat properly. He didn't beat around the bush. "I want to borrow
money from Mr Qiu."

"Oh?" Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. He didn't disguise his surprise. "How

"Five million." Bai Lang said calmly. "In cash."

"Five million in cash...." Qiu Qian smoked his cigar. Very slowly he blew a
puff at Bai Lang. "That's a lot of money ah. Do you mind letting me know
the reason?"

"Of course. My brother Bai Li owes five million to an underground money

lender. There is no choice but to repay it." Bai Lang lowered his eyes and

considered whether or not he should pretend to be the previous him: naive

with unrealistic stubbornness and perseverance. But after thinking about it
for a few moments he thought, what was the point?

"If it's not managed well, then if the news is leaked, then I'm afraid that it
will affect my endorsement deals." After finishing speaking, Bai Lang
couldn't resist the urge to turn his head and cough twice because of the
second hand smoke.

Qiu Qian's eyes flashed with obvious calculation. He seemed to be

questioning of Bai Lang and his suddenly different behaviour.

"But you don't look nervous ah, so it seems like you don't really care if it's
repaid or not?"
Qiu Qian spoke lightly like a feather, but in reality he really immediately
grasped a crucial point.

Because if Bai Lang didn't help borrow to repay the money, then the
misfortune Bai Li would bring to Bai Lang was the damages from those
endorsement deals. However if Bai Lang helped him, then the person who
would take on the burden of those debts would be Bai Lang himself. No
matter if he borrowed or didn't borrow, in actuality there was no difference
to Bai Lang. The only real difference was whether or not his parents and his
brother could live peacefully.

"You're right." Bai Lang could not help but smile bitterly. "Whether or not
it's repaid makes no difference to me. In the end it will be me that owes
money. So I want to ask Mr Qiu for help. After lending this time, to make
sure that there isn't a second time. That will be better for the company too."

"Am I so effective? How come I didn't know." Qiu Qian snuffed out his
cigar and raised his chin. "Why don't you explain it to me?"

"... to be your kept lover. The five million is the price. Bai Li will never
dare to touch someone who is Mr Qiu's person."

Bai Lang's voice was steady, however he still couldn't help but lower his

Qiu Qian froze for a few seconds, and then suddenly laughed uproariously.

"Keep you!? Hahaha- I didn't hear wrong right!? Hahahaha!!"

Bai Long couldn't control a flush from rising onto his face. He still
remembered the first time he rejected Qiu Qian. The way he had spoken
had been extremely iron-willed, even though at that time he had been
frightened to death. So right now in the face of Qiu Qian's loud laughter,
Bai Lang could only mock himself in his heart.

"Two years ago what did you say? I still remember, hahahah-!! You said
something like your morals would never allow you to cross that line, and
didn't you want to report me to the police? Hahahaha!!"
Qiu Qian laughed loudly for some time. After finishing he even used his
hand to wipe away his tears. "Now you want me to keep you, hahaha....

You're good, I forgive you for waking me up in the middle of the night.

Hearing all of this makes it worth it."

Bai Lang's mouth jerked into a mocking smile. Back then when he was
called "a little white rabbit", it really wasn't for no reason.

"Then, what does Mr Qiu think?"

Qiu Qian's mirth faded and became a light and vague smile.

"Shouldn't you ask me first whether or not when I answered the phone last
night, if there was anyone sleeping beside me?"

After he spoke Bai Lang paused for a few moments. Afterwards there was a
faint sense of disappointment.

Because from Qiu Qian's words, Bai Lang immediately understood that the
other man had taken him as yet another young star who would abandon his
morals for the sake of money. After all he had come here to sell himself
voluntarily, and something like that obviously wasn't worth much. This

meant that between the him and the Qiu Qian in his previous life there had
been a faint sense of respect and a blurred type of camaraderie. However
now that he had asked Qiu Qian this question, this type of camaraderie no
longer existed.

However Bai Lang did not regret his actions.

The reason he asked Qiu Qian this question was also to thank him for what
he had done for him at the very end. He wanted to thank him for holding up
that umbrella.

After his rebirth, Bai Lang didn't really have anything to give Qiu Qian.

Only this.
To use his body as a recompense, thinking about it it was somewhat dog
blooded. {T/N: Dog blooded = melodramatic. Common Chinese phrase so I
left it as is.} However thinking about his body, he didn't know how many
years he had left in this lifetime. If Qiu Qian wanted it, then he could just
take it. And if he didn't want it then at least Bai Lang had done his best to
repay him in his heart.

As for Bai Li, if Qiu Qian rejected his offer, then he supposed that the
company would not act as before and keep lending money to him. {T/N: As
in if QQ loses interest in him then no need to keep helping him.} The him
that had no house and no assets, and only two short months of fame, if he
didn't have any backers then there was no way of borrowing five million
from the bank. If this was how it turned out, then really there was no way of
him getting money to help Bai Li and so this path was completely cut off
for him. It can also be considered a way of finishing things cleanly.

So Bai Lang didn't force anything. He expressed that he understood. "If

there was, then it's my mistake."

After he finished speaking, he got up to leave. "I still want to thank Mr Qiu
for your time today." Bai Lang nodded at Qiu Qian. "I won't disturb you
any longer."

Qiu Qian's eyes sharpened. He stared fixedly at Bai Lang like a poisonous
snake. "What about the money? You don't want it?"

Bai Lang paused. "To find someone with Mr Qiu's qualities will be difficult,
however at least I can find–" He didn't finish speaking before Qiu Qian
suddenly reached and snatched him around the wrist and jerked him back
forcefully that Bai Lang's entire person fell into him.

Bai Lang was shocked. However after the last few days of topsy-turvy
events, he didn't put up much resistance to the fact that his entire person
was now pressing down on Qiu Qian's body. Bai Lang was almost 180cm
tall, however he was still shorter than Qiu Qian by half a head and that
wasn't even mentioning their difference in muscle tone. Bai Lang
obediently let Qiu Qian raise his chin up and was gazed at calculatingly.
Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "You've changed a lot."

"When a rabbit gets angry, it can also bite people." Bai Lang calmly replied
under Qiu Qian's piercing gaze.

Qiu Qian stared at Bai Lang for several seconds. He seemed to think of
something but in the next moment he suddenly used force and holding Bai
Lang's chin, forcefully kissed him. It was a impolite kiss, extremely searing.

The tyrannical tongue seemed to want to lay claim to its kingdom, thrusting
deep into Bai Lang's mouth.

Bai Lang couldn't help but freeze slightly. Even though in his previous life
he had gone out with Kang Jian, however the two of them rarely had any
violent interactions. And the strong scent of tobacco in Qiu Qian's mouth
made Bai Lang feel slightly dizzy. However under Qiu Qian's strong
offense, Bai Lang was able to recover and remind himself to relax and
allow Qiu Qian's actions.

So once Qiu Qian finally released Bai Lang, he dangerously narrowed his
eyes. "It seems you're more experienced than before?"

Bai Lang slightly pressed his numb lips together. ".... don't force yourself."

It was impossible for him to return to the naive youth of his previous life.

Qiu Qian's expression became suddenly dark. However it quickly faded

because he once again grasped Bai Lang's chin and kissed him again.

However before this Qiu Qian gave him his answer.

"Then serve me well. Five million dollars, settled."


The next day, a silver limited edition SUV came to a stop outside the
apartment that was Bai Lang's old home in T City.
This was an old apartment with six floors. Eight years ago the two elderly
Bai parents who had been at that time farmers in an even more remote area
had caught onto the developmental wind. Their farm had been taken back
by the government and they had received a sum of money. At that time they
had listened to the newly graduated from university Bai Li and so came to T

City to purchase two apartments in this old building, one upstairs and one

The two old people considered it carefully. Now that they didn't have their
farm they could only rely on their sons. If they purchased like this then they
would live downstairs and their eldest son Bai Li could live upstairs after
getting married. That way they could take care of each other and help raise
their grandchildren. As for their youngest son Bai Lang, well it was up to
him to make his own way in the world. The two old people didn't have the
resources to help him with anything.

So in fact Bai Lang had only lived here for a few years before going to
university in A City. So he wasn't extremely familiar with this place.


Bai Lang wore large sunglasses and descended from the car.

Today he was wearing a light gray long-sleeved shirt and pant suits. It was
very different from his on-screen white T-shirt and blue jeans fashionable
look and was much more mature. The things that Bai Lang had experienced
in his previous life were not fake. Right now his thoughts and actions were
very different to the way people in his generation behaved.

Bai Lang held the car door, bent over and said to his driver of today, "Thank
you Mr Qiu. I can go up by myself." T City and A City were separated by
around five hours drive, approximately it was at the limit of somewhere one
could drive to and from in one day.

Qiu Qian who was sitting in the driver seat and smoking as usual, turned his
head. "En? Do you need me to make an appearance?"
Bai Lang lightly smiled. "To some people, they might not recognize a
person. But they will definitely recognize money."

Qiu Qian looked at Bai Lang a few times. Since yesterday's "exchange" was
settled, the Bai Lang in front of his eyes became more and more difficult to

"Okay. I'll wait here then." Qiu Qian took out something from his pocket
and flicked it towards Bai Lang. "But since I'm your patron and the
purchase has been settled, then we can't forget about our responsibilities."

Bai Lang reached out his hand and received it. When it was in his hand he
saw that it was a silver watch. In the front it was encrusted with silver
colored diamonds. Only on the four positions of the time indicators it was
changed to four blue gemstones. It was lucky that the metal shape was very
sleek and shapely, otherwise it could only be described using the terms

"blingy" and "ostentatious".

Bai Lang didn't say anything. He only put matter-of-factly placed the watch
onto his left arm and lightly covered it with his sleeve. "Thank you Mr

"Are you still calling me Mr Qiu?" Qiu Qian raised his chin.

"Brother Qiu," Bai Lang changed it.

Qiu Qian made an "en" noise, and then smiled in a playful manner. "After
you complete your business, then following that it's time for our personal

Bai Lang nodded his head slightly. He didn't reply to these words and only
closed the door and went up the stairs.


The Bai family had two apartments. They had purchased the fifth floor and
the sixth floor.
It was a small apartment that didn't have an elevator. So the higher levels
were cheaper than the lower levels.

Bai Lang slowly walked up the stairs that were both familiar and unfamiliar.

The memories that he didn't want to remember floated through his head.

"You, you unfilial son!! How dare you come back!?"

"Do you want your brother and us to be cursed to death!? Do you want to
force us to die!?"

"Do you know how the neighbours talk about us!? They say we have a
perverted son!! Thinking all day about men's bottoms!!"

"What are you doing! Do you know what this would do to your brother!!

You almost ruined his business don't you know!!"

"If you want to be disgusting then go be disgusting your yourself!! Don't

drag us down with you!! Get out!!"

"What did you say!? You still have something to say! Get out! I'll beat you
to death!! Beat you to death!!"

"What kind of curse have I been placed under ah!! Why did I give birth to a
sick thing like you–!! Dear God ah–"

After that there had been beating and kicking.

At that time his mother had torn her voice hoarse crying and screaming,
those cries still echoed in his ears.

His father had only given him the sight of his fleeing back.

As for his brother Bai Li, he only said with a bitter face, that he never
thought his own younger brother was like this...
These events from his previous life made Bai Lang stand at the door of his
house for a long time before he finally pressed the doorbell.

After university, there was no longer his room inside his house, and so of
course he also didn't have a key.

The door was opened very quickly. It was Bai Li whose eyes were

"Little brother!! Did you get the money!?"


A few minutes later, Bai Lang sat inside the living room. He was assaulted
on all sides with questions from Father Bai, Mother Bai and Bai Li.

"Where's the money? Ah Lang, you borrowed it didn't you?" Mother Bai
directly asked impatiently.

"Your brother is waiting for the money to save his life ah!! You don't live
here so you don't know what we've been through these few days!!

Everytime we pick up the phone there's strange laughter from the other end,
and everytime we go out there's someone in black following ah!! They're
not even scared of the police!! They just keep following!! How can we live
like this ah!!"

"That's right, little brother. You, you definitely got the money right?!" Bai
Li grabbed Bai Lang's hand in a crazed manner. His grip was so strong it

left a red mark. "I only have three days left!! Three days! If I can't come up
with the money, then all of us: me, mom and dad will be over!!"

Father Bai and Mother Bai also were beyond logic. They said in a panicked
manner, "Yes! Don't you spend all day every day filming TV and movies?!

You should have earned a lot of money right!! How come you're not
talking!! It's such a small thing, why can't you help your brother!?"
"Mom, five million is not a small sum...." Bai Lang finally raised his head
and interrupted Mother Bai's speech.

"Be honest Ah Lang, are you blaming me for been biased! Ah?! Is it
because you blame us for giving the house to your brother is that what it
is!? However he's your brother ah!! There's no need to separate things
between brothers!! We've raised you for so long, eating, using, what did we
not give you!? And you pick this timing to start to nitpick, aren't you being
extremely heartless!?" {T/N: By the way I'm not exaggerating the number of

!! and !?, the author really put this much lol.}

Originally Bai Lang had wanted to reach into his pocket to take out the
cheque, but after hearing Mother Bai speak, a thought that he had never had
in his previous life suddenly struck him.

"Right now these two apartments, if you sell them, isn't it worth around five

Chapter 5 - Diamond Watch

"What did you say!?!" Mother Bai's face changed. Even her voice changed.

"This is all we have!!"

"If we sell the house, then where will we and you brother live!? You, you,
you you actually dare tell us to sell the house!? I just knew your motives
weren't good!! Now that your famous you want to throw away your old
father and mother!! Ah!? You're so cruel!! I, I, how did I give birth to a
wretch like you!!"

Father Bai saw that Mother Bai's curses were becoming more and more
fierce and hurried to stop her. "Stop talking so much. Ah Lang didn't mean
it like that."

Father Bai turned to Bai Lang and said in a persuading manner, "Ah Lang,
we can't sell the house ah. These years the price of houses has been rising
like crazy. If we sell, we can't find another one this good that's also upstairs
and downstairs, two levels. How can we live so comfortably ah? You need
to lend us the money...."

"Then why don't you mortgage the house?" Bai Lang asked calmly. "You
can repay the five million slowly. It would be better than taking it all out in
one go. If in the beginning, older brother finds repaying the mortgage
difficult, then I should be able to help him."

After speaking like this, there appeared a hesitant and unsure expression on
Father Bai's face.

"But what if we can't repay it!?" Mother Bai saw his attitude and
immediately rushed to interrupt. "What if you abandon us and don't help
us!? How can you promise that we'll be able to keep up the repayments! If
you dare touch the house then I'll fight you to the death!!" Mother Bai
slapped the table and stared viciously at Father Bai to warn him.

Father Bai who had a weak personality didn't dare to cross Mother Bai. he
could only turn his head to beg Bai Lang for help. When he met Bai Lang's
calm and measured gaze, he finally couldn't open his mouth. Because if
they continued in this manner, they would be forcing Bai Lang to lend them
the money but at the same time being unwilling to sell the house, not even
one of the two. The reality of the matter was becoming more and more

Bai Li saw the situation wasn't right and he also interrupted, "Little brother.

I know you're unhappy regarding the situation with the house, but think
about it, haven't father and mother taken good care of you ah? From the
moment you started working to right now, have they asked you for money?

Right now to nitpick about this kind of thing, isn't that being very cold

"Also, right now the fact that I'm in this kind of urgent situation, isn't it also
for you? Think about it, if news about this kind of thing leaks out, then
wouldn't your image that you built up with such hard work be all wasted?
Money is just a momentary thing, but only with reputation can you earn
more money. You should be more clear about this kind of thing than me
right ah?!" By the end Bai Li's words carried with it the hint of a threat.

Bai Lang looked at Bai Li. His gaze was cold. Towards Bai Li, Bai Lang
didn't need to be polite. He reached into his pocket and took out his bank
card and with a "pa!" sound slapped it onto the low table. "You can go and
check how much money is inside. I only just finished repaying the 400,000

I borrowed for you before. You should be more clear about this kind of
thing than me. All the money for taking care of mother and father has pretty
much all be spent on you."

Bai Li's face was extremely ugly. ".... So what you're saying is, you're really
going to watch me die is that it?"

"If you don't have money then you can borrow it ah!! If the bank won't lend
you, then can't the company do it?" Mother Bai continued to cry and yell on
the top of her lungs. "Aiyo!! Old man, look at this heartless child you've
raised!! Doesn't even want to help his own mother, father and brother!!

Back then, why did we even raise a second one!! If we aborted then we
could have saved ourselves so much trouble ah!!"

This type of words, even in his previous life Bai Lang had never heard it.

The Bai Lang of the previous life had never come home to talk about this
matter, and had only obediently and hurriedly sent the money over. He had
never thought about disobeying his parents.

Right now the reality which was becoming more and more apparent made
Bai Lang laugh mockingly at himself.

Finally he reached into his pocket and took out the cheque and placed it
onto the table.

"If you can't bear to sell the house, then sell your son ba."
When Bai Li saw the cheque, he immediately rushed forward and snatched
it. He laughed gleefully. "This, this, is this Big Boss Qiu's cheque!? It's the
type that can be redeemed for cash! It's exactly five million!! Ah Lang, if
you had it why didn't you say so earlier...."

Father Bai still had some conscience. He hurried to ask, "Sell our son?

What do you mean? Where does that money come from?"

Bai Lang stood up. Because he didn't want to waste any more time.

"The money from selling my body. Five million dollars to sleep with a

"Sleep with a man!?" Mother Bai screamed loudly. "You, you're a


Bai Lang jerked the corner of his mouth. "I can also not be one. Return the
cheque to me."

"You, are you joking!?" Bai Li clutched the cheque and retreated one step.

Father Bai and Mother Bai had clearly been shocked stupid by such a
statement. For the time being they didn't know how to react.

"There's still three days. You can consider the circumstances." Bai Lang
looked at the three people in front of him. The usually soft-hearted Bai
Lang in the end decided to give them one last chance. "There's two paths.

Mortgage the house. In the beginning I can help with the repayments.

Otherwise, take the five million. If you want my help, this is the only way I
can help."

Bai Lang walked towards the door. He opened the door and added a
sentence, "But once it's sold it's gone. After all, once I'm not a virgin I'm not
worth anything anymore isn't that right?"

Father Bai's face was a white as a sheet. Finally he took a tiny step forward.
"Ah Lang, you...."

Bai Lang turned his head and looked at Father Bai.

But Father Bai hesitated for a few moments and in the end what he said
was, "You, do you really mind about the house?"

Bai Lang felt something within his heart break again. He shook his head
and lost his smile. There was a "pa-cha" sound and the Bai family door
closed behind him.

Bai Lang controlled himself and didn't look back as he walked towards that
silver SUV.

As soon as he got into the car, the scent of smoke wafted over to him.

Within the smog, Qiu Qian turned his head and his gaze swept over him.

"You're still a virgin?"

Bai Lang stilled. He thought about how Qiu Qian knew what he had said

At this time Qiu Qian casually took out a earpiece from behind his right ear
and carelessly tossed it to one side.

It looked like Qiu Qian had been listening the whole time. Bai Lang paused
for a while, then his gaze turned to the watch on his left wrist.

Bai Lang adjusted the watch and smiled bitterly. "Is this the most expensive
type of dog leash?"

Qiu Qian shrugged his shoulders. "Whether or not you want to wear it is up
to you."

He had placed a bug on his body but then had deliberately told him about it.

Bai Lang really didn't know what Qiu Qian was thinking.
But anyway it didn't matter. As for what happened just now in the Bai
family, it didn't matter to Bai Lang if Qiu Qian knew or not.

Suddenly Qiu Qian said, "What if after three days the cheque hasn't been

Bai Lang smiled. "Then I'll sleep with you once. For free."

"Oh?" Qiu Qian's face was full of interest. "Then haven't I gotten a big

Bai Lang's smile faded. He looked outside the window. "That's why the
probability is very low. It's like winning the jackpot."

Qiu Qian looked at Bai Lang's profile and didn't say anything.

He started up the car and forcefully pressed on the accelerator. The silver
SUV made a loud noise and sped away.


Not two hours later, when Qiu Qian's car had not even returned to A City
from T City, the bank called according to Qiu Qian's instructions to notify
him that the five million had already been cashed.

At that time, Bai Lang looked out of the window and thought about the
significance of his rebirth.


The next morning Bai Lang was woken up by the sound of digital music, on
a large and deep blue bed.

He was wrapped in a suede quilt. The touch of it felt as delicate on his skin
as the most expensive brocade, it was very cool and relaxing. Bai Lang
couldn't help lifting up a pillow to cover his ears, like a turtle who wanted
to continue sleeping in his shell.
All the way until there was the sound of a "pa-la", and the sound of
something being smashed against the ground. The noisy alarm music finally
stopped. However the sudden silence actually made Bai Lang finally wake
up from the state of heavy sleep.

He opened his eyes and saw an expanse of tanned skin floating in front of
his gaze. The naked back bore a perfect and beautifully even muscle tone,
and right now it was rising and falling slowly. Underneath the wide
shoulders was a strong waist, and what was below that was wrapped in the
same blanket as Bai Lang. This person's head also practically rested on the
same pillow.

Bai Lang dumbly closed his eyes. In a few seconds he recalled what had
happened the previous night. Then he slowly got up and slowly made his
way towards the bedroom's large and spacious ensuite bathroom.

Yesterday Qiu Qian had driven back towards A City and then without any
further discussion, the two of them had come here.

This was a luxuriously renovated apartment that was at the same time as
cold as a furniture display home. Qiu Qian entered the door, threw the key
to one side, pushed Bai Lang against the door and began kissing him. This
kiss lasted until they ended up in the bedroom's large bed and then the two
people, very effectively, did what they had come here to do.

In this manner, they didn't even have dinner. Bai Lang directly fell
unconscious and slept until the next day.

The alarm just now was something which Bai Lang, with his last shred of
rationality, had placed into his phone last night.

After having a shower and ignoring the pain from his waist, Bai Lang
picked up the discarded clothes on the floor and dressed himself. He tried
the mobile phone which had a few moments ago being smashed onto the
ground. Luckily it still switched on with no problem.

The time from now to when he had to be on set for the make-up for the
advertisement was one hour. Bai Lang calculated that by the time it would
take for him to get to his own apartment from here, followed by reaching
the set... but he had no choice but to go home first. He couldn't wear these
kind of ripped and missing buttons clothes to the set.

There was no choice but to be late. Bai Lang looked at the Qiu Qian who
still had his head buried in the pillow and thought that it was not necessary
to say any goodbye. He was just intending to turn and leave when his foot
accidentally kicked something. When he looked down he saw it was the
diamond watch which had also been thrown aside last night.

Bai Lang paused for a moment. However thinking that right now he should
behave obediently to show his sincerity, he bent over, picked up the watch
and placed it on his wrist.

Once he clipped on the watch, Qiu Qian's head appeared above the sheets,
his voice deep from sleep. "You want to go?"

Bai Lang adjusted his clothes. He nodded his head beside the door. "In the
morning I still have some scheduled matters. I need to go home first so I'll
be leaving first."

"What kind of big matter is it? Cancel it." Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes and
raised his head. There was an angry and fierce aura about him. "Making it
seem as though I just had a one night stand. Come here!" {T/N: More
accurately, QQ is complaining that because they slept together and then BL

immediately wants to leave, it seems like he's the one that got played haha.}

Bai Lang paused and then came closer to the bed. Once he got near he was
grabbed by Qiu Qian.

After some movements, Bai Lang was once again pressed underneath Qiu
Qian's body.

Qiu Qian's eyes were not completely open yet. He pressed against Bai Lang
and sniffed him. "Did you just shower? You smell pretty good."
Bai Lang opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. But because Qiu Qian
seemed as though he was about to fall asleep again, he said quietly, "UNI's
clothing endorsement. If I skip work without reason, then it's 200,000 per
day. If I ruin their image then its 1 million. I just signed last week."

Qiu Qian said lazily. "What are you scared of? If it falls through then I'll
just find you a bigger endorsement. No big deal."

Bai Lang said helplessly but seriously, "... Then how should I explain to
Xiao Yang?"

"Xiao Yang?"

"My assistant."

Qiu Qian laughed lightly into Bai Lang's chest. He didn't seem sleepy any
longer. "How do you want to explain it?"

Bai Lang was silent for a few seconds. He wanted to try and figure out the
hidden meaning behind Qiu Qian's words.

Right now Qiu Qian's attitude seemed to be that he didn't care if everyone
know about their ambiguous relationship.

But why? That wasn't a good thing for the company, even if Qiu Qian
wasn't worried about that kind of small money.

Or was it because his behaviour had changed too much from before and Qiu
Qian found it suspicious, so he was trying to test him?

....Was him wearing the watch not enough?

Thinking about Qiu Qian's "poisonous snake" nickname from his previous
life, Bai Lang thought that even if he tried to guess it he wouldn't be able to.

He only raised his head and lightly stroked Qiu Qian's hair as though to
comfort him. "How about I ask someone to send some food over. And some
clothes. That way we won't be so pressed for time."
Qiu Qian stilled. Then he said with a dissatisfied expression, "You still
intend on going?"

"Yes." Bai Lang patted Qiu Qian's head. "The five million has all been
spent. So right now I need money."

Qiu Qian gave him a patronizing look and then rolled off him and hugged
his pillow instead.

"I want the hot soy milk from the end of Er Lang street, egg pancake and
fried breadstick with a double serving of spring onions."

Bai Lang laughed. He got up and made a phone call. But it wasn't to Xiao
Yang but to the professional errand runner whose number he had saved in
his phone. This kind of errand person who could help you buy things and
bring it to your house was a booming business in A City in the last few
years. This person was someone that Xiao Yang had helped him find.

"If it's possible, I would like to change Xiao Yang. He is not good at
keeping his mouth shut." Bai Lang finished his phone call and told Qiu

"Oh. Fine. Who do you want?"

"Hong Hong ba." Bai Lang spoke without thinking.

In his previous life although it was many years later that the large headed Er
Hong had been sent to him, but in their discussions with each other, Bai
Lang knew that Hong Hong had started working at Total Entertainment as
an assistant from a very early time, even before Bai Lang.

"Hong Hong?" Qiu Qian's voice changed.

Bai Lang felt a bit strange. He could only add as an explanation, "I've heard
people talk about him."

"Oh?" Qiu Qian got up from the bed and laughed in a significant way.
"Your appetite is not small. You want to steal my assistant ah."
Bai Lang stilled. Other than realizing that things were not ideal, his heart
was filled with questions.

Chapter 6 - Pullover Sweater

On this day Bai Lang arrived five minutes before the scheduled time to
UNI's rented film set.

The reason was Hong Hong's speedy driving as well as Qiu Qian's silver

Today before he went out, Qiu Qian made a phone call. A mere few minutes
later the all dressed in black Hong Hong appeared inside the apartment. Qiu
Qian simply threw the car keys at him and said, "From now on you'll be
going with Bai Lang", and everything seemed to be settled.

At that time Hong Hong exposed a slightly unusual expression that made
Bai Lang regret his words.

The reason Bai Lang chose Hong Hong was because of his silent ways. He
didn't appear friendly but unexpectedly he had good attention to detail and
was able to resolve things efficiently. He was a completely different style to
Xiao Yang. However Bai Lang had never thought that Hong Hong was
originally Qiu Qian's assistant. In his previous life the assistant who had
always appeared by Qiu Qian's side was not Hong Hong.

But of course anyone who could remain by Qiu Qian's side was definitely
good. That wasn't worth mentioning.

It turns out that in his previous life Qiu Qian had even helped him in this

Bai Lang couldn't help looking over Qiu Qian. His heart felt complicated.

Of course he might be thinking too much, perhaps Hong Hong just by

coincidence made some mistake, was kicked out by Qiu Qian and so Bai
Lang just happened to collect a bargain. However from the fact that Hong
Hong didn't have any angry or frustrated actions when being sent to him,
Bai Lang felt that his first conjecture was more likely to be correct.

However, no matter what reason Hong Hong had been sent to him in his
previous life, right now he had this kind of low status. Perhaps he had
prevented Hong Hong's development by taking him from Qiu Qian's side.

Although it made him look flighty, Bai Lang forced himself to speak again.

"... I didn't know Brother Hong was Brother Qiu's person. It's only that I
heard someone speak about him before. Since it's like this then I won't use
him. Anyone else will also be okay." This time Bai Lang didn't dare to
name any names.

Qiu Qian's gaze swept over Bai Lang like a knife. He laughed lowly.

"What's there to be polite about? Since you opened your mouth, how do I
dare not agree? Come here."

Bai Lang also knew it was too late. He could only walk over. "Thank you,
Brother Qiu."

Qiu Qian wrapped his arms around Bai Lang's waist. He gave him a kiss
that had the flavor of egg pancakes right in front of Hong Hong.

After kissing, Qiu Qian openly rubbed Bai Lang's butt. After rubbing he
said in an intimate manner, "There's no need to thank me. After you finish
working today, let Er Hong bring you back, en?"

".... okay." Bai Lang nodded.

This luxury apartment which didn't have any signs of life most likely wasn't
Qiu Qian's fixed residence.

If Bai Lang moved into this place then it seemed Qiu Qian intended having
him completely realize the entire meaning behind being a "kept lover".

This kind of feeling became stronger as Bai Lang passed Hong Hong whose
eyes were downcast, not giving any sign of his opinion.
Bai Lang couldn't help but remember the time in his previous life when the
photographs of him exiting a gay bar were posted onto the internet. At that
time Hong Hong came rushing over to question him with a heavy face. That

time, Bai Lang had foolishly chosen to hide his plans from the people
around him and so of course he didn't dare admit it to Hong Hong. It was
only that in Hong Hong's angry reaction that Bai Lang was able to feel a
sliver of his friendship and regard.

In this life, everything should be different.

Bai Lang sat in the back of the spacious car, and looked at the back of Hong
Hong's head as he was driving. He was thinking silently.

Perhaps, Qiu Qian's actions to expose things was for this reason.

He wanted to let Bai Lang what he had sacrificed, all for money.

In the end it was still a form of playing with him, wasn't it?

Bai Lang laughed helplessly. It turns out he still had some entertainment use
in this regard.


UNI's clothing endorsement deal was signed two weeks ago. The reason
was because they liked Bai Lang's image in Partners, which was down-to-
earth and also cool and clean. It was suitable for UNI's image. Their
clothing had a simple design but was also stylish and comfortable.

If the actors was suitably matched then the CP value of UNI's clothing
advertisement was very high. It would become very well received by
fashionable young people and became a popular product.

It was only that in his previous life, not long after Bai Lang filmed UNI's
endorsement advertisement, the news of Bai Li's debt was leaked. Of course
all of Bai Lang's scenes were changed out and he had also received the
letter from a lawyer asking for damages. Thinking about the things in his
life which really taught Bai Lang the hardships of his profession, then UNI
can be considered one of those things.

From a business perspective, there was nothing that he could complain

about. But the unfortunate events of his previous life made Bai Lang's

memory of this filming somewhat vague.

It was not until he entered the waiting room and raised his head to see the
person there, that Bai Lang suddenly remembered everything.

There was a coldly handsome young person sitting there who was at this
moment flipping through some documents in his hands.

When he saw Bai Lang he also didn't rise. He only nodded and made a cool
greeting. "Hello. I'll be in your care today."

Bai Lang also replied, "I'll be in your care today." However his face
changed slightly.

Rong SiQi, nineteen years old. They were both artists from Total

However Rong SiQi was different from Bai Lang who was going down the
actor's path. Rong SiQi was pursuing the path of becoming a singer.

The two people didn't have any contact, including in his previous life.

Compared to Bai Lang who can be considered a small transparent star

picked up by the roadside, Rong SiQi was Total Entertainment's heavily
invested protegee. He had won the Golden Coil for Best Newcomer. For
singers, they could only be considered for this award on the year of their
debut, once they missed it they would not have another chance in their
lifetime. For the singer who won it, they would be highly admired and
envied by their peers.

Of course Bai Lang also knew that ten years later, Rong SiQi would win
countless more awards.
In the future ten years half of the singing world can be considered Rong
SiQi's territory. Other than having a unique voice, the young singer was also
a musical genius. He had written many unforgettable love songs. To Bai
Lang, he considered this a prime example of someone with true genius
entering the correct position and career.

It was just that although Rong SiQi was an expert when it came to music, in
other aspects he was often under attack. Especially in regards to acting
activities. Rong SiQi had an expression that was always cold and quiet, he
was also pointed out as having a wooden face that never changed.

So once Bai Lang remembered he knew that later when shooting began, this
would definitely be apparent. That was fine but what Bai Lang's face
change was that he had remembered that in his previous life that the person
they had found to replace Rong SiQi at the last minute was none other than
Kang Jian.


Speaking of Kang Jian, UNI's film shoot was not the first time the two of
them had met.

Some time ago during the early days of filming Partners for Life, Bai Lang
had been sent to a training programme last minute. Kang Jian had also been
present there. At that time Kang Jian was an artist from Grand Media Group
and was also a recently signed newcomer. Most of the people who had
come to participate in this training programme had this kind of background.

Bai Lang's progress can be considered slow. Compared to this bunch of

seventeen and eighteen year old young people, the twenty-two year old Bai
Lang had already graduated from university. He was one of the oldest in the
group and was a couple of times mocked by others.

However Bai Lang was one of earliest success stories of this group. Not
long after the training, Bai Lang became famous because of Partners. The
students from the same training programme who had relatively friendly
relationships with him would sometimes call him for the purposes of
networking. Kang Jian was one of them and he was the earliest one to make
contact. When Bai Lang thought back, when Kang Jian first started calling
him often, it was right after Partners for Life first started filming.

Perhaps it was because the first male lead of Partners for Life was Wu
ShenEn, who was also an artist of Grand Media. Wu ShenEn can be
considered Kang Jian's senior brother. However his temper was very big

and he was proud and arrogant. He wasn't well liked by his younger
brothers in the company and on set he was always making enemies. In these
times, Bai Lang and Kang Jian had Wu ShenEn as a common topic of
discussion, and they very quickly became close.

Thus Bai Lang had always treated Kang Jian as a friend that he had made
before he became famous and treasured him greatly.

If he was given an opportunity, he would always pull up Kang Jian to the

best of his ability. Bai Lang had never once hesitated. In his previous life
during UNI's endorsement, when Rong SiQi's wooden acting brought up
discussions whether or not he should be changed, Bai Lang was the one
who had spread the news to Kang Jian.

Afterwards as for what methods Kang Jian had used to win this opportunity,
Bai Lang wasn't sure. At that time Bai Lang was still overly naive and never
thought about the fact that to change someone to another person required a
lot of behind the scenes power and effort, and so he carelessly overlooked
the fact that Kang Jian was not as simple and as straightforward as he
appeared on the surface.

.... But this time, he wouldn't make the same mistake.

Bai Lang looked at himself in the mirror after his make up had been
completed and repeated this to himself several times.


Filming UNI's advertisement at the end of August was for the purposes of
promoting its new winter line: down jackets and pullover sweaters.
The concept of the advertisement was very simple. Two young people who
had very different types of living in the city. One was bright and sunny, the
other was quiet and reserved. And both of them, when wearing UNI's
clothing on their bodies, showed that it was extremely suitable as well was
expressed its various uniqueness.

This kind of contrast also showed the various different ways the clothing
and accessories could be mixed and matched to fit one's personal style. UNI
had used this method of advertisement for many seasons already. Right now
there wasn't any girls in the ad as the female line would be shot separately.

There would be two separate shoots, one for print advertisement and a short
clip for TV. Today Bai Lang and the others were on set to shoot some
concept materials to check for the feel and effect. Then after adjustment, the
real shoot could begin.

When Bai Lang put on the cream pullover sweater as well as the faded blue
jeans, he looked just like a student who had just finished school. When he
walked towards the film set, inside the snowy set Rong SiQi was already
standing. He was to start first.

Thus Bai Lang stopped some distance away and carefully observed Rong
SiQi's performance.

This time the primary reason UNI had picked Rong SiQi to endorse its
products was because of Rong SiQi's winning of the Golden Coil's Best
Newcomer award and the fame associated. This was very suitable for UNI's
image which was young and modern.

Also Rong SiQi was a singer who was becoming very famous. He had long
thick eyelashes and deep eyes, as well as a high nose bridge. His face had
very beautiful angles and when he frowned, there was a deep feeling that
belied his young age. So that he would contrast with Bai Lang, the clothing
he was wearing was purple and gray, and gave him a more dark air.

However in reality, with Rong SiQi's qualities, when wearing UNI's

sweaters it was easy for it to look too plain and ordinary. The reason was
although Rong SiQi's features were indeed handsome, the nineteen year old
him was still in his developing stage and the soft, shapeless sweater really
required some body shape in order to hold it up. And if the clothing wasn't
worn properly then no amount of editing afterwards could change it.

So unexpectedly the photographer from the very beginning was not very
satisfied. He kept changing Rong SiQi's posture over and over again and in

Bai Lang's eyes he seemed very forced.

Rong SiQi was cooperative throughout and he didn't complain. As

newcomer who was extremely well looked upon, his professional attitude
was very good. This was also the impression that Rong SiQi would give in
the following ten years. His private life was very secretive, there was
almost no news about him, all of his focus was placed onto his music. The
fact that an artist could have such a clean and pure image showed that Total
Entertainment placed considerable effort and care towards him.

Bai Lang knew that the photographer would at the end of the day, after
Rong SiQi had tried all three of his designated outfits, express his opinion
that Rong SiQi's shoot had problems.

The atmosphere in the room was becoming more and more heavy. Bai Lang
had no choice but to think that if things progressed in the same way as his
previous life, then would he be able to prevent Kang Jian from becoming
the replacement?

That's right, to prevent Kang Jian.

In this life, Bai Lang would not actively seek to harm him, but he would
definitely prevent Kang Jian from progressing on his path.

Bai Lang knew that for Kang Jian, who dreamed about being above others,
that this would be the most intolerable thing.

Since in this lifetime Kang Jian had not betrayed him, then he wouldn't give
him an opportunity to do so again. However without Kang Jian's betrayal,
he would also not have had this life's rebirth. In this cycle of life there were
many whys and wherefores that could not be explained.
Bai Lang could only try his best. The rest was up to fate.

This time Bai Lang definitely would not give Kang Jian any news. However
when Kang Jian managed to grab the opportunity last time it showed he had
other methods. Even if he didn't tell him, Kang Jian may still be able to find
a way to become Rong SiQi's replacement in a different manner.

Because to Kang Jian, filming this advertisement can be considered an

important first step for him.

Thinking about the time, this should be around the time when Kang Jian
had filmed his first movie A Confused Account as the second male lead. His
scenes weren't many but his role was well-received. After the movie was
screened, UNI's large scale advertisement also came out at the same time,
which pushed Kang Jian's fame up and achieved a heightened promotional
effect for him.

So preventing today can be considered breaking off one of Kang Jian's

wings just as he wanted to fly.

But how to prevent it? Bai Lang frowned, deep in thought.

At this time, Bai Lang saw two people walk by his side.

When he turned his head Bai Lang discovered a familiar person, or more
accurately someone that would become familiar to him in the coming years.

Chapter 7 - Brothers On Screen Together Fang Hua, who was at present

Rong SiQi's manager, was one of Total Entertainment's most powerful

She can be considered an elder of Total Entertainment. When Total

Entertainment was founded, she was one of the first people they had dug
over. Other than her there were two other famous and resource-filled
managers: Qi Ming and Li HuangDe. It was them that helped Total
Entertainment expand and lay down its roots. Right now Fang Hua had also
been promoted to Total Entertainment's vice president, and was considered
a small boss under Big Boss Qiu.
In his past life Bai Lang never had this kind of opportunity in the beginning
to get close with this kind of high-ranking company employee. When doing
his contractual activities, he was simply given the next manager in line.

It wasn't until the incident with the yacht video that Bai Lang had the
chance to encounter Fang Hua. After all that yacht really belonged to the
Qiu family's businesses. That day it was Qiu Qian's birthday party. Seeing
that he still owed Qiu Qian so much money, Bai Lang had consented to
attend. In the events that followed afterwards, during the crucial time, Fang
Hua actually didn't help him much. However Bai Lang had come to know
her during this time.

She had her customary efficient short hair and pantsuit. Her features were
very handsome. Perhaps because of this reason, Fang Hua always liked to
wear very red lipstick. In her earlobes shone shiny earrings. It was
impossible to mistake her for anyone else.

She appeared together with Hong Hong by Bai Lang's side. Fang Hua saw
Bai Lang turn around and made a generous greeting. "Mr Bai, nice to meet
you for the first time. My name is Fang Hua." After speaking she reached
out her hand and shook hands with Bai Lang.

Bai Lang was also very polite. "Vice President, I've admired you for a long
time. Thank you for taking care of me this time."

"Just call me Sister Fang." Fang Hua smiled. "Also I don't dare be called

"taking care of you". I was just wondering how come I saw Er Hong, turns
out he is your assistant now, scared me to death. With his care, you
definitely won't need me ah."

These series of words expressed to him a lot of things but at the same time
didn't say anything.

The person who thought too much would definitely find it ugly to hear, but
the person who didn't think much would only hear the words on the surface.
Thus Bai Lang remained calm. He only smiled and replied, "It's all thanks
to Brother Qiu's care. Brother Hong's help is my good luck." Since Hong
Hong and Fang Hua were acquainted, there was no point hiding anything
from her.

Fang Hua's eyes flashed with surprise but it quickly passed. "It seems like
all the new people in the company have such bright futures. Mr Bai's drama
is becoming more and more popular. As the Vice President, I feel as though
I can retire early to enjoy my life."

"Sister Fang is too polite. Mr Rong is the one who is the most talented." Bai
Lang replied.

At the same time, the photographer on the set cried out loudly. "Not good!!

Once again!!!"

The sweater in one set of clothing had been designated a fifteen minute
shoot, but Rong SiQi had already used up forty minutes.

A helpless expression floated onto Fang Hua's face. "Do you really mean
that, or are you only trying to comfort me?"


Bai Lang waited until people's notice had been transferred to the

At this time Rong SiQi's expression was slightly pale. On his forehead there
was some sweat. Underneath the strong lights, the set was really somewhat
hot. Seeing the dried sweat on his hairline, the dissatisfied photographer
asked people to come and fix Rong SiQi's make up.

Once Rong SiQi stepped off the set, his originally frozen expression indeed
showed some obvious frustration. His lips were pressed together tightly in
an annoyed line. Thus Fang Hua said goodbye to them and hurried over to
help him adjust his emotions.
In order to save time, at this time they switched to Bai Lang to shoot At this
time the photographer's was sighing and his face was filled with impatience.

The him of ten years ago probably would have felt some emotional pressure
but the Bai Lang of right now had some confidence.

In his previous life, Bai Lang only had one movie role which was Sunset,
the rest were all TV roles. The reason for this was mostly because of Bai
Lang's bad fortune, but the other reason was because Bai Lang had been
enlightened very late. As for the reason that Bai Lang had finally been able
to break through and progress his acting ability from TV standard to a new
level, was because of the MV he had filmed just prior to his role in Sunset.

Bai Lang had learned a lot from the old director Zhu Kuan of that MV.

From on screen presence to how to utilise light and shadows, Zhu Kuan had
pretty much re-taught Bai Lang everything from the beginning. The reason
was because he said he had never met anyone as unlucky as Bai Lang. Most
people if they weren't going to be famous never got famous; someone like
Bai Lang who got famous twice but was then dragged down again, was
really among the few that was extremely unfortunate.

And Zhu Kuan was always reminding Bai Lang that good actors were able
to immerse themselves in their roles, however after immersing then you
would have many brimming emotions that you wanted to express, however
if you couldn't convey it to your audience, then it was all just wasted.

Other than emotions, the ability to show and express was the most
important part of an actor's ability.

Of course there was another school of thought, and that was that when an
actor was truly immersed then his every action and movement would
permeate with the requisite qualities of the role. Zhu Kuan also agreed with
this but he told Bai Lang to wait until he had been acting until he was 60

years old to use this technique.

So Zhu Kuan told Bai Lang he needed to discipline himself. He needed to
turn off the movie sound and subtitles and look purely at the actor's
expressions and movements. He had to watch how they expressed
themselves and used their facial and body language to show what they
wanted. This was completely like returning to a very old school form of
acting, when he first started doing this Bai Lang pretty much fell asleep
every time.

However if he watched it once and didn't understand then he could watch it

twice, three times. Once he watched it more then without the interruption of
the plot and sound, Bai Lang really came to experience it. The pictures that
Zhu Kuan picked for him were all classics from a past age, every movement
of the actors head and every blink of their eyes had its own meaning. The
more Bai Lang looked, the more he understood how to suitably express

And when Bai Lang finally understood things to this level, Zhu Kuan then
set him to get familiar with it himself. Just like learning to dance, seeing
someone else doing it may appear easy and understandable but when doing
it oneself, it was a completely different matter. One's movements in the
beginning would be ugly and unable to be looked at, however one could
only practice repeatedly.

Acting in a movie was also this way. Some people looked as though they
simply threw their hands to one side in a cool manner, and raised their
eyebrows carelessly. However Zhu Kuan wanted Bai Lang to practice all
these things. And not only in his mind, but in real life to show the effect on
different mediums and angles. This was similar to many famous actors who
taped their performances so they could carefully review it over and over

again. In Zhu Kuan's opinion all grand and moving performances came
from the actor's own self reflection.

The fortunate thing was, Zhu Kuan really felt that Bai Lang had natural
talent in terms of acting. So in his early days even though his knowledge
and ability was shallow, when doing those kind of easy-to-please roles, his
natural talent was able to ameliorate his defects. However if hard work and
discipline was added on top of that natural talent, then Bai Lang's
performance would be even more dazzling.

As for the reborn Bai Lang, he didn't forget these things. How he was
before he died, was how Bai Lang was now.

The difference was that in this life, he had more time to experience more

Zhu Kuan had given Bai Lang his enlightenment and really opened Bai
Lang's eyes as to what the art of acting was.

Right now he was supposed to be a sunny and open young person? Bai
Lang sat down on the only prop which was a chair, and sat astride while
hugging the back of the chair...

The sound of "ka-cha-ka-cha" quickly filled the room.

After spending only ten minutes, Bai Lang had successfully completed the
shoot for the first set of clothes.

After it was finished, the Fang Hua who had come to the side to watch,
unexpectedly gave a compliment – "Your performance was not bad."

However the easy atmosphere of the set quickly changed when Rong SiQi's
second, then third attempt became very charged. The photographer yelled
god knows how many times, and his face fell so heavily that UNI's team
leader ran to discuss things with Fang Hua. Bai Lang also followed them.

Bai Lang knew that it wasn't appropriate for him to open his mouth in this
situation but if he was able to help Rong SiQi then perhaps Fang Hua would

stand on his side. Anyway if it didn't work out and even if he got replaced,
then there was still Qiu Qian's promise of "if it falls through, then I'll just
find you a bigger endorsement", wasn't there?

So after Bai Lang silently listened to their bout of discussion, he finally

opened his mouth.
"How about I switch roles with Mr Rong?"

Bai Lang waited until there was a pause in the discussion to interject this

Fang Hua glanced at him in an unexpected manner. As for UNI's team

leader, she was a woman called Lin Qin.

Lin Qin looked at him impatiently. "What did you say!? It's not a simple
matter of changing the clothes, there is a lot of behind the scenes planning
and design! There's a lot of things at stake, how can you say change and just

Bai Lang maintained his gentle tone of voice. "I know it is a big production
however if after the change the effect is better, trying it is easier than
changing the model. Also, the fact that the company asked me to film with
Mr Rong, there must have been other considerations and agreements. If you
just simply change him out, what about the initial agreement?"

Lin Qin heard this and felt unhappy. She laughed coldly. "It seems like Mr
Bai has a very high opinion of himself. Since it's like this, then why don't
you tell me just should we change things!?"

Bai Lang completely ignored Lin Qin's animosity. He smiled and said, "Let
Mr Rong try on my outfit. Although he might not look as sunny, however
he can definitely demonstrate the youthful aspect without any problem. Mr
Rong is serious when it comes to music and his hard work won't lose to
anyone. This kind of hard work when combined with his age and his pure-
hearted dedication, it's not unfitting for the image."

At this point Fang Hua seemed to gain some interest. She asked, "Then
what about your part?"

"The fact that I was called here is because the company looked well upon
my image in Partners." Bai Lang gave Fang Hua a grateful glance. He
continued to say, "So in contrast I can portray someone who is stylish and
has urban elegance, but at the same time is working hard. Although the
outside may appear bright but it is because of one's own hard work. This
isn't in opposition and will more display a down-to-earth realistic image."

Fang Hua frowned.

After speaking this much Bai Lang paused slightly. "In terms of the the
concept, I can be Mr Rong's older brother. An older brother is like a father,
this can connect to my image in Partners. It will make the images more
emotional. Right now in the clips we've shot, there haven't been any with us
together. This seems a little bit too simple. If we change the setting then the
clip will have more of a story and can allow two brothers to be placed

An experienced actor needed to know more than a little about directing.

Right now Bai Lang could see in his mind's eye how the images would look
as well as how to adjust them.

After Bai Lang finished speaking, even Lin Qin's face changed a lot.

After all the last sentence he had spoken really spoke to the crux of the
matter they had just been discussing.

Right now the process of the shoot was like this: first they would select the
people, then consider their performance. This was the normal process of
things. With this in mind, the concept people reached a difficulty. Although
both Rong SiQi and Bai Lang both had their good points when it came to
shoot, however they were unable to find a story with which to connect them

Because Bai Lang looked taller than Rong SiQi. A simply dressed sunny
youth standing next to a shorter, elegant city man.... No matter what, this

image seemed strange. Thus because of this, the images were shot
separately and they didn't have any scenes were they put these two people
together. However if they followed Bai Lang's recommendations then this
difficulty could be overcome.
However, it was not as though in the beginning they had never considered
something like what Bai Lang was proposing. These two people exchanged

According to the news that they'd gathered, Rong SiQi's circumstances was
something they had rarely encountered {T/N: As in his lack of facial
expression...}. But seeing as it was a newly rising young star, they thought
they could overcome it. As for Bai Lang, according to the reports he was a
newcomer who was not very good at getting into his role. Thus they could
only give him a role which was not too different from his actual personality.

They felt that Bai Lang's experience was too far away from urban elegance.

Right now if one of them was lacking, then at least the other was okay.

However if they switched, what if both couldn't be used and then their
problems would become even larger?

However according to Bai Lang's words just now, he didn't seem as though
he matched the reports about him. Li Qin quickly adjusted her emotions and
said decisively, "Okay. Let's try it the way you proposed. But the premise
being that you're able to hold down the new role. Otherwise I'll definitely
change you out!"

Bai Lang smiled. "If you don't try how will you know?"


At the end of the day, the most successful photograph was that of Bai Lang
and Rong SiQi together.

In the photograph, Bai Lang was wearing a dark purple sweater. He was
lying lazily on the couch. He had just thrown aside a suit jacket which was
casually draped on the back of the chair. It was clear he had just finished
work. On the floor beside the couch, there sat the frowning Rong SiQi. He
was wearing a cream coloured sweater and jeans. His legs were crossed and
he stared fixedly at the assorted musical instruments strewn around the

Bai Lang was the older brother. He looked slightly helplessly at his younger
brother. He was reaching out to straighten a few strands of Rong SiQi's
shiny hair, as though trying to remind his younger brother to talk to him.

The image was filled with warmth and tenderness, and immediately made
ones heart feel warm.

As for the real circumstances of the shoot it was not much different.

When the days work was wrapped up, it was not only the crew that had
become more intimate with Bai Lang, even Fang Hua brought Rong SiQi to
come and thank him. Not only because of Bai Lang's changing of the
concept, but in the following shoot, Bai Lang was like a senior and helped
Rong SiQi with many things.

Even though Rong SiQi had a cold personality, however he let down his
guard slightly and said sincerely, "Brother Lang, thank you."

Bai Lang lightly and jokingly rubbed Rong SiQi's head. "Today I took
advantage of you, and you still want to thank me." {T/N: Referring to the
fact that he got to pat RSQ's head.}

Rong SiQi didn't duck away. Instead he gave a genuine smile. "In the future
you'll still be my Brother Lang."

Bai Lang stilled. He thought about the brilliant Rong SiQi of the future. At
that time they had no relationship.

Bai Lang suddenly thought that his previous thinking had been too narrow-

A new life. A new friendship. So many opportunities to treasure. Why

should he be shackled down by the past?

Chapter 8 - Missed Call

By the time they left the shoot, it was already 10PM in the evening.

It was long past the scheduled shooting time. However since the result was
worth it, everyone bore their tiredness.

Hong Hong brought the car over to pick him up. "I've moved everything
over already. Tomorrow I'll take care of the rent for your old place."

In the afternoon while Bai Lang was working, Hong Hong had asked him
for the key to his home and helped him move over to the new place without
any delay.

"All of it? Even the things in the fridge?" Bai Lang was sitting in the

Hong Hong turned the steering wheel. "Yes. Is there anything else that
needs to be done?"

"No." Bai Lang thought about it. "Are you hungry? Do you want to have

As it was the first day with a new assistant, Bai Lang this small boss ought
to have taken him out to eat.

Hong Hong paused for a long time before replying, "Okay."

It looked like he was actually unwilling but because of the future needs of
working together, he had agreed.

Bai Lang smiled a little. However he told Hong Hong to take him to the
new house that Qiu Qian had given him.

Once they arrived, the previously cold and luxurious living room was now
filled with boxes. It was lucky that Bai Lang's old apartment came with

furniture, otherwise if he had to move it all over it would really be a big

Bai Lang asked Hong Hong to sit and went to the fridge to confirm that
Hong Hong had indeed moved all the contents over.

After busying himself for ten minutes, Bai Lang brought out two steaming
hot tomato egg noodles from the kitchen. From the pale gold broth a
fragrant steam wafted out. There was also a egg flower and a few pieces of
tomato. It looked both light and delicious.

"It's just tomato egg noodle soup. See if it's too your liking." Bai Lang put
down the bowl and called his guest over.

Hong Hong's expression was a little bit strange. Since Bai Lang had gone to
busy himself in the kitchen, he hadn't given any opinions. Now he took the
pair of chopsticks and started to directly eat. Since his second mouthful,

"su-su-su" the sound of slurping echoed in the room. Bai Lang felt satisfied
in his heart and so slowly began to eat his own bowl.

In his past life Bai Lang only discovered about his heart problem a few
months before death. At that time the impact on Bai Lang had been quite
heavy. Probably it was for this reason that Bai Lang lost his head and
agreed to Kang Jian's request to come out of the closet in such a manner.

After all he didn't have long in the world, so there was no point dragging it
out. {T/N: Er, author wrote it like this, but just to be clear his lifespan might
be shortened somewhat especially if he doesn't take care of himself, but it's
not like he's going to drop dead on the spot or anything unless he's placed
under immense shock/pressure and neglecting himself like in his previous

But even so, Bai Lang had also thought about taking care of himself well.

The doctor had told him have a regular lifestyle and a healthy diet. Bai
Lang had also spent some time researching it. It just so happened to be that
on the cooking programme two years prior, Bai Lang had been given a
chance to see many star's cooking and in order to achieve a good effect for
the show, Bai Lang had also spent a lot of time researching cooking and
As he cooked more and more, Bai Lang developed an interest in it. After
his rebirth, Bai Lang still didn't like to eat things cooked from outside. He
liked to get fresh ingredients to make things himself. It was more to his
taste as well as being more healthy.

Tonight when inviting Hong Hong to eat, Bai Lang had some vague notions
of gaining his friendship however he didn't hold out too much expectation.

Perhaps now his body had affixed with a brand however he was still
himself. As time went on if they were meant to be friends then they would
still be friends. After today's shoot, Bai Lang really felt as though he could
think about things in a more relaxed and open manner.

At supper, Bai Lang also took his opportunity to give Hong Hong a brief
introduction. He told him about the schedules and contacts that Xiao Yang
had arranged for him and compared it with Hong Hong's. After all the
switch had been quite sudden.

It was at this time that Hong Hong brought up the fact that during today's
filming, Bai Lang's phone had rung quite a few times.

Around half were from Xiao Yang. Hong Hong saw it and directly
answered it. He simply said that Xiao Yang was unlikely to call again to
make a fuss over his job. As for why and how.... Bai Lang looked at Hong
Hong's calm expression and decided it was probably better not to ask for the

When the noodles had not even been half finished, Qiu Qian opened the
door and came inside.

When he saw the two people sitting there eating hot noodles, he looked
quite envious.

"Supper? So good." Qiu Qian came to the dining room and draped himself
over the back of Hong Hong's chair.

Bai Lang looked over at him. "I saved some. If you want to eat I can make
you a bowl."
"Hang on a second," Qiu Qian paused, then asked curiously, "Did you make

Bai Lang drank some soup and nodded.

Hong Hong had just been loudly slurping his soup. This sound was clearly
enjoying the food very much. Qiu Qian couldn't help but feel his mouth
water. "This isn't right ba. Isn't it me that should eat first? This is my house
and that's my bowl, isn't this my noodle!?"

Hong Hong glanced over at Qiu Qian then suddenly stood up and in one
breath finished his bowl and placed it down. "Thank you for your
hospitality. It was delicious."

Bai Lang smiled. This was what a cook liked to hear the most. "Go home
and rest early. See you tomorrow."

Hong Hong didn't delay. He also didn't ask Qiu Qian for his opinion. After
saying goodbye he left decisively.

Qiu Qian was left behind in the dining room. After he finished staring at
Hong Hong he narrowed his eyes at Bai Lang. "How come you treat Er
Hong so well? Do forget it's a buyout ah, buyout." {T/N: As in he's the
exclusive buyer, purchased the whole thing, no one else can share lol.}

Bai Lang was still holding his bowl to drink soup. "I even left an extra egg
for you. Do you want to eat or not?"

"I want to." Qiu Qian sat down at the dining table like a lord at his manor.

Five minutes later, Bai Lang brought out another bowl. Since he was so
quick, it can be estimated that he wasn't lying when he said he had pre-
prepared it.

Qiu Qian felt slightly appeased. Following that he copied Hong Hong and
was soon slurping loudly. Bai Lang looked at him sideways then continued
eating his own noodles.

Of course after one was full and satiated, other desires would arise.

After eating his supper, Qiu Qian didn't delay to press Bai Lang down to do
it a few times.

After Bai Lang was once again done until he fell into an unconscious sleep,
he prayed in his heart that this was just because the relationship was new
that Qiu Qian's interest was so high.

Otherwise if every day was like this, then he really needed to think about if
he could clutch onto his small life.

However on Qiu Qian's side, after his bout of exercise, he lit a cigarette and
in his heart several thoughts was circulating.

This was the third day after Bai Lang had come to his door so Qiu Qian had
arranged for people to investigate regarding Bai Lang's experiences and
behaviour these past two years. The report had recently been sent to his

However the things in the report completely didn't match up with the things
that Qiu Qian had experienced personally over these last three days.

It was as though Bai Lang had completely changed his personality. He was
no longer innocent and stubborn, but had changed to become capable of
tolerance and endurance.

Also, there had been Fang Hua's unexpected phone call.

"Qiu Qian, what's going on with you and Bai Lang? He's being kept by

"What, doesn't it look like it?"

"Are you being serious? Two years ago didn't he reject you? What kind of
methods did you use?"

"Heh, you're wrong this time. He needed money. I gave him money. It's that
"He needs money? What kind of money?"

"What's the reason for you asking for many questions?"

"Okay fine, don't tell me. But I have to tell you, once you break up, tell me
immediately. I'll take him off your hands!"

"Take him off my hands!? Fuck, you also want to keep?"

"Keep my ass you bastard. Not everyone is like you. I think he's not simple
and has real ability. If he's ruined by you then it would be a pity."

"Real ability? Him?" Qiu Qian looked at the report in his hand. "Who told

"I saw it with my own eyes. Don't interfere with his professional career and
don't ruin his name, you hear me? This time have a good relationship
followed by a harmonious break up, okay?"

"I only bed willing partners. Which time hasn't it been a harmonious break

"I can already tell you have no sincerity. Okay, I know now."

"What do you know?"

"You changed his assistant, now change me to be his manager. And then
let's see how things turn out!"

"... Are you serious?"

"You think I have time to joke around with you!? I'm busy to death, I'm
hanging up now ah!"


Now even the things that Fang Hua was saying didn't match the report at
all. Qiu Qian felt like there was something not quite right, but he didn't have
anything to go on.
He looked at Bai Lang who was curled up in the sheets. His white skin was
contrasted and made even more pale by the dark suede bed-sheets. His long
eyelashes left a shadow on his face. Even when asleep, he still had a tired
expression. He was lying on his side and gently breathing, completely with
his guard down.

Qiu Qian's lingered on Bai Lang's smooth shoulder, followed by his

collarbone and neck.

Thinking about the warmth of their bodies moving together earlier, Bai
Lang's obedient cooperation... Qiu Qian snuffed out his cigarette, trying to
suppress a sudden urge. He lowered his head and once again bit Bai Lang
neck. The smooth skin had a youthful elasticity. Qiu Qian couldn't help but
use a little bit more force. He was pleased when he saw Bai Lang frown
slightly in his sleep.

Little white rabbit, what are your motives really?


In the following week what made Bai Lang the most surprised was that his
manager changed persons.

In his previous life, Bai Lang was only given a stable manager once
Partners became famous. Before that, because most of his activities were
training classes and he only had Partners as his one job, having an assistant
was enough. And the first manager that Total Entertainment assigned him
was a person called Chen Song. He had been working for around 8 years.

His experiences were not deep but not shallow either, for someone like Bai
Lang who was only just becoming famous, he can be considered an
appropriate choice.

However this time Chen Song had not been working for more than a few
weeks before he was suddenly changed to Fang Hua. When Bai Lang heard
this news, he initially didn't know whether to feel happy or sad. Of course
Fang Hua had a lot more resources but it also meant that from now on the
"butterfly effect" will become greater and greater. He could no longer rely

on the knowledge he had from his previous life, and the changes will
become greater.

But since Bai Lang had already decided that this was a new life with new
opportunities, then he could only do his best to grasp them as they came.

This time Bai Lang had at least ten years of experience in the industry. With
that, he should be able to at least reduce the number of detours on his path.

Also, after Fang Hua become his manager, Bai Lang also unexpectedly
gained a little brother Rong SiQi.

This was because of UNI's design. In the end they decided to go with Bai
Lang's suggestion.

After that day, a more detailed short film outline was created and the
concept of the roles became more gradually refined. The new version
compared to the old version was so much better that other people who had
differing opinions shut their mouths. So in the coming days, Bai Lang
became busy filming UNI's advertisement. In this time he also had to take
on the role of Rong SiQi's acting tutor.

It's just that even though his days were filled with satisfaction, the ghost of
the "past" still refused to fade away.


A few days later, very early in the morning, Bai Lang was in the shower.

The previous night Qiu Qian had continued his regular practice of not
letting Bai Lang go until he was completely exhausted, and so Qiu Qian as
per usual was lying lazily in bed, half awake and half asleep. At this time
the mobile phone that Bai Lang placed by the bedside table started ringing.

One ring, two rings... until the sixth ring, the digital music penetrated Qiu
Qian's ears and woke him up.
However Qiu Qian's first movement was as usual to stuff his ears with the
pillow, not willing to let go of his dream state.

Unexpectedly, the mobile phone which went silent after the seventh ring,
once again started a new round of ringing.

One ring, two rings, three rings... it was continuing to ring...

Qiu Qian finally lost his temper. He reached out and grabbed Bai Lang's
phone. Without opening his eyes, he connected the call.

"Hello?!" Other than anger, his voice also had a deep and nasally sound.

The person on the other end was shocked and there was a moment a silence.

Then he said, "I, I'm looking for Bai Lang. Can I ask if he's there?"

"He's taking a shower! What do you want!?" Qiu Qian heard the sound of
the water running. He spoke impatiently with his eyes still closed.

"Eh, shower?" The man on the other end's voice was both confused and
questioning. "And can I ask you are...?"

"Are you an idiot!? Shouldn't you say your name first ah!?" Qiu Qian
immediately starting swearing. "Hasn't anyone taught you before!?" The
Qiu Qian who had not opened his eyes of course had not looked at the name
displayed on the screen.

"Sorry sorry, I'm Kang Jian. He knows me. Then I'll call again another time.

Sorry for disrupting you." After he spoke he didn't wait for Qiu Qian's reply
and immediately hung up the phone.

This hanging up actually woke Qiu Qian up for real.

"What the hell, so early in the morning!?"

Impatient, Qiu Qian opened his eyes and squinted down at the screen. He
saw the "missed calls" notification showing up on the screen.
Who the hell was Kang Jian, never heard of him!!

Because he was unfamiliar with how to work this phone, he wasn't sure

what he pressed but somehow the missed calls history popped up on the

Kang Jian

Kang Jian

Kang Jian

Kang Jian


Seven calls in total, all in the last five days. All missed calls from "Kang

Qiu Qian frowned. His eyes which originally could barely open quickly
became very clear.

When Bai Lang came out of the shower in a towel, he saw a cigarette
dangling out of Qiu Qian's mouth while the other person was currently
impolitely playing with his phone. He didn't have the hint of guilt or any
appearance of wanting to hide the fact that he was invading someone else's

Seeing that Bai Lang looked slightly speechless, Qiu Qian unexpectedly
decided to provide an explanation for once. "Just before someone called
Kang Jian called you. I picked up."

Bai Lang stilled. He thought, it's like this, then continued to dry his hair
with the towel. "Oh."

"Why don't you pick up his calls?" Qiu Qian flicked the phone. "Is he an
Chapter 9 - Jiang XinCheng

Bai Lang paused for a moment, then said, "He's not my friend."

Of course Qiu Qian didn't miss Bai Lang's pause. "'Not my friend' can have
a lot of meanings. Lover? Enemy? Random bystander?"

Bai Lang didn't reply but instead asked a question of his own. "What did
you talk about?"

It was unknown whether or not he was trying to evade the question. Bai
Lang turned and walked to the dressing table on the far side of the room and
seemed to be looking for something.

Qiu Qian stared at Bai Lang. "Not much. Hanged up after asking for his
name. Why, are you scared of my saying the wrong thing?"

"I've been stabbed by him before, in the back. You should be careful." Bai
Lang found the hairdryer. He said down dressing table and began to blow
dry his hair.

"Hu—" A loud sound filled the room.

"Stabbed?" Qiu Qian frowned. This was another thing that the report hadn't
mentioned. "What kind of being stabbed?"

According to the report, other than being scammed two years ago {T/N:
When he initially signed onto the old entertainment company}, Bai Lang's
life had been mostly unremarkable. As for his relationship with Kang Jian,
it was completely not in the report.... This report was definitely defective.

"In a deadly manner, I almost lost my life." Bai Lang's voice floated
vaguely over the loud sound of the hair dryer.

This kind of answer was clearly being deliberately vague. Qiu Qian felt
dissatisfied. "Be more specific."

But Bai Lang's only answer was the loud hum of the hair dryer and his
expressionless profile.
This made Qiu Qian think of the time Bai Lang had gone back to T City. At
that time, sitting in his car, Bai Lang also had this kind of face.

It was empty and completely devoid of any emotion.

Qiu Qian frowned. He looked down at the phone number again. "This Kang
Jian is really thick skinned ah. He can still act as though nothing ever

"Isn't that more frightening?" Bai Lang continued to dry his hair.

"Do you need me to help you?" Qiu Qian threw away the phone.

There was a loud "ka-cha" sound. The loud and noisy sound in the room
suddenly ceased, plunging it back into silence. Bai Lang had finished
drying his hair. He switched off the electricity and at the same time spoke,
very clearly.

"I can do it myself."

"Pretty cool." Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. It was clear he wasn't in a good
mood. "But you're not allowed to think about other men. Come here!"

After their "exchange", Qiu Qian often commanded Bai Lang in this way.

As though he wanted to remind Bai Lang about their relationship.

Bai Lang turned his head. His expressionless face from before was gone,
instead replaced by the look of helplessness that he often wore these days.

He still walked over to the bed and without waiting for Qiu Qian to make
any moves, voluntarily lowered his head and gave the other man a short
kiss. However Qiu Qian immediately grabbed the back of his head and
deepened the kiss with fervor.

"Remember." After Qiu Qian released Bai Lang's lips, he licked them. "Go
and change your phone number today."
"En." Bai Lang suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. "Breakfast is bacon
omelette, do you want it?"

In terms of effort, Bai Lang really had spent a lot on Qiu Qian. These days
he came five days a week. Although he didn't stay the night every time,
however he would definitely completely exhaust Bai Lang before leaving.

Also the Qiu Qian who originally didn't have anything here, now had a
towel, pajamas, toothbrush, bowl, chopsticks, slippers and the most evil, an
ashtray. A complete set.

Qiu Qian frowned deeply. "How come you always like to cook Western
food? How about soy milk and egg pancake one day?"

"I haven't learnt how to make those yet. How about you ask Brother Hong
to help you buy some?" Bai Lang didn't feel guilty at all towards this

Qiu Qian made a "pei" noise. "Fine, bacon is fine. But don't forget to add
spring onions!" {T/N: Also called scallions in some places. Often eaten with
Chinese/Asian food.}

Bai Lang tried to imagine the flavor. It should be passable.

Next time he would make maple syrup pancake and see if Qiu Qian still
wanted to add spring onion!


Today the next thing on the agenda was rushing to set to film the rest of
Partners for Life.

These days because of the non-availability of the male lead Wu ShenEn, the
filming had been stopped. The stockpile of previously filmed Partners
episodes was dwindling and people were getting nervous. The almost crazy
director had already filmed the rest of whatever he could, however Wu
ShenEn was the male lead. There weren't many scenes which didn't have
him in it.
If one wanted to talk about the main plot of "Partners", it was primarily
about a narrative about the struggles of the newly graduated Lin QuanXi
(played by Wu ShenEn) after he moved to a big city and started working.

Since he had financial constraints, he had no choice but to rent a shared

house with other people.

A one level house had been partitioned into four separate rooms. They had
a shared living room and kitchen. There were both men and women living
there. Other than the female lead Wu XinYa and her good friend the
supporting female character Chen MeiYu, there was Bai Lang's character
Jiang XinCheng and his son Jiang Le. The five people lived under one roof.

It was a small production about the loves, lives and friendships of people
living in an urban city.

The first part of the plot was relaxed and comical. Primarily it was about the
friction and awkwardness of the five people learning to live together.
Within it were many jokes and situations often experienced by people living
in university dormitories. It resonated a lot with the audience.

In the middle, the relationships between the five people began to take on a
different shape. The male lead and the female lead, after a lot of
misunderstandings, began to be attracted to one another. Jiang XinCheng
started to have good feelings towards the female lead's best friend Chen
MeiYu, resulting in his son Jiang Le's jealousy and mischief making. And
as per usual according to the rules of a love triangle, the supporting female
character Chen MeiYu liked the male lead Lin QuanXi.

The latter part of the drama was filled with dog blooded drama. You like me
but I don't like you. You misunderstood me and I refuse to forgive you.

After the audience had become attached to these characters, the

development of the plot took into account the fervent and passionate
discussions and opinions the audience shared on its official website. In this
way the plot kept being refined. This was a very popular technique with
lengthy dramas lasting longer than 4 months, in order to keep up the
freshness of the drama and maintain the attention of its audience.
It was at this time in his previous life that Bai Lang's brother's ugly news
had been exposed. It made the audience feel poorly about him and so his

fame took a plummet. As a result in the latter half of the plot of Partners,
there was a tendency to blacken Bai Lang's character Jiang XinCheng. This
served to compound the bad effect his family scandal had on Bai Lang.

However this time, Bai Li's debt had been pacified by Qiu Qian's cheque.

Then would the following plot of Partners be the same as Bai Lang's
previous life? Bai Lang felt quite curious.

A few days before, Bai Lang had finally received the script sent by the film
crew. The butterfly effect had really taken effect. Under the original
plotline, Jiang XinCheng was secretly jealous of the male lead and had
many dislikeable scenes, however in the new script this part had been
lightened significantly. There was more scenes between with Jiang
XinCheng and his son Jiang Le added, and after his amnesia Jiang
XinCheng still had his son to comfort him. This resulted in a lot more

"meng" {T/N: cute} type scenes.

Today what they were filming was precisely the scene were Jiang
XinCheng was jealous of Lin QuanXi.

The setting was shared house's small living room. The timing was Chen
MeiYu's birthday. The four people living there made an arrangement to all
finish early in order to help Chen MeiYu celebrate.

And for this occasion, the script's Jiang XinCheng had put in a lot of effort.

He had purchased a present for Chen MeiYu which was a carefully selected
pair of earrings which he thought she would like. However because Lin
QuanXi gave Chen MeiYu a stuffed bear that he had casually won from a
claw machine on the side of the street, the earrings were carelessly thrown
aside by Chen MeiYu where it fell into a crack between the cushions. In this
way the pair of earrings became a single earring only, and made Jiang
XinCheng's present completely worthless.
"Sorry sorry, Ah Cheng, I didn't meant to ah." The actress who played Chen
MeiYu was called Yu QianQian. She clutched the stuffed teddy bear as she
apologized. Her soft and gentle voice would probably have melted many
men's hearts. "What should I do? Can the earring still be retrieved?"

Jiang XinCheng was kneeling beside the couch. He reached out his hand
and tried to feel in between the crack. There was a lot of sweat on his
forehead but in the end he could only suppress his disappointment as he
said, "It doesn't seem like it. The crack is too small. It's impossible to get
anything out."

"Why don't we dismantle the couch then," Lin QuanXi comforted Chen
MeiYu. "Isn't the earring the pink pearl that you like? How can you wear it
if there's just one. No, no!" After saying that he rolled up his sleeves,
pushed Jiang XinCheng aside, and looked ready to tear the cushions apart.

"The sofa is something provided by the landlord. If you break it how are
you going to explain it ah?" Wu XinYa stepped up logically to stop him.

Lin QuanXi completely didn't pay her any mind."If we don't tell him, he
might not find out. Anyway how can this old sofa compare with a pair of
beautiful pearl earrings? If the landlord asks we'll just say the four of us sat
on it until it broke. Right?" In the drama, Lin QuanXi was loyal and
passionate youth who wasn't scared of anything. He often butted heads with
the coolly rational female lead.

At this time Chen MeiYu had already secretly given away her heart. When
she saw Lin QuanXi standing by her side, she couldn't tear her beautiful
eyes away from him. She said in an emotional manner, "Don't worry about
it Brother Xi. The fact that you want to help me already makes me so
happy. Really! Even if there is only one earring, to me it will still be a very
precious memory!"

A precious memory of who? The person who gave it to her? Or the memory
of Lin QuanXi's help?

The completely ignored Jiang XinCheng saw everything happening in front

of him. His heart was extremely hurt. He couldn't help but avert his gaze
but when he did, he saw his five year old son Jiang Le. The child's dark
eyes were quietly staring at him.

The two of their eyes met. Jiang XinCheng gave an awkward and forced
smile. He raised his hand and wiped off the cream from the side of his son's

mouth. "Is it yummy? This cake was selected by your daddy."

Jiang Le nodded his head. "It's yummy." Afterwards he raised his chubby
little hand and took out from his plate a red cherry that Jiang XinCheng had
specifically given him. He held out to Jiang XinCheng and said, "Daddy,
you eat it."

Jiang XinCheng stilled. Then he rubbed Jiang Le's head. "This is something
I got specially for LeLe. You don't like it?"

"I like it. But I want daddy to eat it~" Jiang Le stubbornly thrust out the

Jiang XinCheng's expression changed slightly. There was a hint of laughter

in there as well as suppressed emotions.

Afterwards, Jiang XinCheng bent down. With one bite, he ate the cherry in
Jiang Le's hand. This was a little bit different from the script which said

"Jiang XinCheng took the cherry and ate it". However the child actor Duo
Duo only slightly blinked his eyes and continued his acting. He scooped a
piece of cake and ate it himself.

Afterwards, other than words "thank you" written down in the script, Jiang
XinCheng also picked up his son and cuddled him on his knee. He used his
cheek to press against his son's round head and accompanied his son to eat
mouthful after mouthful of cake. The three camera crews around them were
all focused on this pair of father and son.

"Cut—–!" The director finally called.

Everyone in the crew suddenly seemed to wake up out of a daydream. They

started moving again.
"Bai Lang, your performance is pretty good ah." Once the cameras stopped
rolling, the director Zhou ChunCai immediately praised him. "It's as though
after resting for a few days you changed to a different person. It's as though
you've become enlightened ah."

Bai Lang smiled. At the same time he helped take Duo Duo's plate, and let
him slide gently off his leg. When he saw Duo Duo's gaze looking at the
half piece of cake still left on the plate, Bai Lang asked the director, "Does
this scene pass?"

"Of course pass la." The director grinned at him.

Bai Lang gave the plate to Duo Duo. "You can eat it all, no problem."

".... thank you big brother." Duo Duo opened his eyes wide, he looked at
Bai Lang with surprise.

The old Bai Lang had the most shallow experience on set so he was always
getting NGs. So he was always very low-key and didn't say much. So
although the two of them had a lot of scenes together, however outside they
rarely talked. However Duo Duo was just a child so even if he felt surprised
he didn't think much. He took the plate and went to look for his mom to eat
the cake together.

The director Zhou ChunCai came over to Bai Lang. He patted Bai Lang's
shoulder and seemed pleased. "Recently you've been doing really well ah.

Looks like you've managed to take notice of all the scoldings I gave you
before. Your movements in front of the camera have improved in leaps and
bounds. If you keep this up, then if the scriptwriter wants to add more
scenes for you, I have no objections!" If an actor improves during the
course of filming, then the hard work and credit usually rests with the

Since he wanted to continue this beautiful misunderstanding, Bai Lang

smiled. He said, "Thank you Director." He hadn't even finished speaking
when the Wu ShenEn who was standing nearby heard these things. He said
in mock protest, "Ai, Director don't give up on me just yet. Didn't I push
everything aside to rush to film this?" In this way he made it seem as
though the only reason to add scenes for Bai Lang was because Wu ShenEn
didn't have time to film.

Zhou ChunCai was also an old hat. Of course he went along with what the
notoriously proud Wu ShenEn said. "I almost felt like kneeling down to

beg. What's your company doing, do they really want all of our lives?"

"Hahaha, I'm doing my best too. Here I am tired like a dog." Wu ShenEn
was pleased with the Director's words. After all only popular people were
busy. "Everyday I spent 19-20 hours filming. I've about to sprout pimples
on my face. All so I could hurry to rush back here. Aren't I very
professional? Director Zhou, you should be adding my scenes instead ba!"

At this time the actress for the female lead Wu XinYa, Fan Shan, also came
closer. She said with a radiant smile, "However Bai Lang has improved a
lot. He saved us a lot of time. Was it because you were encouraged by all
the messages left by the fans?"

Fan Shan was also a small starlet that can be considered only half-famous.

She had a clean and cute appearance which meant, in other words, there
was nothing really special about her. Partners was broadcasted at the
awkward time between 6PM and 7PM, a small production during the time
most people were commuting from work. This was the only reason they had
picked her as the female lead. However unexpectedly the drama had good
ratings. Among the four main characters, she had the longest experience in
the acting industry so she often spoke as though she were a senior to the

"Previously I wasted a lot of everyone's time," Bai Lang went along with it.

"In the future I will be more careful."

Fan Shan gave him a friendly smile. She nodded cutely. Although she was
older however her figure was small and cute, only reaching Bai Lang's
shoulder. "Then I feel even more assured ah. You should know, according to
a lot of discussion online, they think the two of us should be a pair. Maybe
in the future we will have a lot of scenes together."

"They think that?" Wu ShenEn was both shocked and displeased. "Where
are you getting your statistics from? How come I didn't see it?"

Everyone knew that the rest of the story would be refined in accordance
with the fan's tastes. So everyone was very conscious to keep an eye on
what was on the online discussion boards.

"On the normal boards of course there's no official statistics, but you
definitely haven't been by the fanfiction areas have you." Fan Shan happily
reminded him. "In the majority of the fanfiction, me and Jiang XinCheng
are a pair ah."

"Fanfiction?" Even Bai Lang was surprised. Just like Wu ShenEn, he had
only looked at the plot discussion boards.

"Yes. Right now I'm following one of the popular stories there. Everyday
there's a small update, ai, it really makes the heart itchy. I really want the
scriptwriter to go and contact that person." Fan Shan said in an exaggerated

Fan Shan also had an ulterior motive in being interested in all this. It was
because she wanted to suppress the Chen MeiYu character. In the
relationship between the four people, it was actually Chen MeiYu who was
involved in a triangle relationship with the male lead and the supporting
male character. It had won a lot of heated discussion among the netizens.

In comparison, the female lead Wu XinYa was riding a one wheel unicyle.

She was only involved emotionally with the male lead. Although there were
some scenes in the script of fighting between her and Chen MeiYu, however
it didn't seem to garner much interest from the fans. So there was much less
discussion about it.

That's why Fan Shan felt unsettled. Clearly she was the female lead, how
come the glory was taken by the supporting female role? If in the script she
could also have some kind of relationship with Jiang XinCheng, then
everyone's attention would return to her.

Unexpectedly Zhou ChunCun suddenly laughed mysteriously. "He he, how

do you know we haven't looked for her?"

Fan Shan's eyes brightened. Wu ShenEn changed color. He looked at Bai

Lang and his gaze had animosity.

At this time, there was a voice which interrupted them. "Senior brother,
Brother Ma asked me to bring some snacks and visit you on set."

Bai Lang's back went cold and he slowly turned around.

It really was Kang Jian.

Chapter 10 - Green Bean Soup

Kang Jian's appearance was not classically handsome.

He was tall with a good body however while his nose was straight, his eyes
were slightly small and he had an inner double lid. His chin was squarish
and his cheekbones prominent. When he was young, among a crowd of
handsome male stars, he didn't particularly stand out. However as he got
older, his appearance was more suitable for a going down a mature
pathway. After he had undergone the styling for his role, he had the image
of someone who looked casual and playful on the outside but hid a deep
emotions on the inside. In this way Kang Jian became a "killer" of older
women. {T/N: As in he's very popular with this demographic.}

At this time in his previous life, Bai Lang and Kang Jian were just ordinary
friends. Kang Jian took a lot of initiative in this regard. If he wasn't calling
to chat then he was turning up at Bai Lang's door with supper.

Afterwards when the ugly news regarding Bai Lang's family got around,
Kang Jian began to contact him less. In contrast due to the release of his
first movie and also UNI's advertisement, Kang Jian's star was on the rise
and he became gradually known by the audience. Bai Lang naturally
thought the reason for the decrease in contact was because Kang Jian was
busy working.

It was not until a few years later when Bai Lang became famous again
because of the popularity of Who is Hosting Dinner? , that Kang Jian's
frequent contact returned. At that time although Kang Jian could not be
considered an A-lister, he frequently acted in small productions as either the
male lead or in an important supporting male role. Compared to the popular
again Bai Lang, he can be considered around same level of fame.

Thus Kang Jian never tried to hide the fact that he and Bai Lang were old
friends. The two of them had different styles and thus there wasn't much
chance of them competing against each other. Occasionally when they
appeared in the supermarket together, they could create some minor news

and give the fans a favorable impression of two close male friends being
affectionate towards each other.

This was also the beginning of the two people's relationship.

The change in relationship was also initiated by Kang Jian.

Kang Jian was bisexual. He was okay with either men or women.

According to what Kang Jian told Bai Lang, he actually preferred men over
women, however the reality of his circumstances made it difficult for him to
find someone good.

And Bai Lang was clean and beautiful, his personality was calm and he
wasn't the type to quibble over small things. He also knew how to take care
of others. After they got to know each other, it wasn't as though Kang Jian
didn't have any genuine feelings. However at that time he was more
concerned with his own career. Since Bai Lang had a lot of troublesome
news, Kang Jian decided to not pursue him anymore.

But when Bai Lang became popular for the second time, Kang Jian's heart
began to itch again. Also by that time Kang Jian had also familiarized
himself with Bai Lang's personality. He was pleased with the fact that Bai
Lang was low-key, and wasn't the type of person to nag or get jealous. After
testing him a few times, he found out that Bai Lang didn't seem to have any
prejudice towards homosexuals. So he seized the opportunity when Bai
Lang was drunk and sealed the deal with him.

Afterwards Kang Jian spent some time pacifying the shocked Bai Lang.

He made long speeches about his long and difficult secret love for the other
person, it was only because he really couldn't suppress it any longer that it
burst out and he lost control.

In movies this type of infatuated and lovesick male character would often
appear. Kang Jian's acting was dripping with emotions. It had to be said that
Kang Jian's method was extremely correct. This type of "good friend turned
lover" pathway was extremely effective on the innocent and naive Bai
Lang. This way he would be more easily forgiven and accepted. Bai Lang at

this time was still bearing the heavy burden of repaying Bai Li's debts.

Something like having a relationship was a luxury for him.

However he didn't expect that Kang Jian's promise of love only lasted for
three years.

Three years of giving him his whole heart, only won back that kind of
betrayal from Kang Jian.

So that's why, after his rebirth, Bai Lang's phone was filled with Kang Jian's
missed calls. This by itself wasn't unusual. The fact that he ignored it and
did not even return one was the unusual part.

But Bai Lang had already made up his mind that in his life he didn't want
any type of relationship with Kang Jian.

If he maintained a so-called "friendship" with Kang Jian, perhaps it would

be easier to do what Bai Lang had decided to do in this life {T/N: prevent
KJ's rise}, however Bai Lang already knew the sensation of betrayal from
his past life. He hated it and thus he didn't want to also turn into that kind of
person. Also more importantly, Bai Lang was afraid that in front of Kang
Jian he would not be able to hide the feelings of anger and disgust in his

Thinking about it now, the last time he had seen Kang Jian in his past life,
the other man had still held his hand.

He had said, no matter how much the world changed, he would definitely
stay by Bai Lang's side.

And now, seeing Kang Jian once again standing in front of his eyes, Bai
Lang felt a strong sense of revulsion.


Kang Jian was holding three big bags of sweet soup and had come to the set
to visit someone he knew.

That person was of course his senior brother from the same company, Wu

The artists under the same management company often did things like this.

Other than helping to give face to the person they were visiting, they could
use this opportunity to make acquaintances and get close to the crew.

Perhaps if the timing was right, they could turn these networks into
opportunities for themselves.

So it was not the first time Kang Jian had come. He greeted Wu ShenEn
then began passing out the soup to the crew in a familiar manner. Right now
there were still several more scenes to film and so this kind of afternoon tea
type event was well-received by everyone.

Bai Lang overlooked the smile that Kang Jian gave to him and continued
chatting with Director Zhou. If he left the room now, then he would
undoubtedly run into Kang Jian alone. He definitely didn't want that.
Fan Shan and Wu ShenEn also didn't leave. After all the topic of
conversation had just turned to the direction of the script. The male and
female lead were justifiably very anxious about it. In the end even the
actress for Chen MeiYu, Yu QianQian, also came to join them. These
people surrounded Director Zhou and sat on the long work table to drink
sweet bean soup and continue their previous topic of discussion.

"Director Zhou, are you being serious? You guys really went to find that
fanfiction writer?" Fan Shan asked curiously.

On it's official website, other than Partners's official discussion board, there
was also a fanworks section. Even if they didn't do this, such fanworks were
bound to pop up for popular dramas. This way they could somewhat
regulate it and only fanworks published on the official website were
considered "authorized" by default. The premise was that it had to promote
a healthy and positive image for the drama. Also the company owned the
rights to everything published with its characters, and could prevent
serialization or delete things that it deemed inappropriate.

Of course these rights were not exercised strenuously. After all the
company didn't have so much free time that they could delete every
unauthorized work on the internet. However since they promoted the news
that the works published on the official discussion board's fanworks section
had "influence" over the script, most fans were attracted to posting their
works there. It was a good way of concentrating all the works in one place.

After "Partners" had been broadcasting for two months, the relationships
between the four characters gradually became clearer. The fanworks section
during this time also began to spring up like mushrooms.

Director Zhou's manner towards Fan Shan was equally friendly. "It's better
to ask Xiao Dong than me. He knows Scriptwriter Xu's intentions better
than me."

The Producer Chen DongLi also didn't make them run around in circles. His
lips twitched and he said, "Previously we did make contact. It turns out
she's a female student that's quite young. All her documents are still being
kept by her parents for safekeeping. When we came to her door, they nearly
took us for scam artists and tried to run us out. Really unexpected."

Chen DongLi was a fatty of approximately over a 100 kilos. At this time he
had already finished every last drop of the sweet soup and still looked

Bai Lang saw this and pushed his portion which he hadn't touched towards
him. Chen DongLi pretended to reject it a few times then began drinking it

The other people were surprised by this behaviour, some were also
disdainful. They saw it as Bai Lang trying to suck up. However using
someone else's gift? This method was too low ba. As for Bai Lang, he just
really didn't want to eat anything that Kang Jian had brought. He was
grateful that someone was willing to take it off his hands.

"So what's the result?" It was Fan Shan asking again. "Will you really put
me and Jiang XinCheng together?"

Chen DongLi didn't answer. Yu QianQian used her soft and gentle voice to
interrupt, "Ai, I think the probability is low Sister Shan. What the fans like
is precisely Jiang XinCheng's loyalty. If he suddenly changes the person he
likes, then he'd be acting out of character." In the drama her character was
very feminine and she was also like that in real life.

Fan Shan felt unhappy. However on the surface she smiled. "That's why it's
called the scriptwriter's power ah. QianQian, don't underestimate them.

Otherwise how can Lin QuanXi and I argue to this degree but in the end
still end up together? In real life it wouldn't be possible, however isn't the
scriptwriter still able to write it out naturally?" In just a few sentences she
pinned a big label on Yu QianQian which read "looks down on

Yu QianQian froze slightly. Then she smiled, "That's right ah. It's my lack
of experience. Sister Shan is right."
"But XinYa, hearing you talk like this really breaks my heart." Wu ShenEn
called her by the female lead's name, pretending that his heart was really
hurt. "Isn't this 'looking at other people's bowls while eating from one's
own?'" {T/N: Similar meaning to wanting your cake and eating it too.}

Although he was pretending to be in character, really what was trying to

point out was Fan Shan's greediness.

Fan Shan's expression slightly changed. Then she sighed. "This is also what
the fans want for me ah. You don't know but fans on the website are always
asking this question ne. Otherwise why would I be concerned about it?

Jiang XinCheng, you should add oil too ah. The fans want me to pass on
this message to you. They're all looking forward to what you can do." {T/N:

"Add oil" = work hard/good luck. I left it as Chinese since I'm pretty sure
all everyone knows what it means.}

Her many years of experience was not for nothing. Fan Shan's technique of
using her words to artfully put down others was not bad. However her last
words seemed to be pushing the fire she had raised on herself towards Bai
Lang. She also didn't want to fight Wu ShenEn in the open. If she pushed

out his direct competitor Bai Lang then she could distract a lot of Wu
ShenEn's animosity away from her.

The previous Bai Lang wouldn't have understood this. But now he couldn't
be more clear. He smiled and replied, "Sister Fan is so passionate about
supporting the fans, it really makes one envious. Actually I don't really
understand these things so I can only follow what the script says."

His reply was extremely calm and neat, but when Fan Shan looked at the
smiling Bai Lang in the eyes, she experienced a feeling of embarrassment.

Chen DongLi had finished the second bowl of soup. He acted as though he
completely didn't understand the exchanges between the four people and
said, "These things are still under discussion. That fanfiction writer's age is
really too young. Her parents are so very strict. The scriptwriter still wants
to observe the trending topics for a while longer and then make a decision."

Hearing this reply, Fan Shan had no choice but to drop the subject in
disappointment. Of course, Wu ShenEn's facial expression was not much
better. Because it showed that things could still be changed and that the
scriptwriter was still thinking about things.

Kang Jian finished passing out all the sweet soup. When the discussion had
reached a natural pause, he very astutely found an opening and came over
to make his greetings.

"Brother Shen, Director Zhou, Brother Chen, it's so lively over here." Kang
Jian said. "What are you guys talking about? Let me join in too."

Director Zhou laughed and said, "We were just talking about how your
green bean soup is very good ah. There's even konjac in it. It's so filling."

Kang Jian's eyes lit up and he immediately continued the subject. "Yes
Director Zhou. This is purchased from the hundred year old shop that the
programme Local Delicacies previously recommended. I saw it and wanted
to bring some for everyone to try. I didn't realize that the store doesn't take

preorders, and you can only go there to line up to buy. Luckily I got there
early and just managed to bring it here in time for afternoon tea."

After speaking, Kang Jian brought over a chair for himself in a familiar
manner. He placed himself in between Wu ShenEn and Director Zhou.

Although this moment might look casual and careless, in fact he had
directly inserted himself into this small group under the eyes of everyone.

Fan Shan smiled. "You're very thoughtful. If it were me I definitely

wouldn't line up. In the future if someone got you as their boyfriend, then
they will be really lucky."

Kang Jian grinned in an embarrassed manner. "Sister Fan you're laughing at

me. The real good boyfriend is definitely by senior brother's character Lin
QuanXi. He's so popular with girls, no one can beat him. I'm not worried.

As long as I follow him I'll definitely be able to find a girlfriend."

These words were very safe and at the same time praised Wu ShenEn.

However directly following the previous topic of conversation, Wu ShenEn

felt like it sounded ugly. His face fell. Fan Shan who also realized this
looked over with a playful expression, she squinted her eyes and didn't

Kang Jian laughed a few times and realized no one was going along with
him. He also thought it was strange. Instinctively he looked towards the

"familiar" Bai Lang for help. "Ah Lang, this is the same green bean soup
place I mentioned on the phone to you before. Do you like it?"

The silent Bai Lang suddenly had his name called. Fan Shan said curiously,

"'Ah Lang'? Do you two know each other?"

Chapter 11 - Following Car

"We attended the same training program. We studied for over half a year
together." Kang Jian immediately explained. "So we became close."

Actually during training days, Bai Lang and Kang Jian could really only be
called acquaintances that sometimes ran into each other.

"Its like this." Fan Shan nodded her head. "The training program is a good
foundation ah. Once you come out to work, your fellow students can help
support you. If there's problems you can discuss together. It's good to keep
networking." As she spoke she looked at Bai Lang.

Everyone had seen how Bai Lang had given to the green bean soup to Chen
DongLi. How would he reply now?

Unexpectedly, Bai Lang said very lightly, "You troubled yourself. In the
future you don't need to do so anymore." {T/N: He's replying to KJ about
the green bean soup.} After he spoke he stood up and said to Director Zhou,

"It's getting a bit late. I'll take my leave now so I can change into the next

Kang Jian visibly froze. He stared at Bai Lang's cold attitude with disbelief.

He couldn't understand how someone who was warm and gentle on the
phone two weeks ago now seemed like he had suddenly completely

Director Zhou ignored Kang Jian's awkward expression. He smiled and

looked at his watch. He said to Bai Lang, "Go ahead. Take your time. The
next scene is of the landlord so you don't need to rush."

Bai Lang nodded. He nodded at the people at the table, of course not
including Kang Jian, and then left.

Both Fan Shan and Yu QianQian looked shocked. This was because they
had never before seen this cold side of the gentle and friendly Bai Lang.

They were curious about what Kang Jian had done to make the usually

good tempered Bai Lang reject him in this manner. When they looked at
him, their eyes both expressed disdain at his manner of "not being close but
pretending to be close".

As for Kang Jian's senior brother Wu ShenEn, he felt as though Kang Jian
had made him lose face. Hence he was very unhappy and his entire face fell
heavily. Thus he also gave his leave and went to his dressing room to fix his
makeup. He also dragged the awkward and confused Kang Jian with him.


As soon as they entered, Wu ShenEn slammed the door and immediately

begun cursing.

"What the hell are you trying to do!? Look at this disgusting face of yours,
trying to stick it where people don't want you! Even if you don't care, you
should think about my position, I'm your senior brother don't forget!!"

Kang Jian's expression was frozen. "Senior brother, what, what's the matter?

Are you having problems with Bai Lang?"

"Problems!? He's been eyeing my position, waiting for a chance to drag me

down. How can we not have problems? Don't mess things up for me even
more you idiot! Can't you see he doesn't want to be close to you! Can't even
be bothered looking at you in the eye. Even I think he's quite cool ah!!"

"But, but I'm really close with Bai Lang. I'm not lying! Look, I have lots of
call logs with him in my phone..." Kang Jian hurriedly dug out his phone.

"Was that before or after he got famous? Don't tell me it's from before.

You're already this old, do you think making friends is still the same as
when you were in primary school? Please grow up!" Wu ShenEn scolded
him angrily. "You made me lose face with you, what kind of pig teammate
are you? In the future don't come here again, when I go back I'll tell Old
Hao about it. You make me so angry!"

"No, senior brother! I really didn't know. I, I was fooled by Bai Lang
okay?" When Kang Jian heard this he really panicked. If he couldn't even

follow Wu ShenEn to his filming set then it was a huge loss for the recently
debuted Kang Jian who desperately needed to show himself. "Please I beg
you to overlook it. Just forgive me this once. I definitely won't do it again."

"Forgive you?" Wu ShenEn violently threw off Kang Jian's hand. "If I
forgive you who's going to return my face to me!! Just now Director Zhou
and Producer Chen were both present. With your attitude, who dares to talk
to you in the future? They'll be scared to accidentally turned into your

"good friend". Just like how you always call me "senior brother" {T/N:
Usually said in the context of two people learning under the same teacher
or in the same school}, we don't have the same teacher so who's your senior
brother? Get out now! Just looking at your face makes me angry."
This time Wu ShenEn released all his anger onto Kang Jian. He
immediately began to push Kang Jian and wanted him to get out

Kang Jian's entire face was green. He was so panicked he wanted to cry.

"Senior brother, don't be like this, don't throw me out! I, I know something
about Bai Lang. Maybe it can be of help to you?"

"Bai Lang? What do you know?" Wu ShenEn paused and asked in an angry

Kang Jian had just been treated coldly by Bai Lang and been mocked in
front of everyone. A sudden streak of anger passed through his heart.

"This morning when I called him, a man picked up the phone... and said he
was in the shower."


With a sudden "ji—-" sound of the car suddenly breaking, Bai Lang who
was dozing in the backseat hit his head on the glass of the car window. He
confusedly opened his eyes.

Without waiting for Bai Lang to ask, Hong Hong turned the steering wheel
and explained, "There's a car following us."

Bai Lang immediately woke up. "Following us?"

"Yes. I specifically took a few more loops around the street and found out
that there's a small black car that's following us from behind. I'm definitely
not wrong." Even though the car was accelerating very fast, the pace of
Hong Hong's steady voice didn't change.

Bai Lang turned his head to look. "Paparazzi?"

This question might seem a bit superfluous. After all as a star, who else
would be following but the paparazzi? However Bai Lang somehow felt a
bit suspicious.
He wasn't a new person. More or less he understood the standards of the
journalists in the entertainment world. In this life he didn't have any ugly
rumors currently and he was a small star that had just started getting
popular. Many of the endorsements he had signed hadn't even been
broadcasted yet. There wasn't any hot topics or news that could be gained
from following him.

Hong Hong however was sure. "It should be. The triads don't follow in this
manner." He spoke as though he often ran into the latter.

Bai Lang paused slightly but he didn't have time to question it because right
now they were on the way home.

The place Bai Lang currently lived in, which was the new place that Qiu
Qian had given him, was a luxurious apartment complex which had been
listed as number one most desired on the "Mistress Apartment" rankings.

The luxury condos were built on the side of a hill, ensuring the balconies on
every floor had a gorgeous night view of A city. However the wealthy
people who lived here much more appreciated the ease of travel to get to
the apartment.

The road that the government built only led to the front gate of the
apartment complex before ending. On the backside was a small mountain.

On this side there there three intersecting small roads leading to the bottom
of the mountain, which conveniently connected it to a highway.

In addition the underground parking was like a maze, ensuring that once a
car entered, it was impossible to tell from which exit it would leave from,
which was a double layer of security. Once the design of this complex was
released, it was a big hit among wealthy people who clamored to buy. Just a
single bedroom cost several tens of millions of dollars.

Thus someone of Bai Lang's background could definitely not afford

something like this. If he tried to explain it as an apartment that the
company had prepared for it, people would only laugh is disbelief. After all
even Total Entertainment's movie emperor Su Quan didn't have this kind of
service so how could someone as unimportant as Bai Lang be worthy of
such a high price?

Thus if his place of living was exposed, then at least 80% of the audience
would undoubtedly conclude that the only reason was because he was being
kept by a rich person. Actually it was not as though Bai Lang didn't prepare
himself for something like this when he moved into this place.

However if they furthered the investigation, at least Qiu Qian would be

safe. After all everyone who had bought in this apartment complex were
high flying individuals. Thus the details of who lived here were all kept
extremely confidential and would not be easily found out. This was also one
of the promises the sales team had made when discussing the purchasing of
the property.

"Put your seatbelt on properly. I need some time to shake them off." Hong
Hong suddenly reminded him.

After that there was another "ji—-" sound of the wheels frantically

Bai Lang's head was again swung against the window. He hurried to grab a
hold of something to steady himself.

The scenery outside sped by at breakneck pace. Once they left the city it
would be difficult to throw off the cars so Hong Hong was still making
circles in the city. Over and over again the breaks screeched. The other cars
on the road honked their horns loudly. This kind of scene was usually only
seen in movies.

Bai Lang was swung around until he felt dizzy. He quickly said, "Its, it's not
necessary. It's too dangerous."

"I can do it." Hong Hong looked in the rear view mirror. "Just bear with it a
bit longer, behind the seat there's a plastic bag."

There was another sharp turn. Bai Lang swayed back and forth. "That's not
what I meant. Just let them follow, it's okay."
Hong Hong didn't pay any mind to him. He continued to show Bai Lang a
highly skilled driving technique which Bai Lang never knew until this day
that he had. Bai Lang had no choice but to follow his instructions and put
on his seatbelt {T/N: Unlike in the west, it's not customary practice to put
your seatbelt on in the backseat in China. Only in the front. However there
is a seatbelt there just no one really uses it.} After a few more minutes, the
speed of the car gradually slowed down. Hong Hong announced, "I threw
them off."

"You threw them off today, but what about tomorrow?" Bai Lang's face was
a little pale. He sighed. "There's no point to put your life on the line every
day. It's impossible to hide forever."

"It won't look good," Hong Hong was also conscious about how the news
would impact Bai Lang."The living place can be changed. Wait until I
talked to the big boss about it."

"Then where should I move? To a cheaper place?" Bai Lang smiled. He

knew Hong Hong was being dedicated, just like in his previous life. "Then
it will be even worse. Right now if word gets out it will only affect me. But
in another place, Qiu Qian might get dragged into it too. If it's possible to
avoid trouble to others then we should avoid it." Bai Lang spoke honestly.

He thought this would also be Qiu Qian's thinking.

Hong Hong was silent for a few seconds. Then he said, "In just a few days,
the people behind will be "taken care of" cleanly."

Bai Lang once again froze. However he didn't want to enquire about this
method of being "taken care of". He only laughed helplessly. "That will still
require money and effort. It's better to treat things logically. Right now all
they can write is some rumors and conjectures. If I keep my mouth shut no
one will dare write the truth."

Hong Hong didn't reply again. He only quietly drove the car home.

"And also, what they write won't be untrue. So it's not like I'll be wronged."
Bai Lang added this sentence. He realized he really wasn't very worried.


".... he said that?"

That night, Qiu Qian didn't come to the apartment. Hong Hong gave him a
call to report to him about being followed that evening as well as Bai Lang's
opinion on the matter.

"Yes." Hong Hong replied.

"Then do as he says. If they want to write, just let them write. Fang Hua
will take care of it." Qiu Qian's voice on the phone appeared casual.

"However we still need to find out clearly who is behind it. Bai Lang is
right. He isn't very famous yet, so this should be a targeted attack."

"I understand." Hong Hong said.

"But Er Hong, what do you think Bai Lang is thinking?" On the other end
Qiu Qian suddenly laughed a little. "He found a patron but doesn't even
want to use him. What's he doing? Is he trying to keep me hanging?"

Hong Hong paused. Then he simply answered. "I don't know."

Qiu Qian knew Hong Hong's personality. He felt a bit suspicious. "What, do
you have a different opinion?"

Hong Hong didn't get a chance to reply before there the suddenly the sound
of metal clanging together. It was transmitted through Hong Hong's phone
to Qiu Qian's side.

Qiu Qian thought it sounded familiar so he asked, "What's the noise? Where
is he?"

"In the kitchen. He said the steak is nearly expired so he is cooking it for
me to eat." Hong Hong answered honestly.
"...." Qiu Qian felt suddenly angry. "That's my pan and that's my meat. Why
the hell are you eating?"

On the first day Bai Lang had moved in, Qiu Qian had given him a credit
card with an extremely high limit for household expenses and his personal
spending. He was an extremely responsible patron. So when Qiu Qian said
the meat was his, it was indeed true.

"Bai Lang said if he eats it then he'll get fat. So there's no choice but for me
to eat it." Hong Hong moved his nose slightly.

The delicious smell of meat was wafting from the kitchen.

"Seems like you're feeling very wronged, eh?" Qiu Qian spoke in a vicious

"I don't mind. It tastes pretty good." Hong Hong intently stared at the oily
and beautiful steak that was cooking inside that cooking inside the pan.

"Get out!"

"Okay, after I eat."


Three days later the headline in the entertainment news read: "Diamond
watch! Luxurious house! Jiang XinCheng can afford it!?"

Bai Lang had only half finished his breakfast when he received Fang Hua's
phone call.

"You have time in the morning right? Come by the company."

Chapter 12 - Grocery Basket

A silver SUV parked outside the grand doors of Total Entertainment.

The journalists who had been waiting by the door all swarmed forward at
this time, and the cameras flashed blindingly.
Six burly security guards immediately came over to ensure the safety of
area outside the car door.

A few impatient reporters had already started to yell.

"Mr Bai, do you have any explanation for the news report today?"

"Is the watch on your wrist real or is it an A grade replica Mr Bai?"

"What's your thoughts on purchasing an A grade replica? Mr Bai can you

say a few things?"

"Mr Bai shouldn't you make some explanation as to where you were
sleeping last night? The fans are very curious ah!!"

Bai Lang ensured that his sunglasses were worn correctly on his nose. He
didn't delay but opened the door of the car decisively.

The lights of cameras flashed like crazy and the voices of the reporters
became even more piercing.

"Mr Bai, can you please reply to our questions!?"

"These are all the fan's questions, Mr Bai shouldn't you respond properly

"Mr Bai, can you please let us know who your patron is ah!? Or is it only
that you're deliberately trying to create news to promote yourself!?"

"I want to ask about the day your car sped in the city Mr Bai, are you
creating dangers for the public!?"

In the face of these aggressive questions, Bai Lang acted as Fang Hua had
instructed him on the phone. His footsteps didn't stop and he only smiled
slightly and waved his hand. "Thank you for everyone's concern. Hope
everyone has a good day."

The cameras flashed blindingly.

"Mr Bai, today you are still wearing that watch ah!!"

"Mr Bai do you really like this watch or is it some special significant gift!?"

"Mr Bai you're wearing a diamond watch and living in a luxurious

residence but have you given anything to your family!?"

"Mr Bai, can I ask what dish you made that night!?"

This question of a particular publication made Bai Lang pause. He turned

around and looked for the person who asked the question.

This caused the crowd of reporters being restrained by the security guards
to go into frenzy, fighting with each other as to who could scream their
question the loudest.

Very quickly, Bai Lang found the young woman wearing thick-rimmed
glasses. She was being squeezed inside the crowd with her head full of
sweat. In her hand she held a microphone asking her own question, trying to
get his attention.


Bai Lang smiled it. Under her shocked and joyful gaze, he turned around
and walked into the company.


When Bai Lang walked into Fang Hua's office, there were seven or eight
newspapers spread out over her desk.

The newspapers were all entertainment publications and they were all filled
with Bai Lang's pictures.

The articles accompanying the newspapers mostly contained the same

questions that Bai Lang had been asked outside.

A large amount were candid photos taken from while Bai Lang, wearing
sunglasses, was shopping at a supermarket.
In them Bai Lang was wearing a dark blue lined with silver shirt paired
with gray trousers. His sleeves were rolled up and in one hand he held a
grocery basket. It was clear that the photographs were taken by the same
person and then distributed to the various large publications.

Among them, the largest and clearest photo of Bai Lang was published by
the entertainment news giant Morning Star.

In the headline photo of the Morning Star, Bai Lang was still dressed this
same way. But in the photo, Bai Lang was picking up a box of refrigerated
raw meat. He had his head lowered and he was intently looking at the
packaging. So the photograph just happened to show clearly the diamond
watch on Bai Lang's wrist.

Perhaps because at this time Bai Lang happened to become still so this
photograph was especially clear and good looking.

The refrigerated section had bright lighting, and cast on Bai Lang's skin the
same effect as camera lights, it was very beautiful. His slightly lowered
head showed his beautiful back of his head as well as the elegant line down
to his neck. Contrasting with this elegant visage was the ordinariness of
holding the grocery basket. It was a very fascinating image.

So the first thing that Fang Hua saw Bai Lang the first words she said
wasn't her worries, but instead her admiration. "If Hong Hong didn't let me
know in advance then I would also think this was being deliberately done
by you.

Look at it, these photos practically look like advertisements. How can they
be so beautiful?"

Bai Lang laughed. He picked up a copy and had a look. "This little brother
is indeed talented. Should we pay him? This is good promotion."

Fang Hua couldn't help nodding her head in agreement. "You haven't even
seen the messages left on the company's website. The majority of the fan's
discussion is about the eggs and tofu you have in your basket. As for your
patron and your diamond watch, they can't compare to the groceries you
have in your basket. I'm really worried about whether this person that took
the photos of you secretly can get payment for their services or not." {T/N:
Since most likely this person took the photos for the purposes of smearing
BL's name.}

As for why Bai Lang didn't have his own online social platforms, it was
because when Fang Hua had raised the subject, Bai Lang had rejected it. He
expressed he wasn't the type of person who knew how to express himself in
writing. He said the things he wrote were very dry and boring. Then since
someone else would have to do the writing for him, what was the point of
all the bother? If the fans wanted to leave messages for him they could use
the company platforms. However as for in person meet and greet events,
Bai Lang would be happy to cooperate and appear.

Bai Lang smiled as he raised his head. "Since the photos have this kind of
effect, perhaps the danger can be turned into an opportunity."

Fang Hua saw his reaction and raised her eyebrow. "It looks like you're not
worried at all?"

Bai Lang shrugged. "Since this opponent clearly wants to follow until the
end, there's no use to being worried."

Fang Hua looked again at the newspapers on her desk. Then a thought
suddenly flashed through her head. She said suspiciously, "Don't tell me....

you deliberately dressed like this and went to the supermarket to let them
take shots of you?"

Bai Lang smiled. "Openly letting them take photos, the effect will definitely
look better."

Shock spread through Fang Hua. This kind of technique was not something
a new person ought to have. If he could control the setting and timing of the
photograph meant that at other times and places Bai Lang was also able to
control his movement and position so that different photographs could not
be taken...
Thinking of this Fang Hua couldn't help but think about the report that
Chen Song (Bai Lang's previous manager) had given her. What it said in
there about Bai Lang's working ability clearly did not match the things she
had seen with her own eyes.

Hiding her suspicions in her heart, Fang Hua gave Bai Lang a stern glare.

"But remember, there can't be a next time. If something like this arises
again, you must tell me at the first opportunity."

"Yes. I've given Sister Fang a lot of trouble. I apologize." Bai Lang
apologized obediently.

Fang Hua nodded. "Then let's not mince words. Next I'll let you know about
the company's response plan."

Bai Lang agreed but internally he sighed. In his previous life's three trials,
he had never gotten this kind of service. But this time Fang Hua
immediately jumped out to help him manage it. He felt reassured but at the
same time complicated. Resources could only be given to those who
brought profits. This was the cruel reality.

"Before I start, I should compliment you. The way you dealt with it was
very good." Fang Hua suddenly smiled. "This kind of deliberately letting
them take photos feeling is very good at misleading the media. Thus, we
can definitely continue to let them think this situation is our deliberate self-
promotion activity and make everyone think that this was our original

"Sister Fang what do you intend to do?" Bai Lang didn't feel surprised.

This was also Bai Lang's plan. Since he couldn't hide from them, then it was
better to turn the situation around to make people suspect that he was trying
to deliberately promote himself. Of course, if he did this on his own the
effect would not be very realistic, but if the company added their weight,
then the entire matter would become much more believable.
He wasn't scared of the original paparazzo who took the photos jumping out
and denying it. Because if the other person did that then they would be
definitely cutting off their own back path. The rewards were little but the
dangers were large. Hence Bai Lang was not afraid to go do what he
wanted, the purpose was to reduce the damage to the barest minimum.

Fang Hua continued to speak, "These days I have been carefully reviewing
some scripts for you in order to arrange work after you finish filming
Partners. Now that this situation has arisen, then I don't have much choice.

Even if it's a little risky, however I think this is the most suitable solution."

After she finished speaking Fang Hua took out a document from her table
and passed a thick script to Bai Lang.

Bai Lang took it and his movement visibly paused. The reason was because
of the Director's name on the front page.

Fang Hua saw Bai Lang's surprised face and explained, "Zhu Kuan. I know
it's a Director you've never heard of. Right now in China he hasn't made any
movies, however he has been filming documentaries for many years in
overseas non-profit organizations. He has some small fame. This time his
good friend invited him to come back to China and wanted to invest in his
filming a movie related to custom suit making. But because Zhu Kuan's
name is too new and films are different from documentaries, established
actors don't want to take this risk. However people who have too little
experience also do not fulfill the requirements of this role and so casting has
been stuck at an impasse. I know that the first movie for a newly debuted
actor is very important, however this role is fortunately...."

Bai Lang couldn't help interrupting her. "I'll do it."

Fang Hua paused and raised her eyebrow. "I haven't reached the important
point yet."

"Sorry for my impatience," Bai Lang smiled. "However I do know of

Director Zhu Kuan. I've seen his documentaries before and really like them.
I didn't think that I would have an opportunity like this so quickly."

In his past life, after Zhu Kuan had taught Bai Lang so much, Bai Lang had
naturally watched Zhu Kuan's entire collection of works. So Bai Lang knew
that when Zhu Kuan was forty-something, he had come back to China to
film his first movie. However that movie, because of shortage of funds in
the middle of filming and an inability to find new investors, fell through.

Although Zhu Kuan's talent was immediately discovered upon his second
movie, however the failure of his first movie was one of the reasons that led
to the dragging down of his friend's textile company . Many years later Zhu
Kuan was still affected deeply by it. He blamed himself for not giving his
friend more warning and letting him suffer so many losses. Luckily Zhu
Kuan's friend was an understanding person and their friendship didn't
change because of this. When Bai Lang heard it he felt very envious.

"Oh? You watch documentaries too? So you're interested in this film?" Fang
Hua felt herself become suspicious again. Documentaries had a small
audience and Zhu Kuan's documentaries were not easy to find.

"Yes." Bai Lang smiled sincerely. "I'm becoming more and more

This smile made Fang Hua still. However it also reassured her. Even if she
couldn't completely see through Bai Lang however as long as his interest
was genuine then Fang Hua could believe that Bai Lang was going to
become a good actor. At the very least he wasn't a lazy one.

"That's very good." Fang Hua nodded her head, satisfied. "However the
reason I have for picking this script is not because of Zhu Kuan but because
of the male lead in the script. The male lead's background is someone who
comes from a wealthy and prominent background, the kind of person who is
so rich they can not work for their entire life. From a young age he enjoyed

every single type of luxury, however he was betrayed by his closest

relatives. After he lost everything he became a custom suit maker and began
to again revolve in the circles that he was once a part of."
"So in order to research this role I have to experience what it is like to be
wealthy?" Bai Lang asked.

"That's right. In the story, the male lead is described as always having the
kind of elegance that belongs to the upper echelons of society." Fang Hua
smiled as she explained. "This is an important point in the role, juxtaposing
his job and fallen station in life with the way he carries himself. In order to
grasp this point, you have to have a similar type of experience. We've
already contacted the investors on their side. As long as you nod your head,
then we can immediately issue a press release."

Bai Lang couldn't help but admire Fang Hua's efficiency. "Thank you Sister

Fang Hua sighed. "It's just that this type of role which needs to express a
large conflict inside the heart, is really a bit too much for a newcomer like
yourself. The investors over there have already backed down quite a lot. If
not for the situation then I also don't want you to take such a large risk. So
if there's any situations or if you need any type of resources, you can come
look for me. You don't need to be polite. Got it?"

However Bai Lang already knew about the "situation" which would arise.

"Sister Fang, do you know how much money this film will cost

Fang Hua felt this question was a bit strange. "Right now the budget is
around 35 million. However a lot of luxurious venues appear in this film. If
it's not managed properly, I'm afraid the costs might blow out."

In his past life, Zhu Kuan had not carefully considered how much
investment his first film would take. However right now even 1/10th of the
35 million was to Bai Lang a heavenly price. But now that he had
encountered this opportunity, Bai Lang wanted to help Zhu Kuan avoid the

regret of his past life. It would be a form of repaying him for everything he
had done for him.
Under normal circumstances, from casting to filming there should be quite
few months duration. He needed to this time to think of some ways... Bai
Lang nodded in a distracted away. "Then if the journalists ask again, I'll just
say everything is arranged by the company."

Fang Hua immediately added, "Oh but if it's about the apartment, you have
to say it's due to your friend's help. There's a lot of other beady-eyed stars in
the company. If they all want this kind of service then my head will

Bai Lang smiled. "Okay, no problem."

"As for this friend," A smile floated onto Fang Hua's face. "He's waiting
downstairs for you."

Bai Lang blinked his eyes. When he came downstairs he saw Rong SiQi
sitting in the building's large, first floor reception area. He was wearing
earphones and by his side was a backpack.

The reception area was a large grand room which had floor length windows.

Right now the paparazzi who had been chasing Bai Lang before were now
crowded by the window closest to Rong SiQi, furiously taking photos.

Rong SiQi's face was completely cool as he tapped on his phone as though
he couldn't even see them.

It was only when the elevator made a "ding" noise that Rong SiQi finally
raised his head to look over. When he saw Bai Lang come out of the
elevator, he immediately packed away his earphones into his bag, looking
as though he had come here specifically to wait for Bai Lang.

Bai Lang's heart felt warm. He walked over with a smile. It wasn't that Bai
Lang felt like an old person, but because he had seen the mature Rong SiQi
ten years later, now when he saw the nineteen year old version, he kept
having the strong feeling of seeing a little brother.
Bai Lang didn't question him. He only smiled in a helpless way. "Sister
Fang said I have to let you help me with this mess. I'm sorry to trouble

Other than his genius musical talent, one of the other primary reasons that
Rong SiQi was treated so preciously by Total Entertainment was because of
his family background.

The Rong family was a dragon in the entire country's aviation business.

Rong SiQi was also the youngest child in his generation of the Rong family.

Above him was an elder sister and two older brothers. The youngest one
was still older than him by more than five years. In the family he was
treated like a precious pearl or jewel. However this type of protective
upbringing had made Rong SiQi very awkward when dealing with the
outside world.

Rong SiQi's family upbringing was something that was dug up by

journalists several years after he had become famous. Right now when he
had just debuted, everyone only knew that he came from a wealthy family.

Rong SiQi coolly shook his head. "It's not any trouble. My family lives in A
building. Brother Lang, which one do you live in?"

"D building, on the 8th floor." Bai Lang gave him his address.

"En. Sister Fang told me to take Brother Lang's car. Let's go." Rong SiQi
shouldered his backpack and prepared to walk out.

Bai Lang glanced the paparazzi who were still crowded outside furiously
taking photos. He could vaguely hear the din of their yelling coming
through the thick glass.

Bai Lang patted Rong SiQi. "Let's wait inside for the assistant's car. If we
go out now we'll be eaten alive."

Rong SiQi looked outside. There was another flash. He narrowed his eyes.
Bai Lang saw and took out the sunglasses that were hanging in front of his
shirt. He gave it to Rong SiQi. "Wear these, your eyes aren't good. The flash
will hurt them."

Rong SiQi paused. However he remembered he had come here to "show"

his friendship, and so he took the glasses and put them on.

The next day, most of the entertainment publication's headline article

showed this photo.

On the same day, UNI also released the first promotional materials for their
new winter line: Bai Lang and Rong SiQi's jointly taken photographs.

The mature and gentle older brother, and the cool and genius little brother.

Chapter 13 - Moon Cake

"Did you see UNI's advertisement clip last night!?"

"Of course I saw it! I watched it so many times! I even downloaded it."

"After I watched it I was so so excited. How come they match so well!

Putting these two people together is pure genius!"

"Yes ah! Ah Qi is so cute. Using his wooden face to act spoiled. I bet he's
like that at home too! Also Bai Lang! If my goddamn older brother could be
1% like him then I'll be happy to death!"

"I also kept that picture they took together in the newspaper, the one where
Bai Lang's giving him the sunglasses!! Bai Lang looks so gentle and
mature!! Also that picture where he's buying groceries, how can he look so
handsome even when buying groceries!!"

"Hehe I have even clearer digital versions of those. That way I won't be
scared of the paper getting torn."

"Please let me copy it ah. I'm not as good with these things as you."
"No problem. Then do you have time this weekend? I'm going to go shop at

"I'm planning to go tonight, why wait til Saturday?"

"Oh wait for me. I need to work late tonight ah."

"Haven't you heard? The two colors of down jackets that Bai Lang and Ah
Qi are wearing are limited edition! I need to go grab it before it sells out."

"Limited edition!" The girl gave a loud yell. "Why is it limited edition!?"

"Because all the stores are trying to grab stock ah, so they don't have
enough. Once they sell out you can only go look for it in a different store."

"Then, then tonight can you help me buy it. Please I'm begging you! I want
the cream colored one, size 3!"

"That's good, I want the purple one. Okay after I buy it, on Saturday we can
wear it together to have tea."

"Haha, okay okay. You definitely need to get it."

"No problem. I'm planning to sneak out of work early."

"You irresponsible employee, I'm going to tell your team leader!"

"My team leader is worse than me! She already snuck out of work at lunch


The candid photograph incident became like a promotional activity for Bai
Lang. After the newspaper released the photos, combined with Total
Entertainment's press release for Bai Lang, along with UNI immediately
following up with a plethora of print and TV ads, it pushed Bai Lang's
popularity to a new level. As for the rumors of him having a wealthy
patron, it only circulted for one or two days.
Probably this was partly thanks to Rong SiQi's help. After all Rong SiQi
had come out personally to support Bai Lang, the media chased them for
many days to ask them about their relationship. However everyone was
clear that without the company's approval, Rong SiQi would also not have
the chance to express his friendship, so from this it could be seen that Bai
Lang was not only a lucky newcomer but also someone who was being
actively promoted by and important to Total Entertainment.

The most important thing was the success of UNI's advertisement.

This series of ads fully utilized and promoted everything that Rong SiQi
and Bai Lang had to offer. Their original fans didn't need to be mentioned
but even bystanders who previously didn't pay much attention to them,
began to develop an interest.

As for this thing called "popularity", it was a very miraculous thing.

Once the wave was started, it would grow larger and larger.

Once the matter with the photos was resolved, Bai Lang became one of the
most popular actors in Partners. No matter if he was filming indoor or
outdoor scenes, there was always reporters and fans at the locations trying
to get close to him. This made Wu ShenEn so angry he constantly locked
himself up in his dressing room between scenes, putting on a silent tantrum.

However if one said it was only because of Rong SiQi that Bai Lang's path
was so smooth, then it also wasn't accurate.

In the eyes of the fans, after he became friends with Bai Lang, Rong SiQi's
image also became more fascinating. Also since Partners was broadcasted
every day, Bai Lang's exposure was non-stop, and Rong SiQi's song from
his latest album just so happened to be the ending song for the drama. This
was a fortunate coincidence, binding the two names closer together.

As a result, the scriptwriters of Partners decided to change the plot of the

script in order to add scenes for Bai Lang.
However it wasn't in the direction that Fan Shan wanted which was to add
entanglements between him and the female lead Wu XinYa. Duh, if they
changed something like that it would definitely make Bai Lang's fans angry.

After all in the end Wu XinYa would still definitely end up with the male
lead Lin QuanXi, giving the entire drama a happy and comedic ending.

So in order to not make Jiang XinCheng into cannon fodder, Scriptwriter

Xu acted decisively. She instead blackened Chen MeiYu's character, letting
Jiang XinCheng leave behind his bitter love for her so that he could move
towards a new and better life together with his son Jiang Le.

As for Jiang XinCheng's happiness? They didn't need to worry about that.

As long as his son Jiang Le was by his side, Jiang XinCheng became a
fortunate star in the drama, it was enough to attract the audience's attention.

In the latter half of the drama, Scriptwriter Xu added many scenes of Jiang
XinCheng at work as well as between him and his son, changing it to a

family-type storyline. The amount of scenes was just as many as the male
lead Lin QuanXi so he pretty much became the second male lead and not a
supporting male character.

When Wu ShenEn received the new script he was so angry that he kicked
over a chair in front of his assistant. He also announced to everyone at
Grand Media that if they so much as raised the name of Kang Jian in front
of him, he would immediately cut ties with them. Because Kang Jian was a
star of misfortune!!

However unlike what Wu ShenEn and Kang Jian thought, things had not
nearly reached a conclusion.

They hoped that by taking candid photos of Bai Lang they would smear his
name, or at the very least even if it didn't work, it would only be that they
had troubled themselves for nothing. However what they didn't know was
that in these few days the people that took photos of Bai Lang had already
been investigated clearly by Hong Hong, including who had directed them
behind the scenes.

The trail lead clearly back to the people beside Wu ShenEn.

The directions to the photographer had actually been to take a photo of Bai
Lang along with his "male lover".

When Qiu Qian heard this news, he laughed. He immediately remembered

that morning when he had talked to Kang Jian on the phone. He almost
never appeared in public with Bai Lang and Bai Lang's dating history until
now had also been empty. So other that incident there shouldn't be anything
leading anyone to suspect Bai Lang's sexual orientation.

"It turns out that you and Kang Jian have bad blood and he acted even
quicker than you. How do you want me to deal with these two people?"

Qiu Qian asked this one night as he stood on the apartment's balcony. The
breeze was in his face and hair and he was smoking a cigarette.

Bai Lang leaned against the wall. He looked at the far away lights. "I've
already asked Sister Fang to help me deal with Wu ShenEn."


"I've asked Sister Fang to help make a connection for him and introduce
him to a role in a different drama."

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "So nice?"

Bai Lang smiled slightly. "I know that in that crew there are people that
love to take other people to parties and use drugs. If no one speaks out that's
fine but once it's found out then the entire production will be wasted. After
all what they're filming is a righteous police drama." In his past life, this
news had broken just as the drama was being promoted before
broadcasting, dragging everyone involved down into the mud. Not only did
they that but several months of hard work were entirely wasted.

Qiu Qian drew in on his cigarette and then angled a look at Bai Lang. "Oh?
How do you know that?"

Bai Lang shrugged. "A good friend told me."

Qiu Qian looked at him then asked a question he was far more interested in.

"Then what about Kang Jian?"

"Kang Jian's first movie is about to be released. The promotional activities

is at the same time as mine and some of the places are the same. I won't let
him off easily."

"Just like that?" Qiu Qian waited but didn't hear anything more. He felt very
dissatisfied. "You should at least take an eye for an eye."

"At this crucial time Kang Jian won't make any mistakes. It'll be a waste of
time." Bai Lang also felt helpless. In his memory at this time Kang Jian's
behaviour was extremely careful, Bai Lang actually couldn't think of
anything to use against him. "Right now he probably wants to start filming

some television dramas to increase his exposure. I don't mind fighting with
him but I don't think Sister Fang would agree."

"Why? This method is workable."

For a boss like Qiu Qian, it was something he could achieve in a single

Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. "Me and him, we aren't on the same level."

That cool look in that beautiful face was extremely tempting.

Qiu Qian felt itchy. He snuffed out his cigarette and pulled the other man
into his arms. He said, "Not bad ah. That's the right attitude. Let me deal
with Kang Jian."

Bai Lang stilled. When Qiu Qian sensed it he said, "What? I can't touch
Bai Lang didn't get a chance to reply before Qiu Qian suddenly grasped his
chin, narrowing his eyes in a dangerous manner.

"Don't tell me that he's the kind of person that only you can bully, whom
you won't let others bully?"

Even though Qiu Qian was not able to find out the exact relationship
between Bai Lang and Kang Jian, but just from their call history he could
see that the two people had been in frequent contact for some time. This
kind of non-transparent relationship made Qiu Qian really feel very

Bai Lang heard what he said and laughed helplessly. "No. It's up to you. But
make sure you don't finish him off completely, leave his last breath for me."

"Is this your method of begging for mercy for him?" Qiu Qian moved his
fingers along Bai Lang's jaw.

Bai Lang grabbed his hand. "He stabbed me, so I need to return it to him."

Qiu Qian smiled after he heard it . "It's like I have to beg you to help you."

Bai Lang rolled his eyes. He used a tried and true method. He reached
forward and directly used his mouth the block Qiu Qian's one.

Qiu Qian have an involuntary grunt, he used both hands to crush the person
against him, and immediately became an active participant in this activity.

What followed after temperatures swiftly rising and breathing quickly

becoming rougher.

Even the coolness of the night breeze could not mask the heat.


In the coming days, other than filming Partners, Bai Lang was very busy
trying to complete all of the endorsements that Chen Song had helped him
accept before. Some of the least influential ones had already had their
contracts directly terminated by Fang Hua and the requisite damages paid.
Kang Jian's first movie's promotional materials were also released during
this time. Just as in Bai Lang's previous life, the audience found his role
likeable. However rather than being an important stepping stone for Kang
Jian's career, in this life the audience didn't pay as much attention to it. This
wasn't because of anything Bai Lang did but just because without the added
effect of UNI's advertisement, Kang Jian's star couldn't fly up as much as

However during this time which can still be said to be a good start for Kang
Jian, Qiu Qian decided to intervene. He successfully stuffed Kang Jian into
the same production that Wu ShenEn was about to be in (otherwise Kang
Jian's fame would not be enough on his own), and even arranged for him a
supporting role that appeared quite often.

After he sent people to investigate he discovered that Bai Lang's news was
real. Since there was a ready-prepared trap, Qiu Qian didn't trouble himself
and just let Kang Jian and Wu ShenEn fall into misfortune together. This
way even if the scandal over the drugs didn't eventuate, then Qiu Qian

could just use money to directly suppress the drama. It would be two birds
with one stone and save him time and effort.

Plus, now everyone in Grand Media knew that Wu ShenEn hated Kang
Jian. Letting Kang Jian go with Wu ShenEn to film together would
definitely push Wu ShenEn into a temper tantrum, maybe someone as
cunning as Kang Jian might even find a way to retaliate against him. That
way the two dogs could bite at each other and both come up with a
mouthful of fur. Qiu Qian felt like these two people both had potential in
this regard.

To Qiu Qian these things were as easy as moving his mouth and using a
couple of favors. After things were done, he immediately went to Bai Lang
to show off his achievement. Bai Lang was grateful and his reward was
very good. One plate of fried beef with spring onions, made with the
highest quality wagyu beef.

A few weeks later Partners officially wrapped up filming.

In the press release after, Director Zhou ChunCai continuously sat by Bai
Lang's side, smiling as he accepted interviews together with him. He was
filled with praise for Bai Lang, saying that his acting had improved by leaps
and bounds during the filming and that the best was yet to come. The new
generation's film emperors had a lot to look forward to.

The female lead Fan Shan very intelligently also stuck to Bai Lang's other
side in order to win as much exposure as possible. She was wearing a wine-
red mini dress which showed off her shoulders, she looked small and
delicately feminine. She stuck so close to Bai Lang she was pretty much on
top of him. A handsome man and a beautiful woman together garnered
plenty of attention and photographs.

Although Wu ShenEn chose to stand on the other side of Zhou ChunCai,

however the microphones of most of the journalists were all concentrated
between Zhou ChunCai and Bai Lang. It looked as though the male lead
was Bai Lang.

It was unknown whether or it was intentional or not, but after Director

Zhou, most of the questions were all aimed at Bai Lang. Bai Lang also
didn't shy away and answered all the questions confidently. On the other
side Wu ShenEn was so angry he gnashed his teeth, however on the surface
he maintained a veneer of lofty elegance.

After all among the reporters, there were many waiting for Wu ShenEn to
slip up. Before Wu ShenEn can be said to have some small fame and his
temper wasn't good, he was at many times impolite to the press also.

Among the reporters there was many people who nursed thoughts of
revenge in their hearts.

Thus Wu ShenEn could only wait until the press release had come to a close
before finding Bai Lang at the after party. He raised the glass of champagne
in his hand and smiled insincerely.

"I'll remember you."

Bai Lang smiled demurely. He raised his glass too. "For every action there
is a reaction." {T/N: Actually Bai Lang said a classical chinese saying: " 来
⽽不往⾮礼也 ", which means that if someone does something to you, it
would be impolite not to respond in kind. But I wanted to keep it
vague/poetic the way author intended it. This one was the closest I could
think of.}

It was a long time afterwards before Wu ShenEn understood the meaning of

those words.


That night the celebratory party was majestic and lively.

They had rented out an exclusive private club and the champagne flowed
freely as though it cost nothing.

Everyone played well past midnight before finally leaving slowly and

After the high-spirited and extravagant evening, Bai Lang returned home
alone to his lonely apartment.

He threw the key aside. There as a "pa" sound as Bai Lang also threw a
heavy box onto the table.

This was something that Hong Hong had just given him. It was a box of
moon cakes.

It was something that Bai Lang's parents had sent to the company and asked
for people to pass onto him.

Bai Lang sat in the darkness. It was like he had woken up from a dream but
somehow, the pain still lingered.

Chapter 14 - Qiu XiaoHai

"The recently hotly popular drama Partners for Life has completed filming.

Last night a celebratory party was held at the Rong Hua Club. The crew and
actors all gathered to let their hair down. They are all very excited about the
fact that Partners has garnered the highest ratings ever in the 6PM to 7PM


"... Director Zhou ChunCai enthusiastically proclaimed that the success of

the drama was due to the miraculous writing of the scriptwriter, the
wonderful acting of the new generation of young actors, as well as the
encouragement and advice given by the audience online. He also expressed
his personal opinion that the actor for Jiang XinCheng, Bai Lang, has
grown a lot during the filming and that he has extraordinary talent. As a
director, this is something Zhou ChunCai feels very proud of...."

In the early morning entertainment news broadcast, the screen was showing
various clips of Bai Lang.

Under the continuously flashing bright lights, Bai Lang who was wearing a
black suit looked tall and slender, beautiful and handsome.

His clean and bright eyes smiled in a friendly manner and seemed just as
kind and intimate as on the UNI advertisement. It really made people feel
very happy in their hearts.

Kang Jian sat in front his television. He put down the newspaper and stared
at the Bai Lang on the screen.

A few months ago, that person had also smiled at him in this manner. In fact
the smile was even more genuine, close enough to touch....

That's why Kang Jian had been thinking a lot. Thinking about why the
good-tempered Bai Lang had suddenly become cold towards him. Wu
ShenEn said it was because Bai Lang had become famous however from
the bottom of his heart Kang Jian didn't really believe it. From their period
of contact before, he was confident in his instinct that Bai Lang wasn't that
kind of materialistic person. Also the timing was not quite right.

However his animosity on the set that day was real.

Even his gaze had been very cold, there wasn't a hint of any pretense.

... so, was it because his desire had been detected by Bai Lang?

Kang Jian remembered the last time he and Bai Lang had met prior to
seeing each other on set that day. It was when he had taken a carton of beer
over to Bai Lang's apartment to chat.

That evening, he had tried to persuade Bai Lang to drink with him however
Bai Lang had stubbornly refused to touch the alcohol. Kang Jian's plan of
making Bai Lang drunk was not successful however he himself had used to
alcohol to pretend to be in a drunken state. Using this excuse, Kang Jian
had pressed Bai Lang down and during the play struggle, his lips had
brushed by Bai Lang's face. He was becoming more and more interested in
Bai Lang. Every time he saw him his heart felt itchy so finally he was
beginning to lose control.

However Kang Jian had just managed to keep it within the bounds of

"normal". The next day when he had called Bai Lang as usual to chat, Bai
Lang didn't seem unusual. This made Kang Jian feel reassured.

That's why originally Kang Jian hadn't thought this was the reason.

However now, in the face of Bai Lang's continued rejection, Kang Jian
could only think of this.

In addition, Kang Jian was pretty sure that the person at the other end of
that phone call could only be Bai Lang's lover.

Early morning, a nasally voice, taking a shower, the mobile phone nearby.

Every sign was indicating this. Bai Lang and that person had definitely slept
on the same bed the previous night, otherwise why would the other person
pick up his phone?

When thinking of this, Kang Jian felt a dark sensation of jealousy.

Was it for that person that Bai Lang wanted to draw a clear line between the
two if them?

If that was true then he could "forgive" Bai Lang for treating him this way.

He also liked loyalty in a lover. Bai Lang's personality was originally very
much to his taste.

However it was only a pity that Bai Lang wasn't his... no, there was still

In this circle people got together and broke up all the time. He just had to be
patient and there would definitely be an opportunity.

Then at that time Bai Lang would no longer reject his overtures, and they
could start again from being friends...

He just had to develop himself well and not be thought of by others at that
time to be trying to use Bai Lang for his fame.

He had confidence that one day he could stand gloriously by Bai Lang's

Kang Jian placed his hand into his pants, rubbing while his breathing sped


The next day after the celebratory party, Bai Lang woke up very late on the
apartment's big bed. He blinked in confusion for a few moments because he
couldn't remember how he had fallen asleep last night.

He pressed his fingers against his swollen eyes and looked left and right.
The other side of the bed was very messy. The black suit he was wearing
last night was crumpled into a ball and was on the floor.

Bai Lang got up and carefully hung up that expensive suit before slowly
making his way to the bathroom to shower.

After Partners concluded filming, the endorsement deals that Bai Lang had
previously signed had also pretty much been completed. In the coming
days, other than Zhu Kuan's movie Beyond Gold and Jade, Fang Hua had
not arranged much work for Bai Lang.

In her opinion, Bai Lang's recent exposure rate had been enough. After this
Partners would still be broadcasting for one more month before reaching is
grand finale. Together with the addition of all the endorsement deals, it was
time to slightly reel things in a bit. Too much exposure might make the
audience sick of him.

This gave Bai Lang a small break to rest well. However Fang Hua had
given him some homework. She had told Bai Lang to read the script for
Beyond Gold and Jade thoroughly. She had also found a very famous
custom suit shop and told Bai Lang to go there to have a custom suit made,
and at the same time to observe the other person doing their work. Of
course Fang Hua had also arranged trainee lessons for him.

However today Bai Lang decided he was going to have a rest.

Because he had still not decided how to deal with the box of moon cake
sitting on the table.

Or he should say he already had an answer but when enacting it, he once
again had the feeling of reopening his old scars.

After returning from T City, Bai Lang had changed his address as well as
his phone. However he had continued to use the some mobile phone

However until this day, his family had never tried to call him to explain the
matter with the cheque. Actually they had not said anything at all.
And now suddenly this moon cake box had floated here, what was the
meaning of this?

Was it to remind Bai Lang that even though he had been reborn, he still
didn't have a real family?

Discovering that he had been staring blankly at the moon cake box for some
time, Bai Lang shook his head. He decided to get rid of the moon cake. Out
of sight, out of mind.

However just as he reached out his hand, the doorbell that had practically
never been used, rang.



When he opened the door, Bai Lang stilled in surprise. Because there wasn't
anyone outside.

Then a milky, tender voice suddenly said, "I'm here ah. Where are you

Bai Lang looked down and saw a approximately five or six year old boy.

His head was raised and was currently staring at him unblinkingly.

Bai Lang blinked. "....who are you looking for? This is D block, level 8."

Was he lost?

The little boy shouldered a large backpack. His two hands were clutching
the two straps. His expression looked a little apprehensive. "You, you're
Jiang XinCheng right?"

... was it a little fan? Bai Lang couldn't believe it but when he looked
around he still couldn't see anyone else.

This was a luxurious apartment where each floor only had one residence.
After exiting the elevator, the only door was this one.

Bai Lang could only kneel down. He said carefully, "Yes, I am. Where's
your mom and dad? How come you're by yourself? Who brought you
here?" This place had top security after all.

The little boy's chin moved. He said loudly, "I, I came here to find my
daddy. Let me in!"

Bai Lang blinked in confusion. "Your daddy? Who? What's your name?"

"My, my name is Qiu XiaoHai," The little boy swallowed his saliva. It was
clear that he was very nervous however his voice wasn't soft. "My daddy is
Qiu Qian. The car you get driven in is my daddy's. I, I know about it!"

Bai Lang opened his mouth. A few moments later he had no choice but to
invite this little ancestor in.


After he came in, the first thing Bai Lang did was go to the kitchen to
prepare half a cup of iced milk. At the same time he called Qiu Qian
however Qiu Qian's line was engaged. He called three times then gave up.

The kid who called himself Qiu Qian's son Qiu XiaoHai at this time had
taken off his bag. He had obediently climbed on top of the sofa and while
swinging his little legs, was looking around full of curiosity.

Bai Lang came back to the living room and handed the cup over. "Do you
want some milk?"

Qiu XiaoHai nodded. He immediately took the cup however the cup was
too heavy and his hand slipped slightly. Bai Lang immediately helped
support him so Qiu XiaoHai simply held Bai Lang's hand and "gu-lu-gu-lu"

swallowed all the icy milk inside the cup. Just before he had seen the child's
lips were very red and Bai Lang had guessed he was thirsty. When Duo Duo
had been on set, his mother had also taken care of him like this.
Bai Lang took out a tissue and wiped the milk moustache around Qiu
XiaoHai's mouth. Qiu XiaoHai obediently blinked his eyes and complied
with him, then he even stretched out his hand and said his hands also
needed a "rub rub". Bai Lang changed the tissue and cleaned it carefully.

"Okay, now you need to tell me why you came here to find your daddy?

Have you told your family members?"

Bai Lang was kneeling in front of the sofa, looking up at this little master.

In his previous life at the time of his death, everyone in the company knew
that although boss Qiu Qian didn't have any marriage history, however he
did have a son. The age was unknown.

Most likely because of the Qiu family's situation, Qiu Qian had hidden his
son very deeply. He had never appeared in front of other people.

Bai Lang's stern expression made Qiu XiaoHai wilt a little. He drew his
chin in and looked innocently at Bai Lang.

"I, I came with Ah Zan. He lives next door so I came in his family's car..."

Qiu XiaoHai had thick brows and large eyes, it was possible to see Qiu
Qian's shadow. However his round face was much cuter.

Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. "Who is Ah Zan?"

"Ah Zan sits next to me at school," Qiu XiaoHai immediately replied in a

more energetic tone. "His name is Rong Zan. He know a lot. We are really
good friends!"

Once Bai Lang heard the surname "Rong", he touched his face. He thought
this world is very small.

Rong SiQi had just not long ago told him that the residence they had here
was lived in by his second brother after he had gotten married. They had
bought a few levels. Other than his second brother's home, Rong SiQi also
had a floor to himself. However normally Rong SiQi still lived in the Rong
family's villa in the suburbs. That day when Rong SiQi had come with Bai
Lang here, he had gone to look in on his second brother...

So Bai Lang was able to surmise that this kid had obviously seen him on
TV, otherwise he wouldn't call him Jiang XinCheng, and had then found out
where he lived from Rong Zan. Then he had seen his car which had been
shown on various publications and realized that he knew his daddy. So then
he had come here to look for his dad? This was a very rough set of related
events, he really couldn't make this kind of stuff up.

Bai Lang sighed. "Then have you told anyone that you came here? Do you
remember your home phone number?"

Qiu XiaoHai shook his head vigorously. "No, don't! Auntie Yang won't let
me come. She will scold me. Don't call her. I don't want to talk to her!"

Bai Lang was again speechless. He could only pick up his mobile and keep
trying to call Qiu Qian. He didn't know if he was because Qiu Qian had
received news of his son's disappearance and was trying to call around
furiously but his phone was always constantly engaged. Bai Lang tried
numerous time. Qiu XiaoHai simply stared at him, his lips quivering

"I, I just came to ask you to help me with my homework. After I finish it I'll
go home ah."

Bai Lang looked at Qiu XiaoHai's disappointed face. "What kind of

homework made you come all the way here to ask me to help you?"

".... Jiang XinCheng always accompanied Jiang Le to do his homework.

Since you know my daddy, you, you can accompany me right?" Qiu
XiaoHai bit his lip. His head was lowered and he kicked his legs.

Bai Lang looked at his little head and suddenly understood something. "Isn't
it better to ask your daddy to accompany you?"
Qiu XiaoHai used his little fingers to scratch the sofa. "Auntie Yang says
daddy is very busy and not to bother him. It's okay if you accompany me,
then daddy will come later.... Daddy will come to pick me up right?" After
he spoke Qiu XiaoHai looked up at Bai Lang eagerly.

The wide and trusting innocent gaze made Bai Lang's heart feel a twinge of

Because in front of the sofa where Qiu XiaoHai was sitting, was the moon
cake box that Bai Lang had been deliberating about whether or not he
should throw away.

Some people wanted it, but they couldn't have it. But others clearly
possessed it, but they didn't treasure it. {T/N: BL is referring to family love.}

Bai Lang thus changed his method and fired off a quick message to Qiu
Qian. [Your son is here. You come personally to get him.]

After he sent the message, Bai Lang rubbed Qiu XiaoHai's little head. "Let's
eat first then do homework and wait for your dad."

Qiu XiaoHai raised his head. His eye were bright with joy and surprise.

"What do you like to eat? Curry? Fried chicken? Steamed egg? Or

something else?"

Bai Lang listed a whole list of things that children often liked to eat.

Qiu XiaoHai gave him a big, dumb smile. "Pancake with spring onion!"


Bai Lang sighed. This really was a father and son.


Half an hour later, Qiu Qian appeared with a black face.

Qiu XiaoHai spat out the pancake with spring onion that was still in his
mouth, then very intelligently ran to hide behind Bai Lang's legs.

However he was immediately pulled out by Qiu Qian and without any
warning was beaten vigorously. Large smacks landed on his buttocks, fully
reflecting his family's style.

{T/N: Uh so in China it's very normal to hit your kids. It's not considered to
be anything horrible (unless done to an extreme extent), just a normal part
of discipline and parenting. In Chinese there is a saying "to hit is to kiss/be
intimate, to scold is to love", which basically means your parents are only
doing it out of love for you. No opinion from me as to if this is right or not,
can only say I was hit a lot as a child (//ω//).

Also yes this is QQ's son. When picking this novel to translate the fact that
this might be an issue for some readers didn't occur to me. Honestly this
son is the cutest, most fluffiest parts of the novel. He is super adorable. Give
him a chance to make you guys love him!}

Chapter 15 - Little Rabbit Steamed Bun

"—! Wu ow—-"

The punished Qiu XiaoHai cried until his entire face was red. He looked
extremely pitiful but he still clung onto Qiu Qian's neck and refused to let

In the end Qiu Qian was still a father. He smacked until his heart softened
however his mouth still wasn't good. "Looks like you really want me to
attach a leash to your neck. Trust me I will do it. How many times have you
run away now, you tell me!"

"Wuwu...." Qiu XiaoHai miserably cried and rubbed himself against Qiu
Qian's head. "... Three times."

"My ass! It's five times!" Qiu Qian added a few more slaps on Qiu
XiaoHai's butt. "If you run away again then mark my words, I won't come
looking for you. You can run to wherever you like and see if I care!"
Bai Lang watched this silently. It was a side of Qiu Qian he had never seen
before. He turned around and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of warm
water. Qiu XiaoHai had cried until his voice was hoarse and he had just
eaten a pancake so he was probably thirsty. This way he could avoid
hearing what he probably shouldn't listen to.

Qiu XiaoHai hiccuped and said in a pitiful voice, ".... I won't run away. I
just want to be together with daddy....."

"Didn't I tell you it's not convenient? I'm often not here," Qiu Qian frowned.

"Don't I always go back to see you? I also sign off on your homework every
day." {T/N: I'm not sure about this term, I believe it's like a form the parent
has to sign off every day that the child has completed the tasks set by the
teacher. I think this is trying to say that QQ at least drops in to see his son
every day if he is in the country.}

"But, but I didn't see it ah. Every time it's when I'm sleeping." Qiu
XiaoHai's tears fell town non-stop.

"Ancestor, you can't blame me for your sleeping ah," Qiu Qian said. "I'm
also wondering if I gave birth to a pig for a child, how come everytime
you're sleeping?"

"I'm, I'm not a pig!! It's only because I drink the soup that I fall asleep," Qiu
XiaoHai was so anxious he stammered. "I also don't like to drink it. Can
you tell Auntie Yang not to make me drink the soup anymore."

Qiu Qian's face went dark and he laughed coldly. "Auntie Yang works hard
to make you soup every day and you don't like it? Are you some kind of
young master? Me, your father, never had this kind of fortune. If you don't
drink it I'll beat you."

Qiu XiaoHai had thick skin and he wasn't scared of being hit. He raised his
head and said in a loud voice, "If daddy lets me live with him then I'll drink
This topic came around again. Qiu Qian felt impatient and stood up. "That's
enough, let's go home. Anyway I'm going on an overseas trip soon. So if
you want to run away again go ahead and run! No one will pay any
attention to you."

At this time Bai Lang had just come out of the kitchen holding the glass. He
saw Qiu Qian holding Qiu XiaoHai who was yelling, "I don't want! I want
to go with you!" He handed over the glass.

"Drink this before you go. He probably wants to scream some more." Bai
Lang said.

Qiu Qian took the glass. "Do you have any earplugs? Lend me a pair."

The Qiu XiaoHai who was in the midst of hollering suddenly stopped and
stared at the glass. He suddenly pointed at Bai Lang and said to Qiu Qian,

"How about I stay here with Jiang XinCheng? He can help me do my

homework. I, I'll wait here for daddy to come home! Okay? Okay? Okay?"

Qiu Qian said, "What's the difference? If you're waiting for me, isn't
everywhere the same?"

"I, I like Jiang XinCheng ma. Ah Zan also lives next door. I can go and find
him to play!" Qiu XiaoHai's fist clenched Qiu Qian's collar.

Qiu Qian looked at the Bai Lang who completely had no reaction. He
suddenly turned around and asked his son, "If I let you live here, then you
won't run away?"

Qiu XiaoHai's eyes brightened. He nodded vigorously. "En! I won't run

away! I'll wait here obediently till daddy comes home."

"Wait a minute," It was time for Bai Lang to feel things weren't right. "I
can't take care of him. I don't have the time."

Qiu Qian looked at him with an expression of "it's your fault for not
speaking up earlier". He raised his eyebrow and said, "Don't worry. It's just
for these few days while I'm overseas. Er Hong will help you take care of
him." After he spoke, as though they'd reached the end of a discussion, he
gave the glass to Qiu XiaoHai. "Here, drink water."

Qiu XiaoHai immediately drank it. He clutched Qiu Qian's hand and made a

"gu-lu-gu-lu" sound, afterwards he smacked his lips.

"Is there pancake left? I haven't finished eating it."

"....." Bai Lang could only silently take back the glass.


After things were settled, that night Hong Hong brought over Qiu XiaoHai's

The luxurious apartment originally had four rooms with three living spaces.

It was no problem to make room for a child. However Bai Lang,

considering the importance of childhood education, wanted to sleep in the
living room for the night however Qiu Qian stopped him laughing loudly.

After spending a long time to put the overly excited Qiu XiaoHai to sleep,
Qiu Qian locked the door. He immediately dragged Bai Lang over to the
bed and did him a few times. The most inconvenient situations would create
the most exciting circumstances. Qiu Qian wasn't different from most men
in this aspect. That night he was more passionate than ever.

Luckily Bai Lang had rested the whole day. He was able to survive after
being tossed about in this manner however as he sleepily drifted off, he still
remembered to ask some questions.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Qiu Qian pressed closely against Bai Lang's naked back. He said in a lazy
tone, "En."

Bai Lang closed his eyes to rest. "Will there be someone coming to look for
your son?"
"What do you mean?"

"If someone comes looking for him, should I give or not give?"

Qiu Qian laughed lowly. "If you have a question just ask it, don't beat
around the bush."

"....Where is his mom?" Bai Lang sighed.

Qiu Qian rewarded Bai Lang by biting his shoulder. "Ran away."

"Has Xiao Hai met her?"

"No impression ba. At that time he hadn't even stopped weaning. So don't
give no matter who comes."

Bai Lang only wanted to ensure security. "Then Auntie Yang is?"

"Just the nanny," Qiu Qian turned Bai Lang around. He couldn't help but
feel pleased. "Are you investigating me, little white rabbit?"

"Will you let me investigate?" Bai Lang smiled.

"Aren't I completely naked waiting for you to investigate?"

Qiu Qian laughed lowly and suddenly moved forward, beginning a new
round of lovemaking.

Bai Lang thought he must have definitely asked the wrong question, so
that's why he got "punished".


The next day Qiu Qian first sent the happily jumping and hopping Qiu
XiaoHai to kindergarten then left for the airport. As for his destination Bai
Lang wasn't clear either. Qiu Qian didn't say and Bai Lang didn't ask. As
long as he could be contacted on the phone, everything was okay.
But comparatively, taking care of Qiu XiaoHai let Bai Lang not have any
time to feel sad during the mid-autumn time.

After sending away these two people, Bai Lang stood in the finally quiet
house and sighed for a long time. This morning there had been cries to
wake up, brush teeth, wear clothes and eat food. He even had to pay
attention to whether or not Xiao Hai had gone to the toilet... thinking that he
had live like this for over ten days, Bai Lang had a feeling of aching back
and a headache.

Bai Lang didn't have time to think about that box of moon cake. The night
before Qiu XiaoHai's gaze had fixated on it so Bai Lang had no choice but
to open the box but then immediately saw it had passed expiry date. He
didn't even have any time to think about it before immediately throwing it
away to avoid Qiu XiaoHai eating it. And then somehow, Bai Lang was not
even sure if he had agreed, but today he had to use some little rabbit
steamed buns in order to "pay back" this little young master. As for how
this all happened, Bai Lang was also not quite sure.

Unexpectedly, the generous patron Qiu Qian seemed to understand the

difficulties of being a nanny. Before leaving he had expressed that there

would be a big reward and hence he had placed a large amount of money
into Bai Lang's card to express his thanks.

At this time Bai Lang realized that the money in the card was not for
household expenses, but a "gift" from Qiu Qian. Because that morning
hadn't he told Qiu Qian that he had spent the five million dollars and needed

Bai Lang was silent for some time. Originally he wanted to reject it but
thinking about the future financial difficulties that Beyond Gold and Jade
would face, he clenched his teeth and under Qiu Qian's inscrutable gaze and
smile, he had accepted the money with his thanks. It wasn't a big deal to be
thought of as a gold digger. After all Qiu Qian's impression of him couldn't
have been very lofty so there was no point in him making a big fuss.
So in the morning after Qiu Qian left, Bai Lang wanted to firstly sort out his
financial affairs.

According to what Zhu Kuan had told him in his previous life, the movie's
financial problems arose when his friend's textile company ran into trouble
and so the funding dried up. Bai Lang couldn't help but think about what
during this time could affect a textile company's finances? A natural
disaster? Sabotage? Or some kind of accident? But as for these things that
had nothing to do with him and which happened ten years ago, Bai Lang
really had no idea.

Then his only option was to try and make up the money himself. Bai Lang
did some calculations. With Qiu Qian's card, the money he had earned from
his endorsements, as well as Bai Lang's recent jobs including UNI's,
together he had only some 1.5 million. And more than half of that was Qiu
Qian's money.

This kind of money to an ordinary person was enough to live comfortably

for a few years. However if he wanted to use to film a movie, it was
probably as useful as a toothpick. There was also a lack of time. Of course
Bai Lang knew ten years later which stocks were worth money. However it
wasn't something that could be used to make a fortune in a mere few
months. He needed a fast method of making money. Something that could

make this 1.5 million turn over a few times quickly. Only this way could he
help Zhu Kuan.

Thus, Bai Lang turned to the internet and searched various news channels,
including overseas. However he couldn't find any leads.

In relation to investment, Bai Lang really felt somewhat lost. In university

his major was foreign languages. In this he had listened to Bai Li's advice
that if he knew a foreign language he would definitely be able to find a
good job. But actually that was completely untrue. Nowadays many people
spoke foreign languages and most didn't have to go to a university to learn
If it wasn't for the fact that he had accidentally stumbled upon an acting
career, once he graduated from university, Bai Lang really didn't know if he
would be able find a job, and at the most he would be somebody's secretary
or translator.

And translating... eh, translating!?

Bai Lang suddenly remembered that sometime around this time, there was a
series of books from G Country which became a phenomena that swept
across the world. Afterwards it was translated into many languages and was
a bestseller for many years and even became a movie. This book's author
had no other works other than this series and was a small time post office
employee. Thus he became famous extremely unexpectedly. Afterwards
when the publishing editor was interviewed, he always grinned and said he
felt like he had won the jackpot.

This wind of popularity was a few months late before it finally blew into
China. Thus the domestic publishing houses were late to try and buy its
copyright. By that time this series of books had already become so dazzling
that the publishing houses had no choice but to use a high price to gain its
rights. There were many people talking on the internet and Bai Lang had a
vague impression of it and he had even because of this stayed at home to
carefully read over this series of books.

When he thought of his, Bai Lang's heart leapt. He immediately went to the
website of the G Country publisher who was the first ones to publish the

books and have its copyright. He scanned the site and saw that the first
book in this series was listed in the promo for "next month's new books".

This expressed that this series of books still existed and it was just before
the period of its popularity. The timing couldn't be better...

Bai Lang couldn't help but feel numb. It was liking falling into bed only to
have someone place a pillow under his head. It was so smooth that he felt
his scalp go numb.
But after he thought it about it more carefully, he was an outsider to the
publishing world. Even if he only wanted to purchase the copyright in order
to resell it later, he didn't have a clear idea how to earn money using it. If
the series of books was only famous but didn't earn money, then wouldn't
the 1.5 million completely become foam?

Bai Lang's finger on the mouse stilled. His heart was filled with hesitation.

Thus, he closed the website and continued browsing through the news.

But after looking around extensively, Bai Lang understood one thing. After
all he was also an outsider in all other fields as well. He didn't have any
insider knowledge and he didn't have any contacts. Other than in acting he
didn't have any other knowledge. If right he had to make a blind investment,
then wasn't everything the same? Thus while he was feeling impulsive, Bai
Lang opened the website again and wrote an email.

After writing the email, Bai Lang's hand felt sweaty. He got up to drink
some cold water to calm himself down. He also called Fang Hua.

Copyright was also something that was important in the entertainment

circle. Thus Total Entertainment definitely had some industry knowledge
and expertise. Bai Lang didn't mind sharing the opportunity with Total
Entertainment. He only wanted to make this 1.5 million grow as much as

Of course after he called, the first thing that happened was Fang Hua yelled
at him for not being professional and not focusing on his acting. However
she told Bai Lang to come by the company in a few days. She would call a

meeting to discuss it. Bai Lang couldn't help laughing helplessly. The fact
that he had this kind "insider person" service, of course he knew who to

After finishing talking to Fang Hua, Bai Lang told himself to calm down
and carefully read over his script. He also completed his daily exercises. At
this time Hong Hong called. It was almost time for school to finish. They
had to go pick up Qiu XiaoHai.
Bai Lang knew how to drive himself. But thinking about Qiu XiaoHai's
safety, it was better to bring Hong Hong along so Bai Lang didn't reject his
offer. Of course he could also tell Hong Hong to pick him up by himself,
after all Qiu XiaoHai recognized Hong Hong. However thinking about Qiu
XiaoHai's trusting gaze, Bai Lang picked up his jacket and sunglasses, and
prepared to be Jiang XinCheng once again.


Just as he thought, when he came to the kindergarten there was a chorus of,

"Oh, it's Jiang XinCheng!!" "It's Jian XinCheng ah!!" "Where's Jiang Le!!?"

"Hello Father Jiang!!" All of the young voices called him and Bai Lang
received a very enthusiastic welcome. The time of Partners broadcast often
landed during dinner for young children, so Bai Lang had a large group
young audience members who watched the show with their mothers.

Qiu XiaoHai held Bai Lang's hand. He announced proudly, "My daddy told
him to come pick me up. I'm going home now ah."

Under a gaggle of envious looks and cries, Bai Lang smiled and waved at
the teachers and students and also gave away a few signatures. Only then
could he successfully take Qiu XiaoHai out of the kindergarten.

After exiting the gates, Qiu XiaoHai held Bai Lang's hand. He turned his
head and said, "Later we're going to buy little rabbit steamed buns right?

Daddy said you would buy it for me."

Every sentence contained the word "daddy". Actually what Qiu XiaoHai
wanted was just Qiu Qian's care wasn't it?

Bai Lang smiled. He rubbed Qiu XiaoHai's little head. "Yes."

However when he raised his head he saw there was a person blocking his

"Are your Mr Bai? I think it's better if you let me take Xiao Hai home ba."
It was a elegantly dressed slightly plump woman. She smiled at Bai Lang in
a friendly manner.

{T/N: No it's not the mom. BL's luck isn't that bad lol.}

Chapter 16 - Medicinal Soup

Qiu XiaoHai saw this middle aged woman and his first instinct was to hide
behind Bai Lang. His small hard tightly grasped Bai Lang's pants.

Bai Lang hesitated then smilled at the woman. "Hello, you are?"

The middle aged woman's smile got bigger. "Oh I'm Mr Qiu's hired nanny.

My name is Yang Li. Xiao Hai calls me Auntie Yang." After speaking she
smiled at Xiao Hai but Qiu XiaoHai only hid further. "Although Mr Qiu has
mentioned to me that in these couple of days Xiao Hai will be staying at
your place but seeing that Mr Bai is a busy man, I thought that you would
definitely encounter troubles taking care of such a small child. That's why I
thought it's better if I come to help."

Seeing Bai Lang's raised eyebrow and that he was about to open his mouth
to reject her, Yang Li laughed and continued speaking. "I know Mr Bai is
good-hearted and willing to take care of Xiao Hai, however it took me over
half a year to familiarize myself with Xiao Hai's eating and dressing
routine. Usually Mr Qiu isn't home very often and isn't aware of how picky
Xiao Hai is when eating. He also has a stubborn personality. If the person
who takes care of him changes, he definitely won't be used to it. It might
affect his studies."

At this time Yang Li smiled in a benevolent way at Xiao Hai. "Right now
Xiao Hai just wants to experience new things. I'm thinking it's better if Xiao
Hai comes home after school, it'll be more comfortable. Then when he has
holidays he can live at Mr Bai's for a few days. That way everyone can be
more comfortable right? And since I'm still receiving Mr Qiu's salary, it
won't make me feel so guilty."
Yang Li's manner of speaking was very rational and logical. Combined with
her elegant dress and friendly smile, she didn't look like a nanny but more
like a well-raised woman from a wealthy family. She was even wearing a
large round pearl on her hand. She made Bai Lang feel very much as though
everything she arranged was very good.

But at this time Qiu XiaoHai began to panic. He tugged Bai Lang's pants
and stammered, "I, I don't want to go home. Daddy said I can live at your
place! I can eat anything. I don't want little rabbit steamed buns anymore. I,
I want to live with you..."

Bai Lang smiled and patted Qiu XiaoHai's head. He said to Yang Li,

"Auntie Yang is very meticulous. I am also scared that I can't take care of
Xiao Hai well, however Mr Qiu already promised Xiao Hai so I can't let Mr
Qiu break his promise. So if Xiao Hai wants to stay with me, he can. If he
really can't get used to it and wants to go home then I'll take him home
immediately. There's no problem."

Qiu XiaoHai immediately hugged Bai Lang's leg tightly. "I won't, I'll be

Bai Lang only kept patting Qiu XiaoHai's head, reassuring Xiao Hai's
restless mood.

Yang Li gave Qiu XiaoHai an adoring gaze that also carried some feelings
of blame. "Oh, Mr Bai really knows how to make himself liked. Thinking
about back then, it took me a lot of effort to get close with Xiao Hai."

As for whether there was a hidden meaning behind these words, Bai Lang
didn't want to think too deeply. He only smiled, "Sorry to make Auntie
Yang come all this way for nothing. When Mr Qiu comes back, I will
definitely let him know about Auntie Yang's kindness."

Yang Li sighed. "I just feel bad for Xiao Hai since he doesn't have a mother.

Ai, what a pitiful child."

Bai Lang didn't say anything. However the smile on his face faded slightly.

He could somewhat understand why Xiao Hai didn't like Auntie Yang.

"Since it's like this then Xiao Hai you can go with Mr Bai," At this time
Yang Li lifted up a cloth covered bag. Inside was a stainless steel soup box.

"This is the healing medicinal soup that Doctor Chen has prescribed these
days. It's to help nurture Xiao Hai's body. This child is often ill and Mr Qiu
is often very worried. This type of medication needs to taken over the long

term to have a good effect. If it's stopped in the middle it won't be good. I
have prepared three days worth for Mr Bai to take home. After dinner, can I
trouble Mr Bai to remember to give Xiao Hai a bowl."

Bai Lang remembered the soup that Qiu XiaoHai had mentioned the other
night. So he took it and said, "Thank you Auntie Yang, you've worked

Qiu XiaoHai stared at the soup. He wanted to protest but then remembered
the promise he'd just made. He straightened his back but in the end
continued to bury his face against Bai Lang's leg.

After Bai Lang took the soup, Yang Li added a few more instructions about
how after drinking the soup, Xiao Hai might start to feel tired, then looked
at Xiao Hai and said in a lingering tone, "Xiao Hai, you must obediently
listen to everything Mr Bai tells you, okay? Don't make trouble for Mr Bai."

Qiu XiaoHai hugged Bai Lang's thigh and agreed.

Bai Lang saw the situation then reached out and picked up Qiu XiaoHai.

"Okay, we had better go. So goodbye to Auntie Yang."

Qiu XiaoHai was evidently caught off guard by this motion. This was the
first time Bai Lang had hugged him. However he used the opportunity to
stick closer to Bai Lang. He said obediently, "Bye Auntie Yang."
Bai Lang made a simple goodbye to Yang Li. He didn't say much and took
Qiu XiaoHai in the direction of the car.


After getting in the car, Bai Lang helped the Qiu XiaoHai sit properly and
buckled on his seat belt.

Qiu XiaoHai's quiet and obedience during this time made the driver Hong
Hong turn around several times to look.

The usually boisterous and noisy child was being very quiet. Bai Lang
knew that it was because he was still feeling insecure. So he said in a gentle

voice, "Later on, let's go buy some little rabbit steamed buns."

Qiu XiaoHai shook his head. "I don't need it."

Bai Lang rubbed his downcast head. "Don't worry. Whatever you want just
let me know. If you're bad then I'll smack you. But I won't send you back."

Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide. There was color on his face again. He
said in a small voice, ".... really?"

"Yes. And if my smacks don't hurt, then there's still Hong Hong." Bai Lang
decided to drag someone with him under the water.

Hong Hong silently looked in the rear view mirror.

Qiu XiaoHai brightened up. He nodded his head vigorously. "En!" Then he
remembered something wasn't right. "But I'm really very good. The little
rabbit steamed buns is something daddy said, not me ah."

Bai Lang laughed and said, "Yes. I know."


That night, after eating dinner Qiu XiaoHai screwed up his face to drink the
soup. Bai Lang had put aside a steamed bun with red bean filling which he
intended to give to Xiao Hai to suppress the bitter taste. Because of this, Bai
Lang had specifically gone on the internet to check which food could be
eaten with medicine. He didn't want to ruin the effect of the medication.

However what he didn't expect that within a few minutes of Qiu XiaoHai
drinking the soup down in one gulp, he was already closing his eyes and
nodding away. The steamed bun he had prepared thus didn't get eaten. The
speed of the effect of the medicinal soup really shocked Bai Lang. He
hurried to help Qiu XiaoHai change into his pajamas and put him to bed.

During the quiet of the evening, Bai Lang looked over the script again. He
even picked a movie and used the method that Zhu Kuan had taught him to
carefully study it. After some time Bai Lang thought about the fact that Qiu

XiaoHai had gone to sleep at 6-7PM, he might wake up at 1-2AM in the

morning from oversleep.

But when Bai Lang came in to check, Qiu XiaoHai was still sleeping deeply
under the blanket. He didn't even look as though he changed his position.

Bai Lang glanced over him one last time, thinking about the fact that
tomorrow he should help Xiao Hai take a bath before having dinner and
they also had to hurry to brush his teeth afterwards.

However the next day there was a cruel reality waiting for Bai Lang.

Qiu XiaoHai had wet the bed.


Bai Lang cleaned up the wet bedsheets and blankets with a big head. He
thought that Auntie Yang wasn't wrong when he said taking care of Qiu
XiaoHai would be troublesome. He had never raised a child so he could
only slowly get accustomed to it.

Qiu XiaoHai was at this moment pouting and standing to one side, naked
from the waist down. He looked downcast and said he had forgotten to wear
his "white pants". Previously Auntie Yang would help him wear it. Once he
wore it then he wouldn't pee on the bed. After speaking he ran over the bag
that Hong Hong had brought over for him and took the "white pants" out. It
was a nappy. He gave it to Bai Lang with a worried face.

Whether or not it was normal for a five year old child to pee the bed, Bai
Lang wasn't sure since he hadn't researched it. However he still felt
something wasn 't quite right. Bai Lang took the nappy and said, "Do you
wear these white pants to bed every night?" However the night that Qiu
Qian had been here, Qiu XiaoHai hadn't wet the bed.

Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head, then shook it again. "I didn't need it before.

It's only recently." He stamped his feet. "Auntie Yang said it's because I
drank too much soup and it's not a big deal. You, you don't tell daddy okay."

The soup again? Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. At this time the phone rang.

Bai Lang picked up. It was Qiu Qian calling from overseas. Bai Lang
answered a few of his questions about Qiu XiaoHai's circumstances
however didn't tell him about the bed wetting incident. The reason was
because Qiu XiaoHai stared up at Bai Lang with pitiful eyes, thus Bai Lang
gave the phone over to Qiu XiaoHai and told him to talk to Qiu Qian

Qiu XiaoHai was surprised and happy. He jumped up and down with a
naked butt and told his daddy that he was being a good boy. Bai Lang
laughed helplessly. He glanced at him and thought about the fact that they
still needed to take a shower, change their clothes and that they would
definitely be late for school. He snatched back the phone and firmly hung
up on Qiu Qian, then began a busy morning rather like a warzone.

After successfully sending Qiu XiaoHai to school, Bai Lang returned home
and found a cleaning company to help him get rid of the wet blankets and
bedsheets. He also had someone treat the mattress. After he finished, Bai
Lang sat at his computer and researched "five years old" and "bed wetting"

and read the related articles. He read a bunch of child rearing articles and
found out that Qiu XiaoHai's circumstances can be said to be within the
realm of normal. He felt reassured and closed the computer and wanted to
lie down on the sofa for a nap. Since he had a break then he would have a

It's just that sleeping in the daytime made one prone to bad dreams.

Thus Bai Lang's sleep was very restless. He kept dreaming about what had
happened before he died.

Previously when Qiu Qian had been by his side, Bai Lang was so exhausted
he slept soundly. Thus he hadn't had this dream in some time.

This time when seeing those scenes again, his heart didn't feel as despairing
and regretful as previously. He had already thought through a lot of things.

Since he had a chance at rebirth, Bai Lang felt he was lucky.

This time, Bai Lang saw again the things that happened after he fainted

The face of Qiu Qian who was trying desperately to help him had a kind of
hard and unyielding quality. Compared with the Qiu Qian who Bai Lang
knew now, there was still some differences. However this wasn't surprising.

These few years would be the years that Qiu Qian would get involved in the
major businesses of his family enterprises, so he probably changed and
grew a lot during this time.

As the scenes in front of him changed, Bai Lang saw Qiu Qian call an
ambulance for him and send him to the hospital. He saw him pacing in front
of the surgery. As he walked Qiu Qian's footsteps turned and actually went
to a different level. It was the first time Bai Lang had seen this scene in his
dream. He thought it was probably a coincidence. Qiu Qian probably had
some other friend who was staying in the hospital at this time. However as
Bai Lang followed Qiu Qian into a special VIP room, he saw Qiu Qian's
grave face as well as the small head that was half showing on the bed...

Bai Lang started. He was so shocked he actually woke up.

He half raised his body from the sofa, sweating. His heart was beating very

... it was a young boy. Bai Lang was sure.

He looked like a young teenager. It was just the right age for Qiu XiaoHai
in ten years.

In his past life, Qiu Qian had hidden Qiu XiaoHai very deep, he never let
him appear in front of people.

This was different to the behaviour that Bai Lang had seen these days with
Qiu Qian chasing behind Qiu XiaoHai.

The difference was because....

Was it because something had happened to Qiu XiaoHai, to make Qiu Qian
hide him like that?

Bai Lang swallowed slowly. A possibility was arising in his heart.

After a few minutes, he placed some of the soup from the soup box into a
takeaway cup before going out.

Three days later, Bai Lang made a long distance call to Qiu Qian.

After Qiu Qian heard what he had to say, he immediately arranged a flight
back to China that same night.

Chapter 17 - The Regal Suit

After more than ten hours travel, by the time Qiu Qian rushed back to Bai
Lang's apartment it was already past 3AM.

Qiu Qian had been suppressing a furious anger the entire trip. As soon as he
came in he crept into Qiu XiaoHai's room. He desperately needed to take a
look at his son first. However he didn't expect that the bed was completely
empty. Qiu Qian paused and then immediately changed directions to the
main bedroom.
He wasn't wrong. In the main bedroom's large, deep blue bed he found one
big person and one small person.

Bai Lang was sleeping on his side with a small frown. Behind him Qiu
XiaoHai was sleeping like a octopus on his stomach. His small face was
tightly pressed against Bai Lang's back, completely squashed against him
and he was even drooling onto Bai Lang's back. This image was completely
like he had taken Bai Lang for a large-scale hugging pillow, it was only the
size wasn't right so Qiu XiaoHai couldn't get his leg completely over. But
even so the two people were both breathing very peacefully, sleeping very

Underneath the moonlight, Qiu Qian saw this peaceful image. The anger
and panic in his heart faded slightly. As for the investigation and getting to
the bottom of things, it seemed to be not as important as letting these two
have a good rest.

Qiu Qian couldn't help himself reaching out and feeling Qiu XiaoHai's
head. Then he also touched Bai Lang.

This time, it was his mistake. He owed the two of them.

He owed Xiao Hai, and also towards Bai Lang...

Qiu Qian lowered his eyes. Something in his heart couldn't help loosening.

Then he also lay down beside these two people.

Tomorrow. He would begin tomorrow.

He would make them pay. Pay with everything they had.


The next day, Bai Lang was woken up by the feeling of pressure. He was
being squashed by two people, one big one small, one on top and one on the

But with his small movement the big one immediately woke up.
Bai Lang squinted his eyes and turned with difficulty. Then his breath was
stolen away by a smoky and heavy kiss.

Bai Lang didn't push him away. He closed his eyes and returned the kiss.

These days he had been made restless by his dreams from his previous life.

When he thought about the scene from his dream and compared it with the
lively and cute Qiu XiaoHai before his eyes, the cruelty and malevolence of
the person hidden behind the scenes really made Bai Lang feel cold all the
way into his heart.

Thinking about Yang Li's smile in front of the kindergarten as she had
handed the soup over and the specificity of her instructions, it was enough
to make him sure that she had known the significance of the medicine. It
wasn't just that she was trying to find a way to make her job easier. It should
be known that placing serious sleeping tablets into soup, when used over a
long time, can stunt a child's development. It was a chronic type of
developmental disorder, the symptoms were very slow and by the time it
was detected, it would have already left irreparable damage. The cause also
would not be found easily.

Although Bai Lang didn't know her reasons, to do something so cruel to

such a small child was really outside the realm of Bai Lang's experience in
his past life. So when he felt Qiu Qian's familiar scent, Bai Lang's heart
relaxed. He didn't mind to cling closer. As the kiss went on, Qiu Qian's

aggression also seemed to lessen. The heat became comfortable and

soothing, Bai Lang felt his whole body going soft...

At this time Qiu XiaoHai's sleepy voice sounded. "Daddy!.... Why are you
biting each other ah?"
Bai Lang realized that one could also choke during a kiss.


Qiu Qian arranged for Qiu XiaoHai to have a secret full body examination
in a private clinic.

The results of the tests were good.

Perhaps because Yang Li was scared in the beginning of being found out, so
the dosage seemed to be on the lower end. All of Qiu XiaoHai's
developmental parameters were within normal ranges. However he still had
drunk the soup for some time so no one could predict exactly if there was
any permanent damage. It could only be determined after three years of
follow up testing. When the doctor told them this, Qiu Qian's face sunk. It
became just as what Bai Lang had seen in his previous life.

As for the investigation regarding Yang Li, Bai Lang didn't know the
details. After Hong Hong took away all of the soup that Yang Li had made,
Qiu Qian never again spoke of this person in front of Bai Lang and Qiu
XiaoHai. Qiu Qian only told Qiu XiaoHai one evening that Auntie Yang
had gone back to her hometown and probably wouldn't be coming back.

Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide. He happily asked if this meant he didn't
need to go home? Could he continuing living here forever?

Qiu Qian also didn't look at Bai Lang. He pressed his son's head and said
okay, in the future you can live here.

Bai Lang logically interpreted this as, after what had happened to Yang Li,
it was difficult for Qiu Qian in the short term to trust another nanny. He also
didn't want live apart from Qiu XiaoHai anymore. Hence prior to him

finding some new to settle him, it was reasonable for them to stay here for
the time being.

When Qiu XiaoHai heard this, he was so happy he rolled around on Qiu
Qian's belly. Qiu Qian hugged his son and didn't push him away.
Everyone was like this. Only after almost losing your treasure would you
learn its value and importance.

Bai Lang watched from one side. He only hoped that now that Qiu Qian had
had this lesson, that the scene from his dream would never occur.

However on the other side of Qiu Qian's warmth, there was another face
that shocked Bai Lang.

A few days later in the evening news it was broadcasted: "A Madame Yang
has jumped from a building in a suspected suicide". Bai Lang immediately
changed the channel and didn't look at it again. At that time Qiu XiaoHai
was holding a little rabbit steamed bun and munching on it. He was smiling
as he said he wanted to save one to give to Ah Zan tomorrow. Ah Zan really
liked his steamed buns.

Qiu Qian who was sitting to one side looked at Bai Lang. He suddenly

He said the old seafarers were all superstitious. It was their belief that if
children with mental retardation were the result of curses.

So thus the cursed person needed to be kicked out of the house and sent far
away. Otherwise they may cause danger around them.

When Qiu Qian said this, his eyes were very cold.

However Bai Lang felt surprised. He didn't think Qiu Qian would reveal
anything to him.

After all in these few words, it was enough to reveal the people behind
Yang Li. It was most likely the people inside the Qiu family. Combined
with Qiu Qian's dangerous expression and his dark and threatening aura, it

was clear he had not managed to completely eradicate this nest. Bai Lang
couldn't help but sink into silence. He thought about the cruel and ruthless
methods of the Qiu Qian ten years later. Perhaps it was because of these
type of events happening time and time again.
All the way until Qiu XiaoHai came over and said what's a curse ah, can it
be eaten?

The heavy atmosphere lightened.

Qiu Qian sighed and expressed that he thought his son was really a pig. He
only knew how to sleep and eat.

After being scared by this shadowy incident, Bai Lang didn't have much
free time left.

Fang Hua's homework for Bai Lang had been delayed for many days. He
had no choice but to get onto it.

Thus he made an appointment and then Bai Lang, who was also a nanny,
took Qiu XiaoHai with him to visit the "Regal Suit" .


When it came to the Regal Suit, actually it wasn't a custom suit shop that
had been established since the olden days. However everyone in the
industry knew that the head tailor's skill could be traced back to the
previous dynasty. The knowledge and expertise had been passed down from
that time but it was only recently that the brothers Li Fu and Li Hua had
established the brand the Regal Suit. Right now the fame of their brand
could be considered No 1 or No 2 in the industry.

The older brother Li Fu had inherited most of the tailoring skill. The
younger brother Li Hua was mostly in charge of the running of the business.

Li Hua had also helped his brother Li Fu find a group of skilled disciples to
study and work under him. In the industrial era of garment making, there
were a lot of outside markets and he successfully manage to increase the
output and broaden the audience of his brand.

So other than the MasterLi Fu, there were twelve personal disciples. Right
now all of them could be considered very experienced and talented suit
makers and there was even a third generation of pupils. Using his business
acumen, Li Hua successfully managed to keep all of these younger
generations within the Regal Suit and didn't let any of them slip away. So
the Regal Suit was often used as an example of not only the highest quality
suit making skill, but also of a very successful family business.

This time the teacher that Fang Hua had arranged for Bai Lang was none
other than Master Li Fu.

If people in the industry knew about this they would definitely wag their
tongues. After all the suits that Li Fu made personally now cost into the 6

digits. If this great master appeared then Bai Lang might even be able to
directly change careers. {T/N: BL might learn so much from him that he can
change to become a suit maker lol.}

However the reason that Li Fu accepted to tutor him was because the Regal
Suit can be said to be the professional advisor for the movie Beyond Gold
and Jade. The details regarding custom suit making were all provided by
the Regal Suit and this was something that the highly intelligent Li Hua had
arranged. Since they had agreed to be the professional advisor, then Li Hua
was also very dedicated and sincere. Thus he directly pushed out his older
brother to help.

This decision led Fang Hua to be slightly surprised. She had to inform him
in an embarrassed manner that she had told Bai Lang to also go and get
some custom suits made at the same time. But it was not necessary for
Master Li Fu to do these personally.

When he heard this, Li Hua laughed exuberantly. He expressed that "The

Regal Suit" could handle this kind of small expense. So thus Bai Lang came
unexpectedly to win this fortune. However it was not until Bai Lang
reached the Regal Suit that he got this good news.


The Regal Suit was located in a elite area of A City. The set up inside the
shop was also very different to a ready to wear shop.
The deep colored wooden furniture and soft lighting were very refined, and
made the fabric displayed on one side look even more elegant and exquisite.

However in the shop there was not even one set of finished suit for show.

The entire shop, other than the front counter and the velvet sofa in front of
the counter, was occupied by independent and separated studios. This was
to make it more convenient for the each VIP to privately discuss their
requirements, have their measurements taken by the tailors and to try on
their creations.

Thus the very large shop was extremely quiet.

The shop was run on appointment only so other than the receptionist sitting
at the front desk, there wasn't anyone else that could be seen.

This day when Bai Lang held Qiu XiaoHai's hand and took him inside, he
couldn't help but hold his finger in front of his mouth and remind Xiao Hai
to "shh".

Qiu XiaoHai obediently nodded his head and used the same gesture to
mimic back to Bai Lang "shh".

The girl sitting at the front desk smiled in a friendly manner. "Mr Bai,
welcome to the Regal Suit. There's still a few minutes until your
appointment time. Right now the Master's previous client still hasn't left.

I'm so sorry to ask you to wait on the sofa for a little while."

Bai Lang politely returned the smile. "Thank you. I'm the one who should
be apologizing for the delay in coming. It was really because of some
family matters and so today I also couldn't help but bring this child along. I
don't know if the Master will mind?"

The receptionist smiled happily. "Don't worry, the Master really likes young
children. This little brother is obedient and pretty, the Master will be very
Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head. He used a very small voice to say, "I'm really
very good."

The receptionist laughed out loud. "Big sister knows. That's why good
children will have biscuits to eat. Later on big sister will get one for you."

Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes eagerly and looked at Bai Lang, waiting for
his permission. In these last few days Qiu XiaoHai had been well managed
by Bai Lang as to what he could eat.

Bai Lang patted Qiu XiaoHai's head. "Thank big sister."

"Thank you big sister," Qiu XiaoHai said enthusiastically.

The receptionist took these two to the sofa to sit down. Then she poured a
pot of red tea and brought over a plate of soft egg tarts. The exquisiteness of
it would not have lost to an afternoon tea shop.

After a few minutes more passed, the receptionist came to apologize again.

It seemed that the previous client needed a little bit more time. Bai Lang
smiled and said he didn't mind. He said he also wasn't scared of eating a
few more egg tarts since the suit was custom made. These words made the
receptionist giggle so she brought over a plate of even more desserts.

While he was waiting, the bell above the door rang and a group of clients
came in.

The receptionist greeted them with equal politeness. "Welcome to the Regal
Suit. Master Chen has been waiting for you for a long time. Please come
this way."

{T/N: They are seeing a different tailor, not the boss.}

It was a sizeable group. These people talking together disrupted the silence
of the shop. Even if Bai Lang didn't want to listen, he couldn't help it.

"Hehe, I didn't think that I would be able to come here one day. If I tell my
mom, she'll definitely be scared to death."
"What kind of antique suit shop is this? Does the company really expect us
to wear it?"

"We have to look more proper at the award ceremony. Seeing how pitiful
Brother Ming looks, we had better just go along with it this time."

"Then what about my hair? I've shaved off one side. I don't think it will go
with this kind of look."

"Haven't you heard of a wig before, dumbass?"

"Hahaha, I'll definitely tug it off you in front of the camera...."

Among them there was one familiar face that Bai Lang couldn't help
turning his head to look at.

It turns out these were people that he had "met before".

Total Entertainment's male idol group R-RED. They were also Bai Lang's

In this group there were four members: Ya Ge, Ya Du, Ya Qi and Ya Lang.

All four members were present.

R-RED was known for their handsome looks and power dancing skills.

They were a group that had established their fame in the idol circle.

However they followed a completely different path to the Rong SiQi who
had real skill. However they were also one the successful moneymakers of
Total Entertainment currently. {T/N: Hmmm, so Chinese people often
separate entertainers into two categories, "idol" and "real skill". While not
to say that the idols do not have any skill whatsoever, they are often the
ones seen as to be selling their good looks and outside packaging, whereas
the more established/traditionally trained singers/actors are part of the

"real skill" group.}

In his previous life, just as with Rong SiQi, Bai Lang hadn't had much
contact with them.

However Bai Lang approximately knew why, when these four people
looked at him, a strange expression appeared on their faces.

Just as he expected, after awkward momentary pause, one of the youth

raised the corners of his mouth. He had apricot shaped eyes, the left one of
which had a small beauty mark underneath. He said, "Bai Lang?"

He didn't disguise the animosity in his tone.

Chapter 18 - Tape Measure

Bai Lang had just been helping Qiu XiaoHai wipe his mouth. He nodded
his head. "Nice to meet you."

The youth's dark pupils narrowed. His gaze flickered to Qiu XiaoHai then
returned to Bai Lang. "What a fortunate coincidence. Those headlines
before were really big huh. That was a nice performance from you,
beautifully done. So tell me, is it comfortable living in Building D, Floor

The youth said the address because he wanted to provoke Bai Lang.

However unfortunately he was off by two floors.

Bai Lang didn't know whether to sigh over Qiu Qian's wealth or his
consistent pattern of treating people. He only said lightly, "The environment
is not bad."

"It's a bit of a hassle getting in and out but the view from the sixth floor isn't
bad." The youth raised his eyebrow. "That's why I chose the middle room.

The view is the best. The room was also renovated according to my
requirements, everything is painted black. Once it's paired with completely
white furniture, the effect is quite thrilling. However other people might not
be able to get used to it."
"The view is really very good." Bai Lang agreed.

This kind of reply made the youth really feel as though he was being coldly
patronized. He was even more incensed and said, "Oh I forgot that it doesn't
really matter which room right? Because when that person gets excited, he
can do it anywhere."

R-RED's leader was Ya Du. He was also the tallest one in the group. He
grabbed the youth and jerked him back. "Let's go Ya Qi. You should stop
talking now."

However at this time Qiu XiaoHai turned his head to look ask Bai Lang,

"Ah Bai, don't we live on the eighth floor? I counted. It shouldn't be


When Ya Qi heard this, his face changed.

Bai Lang rubbed Qiu XiaoHai. He thought about whether or not to give this
good boy another egg tart.

This time Ya Qi was really angry. He pushed aside his friend and clenched
his teeth and said viciously to Bai Lang, "Turns out you're mocking me
huh? Don't worry, I'm used to it. But do you really think that you're
different? Don't be stupid. Think about whether or not he's ever appeared
anywhere with you in public? When the newspaper started to talk, didn't he
erase everything immediately? He gave you a house, a car and a bottomless
credit card, raising you up openly. But he will never let you stand by his
side. Because that place has already long ago been taken by someone else."

Bai Lang listened to all of this with no expression on his face. However in
his heart he felt some surprise.

He thought about the rumor he had heard from Total Entertainment

previously. Turns out it wasn't just a rumor.

In the rumor, Qiu Qian and Ya Qi previously had a "connection" {T/N: The
Chinese word used is ai mei, which is an extremely vague relationship
term}. This word was very vague and there was no indication of whether or
not it had been an exchange type situation. However a little while before he
had also heard that someone had personally witnessed Ya Qi clutching Qiu
Qian in a crowded hallway where there were a lot of people walking about.

The youth had clung onto him, forcibly asking: "Didn't you even have the
slightest bit of real feelings?" Qiu Qian had only disentangled himself and
coldly kept walking.

That gossiper who had been filled with mirth had added: At least Ya Qi can
be said to have gotten famous. However he was still unsatisfied and doesn't
know when to let go. How awkward.

However now that Bai Lang saw him in real life he understood that Ya Qi
probably had real feelings towards Qiu Qian. Since he liked him he directly
opened his mouth to ask him. He had a direct gaze. He wasn't scared to love
and he wasn't scared to hate. This was the kind of courage that only a young
person would have.

Thinking about it this way, this Ya Qi at least had a direct personality. He

wasn't the kind of person to hide in the shadows to stab someone. However
it seemed that Qiu XiaoHai was startled by Ya Qi's sudden change in
demeanor. He huddled closer and Bai Lang couldn't help but lower his head
and hug him to comfort him.

"Do you think I'm lying to you? It's just that I can see clearly that's all. I'm
telling you out of the goodness of my heart to just to take his money and
forget anything else. Otherwise it's just a waste of your time! Do you know
why Qiu Qian is always taking up with people from the entertainment circle
and doesn't touch anyone else? Because there's someone inside his heart
who also belongs to this circle. He is only looking for that person's shadow.

Other than that person, he will never... hey, are you listening to me or not
ah!?" Ya Qi's face moved furiously.

Bai Lang only just raised his eyes when Qiu XiaoHai hurried to say, "Yes,
"Pfft, this kid is really a treasure ah." Another member Ya Lang grinned.

At the same time Ya Lang also put his arms around Ya Qi with some force.

He said, "Okay that's enough. Mr Bai has already received your good
intentions. What are getting upset about? Didn't you already say you want
to wear your new clothes to find a new man? Let's go, let's go, our time is
limited." After he spoke, he quickly turned around and added to Bai Lang,

"Mr Bai, please don't mind him. When this kid is in a bad mood his mouth
is really ugly. But he'll get over it after a while. When that time comes I'll
bring him over to apologize to you."

Ya Qi furiously struggled and said "let go of me!" but the other three people
forcibly suppressed him. Since the other people were willing to help him, it
can be seen that the bond between the members of R-RED was quite good.

Bai Lang smiled vaguely. "It's not necessary. Go ahead."

The group leader Ya Du once again apologized to Bai Lang. Then this
group finally entered one of the studio rooms and finally the store returned
to silence.

Bai Lang rubbed the Qiu XiaoHai in his arms. "Did you get scared? That
older brother just got a bit excited, that's all."

Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head and expressed he understood.

"But what was that older brother talking about ah. The person in daddy's
heart, isn't it just me?"

Bai Lang couldn't help bursting into laughter. "Yes, of course it is."


A few minutes later, Bai Lang saw Master Li Fu.

Li Fu was approximately over 60 years of age. His hair was gray and his
figure was thin. However he stood very straight.
When Li Fu saw Bai Lang, he straight away smiled and complimented Bai
Lang on his elegance and beauty. Because if order for clothes to be worn
well, the bearing of the person wearing it was also important. He then
waved at Qiu XiaoHai and then patted his head affectionately. He had
always wanted to make clothes for children this age but unfortunately by
the time he finished, the clothing couldn't catch up with the growth of the

His friendly and mellow attitude was not like that of a industry famous
master. After they chatted for a little while Bai Lang also relaxed. He settled
Qiu XiaoHai at the table to draw in a picture book he'd brought along and
then started to as Master Li Fu about his job.

There was a tape measure hanging from Li Fu's neck as he smiled at Bai
Lang and indicated that he wanted him to stand up. "Actually I'm not good

with explaining so let me help you make a suit. You watch from one side
and if there's something you don't understand, just ask. Is that okay?"

"Yes. Sorry to trouble the Master." Of course Bai Lang didn't have any

Li Fu took out his tape measure. Bai Lang cooperated by standing straight.

He drew in his chin and stomach but this made Li Fu laugh. "My guess is
that Mr Bai has never had a custom suit before right? A custom suit should
fit the body and be comfortable. From measuring, design, pattern making to
stitching, everything is done specially for you. It is unique suit, in this
world there won't be any other like it. It is made to fit your circumstances
and your lifestyle. So you don't need to change yourself. Otherwise the suit
won't fit well in the end."

Bai Lang received the lesson. "I understand."

Li Fu didn't measure immediately however, instead he walked around Bai

Lang several times. "Then what kind of suit do you want?"
Bai Lang was aware there was many different types of suits; single button,
double breasted, all different types of collars and buckles. In his previous
life he had a stylist who helped him choose his clothing. So right now when
be was being asked this question he really had no clue.

So Bai Lang instead thought about a scene from Beyond Jade and Gold and
said seriously, "If there was a person that was once glorious but has now
fallen on hard times, however he has to now go and see his old friends, then
what kind of suit would Master prepare for him?"

Li Fu was amused by this description. "Young man you don't need to be so

honest. The costumes for the movie will be otherwise provided. This suit is
a gift for you."

When Li Fu said this, Bai Lang knew that he also knew the story for the
script. So asked, "I'm also trying to do some research. Master will know
these wealthy people better than me. In their opinion, what type is the best?

Other than material and style, is there anything else that they would take
into consideration?"

Bai Lang's question was actually about the inner turmoil of the main
character in Gold. It was the kind of question that he should not have asked
Li Fu but instead the Director.

However when Li Fu heard it, he did indeed have some experiences to

share. "If you are talking about those people who were really born with a
golden spoon in their mouths, they're really different from us. Even if their
bodies are covered in mud they would still think themselves majestic. This
type of arrogance and loftiness is something that was ingrained into their
bones, bit by bit, from childhood. It has nothing to do with what they are
wearing. Because to them, their flesh and blood is already different from

"By the same token, people like us, even if we earn a lot of money, in the
eyes of some people we are just the servant that kneels on the floor to help
them make their clothes. Even if we became the richest man in the nation,
that fact wouldn't change." Li Fu's smile expressed a lot of emotions.
"Every man in his heart has a definition of what is master and what is
servant. So to answer your question, that person that you speak of would
wear his most ordinary clothes to meet his friends. In his heart, he probably
still thinks he is the King of this world."

Within the space of a few sentences, the role sprang to life in Bai Lang's

He was wretched but tenacious, generous but also cruel. He had a

conflicting personality. Many images appeared in Bai Lang's mind. "Thank
you Master for your guidance."

"I haven't started teaching anything yet." Li Fu smiled and waved his hand.

"Since your entire mind is fixated on the movie, then let's make you a suit
that a tailor would often wear to work ba."

A suit maker's work uniform was obviously still a suit. Right now Li Fu
was wearing a striped suit with a matching vest and shirt. He looked very

spirited and stylish.

Bai Lang agreed, "I like the Master's suit type. It's conservative and simple,
but still has a uniqueness about it."

"How rare for a young person to think this way." It was Li Fu's turn to have
his eyes light up. "They usually think that a suit is traditional, stuffy and
unchangeable. But they don't know that it is even more eye catching than
any other type of clothing. Just like what you're wearing now. En, the
matching is not bad. However your pants are too wide and the shoulders are
also not suited to your body..." Li Fu's interest rose and he walked around a
few more times and also asked Bai Lang to walk and sit. He repeated this a
while until he was satisfied. "Okay, I approximately understand it."

What Bai Lang didn't know was that when Li Fu finished the suit, he sent a
large box full of accessories as well {T/N: Probably additional pieces of
clothing like vests, shirt etc etc.}. It was enough to fill an entire closet.
According to Li Fu, he had not met a such a "suitable" client for a long
time. When he was free he would make a few patterns and then give it to
his pupils to practice their craft.

At this moment Bai Lang was busily trying to commit to memory the
details of the "measuring up" procedure that Li Fu shown him.

Thus when he came home, Bai Lang also brought with him a tape measure.

In order to make sure he wouldn't forget, that night Bai Lang dragged Qiu
XiaoHai to measure up. However Qiu XiaoHai wasn't a cooperative model.

He kept fidgeting and was also very scared of being tickled. He played
around for a while until Bai Lang finally gave up.

Later in the evening, Qiu Qian came back. After Qiu XiaoHai had gone to
bed, Bai Lang took out the tape measure again and indicated that he wanted
Qiu Qian to be the model for a while. But Qiu Qian was also not a
cooperative model. He wasn't fidgety but he got excited very easily.

Particularly when Bai Lang was kneeling in front of him to measure his
calf. Qiu Qian reached out and grasped Bai Lang's chin. He used his thumb

to rub against Bai Lang's lips. This kind of angle, paired with Qiu Qian's
smile, made what he wanted very clear.

However Qiu Qian's amorous expression made Bai Lang suddenly think
about the things he had heard today. Bai Lang couldn't help freezing
slightly. He then lowered his eyes and mechanically reached for the zipper
in Qiu Qian's pants.

His movements weren't natural. Qiu Qian reached out to block his
movement. "Don't like it?"

"Not used to it." Bai Lang didn't raise his eyes. He replied in a toneless

Qiu Qian grabbed Bai Lang and pulled him up. He looked at him in a
measuring manner. "Have I ever forced you?"
"No." Bai Lang sighed. He had to admit that Qiu Qian was a generous

Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes, "... Then what's the matter?"

Bai Lang felt helpless. Even he didn't really know what it was.

Because according to Bai Lang's plans, he shouldn't have any


In order to make it up to Qiu Qian, Bai Lang proactively kissed him. "Can
we do it normally?"

Qiu Qian wasn't appeased. He held Bai Lang and carefully looked into his

Bai Lang had to force himself not look away.

It was unknown what Qiu Qian saw. He also didn't ask anymore. Instead he
suddenly pushed Bai Lang towards the wall and suddenly kneeled down
himself. With his hands he fixed Bai Lang in place.

Bai Lang froze. In a split second he understood what Qiu Qian wanted to
do. He hurried to say, "That's not what I meant..."

"You don't want to say," Qiu Qian pressed close to his target. He raised his
eyes. "So I can only use my actions."

Bai Lang also lost the ability to say anything.

Afterwards the feelings were too intense and made his entire head muddled.


Later that night, Qiu Qian watched the Bai Lang who had fallen

The deeply sleeping Bai Lang still had some wetness at the corner of his
eyes. It was probably from overstimulation before.
Qiu Qian used his finger to wipe it. Then he picked up his phone and called
Hong Hong.

"Who did Bai Lang see today?"

"Ya Qi."

Qiu Qian's gaze moved over to the watch sitting on the bedside table. "Get
the recording file out. I want to listen."

"... yes."

It was clear that the Hong Hong on the other end of the line didn't approve.

However Qiu Qian directly hung up the phone and lay down beside Bai

He wasn't guilty about using these kind of covert surveillance tactics.

Especially since he was, little by little, letting Bai Lang enter into his world.

Chapter 19 - End of Year Party

In the coming days, Bai Lang spent half of his time at the Regal Suit
learning tailoring with Li Fu. Actually most of this time was spent helping
Li Fu receive his clients. Of course Bai Lang had to disguise himself
slightly. Luckily most of the clients would never have expected a star from
the television screen to be running about here, so they only commented that
he looked like Bai Lang and didn't think anything else.

At this time Beyond Gold and Jade's female lead and other roles were also

The situation was just as Fang Hua said. Because this film didn't have many
resources so the popularity of the people they found was only ordinary.

The actress for the female lead was called Shen AiRu. The supporting male
role was Luo Feng. Both weren't names that Bai Lang was familiar with
from the next ten years. Only the old actor that was playing the villain was
someone that Bai Lang knew would win the Gold Emperor award for best
supporting actor in a few years. With the addition of him who was an actor
without any movie experience, then Gold was just as some poisonous
industry people said: just a rich second generation's movie dream. After all
the investor was a textile company boss and the director was his friend.

Even so, Bai Lang trusted that Zhu Kuan definitely had his own ideas and
among them was definitely not wasting the money his friend had entrusted
to him. Everything would become clearer when shooting started in the next
month. Right now all he had to do was do his best to prepare himself.

Of course this included trying to find the funds that the movie would need
in the future.

These days Fang Hua had helped him to contact Total Entertainment's
overseas copyright department and had already received an answer.

However according to their valuation, this author was someone that had
never had any previous works and also the western fantasy background of
the books was probably not something most Chinese people could accept.

So they rejected Bai Lang's proposal to purchase together.

Bai Lang also didn't force them. In any case, this way the book's rights
would fully belong to him and he could get a bigger profit when it came to
reselling it. So Bai Lang proposed to pay off the cost in one go and the
overseas copyright department would be his mediator with G country. The
time limit for negotiation was within two weeks as the first book was
already on the market and Bai Lang guessed that if things didn't get settled
within one month, then they would miss the chance.

Since their time was limited, the copyright department was not able to settle
the price at below 1.5 million and finally settled on 2.3 million. As for the
extra 800,000, Bai Lang struggled for a while then finally made up his mind
and went to the bank to get an information pack on applying for a loan.

Bai Lang guessed that base on his small fame as well as the reasonable
amount of money currently in his bank account, he could approximately
make the cut for this kind of small-medium sized loan. However the only
difficulty was that he need to provide some kind of collateral for security.

However right now Bai Lang didn't have a car or a house. He was also too
embarrassed to ask Qiu Qian to be his guarantor, since this would be
bothering him too much.

As for repayments, there was still quite a few jobs whose payments hadn't
entered his accounts yet. Perhaps he should ask Sister Fang to arrange some
more jobs for him.

It's just that in the same evening that Bai Lang came home from the bank,
Qiu Qian pressed him down and licked his ear and said huskily, "If you
borrow 800,000 from the bank then tomorrow I'll go to the bank to pay it
back. If you have to owe money, you should owe me."

Bai Lang sighed. "You have too much free time." Enough free time to
investigate what he was doing at the bank.

Qiu Qian lightly bit his earlobe. "If I don't watch you closely, what should I
do if you run away?"

Bai Lang paused for a second then said, "It's a buyout so where would I

Qiu Qian met Bai Lang's gaze, frowning. "If it's a buyout then does it really
all belong to me?"

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian expressionlessly. "When you find the next one
then be firm and get rid of me ba."

Qiu Qian heard this and a light flashed in his eyes. But what he said was,

"You're not as clingy as some others."

Bai Lang lowered his eyes. He answered, "No-" But his next words were
blocked by Qiu Qian's lips and his tongue which entered his mouth.
It was not until Bai Lang's breathing became difficult that Qiu Qian slowly
let go. He said in a husky voice, "...Fine. But until that day, you have to be

Bai Lang vaguely felt that the second sentence was somewhat unnecessary.

However he didn't have time to think about it because Qiu Qian's evil
mouth once again stole away all his thinking.

After the "measuring" incident before, Qiu Qian now loved to explore every
inch of his body. Perhaps the previous ways made Qiu Qian feel bored so
Bai Lang could only work hard to accustomize himself to this change that
was both embarrassing and stimulating.


A week later, with Qiu Qian's help, the Chinese copyright for that series of
books was purchased by Bai Lang. This set of books had only been on the
shelves of G city for three weeks and it was just about to enter a period of
furious sales. So all Bai Lang needed to do was to now patiently wait for a

buyer. {T/N: i.e. if there is a publishing house in China that wants to

publish in Chinese, they will have to purchase the rights from BL.}

The time was the beginning of December. In January of the next year Gold
would start filming. Fang Hua had also helped Bai Lang accept a few
advertisements that had a young and healthy image. Following on from
Partners it was a good way to increase Bai Lang's exposure on the screens.

At this time Bai Lang can be said to have officially gone down a different
path to his previous life. He successfully graduated from Partners with both
his fame and reputation intact and audiences deeply remembered him as
being a healthy, warm and friendly newcomer. The company had also used
this opportunity to organise a meet and greet event for Bai Lang. This was
something that had never happened in his previous life.

However this made Bai Lang very busy for some time. Because this type of
meet and greet was scheduled in most major cities, you couldn't pick and
choose too much. So Qiu XiaoHai began to complain that now the person
that was always away working changed from daddy to Ah Bai. If there
wasn't Ah Bai then there wasn't yummy food to eat. Qiu XiaoHai definitely
understood the importance of this connection.


Since it was the end of the year, other than work, there was also a lot of
events planned for end of year parties. {T/N: So the word used usually
indicates a formal type event, a bit fancier than the regular office Christmas

In the last few years, the end of year parties of many large enterprises
would ask entertainers to come and perform in order to reward their
employees for their hard work that year. Thus at this time of the year, artists
such as singers, comedians and hosts had profitable jobs.

Bai Lang was an actor so he was not in these categories. It was rare for an
actor to be invited, however for partner company's end of parties, such as
UNI, Bai Lang would still appear to support them. Even though he wouldn't
go to the stage to perform and there wasn't much chance of getting any

exposure, however since their companies had a professional relationship, it

was good to accept the invitation and go to the party to show his face. This
can also be considered a public relations service for Bai Lang.

And so if he participated in some other company's end of year party, of

course he couldn't reject to go to his own.

This year Total Entertainment's party was especially grand.

The main reason was to celebrate the movie emperor Su Quan who had
actually been signed on for many years but had just finished his overseas
activities and returned back to China to progress his career. {T/N: So
actually his name is Qu Quan. This is the character whose name I kept
saying was too close to Qiu Qian when written in English. So I just changed
it to Su Quan so you guys aren't confused.}
Speaking of Su Quan, he was 33 years old this year and he was already a
veteran actor of 15 years.

He was also the box office superstar of the last few years with both acting
ability and looks. He was still young and his future was extremely bright.

The year before Su Quan had been in a masterpiece blockbuster in F

Country called Gorgeous. He had also received numerous movie awards big
and small domestically. As for the Golden Emperor award for Best Male
Actor, Su Quan had won it long ago before changing directions to work

However what his fans liked the most was probably Su Quan's looks.

When he was young his features were already exceptional. As he grew

more mature, he only gained more of a seductive quality. All his fans said
that as long as Su Quan looked at you once in the eye, his imposing power
and aura would make you feel as though you were being swallowed by a
storm. Even more rare was Su Quan's acting ability was enough to
surmount his looks. He made people feel that the role he played should look
this way, there wasn't any abnormal feelings.

In his previous life Bai Lang hadn't watched many of Su Quan's movies.

This was because Zhu Kuan had told him that Su Quan's acting method was
predicated on his looks. Even if you looked for a long time you wouldn't be
able to learn the same method and so he told Bai Lang not waste his time.

Bai Lang was not sure if these words were meant to be compliment or not.

Someone as famous as Su Quan usually would have long ago founded their
own independent management company in order to have more freedom in
their career. However some years ago Su Quan had unexpectedly signed
onto Total Entertainment. It really made many industry insiders question if
they were seeing things correctly.
However this decision was afterwards thought by others to be actually quite
intelligent. After all Total Entertainment had given Su Quan total control of
his own brand and at the same time backed him up with strong corporate
power. So when Su Quan went overseas to progress his career he didn't
encounter many problems.

Now that Su Quan had returned to the country, it was not just to accept the
role as the protagonist in the historical masterpiece Emperor Feng, but he
also expressed through his manager that he was no longer interested in
filming big blockbusters with a lot of special effects. He wanted to do more
roles that involved strong characterization and deep emotions. Hence he had
returned to China. Due to the huge sales and success of Gorgeous, no one
could comment that he had only returned to China because he hadn't done
well overseas.

However what made Bai Lang puzzled was that in his past life he didn't
remember Su Quan ever announcing his return to China.

According to Bai Lang's impression at the time of his death, other than
accepting the occasional big movie in China, Su Quan had stayed overseas.

Or was it only that he had been too caught up in his own misfortunes that he
had overlooked this piece of news?

Bai Lang saw the huge posters of Su Quan hanging around the entire venue
and felt that the events from his previous life were more and more distant.


Behind Total Entertainment's most grand ever end of year party was the Qiu
family's support in letting them use their club and hotel.

This day, the entire hotel was taken over by Total Entertainment. Other than
the glittering gold grand banquet hall, if any of the guests drank too much
and couldn't go home, no matter who they were they could obtain the key to
a deluxe room for free.
There were about forty to fifty artists signed to Total Entertainment. With
the addition of the staff members from the business, advertising, public
relations, technical, film and television and other administrative general
affairs, there were about three hundred to four hundred employees in the
company. This type of spending was really very extreme.

Of course this was also a good time to do promotion.

The grand lobby of the hotel had today been decorated as though it was a
red carpet runway. A long red carpet as well as various interview stations
have made it easy for the media to come to do interviews.

The champagne flowed and the lights flashed non-stop. Some well-
informed fans also had managed to find their way to the hotel and were
fighting to a glimpse of their favorite stars descending from their cars. And
so when the young film emperor Su Quan's figure appeared, the entire
venue's excitement reached breaking point. People were clapping and
screaming non-stop. The popularity of Su Quan could be easily seen from
this night.

However at the time that this was happening, Bai Lang was already inside.

He was sitting beside Rong SiQi and eating peanuts, waiting for the party to
start. Fang Hua had taken care of them well. She had arranged for them to
arrive early in the order of appearances. This way they could grab the
media's attention and not be affected by Su Quan. Just then when the two of
them had come in, they had also received the appropriate amount of interest
and interviews.

As for the events inside it wasn't open to the media at all. Whether it was an
artist or an ordinary employee, everyone had their own seats. They could all
enjoy a delicious feast and have a good time.

Thus when Su Quan entered the premises, it was almost time for the party
to start.

As per the normal schedule of events for a company's end of year party, of
course the boss's speech could not be missed. Bai Lang didn't know when
Qiu Qian had arrived at the venue. He only knew when he saw the other
person, he was already standing on the stage. He spoke some short words of
gratitude before heading off again.

Bai Lang couldn't help looking at where Qiu Qian was sitting a few more
times. Sitting on Qiu Qian's table were all the high level management of the
company. The only artist was Su Quan. He was seated right next to Qiu

So when the meal had reached its middle course, a voice suddenly spoke up
near Bai Lang.

"Look at the person sitting by his side and then think about what I told you

Bai Lang turned around and only saw Ya Qi's back after the other person
threw down their words and left.

Chapter 20 - Martini

After the end of the luxurious banquet, the guests were all ushered into the
adjacent reception hall by the hotel staff.

Here there was a large dance floor, couches, as well as several bars. The
lighting was low and with the addition of the DJ playing sometime slow and
sometimes fast music, the entire atmosphere turned into that of a nightclub.

Several young people were delighted by this. They immediately threw off
the previous formality, which was rather like being at a wedding, and ran to
the dance floor to bump and grind. This was an entertainment company's
party after all. Most of the employees had outgoing and lively personalities
that were always up for a challenge. Since the company had organized such
a good party, then it would be remiss if they didn't have a great time.

Thus the entire venue's atmosphere became very high.

The red, purple, blue and green electronic lights flashed and the DJ's music
also became faster and more frenetic, the bass was strong and the beat of
the music made people's eardrums as well as the floor thump. There was
more and more people crowded onto the dance floor. Other than the
employees, there were also a quite few artists that couldn't control their
instincts and decided to throw their images to the wind for this night.

Bai Lang didn't join in this fun. He thought he was already someone who
was over 30 years old in his heart, so this kind of frenetic activity only
made him feel tired.

Very early on he sat on a couch and found a comfortable position. He

ordered a glass of juice and watched the lively dance floor. As for Rong
SiQi this real young person, he sat next to Bai Lang like a wallflower. After
Bai Lang asked him curiously why he didn't go and join the fun, Rong SiQi
bluntly replied that he might fall over, and so Bai Lang couldn't ask

However the two of them were both people of note. After UNI's
advertisement filled the streets, the two people became two of the most
admired stars in the company. Many artists wanted to get to know them and
so of course wouldn't miss this opportunity. So after they sat down, Bai
Lang and Rong SiQi were constantly visited by colleagues wanting to say
hello and so they also weren't bored.

The same type of scene could be seen on the other side of the hall.

And this one was much bigger.

The film emperor Su Quan and Total Entertainment's big boss Qiu Qian
were casually sitting. Every now and then they would exchange a few
sentences and careful observers could immediately sniff out the fact that
these two probably were old acquaintances. Otherwise since after joining
Total Entertainment, Su Quan had spent most of his time overseas, how
could he have gotten to know the boss so well?

And Su Quan, who usually disdained talking to the public about his
personal life, was in an unusually good mood this night. When people asked
him about his life overseas he also didn't mind responding a few sentences.
Of course people only dared to ask him polite type questions, after all even
if they were high level management, when they were stared at by Su Quan's
deep, magnetic eyes and received his half-smile, they all felt like their
heads were swimming.

The only person that seemed unaffected was the big boss Qiu Qian.

As usual he was still wearing a flower print shirt over which he wore a
black suit. A few buttons which hadn't been buttoned up showed his wheat-
colored tanned skin and the gold chain on his neck. He leaned back lazily
on his seat next to the exceptionally handsome film Emperor, however his
sensual charisma didn't lose to Su Quan when catching the eye.

When Qiu Qian sat down he had ordered a martini, listened to the chatter
around him and gazed lazily at the dance floor.

It looked extremely casual but only Qiu Qian knew that from this angle he
could see in a direct line to the corner where Bai Lang was sitting. Although
it was far away however there was nothing blocking his vision.

At this time Qiu Qian could also see Ya Qi stopping to talk to Bai Lang. At
the same time he spoke he also looked over at him.

Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. His expression didn't flicker when he saw Bai
Lang also following Ya Qi to glance over this way. However very quickly
he looked away again. Afterwards he said something which made Ya Qi
leave in a huff.

Qiu Qian gazed darkly at Ya Qi's leaving back for a few seconds before he
looked back at Bai Lang. He could approximately guess what Ya Qi had
just said to Bai Lang. After all Qiu Qian had heard the entire recording of
everything that had transpired at the Regal Suit.

And so, after hearing this, what would Bai Lang's reaction be....?

Qiu Qian slowly sipped his drink and decided to wait.

Just like how earlier today Qiu Qian had been waiting for Bai Lang to open
his mouth.

Open his mouth to ask him, since the two of them were both going to the
same party, if there needed to be some kind of arrangement... {T/N: I
believe QQ wanted BL to ask him if they should go together.}

However no matter how long he waited Qiu Qian didn't hear this question.

Right now he decided to give Bai Lang another chance.

However at this time a voice spoke next to his ear, interrupting his thoughts.

"Are you bored? Want to go somewhere?"

Qiu Qian's gaze moved and saw that Su Quan, who was sitting next to him,
had finished his conversation. In his hand he was also turning a martini
glass. As it tinkled lightly, on his mouth there was a relaxed smile. As for
the people he had been talking to, they all seemed to have received Su

Quan's signal that their conversation was at an end. They immediately

busied themselves doing their own things and talking amongst themselves,
leaving them alone.

"Do you need me to remind you that in this kind of event, the understanding
boss is the one that leaves first?" Su Quan raised the corner of his beautiful
lips and his eyes were bright like shining stars in a sea of darkness.

Qiu Qian was already very familiar with his appearance. He only paused
then nodded. "Fine. Should I take you home first?"

Su Quan shook his head. "Since it's a rare opportunity, let's go to the Blue

Qiu Qian agreed. He downed everything in his glass in one smooth motion
and at the same time his gaze once again returned to that corner.

Very good, Bai Lang was still talking to Rong SiQi. Qiu Qian made a low
"hmph" sound then put his glass down. He stood up decisively then jerked
his head. "Let's go."

Su Quan smiled. He followed suit to put down his glass and got up

Qiu Qian made an offhand farewell to the people around him and then
strode towards the front door of the large hall.

The most important people inside the venue were on the move. Naturally
everyone's attention was roused. Qiu Qian was a boss that usually liked to
have a good time. He wasn't conservative at all. Thus a few employees
immediately rushed over to try and ask him to stay. They said things like:
boss how come you're leaving ah. Stay a bit longer. We still haven't had
time to get you drunk yet. And similar types of jokes.

Qiu Qian waved his hand. He told them to have a good time and his
footsteps didn't stop.

Su Quan followed behind him, elegantly smiling.

However at this time there was a sudden flash of light, aimed directly at
these two people.

It was a white light, clearly from a mobile phone's flash camera.

Qiu Qian and Su Quan's movement suddenly stopped. And the people next
to them began to sweat.

Because most people at knew that what Su Quan hated the most was being
followed and having his photo taken. Thus he didn't even accept interviews

The reporters and paparazzi who followed him all afterwards inexplicably
had some kind of ugly scandal or other such problems. Afterwards people
understood that unless they had strong power, they couldn't go after Su
Quan. Behind him was some high person taking care of him.
As for this end of year party, there wasn't any outsiders. There weren't any
paparazzi and everybody was relaxed having a good time.

So thus the person who took the photo could only be an employee.

However this type of act was also forbidden.

It was a young girl holding her phone who had taken the candid shot. Just
then she had been so excited she had lost her head. After the flash appeared
the atmosphere around her changed immediately and many eyes turned
towards her. She immediately realized her mistake. Her face went from
green to white. "Oh, I, I, I...."

Su Quan's lip turned up. He put his hand over Qiu Qian's shoulder and his
magnetic eyes were fixed on the person with the camera.

"Delete the one you took just now and take it again. I prefer to be prepared
before taking a photo."

Su Quan's voice was neither fast nor slow, and his mesmerizing smile made
the young girl stammer.

"O..okay, I've de-de-deleted it. I'm, I'm sorry. I, I didn't mean to..."

Su Quan pressed closer to Qiu Qian. Other than his hand on his shoulder, he
also tilted his head a little bit towards Qiu Qian. "Okay. It's a rare
opportunity so help me and Ah Qian take a photo together."

The young woman's mouth opened and closed. She looked as though she
wanted to refuse however she was stared at by Su Quan and eventually, still
shaking violently, she took a few photos.

Before he left, Su Quan kindly added a few sentences. "Later I'll ask my
assistant to come ask you for a copy. Don't delete it too quick."

The young woman looked as though she was about to cry. "O-okay..."

Because in her phone the photos were all blurry and beyond recognition.
However she was too scared to ask him to retake it.

Also because of this small disturbance, all the people in Total Entertainment
came to know two things.

Number 1, Su Quan was just as difficult to bother as the rumors. They

needed to take care.

Number 2, Su Quan was familiar enough with their boss to call him "Ah

Bai Lang saw this too and felt as though he could see everything from the
very beginning to the very end.


Half an hour later.

Gentle jazz flowed through a dimly lit space.

The blue light made the stylishly decorated private booth gave a somewhat
romantic feeling.

This was the feature of the Blue Parrot bar: everything was related to blue.

Qiu Qian and Su Quan left the end of year party and as Su Quan proposed,
they came here to have a drink

This was a bar that where only members were allowed to enter. It had the
highest privacy and protection from being disturbed. It was the place many
wealthy and powerful people chose to relax and pass their free time.

At this time Qiu Qian again ordered an ice martini. Su Quan had changed to
a lime vodka.

In his half-hidden private booth, their conversation naturally flowed more

"This time you left and came back to China in a rush. Did you settle
everything properly?"

Su Quan sat on the soft couch. His hand was under his chin as he asked this
question casually.

"Just about," Qiu Qian stirred the ice in his cup.

"Still don't want to tell me the details? Is it to do with the Qiu family?"

"Even if I told you you wouldn't understand." Qiu Qian glanced at Su Quan.

"You've left Xindao for so many years. Who else do you still remember?"

Su Quan smiled. "It's the place that I grew up in. I won't forget it that

Qiu Qian drank from his glass. "How come you want to come back to the
country so suddenly?"

"Why are you asking it like that? Sounds like I'm not welcome?" Su Quan

"I wouldn't dare." Qiu Qian didn't follow him to joke. "As long as nothing
happened then that's good."

A warm expression appeared on Su Quan's face. "It's not what you think.

I'm fine. It's only that I wanted to come back so I did."

Qiu Qian looked at Su Quan then said, "If you need help just speak. After
all you're a person from the company."

Su Quan's beautiful eyes curved. He changed the subject. "How is Xiao

Hai? How old is he now?"

"Five. Extremely noisy." It was Qiu Qian's turn to smile.

"Last time I saw him he was still a tiny little thing. Time flies so quick."
"That's right. Kids grow up in the blink of an eye." Qiu Qian's eyes
crinkled. He looked like a doting father.

Su Quan gazed at him with a surprised expression.

However what he didn't know was that right now Qiu Qian was thinking
about what the heard "overheard" a few minutes ago.

Just then when Su Quan had gone to the bathroom to wash up, Qiu Qian
had taken out the earphones from his bag. This type of action, which had
been labelled by Hong Hong as "perverted", was something Qiu Qian was
becoming more and more interested in recently.

.... From inside his ear.

"Ah Bai~ You're back. Hug hug...."

There was the sound of rustling clothes. "It's so late. How come you're not
asleep yet?" Then there was the sound of a kiss.

"Hehe, I'm waiting for Ah Bai and daddy to come home ah."

"Next time don't wait up. Otherwise you won't be able to get up in the
morning again."

"But even if I lie in bed I can't sleep ah," Qiu XiaoHai replied in a milky,
childish voice. "Where's daddy?"

Bai Lang paused a few seconds then said. "Your dad has some things to do
so isn't coming back. Let's sleep first."

"Oh. Then today Ah Bai can sleep with me, right?"

"Okay. Go and lie down on the bed. I'm going to take a shower first."

"En en! I will take off my clothes and wait for you oh~"

".... wait, why are you taking off your clothes?"

"When you and daddy sleep you're both naked ah. I also want to sleep
naked with you!"

After a moment's pause, Bai Lang said in a helpless voice. "Who said?"

"I saw it, daddy sleeping with Ah Bai. Daddy said I wasn't to wake you up
so I was very quiet."

"... thank you. Let's... keep this as our little secret, okay?"

"En, I won't tell daddy that I also slept naked with you."

"... No, that's not it. I mean, what you saw, me and your dad, we were just

"But I told Ah Zan, what should I do ah."

"... tomorrow, let's take some little rabbit buns and go to his house to

Qiu Qian heard Bai Lang's completely helpless voice and could totally
imagine the expression on his face.

Suddenly, Qiu Qian downed his entire glass. He said in a good mood, "Time
to go home and sleep. Let's go!"

Su Quan went still. His heart really felt shocked.

He could tell that there was definitely something that had made Qiu Qian

Chapter 21 - Coriander and Squid

One week later Beyond Jade and Gold had its opening ceremony.

In the event, other than the tradition of bowing to the heavens and asking
for luck, the secondary cause was to promote the movie to the media as well
as to announce some details about the movie such as its basic plot,
introduction to the characters and a small taste of the character design.
So on that day Bai Lang received the male lead "Li ChuanQing's" clothing
in the movie. After all the important characters in the movie had changed
into their clothing and lined up on site, Bai Lang understood what Zhu
Kuan was trying to do.

If a movie couldn't use the actor's names to attract the audience, then there
were still other methods to promote itself such as a unique plotline, special
effects or interesting clips. And there were some movies where even if the
audience didn't have a deep impression of the actors, they would remember
the clothing, atmosphere and set pieces from the movie. In that way as long
as the actors were adequate, then the movie can still be called a small

Gold was the story of a princeling who had fallen on hard times. It also had
the unusual plotline about a tailor. In terms of entertainment and freshness
value, there was definitely enough. However what it was still missing was a
visual element to help draw the audience in. That's why Zhu Kuan had
chosen this kind of effect this time.

Because of this, the ceremony was not held at the usual hotel but instead at
a furniture store.

Due to the limited funding, the furniture store was a good choice. In the
warehouse there were many types of high class furniture and looked like a
period living room. There were high and grand crystal chandeliers, palace
style brocade curtains, embroidered high back chairs, fringed pillows and
etc. It almost looked like a set piece from the movie.

Combined with the actor's elaborate, even slightly flamboyant outfits, the
visual effect immediately showed off the film's special characteristics.

Even the female lead Shen AiRu, whose features could not be said to be a
top beauty, with the added effect of the period clothing and the backdrop,
looked very stunning. A cascade of historical curls cascaded down her back
and she wore dark moss green silk western jacket, a gray fur shawl, paired
with a sets of pink pearls. As soon as she appeared the cameras immediately
started flashing.
Bai Lang also changed quickly. He had arrived earlier to the venue. At this
time when Shen AiRu saw him her face froze in an awkward position. He
smiled gently and reached, like a true gentleman, held out his left elbow.

This wasn't the pre-arranged move. It made Shen AiRu pause slightly. Her
eyes could help but rove over the Bai Lang who was wearing a deep
coloured suit.

His figure was tall and straight and his smile was benevolent. Inside the
opulent hall, under the soft light of the chandeliers, Bai Lang's lowered eyes
were tender and elegant. Just like the character in the movie who was once
high beyond all things. Even though he was now fallen he still appeared
like someone from a fairytale. This was the main character Li ChuanQing.

Shen AiRu's heart couldn't help but speed up. It was almost like she was
being drawn into that tender gaze. She reached out her hand and gently laid
it on Bai Lang's offered elbow.

At that time "pa-cha-pa-cha", the cameras flashed furiously.

Many media picked this photo of Bai Lang and Shen AiRu's tender and
loving gaze. They used it to accompany Beyond Jade and Gold's
introductory synopsis and wrote some favorable lines.

However it was a pity that this kind of news couldn't climb onto the
entertainment world's headlines.

The headline for today was a report of Emperor Feng which had chosen the
same day for its opening ceremony.


"Praise the Lord, Bai Lang has a new movie! I'm definitely going to watch."

"When someone becomes famous they get better and better looking. This
saying is definitely not wrong. Look how handsome Bai Lang's face is on
the newspaper."
"Of course. I've been enamored with him since Jiang XinCheng. As I
thought my eyes aren't wrong. Oh, don't you think Shen AiRu also got
prettier? In her previous show I thought she was just ordinary. I didn't think
that if she dressed like this and stood next to Bai Lang, it would actually
look pretty decent."

"Everyone needs style and direction ba, look at this backdrop, it's definitely
going for an opulent and luxurious look. En en, I'm pretty interested in

"Anyway I'll definitely go to see it. Hehe, as for that Emperor Feng that you
guys are talking about, I actually think it looks a bit too serious. Although
it's Su Quan, but isn't it about some kind of political intrigue? It's not really
to my taste."

"Don't be ridiculous. Emperor Feng is a showcase of real skill. Other than

the director Li ZiYuan, in the movie Su Quan also acts all the way from
young to old. His acting ability is super advanced. They don't need to sell
any special opulent effects. It's real ability and real skill."

"Hey, are you trying to say that my Bai Lang is just a flower with no real
skill!? Think about those down jackets from UNI in your closet. Who
accompanied you to go buy them ah."

"Okay big sister. I didn't mean it like that. What I meant is these two movies
have different styles. One is more for entertainment value, the other one is
more deep ma."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to watch what I like. If
you don't come with me to watch Bai Lang, then I also won't come with you
to watch Emperor Feng."

"Don't get angry. I'm also interested in Bai Lang's movie. It's a small
production but who knows it might have some unexpected surprises...."

Because Beyond Gold and Jade and Emperor Feng had their opening
ceremonies on the same day, it caused some of the E news channels to
decide to compare these two completely different movies together for no
good reason.

The reason for raising such a topic was to primarily stress that Emperor
Feng was a large production, it was high anticipated and different from
other ordinary movies.

After all in Emperor Feng, other than it's director Li ZiYuan and the film
emperor Su Quan, even the female lead was the newly crowned film
empress Fei Hong. The supporting male was the young A-list actor OuYang
Ri. Other than it's outstanding cast, it also had the support of many other
popular actors. Its opening ceremony was so grand and filled with so many
important people that if you left one out accidentally, you'd definitely be
offending someone.

The two movies actually a more strange connection. The villainous

traitorous minister "Guang Ci" in Emperor Feng was originally supposed to
be played by the veteran actor Que QiMing. However afterwards the actor
was changed to Jiang YiLiang. Just as the audience was guessing the
reason, Que QiMing's company announced that he was to take part in
Beyond Gold and Jade.

This made the two movies intersect again. This news seemed to have the
taste of gossip behind it.

However these comparisons actually allowed Beyond Gold and Jade to

jump on Emperor Feng's wind of fortune and rise up quite a lot. With the

addition of Bai Lang and Shen AiRu's beautiful period photographs, it

seemed after Emperor Feng the audience also had a lot of anticipation for
Gold. So it was an unexpected good surprise.


Because of the limitations of funding, the filming schedule of Gold was

very tight.
After all in the movie there were many opulent sets and furniture. These
things were all rented and every day they cost money. The price was not
low. So if Zhu Kuan could save money then he wouldn't waste it so since
the first day of filming the set was filled with a tight atmosphere.

Bai Lang saw this and to him it wasn't unexpected.

He didn't know when the news about the lack of funding would appear but
if things got to the point where Zhu Kuan and the producer Zhao JingXuan
would have to announce to them that the filming had to be stopped, then it
probably already couldn't be saved. So that's why he had to enter Zhu
Kuan's friends circle and receive the news at the earliest opportunity. Thus
Bai Lang had no choice but to use some methods.

However unlike his previous life Bai Lang was no longer an unfortunate
little star. Instead he was the most famous person on set other than Que
QiMing and thus everyone treated him very respectfully. Thus because of
this, Zhu Kuan's attitude towards him also became more polite and distant.

Based on Zhu Kuan's personality, it was likely that as time went on they
would naturally become closer however Bai Lang didn't dare to delay the
time. After thinking about it for a while he finally decided to use Kang
Jian's previous tactic and "attack" him using his stomach. In his previous
life Bai Lang's strongest impression of Zhu Kuan was his habit of eating a
late night supper. That's why Zhu Kuan had a big and round beer belly.

Even ten years earlier there was already clear signs. When Bai Lang saw it
he wasn't surprised at all.

Thus Bai Lang began to prepare lunch boxes to take to set to eat.

The excuse was due to his body he couldn't get used to the food from
outside, so he could only eat the food he prepared himself to avoid having a
stomach ache.

Even though this may be interpreted by some people as showing off

however by bring food himself Bai Lang actually avoided bothering others.
Also he would always remember to bring extra portions for others. Thus is
was hard for people to criticize him. However in the beginning, other than
the already familiar Hong Hong, no one would dare take food from him.

However after several more times, the first of who approached was not the
fatty Zhu Kuan but instead Que QiMing.

Today at lunch, Que QiMing came ambling over. He asked, "Mr Bai,
looking at this dish it should be a local T city dish right?"

Que QiMing was slightly over 60 this year. His looks were very respectable
and when he was younger he had been considered handsome. For his role in
Gold he had dyed his hair white and his aura was very regal. His role was
the villain who had kicked Li ChuanQing from from heaven to earth, his
fourth uncle Li HaiYun. In the movie his scenes with Bai Lang were not
less than the first male supporting role.

"Senior Que you're too polite. Just call me Ah Lang. You're right. This is a
dish from T city. If you don't mind then do you want to try it?" Bai Lang

"Ai ai, then I'll be thick skinned and impolite. You can also call me Old
Que," Que QiMing said in a good mood. "Actually to be honest I've been
staring at your lunch boxes for several days, feeling really very envious."

In his previous life Bai Lang didn't have much contact with Que QiMing
and wasn't familiar with him. Also the rule in the entertainment circle was
that if someone famous came to look for you then it wasn't a problem, but if
it was someone without fame then it would be considered "pandering to try
and form a connection". Thus Bai Lang's attitude towards Que QiMing
before had been very responsible. {T/N: As in he didn't act overly familiar
in case he looked as though he was trying too hard to climb up, since QQM

is more established than him.}

Now that Que QiMing himself came to show interest, Bai Lang naturally
went along with him. He hurried to open the extra portion he had prepared.
The crispy fried food was placed inside a clean and round food box with
green leaves accompanying. It looked very delicious.

Bai Lang even asked Hong Hong to pour another cup of warm barley tea
and hand it to Que QiMing. "I'm allergic to some preservatives so I can only
make some things myself. Old Que you must also be a foodie to recognize
this coriander and squid straight away."

Que QiMing didn't reject him and happily took it. "Thank you. You're very
good at preparing things. I once shot a movie in T City for some time. Back
then we often had this dish on our table, I got quite sick of it. But now when
I see it I feel quite nostalgic."

Bai Lang smiled and replied, "Old Que you were filming Shout at the pier
right? Back then I recognized the scene at one glance." As soon as the
names of the actors were released, Bai Lang naturally found Que QiMing's
movies to watch. This was one of the things he had done to prepare.

Thus Que QiMing was quite surprised. "That's a very old movie. You've
seen it before?"

Bai Lang looked a bit embarrassed. "Ah, actually I went to find it after
seeing the actors list." His meaning was, I didn't watch it because I was
interested in it.

Que QiMing's eyes brightened. "That's still pretty good ah. Right now
there's not many young people who would do their homework so
thoroughly. Keep up the good work and your career will be bright."

Bai Lang thanked him sincerely. "I don't dare. This junior has just entered
the industry and will trouble senior for your help."

Que QiMing smiled and nodded. He picked up a piece of squid with his
chopsticks and ate his lunch together with Bai Lang.

The two people chatted together about their past filming experiences.
Mostly Que QiMing talked and Bai Lang listened and also asked a lot of

It was not until he put down his chopsticks and took a sip of barley tea that
Que QiMing cleared his throat and said, "According to my observations
you're handling this role very well. Your movements and behaviour is all
very out of the ordinary. Your expression in front of the camera is also
completely adequate. As an old person I also don't dare to give out random
tips. However my opinion is you can still be a bit more thorough."

Bai Lang never thought that Que QiMing would give him tips. He put down
his chopstick and said, "Be more thorough?"

"Think about it. When we are acting, isn't the closest audience member the
person right in front of your eyes?" Que QiMing laughed warmly. "When
you are speaking your lines, pay less attention to the camera and spend
more time trying to convince the person that you're acting with. Perhaps
there will be an unexpected good effect."

"The person that I'm acting with?" Bai Lang paused.

Que QiMing smiled then added, "On the day of the opening ceremony,
didn't you do very well?"

Bai Lang listened and immediately sank into his thoughts.

From that day, Bai Lang followed Que QiMing to learn the skill of

"influencing others". {T/N: i.e. to use your charisma to carry the person
you're acting with into the role, just like BL did with Shen AiRu at the
opening ceremony by making her fall a bit in love with him haha.}


This unexpected gain made Bai Lang delve into a new area of acting.

By the time he recovered, the people that would crowd around him during
lunch finally included, as Bai Lang wanted, the director Zhu Kuan.
But by this time it had already entered the end of the lunar year. {T/N:
Remember Lunar Year ends in around Feb usually, not Dec like Gregorian
calendar. Often Chinese people don't take much break over Christmas/New
Years but they will take their holidays during Lunar New Year instead.

Future reference to "new year" in the following chapters usually refers to

Lunar New Year.}

As planned, the crew finished filming the scenes at the villa before the end
of the lunar year. After the holiday break, the set would be moved to the
tailoring studio for the latter half of shooting. Thus any NG scenes taking
place at the villa had to be reshot on the same day. It was quite a tightly
packed schedule.

However this kind of schedule also ensured that the crew had a full two
weeks annual leave. Thus more and more people began to discuss their
holiday plans. Some wanted to return to their hometowns, others planned to
go overseas. Bai Lang of course avoided being asked this question.

He would casually reply "going home" however as for the real answer, Bai
Lang didn't know either.

Especially because Qiu Qian also had to take Qiu XiaoHai home to Xindao
to pass the new year. The day the two people left was new years eve. The
apartment became so quiet it was frightening.

Bai Lang thus removed his watch and placed it into the draw.

Within the cluttered items inside the draw, Bai Lang saw the old mobile
phone he had stopped using.

Unable to resist a voice inside his heart, Bai Lang charged it. Just as he
expected he found the text message sent from Bai Li from a few days ago.

"Are you done being angry? You should come home during new years ba."

The corners of Bai Lang's lips jerked. He threw the old phone back into the
draw and then also turned off his new one.
Then he forced himself to sleep for a long time and then ate hot pot on his

He thought, I will eventually get used to it.


It's only that his peace and quiet only lasted until the third day after new

On that evening, the door to the apartment was violently kicked open. Qiu
Qian strode in with an ugly expression. "What are you trying to do!? How
come you're not picking up the phone?"

Qiu XiaoHai was like a little artillery shell. He shot over and hugged Bai
Lang's leg. "Ah Bai don't ignore me ah, I miss you~"

Bai Lang couldn't help embracing Qiu XiaoHai with a lot more force than

Chapter 22 - Sunscreen Oil

The watch returned to Bai Lang's wrist.

It was just that Qiu Qian was very displeased about Bai Lang's

"disappearance". When his search for answers only yielded several vague
statements, it made him even more dissatisfied. Thus he expressed that Bai
Lang definitely needed a punishment, just like when Qiu XiaoHai ran way.

So thus with one more week of the holiday time left, Qiu Qian ordered Bai
Lang to pack a suitcase and leave with them that afternoon.

Bai Lang obeyed and packed a simple backpack. As he was leaving he

grabbed his phone and couldn't help asking, "Where are we going?"

Qiu Qian coldly glanced at Bai Lang's phone. "Oh so you still know how to
use it? Too bad because we are going somewhere where you won't be able
to get any reception."
"...." Bai Lang was speechless. Was this holding a grudge? "Five days after
new years, Sister Fang will probably contact me."

"What do you have an assistant for? If she can't find you she will find Er
Hong." Qiu Qian lifted up a big bag that was Qiu XiaoHai's luggage. "Let's

Qiu XiaoHai was happily jumping up and down. He ran over to grab Bai
Lang's hand. "Ah Bai let's go, this time we can go play together!"

Bai Lang glanced at Qiu Qian who was walking in front then whispered in a
low voice, "Do you know where we are going?"

Qiu XiaoHai grinned sunnily. "No idea."


This child really made one worry.


Without any further discussion, the car drove towards the back mountain
then immediately took a turn towards the highway.

There there was an about thirty or forty minutes car journey in which Qiu
XiaoHai didn't stop talking, mostly about the boat he had taken when he
went back to Xindao with daddy and how big and how pretty it was. Bai
Lang of course played the part of the conversation partner, making the
appropriate responses. Outside the window he could only see more
highway. This way when he next realized what was happening they were
already at the entrance of A City's international airport.

"...." Bai Lang and Qiu XiaoHai were kicked out of the car. Bai Lang
adjusted his sunglasses in a slightly shocked manner, "I didn't bring my

"I have it." Qiu Qian was just talking into the phone and responded to him
between sentences.
Not long later, Qiu Qian's assistant Xiao Li who often helped transport Qiu
XiaoHai appeared out of nowhere. Qiu Qian threw the keys at him and after
a few more sentences grabbed two big bags and at the same time put his
arm around Bai Lang's waist and started walking towards the front door.

"Let's go, what are standing around like an idiot for?"

Bai Lang couldn't help but freeze. He quickly looked around them.

Two big men walking, one of whom had his arm around the other's waist,
what was that if not coming out of the closet? Also he was still holding Qiu
XiaoHai's hand....

So Bai Lang dug his heels into the pavement, clearly a rejecting motion.


Qiu Qian was also wearing sunglasses. But underneath his sunglasses his
mouth twitched slightly. "I said before that you needed to be punished, did
you think I was joking?"

Bai Lang didn't know what to say. He could only frown. What kind of

"punishment" was this? Was it punishing him or was it punishing Sister


Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "Last time didn't you say you didn't care?

Now you do?" {T/N: Referring when BL told HH to let the newspapers
write what they wanted.}

Bai Lang stared at Qiu Qian for a moment. He couldn't figure out what Qiu
Qian's motivation was. Thus he distanced himself, moved away from Qiu
Qian's arm around his waist, and bent down and picked up Qiu XiaoHai
who was looking left and right in curiosity.

"There's so many people here. Don't get lost." Bai Lang reminded Qiu
XiaoHai as though nothing was wrong.
Qiu XiaoHai completely didn't understand the situation. He excitedly
nodded at Bai Lang and pointed at the things that caught his interest.

"Ah Bai, are we going to take a boat? I saw big crates like that when I went
to take the boat with daddy ah. They have it here too. Daddy said they were
really heavy. There were also cars. Daddy said that the crates had to be put
underneath the cars...."

"We aren't taking a boat. We should be taking a plane."

"Plane!!" Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide. "I know them! Planes are the
big big birds that fly in the sky~~"

Qiu Qian saw that Bai Lang was holding Qiu XiaoHai and laughed lowly
and strode forward. He didn't force his action from before.

After all if there were really paparazzi here then didn't intimately holding
someone else's son also require some explanation?

Thus Qiu Qian strode with large steps into the main hall and took the two
people to have their customs procedures completed.

Because they took the special pathway for customs clearance and not the
normal passengers one before directly boarding the plane, they didn't really
get stopped for signatures. However in the era where mobile phones with
cameras were everywhere, there was no guarantee that they hadn't been
photographed. The only thing that comforted Bai Lang was that they took a
private plane so even if he took off his sunglasses, he didn't have to worry
about being photographed during the journey.

After sleeping on the plane for a short while, after a few hours, Bai Lang
found himself being blown by a sea breeze. Underneath his feet was white
sand. He was in an island nation with a name he hadn't even heard of much

When he looked in front of him, all he could see was an endless and vast
blue sea.

The sand was clean and pure, the sea was azure and the breeze was warm
and lazy. Bai Lang's holiday villa was on a private beach. After tanning in
the sun for two days, even his bones felt soft.

As for what Bai Lang had done these two days, the schedule was very

During the day time he would play with Qiu XiaoHai in the water and sand,
and then at night he would play with the older version again the water and
sand but in a somewhat different manner.

After having a simple island tour, Bai Lang gradually understood that this
island was one of the Qiu family's shipping ports. Other than exporting oil
and raw materials, the Qiu family had also invested in a tropical coffee
beans business. It was the major player in this country's economic
development, thus why their private planes could fly here whenever they

This type of business seemed to have only arisen in the last couple of years.

It was an inevitable trend that if you made a lot of money then you would

then seek out more avenues to make your money earn even more money.

Even if the En Jiang Group (which essentially was just the Qiu family)
wasn't a listed company, and was considered by outsiders to be a somewhat
shadowy group, but based on the number of times it appeared on the major
shareholders list of other companies, it can be seen the reach of the group is
slowly spreading.

This type of investment methods in ten years would allow the company to
increase its value by a factor of ten. This was something that Bai Lang had
heard. At that time Qiu Qian was already in charge of the family for many
That's why Bai Lang didn't at all believe that Qiu Qian was at this moment
was just a relaxed boss of Total Entertainment. Since the En Jiang group
had so many faster ways of making money, for them to pick the
entertainment business, there must be other public relations type motivation
behind it.

Thus as for Qiu Qian's activities at the airport, after thinking about in the
sun for a few days, he decided to just take it at face value.

Just like when he had been photographed by the paparazzi, Bai Lang had
already prepared for the situation where him being "kept" was exposed.

However just as Bai Lang said before, Sister Fang had only just
painstakingly raised him into the limelight, if Qiu Qian suddenly did this
kind of thing, when wasn't the person being punished Sister Fang?

Since he dared to do it, then he also wasn't scared that it would be known.

Of course if he could avoid damage then he didn't mind to avoid it.

However if someone as powerful as Qiu Qian wanted to expose it, how

could someone like him prevent it? Therefore he wouldn't bother.

If Fang Hua knew the reason that everything she had done had turned to
dust was simply because he had turned off his phone for a few days and
didn't wear his watch, then wouldn't she vomit blood?

Thinking about this the lazily lying down Bai Lang decided to go drink a
glass of cold juice to clear his throat as well as his thoughts.

But when he turned his head he found himself looking into the eyes of Qiu
Qian who was lying next to him and who had had just ended his phone call.

It should be mentioned that Qiu Qian's phone still had connection because
he seemed to have made plans in advance.

"Bi–" Qiu Qian hanged up his phone. He narrowed his eyes and looked at
Bai Lang. "Should I help you add sunscreen?"
Bai Lang looked at Qiu XiaoHai who was playing far away. At this moment
he was happily making a sand castle. "There's no need."

"Don't be polite," Qiu Qian came over and took the sunscreen oil from the
side table and poured it into his hand. "The sun is too bright. If you get
tanned how will you film your movie? You should always add more."

"...." Bai Lang silently drank some juice then obediently lay back down.


Qiu Qian smiled in a somewhat evil manner. He stepped over Bai Lang
with one stride and then sat on the side of his chair. His warm and large
hand filled with oil pressed down on Bai Lang's shoulders and the nape of
his neck. "Don't worry I'll be careful and won't make you accidentally hard
again, okay?"

What could Bai Lang say? He could only say again, "Thanks."

The facts proved that this statement was a lie. Qiu Qian's hand, which
alternated both hard and soft, slid over Bai Lang's sensitive underarm and
waist, making him tremble. Qiu Qian evidently found this amusing, his
slick hand kept dipping under the waistline of Bai Lang's swimming trunks.

Just as Bai Lang was about to stop him, Qiu Qian suddenly said,

"Tomorrow we'll be going back. Don't you have anything you want to say to

Both of his hands were become more and more bold. Bai Lang was at the
mercy of his "torture".

After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, Bai Lang finally opened
his mouth. "That day at the airport, did anyone take a photograph of us?"

Qiu Qian leaned low next to Bai Lang's ear. "There really were some. What
do you think we ought to do?"
"As long, as you're, happy." Bai Lang's voice wasn't steady because Qiu
Qian's thumb had crossed over to someplace that shouldn't be crossed.

Luckily from Qiu XiaoHai's perspective, Qiu Qian's hand would have been
blocked by his back.

"What do you think would make happy?"

"... to punish me and make me more obedient?"

"Wrong. Guess again."

"... to give me more lessons to make more compliant?"

"... Wrong. Guess again."

"... to use more force so that I-" Bai Lang had only finished half his
sentence before his voice died. This was because Qiu Qian had suddenly
bitten his ear.

"I just knew that you would rather die than say it. What if one day, while
being silent, you change? What should I do then?"

Qiu Qian opened his mouth and then licked the place he had just bitten.

"I think that between the two of us, the possibility of you changing is
higher." Bai Lang turned his head.

"Oh? Then why don't you ask me about Su Quan? Why don't you ask about
the things that Ya Qi told you? Or is that you don't think it's necessary to

ask?" When Qiu Qian said the last thing, his eyes became somewhat
dangerous. "All you need to do is turn off the phone?"

Suddenly the joking questions became serious. It made Bai Lang flounder.

Underneath Qiu Qian's penetrating gaze, Bai Lang couldn't help lowering
his eyes. "The reason I turned off my phone is because I didn't want to get
any calls from my family."
Qiu Qian laughed coldly. "Do I need to tell you that before the new year,
Bai Li once called the company to ask if your phone number had changed?"

Bai Lang froze. Before he could answer, Qiu Qian grasped his lower jaw.

He said lowly, "So be honest with me. The person whom you didn't want to
get a call from was me, right? The one you wanted to get away from for a
while was me, right? Why?"

Bai Lang was trapped in a place he couldn't escape.

However if he wanted to he could still just seal his lips and not give Qiu
Qian any answer. Qiu Qian knew this.

Underneath the surface of warmth and gentleness, there was an unyielding

stubbornness. This was the same as the Bai Lang of the past.

Perhaps he didn't have an intimidating aura but when it came to something

he felt strongly about, Bai Lang could be incredibly firm and immovable.

This was the special quality that Qiu Qian had felt when he had met Bai
Lang for the first time at the club.

Then afterwards Qiu Qian had had taken over Bai Lang's entertainment
contract. It was out of amusement because he wanted to play with this
young man.

However a few months ago when Bai Lang had suddenly requested to see
him, it was as though his entire person had changed.

He had become tolerant and amenable, and he had learnt to change and

But then in the time that they had gotten to know each other, Qiu Qian once
again felt that Bai Lang was still the same as before. He still had a bottom
line that he would never cross.

He had asked for 5 million. But after that he never once asked for more
Even after saving Xiao Hai, which can be considered making Qiu Qian owe
him greatly, he was so stupid that he never considered to ask for something
more as recompense.

So even though Bai Lang put on a great act in front of him, but after testing
him time and time again, Qiu Qian gradually felt that being suspicious of
this person really made him feel tired.

He only wanted to put his effort into something that concerned him more.

Which was how to make Bai Lang stay with him.

Just like the first time they had met when his heart had moved slightly. Now
that feeling became stronger and stronger.

If Bai Lang wanted to run then Qiu Qian would make it so that he didn't
have anywhere to go.

Even if Bai Lang had some kind of other ulterior motive for being with him,
then if Qiu Qian could satisfy it he would. And if he couldn't then he could
still just continue to cling onto him in a love-hate relationship.

So what did he have to be scared of?

Well actually what he was scared of was if this stubborn creature Bai Lang
steadfastly refused to admit things and continued to stay stubbornly inside
his own walls.

Because Qiu Qian could feel that Bai Lang also had some feelings towards

After all Bai Lang had previously raised the topic of "loyalty". He had said
that if he found someone new then he should first throw away the old
person. And after the end of year party, Bai Lang had also wanted to avoid

If there were truly no feelings at all, and it was just a contractual exchange,
then Bai Lang wouldn't have this kind of reaction.
So Qiu Qian kissed the tightly closed lips. He sighed and said, "Even if you
like this kind of jealous and awkward feeling, I don't. What is it that can't be
said between us? I like you so I want to chase you to become my lover. If
you agree then just say so. Then isn't everything resolved?"


This type of confession really made Bai Lang speechless.

Chapter 23 - Airport Photograph

Qiu Qian suddenly slapped Bai Lang's butt. "Turn around. I've finished with
the back."

Bai Lang was still frozen. Very slowly he obediently rolled over. After a
few seconds of thinking he finally opened his mouth, "Regarding the phone,
really the reason was because–"

However he didn't get to finish before Qiu Qian pinched his waist fiercely.

"Wrong answer," Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "Right now there's only two
answer options. Number 1: 'Okay, let's try it'. Number 2: 'You're disgusting.

Leave your money and get out.' Of these two, which one do you want to

Bai Lang was silent.

This kind of method was abrupt and blunt. But at the same it didn't leave
any room for vagueness.

Qiu Qian came closer to Bai Lang. He licked Bai Lang's lips in an a
dangerous manner.

"I should remind you that you only have one chance. If you chose wrong
then there won't be a second chance."

Bai Lang looked into Qiu Qian's eyes and heard his warning. He wanted to
laugh helplessly.
If you ask me to chose like this then how can I give any other answer?

Bai Lang admitted to himself that it was just Qiu Qian had guessed, that his
heart had been somewhat moved by their time together.

Probably because the days after his rebirth were too lonely.

Suddenly returning to ten years ago, although the people around him
seemed familiar however they were also like strangers. The things that had
happened within the Bai family also hurt Bai Lang's heart a lot.

So after getting together with Qiu Qian, Bai Lang would naturally place his
feelings onto him. No matter if it was friendship, feelings of gratefulness or
if were some other type of nameless emotion. Then with the addition of Qiu
XiaoHai's warmth and intimacy, the kind of warmth that made one's heart
soften, Bai Lang couldn't help but think that if his days could just go on like
this, then it would be pretty good.

That was why, when Qiu Qian took Qiu XiaoHai home for new years, the
cold and empty apartment forced Bai Lang face the cold, harsh reality once

A warm and peaceful life. It was all just an illusion. Like an oasis in the
dessert, it was just a beautiful mirage.

Because Bai Lang also knew that Ya Qi's words were not just spoken out of
anger and an unwillingness to accept the situation. There was some truth to
it too.

Take the Qiu Qian of his past life for an example. In his life there had been
many rumored partners, all of them small stars from the time before they
got famous.

The time to cycle from one to the next was not fast but neither was it slow.

The pattern was one every 1-2 years.

As for these stars who had become famous because of Qiu Qian, their fans
might not know a thing but the people inside the industry were very clear.
As for why Qiu Qian was like this and if the reason was really Su Quan as
Ya Qi said, then Bai Lang couldn't be sure.

However actually that wasn't important. The important thing was after 1-2

years then their relationship should also follow this same trajectory and

Just history repeating itself.

So Qiu Qian's guess was actually very accurate.

The moment that Bai Lang had switched off his phone, he really had made
a decision in his heart. He had made the decision that he would use these
days of being alone to rebuild the walls around his heart.

Since he was only with Qiu Qian for the purposes of gratitude, then when
the time was up Bai Lang didn't want to have forgotten how to be on his

It was just that, he never thought that Qiu Qian would suddenly give him a
choice like this...

It was just like placing a small glass of familiar water in front of someone
who had already been drinking from it for a long time.

As for how long he could continue drinking, well no one knew. But at least
the cup of water was real and not fake.

After all since Qiu Qian had been his patron and they had slept together for
some time, then there was no need for him to lie to him was there?

So if Qiu Qian was serious.....

There was some sliver of emotion, some measure of genuine feelings,

something that could respond to the nameless emotions that was in Bai
Lang's own heart.

Bai Lang really found it difficult to control his urge to nod his head.
But what if all of this ended up still being an illusion in the end?

...Well then at least it would be better than having nothing right away.

Bai Lang closed his eyes. There was a lot of conflict in his heart and he

"Okay. Let's try it."

Qiu Qian's gaze deepened. Then his entire body pressed down on Bai
Lang's and he captured Bai Lang's lips and began kissing him hotly and

Bai Lang closed his eyes and cooperated fully. After brief pause his hands
also clutched Qiu Qian's shoulders.

He was rewarded by Qiu Qian's satisfied groan. His entire body pressed
down on Bai Lang's and one of his legs maneuvered between Bai Lang's
own long legs....

Just at this opportune time, an unhappy voice appeared.

"Daddy! Why are you squashing Ah Bai ah! Ah Bai will get broken!"

Qiu XiaoHai threw a ball of sand and unhappily stamped his feet.


Bai Lang really didn't want to know exactly what Qiu XiaoHai had seen. He
only got up and with a red face, took Qiu XiaoHai to play in the water.

After playing at the beach, usually it would be time for Qiu XiaoHai to have
a bath with either Bai Lang or Qiu Qian. Then they would have a private
seafood buffet in the comfort of their own villa.

Qiu Qian originally hoped that today Bai Lang might agree for them to take
a bath "together" with Qiu XiaoHai, and nurture the three people's feelings
together. But before he could even take a step into the bathroom, the ringing
phone made him stop.
"You're coming back to China tomorrow, right?" Fang Hua's voice said
directly from the phone.

"Tomorrow night. Did you take care of everything?" Qiu Qian gazed
mournfully at the bathroom door which closed in front of his eyes.

"Everything's taken care of," Fang Hua then immediately began to

complain. "But consider it as my begging you. Next time if you want to do
something like this, can you inform me first? If you can't be bothered
making the proper arrangements, then I'll do it for you! It's the new years,
what were you thinking going to the airport and putting a display with Bai
Lang? Right now everyone has mobile phones, do you really think you're
that lucky?"

Qiu Qian laughed lightly. "So what if they have mobile phones. I'm scared
that they won't take photos."

"... so then why did you tell me to "take care of" the media then?!" Fang
Hua's voice rose quite a lot.

"Just some small precautions." Qiu Qian was in a good mood so he didn't
mind explaining. "I don't want have to have to cover up forever when I'm
conducting a romance. So from now on, I want them to slowly get used to
my "good relationship" with Bai Lang. This way if things develop in the
future, then the impact on Bai Lang will be less."

On the other end Fang Hua was silent for some time. Then she asked in a
somewhat halting voice, "What did you say? Romance with who?"

"Who else except Bai Lang?" Qiu Qian announced happily. "Don't worry, I
won't ruin your protegee."

Fang Hua was definitely not as relaxed as Qiu Qian. She was silent again
then said, "Are you being serious?"

Qiu Qian laughed in reply. "Why would you ask that?"

"I thought once the time was up then..." Fang Hua stopped. "Don't you

"Turns out all of you think you know me better than myself." Qiu Qian
made his voice very casual.

Fang Hua sighed. "Okay. I know what to do. As long as you're clear on
what you're doing."

From within the bathroom emerged the sound of Qiu XiaoHai's laughter
and the splashing of water. It was slightly dulled by the closed door.

The sound of a warm and peaceful family filled the space.

The corners of Qiu Qian's lips raised up. "I'm extremely clear."


Just a few days of holiday was definitely not enough. When Qiu XiaoHai
heard that it was time to go home, he clutched onto the branches and leaves
and refused to leave. Bai Lang could only use pancake with spring onion to
persuade him. After all in the holiday villa Bai Lang couldn't cook. Qiu
XiaoHai's eyes lit up. Every moment he spent not asleep on the plane
journey was used in making up a menu.

However the big chef Bai Lang slept the entire way.

After all the night before he had had a night of strenuous adult activity. It
was even more passionate than any other night before.

After all "lovemaking" couldn't be separated from the world "love". Since
their relationship had entered a new stage, all of their touches and kisses
seemed to have an additional layer of electricity and heat. Bai Lang was
tossed by Qiu Qian until he cried and begged for mercy and the next day his
eyebags got heavier. Even after getting off the plane he didn't feel fully

Luckily when they got back to the country, because of certain arrangements,
it wasn't under the eyes of a large audience as when they left.
The photographs of the three of them taken the day they had left the country
had been suppressed by Fang Hua before they could be published. Then,
under Qiu Qian's instructions, she had also posted the news that Bai Lang
had gone on holidays with a friend's family.

To those on the inside, they only needed to take one look at he news and
know immediately what kind of "holiday" this was. After all Qiu Qian had
previous history. However this time it seemed Qiu Qian was actively
controlling the news. Under normal circumstances no one would dare to
write this kind of thing that everyone knew but no one had real evidence.

After all no one wanted to make an enemy of the the young master Qiu.

Thus a few photographs were posted in the corners of a confusing spread of

other news, and didn't cause much of a fuss. {T/N: So QQ and FH are
controlling the news, they want to slowly let people know about the
relationship but not cause any large drama. Hence releasing in dribs and
drabs if that makes sense.}

However in the eyes of the industry insiders and people in the know, this
was a clear sign of who was behind Bai Lang and whether or not they could
touch him.

This was the effect that Qiu Qian and planned. Right now he had placed
onto Bai Lang a label of "belonging to him".

Thus, when the Rong family head celebrated his 70th birthday two weeks
later and the honored guest Qiu Qian brought Bai Lang along with him, it
didn't cause too much of a fuss.


The current head of the Rong family, Rong Ai's 70th birthday was held at
the Rong family mansion.

The list of guests included people famous in the political and business
circles. There was a large network of contacts that the Rong family wanted
to keep secret. Thus the banquet was mostly private and kept hidden from
the eyes of the journalists. Even if some news got out, all of the journalists
knew that this was one topic they couldn't write about.

Qiu Qian had received his invitation long before leaving the country with
Bai Lang.

After coming back to China, Qiu Qian raised the topic to Bai Lang of going
together. Bai Lang agreed immediately. One of the reasons was because of
his friendship with Rong SiQi. So even if he didn't get an invitation and
attended with Qiu Qian, it would still not be untoward to go to make his

However he didn't expect that when he got to the party Qiu Qian would
smile and say he wasn't even sure if Bai Lang would be even to get see
Rong SiQi. This was because the list of people who were attending were
similar to Qiu Qian, they were mostly the important business associates of
the Rong family. There would also be a separate party for private friends.

The two parties weren't mixed.

When Bai Lang realized this he said, "Then why am I here?

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "Because this party is boring ma. So you can
accompany me and keep me entertained."

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian's casual expression and thought that if this guy
didn't even think it was impolite to bring a male companion, then there
wasn't any need for Bai Lang to think too much.

However soon after Bai Lang stepped into the opulently decorated venue in
the latest black suit that Li Fu had made for him, he quickly understood Qiu
Qian's nonchalant attitude.

Because inside Bai Lang saw many such companions.

There was the new film Empress Fei Hong, the goddess of TV hosting
Zhang MeiYi, the long-legged supermodel Li LinLin, as well as the newly
hot young male idol Li KuanLin.... All of them came with someone who
was obviously an honored guest. And some of these honored guests were
people that clearly were already married.

Bai Lang absorbed everything in front of his eyes, then he couldn't help
aiming a glare at Qiu Qian.

Qiu Qian immediately pressed close to Bai Lang's ear. He whispered in a

low voice, "Some of them also brought their wives. Just look at the ugly


Bai Lang decided not to ask which category he belonged to. He continued
to observe the venue before he suddenly paused.

Because Bai Lang had seen Su Quan.

That perfect and exquisite face bore a warm and gentle smile. He was
following beside an old man sitting in a wheelchair.

Bai Lang also recognized this old man.

Every time there was news about major political negotiations, his name
would never failed to be mentioned. Hong Yu.

Chapter 24 - Black Cherry

Qiu Qian who was standing by Bai Lang also seemed to notice the direction
of his gaze.

Qiu Qian followed it and at the same time Su Quan also looked over at the
two of them.

Immediately Su Quan smiled in a familiar manner. After smiling at Qiu

Qian, his gaze swept over Bai Lang and as if by coincidence the smile faded
naturally, as though the greeting had been completed. There was nothing
particularly unusual about it but at the same time Bai Lang felt a coldness
sweep through him.
However this was also normal. Bai Lang had no relationship with Su Quan
so he also looked away and continued observing his surroundings. It was
just as Qiu Qian had told him. Rong SiQi didn't seem to be here.

Qiu Qian pressed closer to him and said with a teasing smile, "What are you
looking around at? Su Quan just greeted us before."

Today Qiu Qian was dressed formally for once. He was wearing a
traditional three piece suit. The color was predominantly a dark gray paired
with a black shirt and a dark purple tie. Perhaps because he wasn't used to
it, currently this tie had already been made askew by Qiu Qian.

"Only you, not us." Bai Lang looked around. After confirming they were in
a quiet corner, he reached out and helped Qiu Qian to straighten his tie and
at the same time flatten his collar.

Qiu Qian cooperated by raising his chin. He gazed at Bai Lang in a pleased

"If you want to know about Su Quan, just ask and I'll answer. However if
you don't ask then I'll assume that you don't want to know."

Bai Lang followed on by helping smooth the shoulders of Qiu Qian's suit.

This movement was something he had carefully learnt at the Regal Suit. "I
still trust you."

"'Still'?" Qiu Qian grasped Bai Lang's hand. "That means things might

Bai Lang said vaguely, "Trust is something that's very simple. If it's there,
it's there. If it's not, then it's not."

Bai Lang was clearly deliberately distancing himself using this manner of
speaking. Just like before when no matter how much he investigated, Qiu
Qian did not feel as though he was able to see through Bai Lang. He was
like a mirage. At the same time close and far away. That's why Qiu Qian
felt that he needed to break the barrier between them as quickly as possible,
otherwise there wouldn't be any chance for a future.

Qiu Qian tightened his grasp on the hand inside his palms. Right now he
was trying his best to hold onto it.

"Very good. Then let's go make our greetings to the host."

Bai Lang nodded his head. Qiu Qian didn't let go of his hand but continued
to hold it as they walked to the other side of the room.

The first couple of steps Bai Lang hesitated and walked slowly but then he
began to follow with big strides.

After all wasn't this the kind of clear, public relationship that he died trying
to achieve in his past life? In this life he didn't need to do anything and
instead it was almost thrust upon him. Thinking about it this way really
made Bai Lang laugh helplessly.


The format of the dinner tonight was that of a buffet.

The guests went to get their own food and drinks and a dining area was set
up nearby with free seating.

The advantage of such a format was that guests could freely move around
and mingle without the restrictions of formal seating. However if one was
not able to find anyone they wanted talk to or whom wanted to talk to to
them, then they could only sit by themselves in a lonely and bored manner.

That's why the invitation clearly stated that guests could bring a companion.

Bai Lang had seen several artists in the crowd and thus knew there was
nothing untoward about his attending. However as to what nature of
companion was brought by each person, that was up them to decide. {T/N:
i.e. if they want to bring their mistress or their wife or their boyfriend, it's
up to them.}
The birthday host was the senior Rong Ai. He was accompanied by several
middle-aged members of the Rong family to receive each guest's
congratulations. Just before Rong Ai had already gone to the stage to give a
simple thank you and formally open the party. Afterwards there also weren't
any other speeches arranged because there were so many important people
at the party that it wasn't appropriate to choose who to put on the stage and
who to leave out. Thus only the birthday host made a speech. And as the
elder of the the country's number 1 aviation business, he definitely had this

Rong Ai was wearing a gold Tang coat tonight. His figure was thin and
short however he still looked very spirited.

When Bai Lang and Qiu Qian went over, Rong Ai had just finished talking
to the Hong Yu who was sitting in a wheelchair. To make the head of the
Rong family come over to speak to him personally, it was clear at this
person's identity was exalted even among this group of honored guests.

Rong Ai wore a joyful smile the entire night. When he saw Qiu Qian he
stretched out his hand, "Oh, isn't this Xiao Qiu? Welcome, welcome. When
such a young person is willing to come to an old man's birthday party, it
really makes me feel young again."

The Qiu family controlled the sea shipping business and the Rong family
controlled the air shipping business. From a long time ago they had many
business deals. These couple of years as Qiu Qian had started to represent

the Qiu family in their shipping business, so he naturally had a lot of

contact with the younger generation of the Rong family.

Qiu Qian smiled and returned the handshake warmly. "Congratulations to

Elder Rong. May your life be long and prosperous."

"Thank you for words and also for the pots of kumquats. They look very
fresh and full of fortune. I love them so much I can't put them down." Rong
Ai grinned happily. He was able to accurately recall the gift that Qiu Qian
had sent in advance. This showed that his ability to deal with outsiders and
attention to detail was very good.
"If Elder Rong likes it that's good." Qiu Qian smiled. "Don't just look. Eat
them, they're good for the body. As for the method of eating, perhaps Bai
Lang you can give Elder Rong some suggestions?" This naturally gave Bai
Lang an opening to speak.

"Elder Rong happy birthday. Other than eating, you can also wash them and
with the skin together you can brew a tea. It's good for digestion and
relieving phlegm." Bai Lang didn't need to pause long to think about it.

After all this gift was chosen by him. "However one hour before and one
hour after, you shouldn't eat any dairy type products."

A flash of surprise showed in Rong Ai's eyes. After all many people liked to
bring stars to these kind of occasions. It was just like women bringing a
designer handbag to show off. Rong Ai was already used to it. However
since most of these partners were only temporary, they usually would not be
given the opportunity to converse with anyone important. Previously when
Qiu Qian had come he had often brought some small stars with him and had
followed this rule. But now...

"So it's like that." Some thoughts turned inside Rong Ai's head and he
smiled at Bai Lang. "It's good that you've come Mr Bai. I've heard that
previously you took care of our SiQi a lot and I haven't had a chance to
thank you." After speaking he reached out and clasped Bai Lang's hand,
clearly also treating Bai Lang as a proper guest.

Bai Lang clasped his hand back. "There's no need. It's only just my job."

"Very good. It's okay for young people to do what they like, however no
matter what you choose you should always do your best." Rong Ai nodded
and smiled. He looked around and said, "Eldest son, SiQi didn't come

Next to him a serious looking middle aged man came forward. "No. He has
lessons tonight."

"It's okay to take a break once in a while. Tell him to come and accompany
Mr Bai to chat." Rong Ai instructed. "There's not that many young people at
the venue. It wouldn't do for Mr Bai to get bored."

After he expressed this intention, a woman a few steps away dressed in a

professional looking cream suit smiled and said, "Grandfather you probably
don't know but actually Mr Bai knows our Xiao Zan too. Previously he
came to visit with desserts. Afterwards Xiao Zan might not say much but I
can tell it left a strong impression on him."

Rong Ai was genuinely shocked this time. "Aiyo, to leave a strong

impression on Xiao Zan. That's really extraordinary."

When the topic turned to the kids, Bai Lang immediately felt much more
relaxed. "We happen to be neighbours. Xiao Hai is always making a fuss
about wanting to play with Xiao Zan, so I had no choice but to disturb

Rong Ai felt a bit lost. "Xiao Hai?"

Qiu Qian smiled and interjected, "My son Qiu XiaoHai. He's in the same
class as your family's Rong Zan."

"Such a coincidence? How come no one told me?" Rong Ai was both
surprised and happy. "This is really fate. Next time we should all have a
meal together and get more familiar, haha. If Mr Bai can really make that
grandson of mine who always has an expressionless face show some
feelings, then it's something I have to see."

Since the conversation had turned to family matters then the atmosphere
became a lot more intimate. All the way until an elegant voice interrupted

"What are you all talking about so happily, eighth brother?" It was a slightly
plump but cultured looking middle aged man. On his arm was the elegantly
dressed film empress Fei Hong. They both smiled as they came over.

Bai Lang recognized him. He was one of Qiu Qian's rivals in the younger
generation of the Qiu family, the third son Qiu Kuo. A few years later he
would be ruthlessly trampled by Qiu Qian. The event had even reached the
news. {T/N: I don't know if it's confusing but at this point QQ has not
officially been declared the heir of the Qiu family business, it's just that his
father has been giving him more power and so it seems like it's going this

Qiu Kuo said in a genteel way, "On an occasion like this it's not good to
take up too much of the host's time. Since I'm your older brother it's my job
to give you a little reminder. Otherwise outsiders might think our Qiu
family aren't raised well."

The smile didn't leave Qiu Qian's face but his eyes became significantly
colder. Qiu Kuo's manner of speaking made it clear that he was telling
everyone that Qiu Qian wasn't raised well.

If one wanted to talk about Qiu Qian's father Qiu EnXin, other than the fact
that he was a shipping and gambling mogul, then his most notable
achievement to date would be his openly and publicly taking of four wives.

And Qiu Qian wasn't even the child of any of these four "wives" but just a
wild weed from the outside. He wasn't properly brought back into the house
until he got older. The stories about this big family's messy private lives
was also famous throughout the country.

Thus Qiu Qian also didn't hide but only said lightly, "He can remember to
have, but can't remember to raise. That old man must also be very busy."

In a few words he placed a hat of "exposing family ugliness to outsiders" on

top of Qiu Kuo's head.

Qiu Kuo's face froze. He could only clear his throat and turn around to pay
his respects to Rong Ai. "Sorry to make Elder Rong laugh. I am a junior of
the Qiu family, the third son Qiu Kuo. This time I represent my father to
pay respects to Elder Rong on his birthday. I wish Elder Rong fortune as
wide as the east sea and longevity as long as the north mountain. This junior
has accompanied my father to study and learn for a long time. I often hear
father talk about Elder Rong's achievements and have admired you for a
long time. This time I also hope that I can learn things from Elder Rong and
will be grateful for your guidance." {T/N: I don't know if it comes across but
Qiu Kuo is speaking in a very obsequious and overly "cultured" way.}

Rong Ai continued to smile. He also shook Qiu Kuo's hand in the same
manner. "So you are another scion of the Qiu family. Welcome, welcome."

Qiu Kuo held his hand and also bowed his body 75 degrees. The movement
was very humble and respectful.

However when Rong Ai hadn't even had a chance to withdraw his hand,
another jade hand stretched out.

It was Fei Hong who was smiling beautifically. "This junior is Fei Hong. I
also want to wish the Elder a happy birthday and a long life as bright as the
sun and moon."

Although her words were very nice and according to western traditions,
shaking hands with a woman was not rude, however the people here were
old and traditional. In the eyes of the people around Fei Hong's movement
clearly showed she didn't know her place.

The oldest son Rong He stepped forward. From one side he stretched out
his hand. "Welcome. Ms Fei's name is very famous."

Since she was complimented in this manner, joy flashed through Fei Hong's
face. She quickly forgot the moment of awkwardness.

The two handshakes were completed and the awkwardness from Rong Ai's
rejection was melted. However when Rong Ai saw that Qiu Kuo didn't look
at all understanding, and instead looked somewhat gloating, his smile faded

slightly. At the same time Qiu Qian made his farewell. It was clear he didn't
want to spend much time with this brother of his. Rong Ai made a few
polite remarks about having a good time then watched Qiu Qian walk away
still holding Bai Lang's hand.

This pair of backs was straight and graceful, neither too humble nor too
proud, and their behaviour have been natural and easy. Rong Ai wanted to
sigh. Even though two men together was clearly not traditional however
when compared to the male and female pair in front of him right now,
somehow they made him feel much more comfortable.

Not long after, Rong SiQi came in wearing a suit and raised some small
commotion from the guests inside.

Until now few people on the outside knew the relationship between Rong
SiQi and the Rong family. In formal business banquets, even if other
members of the Rong family came, Rong SiQi would never appear. This
time he did and under the eyes of half the people in the room, they saw that
after going to speak to Rong Ai for a few moments, he immediately made a
beeline for Bai Lang.

"Brother Lang hello," Rong SiQi said immediately. "I'm sorry for coming

Bai Lang was holding a plate of fruit. He smiled, "I'm the one that should
be sorry. I didn't think that I would make you have to come all the way.

Have you eaten?"

Rong SiQi very honestly shook his head. "Not yet."

Right now it was already seven or eight o'clock.

Bai Lang asked curiously, "They said you were having lessons. What kind
of lessons?"

A frustrated expression appeared on Rong SiQi's face. "English lessons."

"Is it hard?"

Rong SiQi nodded his head morosely.

Bai Lang wanted to laugh. He was just about to share some study
techniques he had when his mouth was stuffed by a very large black cherry.

Qiu Qian appeared by his side. His plate was filled to the brim with meat.
He raised his eyebrow. "Talk after eating. What's the hurry for?"

Bai Lang felt helpless. It was very difficult to talk with a cherry in his
mouth. He could only point to a seat, indicating to Rong SiQi that they
should sit there.

After Bai Lang had walked a few steps away, Qiu Qian looked at Rong SiQi
and said in a somewhat warning manner, "Talking is okay, but Bai Lang
already has a boyfriend." He was still a bit unhappy about the end of year
party when Bai Lang had spent the whole night talking to Rong SiQi.

Although clearly there weren't any fireworks between these two people.

However unexpectedly Rong SiQi met his eyes in a completely unafraid

manner. He suddenly said, "Sister Fang said that Brother Lang owes you
money. How much money?"

Qiu Qian's eyebrow climbed higher. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'll pay it back for him."

"You'll pay it back for him?" Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. Was he wrong
about this kid? "Then what?"

Rong SiQi went silent for a while. Then he said, "Then Brother Lang can
pay me back slowly."

Qiu Qian couldn't help bursting into laughter. He somewhat understood

why Bai Lang liked talking to this kid.

"Okay little brother, go and get your food. Eat more so you can grow up

Rong SiQi didn't understand. He frowned. "You haven't replied to me."

Qiu Qian said mirthfully, "Right now he doesn't owe me money. He owes
me something else." He took his plate and left.
Not a single event that had just transpired was missed by Su Quan was was
standing on the other side of the room, watching.

Chapter 25 - Hong Yu

The good thing about having a self-service bar was the freedom. At the
same time the environment of eating was also very free.

Prior to sitting down, Qiu Qian had already taken Bai Lang around to greet
people. Still after they sat down, they were still subject to countless people
coming over for a chat. Bai Lang thus understood why when Qiu Qian had
dinner events, he often came home and still wanted to eat the noodles that
Bai Lang cooked.

Bai Lang didn't intend to eat too much. He had just came back from
overseas and if he ate any more then he would look too round on the
cameras. So he only took some vegetables and fruit and didn't mind the
interruptions. However Qiu Qian's appetite was big. He had only managed
to eat half of his plate full of meat but it was already cold. Thus Bai Lang
got up and went to get Qiu Qian a self-made hamburger. That was he would
take two pieces of bread buns, some vegetables, a few tomato pieces and
some roast beef, and stuff them together to make a hamburger. When he
saw Qiu Qian had a spare moment he gave it to him.

Qiu Qian seemed to enjoy this very much. He could eat one in three bites
and seemed to want more. Rong SiQi was sitting in a corner. His position
was blocked by Bai Lang and so he didn't get disturbed much. When he saw
Qiu Qian's satisfied expression his gaze glimmered and so Bai Lang also
made him one. He was also very satisfied with the taste.

After eating and drinking his fill, Rong SiQi was led away by the elders in
his family and it was unknown who he had gone to meet. Qiu Qian also
took Bai Lang on another round of the room, and then it was approximately
time to leave.

The waiter came by to top up the champagne and Qiu Qian looked around.

"There's one last person to talk to. After we speak to him we can leave."
Bai Lang nodded and agreed. After a whole night he already felt his back
was sore.

Qiu Qian looked at him sideways. "Tired?"

Bai Lang gently rolled his shoulder. "Having to stand up so straight like this
the whole night. I don't even need to do it when I'm acting."

"It's better once you get used to it." Qiu Qian smiled and raised his glass.

"But I have to say honestly that you look very handsome tonight."

Bai Lang was wearing the suit that Li Fu had specially made for him. The
shoulders were very stiff and the waist was cinched in perfectly. When
paired with the tapered pants, it made Bai Lang's figure look very long and
beautiful. Plus the tips that Li Fu had given him about his posture, it really
made him look like the perfect image of a young master from an aristocratic

Bai Lang raised his juice glass and clinked it against Qiu Qian's. "Thank
you. The suit cost over 100,000 yuan, if it's not handsome then Li Fu would
really panic."

Qiu Qian came closer. He pressed his hand that wasn't holding a wine glass
against the small of Bai Lang's back. "Honestly what I want to do the most
is to take it off."

Bai Lang replied calmly, "If you can defeat Xiao Hai then go ahead."

Qiu Qian also knew. He felt regretful. "The solution to stiffness should be
more exercise."

Every time these two people came home late, then Qiu XiaoHai would
become unusually clingy. A few times before Bai Lang had accompanied
him to sleep and after those times Qiu XiaoHai had become attached to this
service. Since this evening fulfilled the requirement of going home late,
then Qiu XiaoHai would undoubtedly run into the main bedroom and want
to sleep with them.
Bai Lang really felt his back was sore. "Let's go then. Who's the last

Qiu Qian smiled and pointed at the other side for the venue. "The most
noisy place."

That meant the corner where Su Quan was, as well as the old man in the


"It's been a long time. Elder Hong looks very well, that is very comforting."

Qiu Qian waited until the people crowded around Hong Yu were
momentarily quiet before making his greetings.

The people made away for Qiu Qian so that Hong Yu in the wheelchair
could see him more easily.

It was the first time that Bai Lang was given the opportunity to meet this
legendary figure that before he had only heard about on the news.

The just over 60 Hong Yu sat in his wheelchair. His hair was gray-white and
his figure was very slight and thin. Even though he looked a bit tired
however his eyes were extremely bright.

Everyone knew that the reason that Hong Yu was in the wheelchair was
because of car accident a few years ago that was suspected to be intentional.

His legs were damaged in the incident. Prior to that, although he was older,
he had been considered quite a glamorous figure.

As for Hong Yu's identity, other than the Hong family being an established
political clan in the capital, what was more remarkable was his personal

His job could be described in a complex way but actually it was also very
simple. Basically it was to help people talk and come to an agreement.
However the things he helped people agree on, was the differences between
the various political factions.

This kind of mediator who trode the line between multiple parties and
varying interests originally should have been a wallflower type person
whom all the parties disdained. However the Hong family originally had
quite a lot of power in the capital, and also Hong Yu had some special
methods and was able to complete several important mediations beautifully.

Thus after that more and more people came to find Hong Yu to help them
arrange things, and his networks grew more broad and he quickly became a
powerful and persuasive force in his own right. Thus even at the Rong
family's own birthday party, it was the host Rong Ai who paid his respects
to Hong Yu and not the other way around.

When he heard Qiu Qian's greetings, Hong Yu smiled. "Oh it's Boss Qiu. I
saw you from far away before and was thinking that it would be good to
find an opportunity to talk to you today. However it's inconvenient for me
to move so Boss Qiu will have to forgive me for waiting for you to come to

Qiu Qian came forward and respectfully bowed his waist to shake hands
with Hong Yu. He smiled and said, "I don't dare to trouble Elder Hong.

Everyone here is a senior and has many important things to discuss. So this
junior didn't want to trouble you too early and that's why I'm late."

"Truly it is a bit late ah." Hong Yu smiled, his eyes curving. He followed on
by saying, "Couldn't you tell that Xiao Su has been hoping for a long time
that you would come over to chat? This whole night he's had to accompany
an old man like me. He must be very bored."

Su Quan who had been standing by Hong Yu with his hand on the back of
the wheelchair the whole time, immediately bent down. His gentle face was
completely different from the one he showed outside. "Teacher, you've
misunderstood. Su Quan doesn't feel that way."
{T/N: SQ calls him "xian sheng" (JP: sensei) which is a respectful way to
call someone whom you learn from or just respect in a senior position.

Doesn't have to mean a literal teacher or academic.}

Hong Yu's smile didn't change. He inclined his head and said, "You think I
don't know you? Tonight you've been more quiet than usual, it really makes

one's heart ache. Right now Boss Qiu can also be considered your proper
boss as well. You guys must have many things to talk about so it's only
natural. You don't need to mind me."

His words seemed very peaceful however within them there were many
different elements and meanings. Qiu Qian thus said, "The fact that Mr Su
was able to come to Total Entertainment was also due to Elder Hong's help.

We will definitely support Mr Su well in his work and won't let Elder Hong

"That is good." Hong Yu smiled even more. However then he suddenly

said, "But does that mean that Boss Qiu won't help him with anything
outside of work?"

Qiu Qian laughed in a natural manner. "I'm sure Elder Hong already knows
that Mr Su and I are from the same hometown. Based on that, of course I
will take good care of him."

Hong Yu smiled and nodded. Although he looked satisfied however there

was a flash in his eyes. Following that he looked at the Bai Lang who was
standing behind Qiu Qian. He asked, "The person next to Boss Qiu looks
very familiar. Won't Boss Qiu introduce me?"

Qiu Qian backed up slightly and used his left hand to support Bai Lang's

"This is Bai Lang. He's also one of the artists from Total Entertainment.

Since today is a rare opportunity, I brought him here to experience some

Bai Lang met Hong Yu's gaze and felt that it wasn't exactly kind. Thus he
only nodded his head. "This junior is called Bai Lang. I'm honored to meet
Mr Hong."

Hong Yu smiled as he received the greeting. He retracted his gaze and said,

"Mr Qiu is really a very successful businessman. Every seed you nurture is
very excellent. However if you put your main focus into entertainment then
it's too much of a pity. Based on your acumen you can do much more. How

old are you this year?" The last sentence was suddenly aimed at Bai Lang

Bai Lang was surprised for a second, then answered, "Twenty-four."

"Twenty-four ah." Hong Yu smiled again. "It really is very young. You need
to grasp your opportunities well. After all in your industry the most
valuable resource you have is your youth. Without discussing appearances,
just based on age, even the film emperor can't compare to a junior like you,
isn't that right?"

The named Su Quan bent over again. He lowered his eyes. "Teacher is

Bai Lang felt this conversation was getting stranger and stranger. Previously
he was 80-90% sure that Hong Yu and Su Quan had a relationship, however
based on this conversation, it also didn't seem quite right?

However Qiu Qian also didn't have any patience for this kind of full of
hidden meaning talk. He changed the topic and asked Hong Yu what he had
been discussing with the others before. After 10 minutes of inconsequential
chatter, he dragged Bai Lang to leave.

During this time other than the two sentences he spoke earlier, Su Quan
didn't say a thing. However his gaze kept returning to Qiu Qian throughout
the conversation. And since he was standing behind Hong Yu's chair, then it
was impossible for Hong Yu to see these glances.
This situation made Bai Lang feel very uncomfortable however Qiu Qian's
reaction was also somewhat special.

Towards Su Quan's glances, Qiu Qian behaved as though he completely

didn't notice. He only talked to Hong Yu and the others.

Under normal circumstances if during conversation, someone keeps looking

at you, then politeness would dictate that you should also look back once or
twice to show acknowledgement. Qiu Qian wasn't someone that hadn't been
in society. From his behaviour tonight Bai Lang could tell he was very

experienced in social situations. Thus his response to Su Quan should be

purposeful ignoring. If the reason was because of not wanting Bai Lang to
misunderstand, then it seemed a bit childish and not like Qiu Qian....

So when they got in the car, Bai Lang's thoughts were still wavering. All the
way until Qiu Qian grabbed him and pulled him into his arms.

Because he had to drink tonight, the Qiu Qian who usually liked to drive
himself, had asked Xiao Li to drop them off and pick them up. The car was
also one which was appropriate to the situation. It wasn't the Land Rover
that Qiu Qian normally drove, but instead a long black limousine. This
meant that between the driver and the back seat there was a wall separating

"What's with the face?" Qiu Qian pulled Bai Lang over and began to
massage his shoulders. "Having a question but not asking it, is it fun to keep
it stuffed inside your heart?"

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian's disbelieving face and then slightly relaxed
his body and leaned against him. Then he said, "What's the relationship
between Su Quan and Hong Yu?"

"That's the question you want to ask?" Qiu Qian laughed lowly. "I thought
everyone present could tell."

Bai Lang went silent. However even though he suspected it he still felt a bit
shocked. Based on Su Quan's appearance and skill, it turns out he also still
needed a patron behind the scenes to support him. He had never heard talk
like this about Su Quan in his past life. Although based on Hong Yu's power
and influence this wasn't unexpected. However...

"Just now Hong Yu's attitude, it didn't seem that way?"

Qiu Qian held the back of Bai Lang's head and lowered his head to kiss
him. He asked, "Back then you came to me and wanted a contractual
relationship. Did you think about what would happen in ten years?"

"I did." Bai Lang nodded.

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "Oh? Pray, tell me."

"You find someone new and I would gracefully withdraw."

Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "You really have a lot of confidence in me."

"Even though I haven't studied statistics before, I still understand the


Qiu Qian punished him by biting Bai Lang's lips. This time he claimed
every inch tyrannically and didn't release him for a long time.

"Then what would happen if I was captivated by you, to the point where I
didn't want to let go? Then what would you do?"

"Isn't it like that now?" Bai Lang could barely breathe but still managed
these words.

Qiu Qian went still, then laughed joyfully. He dragged the person onto his
leg and lovingly caressed him.

"I know. Since Xiao Hai is at home then we can solve the problem of your
stiffness right now, en?"

Bai Lang froze and then turned his head to ensure that the window to the
driver's side was shut.
"I'll remember to block your mouth. Xiao Li won't be able to hear
anything." Qiu Qian enthusiastically bit Bai Lang's neck and said in his
husky voice.

However the motion of the car couldn't be disguised and Xiao Li was
someone that Bai Lang had to see often. Thus he firmly shook his head.

Then he sighed and amended, ".... actually, before sleeping with Xiao Hai,
we still have to take a shower."

Qiu Qian's eyes lit up. "We really haven't done it in the bathroom before."

"So can you please take out your hand from my pants?" Bai Lang asked

Qiu Qian's mouth quirked and he obediently retracted his hand. He

continued to hold Bai Lang and let him rest in his arms. He returned to the
previous topic. "Hong Yu and Su Quan have between them a contract of
twelve years. The time is already up and so theoretically Su Quan should
have his freedom back. However it seems Hong Yu isn't willing."

Bai Lang thought for a while. "So is Su Quan looking for another pathway
to escape?"


"Is that pathway you?"

"If his freedom is more important to him than his reputation, then I can do

{T/N: What QQ is saying is that he is powerful enough help SQ leave HY

however not so powerful as to do it without damaging SQ's reputation at

all. Since HY will fight back.}

However it seemed that Su Quan hadn't chosen his freedom because his
reputation was still very much intact. And his progress within the country
and overseas had also been very successful. And as for Qiu Qian, for some
reason, every few years he would change to new small star to keep.

This time Bai Lang was silent for a long time before asking, "What's your
reason for helping him?"

Qiu Qian once again supported Bai Lang's head and met his gaze. He
smiled lowly and said, "Finally you deign to ask?"

Bai Lang didn't reply however he didn't hide from Qiu Qian's gaze.

Qiu Qian smiled. "A long time ago, just when I thought that Su Quan and I
would become a pair, Su Quan went with Hong Yu."

Bai Lang saw a slight expression of self-mockery appear on Qiu Qian's

face. He didn't interrupt and waited for him to continue.

"At that time I was just a rascal that sailed a boat. I did earn some small
money but I was almost never on shore. Su Quan's biggest desire was to be
successful and he didn't have time to play the game of 'you wait for me, I
wait for you'. That's why he chose Hong Yu. I guess you can say that both
of us put bread before love. We're quite similar in that way so that's why in
the end we became old friends."

Bai Lang stared at the smile on Qiu Qian's face. However he didn't feel

Because now some hints and clues from his past life were now linked
together, just as Ya Qi said.

After all, someone might speak and think a way about themselves
ideologically however when compared to reality, there were still
differences. For example Bai Lang himself. Prior to talking to Ya Qi, he had
also thought that he wouldn't be affected by Qiu Qian's previous
relationships. But now that he was really faced with it, there really was a
knot at the bottom of his heart. Although he could hide it from other people
he couldn't hide it from himself.
In the same way, Qiu Qian might appear relaxed right now but his
behaviour of continually changing from small star to small star could also
be seen as a method of revenge. This meant that while logically Qiu Qian
might understand Su Quan's rejection, however his feelings might be
different... {T/N: BL thinks that the reason in his past life that QQ was
never able to truly settle down was because he never got over SQ.}

However even if that was the case, then who said everything in this life
would still be the same?

In his past life, he had never met Rong SiQi, he had never held Qiu XiaoHai
and he had also, never like this, rested inside Qiu Qian's arms.

In this life, regardless how Qiu Qian felt, Bai Lang's heart had moved. He
didn't dare to expect forever however he only wanted honesty and not lies
as in his previous life with Kang Jian.

Thus Bai Lang lowered his eyes and quietly asked, "So you're just friends?"

Qiu Qian's laughter rocked his chest. He repeated. "Just friends."

Bai Lang didn't follow him to laugh. He only nodded. "I don't accept

"What a coincidence, I'm the same." Qiu Qian's eyes went dark.

"Remember what I said before. If you find someone new then-"

He didn't get to finish before Qiu Qian blocked his mouth again.

This time Bai Lang passionately responded. It was as though he wanted to

embed himself into his position in this person's arms.

So Qiu Qian was made so excited that he couldn't stop. These two people
had no choice but to use their hands to do it halfway, otherwise they really
wouldn't be able to get out of the car.

However it was lucky that they had "relieved" themselves.

Because as soon as they got home they saw Qiu XiaoHai on the king sized
bed in the main bedroom, curled up fast asleep with his big rabbit pillow.

Such a small figure sleeping on such a large bed, the image was very lonely.

Any desire that they had disappeared when met with this image.

The two people hurried to wash up and then tiptoed onto the bed. They slept
on either side of Qiu XiaoHai.

Qiu XiaoHai seemed to feel something in his sleep. He scrunched up his

face, clutched his rabbit pillow and rolled over to Bai Lang's side.

Bai Lang carefully straighted Qiu XiaoHai's arms and legs, then pressed a
kiss against his head.

When he raised his head it was his turn to be kissed by Qiu Qian who
pressed closer. He added a sentence which he hadn't said in the car.

"You don't need to worry. You've already captivated us long ago."

Chapter 26 - New Owner

Two weeks later, the first official photographs from Beyond Gold and Jade
were posted onto the internet.

In the main character Li ChuanQing's standalone photos, Bai Lang was

wearing a tailor's work uniform and he also had a tape measure around his

His eyes were downcast and there was a vague smile on his face. There was
a bright light which shone onto one side of his face, however this left a
contrasting shadow on the other. It hinted that underneath the main
character's quiet smile there were turbulent feelings hidden. With the
addition of the loose shirt which was tucked into fitting suit pants, this
angle made Bai Lang's waist and neckline look very long and seductive.
Within his elegant appearance there was a hint of sensuality. These oddities
made him look even more beautiful and fascinating.
Zhu Kuan successfully used these contrasts and juxtapositions to imbue the
images with a strong sense of feelings. From this, his style from 10 years
later could already be seen. Thus under Zhu Kuan's camera, Bai Lang's
image became much more multi-layered and complex than previously.

When the images were published, it immediately became a hot discussion

topic among Bai Lang's fans. Most of the fans expressed they liked it very
much, however there were also those who said they missed Bai Lang's
previous warm and innocent appearance. Luckily those in the former
outnumbered the latter. Bai Lang guessed that UNI's ad also had helped
pave the way for this change, otherwise based on his past life, he
remembered how many obstacles he faced when trying to change his image
after Partners.

However Bai Lang actually forgot that after his rebirth, although he was in
the body of a 24 year old young person, his everyday actions and dress had
already lost the immaturity of a youth. Even in the incident with the photos

at the supermarket, the face that Bai Lang had shown the world was that of
gentleness mixed with maturity.

Fang Hua also probably had been affected by this. Thus when Bai Lang
attended fan meets or during promotional activities, the styling she arranged
for him reflected his own personal poise, and so the image was that of
someone who was had matured early and was elegant and sensible. This
helped a long way in rounding out Bai Lang's strong initial impression in

After three months, Gold had finished approximately two-thirds of its

filming. This speed was very fast.

However Bai Lang had been carefully observing the issue of funding this
whole time but he hadn't found any clues yet.

By contrast, Zhu Kuan who was not good at hiding things, had been
extremely cheerful as of late.
Bai Lang felt this was a bit odd and so taking advantage of the lunch break,
he couldn't help asking.

"Director Zhu, you seem to be in a good mood recently. Did something

good happen?"

On that day, both Zhu Kuan and Que QiMing were surrounding Bai Lang
and his large lunch boxes. Bai Lang thus had the opportunity to casually ask
this question.

By this time Zhu Kuan and Bai Lang had already become closer. He didn't
hesitate to use his chopsticks to take a third piece of meat wrapped around
asparagus. He stuffed it in his mouth and chewed loudly. "Something good
really did happen, haha. During the new year I was actually a bit troubled
but I didn't expect that someone would suddenly stuff a pillow under my
head as I slept {T/N: Means unexpected help came}. I can't believe Old
Zhao and I actually encountered something like this. Our fortune must be
too good."

"Old Zhao" was his friend Zhao JingXuan, who was the boss of a textile
company and who had invited Zhu Kuan back into the country.

Bai Lang immediately stopped eating. Since he had mentioned Old Zhao,
then it definitely had something to do with the funding.

He didn't think that today his casual question would actually yield an
answer. Was the incident about the happen?

Que QiMing was also curious. He smiled and said, "Director Zhu, give us
some hints so we can be happy as well ah."

Zhu Kuan's pudgy face was wrinkled from smiling so much. He said in a
pleased manner, "It's okay to tell you now. Things are already set and won't
change. So I'm no longer afraid it will affect your mood when filming."

"Affect our mood?" Bai Lang's heart leapt. He didn't care about looking
suspicious anymore and directly asked, "Could it be that the funding ran
into a problem?"
Surprise flashed through Zhu Kuan's face. "Wow that's amazing. How did
you guess straight away? Or is that you got wind of it from before?"

Que QiMing was also shocked. He said with a grave expression, "If there's
a problem with funding then Director Zhu you really need to let us know
the details carefully."

Based on Que QiMing's long experience, he knew that one of the primary
problems that could arise with a movie funded/owned by industry outsiders
was that the investment might dry up.

After all if the owner's experience was not enough and team did not
cooperate well, then it was very easy to exceed the budget. Then the
shortfall would have be made up. At this time it would be also difficult to
find a new investor. After all the movie had already been shot halfway and
had already formed shape. It would be difficult to meet a new investor's
requirements to obtain their funding. And if the shortfall couldn't be made

up, then there was a high chance the entire production would wind up

Because Zhu Kuan had carefully planned and tried to save money
throughout Gold, the situation should already be good. However after all it
was still Zhu Kuan's first time filming a movie in China. It was his first
time getting to know the location, logistics, equipment, pre and post editing
requirements, etc. So of course there would many unexpected costs.

Zhu Kuan saw these two people's faces had changed was a bit annoyed at
himself. He smacked his own mouth. "Aiya, my wife always tells that when
I'm too smug I always say the wrong thing. She's not wrong." He came
closer and lowered his voice. "Don't spread it outside, although everything
is okay now, however I don't want to affect other people's mood when

Bai Lang immediately said. "Of course we won't. However is there

anything we can help with? Director Zhu don't hesitate to ask."
Zhu Kuan didn't see the genuine panic Bai Lang felt and instead patted his
own chest and said in a reassuring manner. "Don't worry, this is your first
movie and it's also mine. You and Old Que have also somehow managed to
grasp and express many things that I wanted to show but don't know how to
say. It's really like the Gods are on our side. No matter what, I will
definitely complete this movie well...."

"Then what exactly is the situation that Director Zhu was talking about?"

Bai Lang followed on to ask immediately.

"Ai, it's to do with Old Zhao. Old Zhao's family has a few factories which
are being managed by their relatives. During the new year that group of
relatives, young and old, all didn't go back to their hometown and couldn't
be contacted. After the new year when they went to check the company,
they found that they had embezzled all the money from those factories and
run away. A total of 4-5 million. Some of them were prepaid fees for goods
that hadn't been delivered yet. Old Zhao was troubled to death. And the
elders in his family refused to allow him to notify the police. He had no
choice but to move funds from the other factories but it really was a big

problem getting the money around. So the old people in his family told him
to cut us off first."

"And then?" Bai Lang asked and at the same time he was calculating in his
heart how much he would be able to help.

The series of books went on the market last year in November. Now it had
already been four months. When Bai Lang had gone on the web forums to
check, he saw that the first book had come at at the same time as the
holiday season and so it had achieved a very beautiful sales number.

If he sold the copyright now, then compared in the future when the sales of
the books should amount to around several tens of millions, he would get
much less for it. However even now what he had purchased for 2.3 million
should be able to be sold for 3-4 million without any problem.
However he didn't expect to hear Zhu Kuan say joyfully, "What are you
panicking about? The truth is someone actually voluntarily contacted Old
Zhao to ask he could cooperate to invest for the movie. The timing is too
much of a coincidence, it really scared me to death. Also the investor
doesn't have any special requirements for the role or the script. They just
said they saw the photos from the opening ceremony and the information on
the plot, and thought that the material was interesting."

Bai Lang's face was shocked. This was an event that had never happened in
his past life. Was it the butterfly effect again? "So the investment is already
confirmed? They won't change their mind?"

"Haha, little brother you really look even more worried than me." Zhu Kuan
slapped Bai Lang's shoulders heartily. "Everything is resolved. The contract
has already been signed. The other person also paid the large half of the
amount already, extremely quick and efficient. The shortfall has already
been taken care of. And the new investor's budget outline seems to be much
more accurate than Old Zhao's. From now on we don't need to worry about
money, hahaha." Every time he got happy he really became careless. Right
now his laughter was very loud and definitely showed Zhu Kuan forgot to
suppress his voice.

"So good?" Bai Lang frowned.

The Que QiMing sitting beside Bai Lang didn't have his suspicious
personality. After all looking for investors for a movie was a normal
occurrence. Although trying to find one halfway through filming really was
more difficult. Thus Que QiMing looked relieved. He smiled and said, "So
this way it seems like we have a new owner. Can you disclose who it is?"

"If I tell you you guys will definitely get a fright," Zhu Kuan told them,
playfully swinging his chopsticks. "Our new owner is from the famous and
powerful Hong family in the capital."

When Bai Lang heard that his heart gave a shocked thump.

After he finished filming that day, Bai Lang returned to the apartment and
felt that his head was swimming in a daze.

Although Zhu Kuan had as usual arranged a tightly packed schedule of

shooting that afternoon, Bai Lang still hadn't recovered from the fright he
had gotten at lunch.

Because he didn't believe at all that the intervention of the Hong family, or
that is to say Hong Yu, was by pure coincidence.

When he thought about it, judging by what Qiu Qian had told him about
Hong Yu and Su Quan's close relationship and knowing Hong Yu's power
and influence, it was impossible for him to not to know about Su Quan's
movements. That meant that Hong Yu knew that Su Quan wanted to leave
him and would most likely ask Qiu Qian for help. That meant that the
words he had spoken during Rong Ai's birthday party must have been
aimed at Su Quan and Qiu Qian. Underneath his veneer he must be quite
sensitive about these two people's relationship.

And at this time he had suddenly become a major investor for Gold. What
was his intention?

At Rong Ai's party, Qiu Qian's behaviour was enough to clearly express Bai
Lang's relationship with him. No matter if it based on contractual
obligations or real feelings, he more or less had Qiu Qian's stamp on him.

So when at this time Hong Yu suddenly decided to make a move on Gold,

the only reason that Bai Lang could come up with was that Hong Yu wanted
to suppress him in order to give a warning to Qiu Qian? Or perhaps use him
as leverage in some way to talk terms with Qiu Qian?

No matter what it was it seemed that clear that he become embroiled in

whatever was brewing between Hong Yu, Su Quan and Qiu Qian.

Thinking of this Bai Lang could only sigh. He also wanted to mock himself
for being so optimistic about his rebirth.
It just showed that even though he was reborn there were still many things
that were out of his control and would still proceed in the direction that it
wanted. Such as him trying his best to get close to Zhu Kuan, but in the end
he was still unable to help him. In fact if things panned out as he suspected,
then after finishing filming Gold would most likely encounter some type of
insurmountable problem that would lead it be unable to reach the screens....

Bai Lang really felt extremely helpless.

Thus after he went home he didn't even want to move. He sat on the sofa
and spaced out.

It wasn't until he heard the key turn in the lock that Bai Lang looked up. He
saw Xiao Li who had brought Qiu XiaoHai back home after school.

After opening the door, Xiao Li nodded at Bai Lang. Then after Qiu
XiaoHai went in, he closed it again without coming inside. When Bai Lang
or Qiu Qian were home, Xiao Li rarely ever stayed longer.

When Qiu XiaoHai came in and saw that Bai Lang was on a rare occasion
home early, his eyes lit up. He immediately kicked off his shoes and
launched himself onto Bai Lang's legs without even taking his schoolbag

"Ah Bai~ you're home ah," Qiu XiaoHai hugged Bai Lang's waist and
grinned up at him.

"I'm home." Bai Lang couldn't help smiling with him.

Bai Lang helped Qiu XiaoHai take off his bag and then held the boy on his

The little child's body temperature was very warm, just like a hot water
bottle. It helped reduce the heavy burden on Bai Lang's heart by a lot.

Qiu XiaoHai happily lay and rubbed himself on Bai Lang's chest just as
though he was hugging his big rabbit pillow.

"Ah Bai Ah Bai, today the teacher asked a question in class."

"What question?"

"The teacher asked who we liked the most at home. I told teacher it's daddy
and Ah Bai!"

Bai Lang laughed. "Thank you."

"Then teacher asked me, who is Ah Bai ah."

"Then what did you say ah?" Bai Lang smiled and mimicked Qiu XiaoHai's
manner of speaking.

"I told teacher, Ah Bai is Ah Bai ah," Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide
and they turned quickly. "Ah Bai isn't Jiang XinCheng anymore, now you
belong to our family!"

"Oh." Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. "Then what did the teacher say after she

"The teacher said she didn't understand. She asked what you did in the

"What do I do in the family?" Bai Lang blinked.

"I said you cook ah, you make little rabbit buns, and you also hug me and
kiss me. You help me do my homework and you also sleep with daddy!"

Qiu XiaoHai replied extremely confidently.

Bai Lang's smile froze on his face. "Didn't we already say that that was our
little secret?"

"We did ah," Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head vigorously. "So I didn't say it
was naked."

Bai Lang felt completely helpless. "....thanks."

Qiu XiaoHai didn't wait for him to finish. He excitedly fidgeted. "Then
Chen ZhenZhen said oh, she said that's what a mommy does!"
Bai Lang didn't have the chance to ask who Chen ZhenZhen was before he
heard Qiu XiaoHai ask, in a somewhat shy manner:

"Ah Bai~ will you be my mommy?"

Chapter 27 - Long Time Friend

When Qiu Qian came home that night, he placed the keys in the lock,
opened the door and found that there wasn't any of the usual sounds of
noisy cartoons coming from the TV. He took off his shoes and poked his
head into the living room.

He saw Bai Lang hugging Qiu XiaoHai on his lap. The two people's heads
were pressed together, as though they were talking about something in
secret. They were so focused they didn't even hear him come in.

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow and walked in. He asked, "What are you two

Qiu Qian's voice made the two people turn their heads at the same time.

Bai Lang's expression was slightly complicated. Qiu XiaoHai's eyes were
both very red.

Qiu Qian was surprised, "Eh eh, who's been bullying our little piggy?"

Qiu XiaoHai turned his head around and refused to answer. He also pouted
and buried his head into Bai Lang's chest.

Bai Lang also didn't answer Qiu Qian. He only held Qiu XiaoHai and
continued to kiss and hug him. "Okay, don't cry anymore. We've already
agreed and even made a pinky promise, right?"

Qiu Qian parked himself next to Bai Lang. He asked, "What happened?"

Bai Lang only gave him an expression that was halfway between
helplessness and concern. At this time Qiu XiaoHai said in a pitiful voice:
"...Why does mommy have to a girl ah. I want Ah Bai to be my mommy

Bai Lang held Qiu XiaoHai tightly and said, "It doesn't matter. Even if Ah
Bai isn't your mommy, I can still make lots of yummy food for Xiao Hai."

Qiu Qian's eyebrow climbed even higher. He approximately understood

what was happening.

"But Chen ZhenZhen said mommys are just like Ah Bai ah." Qiu XiaoHai's
voice was both muffled and pitiful.

Bai Lang stroked Qiu XiaoHai's hair. "So no matter if I'm your mom or not,
I will always accompany Xiao Hai."

"Ah Bai will you always be here?"

"Until Xiao Hai doesn't want Ah Bai anymore, Ah Bai will always be here."

Bai Lang said gently.

Qiu XiaoHai heard this and burrowed himself even deeper into Bai Lang's
chest. "I won't ever not want Ah Bai oh. I, I, want Ah Bai to be my mommy

"So Xiao Hai will always have Ah Bai. It's the same."

{T/N: It's BL talking. He's referring to himself by name.}

"Then if it's the same thing then why can't I call Ah Bai my mommy?"

"Because Ah Bai isn't a girl, mommys have to be girls."

Bai Lang's voice was still very gentle. His face was extremely patient as
though he intended to continue dragging this talk on with Qiu XiaoHai.

"Why ah? I don't like girls. Why does mommy have to be a girl?"

Qiu XiaoHai was as obstinate as mule.

After he heard this, Qiu Qian realized how many times Bai Lang and Qiu
XiaoHai had been going over this again and again.

Also this was the first time he had seen Bai Lang being this resolute in
refusing Qiu XiaoHai. He refused to even give one inch. Previously his
treatment of Xiao Hai had really made Qiu Qian feel jealous so he wasn't at
all surprised that his son would kick up a fuss and want Bai Lang to be his

"mommy". So actually Qiu Qian didn't mind to watch them go on like this
for a bit longer but it was only that if he did that then Bai Lang probably
wouldn't forgive him.

Thus Qiu Qian said, "Why don't you just call him that in your heart, idiot."

Bai Lang's eyes flew up and Qiu XiaoHai also turned his head around. He
paused then said stupidly, "But if I call him that in my heart Ah Bai won't
hear it oh."

"How do you know? Why don't you try it. Just think "mommy" and say "Ah
Bai". Try it." Qiu Qian raised his chin.

Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide and turned back to look at Bai Lang.

"Ah Bai~?"

Qiu Qian looked purposefully at Bai Lang. "So, did you hear it?"

"...." Bai Lang was really speechless with these two people. But because
Qiu XiaoHai was looking at him with eyes full of worry and anticipation,
he could only relent and say, "I heard it."

Qiu XiaoHai's face immediately lit up. He yelled loudly, "Really!? Ah Bai!

Ah Bai Ah Bai Ah Bai~! Hehehe." His entire person clung onto Bai Lang's
chest and started rubbing himself all over just like before.

Bai Lang wrapped one arm around Qiu XiaoHai but his gaze was still
looking at Qiu Qian in an accusatory manner.
Qiu Qian also knew why Bai Lang had been stubborn. He was worried that
Qiu XiaoHai might suddenly say it at the wrong time and be laughed at by
his friends.

But truth was truth, just because he didn't say it did it mean it didn't exist?

He would rather be blamed by Qiu XiaoHai, then make him live a lie.

"He will eventually understand," Qiu Qian reached out and ruffled Qiu
XiaoHai's head. Then he lightly bit Bai Lang's lower lip. "Who let him be
my son." In this way Qiu Qian's protection was at times stern but also
sometimes very relaxed.


The next day, Qiu XiaoHai beamed from ear to ear as he held Bai Lang and
Qiu Qian's hand to go to school.

His two little legs bounced and hopped until he almost left the ground.

After Bai Lang sent Qiu XiaoHai into the classroom, Qiu Qian took off the
sunglasses and indicated with his hand that he wanted to teacher to come to
one side to chat. Bai Lang was busy dealing with a bunch of his young fans
in the classroom, and so he didn't hear with Qiu Qian and the teacher talked
about. He could only tell that when they left the classroom the smile on the
teacher's face was somewhat frozen. Qiu Qian had put his sunglasses back

The two of them left the kindergarten together. Bai Lang couldn't help
asking, "What did you talk to the teacher about? Didn't you intend to just let
things be and not meddle?"

Qiu Qian laughed evilly. "Just because I'm not going to meddle, doesn't
mean I will let others do it. It's a parent's responsibility to maintain

"friendly" communication with the teacher."

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian suspiciously. Qiu Qian rested his arm on Bai
Lang's shoulder. "What kind of expression is that? Let me tell you, from
now on you're also one of Xiao Hai's parents. I told the teacher already."

Bai Lang looked at him in a speechless manner.

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "Long time family friend, okay. Family

This made more sense. Bai Lang thought.

Just now the teacher's expression was clearly not believing it but having no
choice but to believe it.


On the other side, Qiu XiaoHai was very happy.

"Ah Zan, here, this is the little rabbit steamed bun that Ah Bai said to give

As soon as Qiu XiaoHai sat down he took out a lunchbox from his bag.

Inside was several white and fluffy little rabbit steamed buns. He pushed
them towards Rong Zan who sat beside him.

This was a little boy who was so pretty he looked a bit not like a boy.

However his quiet and stern expression also didn't make him seem girly.

Rong Zan blinked his long eyelashes. He lowered his head and looked
carefully at the lunchbox. Then he said, "Thank you."

Qiu XiaoHai leaned in towards Rong Zan secretively. He said excitedly,

"Let me tell you a secret oh Ah Zan, Ah Bai is my mommy now, I can call
Ah Bai mommy! Isn't that great!?"

Rong Zan's large eyes, which knew the difference between black and white,
looked at Qiu XiaoHai. He gravely nodded his head. "That's to be
Qiu XiaoHai smiled so much his teeth were all showing. "You were right
and Chen ZhenZhen was wrong! Ah Bai really can be my mommy."

Rong Zan nodded his head again. Then he took out the handkerchief from
his breast and wiped his hands carefully before opening the box. Then he

took out one of the fat and white steamed buns and broke it in half. He gave
one half back to Qiu XiaoHai. "Here."

Qiu XiaoHai naturally took it. He bit off the rabbit's ears with one bite. He
completely didn't look embarrassed at having taken back a present he had
just given out. Rong Zan saw Qiu XiaoHai eating so then he also delicately
bit off the little white rabbit's bum.

At this time a little girl wearing a pink sundress and a long ponytail came
over to the two people's table. She stopped and pointed at Qiu XiaoHai and
said in a childish voice, "Qiu XiaoHai, why are you eating in class ah."

Qiu XiaoHai hurried to cover up his nose and throat. "Who cares. I'm
almost finished anyway."

The little girls face went red. She stammered slightly, "Did, did you not eat
breakfast? I, we always eat cake at home. It's much better than this oh. I
will bring some for you to eat. You, you will definitely like it!"

Qiu XiaoHai heard it and paused slightly.

Rong Zan suddenly said, "You can't eat cake in the morning."

Qiu XiaoHai turned his head in a hurry. "Why?" He also liked to eat cake.

"Your stomach will hurt." Rong Zan munched on the steamed bun and said
slowly. "The doctor said so."

"Liar! My, my stomach doesn't hurt!" The little girl heard it and yelled out

"Ah Zan wouldn't lie," Qiu XiaoHai immediately puffed out his chest and
protectively shielded Rong Zan like a guard. "If Ah Zan says it will hurt
then it will hurt!"

When the little girl heard it she couldn't think of any response. She
stammered for a while then finally stamped her feet in anger.

"Qiu, Qiu XiaoHai you dummy! I'm going to tell the teacher!"

Qiu XiaoHai watched as she ran away. Then he turned his head and sighed
at Rong Zan.

"This is why I don't like girls ma."


Qiu XiaoHai was happy at school and Bai Lang's movie also continued

However after Hong Yu intervened in Gold, whether it not it would

successfully reach the screens was not something that Bai Lang could be
sure about.

But at least Hong Yu had made up for the shortage of funding for the
movie. It allowed this life's Zhao JingXuan to focus his attention on
restoring his family business, and didn't let Gold became a burden on them.

From the perspective of Zhu Kuan, it had already solved his problem of not
being a burden on his friend. Thus Bai Lang still felt some relief.

However although everything seemed smooth on the surface, Hong Yu's

intervention still raised Bai Lang's danger instincts.

He had the feeling of being threatened by someone and if this really came
true in the future, Bai Lang didn't want to be helpless and simply sit around
and wait for someone to save him.

Thus Bai Lang changed his mind. Originally he always felt that as long as
he had enough money to spend it was enough. However now he decided to
place more focus on his finances.
Firstly, there was the copyright for the books that he had bought earlier.

Since there was no pressing need for money, Bai Lang thought about the
increasingly popular and furious sales of the book series in the next few
years, and decided to put it to better use in the future. This way he would
also have more resources to invest in the future few years' rising housing

market. Although this method was crude but since he didn't have any
networks or any power, he could only rely on money.

Thus Bai Lang purchased a publishing house that had been operating
relatively well.

One-third of the shares for this company was given to Qiu Qian who had

"lent" him the money.

After obtaining the publishing company, Bai Lang didn't hesitate to find the
same translator who had gotten famous for translating this series of fantasy
books. The book was quickly translated. The time it took to publish the very
first book was earlier than his previous life by several months. It was able to
very conveniently grasp the good timing for when the fame of these books
from overseas was just entering into China.

Thus because of this good situation, the book was able to ride of the wave
of fame coming from the internet and other pathways. Unlike in his
previous life, there was no chance for pirated translations to come in first
and steal a portion of the sales. Thus the book naturally sold even better
than in his previous life. The result was extremely good and it made Bai
Lang anticipate the return he would get once the entire set was on the
market. He was already able to recoup his entire investment of 3.5 million.

Bai Lang knew that right now was just the start. There was a total of 6

books and once they were all completed, the sales within the country should
reach more than tens of millions. So in order to better pave the way for
future sales, Bai Lang unhesitatingly took out one-third of this 3.5 million
and spent it on the company so they could professionally package and
market these books, as well as to crack down on pirated copies. As for the
rest, Bai Lang simply needed to let his money make more money for him.

However all of these events took place several months later.

At the end of March, Gold wrapped up filming and entered its post-
production period. Just as Bai Lang was still worried whether or not Gold
would ever reach the screens, his schedule was already filled with various
promotional activities.

So on a particular television program, Bai Lang once again met the person
he had almost forgotten.

Kang Jian.

Chapter 28 - In Front of and Behind the Cameras Running into Kang

Jian again after several months, Bai Lang no longer felt the revulsion from
before. Right now he simply didn't feel anything. He didn't have any joy nor
any sadness. It was as though the person in front of his eyes was a complete

Right now the progression of events should have made Bai Lang satisfied.

Previously the drama that Kang Jian had filmed, which Bai Lang had
behind the scenes "recommended", had during the new years time exploded
into a large scandal.

Because of that the entire production had been halted. Over half of the
people were investigated by the police. Within them, Wu ShenEn was even
detained for three days and it seemed to be that he really was a drug user.

Thus the entire drama was definitely cancelled as many related bodies had
declared that in order to promote good social order that they would
definitely not approve it to be broadcast.

Thus the trap that Bai Lang had set for Wu ShenEn and Kang Jian had
completely taken effect. These two people's fame which had only just been
on the rise immediately plummeted down. They also wasted several months
work and were now associated with "drugs". It can be said to have had a
very severe effect. However when he heard the news, Bai Lang didn't spend
much time being happy. After all right now his time was occupied very
fully by his work as well as the Qiu family father and son.

It was only that for Kang Jian to right now still be standing here, meant that
he had passed the investigation over the drugs. Not only that but even
before the audience had forgotten this news, there was still a show that was
willing to invite Kang Jian to come on as a guest. Thus there was definitely
someone behind him supporting him.

On the way to the makeup room, Bai Lang passed Kang Jian in the corridor
and this thought floated into his head.

However on his side, Kang Jian was not aware that his plot of working
together with Wu ShenEn to get someone to take photos of Bai Lang had
been exposed. At this moment he was still thinking about his "friendship"

with Bai Lang. He still thought that it was only because he had moved too
quickly that Bai Lang would distance himself for the sake of that man.

If he could return to a friendly position then based on Bai Lang's previous

warm attitude, then he probably wouldn't distance himself anymore. Also
right now Bai Lang's fame was getting bigger, so he wouldn't want to ruffle
feathers by making himself look like someone who would turn a cold
shoulder on an old friend right?

When he saw Bai Lang, the other man was just as beautiful and gentle
looking as before. In these few months there was a new confidence and
mesmerizing feeling about him. Paired with his elegant clothing, he gave
off the impression of a worldly young nobleman. There wasn't a single
shred of immaturity about him. The itchiness in Kang Jian's heart rose up
again. His footsteps slowed and he turned around and said, "It's been a long
time, Ah Lang."

However Bai Lang didn't stop walking.

It was only Hong Hong who was standing behind Bai Lang that lightly
inclined his head towards Kang Jian.

Kang Jian's body froze. However he was determined not to let Bai Lang
ignore him thus he said loudly.

"Ah Lang, if I've done anything wrong, then I apologize okay? I'm sorry.

It's my fault. Please forgive me! I've called you so many times and you still
won't pick up. You're being like this makes me really unhappy ah."

He yelled so loudly that half the corridor could hear.

The staff who originally weren't originally paying attention now all looked

Thus Kang Jian displayed an even more contrite expression. He didn't lower
his voice at all as he said, "I know I'm a careless person. If there's
something I've done that makes you feel uncomfortable then just directly
tell me. I'll definitely change it! We've been classmates for so long, just
based on that sentimentality can't you just forgive me this once?"

If Bai Lang continued to walk then tomorrow the entertainment news would
probably be the gossip about how a new rising star is acting like a bigshot.

Thus within his words, Kang Jian also slyly reminded Bai Lang that if
someone came to ask him, he still had their call logs and call history which
would be able to fool some people.

So Bai Lang had no choice but to stop walking and turn around.

As he faced down Kang Jian's cunning plotting, he asked quietly, "What

have you done?"

Bai Lang's expressionless question made Kang Jian paused, but he reacted

"I, I don't know that's why I'm asking ah?"

Bai Lang revealed an extremely disappointed expression. Then he shook his
head helplessly and then turned back around and walked away.

A few simple movements completely changed the story. Now it seemed like
Kang Jian had clearly done something over the top to ruin the two people's
friendship but without even figuring out what it was, just ran over here with
a thick face to ask for forgiveness... The people who were eagerly watching
from the sidelines used strange expressions to look at him. When they saw
Kang Jian's somewhat guilty expression, they thought "Ah it's like this" and
then with gossip in their hearts, went about their own business.

Only Hong Hong, who was following Bai Lang, stopped. He carefully
stood in a corner and observed all this.

After all Qiu Qian had instructed him before that if this person Kang Jian
appeared in front of Bai Lang, then he needed to watch closely.

And as Kang Jian was still standing there "acting", a person appeared
behind him. It was a girl with a very small and short stature, however her
entire person was covered head to toe in brand clothing. She had long
permed curly hair, and wore a T-shirt with a very large brand logo showing
and hot pants. On her wrist was a shiny expensive looking bracelet. She had
long eyelashes and big eyes and combined with her carefully arranged
clothing, she could be considered a middling to above average beauty.

However it was clear from her dress that she wasn't in the entertainment
circle. She looked more like a spoiled and pampered second generation rich

The girl clutched Kang Jian's arm in a familiar manner and said in a
intimate voice, "Ah Jian, I heard you yelling "sorry" from far away. What
happened? Why is that person ignoring you?"

Kang Jian lowered his head. He smiled and patted the hand on his arm. "It
doesn't matter. Just a small misunderstanding. Didn't you go next door to
find your friends, how come you came back so quickly?"
Filming the crime drama previously had tanned Kang Jian's skin somewhat
as well as made him more manly looking. Right now he was wearing
leather pants and a white denim jacket. He was gradually moving down a
more rebellious and bad boy style and combined with his sentimental and
seemingly full of deep emotions expression, it was indeed a look that many
girls would fall for.

"Of course it's because I'm worried about you and want to watch you
closely," The girl said in a coquettish manner. "Look, I just left for a second
and you were already bullied by others."

"Am I that easy to bully? It's more important that you have a good time and
not get bored accompanying me." Kang Jian smiled in a gentle and helpless
manner. He used his superior height to lightly pat the girl's head.

"Hn, men always like to pretend to be strong." The girl dodged Kang Jian's
hand and used her chin to point towards Hong Hong's direction. "That's Bai
Lang right? On screens he looks alright, but in real life he gives off a weird
and effeminate feeling. Just ignore him. Who cares about him, he's just
another newcomer."

Kang Jian raised his eyebrow. "He's the darling of Total Entertainment. He's
completely different to me who's almost out of a job."

"With me around, how can you be scared of not having work?" The girl
proudly raised her chin. "What Total Entertainment, can't they see whose
family's program they are participating in? I should let them know who they
can and cannot offend!"

Something flashed through Kang Jian's eyes but on the surface he sighed.

"Don't, please. Later on you'll be yelled at by your dad again for making
trouble. I want to leave a good impression on him."

When the girl heard this she couldn't suppress the joy on her face. However
she still stamped her feet. "I'm here trying to help you and you want to get
in my way? Then I want to do it even more!"
Kang Jian didn't stop her. He just put his arm around her and led her away.

"Okay okay, it's up to you okay? Shall I make a cup of coffee to appease
this warrior woman's anger?"

"What ah..." The girl's angry voice faded away.

Hong Hong absorbed all of this and then slightly narrowed his eyes. After
making a few phone calls, he finally went into Bai Lang's dressing room.


The talk show Bai Lang was attending today was a program whose
speciality was introducing behind the scenes footage and was called In
Front of and Behind the Cameras.

During a show's production, no matter if it was a movie or a concert, there

were always lots of little stories and gossip from behind the scenes. The NG

scenes of many big stars become even more funny and precious after some
editing. Combined with the quick-witted and sharp-tongued host's
interview, the program was very popular with audiences. It was broadcasted
at a very important timeslot on Saturday night.

The fact that Gold was able to come on such a program was beyond Bai
Lang's expectation. They were originally a small production, without any
particular special features. Even though with the new investor's
contribution, they now had ample funds for promotional activities, however
able to come on this kind of red-hot program was not something that could
be purely bought with money.

So Bai Lang went to ask Fang Hua about it. It was impossible for Fang Hua
not to know however the reply she had given him was that still that it was
all because of the new movie owner.

Thus Bai Lang felt really confused. Based on these actions, Hong Yu
seemed to really want Gold to be successfully screened? He didn't have any
ulterior motives? Or was it that Hong Yu felt that if he pushed Gold into a
more successful and anticipated position, it would mean that he could even
more successfully use it as a threat and as a leverage? In this world there
was no such thing as a free lunch so when Bai Lang saw the large-scale
billboards and intensely broadcasted clips pop up, he couldn't help but still
hold a suspicious attitude in his heart.

As for Qiu Qian, he seemed to already know about Hong Yu's intervention
in Gold.

One evening the two people saw the ad for Gold on the TV. Qiu Qian
grabbed Bai Lang, pressed him down onto the couch and kissed him deeply.

Then after kissing he said that no matter how much money someone else
threw out, Bai Lang was still his. Bai Lang rolled his eyes and thought that
it was rare occasion when Qiu Qian completely missed the point. He
definitely didn't feel Hong Yu was interested in him at all.

He didn't think that Qiu Qian's next notion was even more misguided. It
was because all his focus was on doing the person on the couch.

Although Qiu XiaoHai was right now sleeping soundly in his own room,
Bai Lang still slightly resisted. However in the end he was defeated by Qiu
Qian's combination of seduction and persuasion, and the two people didn't
even really take off their clothes before doing it quietly and secretly in the
living room. Afterwards, Qiu Qian lay breathing beside Bai Lang's red ears
and Bai Lang, slightly trembling, couldn't help but admit that doing it in
this kind of strange and tense atmosphere was quite exciting.

And also because of Qiu Qian's careless and nonchalant reaction, Bai
Lang's heart also relaxed a lot.

Thinking that he didn't need to worry anymore about Zhu Kuan and the
Zhao family's problem and even if he was embroiled in some kind of drama
between Hong Yu and Su Quan, then the person who should be worrying
was Qiu Qian and not himself. Since the main character didn't seem stressed
at all, then what was the point of him scaring himself?
Right now Bai Lang checked himself over in the mirror again. He
straightened his collar, then left the dressing room and went on stage.


"Today I'm very happy to have been able to invite a handsome guy to the
program. Little sisters don't rush to scream just yet, Sister Fen knows that
the picture on the screen is very handsome but Sister Fen can promise you
that, the real person is even better looking."

The female host Gao FenFen elegantly sat on the single person couch and
smilingly said, "Let's welcome Bai Lang, who is also the very lovable Jiang
XinCheng from Partners for Life!"

Bai Lang was cued and he entered the set. He smiled towards the cameras
and waved his hand, then sat on the spot to the left of Gao FenFen.

"Hello everyone, hello Sister Fen. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to
come here today."

His movement was extremely smooth, without the hesitation or

awkwardness of a newcomer. Gao FenFen did not allow this unexpected
event mar the smile on her face. She followed on and said, "We are the ones
who are honored to be able to invite Bai Lang to come personally to chat
with us. I trust that everyone has now seen the promotional material from
the movie Beyond Gold and Jade. Just the image alone is extremely
beautiful. The main character Li ChuanQing is so handsome that Sister Fen
was really speechless. Everyone is really curious what this movie is actually
about. So Bai Lang, do you want to firstly introduce us to Beyond Gold and

"Thank you Sister Fen," Bai Lang tilted his head and smiled. "Thank
goodness that all my efforts in begging the director to take a photo from my
best angle didn't go to waste."

Gao FenFen held a hand over her head. "Then it must be this angle.

Because right now Sister Fen is about to faint."

Bai Lang smiled again. He then returned to the proper topic. "As for the
plot of Gold, I think it's a very entertaining story. It's the revenge story of a
prince. The prince was lofty and high above others, but then one day he was
kicked down into the mud. And then finally he once again crawled back
onto his throne. The journey is very difficult however the ending is very
beautiful. It's very satisfying and really suitable for watching if you're
feeling down."

"Oh? Based on the beautiful images, I thought it was going down the path
of a beautiful art-house film." Gao FenFen showed a shocked expression.

"The visuals are really a great feature of the Gold." Bai Lang smiled and
agreed with her. "All the items and clothing that we use in the drama was
painstakingly picked by the bosses behind the scenes. I should mention that
the people who funded the film is really a textile business with a long
legacy. Not only did they take care of the clothing but they also cooperated
with many famous furniture and homeware companies. The luxurious

setpieces are so beautiful that even if I covered up my head, the film is still
worth seeing."

Gao FenFen was really tickled to laughter. "Your tongue is so glib that if
you weren't in movies then there would definitely be a place beside Sister
Fen for you."

"Thank you Sister Fen. Your words just now was recorded for evidence."

Bai Lang smiled and pointed at the camera.

Gao FenFen's mood became even more joyous. "Okay! If you can ensure
my safety from all your movie fans, then Sister Fen will do her best!"

The two people then followed the program schedule and watched a few
short interviews from crew members as well as some funny NG clips.

Actually there weren't many of Bai Lang and most of the behind the scenes
footage of him actually involved him bringing his large lunch boxes.
Everyone in the audience was very curious about what was inside his lunch
box. Sister Fen was also interested and asked Bai Lang about several dishes
and then praised Bai Lang for his talents.

At this time, Bai Lang suddenly noticed that there were two people standing
beside the camera person. One was actually Kang Jian. The other was a girl
that Bai Lang had never seen before. It was the girl that was previously
holding Kang Jian's arm.

Kang Jian's face was warm and gentle, however on the girl's face there was
a mocking expression.

Bai Lang's gaze passed over them without changing however he didn't
expect that Gao FenFen, who had until now been very friendly, suddenly

"However it was previously reported that in order to understand your role in

Gold, you moved into a luxurious residence provided by your friend. Now
that you've finished filming, are you planning to move out ah?"

Chapter 29 - Premiere

Bai Lang paused very slightly. His expression didn't change much as he
smiled. "I'm not moving. I'm paying rent so I'll continue to live there."

"So it seems like this "experiencing the role" has been really good for you
ah," Gao FenFen smiled intimately however there was a knife hidden in her
smile. "After living there, probably you can't get used to living in an
ordinary apartment again. Oh, such a good friend. How come I don't have

"How about I become a secondary landlord and share a room with Sister
Fen?" Bai Lang said generously. "Our living condition right now is similar
to Partners for Life. If Sister Fen comes, you can definitely be the female

Gao FenFen immediately clapped her hands joyfully. "If the male lead is
you then I will definitely move in tomorrow."
"How can I allow Sister Fen to lower herself in this manner," Bai Lang
smiled again. "I will definitely find someone worthy of you. However I
don't know what Sister Fen's requirements are?"

Bai Lang artfully changed the topic of conversation to Gao FenFen. After
they joked around for a bit longer, they finally moved away from the topic
of where he was living.

However just based on the previous question it was enough to awaken in

the audience's mind the rumor of Bai Land being kept from a few months
before. If they continued down this pathway of questioning, whether or not
it was believable that Bai Lang was paying rent was one matter, even if they
believed it, the impression that Bai Lang was used to and didn't want to
move out of a luxurious house was something that would impact on his
image in the audience's mind.

Thus Gao FenFen's questioning was something that was designed to seek
trouble for Bai Lang.

On the surface Bai Lang continued to accept Gao FenFen's interview with
an untroubled face, however underneath he was thinking quickly about if he
had had any altercation or problem with Gao FenFen. However no matter
how much he thought he couldn't think of anything. Right now his only clue
was Kang Jian and the girl who was standing next to the cameraman.

After all this entire building was rented out by "Harmony Entertainment", it
was a professional filming environment.

Harmony Entertainment was one of the five major TV program production

houses in the country. They had over a hundred small and large programs,
and so in order to accomodate all types of different filming activities, they
had rented out this entire building. Other than the dressing rooms,
equipment rooms and other such necessary rooms, each floor had been
segregated into independent filming studios. If people weren't specifically
working on a particular program, then theoretically speaking they shouldn't
be able to casually walk around and watch.
And Bai Lang was sure that Kang Jian shouldn't have any employee's pass
to Harmony Entertainment. So the fact that Kang Jian could right now
righteously stand next to the camera person and watch his entire filming,
the reason should be the girl standing by his side that Bai Lang didn't know.

Just as he thought, once the program had completed filming, Bai Lang and
Gao FenFen were freed from those two couches on the screen. Bai Lang
was still very polite and exchanged a few pleasantries with Gao FenFen.

The two people hadn't even walked completely off the stage before the girl
dragged Kang Jian over and blocked their path.

"Sister FenFen, every time I hear your interview it's very exciting. Today is
still the same." The girl treated Bai Lang as though he didn't exist. She only
talked quickly and enthusiastically to Gao FenFen. "No matter how much
someone poses and pretends, Sister FenFen you can make them show their
true colors with just a few sentences. It's really satisfying to see. I will ask

my father to add more money to the program's budget. Sister's Fen's show
will definitely become even more famous."

"Then I should thank you for your compliments," Gao FenFen acted as
though she couldn't hear the hidden meanings. She was very polite and said,

"Miss ShaSha you have free time today to come?"

The girl clutched Kang Jian's hand. "Why else except for Kang Jian? I just
helped Kang Jian to arrange a few roles. Today I brought him here to get
used to the set. In the future he will get very busy."

Gao FenFen's gaze swept over Kang Jian. She smiled in a friendly manner.

"You played Cheng Xu from A Confused Account right? I've seen that film
before. Mr Kang's performance in it was very good. I hope that one day I
can interview you on my show ah."

Kang Jian showed a humbled expression and said, "I don't dare. I'm still a
long way from that."
"Who said?" The girl immediately protested. "I think you're much better
than some two-faced people! Sister FenFen, don't you think so?"

Gao FenFen grinned and said cooperatively, "Since Mr Kang is admired by

Miss ShaSha, then you definitely must be someone that is better than most."

Throughout this entire exchange this "two-faced person" Bai Lang

maintained a slight smile as he stood to one side. Right now the stage was
behind where he was standing, on his right was a lot of camera equipment
and to his left was Gao FenFen. These people paid no attention to him
however unless he deliberately went around them, then for the moment he
was trapped.

However while the girl was talking to Gao FenFen, Kang Jian gave him an
apologetic glance. Then he said to the girl, "ShaSha, let's go first. Sister Fen
just finished filming and must be tired. Let's not prevent her from resting."

The girl then glared in a threatening way at Bai Lang. She said to Gao
FenFen, "Then I won't disturb sister FenFen any longer. I just want to say

again, your interview was very "exciting". I liked it a lot."

After the finished the girl dragged Kang Jian away and loudly began
introducing the other facilities in the studio and her father's management
and planning for such facilities, and etc.

Because Kang Jian and the girl were walking towards the studio exit to the
public area, if Bai Lang wanted to leave then he had to walk in the same
direction. However he didn't want to follow behind them thus he stood on
the spot and waited for a few moments. Gao FenFen seemed to have the
same intention.

He waited until they had left the studio door before he finally turned to Gao
FenFen to say goodbye. Gao FenFen smiled at Bai Lang. "Don't worry too
much about today. This program is edited. If they want to they can cut out
whatever they want. And Li Sha has no say in it."
Bai Lang couldn't help but feel surprised. Since Gao FenFen was behaving
in this manner, he used the opportunity to ask, "Can I ask, Li Sha is...?"

"Who else but Harmony Entertainment's CEO Li Ming's daughter. She's the
Princess of this big building." Gao FenFen's smile was slightly unnatural.

However afterwards she looked at Bai Lang keenly. "However she's nothing
compared to who you have standing behind you. Mr Qiu and Mr Hong,
with the two of them added together, then it can only be left to me to
babysit Li Sha."

Bai Lang was stunned. After a few moments he managed a smile, "It must
be hard on Sister Fen."

Gao FenFen looked at the wholly innocent looking face of Bai Lang. She
couldn't help adding a sentence, "Saying that you can think in one way but
behave in another, it's really not completely wrong." {T/N: She's not
insulting him. She's saying 'two faced' sort of but in a more polite way.

Basically saying that he has a public persona that's duplicitous and hard to


The plot of Gold was just as Bai Lang said on the show. It was an
entertaining flick that you didn't need to use your brain to think too hard
about. Back then when Zhu Kuan decided on the style of the film, other
than Old Zhao's requirements for investing, the important factor was the
showing realistic and good quality suits and materials. Other than that, the
next most important factor was making the film entertaining.

After all this was a small production without much fame. If they made a
boring art-house film, it would be tantamount to throwing the investment
funds into the bottom of the ocean. Thus Gold's plot was simple, the
conflicts were obvious and the pacing was fast. With the addition of the
luxurious and opulent styling Zhu Kuan and decided on, it could only be to
all these entertaining features to attract as many audiences to watch as
This kind of fast paced plotline was able to cover up some of the defects of
newcomers. This was also Zhu Kuan's decisions since there were many
newcomers in the movie. However what led Zhu Kuan to be unexpectedly
surprised was Bai Lang and Que QiMing. These two opposing characters in
the movie both showed an outstanding and above expectation performance.

It added extra emotional and explosive quality to this fast paced movie and
made the audience more immersed in the plotline. Their hate became more
hateful, their anger became even more angry, and so in the end when they
finally reach a satisfying conclusion, then the feeling of gratification was
even greater. Thus after the movie was completed, Zhu Kuan was able to
puff out his chest and promise to Old Zhao that although he wasn't sure how
much money Gold would earn, however he definitely would not lose

Initially Zhu Kuan did not have much funds for promotional activities for
Gold although of course he did his best. However in the later days, there
was a new investor in Gold and with his aid, the promotion became wider
and greater and thus Gold opened to a beautiful opening box office and
became like an unknown dark horse that suddenly raced to the front of the
race. It was suddenly the object of thousands of eyes and attention.

By comparison the historical film Emperor Feng was at its opening

ceremony far, far above Gold. However by the time it came to screening,

the fame of these two films were now on equal footing.


Gold's premiere was held in A City's oldest "Hong Fang Cinema".

A few years ago it had had a large-scale refurbishment to match the regal
antique style of several decades ago, and was very suitable for the setting of
Gold. And as for Gold which rented out the entire cinema for their
premiere, it was just as industry people said, they clearly had so much
money that they had to look for places to spend it.
That night the cinema was even more luxuriously decorated. On the large
red carpet there were many VIP guests.

Other than the actors and crew of Gold, the owners, partners, and sponsors
as well as a large number of film and television reporters and journalists
were invited. There were also some famous movie critics as well as other
famous artists in attendance.

Thus this night became like a small "avenue of stars". The reporters all
came early to wait on either side of the red carpet. However because it was
a premiere, all movie related interviews were scheduled for after everyone
had arrived and before the movie was screened, so thus there was no
interviews taking place on the red carpet.

Thus when the black cars arrived and A-list stars arrived one after the other:
the forever film empress Zhang MeiYi {T/N: this person was previously
mentioned as TV goddess, author changed it I guess, not important}, the
senior TV host Ke Cheng, the comedy king Mo DaWei, the male god of
singing Li KuanLin, and even the young film emperor Su Quan. When they
saw this scene the reports opened their eyes wide. Their cameras clicked
non stop and they couldn't help but lament to their companies why there
wasn't an interview opportunity. How often would they get to see a scene
like this?

As for the male lead of Gold Bai Lang, he was also the star of the show
tonight. Thus he had been arranged to arrive at the very end. As he watched

each superstar walking down the red carpet, Bai Lang who was preparing
and waiting in a car parked in the parking lot some distance away, couldn't
help but feel anxious.

"It feels a bit unreal to have all these famous seniors open the red carpet. It
doesn't feel quite right."

Bai Lang was looking at the small screen in the car. It was broadcasting live
from the cinema.
Qiu Qian was wearing a black suit and sitting beside Bai Lang. He came
under the guise of a sponsor and was also invited tonight.

"Why, feeling scared?"

"The scene is so big, what is Elder Hong intending to do?" Bai Lang
laughed helplessly. "Is it to ask each of these big stars to give a bad review
of us?"

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "I thought you were very calm this whole
time, turns out you also get nervous."

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian. Suddenly he held Qiu Qian's hand. Their ten
fingers intertwined and he allowed Qiu Qian to feel the obvious sheen of
sweat on his palms. "I'm actually not brave."

Qiu Qian smiled. He pulled Bai Lang's hand and held it. "Then let me
bolster your courage."

Bai Lang paused. He didn't have time to ask what this meant before Qiu
Qian lowered the window between them and the driver. "Slowly drive

"What, what do you want to do?" Bai Lang's expression couldn't help

"You don't dare?" Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow.

Bai Lang opened his mouth. He wanted to speak but in the end he couldn't
say anything.

Ten minutes later it was Bai Lang's turn to walk the red carpet.

The luxurious limousine slowly came to a stop in front of the cinema.

When the door opened, a long leg appeared and the cameras of the reporters
flashed non stop.

Qiu Qian got out of the car first and was followed by Bai Lang.
This was also the first time the two of them had appeared together in front
of the cameras.


Author's note: Thank you everyone. Lots of people have been calling for
Xiao Hai so I'll add the following scene:

(In front of the TV)

Qiu XiaoHai: It's daddy and Ah Bai! Hong Hong, look they're here!

Hong Hong: En.

Qiu XiaoHai: How come they're not holding hands ah. I always hold hands
with Ah Zan.

Hong Hong: They forgot.

Qiu XiaoHai: Hong Hong hurry up and call daddy to remind him.

Hong Hong lowered his head and looked at Qiu XiaoHai: Do you want to
eat steamed buns?

Qiu XiaoHai: I want!

Chapter 30 - Young Master Bai

When the reporters standing on either side of the red carpet saw this
unexpected combo descend from the car, the previously relatively
controlled scene became immediately chaotic. They could barely contain
their instincts and after the first person threw out a question, the rest also
didn't control themselves any longer and also began yelling at the top of
their lungs.

"Mr Qiu, Mr Qiu!! It's rare for you to attend these kind of events, why are
you at the premiere tonight?

"Mr Qiu! Can you look over here please!! Thank you!!"
"Today you came in the same car as Mr Bai, what's your relationship? Mr
Qiu and Mr Bai it seems you shouldn't know each other well ah?"

"Is it true the two of you previously took a holiday together!? Can we ask
where did you go!?"

"Did the two of you leave the company together today? Or did you come
from some other place?"

"Mr Qiu what's your identity at the premiere tonight? As the CEO of Total
Entertainment, or as Mr Bai's friend?"

"Mr Bai! Can you tell us your relationship with Mr Qiu? Is it just boss and
employee or is there some other kind of relationship!?"

"Gold's premiere today is very grand and expensive. Is it because of Mr

Qiu's assistance ah!?"

"Mr Qiu is it because you're interested in this movie, or is it that you're

interested in Mr Bai? Mr Qiu can you please tell us?"

The lights flashed non stop on Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's faces. The two of
them were separated by only step, they walked shoulder to shoulder.

Bai Lang took out the public smile he used to deal with the media and
gazed calmly into the cameras. Qiu Qian was also very familiar with this
kind of scene. No matter what kind of provoking questions was asked, he
only treated it like air.

Fang Hua was at the moment standing at the end of the red carpet wearing a
very unnatural smile. She wasn't given much notice about this event.

When Qiu Qian had decided to appear together with Bai Lang, he had

"kindly" informed Fang Hua in advance. However Fang Hua only had time
to rush out in a panic. Thank God Qiu Qian and remembered to maintain a
distance from Bai Lang, however the reaction of the reporters were still
extremely sensitive.
"Mr Qiu!! Can you reply to the questions!?"

"If Mr Qiu doesn't want to reply then Mr Bai you should ba! The fans will
definitely be curious!!"

"Mr Qiu previously you also "went out" with some artists from Total
Entertainment. Are you going out now with Mr Bai!?"

"Mr Bai what are your views on Mr Qiu previously going out with your

"Mr Bai, can I ask if the diamond watch on your arm is a gift from Mr Qiu

"Mr Bai today you also wearing the watch right? Can you please show it to

"Mr Qiu, did you give him the watch!?"

"Mr Qiu, can you at least choose one question to answer. Everyone is very
curious ah!!"

"Can you stop for a moment Mr Qiu!? Can we take a photograph of you
two together!"

Within the more and more sharp questions, there was one that was slightly
more kind. Qiu Qian decided to answer it. He patted Bai Lang's shoulder.

Bai Lang turned around and Qiu Qian pointed in the director of the reporter.

"Let's take a photo together."

Bai Lang thus smiled and stood next to Qiu Qian. Because of the difference
in their heights, Qiu Qian very slightly tilted his head.

There was an explosion of "ka-cha-ka-cha" sounds. The journalists standing

on the other side were unhappy and immediately yelled, "Turn to this side!!

Please turn to this side!! Thank you!!"

The two people cooperated to turn around to the other side and there was
another explosion of blinding lights. After finishing, Qiu Qian smiled in a
casual manner and finally answered, "The movie is quite good. Today I just
came to watch the movie. Everyone should watch it carefully."

After he finished there were even more questions being thrown out. Qiu
Qian only smiled and supported Bai Lang's back and finished walking the
rest of the way with Bai Lang.

All the way until Fang Hua came walking over quickly as though she
wanted to lead the way for them, and thus the two people became three

At that time, in one of the corners of the cinema.

Hong Yu looked at the noisy scene outside the door and turned to smile at
Su Quan who was standing beside him. "Isn't it very lively today?"

Su Quan smiled and replied, "If it can make Boss Hong interested, then of
course it can't be ordinary."

"It's been a long time since I've been out and about," Hong Yu sighed. "Now
that I look at it, the new generation of youngsters is indeed very talented."

Su Quan's smile was beautiful as usual. Afterwards he lowered his eyes and
it was impossible for anyone to see his expression.


The next day it was no surprise that the photos of the premiere, big and
small, filled half the front page of the entertainment news.

The famous artists leaving the premiere were stopped by the reporters who
had been waiting for a long time outside and they were finally able to ask
all their questions. And thus the topics discussed at the premiere were very
rich and varied.

It was unknown whether it was because of this, but Bai Lang and Qiu
Qian's photo taken when they walked the red carpet together only occupied
a small square in the news. All of the pointed and sharp questions asked by
the reporters were completely absent from this morning's newspaper.

So on the breakfast table, Bai Lang bit into a freshly made seafood egg
pancake and flipped through the newspaper. Qiu Qian lazily poked his own
plate and said, "Don't worry, you won't find what you're looking for."

He had been influenced by Bai Lang's early to rest and early to rise sleeping
pattern. As long as he didn't have any evening events the night before, Qiu
Qian could now match Bai Lang's lifestyle.

Bai Lang quickly flipped through the Morning Star, then he looked through
a few smaller publications.

"The reason you said I didn't need to worry last night was because you had
already made preparations?"

"Looking at the newspaper this morning, are you still not clear?"

Qiu Qian stuck another piece of egg pancake in his mouth. He had barely
even swallowed before he took another large piece. This showed he liked
the flavor very much.

Bai Lang paused. He looked with uncertainty at another headline on the

newspaper. Emperor Feng was being investigated by the relevant
government authorities for its content!?

{T/N: Not super related but Chinese government has a bad habit of getting
involved in the movie/tv industry, they're always making up new rules about
what can and can't be shown. Like no time travel, no too lavish historical
dramas as it promotes 'decadence' etc... occasionally they'll relax it. It
seems to depend on the political climate at the time.}

"Are you trying to say that all of this is Hong Yu's doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Qiu Qian ate another large piece. "On one hand he
promotes the movie Gold and on the other he suppresses Emperor Feng.
Hong Yu probably wants to remind Su Quan of the extent of his power and
influence. So right now Hong Yu won't allow you or anything related to
Gold to go wrong."

Bai Lang felt shocked and couldn't help asking, "You knew about it from a
long time ago?"

"There will always be some word that will get out." Qiu Qian admitted.

Bai Lang paused then asked, "So last night... you planned it already?"

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "Since there is definitely someone that will
reach out to help, why shouldn't we hitch a ride on the upwards wind?"

If the two of them started often appearing in public together, then the
chances of someone using it to make up scandals or news would decrease.

Bai Lang put down the newspaper and looked at Qiu Qian. He felt like his
brain was really not big enough to use.

"But what if Su Quan comes to beg you for help? What will you do?"

Qiu Qian pressed closer to Bai Lang. He gave an evil smile. "Why, are you

Bai Lang nodded his head honestly. "A bit."

This seemed to make Qiu Qian overjoyed. He reached out and pulled Bai
Lang closer and energetically kissed Bai Lang's lips.

Qiu XiaoHai who was sitting to one side saw it and suddenly said, "Daddy,
Ah Zan said that before kissing you have to wipe your mouth."

He was also sitting on the table holding a small fork and intently eating the
egg pancake. Right now his mouth was full of tomato sauce.

Thus scolded, Qiu Qian paused and his attention was diverted.
"Ah Zan? Why would he say that? Could it be that you didn't wipe your
mouth and ran to kiss him?"

Qiu XiaoHai immediately loudly defended himself, "I, I did wipe it after

He was immediately found out.

Bai Lang suddenly felt a bit guilty. Because this "kiss kiss" was something
that he was forced to explain after being caught out a few times.

"You can only kiss if you both of you like each other, you can't do it
randomly. Okay?"

After speaking Bai Lang took a napkin and helped Qiu XiaoHai wipe his

"En!' Qiu XiaoHai raised his chin to cooperate. He smiled sunnily and said,

"I also let Ah Zan kiss me ma."


Just as Qiu Qian said, Hong Yu appeared to have decided to use this method
of raising one and stepping on the other.

After the premiere, Hong Yu continued to throw his support behind the
promotion of Gold. A few famous artists, who had come to the premiere
because their connection with Hong Yu, all gave glowing reviews
afterwards of the movie. With such a service, it would have been unusual if
Gold didn't make a big splash at the box office at its opening.

Of course Gold also had to have some actual substance in order to maintain
the audience's interest and reviews. So under these extremely smooth
circumstances, Gold which was a small to medium production that cost
under 40 million to make, earned 72 million on its opening weekend alone.

Although it final box office didn't break any records however it was enough
to allow is owners to make back five times their investment.
By contrast, the large historical epic Emperor Feng was being filmed
extremely slowly. Right now it had not even completed half of its filming.

Not only were their rumors that the script had been investigated by the
authorities, but a few of the crew members had even had a scandal related
to dodgy insurance practices. The movie that had held such a grand opening
ceremony was now mired in darkness.

As for Hong Yu's intentions, what Qiu Qian didn't tell Bai Lang clearly was
that actually this can also be a form of trying to intimidate Qiu Qian. That's
why Hong Yu had picked Bai Lang, who was by Qiu Qian's side, as his

"example". He wanted to let Qiu Qian know that if he wanted to make Bai
Lang famous he could, so naturally if he wanted to he could also blacken
him. The choice was up to Qiu Qian.

However if Su Quan wanted to leave Hong Yu, then based on his

qualifications, it was not as though he didn't have any other "options" other
than Qiu Qian. If Hong Yu only targeted Qiu Qian then probably it wouldn't
be enough. On the other hand perhaps Hong Yu, who had been with Su
Quan for many years, was able to have an understanding about what, or
rather who, Su Quan was thinking about in the depths of his heart.

No matter what, with Hong Yu's support, the movie cooperation between
Zhu Kuan and Zhao JingXuan concluded very well.

And Bai Lang also road this wave of success. Within a month, he quickly
rose from a talented newcomer actor into a popular A-list actor with real
ability. After all the audience had seen how even if Bai Lang was kneeling
on the ground, his superior acting ability could still fully express the
majesty and resolution in his heart,

Thus there were a few fans who led the way and gave Bai Lang the
nickname "little Su Quan" on the internet in order to express their
expectations of his future success and development. However this
immediately elicited the severe ire of Su Quan's fans. Su Quan's fans stated
that this newcomer Bai Lang shouldn't be so shameless as to try to ride on
Su Quan's coattails to promote himself. Bai Lang's fans immediately
responded by saying how was this riding on Su Quan's coattails? Calling
him this way was also giving face to Su Quan. Su Quan's fans really didn't
know their place.

The situation got bigger and bigger, and even entertainment news began
reporting on his spiralling out of control online feud.

Bai Lang himself really wanted to laugh helplessly. He knew that the fans
were only being passionate however he really didn't much like this
nickname "little Su Quan". In the end it was Fang Hua who spent money to
quieten everything down on the internet, and changed "little Su Quan" to

"young master Bai".

"Young master Bai" also very aptly described Bai Lang who was a person
who appeared twenty-four and yet wore suit pants and shirts as well as a
designer diamond watch. It didn't take long for this nickname to firmly be
affixed to Bai Lang's head.

As for the previous furore, there was one reporter who didn't fear death who
actually asked Su Quan for his opinion on it at some event.

Su Quan only smiled slightly and said, "Newcomers all need

encouragement. So it's good to be more generous with them."

When he said it like this everyone could guess that a knot had already
formed in his heart.

However on Bai Lang's side, he actually received Su Quan's "invitation".

Su Quan had hired out a club and invited Qiu Qian and several of their
common friends. Oh, and also this time he included Qiu XiaoHai.

The reason was to celebrate Qiu Qian's birthday.

Chapter 31 - Old Friends

Su Quan didn't organize the event for the actual day of Qiu Qian's birthday
but instead picked a day close to it when most people were free. He said he
wanted to use it as an opportunity so that the old friends could catch up.

Because of this reason, when Qiu Qian gave him Su Quan's invitation he
didn't say much and only gave a brief introduction of the people that would
be there. They were all people who had left Xindao together to make their
fortunes. Other than Su Quan and himself, there were two others. These
four people would get together a few times every year. Whoever thought of
it would be the one responsible for organizing the meetup, just like this

It was unknown whether it was a coincidence but Bai Lang didn't even need
to look at his schedule before knowing that on that day he had a public fans
meeting. The event was organized for 3-4PM in the afternoon. So since it
was an gathering of old friends, Bai Lang thought it was unnecessary for
him to squeeze his way in and make others uncomfortable. Right now it
was more important for him to work.

However unexpectedly Qiu Qian insisted. "I'll ask Su Quan to change the
date. We should go together."

Bai Lang felt a bit surprised.

He saw Qiu Qian's face was quite matter-of-fact. He couldn't help but recall
his suspicion regarding Qiu Qian's past life and was unable to stop himself
asking, "Is it because Su Quan asked so it's not good to not go?"

Qiu Qian laughed lowly. He looked even happier. "Hahaha, very good.

Finally you've learned to express jealousy." After that he gave Bai Lang a
heavy kiss. "Deserving of a reward."

Because right now they were already lying on the bed to chat before going
to sleep, Bai Lang was very easily pressed down by Qiu Qian and didn't put

up much of a fight. When Qiu Qian finally let him go, Bai Lang's lips felt a
bit swollen. There was a little bit of wetness around his beautiful eyes and
his breathing was somewhat shallow. The subconscious allure this gave off
made Qiu Qian decide to keep pressing his person down.
Qiu Qian licked Bai Lang's lips, smiled and explained, "It's because of the
other two people. Wang Yun and Lin GongCheng. It would be good for you
to meet them. One is a doctor and the other person is in the security
business. They're useful people to know. Also, Lin GongCheng was also
Fang Hua's husband. They're not together anymore however they still keep
in touch."

Bai Lang couldn't help but be surprised.

Introducing their friends to each other, this type of event was something that
Bai Lang would never have thought of happening in his previous life.

In regards to his suspicions before, Bai Lang felt a rush of warmth in his
heart as well as a bit of guilt. He lowered his eyes. "Then don't change the
date. It's not easy to get everyone together. My event isn't the whole day.

After it finishes, I'll run over to find you."

"If you feel uneasy," Qiu Qian smiled and kissed him again. "Then I'll wear
the watch that day."

Bai Lang had a premonition that he was going to be teased the entire night.

He cleared his throat and changed the subject matter.

"What do you want to eat on your birthday? I'll prepare it.

"Do you even need to ask?" Qiu Qian said in an evil tone.

Bai Lang's danger instincts rose. There was movement on his lower body
and the next minute there was the sequence of him being eaten clean.

Tonight the heat and temperature of Qiu Qian's body warmed Bai Lang
more than ever before.


On the day of the gathering, the entire poolside club was reserved by Su
{T/N: I feel like I forgot to mention it but a lot of times when I say club I
mean like a member's club or sort of like a country club. Not a nightclub
although most probably do have entertainment facilities/bars etc.}

Inside there was a swimming pool, a basketball court, billiards room,

karaoke facilities and a massage spa. All sorts of leisure and entertainment
facilities under one roof. There was also carefully curated greenery around
the club and it was a place where people could come to enjoy and relax the
whole day.

Inside the club, there was also a specific area for children. They were
guaranteed not to be bored. Because of the special VIP guest Qiu XiaoHai,
Su Quan had spent quite a lot of effort.

It was because at previous gatherings, Qiu Qian almost never brought Qiu
XiaoHai to attend. The biggest reason was because he was too young and
also because the previous locations for the gatherings was not suitable for
children. This time if not for Su Quan's purposeful arrangements, these
people who only met a few times a year would not have had a chance to see
the Qiu XiaoHai who clung tightly to Qiu Qian's neck and looked scared of

This was also outside Qiu Qian's expectations. Usually the carefree and full
of bravado Qiu XiaoHai wasn't scared of anything. How come once he
came here he transformed into a wilted little bean sprout when being stared
at by these people? He couldn't even be pacified, especially when Su Quan
smilingly reached out his hand to touch his head. Qiu XiaoHai twisted and
hid, burrowing his head into Qiu Qian's body as though he wanted to dig a
hole to hide in.

Qiu Qian patted his his son's bum. He said to Su Quan, "This kid is a bit
scared of strangers."

Su Quan's smile was both warm and a little bit helpless. "I even held him
when he was younger. How come he doesn't remember."

Qiu Qian pinched Qiu XiaoHai's ears. "This kid probably only remembers
what to eat. What are you doing, say hello to Uncle Su."
Qiu XiaoHai shrank back, twisted his head and finally said, "Hello Uncle

"Hello." Su Quan bent over to reply. Then he smiled and turned to Qiu
Qian. "Where's Bai Lang? How come he didn't come with you?"

"He has work. He'll come at night." Qiu Qian replied.

Su Quan nodded in an understanding manner. "That's right. Right now is a

very important time for him. He needs to grasp every opportunity given to
him, and shouldn't get distracted by other things."

Qiu Qian only smiled. "Outside people are saying that you have a knot in
your heart. Seems like it's really true?"

"You listen to those rumors?" Su Quan looked at Qiu Qian in a disbelieving

manner. "I just feel a bit regretful that's all. It's rare that everyone can get
together. If he agreed to come, wouldn't you feel happier?" With these
words it was even more obvious that he was pointing out that Bai Lang
placed more importance on getting famous.

"It's good to work harder when you're young." Qiu Qian's smile faded
slightly as though his mood had been affected.

Su Quan saw it and smiled. He considerately didn't say any more. He only
called Wang Yun and Lin GongCheng who were walking ahead and happily
began hosting the day's activities.


However Su Quan's plan to help the birthday boy have a relaxing and fun
time ran into some problems.

Because ever since Qiu Qian carried Qiu XiaoHai into the club, Qiu
XiaoHai clutched him tightly and refused to leave his side.

The adults saw that Qiu XiaoHai was so clingy and thought it was quite
amusing. They accompanied this father and son to do everything they could
inside the club. After playing for a while, it was finally discovered that Qiu
XiaoHai was interested in the warm water pool. Thus he changed into his
swimming shorts and leapt into the water with a loud splash. At this time
Qiu XiaoHai finally stopped frowning and began smiling. He held onto his
inflatable donut and began to play in the water.

So when Bai Lang finished his fans meet and came to the club around
sunset time, Qiu XiaoHai had already swam for the entire afternoon and
was now lying on Qiu Qian's stomach and snoring away. The adults also
finally had time to sit down and have a proper chat.

When Qiu Qian, who was sitting with Qiu XiaoHai on his stomach, saw the
server bring in Bai Lang he waved at him to come sit beside him.

Right now in the couches on the lounge, there was also Su Quan as well as
two men that Bai Lang didn't know.

One was approximately as tall as Qiu Qian however his dark and tanned
muscle mass was about twice as big. His features were somewhat rough.

The other was white and cultured looking and he was wearing a pair of gold
rimmed glasses, his aura was calm and intellectual. When these four people
sat together, although they weren't all good looking, however the feeling
they gave off was very eye-catching.

When Bai Lang came in through the door, he heard laughter coming out.

These people seemed very relaxed and the atmosphere was clearly very
comfortable and familiar. When Bai Lang came in, other than Qiu Qian the
other people got quieter and the previous relaxed atmosphere disappeared.

Bai Lang sat next to Qiu Qian. He turned and looked at Qiu XiaoHai's
hanging little head.

Qiu Qian patted Qiu XiaoHai's back. He didn't say anything special but
only simply said, "Let me introduce you guys. This is Bai Lang. The one on
the right is Wang Yun. The one on the left in Lin GongCheng."

Bai Lang followed Qiu Qian's gaze and greeted the other two people.
Su Quan suddenly smiled and asked, "How come you skipped over the host,

At this time Su Quan was sitting to the right of and in front of Qiu Qian on
a single person couch. His legs were crossed elegantly and he looked as
comfortable and as relaxed as if he were in his own home. His exquisite
features didn't have its usual in front of camera fierceness and it was also
different to the gentle and obedient look he assumed in front of Hong Yu.

Right now he looked both free and spirited.

Bai Lang thus voluntarily made a polite greeting. "Hello Mr Su, thank you
for your invitation today."

Su Quan smiled and nodded. "We've been waiting for Mr Bai. Ah Qian
doesn't say it but he's definitely wanted to wait for you before cutting the

The words sounded both admonishing and at the same time playful. Bai
Lang smiled and added, "I'm sorry for being late."

"Don't worry, work is more important ma. Right now you should treasure
this break and tell us more about you and Ah Qian." Su Quan said. "I heard
that Mr Bai is a good cook? Just before Ah Qian was praising you greatly."

"I'm okay." Bai Lang smiled and responded simply.

He didn't know why but in this inconsequential chatter, Bai Lang couldn't
feel any friendliness or kindness so he kept his replies short.

The other two people seemed to be observing and so kept their silence.

"The fact that someone as busy as Mr Bai is willing to personally cook is

really rare," Su Quan smiled and said. "In this day and age even married
wives don't necessarily want to do this kind of thing so the fact that you do
is really very hard to come by."

{T/N: Not so obvious in translation but SQ is putting Bai Lang in a different

category to "wife", vaguely pointing out the fact that he is a kept man aka
mistress. It's very subtle/vague though. Can easily be said to be a
misunderstanding, for example he could just mean BL isn't a woman or that
he is the boyfriend.}

The smile on Bai Lang's face froze slightly. When the sensible Wang Yun
saw this he spoke up, "We should ask the married before Ah Cheng about
this. Have you eaten ex sister-in-law's cooking before?"

"Of course I have. Be envious to death you single dog!" The outwardly
rough looking Lin GongCheng said immediately. "But glasses, what are you
trying to imply? Why emphasize "married before" and "ex sister-in-law".

That's so ugly to hear. You should say she's my lassie's mom!"

"You're already divorced and still don't want to admit it?" Wang Yun
adjusted his glasses. "Until you chase her back, she's still your ex."

"Hei, the divorce wasn't my idea. Isn't it just Xiao Hua got angry and needs
to be pacified?" Lin GongCheng opened his eyes wide and defended

Bai Lang looked at Lin GongCheng with some surprise. In his past life he
didn't remember hearing about Fang Hua getting married again. Fang Hua
was also someone who was very self-protective. Bai Lang vaguely knew
that Fang Hua had a daughter that was around seven or eight years old. This
must be the "lassie" that Lin GongCheng was talking about.

"Right," Wang Yun said mockingly. "Using divorce to pacify your wife. In
this world you're the only one."

Qiu Qian went along to mock him, "If you want to get back together with
Fang Hua, I have to say that your chances are slim."

"What, is there someone I don't know about next to Xiao Hua?" Lin
GongCheng asked in a panicked manner.

"Right now your manner of asking about her when you remember, and
completely disregarding her when you forget," Su Quan shook his head.
"Isn't this just like before you got divorced?"

"That's because I'm busy working to build a future, isn't it also so that my
wife and daughter can have money to spend?" Lin GongCheng's face was
very self-righteous.

"So you should learn from Ah Qian and don't just think about earning
money all the time." Su Quan raised his beautiful eyebrow. "He knows
when to spoil and can keep everyone happy and content, isn't that right?"

The last sentence was specifically spoken to Bai Lang. Su Quan smiled at
him and made it seem as he was referring to Bai Lang with his words.

However Bai Lang was also able to clearly hear the hidden meaning which
was to tell him that before him, Qiu Qian had had a lot of previous

Chapter 32 - Two Business Cards

If Bai Lang was able to hear this subtle meaning then there was no reason
that Qiu Qian couldn't hear it as well.

Qiu Qian immediately grabbed Bai Lang's hand and held it within his in an
exaggerated motion. "Hey don't provoke our relationship okay? Otherwise
tonight I won't be able to enter the bedroom, I'll be very pitiful."

The two people laughed together. However just Bai Lang could tell Su
Quan's intent to provoke was true and not a joke, then Qiu Qian's reproach
was also not fake.

The two other people Wang Yun and Lin GongCheng could see the situation
too. They didn't look very surprised by Su Quan's behavior however they
looked at Bai Lang with more curiosity.

After being reprimanded by Qiu Qian, Su Quan lightly shrugged. "The truth
is the truth, the rest of us are all very envious and you won't even let us talk
about it?" It was though if he took out the identity of an "old friend" then all
words that shouldn't be spoken would be easily forgiven.
Qiu Qian glanced at Su Quan with a vague smile on his face. He held Bai
Lang's hand, the ten fingers intertwined, and gave him a big kiss on the
back of his hand.

"Alright then, in the future I have no choice but to let you guys keep being

Su Quan pretended to sigh loudly as though he couldn't tolerate it any

longer. "Look at you, tsk tsk."

Everything appeared to return to friendliness as though the exchange before

hadn't happened.

Wang Yun, who was sitting to one side, seemed to confirm something in his
mind. He took out his business card to change the topic.

"Just now the introduction wasn't complete. I'm Wang Yun, this is my
business card. It's an honor to meet you. If you need anything you can give
me a call on the number on the card."

Introducing yourself and giving a business card wasn't special however

Wang Yun's next sentence about calling him at any time seemed to be
acknowledging Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's relationship. He also seemed to be
trying to conciliate Su Quan's previous behaviour.

Bai Lang thus looked at Wang Yun again and happened to see Wang Yun's
expression when he threw a quick glance at Qiu Qian. He lowered his eyes
and as though he didn't see anything, accepted the business card with his

Lin GongCheng saw what was happening and hurried to give his business
card too. His attitude also become a lot more friendly.

"Oh, Old Qiu says you work together with Xiao Hua. In the future I'll be
troubling you to take care of her ah. If you see flowers or fruit or any type
of those things on Xiao Hua's table, you need to tell me at once." After he
gave his business card he also took out his mobile phone. "What's your
phone number? I'll send you mine so you can save it."
This speed of getting close made Bai Lang freeze slightly. Qiu Qian
laughed as he said, "Give it to him ba. This fellow is pretty useful. He owns
a security company. If you run into a stalker or a hacker, you can look for

"No problem, no problem, let's take care of each other." Lin GongCheng
nodded his head vigorously. "But Old Qiu tells me that you have Er Hong
following you. He can take care of most things beautifully. He's trained at
my place before you know."

Bai Lang felt surprised. He gave his phone number and then looked
carefully at the two business cards in his hand.

One look and his heart couldn't help jumping.

For one, on Lin GongCheng's business card the words "Wei An Security"

was printed in large letters. Bai Lang recognized it as an industry leader

which can be said to be be number 1 or number 2 in the country's security
business. And Lin GongCheng's title was actually "Boss". It seemed that the
phrase "birds of a feather flock together" was really not a lie. Next to a big
boss could only be other boss-level friends.

However it was the other business card, from Wang Yun, which really made
Bai Lang pause.

"Wang Yun, Ren Shou Hospital". He was a cardiologist.

Although it wasn't the same place that Bai Lang sought treatment in his
previous life (which was University Hospital), this was enough to stimulate
Bai Lang's psyche.

After all until now Bai Lang still hadn't made up his mind whether or not to
tell Qiu Qian about his illness.

In the beginning when Bai Lang had told Qiu Qian that he would "try", he
hadn't thought too much about the longevity of the relationship.
If in three to five years they broke up, then there was no point to tell him
about his illness.

But after being intimate day after day, night after night, this type of thought
also made Bai Lang feel guilty because it made it seem as though he didn't
trust Qiu Qian and didn't have faith in their relationship. However if he was
to change his mind and admit it to him frankly, well then that also came
with its own set of headaches and concerns.

According to the primary doctor of his past life, Dr Fang YingQi, his illness
arose from a genetic predisposition. It wasn't very severe but neither was it
trivial. If it wasn't because Bai Lang had completely contravened the
doctor's orders of sleeping well and avoiding stress in the last days of his
previous life, and if he had instead followed Fang YingQi's treatment plan,
the he would have been able to live one or two decades longer completely
without any problem.

It needed to be said that Fang YingQi was that hospital's most senior
cardiologist and also the number 1 or number 2 specialist in the country.

His diagnosis wouldn't be incorrect. So after his rebirth, Bai Lang had still
gone to Fang YingQi to seek treatment. Because his illness was discovered
early and his treatment also begun earlier, then in this life Bai Lang's
situation should be even better than his previous life.

So if in this life Bai Lang opened his mouth and told Qiu Qian about a
problem that would only cause issues in some ten or twenty years then it
would be quite suspicious, and no matter how he looked at it, it seemed to
be unnecessarily causing worry to others. However nothing was 100%. If
by chance in this life he also very early on.... then what would Qiu Qian do?

Was his way of thinking too selfish?

He thought about it over and over and after his relationship with Qiu Qian
became more stable, the conflict in his heart also grew.

So when he saw Wang Yun's business card, Bai Lang couldn't suppress his
expression from changing.
When Qiu Qian who was sitting next to him pressed closer and asked,

"What's wrong?"

Bai Lang recalled himself. He raised his head and smiled. "It's nothing."

Qiu Qian's gaze wavered slightly but he didn't have time to press the issue
before the Qiu XiaoHai on his body began to move.


Qiu XiaoHai's head moved and then he raised his hand to rub his eyes.

Slowly he woke up.

His hand sleepily rubbed his face and his expression was slightly muddled.

Qiu Qian helped his son pull back up the blanket that had slightly fallen
down. He tilted his head and asked, "Slept enough?"

Qiu XiaoHai sleepily blinked his eyes. He rubbed himself against Qiu Qian
for a bit and then said in unhappy voice, "My neck hurts..."

"Just now you've been lying on your left the whole time. Just turn to the
right and it won't hurt anymore." Qiu Qian patted his son.

Qiu XiaoHai said "oh" and changed his position to the other side. He then
saw Bai Lang who was sitting to Qiu Qian's right and his face lit up. He
called softly, "Ah Bai, you came ah~"

Bai Lang reached out and rubbed Qiu XiaoHai's neck. "Still hurts?"

Qiu XiaoHai immediately twisted his body away from Qiu Qian and
reached out his arms towards him, "Ah Bai hug....."

Qiu Qian immediately offered up his son. "Take him. I've been squashed by
this little piggy for so long I've gone numb."

Bai Lang naturally took Qiu XiaoHai into his arms.

Qiu XiaoHai switched to Bai Lang's arms. He wrapped his arms around Bai
Lang's neck and didn't forget to turn around and protest, "I'm not a little

Qiu Qian made a "ha" noise. "Yes you only eat the same amount as a pig
that's all."

"That, that's because food is yummy ma." Qiu XiaoHai used his best effort
to defend himself. Afterwards he tucked his head under Bai Lang's chin and
acted spoiled. "Ah Bai, I'm hungry. I want to eat little rabbit steamed

"Just endure for a few more seconds, son." Qiu Qian shook his head.

Lin GongCheng who also had a daughter was laughing loudly. "This kiddo
seems like he's completely changed, what a treasure. Just before wasn't he
terribly shy and wouldn't let anyone hold him? Right now he's openly
complaining about being hungry."

Surprise was also all over Wang Yun's face. "Wasn't Xiao Hai being raised
by a nanny? He seems very close with Bai Lang."

Qiu Qian stretched out his body. He wrapped one arm around the back of
Bai Lang's chair, as though enveloping the two people at the same time.

"Oh, didn't I mention it earlier? Right now we're living together."

All of these people's faces froze.

Lin GongCheng was immediately injured. He yelled, "Are you trying to

make others envious to death? I also want to live with Xiao Hua and my
lassie ah!"

Su Quan who was sitting to one side still wore a host's benevolent smile.

However his downcast gaze hid his real expression.

After a moment he finally said, "If you're hungry then let's ask them to
bring out the food. We don't want to let Xiao Hai get hungry."

It was unknown whether it was by coincidence or if it was intentional but

the majority of the conversation on the dinner table revolved around
Xindao. It was mostly Su Quan who was leading the conversation. After
talking about the olden days he switched to talking about the current news
of the place. These old friends from the same hometown had a lot of
common topics of conversation. Bai Lang merely sat to one side and
listened. He didn't interject much.

However Bai Lang also didn't have many free moments. It was as though
Qiu XiaoHai had been bottling up a whole day's worth of conversation. He
enthusiastically chatted to Bai Lang.

All the way from what had happened after he left his house to the
swimming he had done before falling asleep, Qiu XiaoHai insisted on
retelling it from beginning to end.

Also on the dinner table there was a wide assortment of seafood such as
fish, shrimp and crab. They were the type of food that was a bit difficult to

So Bai Lang's mouth was occupied in replying to Qiu XiaoHai's retelling,

and his hands were busy shelling shells and taking out bones.

On the round table, Qiu XiaoHai was sitting between Qiu Qian and Bai
Lang. Bai Lang was busy serving the little master but the big lord Qiu Qian
also managed to get alloted several large and already shelled shrimps. Thus
Qiu Qian took over the task of getting food from the other dishes for these
three people. The inside and outside tasks were all distributed evenly and
everything appeared both natural and harmonious. The other people sitting
at the table all watched and couldn't help having thoughts in their hearts.

And also Qiu XiaoHai's did not deliberately lower his voice when making
childish conversation. Lin GongCheng who was sitting nearby couldn't help
eavesdropping and slowly he was pulled into the conversation and was
extremely diverted. Particularly when the part when Qiu XiaoHai was
talking about changing into his swimmers and he said, we're not sleeping
how come we also need to get naked ah. These words made Lin
GongCheng laugh so hard he nearly choked.

Thus slowly the conversation about Xindao faded away and the audience's
attention became focused on Qiu XiaoHai.

At this time since both Bai Lang and Qiu Qian were present, Qiu XiaoHai's
bravery increased a lot and thus he started chatting more openly to these
uncles he didn't know well.

Lin GongCheng had a daughter so he was familiar with kids. He rushed to

represent the others to ask questions.

"Little brother how old are you?" This weird uncle asked.


"What's your name ah?"

".... Qiu XiaoHai." Qiu XiaoHai was a bit confused. Before hadn't this uncle
already called him by his name?

"What type of activities do you like to do normally?"

Qiu XiaoHai paused. Bai Lang translated, "He's asking what you like to do
after finishing class."

"Oh. I like to watch cartoons, eat food, do my homework, take a shower,

listen to a story and then go to sleep."

Qiu XiaoHai tilted his head and obediently listed in the order of the things
he did.

"You have homework? Aren't you only five? Can you even write ah," Lin
GongCheng pretended to be very surprised.

"I, I can write my name oh, and numbers! Ah Bai helps me write it!"

"Oh, so good. Then is there any little sister that you like at school ah?"
"Why are you asking that, he's not you." Wang Yu interjected.

"But he's Old Qiu's son ah," Lin GongCheng waved his hand.

Just as expected, Qiu XiaoHai responded honestly, "I like Ah Zan, but Ah
Zan isn't a little sister oh."

Chapter 33 - University Hospital

After Lin GongCheng heard that he smacked the table and laughed loudly.

"Look, you can't have a son carelessly ba. This answer is just what I thought

Qiu XiaoHai realized at this time that he was being teased. He twisted his
head around and asked, "Why is Uncle laughing?"

Qiu Qian aimed a look at Lin GongCheng. "He's happy for you. The little
sister he liked ran away."

Lin GongCheng's laughter immediately died in his throat. Qiu XiaoHai

opened his eyes wide. "Why ah?"

Bai Lang ruffled Qiu XiaoHai's head. "It's not polite to ask that. You need to
comfort Uncle."

"Oh," Qiu XiaoHai obediently nodded his head. "Uncle don't be sad." After
thinking for a moment he added, "Anyway, girls are very troublesome."

The table erupted into wild laughter, including Qiu Qian.

At this time Qiu XiaoHai felt bullied and started becoming unhappy. He slid
off the chair and ran to Bai Lang's side, clinging onto him. Bai Lang
softened his laughter and hugged Qiu XiaoHai on his knee and began
comforting him. Qiu XiaoHai pouted and decided he wouldn't talk

However not long after it was time to cut the cake. When the cake appeared
with lit candles on top, Qiu XiaoHai's eyes brightened.
Qiu Qian finally remembered to comfort his son. He turned and asked if he
wanted to blow out the candles. Qiu XiaoHai nodded vigorously and
immediately lunged forward. Bai Lang had to steady him around the waist
to avoid him falling onto the table.

Afterwards there was a "hu!" sound and Qiu XiaoHai grinned as he

completed his mission. He twisted his head to look for Qiu Qian's praise.

The image was just like a real family celebrating a birthday together.


After these celebration finished, it was time for the party to end.

Around 8, 9PM Qiu XiaoHai was already rubbing his eyes tiredly. Qiu Qian
didn't delay and told everyone to hurry on home to rest.

Lin GongCheng hadn't seen Er Hong for a long time. He wanted to go along
with them to chat so left together with Qiu Qian and the others.

After they left, the emptied club became significantly more quiet and

Su Quan who was left behind poured himself a glass of wine. His chair was
in front of the floor length windows. He looked out at the sparse distant
lights and his expression was unclear.

"Ah Qian has changed a lot. I've never seen him like this before."

On the other side, Wang Yun was also holding a cup of spirits and turning it
in his hand. "But at our age it's probably time to settle down and have a

"Perhaps," Su Quan faintly smiled. "Bai Lang is a good schemer. He's able
to control Qiu XiaoHai very well."

Wang Yun went quiet for a moment. It seemed he didn't quite agree
however in the end he still said, "No matter what it's good to have someone
to dedicate oneself to. Ah Qian probably also wants to try it."
"How can you dedicate yourself to something that's bought with money?"

Su Quan twisted his head to look at Wang Yun. His gaze was very severe.

Wang Yun looked looked at Su Quan's perfect side profile. He couldn't help
but said, "Well it's better than having no hope at all."

Su Quan's expression froze. It was as though he had been hurt by what

Wang Yun had said. He turned his head back again. After a moment he
finally said, "I didn't want it to be like this either. But Ah Yun, I've been
working hard for so long and I don't want to end up with nothing in the

"Since it's like this," Wang Yun sighed. "Then why do you still..."

"However right now Ah Qian already has the power and capability." Su
Quan interrupted Wang Yun. His face showed an extremely trusting
expression. "As long as he wants to, nothing can stop him anymore. But
until then he shows he's willing, I still can't leave..."

"If you don't leave, then how do you expect Ah Qian to be willing?" Wang
Yun's expression was very distant.

"That's why I need your help Ah Yun." Su Quan raised his eyes and stared
fixedly at Wang Yun. "Haven't you always supported me to be with Ah

Wang Yun looked away from Su Quan's gaze. He laughed bitterly. "Don't
look at me like that. I know that my transfer to University Hospital is
because of your connections. But Ah Qian has also helped me before."

"I'm not asking you to do anything bad to Ah Qian. It's to help both of us."

Su Quan made his gaze very warm. "In the end, me and Ah Qian, we will
definitely be happy together."

Seeing Wang Yun at the party reminded Bai Lang that it was approximately
time for him to go his half yearly review at the cardiology clinic.

It was just that Bai Lang's fame recently had been increasing and so trying
to go to the hospital without Fang Hua or Hong Hong knowing was
becoming increasingly difficult. Also there was this watch. If he wore
something everyday but suddenly stopped wearing it, Bai Lang wasn't sure
whether or not Qiu Qian would get suspicious.

According to what Qiu Qian told him he wasn't so free as to wear earphones
24 hours a day to spy on him. It was only that sometimes when he was
bored he would take it out for "entertainment". Of course this type of
entertainment was also very perverted. The only thing that made it
somewhat better was that Qiu Qian had never forced him to wear it and said
it was up to him.

In the end, Bai Lang had no choice but to ask Rong SiQi for help. Outside
Qiu Qian's group, Rong SiQi was the friend that Bai Lang trusted the most.

Bai Lang asked Rong SiQi to help him using his family contacts and not
Fang Hua to make an appointment at the University Hospital for a routine
health check up. Bai Lang could then use the excuse of accompanying Rong
SiQi as a friend and go together with him to the hospital.

Thus if anyone was hiding in the hospital to take a picture of Bai Lang, then
he could use this as a good excuse. All he had to do was make sure that no
one recognized him at the moment of him walking into Fang YingQi's

However Rong SiQi's methods was far more effective than Bai Lang had

After Rong SiQi heard about Bai Lang's situation, he was so shocked he
stared at Bai Lang for a good long while. He completely showed an
ordinary person's fear when confronted with someone with a "heart
disease". Bai Lang laughed helplessly and had to comfort him, explaining
that it wasn't some serious illness. It was just like high blood pressure or
diabetes, all he needed was to take extra care and precautions that's all.
However Rong SiQi still treated it as though it was a calamitous event.

Through his contacts he directly requested that the University Hospital open
a special clinic room. When Bai Lang went he found the already arrived
much earlier Fang YingQi waiting for him. When the door closed no one
knew what Bai Lang had gone in for so Bai Lang could rest easy and get his
check up. It was the least risky method.

However if Bai Lang was destined to be discovered then no matter what he

did or how much care he took, he still would not be able to escape the
clutches of fate.

Just as Bai Lang finished his check up and walked out of the clinic, he was
seen by Wang Yun who had just transferred and had come to complete his
administration procedures.

Because of the angle, Bai Lang didn't see the Wang Yun who was in the
corner however Wang Yun's gaze immediately flew from him to the clinic
room that he had come out of. However the clinic had no signs and this
demonstrated that this room was a private room that was not usually open to
the public.

Thus after Bai Lang left the clinic and made a phone call, walking further
and further way, Wang Yun stood in a nearby corner to watch for a few
minutes. Just as he expected, the empty clinic room door opened once again
and from inside, one of Wang Yun's colleagues came out. It was Fang
YingQi who was said to tipped to be next cardiology boss at the hospital.

He was wearing his white coat and in his hands seemed to be a patient file.

Wang Yun's heart leapt. He stepped back closer to the wall and watched as
Fang YingQi's shadow disappeared in the opposite direction. Suddenly he
remembered that people working in the same specialist clinic had the ability
to request each other's patient's files.

At this time, Gold finally finished its one month cinema run and the entire
box office takings had already reached 380 million.

This small production which had only cost 40 million to make and over half
of it was the money used in the latter half of promotion. Gold not only
made his owners a lot of money but also catapulted Bai Lang, Que QiMing
as well as the female lead Shen AiRu to fame.

So a rumor began circulating within the circle that Gold might even be able
to squeeze in a few names into this year's Golden Emperor awards. This

news made made Fang Hua overjoyed. She directly that since she picked
Bai Lang, that her eyes couldn't be wrong however when it came to his
future development, they still had be cautious.

Because when it came to award nominations, it might not matter to an older

established actor, but as for a newcomer they should probably avoid having
any other movies during that time in order to prevent their performance
review being changed.

Often there were cases were a newcomer might be praised for their initial
first performance, however their following movie might suffer cruel
reviews and ratings.

Because although each movie should theoretically be judged independently,

however if the award was handed to the newcomer at the same time as
when he or she was being critically panned for the performance of their
second movie, then often the effect will be soured a lot and people would
suspect some kind of behind the scenes deals. After this had happened
before, the judging panel got wise to it and they started to think about
various factors before handing out awards. Thus after being nominated, it
was better for newcomers to avoid another movie in the short term.

However TV shows were different. TV shows and movies were seen by

people to be completely different territories. Even though it was still acting,
however the pacing and the length was different so people were able to
differentiate between acting on the two mediums. Thus after Gold the
scripts that Fang Hua gave Bai Lang were TV scripts.
As for the scripts that Fang Hua had given him, Bai Lang knew that they
had all achieved not bad results in his past life.

The first was a period drama. The first male lead's role was offered to Bai
Lang. This role was someone who was elegant, passionate and handsome. It
was not too dissimilar from the Lin ChuanQing role in Gold.

So Bai Lang considered the second drama. It was a crime thriller.

Because of the scandal that had erupted over the crime show that Kang Jian
had been in previously, this type of television series had not been shown for
a long time. Thus in his previous life when this series aired, it had gotten
good reviews and ratings. Of course the script itself was also very good.

And the other main reason that Bai Lang was interested in this drama was
because within it he would portray one of the two male leads, a undercover
spy with a delinquent type image and not a typical righteous police officer.

Underneath his seemingly rough and improper appearance, this undercover

bore considerable responsibility and pressure and he was also one of the
most riveting parts of the drama.

To Bai Lang this would be really exceeding the image of his previous roles
and that's why he wanted to do it.

Even Fang Hua agreed with him that choosing this role would be good for
his future development.

However the only thing which Bai Lang felt wary about was that in this
drama he would have a significant amount of action and fighting scenes.

Although the most dangerous scenes would be done by a stunt double,

however the was still high physical requirements associated with the role. It
was something that the Bai Lang in his previous life had never experienced
A few weeks ago when he had gone to the clinic for the checkup, Fang
YingQi had praised him for his eating, exercising and lifestyle habits

This meant that as long as he warmed up his body well before the action
scenes and took care to rest in between, then it wasn't as though it was
impossible for him to do some more strenuous exercises. Of course he also
couldn't overdo it or keep it up for an extended period of time. This type of
assessment was very tempting and thus Bai Lang even called up Fang
YingQi (who had given him his phone number at the last assessment) and
received the opinion of "not really supporting but also not really against it".

Just as Bai Lang was still trying to make up his mind, one afternoon Fang
Hua accepted a beer commercial job for Bai Lang.

At this this beer commercial, something happened which helped Bai Lang
make up his mind to accept the challenge of this role.

Chapter 34 - Beer Commercial

Bai Lang's alcohol tolerance was very low.

His first time drinking had been a bad experience. It was the time he had
been tricked into going to the club accompany people and ended up being
teased by Qiu Qian. And now because of his body's condition, Bai Lang
wouldn't touch alcohol unless he absolutely had to. And alcohol tolerance
was something that needed to slowly built up. If he suddenly drank after not
touching it for a long time, then it was very easy to get drunk.

When Fang Hua had helped Bai Lang accept this commercial, she hadn't
thought about Bai Lang's alcohol tolerance. She had only thought that the
brand image of his company was quite good and because it was a chain, the
exposure would also be good. It completely wouldn't lose the initial UNI
advertisement. So without asking Bai Lang for his opinion, Fang Hua
accepted it.
Thus Bai Lang had no choice but to go. Very early on he had informed the
crew members that he was not good at drinking. If he NG'ed too many
times and got dizzy then he would have no choice but to stop and rest for a
while before continuing.

Of course there was another method which was to change the alcohol to a
clear colored non alcoholic beverage during filming. In front of the cameras
this kind of bait and switch was often used and as long as post production
was done carefully, no one would be able to tell the difference.

However when the owner heard this he immediately stamped his feet. He
said the color of his brand's beer was very clear and beautiful. The bubbles
were very thick and perfect and couldn't be replaced with any other kind of
liquid to fool the eye. He absolutely would not allow that in the commercial
he had spent a lot of money on, to feature something that wasn't his own
beer. Thus Bai Lang was fated to get drunk.

The script for the beer commercial wasn't complicated.

It was just about a young fellow who had just suffered a heartbreak drinking
beer at a bar to forget his troubles. At this time dazzling beauty appeared
and walked towards him. Her long wavy hair was paired with a sexy
miniskirt. All of the gazes of the men in the bar became fixed on her.

The young fellow immediately blocked the beauty's way and used various
methods to try and get her attention. The beauty's interest was finally
piqued. She raised her eyebrow and asked him what he wanted? The young
fellow immediately pointed at the beer the beauty was holding. It was the
last one in the fridge that was taken away by the beauty.

The beauty naturally got angry. She poured beer all over the young fellow's
head then shoved the rest of the bottle towards him and left in a queenly
manner. The young fellow was left behind contentedly holding and drinking
the remaining half of the bottle. And the rest of the men in the bar were also
staring at him. It turns out from the beginning to the end they were also
only interested in this bottle of beer.
The script wasn't exactly logical. It wasn't something that would happen in
real life and hence there weren't any spoken lines. The actors had to use
their bodies and facial expressions just like in a mime to convey the
comedic effect and make the audience laugh.

Of course Bai Lang was playing this young fellow.

And as for the beauty, she was the new film empress that Bai Lang had met
not long ago at Rong Ai's birthday party, Fei Hong.


When Fei Hong won the Golden Emperor award for best female actress the
previous year, there were many people that thought there was some behind
the scenes deals going on.

Many people criticized her features for being too fierce and her figure for
being too seductive, with a large chest and a small waist. Every role played
by her took on a provocative type feeling, and her acting skill didn't seem to
able to cover up her appearance.

And the role for which she had won the award was someone that was
exactly the same as her. Someone with an eye-catching appearance and a
soft personality. It was a role that was easily likeable and also easy to play
and plus the film really sold very well at the box office. Hence she was able
to climb up and just grasp the Golden Emperor award.

But no matter what, if Fei Hong was really a bad actress then no matter how
much "tactics" was behind the Golden Emperor award, she still would not
have gotten it. So even if Fei Hong perhaps did not quite deserve the name
of "film empress", she was still someone that had real ability.

So asking Fei Hong to play the role of the beauty in the beer commercial
should have been an easy ask. She wore a fiery red suit jacket and skirt, and
showed off her ample bust and two beautiful long and white legs. It made
almost all the young people on the set, a large proportion of whom were
young men in the late teens and early twenties, nearly lose their heads.
In the short commercial Bai Lang was portraying a frustrated young man.

His styling was also very handsome. He wore a silk shirt with silver lining
around the neck as though he was going to a nightclub. Unlike his usual
elegant and cultured image, there was an additional sexy and alluring

Thus, when it was time to film the scene of the beer "pouring", when the
first glass of beer was poured onto Bai Lang's head, he slightly tilted his
head and as the liquid slid down his face, he lightly licked his lips and and
his eyes smiled at Fei Hong in an electric manner. Fei Hong slightly froze.

The director yelled out, "Cut!"

Fei Hong's expression didn't pass. They had to restart.

It was like a chain reaction had been set off. One time, two, times, three
times and more. All of them NGs of the scene where Fei Hong was pouring
beer onto Bai Lang.

It got to the point when the crew members had no choice but use a hairdryer
to quickly dry off Bai Lang's shirt. Today they had prepared five shirts so

that he could change if the scene needed to be reshot. However they didn't
expect that it would have to be done so many times and so it still wasn't

The first six times was Fei Hong's mistake. But on the seventh time, just as
it seemed everything was going smoothly, it was Bai Lang's turn to mess
up. Because the alcohol had gone up his nose and Bai Lang, who had low
alcohol tolerance, was already feeling not well.

By this time everyone's faces wasn't good. It meant they had no choice but
to stop and take a rest so that would mean the filming would run overtime.

Most of the crew members secretly pointed the finger at Fei Hong. After all
the first six times she had either had an incorrect expression or her
movement was not timed well and once she actually twisted her ankle.
Every time it was something different. It was as though she was deliberately
trying to make trouble.

Because every time she NG'd then Bai Lang would have to wash his face
and change his makeup and clothes again. It would take around 20 minutes
before he was able to refilm the scene with Fei Hong. Not only did Bai
Lang suffer but also the makeup and set crew.

During the interval, Fei Hong was very apologetic. She clasped her hands to
apologize to the crew members. "I'm really not doing it on purpose. The
more I do it the more my hand shakes. Thinking about how I've made Mr
Bai suffer, I really feel so bad and so I get even more nervous. And so my
movements.... I also want to successfully pass the scene. I, I'll go and
apologize to Mr Bai."

Her soft and gentle words made the crew members angers abate slightly.

They saw Fei Hong running to knock on Bai Lang's dressing room door
with a contrite expression and so they shook their heads and dispersed.

At this time Bai Lang was sitting on the couch in his dressing room with his
eyes closed, waiting for the alcohol to pass.

When Bai Lang got tipsy actually he wouldn't get red much, however he
would get dizzy and his stomach would hurt. So thus before Bai Lang

wanted to rush to pass the scene and so he had already tried to force himself
to hold out longer and had inhaled quite a lot of alcohol. Now that he sat
down his entire body felt dizzy. He hurried to drink an alcohol suppressing
drink but Hong Hong insisted that it would be better for him to eat
something to line his stomach and so he had gone out to find Bai Lang
something to eat.

At this time Fei Hong knocked on Bai Lang's door. Bai Lang opened his
eyes and let her in.

After she entered the room, Fei Hong closed the door behind her. As the
two people looked at each other, the apologetic look in Fei Hong's eyes
faded quite a lot. An expression that was both helpless and also somewhat
nonchalant, appeared in her eyes. "Sorry, I also don't want to do this. The
situation forces me. I hope you can understand."

These words was Fei Hong approximately admitting that her actions before
was intentional. Bai Lang used an unkind gaze to look at Fei Hong. The
uncomfortable feeling coursing through his body made him too lazy to play
games with her. He directly asked, "Qiu Kuo?"

Fei Hong smiled. Coupled with her outstanding features, it was a very
alluring. She found a sofa and sat down. Her initial nonchalant expression
also cracked a little to show some tiredness. "Who else could it be? Qiu
Kuo doesn't like Qiu Qian and so when he heard that we would be working
together, he instructed me to do this. After all at the party everyone saw
how Qiu Qian treated you."

Bai Lang felt bitter and helpless. Was this sending your pawn to fight the
other side's pawn? This type of low-class provocation really made him
speechless. However judging by Qiu Kuo's behaviour at the Rong family
party, it was just like him.

But no matter what , Bai Lang felt somewhat frustrated. Did he really look
this easy to bully?

According to what Fei Hong was saying, the entire affair was so Fei Hong
could have something to report back to Qiu Kuo. Her torturing him wasn't

of her own free will, thus the person that had to cooperate and suffer was
Bai Lang.

Now that he thought about it it wasn't the first time. Bai Lang couldn't help
saying, "You're the second."

There wasn't any context and so Fei Hong couldn't understand. "Sorry?"

"You are the second person that after making trouble for me, came running
to confess that they were being directed by others." Bai Lang raised his
head and laughed.
The first time, it was Gao FenFen from In Front of and Behind the

"Isn't that normal in this circle?" Fei Hong twisted her lips. "On the surface
it looks shiny but underneath its very black."

"Indeed. However it also proves that you lot "troublemakers" never thought
to have anything to be concerned about." Bai Lang faintly smiled. "You
never thought about whether or not everything that you've done would be
remembered by me, Bai Lang."

Bai Lang suddenly became cold and that made Fei Hong freeze slightly.

"Right now perhaps I'm not worthy of that regard," Bai Lang looked
unblinkingly at Fei Hong. "Thank you for reminding me. I will work hard
to be worthy. I won't allow people to use me as they wish." And simply wait
for Qiu Qian to help him clean up the mess.

Because right now he didn't want to be someone that hid behind Qiu Qian
but someone that stood by his side.

Looking at him now, Fei Hong's heart suddenly jumped.

Just like the first time she had NG'ed, when she really couldn't look away
from him.


When filming resumed, although the effect of alcohol on Bai Lang hadn't
completely receded, everything still passed smoothly.

It was unknown whether it was related to Bai Lang's words however after
the interval, Fei Hong didn't try to make any more trouble for him.

It was only that the very last scene of "contentedly drinking beer" was still
very troublesome for Bai Lang. Luckily he didn't NG many times and
passed it speedily. Otherwise if he got tipsy again the entire crew would
have waste their time waiting for him again.
Although he passed it quickly but by the time the entire filming was
completed, it was already late at night.

Today the people responsible for picking up Bai Lang from work was not
only Hong Hong but also Qiu Qian. It was also the first time Qiu Qian had
appeared at Bai Lang's work location.

When Hong Hong went to bring the car around, Bai Lang was sitting
dizzily on the sofa. He raised his eyes and saw Qiu Qian.

"What are you doing here?"

"You drank so how could I not come?" Qiu Qian came in freely to the
dressing room. He sat next to Bai Lang and put his long arm around him.

"How do you feel?"

Bai Lang leaned against Qiu Qian and closed his eyes. "Dizzy."

"I knew it." Qiu Qian laughed lowly. He stroked Bai Lang's chin lightly. "I
know that right now you'll get excited easily."

After speaking his lowered his head and pressing Bai Lang into the couch,
he kissed him searingly.

Bai Lang's entire body immediately got hot. It was just like the first time he
had met Qiu Qian when he was completely unable to defend himself.

Hearing Bai Lang's quickened breathing, Qiu Qian pushed further and
licked his lips. "Fang Hua's pay should be docked. She actually made you
accept this kind of commercial."

Bai Lang had the sensation of the alcohol permeating every pore of his
body. From the top of his toes to the ends of his hair he felt hot. Very
vaguely, Bai Lang remembered the first time he had met Qiu Qian and he
had gotten drunk at the club. Just like that time, right now Bai Lang got
Bai Lang hooked his arms around Qiu Qian's neck. He said in a breathless
manner. "Let's go home. This time I won't run away."

Qiu Qian was satisfied but at the same time dissatisfied. He grabbed the
person and clutched him in his arms. "In the future, don't ever drink

Bai Lang vaguely agreed and then sunk into a feeling of relaxation and

Chapter 35 - Cigarette

"How come you have time to come here today?"

Qiu Qian rarely stayed at the shipping company's headquarters. But today
there was an unexpected guest.

Wang Yun looked slightly surprised. He walked into Qiu Qian's luxurious
looking office.

It was a big building next to the harbour. The floor length windows showed
panoramic ocean views and also made the very spacious office not look
empty and instead added an extra feeling of luxury. Wang Yun couldn't help
but sigh. "Sometimes it seems that you haven't changed at all these years
but when I walk into a place like this, I can really feel that you're now a big

Qiu Qian laughed. He waved Wang Yun over the guest couch. "Sit."

At this time three polite knocks sounded on the office door. A very neat
looking secretary came in holding a tray with a pot of aromatic tea. She
placed it down then left quickly. Such a well-trained and orderly employee
showed the high standards of the company.

Of course Qiu Qian was not included within this. Although his flower print
shirt had already been changed by Bai Lang to a well-fitted shirt custom
made by the Regal Suit, however this didn't prevent Qiu Qian from
unbuttoning the top buttons as well as rolling up his sleeves. His arrogant
and untamed demeanour had not changed from before.

Qiu Qian lifted up the pot and poured tea for Wang Yun. "Right now when
doing business it's not just about the contents. Some western people really
like looking at the surface appearance. So I use this place to intimidate them
a bit first so that everything after becomes much more smooth."

Wang Yun thanked him. "Looks like everyone's work has changed a lot. So
much time has passed, sometimes it feels like we've become strangers. Next

time I'll go to over to Ah Cheng's and see what his office looks like now."

"Ah Cheng has changed even more," Qiu Qian laghed. "The entire building
is like a fortress, even the windows have iron bars."

"That shows how well he's doing," Wang Yun shook his head. "I'm so busy
that I haven't had time go around and didn't even know about it."

Qiu Qian smiled again. He pushed a few things aside and sat down on the
couch. "So what's the reason for you coming all this way today?"

"Asking it like that it seems like I'm not welcome?" Wang Yun teased him.

"We're not like that, come on. What do you need?"

"Then I also won't beat around the bush. It's Ah Quan who asked me come
here to apologize on his behalf. For Bai Lang."

"On his behalf?" Qiu Qian smiled vaguely.

"He thought right now you probably aren't very happy with him," Wang
Yun drank a sip of tea. "He knows that the things he said at the party
weren't good to hear."

Qiu Qian flicked away some non-existent dust on his pants. "If he knows
that then why did he say it?"

"Because he admitted that he's jealous."

After Wang Yun spoke, Qiu Qian immediately glanced over.

Wang Yun met his gaze and sighed. "Of course, it's jealousy over Bai
Lang's good fortune to meet someone like you. Because right now Boss
Hong's tactics are really making him very frustrated."

After this sentence, Qiu Qian's expression became more normal. "This is
something he should already be clear about. Back then the choice between
me and Boss Hong was already given to him. He was the one who chose
and nobody forced him."

Wang Yun paused a second then asked, "Then if something like that
happened to Bai Lang, what would you do?"

Qiu Qian's gaze once again swept over Wang Yun. The gaze was so piercing
that Wang Yun was filled with embarrassment.

Qiu Qian suddenly smiled coldly. "Bai Lang won't get a choice like that. I
won't let anyone have the chance to give him such a choice."

Wang Yun twitched slightly. He cleared his throat then said, "Then will you
help Ah Quan convey his apologies to Bai Lang?"

"Sure ah," Qiu Qian said. At this time he took out a cigarette box from his
pocket. He asked Wang Yun, "Do you mind?"

Wang Yun shook his head. He said, "Last time at the gathering I didn't see
you smoke. I thought you quit. I have to say from a professional perspective
that it's not good for you."

"Xiao Hai was there. I only smoke in the office." Qiu Qian dangled the
cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a practiced motion. He took a deep

"It's true that second hand smoke is bad for kids." Wang Yun smiled and
agreed. "But there's others too. Such as my patients, it's not good for them
to smell second hand smoke. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I've changed
At this time Wang Yun took out his business card and handed it to Qiu
Qian. His pair of eyes were fixed on Qiu Qian, carefully observing his

Qiu Qian took it and only glanced at it once. "University Hospital? Not bad
ah. It's famous throughout the country. This can be a considered a
promotion ba."

Wang Yun met Qiu Qian's eyes before slowly looking away. He smiled.

"You can consider it like that. There's many interesting cases there."


The beer commercial made Bai Lang consider a lot of things, for example
that only people of a certain level could do certain things.

After his rebirth Bai Lang had decided to get together with Qiu Qian for the
purpose of gratitude. In the same manner he had put a lot of thought into his
road as an actor. He had decided to pursue his own feelings and interests.

He wanted to be able to pick his own scripts and play the parts that he
wanted. As for fame or influence, to the reborn Bai Lang they weren't as
important as being happy and comfortable. He felt in this way if he didn't
have too many ambitions then he also wouldn't become a burden to Qiu

But now that he wanted to stand side by side with Qiu Qian, then based on
Bai Lang's personality, his own happiness couldn't help but be tangled up
with his concern for Qiu Qian. Just like in his previous life when Bai Lang
had been good to Kang Jian, in this life Bai Lang couldn't help but want to
take care of Qiu Qian. Bai Lang couldn't stand becoming the source of
trouble for Qiu Qian, even if the root of those troubles started because of
Qiu Qian himself. In this situation he definitely didn't want to sit by
helplessly and wait for someone else to rescue him.

So Bai Lang decided to take the risk and accept Chaos Street. This was the
crime thriller that Fang Hua had recommended.
He needed to steadily accumulate connections and build his reputation.

Other than money, this was the best way to strengthen his position in the

As for money, at the time of Gold finally finishing its cinema run, it was
also the time for the second book in that series to be placed on the market. It
followed the same trajectory of the first book which had already laid down
the foundations, and within two weeks broke the record set by the first
book, selling 4 million copies. This allowed Bai Lang to obtain his first
windfall and he began to lay down the foundations of his business portfolio.

Bai Lang's sights were set on the online shopping platforms that ten years
later would become popular and mainstream.

Thinking about the political and business influence of this platform years
later, Bai Lang decided to choose it and forgo the real estate investment that
would only bring his money and not much else. He decided to put all his
money into investing in online shopping platforms. Right now this type of
online company was only in their infancy and currently happened to be in
the stage of hard fundraising for investors.

Of course this kind of investment was not without risk. Even if in his
previous life online shopping platforms became very popular, but once Bai
Lang's investment set off a chain of butterfly effect, who knows if things
would be different? Perhaps it would be as the old saying went, that success
was born out of desperation and necessity. Now that the money was handed
over easily, would it in fact ruin their prospects?

Thus before making the final decision, Bai Lang sat Qiu Qian down one
night to talk over things thoroughly. After all Qiu Qian was one of the
major shareholders of his publishing company. This money had he earned
from the sales of the books also belonged partly to him.

However even before Bai Lang had a chance to finish going through
everything he prepared, Qiu Qian poured cold water on his head and said it
was up to him to make the decision. If he didn't have enough money then he
could take it out of the card, however if he wanted to sell the apartment he
would have to wait until Qiu Qian had found a more suitable one.

Bai Lang paused. He asked suspiciously, "What apartment?"

Qiu Qian stuck his feet into his slippers and rifled through the draws before
taking out a stack of paper. He admitted, "I used your documents to transfer
this house to you."

The things he was holding was the freshly prepared forged and stolen
documents. {T/N: You can't transfer a house to someone randomly without

their permission. QQ forged and/or took Bai Lang's documents to do it

without him knowing.} Bai Lang stared.

This crook Qiu Qian grabbed him and began kissing him all over. He said

"Should I get some handcuffs? I can go buy some tomorrow and we can
play at home."

Thus the righteous hero Bai Lang was pressed down by the villain onto the

The day after next a pair of handcuffs really materialized beside the bed.

Bai Lang would rather die than admit he was actually quite curious...


The crime thriller Chaos Street was primarily about a young recruit freshly
graduated from the police academy. He had a strong sense of justice and
saw things in a black and white manner. He was full of passion for this
career as a police officer. However afterwards when faced with the harsh
reality of fulfilling his missions, he was forced to confront the grayness and
ambiguities of human nature and relationships.

As the long-term undercover "Luo Zai", Bai Lang's role was the one which
was the catalyst causing this young rookie's conflict and journey of growth.
When a murder case was traced back to Luo Zai, then just like in his final
exam at the police academy, this young rookie's sense of gratitude and
responsibility, and the conflict between the justice and friendship, was
harshly tested as he struggled to make a decision that he wouldn't regret

The drama had a lot of conflict and struggle but at the same time it was full
of human warmth and positive energy. After Bai Lang roughly read the
script he even had a few regrets that he had never thought about pursuing
police work as a career.

Other than a passionate and fiery script, Chaos Street followed the format
of some Western shows and arranged for some A-listers to come and make
a short appearance as a guest actor in some episodes. There were short

episodic stories but also an overarching long plotline that eventually built
into a climactic finale. This would make the the drama more interesting and

And the guest stars even included among them the film emperor Su Quan
whom in Bai Lang's previous life had never appeared in this TV show.

So as this just a coincidence or was it intentional? Was it Hong Yu's doing

or was it Su Quan's own decision?

When Bai Lang received the list of cast members, he couldn't help but feel a
sense of unease.


But at the same time as Chaos began its scheduled activities, the full of
misfortune Emperor Feng finally completed its filming.

Even though the filming process was filled with wind and rain, once it
reached theatres it still caused a buzz of excitement and popularity.

After all just based on the fame of the actors alone it was enough to
suppress all other movies coming out at the same time.
However it was unfortunate that due to the intervention of various
governmental bodies, the film was heavily edited and so the plot became
somewhat inconsistent. This meant that Su Quan's performance also
suffered under this treatment and many critics said that his status as the film
emperor might be affected.

It was really misfortunate. Who in the artistic and cultural community didn't
hate being ruthlessly edited by an outside source?

But no matter what Emperor Feng's premiere was still very grand.

That night superstars and important people were everywhere, and it can be
considered once-a-year type event for the movie industry.

Qiu Qian also received an invitation to go to the premiere of Emperor Feng.

Bai Lang did too. In order to prevent the paparazzi once again making news
of the discord between Bai Lang and Su Quan because of this nickname

"Little Su Quan", Fang Hua specifically reminded Bai Lang that he

definitely had to go and show his support.

So since Bai Lang had to go, Qiu Qian naturally wanted to follow however
this time Qiu XiaoHai rejected being left at home and threw a big tantrum.

Normally Bai Lang didn't mind the three people going out together but it
wasn't good for Qiu XiaoHai to show his face under such exposed
circumstances. After all right now there were a lot of laws protecting
privacy and rights of children. So Qiu Qian was persuaded by Bai Lang to
stay at home to accompany Qiu XiaoHai to watch it on TV. However Qiu
XiaoHai wasn't completely satisfied. He would much have rather gone out
with Ah Bai to watch the movie.

Thus on the night of the premiere they saw Bai Lang appear on the screen.

He was bathed in a glow of lights and smiled gently as he waved to the

people around him, before walking inside slowly.
Outside the screen, Qiu Qian held Qiu XiaoHai to watch and could
somewhat understand why his son had made a fuss today. The distance
between what was happening in the screen and themselves seemed very
long and lonely.

"Daddy, Ah Bai appeared!" Qiu XiaoHai declared loudly, his eyes lighting

"Yes, I see it." Qiu Qian paused. "What are you doing?"

Qiu XiaoHai was madly waving at the TV. "I'm saying hello to Ah Bai.

Qiu Qian patted his son's head. "He can't see it."

"He can oh." Qiu XiaoHai insisted. "Ah Bai said that when he blinks on the
screen that means he's waving back."

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. On the screen, Bai Lang found an angle and
looked into the camera for a slightly extended moment. He smiled and
blinked his eyes. It didn't look purposeful but on his knees Qiu XiaoHai
immediately became excited and waved even more vigorously.

Suddenly the distance between them really seemed to shorten.

Whether or it was an actual response, of course a child could not really tell.

Qiu Qian smiled and rubbed his son then gazed at the television screen

However his smile suddenly froze.

Because the last shot of Bai Lang as he walked into the venue showed Su
Quan as well as another tall and large man walking towards him as if to
greet him.

And Qiu Qian also recognized this man.

Chapter 36 - Life Saving Medication Qi ShaoDong, a vice president of

Vision Construction.
He was also the younger brother of Qi ShaoHua who was the heir of Vision

These two brothers weren't like the ones in the Qiu family who fought each
other for power and control.

Because the Qi family had stared clearly from a long time ago that only the
first wife's son Qi ShaoHua would have the right to inherit the family
enterprises. As for Qi ShaoDong this son that was born after the original
wife had passed away, he could only obtain a small percentage of the
inheritance and that was it. After all the Qi family relied on the first wife's
Wei family connections and money to establish themselves and it was only
in the last couple of years that they had really become a business empire.

Thus ever since young Qi ShaoDong had been raised in a free and easy
manner. Not much attention was placed on him and also not much pressure.

However he seemed to be ambitious. He went overseas to study and after

returning he obediently started working at the company from the bottom up
and had already climbed up to the position of a vice president. Of course
within this Qi ShaoDong's mother had also secretly helped her son behind
the scenes. But no matter how hard Qi ShaoDong worked it was impossible
for him to surpass his older brother. And so perhaps out of a sense of guilt,
the Qi family was very lax in their attitude towards Qi ShaoDong's
behaviour in his personal life.

Qi ShaoDong had a reputation. He was often featured on the tabloid news

as someone who liked to destroy other people's relationships.

It was though he was trying to make up for something he lacked. For some
reason Qi ShaoDong, who had both looks and money, seemed to like
stealing other people's girlfriends. And it wasn't any random person, but

they were always people who were tipped to and anticipated to inherit
family businesses or conglomerates. In the beginning no one thought Qi
ShaoDong was doing it on purpose. After all before men and women were
married they were all still considered single, but after two or three
successive similar cases, it seemed less coincidental and more purposeful.
Thus his reputation was established

And right now the Qiu family was also investing in the real estate business.

In a few projects they were the competitors of Vision Construction. In

regards to this vice president with the special identity, Qiu Qian had already
had him investigated before.

Qiu Qian thus put aside Qiu XiaoHai and went into the study to take out
that a little black box from from the draw. He took out the earpiece and then
returned to watch the TV.

Right now the screen was showing the next star to arrive. Qiu XiaoHai was
crouched on the corner of the couch and was waving his hands about as if
trying to flick aside the person that was currently blocking Ah Bai from
view on the screen. However this was the TV so that was not possible. Qiu
Qian couldn't help rubbing Qiu XiaoHai's head when he saw his innocent

"... let me introduce you. This is Vision Entertainment vice president Qi

ShaoDong. And this person I don't need to introduce, Young Master Qi no
doubt you recognize him straight away." Within the environmental noise,
Su Quan's voice was transmitted through the earpiece.

"Haha, indeed. I am Mr Bai's loyal fan ah." A voice that was both casual
but which also wasn't lacking in elegance replied. "I'm Qi ShaoDong, it's an
honor to meet you Mr Bai. I've admired you for a long time."

"An honor to meet you. Mr Qi is too kind." Bai Lang's voice was very

"I'm not saying it out of politeness," Qi ShaoDong's voice carried laughter.

"Li ChuanQing in Beyond Jade and Gold really made me and my group of

friends sweat and self-reflect. That type of elegance isn't something any of
us can compare to. Right now we're using it as an example to study by."
"How come I can't see that Young Master Qi has learnt anything?" Su Quan
interjected, laughing.

"What are you trying to say Su Quan? Right now I'm doing my best to
pretend to be elegant and graceful. Turns out nothing's changed?"

"A leopard can't change its spots." Su Quan teased.

"Can you please give me a little bit of face, we're making introductions
here." Qi ShaoDong protested.

Bai Lang cooperated and laughed a bit. "It's just acting. How can it compare
with Mr Qi?"

"Don't be so distant. You can call me Young Master Qi just like Su Quan."

{T/N: Er.. so it's lost in translation but "shao" which means young
master/young man from a good family, can actually be called very easily.

It's just a single word. So can be used quite casually/as a nickname. In

English it sound super formal but Qi ShaoDong is actually trying to get
more familiar. It's the same word that Fang Hua used in "Young Master
Bai" as a nickname for him for the fans}

Qi ShaoDong's voice was very friendly. "Speaking of coincidences, I was

just talking to Su Quan these couple of days about Mr Bai and never
thought I'd have a chance to meet you today. Perhaps it's fate. If Mr Bai has
time some day, let's go get something to eat. I will ask a few friends to
come as well and we can have a gathering?"

Qiu Qian who was sitting in front of the TV narrowed his eyes.

"Hei, if everyone fan was like you and requested to have a meal together,
then do you think Mr Bai would have any free time?"

Su Quan blocked it in a somewhat insincere manner.

"Then let's not waste time," Qi ShaoDong spoke as though he was being
amenable. "How about we just have a drink then? Didn't Mr Bai just have a
beer commercial recently? It was very appealing. How about right after we
finish up here?"

Just as Bai Lang was about to open his mouth to reply when Su Quan again
interrupted him and spoke first.

"That's not possible. I don't mind telling you that at this time Mr Bai can't
randomly go out to drink. Someone will get unhappy."

"Oh?" Qi ShaoDong's voice seemed to change.

But just as Qiu Qian was listening intently, suddenly Qiu XiaoHai threw
himself on him and at the same time pulled on the earpiece cord, pulling it
out from Qiu Qian's ear. By the time Qiu Qian replaced it all he could hear
was air and noise.

Qiu Qian was very unhappy. And the mischievous Qiu XiaoHai was lying
on Qiu Qian's stomach and complaining, "I can't see Ah Bai anymore."

He looked pretty cute like that. Qiu Qian flicked his son's pouting lips and
said, "How about we go and pick up Ah Bai to go home."

"Really?" Qiu XiaoHai's eyes lit up.

Qiu Qian thought about the job that Bai Lang had given him. "Have you
finished your homework?"

Qiu XiaoHai's shoulders sunk. "Not yet."

"Go and get it. Once you finish it we'll go."



{T/N: Some people asked so just to be clear there is no missing scene here.

Can just assume QQ picked BL up and nothing else eventful happened that

Chaos Street was filled with chase and fight scenes.

Whether or not it was the rookie police officer Chen FengGeor the
undercover spy Luo Zai, both roles involved heavy physical requirements.

Thus the crew hired professional martial artists to help to train them in a
street-smart but effective fighting style. Prior to beginning the shoot they
organized many special training courses in order to prevent too many NG

scenes later on. After all fighting was just like sport. It needed practice and
repetition. The visual difference between someone that was unskilled and
someone with training would be very apparent.

Bai Lang played the role of Luo Zai. The other male lead, that is the rookie
police officer Chen FengGe was played by an actor called Sun XiBin who
had a bright and outgoing image. Sun XiBin was an actor from the
company "Flying Film and Television". The pathway he was going down
was someone who was handsome and cool. However his tanned skin paired
with his large and pearly white teeth made him very likeable and sunny
looking. His acting style was also very natural and he had played many
roles of blue collar workers, farmers and other such down to earth
characters. Experience-wise, he was Bai Lang's senior.

After Bai Lang and Sun XiBin confirmed they would accept their roles, the
two people were immediately sent to physical training classes. Because
their schedules were different, the crew sent them an instructor each so they
could train separately.

It was the first time Bai Lang had ever undergone this kind of training. In
his life he had never shot a martial arts flick before. His image did not allow

As for why Chaos Street had offered the role of the gangster-like Luo Zai to
Bai Lang, it was because the script specified that Luo Zai was also a very
good looking ruffian. There were also a few scenes where Luo Zai
disguised himself as a wealthy young man and snuck into a private club to
have a look. So asking Bai Lang to do this role wasn't too unusual.

However this was also a test of Bai Lang's acting ability. Because his good
looking face now had to be able to express a type of rough and streetwise
character and if his manner was too fake, then it would likely elicit the
audiences ire and frustration.

In any case before Bai Lang could play the role, he first had to complete the
tough schedule of intense training.

The instructor assigned to Bai Lang was a retired army officer.

The officer's demeanor and mouth was quite impolite. He was tough and
stern, and didn't care who he was dealing with. If anything went wrong then
he would immediately began cursing and swearing. In the first couple of
days Bai Lang wasn't emotionally prepared and was yelled at until he was
quite wretched, and the intense training made his hands and legs weak. As
soon as he got home he would immediately fell asleep, exhausted.

Of course during training Bai Lang paid attention to the fact that he needed
to take rests. Because of this he had a lot of conflict with the instructor.

After all a commanding officer would certainly not have allowed the
soldiers in his platoon to have rests. Every time Bai Lang requested it, the
instructor would sneer at him for being useless and pretending to be a
bigshot. He was so rude that even the good-tempered Bai Lang wanted to
swear back at him.

The first week's training schedule involved basic fighting stances. The
second week really got real and involved actual fighting with fists and feet.

After entering this stage, under the guise of training, Bai Lang was beaten
up so badly that other than on his face, his entire body was covered with
bruises. At this point Bai Lang couldn't help but wonder if this old officer
had some kind of secret vendetta against him. Or if he had possibly been
sent here by an enemy in order to purposely make him suffer.
However despite his suspicions, Bai Lang couldn't help but admit that his
type of training was still quite effective. Right now Bai Lang's body moved
much more quickly and freely, his movement of turning, kicking and rolling
all looked much more professional and cooler than two weeks ago. And as
long as he was still able to take the requisite breaks, Bai Lang didn't want to

make a fuss about being overworked. Actually he was still a little bit
affected by the instructor's name-calling, and didn't want to be seen as
useless or pretending to be a bigshot.

However even if Bai Lang didn't say anything, Qiu Qian couldn't control
himself any longer.

For the last two weeks he had helped Bai Lang apply medicine every single
night. Even though Bai Lang said this was for the role and couldn't be
helped, Qiu Qian felt extremely unhappy. And he also didn't have any
ability to eavesdrop. After all a diamond watch would be the first thing you
take off when you do any training. As for Hong Hong, on the very first day
he had already been scolded by the old instructor who said that random
people couldn't be present during his training and was forced to wait

However no matter what the officer did not have the ability to stop Qiu
Qian. One day Qiu Qian picked a good time then simply and suddenly
walked in on Bai Lang's training.

When the young disciple guarding the door saw Qiu Qian appear, his entire
body radiating a dangerous delinquent aura, he was too terrified to stop

Thus when Qiu Qian walked in, he immediately saw the scene of Bai Lang
being yelled at while being beaten. Bai Lang was right now practicing the
motion of blocking while being hit. Qiu Qian immediately shook off his
coat. He said, "Good on you. Seems like you like to yell at people. Why
don't you switch to me!"

The old instructor saw that someone actually dared to interrupt him during
his training. He was very angry. "What do you want, you rascal?"
"To use your words from before, I'm here to beat you up until you call for
your mom!" Qiu Qian smiled dangerously and then his fist immediately
flew over.

Following that in the gym there a series of terrible yells and screams. Of
course they weren't from Qiu Qian.

Bai Lang also didn't stop him.

Right now he was trying his best to calm down his out of control heartbeat.

The color of his face was very bad. Just before he had called the instructor
to stop very early on, however the instructor acted as though he hadn't heard
at all and continued to beat him and forced Bai Lang to have no choice but
to defend himself. The next series of fighting had taken away all of Bai
Lang's energy and as he was forced backwards time and time again, Bai
Lang felt for the first time a real sense of menace and danger.

Thus right now Bai Lang was reorganizing his thoughts in his head.

Firstly, Chaos Street's owner was the very large television production
company "Full Color Film and Television". It had nothing to do with Hong
Yu. Although it was possible that Hong Yu could still cast his influence
over it, however judging by Hong Yu's previous "friendly" behaviour, this
was completely not to his benefit.

Then if he considered Li Sha who was previously unhappy with him over
Kang Jian, her father's Harmony Entertainment was actually Full Color's
industry rival. With such a background, it should be very difficult for Li Sha
to interfere with this program's production.

So right now putting aside these people, there was only Su Quan left among
the people who had a disagreement with him. Even though Su Quan had
sent an apology over, however Bai Lang definitely didn't think that his
actions that day of the party were just out of carelessness.

However asking someone to beat him up, what kind of tactic was this? Did
he think that just because he was beaten up he would retire from the acting
world? Or was it to use the instructor to spread the rumor that he was lazy
and not professional? This kind of rough and stupid method really made Bai
Lang suspicious of pinning the blame on Su Quan as it just didn't seem like
his style.

Or if he stretched his imagination a bit further, could it possibly be related

to the Young Master Qi who after the premiere of Emperor Feng often liked
to call Bai Lang for no reason?

He thought for long time but still couldn't come up with anything. Right
now the most important thing was Qiu Qian who was in front of him
wearing an extremely ugly expression.

At this time the instructor had been beaten until he was lying begging and
crying on the ground. Qiu Qian knelt in front of Bai Lang who was sitting
while resting and said angrily, "Why didn't you say something?"

"Isn't training supposed to be like this?" Bai Lang replied in a hesitant


Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "I'll ask you one more time. What's the

Bai Lang paused for a second. Then admitted. "I hadn't figured it out yet so
I didn't want to say."

"You idiot! If you tell me, then of course I'll investigate it for you!" Qiu
Qian's hand itched again but he couldn't bear to hit the person in front of

"The drama hasn't even started filming yet. What's the point of making a
fuss now?" Bai Lang smiled helplessly. "I'm tired, can we go home?"

Qiu Qian helped him up with a dark face. "You don't need to make a fuss.

I'll do it. What are you scared of?"

Bai Lang snuggled into Qiu Qian's arms in a penitent manner. "Today I can
help you do it once. Don't get mad." {T/N: You know. It. ^_^}
Qiu Qian really got so mad even his teeth itched.


But he never expected that a few days later, something else happened which
made Qiu Qian explode in even greater anger.

The reason was Rong Zan's sixth birthday party. This time Rong Zan had
requested that he wanted to invite Qiu XiaoHai to come. Rong Ai thought

about it and then decided to realize the words he had said at his own
birthday party, and invited Qiu Qian's entire family of three to come to this
party which was otherwise only comprised of the Rong family's own

However unexpectedly not long after the cake cutting, Rong Ai's chest
suddenly felt stuffy and painful. His entire body didn't feel right. His shaky
breathing, nausea and profuse sweating were all typical signs of a heart
attack. However Rong Ai had never had any previous history of heart
problems and in the full medicinal cabinet, there actually weren't any
emergency medication for it. The entire Rong family was thrown into a
state of panic and chaos.

However after all they were still people that had seen the world. They
reacted quickly and immediately called an ambulance. However it was just
that the party was being held at the Rong family's villa, it was a suburban
district that was about half an hour's distance away from the city center.

Even an ambulance would still take over 10-15 minutes to arrive. Right
now Rong Ai's face was becoming more and more pale, his sweating
became worse and his breathing became more shallow.

Rong SiQi's older brother was talking on the phone with a grim face.

"340mg aspirin? No, we already looked. We don't have any at home. The
pharmacy is too far, we can only wait for the ambulance to bring the
medicine over? Isn't there anything else that we can do? What about
massaging his chest?"
Everyone was waiting for the ambulance to arrive. They could only stare at
Rong SiChen as he talked on the phone with their private doctor.

He had put it on speaker mode so everyone could hear the doctor's grave

"Heart massage can't be used until the very last moment. Right now I
suggest that you just hold on and wait until the ambulance arrives."

When they heard this everyone's faces sunk.

As for the guests Qiu Qian and Bai Lang, after Rong Ai had started getting
sick they had just stood aside quietly and didn't disturb anyone.

Qiu XiaoHai tightly clutched the white-faced Rong Zan's hand as though
trying to comfort him.

In this extremely tense and heavy moment, Bai Lang suddenly stepped
forward. He took out a small box.

"I have it. 340mg aspirin. Hurry and give it to Elder Rong ba."

Rong SiQi seemed to suddenly think of something. He came to life and

immediately looked over.

Rong SiChen was also shocked. He couldn't help but confirm it again to
make sure.

"Is it really aspirin? It's not wrong? How come you have it?"

Bai Lang didn't dare look at Qiu Qian who was standing beside him. He
could only smile helplessly.

"Because I have the same heart problem."

Chapter 37 - I'm Sorry

That night there were two people that were secretly taken to University
Other than Rong Ai, Bai Lang was also forced to go too.

Bai Lang didn't take the ambulance but was instead personally transported
by Qiu Qian like a criminal.

Hong Hong drove and Qiu Qian sat the whole way with his face sunken in
the shadows. He clutched Qiu XiaoHai and wouldn't let him go over to Bai
Lang's side.

After leaving the Rong family, Qiu Qian had not looked at Bai Lang a
single time in the eye. So naturally they also didn't say anything to each

In this time, Qiu Qian's breathing was labored and his movements were
irritable. It was clear that he was suppressing an explosion of anger inside
his body.

Qiu XiaoHai was filled with question marks at the situation. He had just left
the red-eyed Ah Zan, because Ah Zan's grandpa was sick. But when he
turned around he was met with his daddy's frightening expression.

Qiu XiaoHai froze. This face was even more terrible than when he ran away
from home. His danger instincts made him want to run to Bai Lang for
comfort however at this time Qiu Qian violently wrenched him to one side.

Qiu XiaoHai was extremely confused. The few times he had wanted to
shuffle closer to Bai Lang he was suppressed by Qiu Qian on the spot and
in the end he was forced to lie against Qiu Qian's shoulder, throwing pitiful
secret glances at Bai Lang.

After getting in the car, the stifling and heavy atmosphere inside made Qiu
XiaoHai unable to help calling out pitifully in a small voice like a kitten:

"Ah Bai...."

Bai Lang gave him an apologetic glance. However he didn't expect that Qiu
Qian would suddenly violently kick the back of the seat in front of him.

"Peng!" There was a loud noise.

After that there was the sound of the plastic cracking loudly in the car.

Luckily the seat that Qiu Qian kicked was the empty passenger seat next to
Hong Hong and so didn't disrupt his driving. However it was enough to
terrify Qiu XiaoHai. He immediately shut his mouth and even Bai Lang
shook slightly.

Qiu Qian felt Bai Lang's fright. With an extremely ugly expression he
glanced at Bai Lang. Bai Lang met his eyes in a startled manner but the
next moment Qiu Qian turned away with a stony face. The car drove
straight to University Hospital before stopping in the parking lot. Xiao Li
had also brought out a few hospital employees to wait there for him, in
order to maintain secrecy while they went in.

As soon as Bai Lang followed Qiu Qian out of the car, his right wrist was
immediately clamped tightly by Qiu Qian. Bai Lang froze. He didn't even
have time to react before Qiu Qian started striding forward to big steps. Bai
Lang stumbled slightly and Qiu Qian's face became even uglier. However
his footsteps slowed down.

Bai Lang finally understood. This was Qiu Qian's look of internal injury.

Most likely he was scared that if he exploded in anger he would scare Bai
Lang's fragile, "made of glass" heart. Bai Lang laughed helplessly. He tried
gently to free himself and just as he thought he didn't have to use much
effort to make Qiu Qian let go since he was scared of using force.

When he saw Qiu Qian's twisted face which clearly showed he wanted to
swear but was forcibly suppressing himself, Bai Lang turned his hand back
around and held Qiu Qian's. He squeezed it. Everything is okay.

Qiu Qian swallowed visibly. It was clear he was trying his utmost to stop
himself from doing or saying anything impulsive. Then his hand tightly
held Bai Lang's, the ten fingers intertwined, and he motioned Xiao Li to
lead the way in a wooden manner.

And as soon as Qiu XiaoHai got out of the car, he refused to let Qiu Qian
keep holding him. Right now he saw that his daddy was already holding Ah
Bai's hand so he intelligently ran to Bai Lang's other side to hold his other
free hand.

Bai Lang felt his small warmth. He lowered his head to look at Qiu
XiaoHai. Qiu XiaoHai gave a him a secretive "shhhh" motion, and the
whole way he obediently used running and large steps to keep up with the
adult's sped.

Thus, both of Bai Lang's hands were held tightly. And the tight knot of
worry inside his stomach which had formed since the explosion in the car,
slowly dissipated.

This person might put on a frightening face but he was clearly so worried
about him. So what did Bai Lang have to be scared of?


They went into the hospital and following that there was a series of secret
exams and tests.

Bai Lang was extremely apologetic towards Fang YingQi who was
suddenly called to the hospital late at night. He was definitely told by the
hospital that it was an emergency. When Fang YingQi rushed in in a panic
only to see Bai Lang sitting there perfectly fine on the hospital bed, his
expression was clearly befuddled.

But when he turned his glance and saw the stony-faced Qiu Qian which
looked extremely like a concerned relative which had been kept in the dark
for too long, Fang YingQi lightly coughed a few times and then began his
professional work. He took Bai Lang away check up room nearby and after

confirming that Qiu Qian's identity as the patient's boyfriend and live in
partner, he began a careful and detailed explanation of Bai Lang's illness.

Just prior to Fang YingQi arrival at the hospital, a lab technician had
already taken Bai Lang through a series of tests and the results had already
been transmitted to Fang YingQi's computer.
The nearly 50 year old Fang YingQi was a little bit plump with kind eyes.

He maneuvered the mouse in his hands and his voice was steady as he

"... Although Mr Bai's heart and blood contains the problem that I've just
explained, however his symptoms are very mild. With the addition of Mr
Bai's good diet, health and pattern of regular exercise, all his parameters are
very healthy. His condition right now is very good. As for the testing that
he's just undergone.... en, other than it appears that he has been a bit over-
tired recently, there isn't anything particularly to worry about. Right now all
he needs to do is rest a bit more. Later I'll prescribe him some vitamins and
other things to help boost his health."

Qiu Qian was frowning the whole time. Then finally he couldn't help
asking, "With his condition can he really jump and fight every day without
any problem?"

{T/N: Author did not put "" quotation marks around any of the following
conversation. I'm not sure why. People said it interrupted their reading
experience so I added it now.}

Fang YingQi gave him a reassuring smile. "Is Mr Qiu asking about the
crime show that Mr Bai recently agreed to be part of?"

"You also know?" Qiu Qian's question was a bit aggressive.

"Of course. Mr Bai is a very cooperative patient. Prior to agreeing to take

the job he did a careful check up." Fang YingQi couldn't help talking for
Bai Lang. "As long as he warms up his body and takes time to rest at
regular intervals, doing some more strenuous exercises won't be a problem.

The danger of his condition isn't as high as it might sound to outsiders."

Qiu Qian's face was still dark. "However if he just rested obediently all the
time wouldn't it be even safer?"
When Fang YingQi heard this he became more stern. "Mr Qiu, the mental
health and wellbeing of the patient is also very important. If he is restricted
from doing the things he likes and trapped at home every day, not only will
it not help Mr Bai's illness but will give him more pressure. The correct
treatment is to have regular exercise and to keep a healthy mentality. These
are both essential to his health in the long term."

Qiu Qian showed a hesitant expression for some time. Then finally he
rubbed his face as though he was giving in. He changed to asking what he
should take care of on a day-to-day basis. He asked questions for more than
half a hour and before finally letting Fang YingQi leave, he even asked him
for his phone number.

Fang YingQi passed over his business card in an understanding manner. As

Qiu Qian took it, in his mind suddenly flashed the memory of Wang Yun
giving Bai Lang his business card some time ago.

Qiu Qian paused. "Bai Lang's illness, who else knows about it?"

Fang YingQi was just looking through his computer. Mr Bai had always
been his personal patient, however a few weeks ago Young Master Rong
once helped Mr Bai organize a check up appointment. He should also

When Qiu Qian heard this his face changed, but the next thing that Fang
YingQi said really made his heart thud.

"Ai, Wang Yun? Isn't this that new colleague? Why did he request this

Fang YingQi's hand paused on the mouse. When he looked again he

discovered Qiu Qian's entire person was not quite right. He hurried to add,

"Oh, don't worry. Our hospital sometimes will have meetings to discuss
patient treatment. So requesting a patient file is ordinary. Of course, all the
doctors are sworn to secrecy. This is also the law."
A dark storm was brewing inside Qiu Qian's eyes. "Can we choose not to
participate in the discussion?"

Fang YingQi's eyes showed surprise and also a bit of difficulty. "To be
honest, the best way to determine the best treatment for Mr Bai is to have
several specialists discuss together..."

Qiu Qian's mouth twitched. "Other people are okay, but only Wang Yun is
not allowed. Is that okay?"

Fang YingQi froze. From these words he could clearly sense that something
was afoot. So he naturally nodded.

"Of course, as long as Mr Bai also agrees."


With his head full of chaotic and terrible suspicions, Qiu Qian left the clinic
and went back to the ward.

Right now the time was around 11PM at night. In the very large and
spacious special patient room, there was a queen sized bed. The light was
on low and on the large bed there were two figures wrapped in the blanket.

The little one was Qiu XiaoHai. The larger one moved when Qiu Qian came

When Qiu Qian saw Bai Lang sit up as though he wanted to pull aside the
blanket and get out bed, his heart tightened. He walked over with several
big strides and said, "What are you trying to do?"

There was a weak light by the bed but it was enough to see Bai Lang's
tender features in the darkness.

However right now when Qiu Qian saw it, to him it became the look of

The very and loose patient gown made Bai Lang's neck and body look even
more slender. His bare arms were showing and there was a bandage from
where the blood had been taken before. To Qiu Qian, he completely looked
like a ill patient.

"Let's have a chat," Bai Lang said lightly. When he saw Qiu Qian's
expression change he added, "Otherwise I won't be able to sleep the whole

The Qiu Qian who had just been informed that Bai Lang needed to sleep
and rise early couldn't reject this. He could only woodenly push down Bai
Lang who seemed to want to get up. He gritted his teeth and said, "You lie
down! Just talk like this."

Bai Lang grabbed Qiu Qian's hand. He shuffled his body. "Come in?"

Qiu Qian fought with himself for several seconds then finally took off his
shoes and got into the bed. Once inside he couldn't control his urge any
longer and pulled Bai Lang into his arms and hugged him tightly. Bai Lang
seemed to have the same feeling. He also reached out his arms to hug Qiu
Qian back tightly. His movements showed his trust and dependence and this
made Qiu Qian hold on with even more force.

"Don't worry, I'm not made of glass." Bai Lang sighed. He used the same
amount of energy to hold Qiu Qian back.

Qiu Qian felt the warmth of the body in his arms and heard that steady
heartbeat that was pressed against his own chest. He couldn't help but use
his cheek to rub against the crown of Bai Lang's head. The emotions that he
had been suppressing were spilling out.

The anger of being kept in the dark. The hurt, the panic, the distress, and the
first time he had felt his heart ache. The same type of terrible feeling of
regret and self-blame he had when he heard Qiu XiaoHai had been given
drugs. These feelings came together and made Qiu Qian's voice shake.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to," Bai Lang buried his face in Qiu Qian's arms. "But I was
scared you would react like this and be too worried."
Qiu Qian tightened his arms again. It was as though he wanted to
completely absorb this person into his flesh and blood.

"Then I am supposed to wait for you to suddenly fall down in front of me

just like at the Rong family house and most likely die?"

"If that really happens then it's just a matter of a few hours. It's very fast."

Bai Lang looked down and thought about what had happened in the
emergency room in his previous life.

Qiu Qian breathed in sharply. His body temperature immediately shot up.

He pushed Bai Lang's head away and looked into his eyes in a hurt and
angry manner.

"Cruel. It turns out, you're much crueller than me."

Seeing Qiu Qian's slightly reddened eyes in the darkness, Bai Lang
suddenly understood.

He understood. My rebirth, it was all for this moment. All so I could give
this heart to you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry....

Before Qiu Qian forcefully kissed Bai Lang, Bai Lang didn't know why but
he could only repeat this one sentence.


Three days later, the Morning Star as well as almost all other entertainment
publications published the exact same front page headline.

Total Entertainment had terminated Su Quan's management contract.

And stated at the same time that it was terminating all working relations
with Su Quan.

Chapter 38 - Crime Accessory

In the days after Bai Lang didn't fight the decision to have him stay at the
hospital for a few more days, although there actually wasn't anything wrong
with him.

He knew that Qiu Qian needed some time to slowly to get used to it. And
staying in the hospital would at least reduce Qiu Qian's anxiety.

In the days that he stayed at the hospital, each member of the Rong family
also came to give their regards.

Grandfather Rong had been sent into the emergency ward and had
undergone surgery on the same night. Because he had obtained medication
speedily, he didn't have any great injuries. After the surgery finished the
next morning, his condition and recovery were both good and he would be
able to leave the hospital in around two more days.

However no matter what, the Rong family remembered their debt of

gratitude to Bai Lang. This type of gratitude was something that was
difficult to use money to quantify. So the new generation head of the Rong
family, Rong SiChen, who was also the eldest son of Rong Ai and Rong
SiQi's elder brother, represented the Rong family to vow seriously that in
the future if Bai Lang ever had any requests, the Rong family would do
their utmost to fulfill it.

{T/N: Author previously said the eldest brother is called Rong He so I guess
she changed it. Not important..}

And when Rong SiChen came to say this, Qiu XiaoHai and Rong Zan who
hadn't gone back to school, were busy playing on the couch in the hospital
room and eating the little rabbit steamed buns that Hong Hong had bought
for them.

The secrecy and security that veiled Bai Lang's trip to the hospital was the
same top tier level that surrounded Rong Ai's.

This included not only the staff involved in the treatment but also even the
people sending the food and doing the cleaning in the special VIP ward. All
of them had been trained and instructed specifically and the security work
was extremely thorough.

Thus on the second day of Bai Lang's hospital stay, when Qiu Qian went to
Wang Yun's office in University Hospital, Wang Yun completely had no
idea that Bai Lang was staying in the very same hospital.

When Wang Yun opened the door and saw Qiu Qian standing outside, there
was a flash of shock in his eyes. Then he smiled and said, "What a rare
visitor. How come you had time to come today?"

"I had time so I came here to have a chat. Do you have time?" There was a
nicotine stick dangling from Qiu Qian's mouth and his words were very

{T/N: The Chinese said "quit smoking stick", so I assume it's like a nicotine
replacement stick to help people stop smoking.}

Wang Yun also immediately noticed the object inside Qiu Qian's mouth. His
expression froze then he stepped back to let Qiu Qian into his office.

"You specifically came all this way so how can I not have time?"

Qiu Qian didn't respond to the emphasis that Wang Yun put on the word

"specifically". He entered the office, pulled up a swivel chair in front of the

desk and sat down, looking around.

The single person office was quite empty. On the left was a metal shelf
which only had a few documents and even the desk was very clean. Other
than the computer there was a pen holder, a box of business cards and a tea
set. It was clear that Wang Yun hadn't settled in for very long.
Wang Yun closed the door behind Qiu Qian and after dwardling for a bit he
finally sat down on the seat behind the table. He seemed to be thinking
about something but suddenly he sat up straight and said, "Do you want
tea? I'll go get some water for tea."

"No need. I just want to say a few words." Qiu Qian rolled the nicotine stick
around in his mouth. "I think you know why I came here."

After saying that Qiu Qian looked straight into Wang Yun's eyes.

This type of aura was enough to make a guilty person feel extreme pressure.

After Wang Yun met his eyes for a few seconds, he pushed up his glasses
and looked down. "You know?"

"Are you talking about Bai Lang's illness?" Qiu Qian didn't want to waste
time running around in circles. "I know."

Wang Yun smiled helplessly. "I knew that there would come a day when
you would come. After all requesting a file will leave a record that's
impossible to delete."

"Then why?" Qiu Qian asked.

"What why?" Wang Yun's eyes showed a fleeting flash.

"Since you knew why did you come to test me?" Qiu Qian directly asked.

"Last time when you came to visit me, your motivation was to discover
whether I knew about his illness or not right?"

The record that Fang YingQi had showed him not only showed who
requested the file but also the time he had requested it.

It just happened to be a few days before Wang Yun had come to find Qiu

"I don't know how Su Quan told you, he also told me not to admit to you
that it was me who told him about it." Wang Yun shifted uncomfortably in
his chair. "However the way I felt about it is, since you didn't know it's also
not a bad thing for Bai Lang to let you know through Su Quan. At the very

least it's better for him to have someone with mental preparation beside

Qiu Qian stared at Wang Yun. "You could have also directly told me. If this
was your motivation then why run around in a big circle?"

A bitter smile floated onto Wang Yun's face. "Su Quan asked to me help
him.... Right now the fact that I can sit here in this position is all because of
Su Quan's connections."

Qiu Qian laughed mockingly. "Telling Su Quan this is helping him? How is
it helping him, how come I don't understand you?"

It was Wang Yun's turn speak in a reproachful manner. "If you're trying to
tell me that you don't know what Su Quan really wants then I don't believe
it. Even Ah Cheng wouldn't believe it."

"But isn't it better if everyone pretends to be stupid?" Qiu Qian said. "I even
introduced you guys to Bai Lang. The whole reason was so that there
wouldn't be any misunderstanding."

"You think I don't know that?" Wang Yun clasped his hands together and
said in a somewhat embarrassed manner, "So my telling Su Quan shouldn't
be a big deal right? I can tell that you wouldn't prejudiced against Bai Lang
or leave him just because of his illness. No matter how much effort Su
Quan spends in trying to persuade you, it probably won't have any effect.

So, I thought it's not a big deal for me to just return a simple favor to Su
Quan and then also..."

"At the same time keep this job." Qiu Qian finished his sentence for him.

Wang Yun sighed and nodded his head. "You're right."

After hearing this Qiu Qian suddenly stood up. With violent force he
slammed the chair into the nearby wall and made Wang Yun freeze in

"Last time you said something right," Qiu Qian threw down the last words.

"In this years we've really become strangers."

Wang Yun's face fell. He was silent and couldn't speak.

"I never said that Su Quan came to tell me about Bai Lang's illness." Qiu
Qian waited until Wang Yun met his eyes.

"He directly found someone to try to push Bai Lang into having an attack.

So what do you think, should I consider you an accessory?"

Wang Yun was speechless. His entire face changed drastically.

"You resign, or I help you resign. It's your choice."

After speaking Qiu Qian left, leaving the shellshocked Wang Yun sitting in
his chair.


As for the person directing the scenes behind the instructor, Qiu Qian spent
a few days and some effort to discover it.

For this Qiu Qian had suppressed the impulse to directly take care of this
man. He even asked Fang Hua to organize some non-existent work for Bai
Lang as an excuse for him to not be able to go to training. He didn't let
anyone know that Bai Lang and the instructor had had an altercation.

Su Quan's methods were far more advanced than Wu ShenEn's. The

instructor was legitimately someone that the show had found, Su Quan
hadn't interfered with it. After discovering the old man liked to gamble, Su
Quan instead spent a lot of money to find a way to get through to him.

And when it came to making contact with the instructor, Su Quan had used
many layers and buffers. If not for the fact that Fang Hua had told Qiu Qian
already that Bai Li had come to the office multiple times after new years in
the hopes of seeing Bai Lang and so Qiu Qian had long ago arranged for
someone to keep an eye on him, it would be very hard for Qiu Qian to find
out the person that Bai Li had made contact with.

As for why Su Quan had done things in a huge roundabout way, it was just
so if the old instructor was found out, the first and obvious person to take
the blame as the behind the scenes manipulator would be Bai Lang's brother
Bai Li who didn't have a good relationship with him.

If Bai Li was asked why he would do such a dangerous and risky thing,
then he would just say that hiring the instructor was to teach Bai Lang a
lesson, nothing to do with making him have an attack. Plus Bai Li honestly
didn't know that Bai Lang was ill and so this way no one would ever be able
to confirm a hidden intent to kill.

So if it was only to teach Bai Lang a lesson, then it would be easy to see
why the debt-stricken Bai Li would easily fall into line when offered a high
amount of money. And anyway, if the older brother wanted to punish the
younger brother, people who were a bit more traditional would only say it
was a family affair and no big deal.

And after the fact if Bai Li couldn't withstand the pressure and gave up the
person who directed him, then Su Quan also arranged Qi ShaoDong to take
the blame.

As for the reason that Su Quan used to string Qi ShaoDong along was; he
would first use the instructor to punish and humiliate Bai Lang. Then Qi
ShaoDong could jump out to use his connections to suppress the old
instructor. That way he would gain a few brownie points in Bai Lang's eyes
since Qi ShaoDong was really interested in Bai Lang. Thus, the people who
met up with Bai Li to give him the money and instructions were sent by Qi

So if things were investigated, it all seemed to be completely unconnected

to Su Quan.
However all of the above was predicated on the fact that Bai Lang's every
movement would not be immediately observed and reported back to Qiu
Qian. Under normal circumstances that might be possible but between Bai
Lang and Qiu Qian, based on Su Quan's previous actions, he was already
under a cloud of suspicion that couldn't be removed.

But the logic behind Su Quan's plans was not important to Qiu Qian. All he
needed was to confirm that the person behind the old instructor was
definitely Su Quan without mistake. That was enough.

So, after finding out everything, Qiu Qian went to find Hong Yu.

He didn't beat around the push. Qiu Qian told Hong Yu, "I won't help Su
Quan again."

No matter what Hong Yu did to Su Quan in the future, it had nothing to do

with him.

However, if Hong Yu didn't want to make an enemy out of him, it would be

best if he didn't help Su Quan along any further.

Hong Yu looked at Qiu Qian's face and seemed to understand. He asked,

"He acted against Mr Bai?"

Qiu Qian didn't reply. Since he had said what he had come here to say he
wanted to leave.

Hong Yu stopped him. "I have a suggestion," he said. "To make sure Su
Quan won't have any time to think about Mr Bai's matter. Want to try it?"

Qiu Qian's footsteps stopped.

Hong Yu had an extremely light smile on his face. During negotiations he

always wore this expression.

"Let Su Quan think that you used him in exchange for a lot of favors from
me. What do you think?"
Qiu Qian twisted his head. He said in a dissatisfied way, "What's the

"This way in the future he will follow me more obediently," Hong Yu

sighed. "It can also more or less decrease his enmity against Mr Bai."

"Will he believe it?"

"As long as an exchange actually exists then at least this delicious cake that
is you will have a worm inside it." Hong Yu smiled at Qiu Qian. {T/N:
There will always be a suspicion maring their relationship. He wants to
blacken QQ in SQ's eyes so he understands there's no avenue for escape
that way. As expected from such an intelligent old negotiator, always
thinking about things on so many different levels. }

"...even if he follows you, I won't let him live gloriously like he is right
now." Qiu Qian warned.

"Look at this paralyzed body of mine. I also can't keep anyone too
excellent." Hong Yu replied lightly. "It's just as well."

"Okay. Tell him just like this." Qiu Qian turned his head and wanted to
leave again.

Hong Yu again stopped him. "Then we should discuss what favors I gave
you. What's the rush?"

Qiu Qian turned back again, frowning.

"Since it's an exchange then there has to a real transaction. Or is you still
can't bear to use him?"

Qiu Qian paused. Then he smiled faintly. "I'm really suspicious of how
much he's worth."


The last day of Bai Lang's hospital stay which was the day before Total
Entertainment terminated its contract with Su Quan, Qiu Qian came to Bai
Lang's hospital room.

It was afternoon time. Bai Lang was sitting on the bed and looking through
the script for Chaos Street.

The afternoon sunlight cast a glow onto Bai Lang's blanket and even though
he wasn't wearing any fancy clothes, the person on the bed still looked
clean, beautiful and eye-catching.

When Qiu Qian came into the room, Bai Lang closed the script and looked
up. "Is everything done?"

"Just about. Tomorrow you're allowed to resume working." Qiu Qian sat by
the bed.

"Then what about the instructor?" Bai Lang couldn't help but be worried.

Previously Auntie Yang had been reported by the headlines as a suicide. If

you walked at night too much you were bound to run into a ghost. {T/N:
Proverb meaning vaguely meaning "a guilty conscience needs no accuser",
or it's clear what caused her death.}

Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "In the short term I won't do that to him. I still
have use for him."

If he wanted to cooperate with Hong Yu then for the time being he shouldn't
raise any large commotion in relation to the instructor.

Bai Lang nodded his head. He couldn't help but say, "Su Quan is someone
in the public gaze. You need to act more prudently–"

Qiu Qian didn't want Bai Lang to say anything more. Without waiting for
Bai Lang to finish he used his mouth to block Bai Lang's remaining words.

Bai Lang could only obediently open his mouth, close his eyes and allow
Qiu Qian to come inside. After a moment he wrapped his arms around Qiu
Qian's broad back.
After kissing passionately for a few minutes, the two people both felt hot
and flustered.

Qiu Qian was the first to break the kiss. Between them there was a thread of
saliva. Qiu Qian couldn't help licking his lips. After he heard Bai Lang's
labored breathing he stopped himself.

However the next moment Bai Lang proactively kissed him again.

It was rare for him to make the first move. Thus Bai Lang easily entered
Qiu Qian's completely defenceless mouth and enticed him again to entwine


Only until Qiu Qian pushed Bai Lang aside with difficulty. His voice was
hoarse as he said, "That's enough. Don't fuss."

"Let's do it." Bai Lang hooked his arms around Qiu Qian's neck. He
passionately kissed Qiu Qian's chin.

The stimulated Qiu Qian paused but still pushed him away.

Bai Lang knew Qiu Qian's anxiety. This was the last thing he needed to take
care of before leaving the hospital.

"I haven't decided to become abstinent. So if that's what you want then I'm
afraid we have to break up."

"Never!' Qiu Qian grabbed Bai Lang back tightly.

"Then let's do it here. The doctor is just next door. Isn't that more
convenient in case something happens?"


"Just as long as your put my pants back on before you press the bell."

Qiu Qian held down Bai Lang's roaming hand and breathed in sharply.
"Also, in the future you need to put in more effort and don't make me move
as much."

"You-! When have I ever made you move!"


On that day, up until Qiu XiaoHai finished class and came back to the
hospital room some time later, all the scenes taking place inside were adult

Chapter 39 - Chaos Street Starts Filming The news that Total

Entertainment had terminated its contract with Su Quan exploded into the
entertainment world like a bomb. As for Su Quan's manager Luo ZhenAn,
he was someone that Su Quan had brought with him to Total Entertainment.
So when Su Quan's contract was terminated, Luo ZhenAn was also fired at
the same time by Total Entertainment.

Not only that but Total Entertainment had also announced at the same time
that it was terminating all working relationship with Su Quan.

This meant that all the work that Total Entertainment had accepted for Su
Quan as a sponsor would either need to be renegotiated to a new artist or
would be cancelled. Total Entertainment's huge action also affected Su
Quan's image deeply. Especially because the reason for the termination was
not specified.

Thus that morning a huge amount of reporters surrounded Luo ZhenAn's

first floor apartment. This was because Su Quan lived in a freestanding villa
which was a huge mansion that came with a garden. It was very difficult for
the reporters to be able to box him in.

So right now Luo ZhenAn was panicking and pacing in his living room
while on the phone.

"What the hell is going on!? Ah Quan, has Boss Qiu gone mad!? How come
I didn't get a single bit of news! Or is this something to do with Boss Hong,
did he directly place pressure onto Total Entertainment!?"
From the other end of the phone there was only silence.

"If something happened then I'm begging you to let me know! That way I
can have some kind of emotional preparation! It's insane that me, the
manager, has to find out the news from the newspaper!! Just then Fang Hua
called. She didn't give a single reason, just said that the company would
adhere to the contract and pay the contractual damages and that the money

would arrive within 3 days! Does this mean everything is set and can't be
turned around!?" Luo ZhenAn was in an extreme state of anger and panic.

"Isn't your relationship with Boss Qiu good, what on earth happened ah!?"

"Go and check Chaos Street, see if anything happened over there.

Especially check to see if anyone has had an accident."

Finally Luo ZhenAn heard Su Quan's voice from the phone. The voice was
still very calm.

"Chaos Street!? Right now you still have time to think about Chaos
Street!?" Luo ZhenAn was so flustered he couldn't suppress his voice.

"Your management contract has been terminated and no reason was given!

It's pretty much like being chucked out on the street! Everyone is waiting,
we need to think about to deal with-"

"Don't waste my time. I told you to go check so go check!" Su Quan's voice

suddenly became stern. "I need to know the facts so go right now! I want
your response by midday."

"What!? Then what about all these reporters?" Luo ZhenAn couldn't control
his anger at being told off at a time like this. "Why the hell do I feel like I'm
blind here! How the hell am I supposed to find out?"

"Are you the manager or am I?" Su Quan spoke impatiently. "Even this
kind of thing I have to help you with?"
In his heart, Luo ZhenAn swore "fuck!" However he swallowed the word
and said, "Okay, I'll just explain that you're not feeling well right now and
will rest at home for a few days. For the time being there will be no
comment. You also shouldn't pick up the phone. However this kind of
situation can't be maintained for long. We need to have a legitimate
explanation by tomorrow so no matter what tonight you have to give be an
answer and explain to me until I understand–"

At this time Luo ZhenAn was hung up on. He also didn't have time to
pursue this any longer. With an ugly expression he wiped his face and then

turned to his phone and began a flurry of calls. After all he didn't climb up
to being the film emperor's manager by being a vegetarian.


On the other end, Su Quan remained inside his villa and called Qiu Qian's
phone again.

Just as before there was the sound of 'du" and it immediately redirected to

This morning Su Quan had already left 10-20 voicemails and messages but
Qiu Qian had not returned a single one.

It looked like his phone number had already been blacklisted. It was
unlikely that he would be able to get through this way.

Su Quan's face didn't look good as he hung up on the female voice asking
him to record a voicemail and then he changed to the house's landline. The
exact same thing happened. After that Su Quan couldn't control himself and
smashed the house phone against the floor.


It was though he could use this method to smash to pieces all the
insinuations that Hong Yu had made on the phone to him this morning.

"... I've reached a very satisfying agreement with Mr Qiu."

"I'm confident that if we cooperate then the En Jiang Group will reach new,
even greater heights than it has before."

"Mr Qiu is really an ambitious and courageous young person. He is just as

people say; he understands the big picture and what's really important. He
also knows how to sacrifice things that aren't..."

Su Quan closed his eyes. He forced himself to be calm. Then he called

another number. Wang Yun's.

After a few rings, Wang Yun picked up the phone.

"Did you tell Ah Qian that Bai Lang is sick?" Su Quan didn't make any
greetings and just directly got to the point.

Wang Yun paused then said, "Didn't you tell me not to tell him? I saw the
newspaper this morning, I thought it was because–"

"You didn't tell him!?" Su Quan interrupted in impatiently.

"" Wang Yun replied.

"So you also didn't tell Ah Qian that I know about Bai Lang's matter?" Su
Quan immediately asked after.

".... naturally." Wang Yun's voice was slightly rigid. "But Ah Quan, what
happened between you and Ah Qian? What's all this fuss about?"

"It's nothing. Just a misunderstanding." Su Quan let out a sigh of relief. His
voice slightly stabilized. "Remember, no matter what don't tell anyone that
you told me about Bai Lang. If you do I'm afraid Ah Qian won't forget to
punish you."

Wang Yun's voice became deeper. "He wouldn't punish anyone


"That's why I'm worried. There's definitely been some misunderstanding,"

A slight begging tone entered Su Quan's voice. "Ah Yun, can you help me
to invite Ah Qian out? I can't get through to his phone at all."

"If I ask him out now he'll know exactly what for."

"But can't you try? You said you would help me."

".... if he picks up my call, then I'll do my best."

"Thank you! I'll remember what you've done for me, Ah Yun."


After hanging up the phone, Wang Yun deliberately turned off his phone
and then placed the pencil holder on the desk into the cardboard box on the

This was the last thing he had to pack.

After that, Wang Yun lifted his head and gazed one more time at the office
that he had not stayed in for more than even a few days.

After all this was his life's ambition that he had worked hard for many years
for; to come to the best hospital, to treat the most difficult illnesses.

Like this, he would be able to perhaps stand on par with his three best
friends. He would also be able to glow with his own light.

But it was a shame that he had forgotten his initial heart and placed his
ambitions above his medical ethics.

Lin GongCheng's angry scolding wasn't wrong. Saving someone and

harming someone, the distance between them was only a thought.

He had chosen a small gain over the big picture. His initial starting point
was wrong and so he really didn't have any right to sit in this place.

Luckily, he still had the chance to start again. He hadn't really made a
mistake that he couldn't come back from.
Wang Yun held his box and walked out of his office with a sense of relief.


The next day after Total Entertainment announced it was terminating its
contract with Su Quan also happened to be the day that Chaos Street had its
opening ceremony.

On the day 80% of the news entertainment outlets came to the venue, the
reason was to see if they could get a chance to accost Su Quan who had a
small role in Chaos Street. After all the list of people invited to the opening

ceremony was released half a month ago and Su Quan's name was
definitely among them.

However it was not unexpected that on this day Su Quan did not appear at
the venue.

In his absence, Bai Lang, who was an artist from the same management
company Total Entertainment as Su Quan, became the focus of the media's
attention and questions. To this Bai Lang's reply was the same every time:

"I don't know". The host of the event had no choice but to give a warning. If
anyone asks any more questions unrelated to Chaos Street, then they will be
asked to leave the venue.

At the time of the host saying this, all the major actors for the show were
sitting in a row beside him on a long table.

Sun XiBin who was sitting beside Bai Lang huddled closer and whispered
secretively, "Hey, what's going on with your company? Can you tell me?"

However he had forgotten that the microphone was attached to his collar
and thus this "secret whisper" became not a whisper at all.

The host's face went green. He turned around sharply as though he had been
stabbed in the back.

Immediately all the reporters gazes became fixed on Sun XiBin.

The tall, well-built and sunny Sun XiBin immediately apologized for his
mistake. He laughed at himself openly. After clearing his throat, he
schooled his face in a proper expression again to look at the reporters.

When he met the host's murderous gaze, he made the gesture of "you go

At this time Bai Lang remembered that in his previous life Sun XiBin was
rated as kind and relaxed actor. However he didn't know how much of this
was actually real. However when he glanced at Sun XiBin's manager, he
was standing to one side staring at his client with the same murderous gaze

as the host, just like a parent who had already given his child multiple

Bai Lang laughed in his head. Probably this rating "relaxed" was a nice way
of saying "childish". However getting along with this kind of person would
be infinitely easier than a tiger who hid his claws behind a smile.

After the host finally managed to calm down the venue and just as he was
about to introduce the main plot of the show, even though it was already
written on the leaflets distributed, one of the reporters sitting below the
stage suddenly stood up. As if in a state of panic, he grabbed his phone and
completing forgetting where he was, yelled, "What!? Did you say Su Quan
is right now at the front door of Total Entertainment?! Right now!?"

There was chaos among the reporters. Right away several people directly
rushed outside. Because so many people wanted to leave, all the aisles were
packed full and then within a few seconds two-thirds of the audience had

When met with this kind of scene, the host's jaw dropped open.

Momentarily he didn't know how to respond.

However he didn't expect that that at the entrance where people were only
leaving and no one was coming in, there actually appeared a tall and built
figure. He said as though to himself, "How come so many people are
running away? Is the event finished?"

Bai Lang went still. Then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly as
though he couldn't quite suppress a smile.

The approximately ten or so journalists left turned around. Their

expressions immediately became strange. Because the main character in all
the news drama, Total Entertainment's big boss Qiu Qian had just walked in
in a natural and careless fashion. He had just removed the sunglasses on his

Qiu Qian's face appeared completely surprised. He looked on the stage and
then turned around to look at the audience, then he found a seat close to the

front to sit down. Then he even turned to the person next to him and said,

"Hey, is everything finished already?"

This was a very young reporter. He was so overjoyed that he couldn't help
stammering. "No, no, no, not yet."

The reporters left at the venue couldn't stop themselves. A few of them
secretly took out their phones to send messages to get the word out.

The host really couldn't take it very long. He yelled, "If anyone plays with
their phone then can get out! Let's keep going!"


At this time, Su Quan was taken into the office that originally was his own
personal one at Total Entertainment.

His original secretary brought out a cup of coffee, so that Su Quan may
better wait for the person he had come to see.

Chapter 40 - Retaliation
After Chaos Street finally finished its pre-production activities, the time
was already twilight.

Qiu Qian threw on his jacket and stood up from his chair. He was
immediately surrounded by a crowd of microphones. Because of the host's
tantrum from before, no one dared to make any movements until the
activities on stage had finished. Right now it was finally completed so they
naturally rushed over.

Under the "pa-cha-pa-cha" of the flashing lights, the reporters all thrust
their microphones forward and began asking their questions.

"Mr Qiu why did you appear here today! Was your schedule already
decided in advance!?"

"Mr Su went over to Total Entertainment very early, does Mr Qiu know?

Are you deliberately trying to avoid him!?"

"Can you tell us why Total Entertainment terminated Mr Su's contract. Mr

Qiu can you give us an explanation!?"

"And why have you also terminated all working relationship!? What has Mr
Su done wrong!? Is the situation so serious!?"

"Doesn't Mr Qiu and Mr Su have a personal friendship!? Isn't treating him

this way damaging the friendship!?"

"At the end-of-year party earlier, the people in your company reported that
the two of you seemed very close. Was that just an act?"

The microphones surrounding him were close to knocking Qiu Qian on the
chin. However Qiu Qian maintained a relaxed stance. He said as though he
had no idea, "Su Quan came to the company today? Oh, it's probably to go
and pack his things ba."

These words sent the reporters into a frenzy! Finally they had found a
person willing to talk about this matter!!
At this time the cameras broadcasting the opening ceremony live had also
been turned around and was now focused directly on Qiu Qian.

"So Mr Qiu didn't know that Mr Su came by today!? No one told you!?

This isn't logical Mr Qiu!"

"Can you please let us know the reason for the termination!! Mr Qiu can
you let us know the details ah!?"

"Also what is the amount of damages that Total Entertainment has to pay to
Mr Su!? Can I ask if it's more than ten million yuan?!"

"Total Entertainment has many artists signed under its label. Mr Qiu do you
think that this a manner of ending the contract will impact them in some

"There's been some rumors that Total Entertainment is planning to close

down!! Mr Qiu do you have any opinions on these rumors!?"

"Is it because Mr Su has some kind of medical condition ah!? His manager
said he's taking time off to recuperate, could it be–"

"Ai, you guys need to slow down so people can reply. I still need to go to
the next venue ah."

The last sentence was not said loudly however because of all the
microphones, it was still heard very clearly.

The reporters all turned their head and saw that outside the throng of
reporters, Sun XiBin was standing with his head straining up to see over

When he saw all the gazes turning to him, Sun XiBin seemed to realize his
mistake. "What are you looking at me for, I also have the right to know ah."

His manager had completely given up trying to keep a lid on Sun XiBin this
gossip monger. He had instead chosen to go and make his greetings to the
Qiu Qian laughed and said, "It's only been one day and already the rumor
mill has gone crazy. You guys are really capable. Okay, I'll say it once and
say it clearly." After he spoke he stepped forward and began to walk away,
completely ignoring if there was anyone in his way.

Thus Qiu Qian took this big group of reporters and directly walked towards
the stage where there was still a group of people left right after the activities
had finished.

This included the director, producer, Bai Lang and a few other actors.

Qiu Qian made a generous greetring. "Director Xu, I'm so sorry ah. Today I
came to show my support but I didn't think I would bring all this trouble to

The Director Xu JunXi looked at Qiu Qian in a familiar manner. "Hahaha,

don't say it like that. I'm very honored that Boss Qiu could make the time to
come today. It definitely made our little gathering a lot more popular ah."

"Director Xu you're being too humble. With Director Xu and Producer Li

here, Total Entertainment has high expectations for Chaos Street." Qiu Qian
smiled and took Xu JunXi's offered hand, shaking it. "I'm glad we were able
to win this opportunity over Full Color. I hope we can cooperate well."

With these words, there was another flash of camera lights.

One of the rumors was regarding "Total Entertainment" closing down.

However this had just been disproved by Qiu Qian's words just now.

"It's a pity that Su Quan has parted ways with us," Qiu Qian continued to
say, his face not changing at all. "It can't be helped since people choose
different pathways in life. Rather than dragging things out, it's better to end

things cleanly. However I didn't expect that it would bring so much trouble
to the production."

Director Xu waved his hand. He was very cooperative. "People's wants and
ideologies are different and there's no point to force things. It's quite
common in this circle. We can only wish them fortune and good luck, isn't
that right?"

These words clearly expressed that Su Quan was not going to take part in
Chaos Street any longer. After the news about the termination breaking, this
was the first role confirmed that was going to change from Su Quan to
another person!

There was immediately a flurry of activity among the reporters. However

these two big figures were still chatting. Even the dumbest reporter knew
that right now was the time to listen and not to ask questions.

"Director Xu is right," Qiu Qian nodded his head. "According to my

knowledge, at least Hong Kuan Films came to snag Su Quan very early on."

Hong Kuan Films was the film company that Hong Yu had created for Su
Quan previously.

"If someone is popular there will always be people wanting to fight over
them ah," Director Xu gave an exaggerated sigh. "The fact that Mr Qiu is
willing to give things up is also very noble, hahahaha."

However the fact that these people's expressions were both very happy and
completely didn't conform to the words they were saying told to the truth of
the matter. {T/N: They seem like they're being sarcastic.}

It was clear to everyone that this was "polite speech". Director Xu was still
smiling but at this time someone couldn't help but interject.

"Mr Qiu what do you mean by "different pathways in life"!? Can you let us
know more specifically!?"

"Is Mr Su leaving Chaos Street!? Director Xu is that what you were talking
about earlier!?"

"Also what do you mean by "finishing things", Mr Qiu? Are you planning
to suppress Mr Su!?"
"Can I ask what does this have to do with Hong Kuan Films!? What has Mr
Su done that would make Total Entertainment treat him so drastically!?"

... although they knew they would only get perfunctory replies, the
journalists still rushed to ask their questions.

On the other side, Su Quan and his manager Luo ZhenAn who was sitting
in the office of Total Entertainment, were also watching this scene via the
news broadcast. Accompanying it was the a reporter who make a quick
monologue over the scenes;

"Right now that was Total Entertainment's CEO Qiu Qian. These are the
words that he made after Chaos Street's opening ceremony! According to
Qiu Qian's words, Su Quan went to the company today for the purposes of
completing his end of contract administration procedures. As for Su Quan,
after being seen going into the premises of Total Entertainment, right now
we still haven't seen him reappear. It seems that there are serious matters
that are being discussed. Or perhaps, the two sides are currently discussing
the contractual damages related to the contract termination. As for the
amount, Qiu Qian did not disclose any information. He only said the
following procedures would be taken care by his subordinates and that he
very much trusts their work ethic—"

After Su Quan heard this he picked up his coffee mug and violently dashed
it against the ground!

Anyway there was no one here to see. Other than the young woman who
had brought him his coffee earlier, he had been here for several hours
without seeing another soul.

So right now Su Quan had no choice but to believe that he had been sold to
Hong Yu.

Otherwise Qiu Qian wouldn't have raised the subject of Hong Kuan. He
would also have not given the outside world such an unsatisfactory
explanation for the contract termination.

As for the reason behind it....

Su Quan hatefully stared at the figure of Bai Lang who would every now
and again be captured by the cameras. He definitely had something to do
with this.

So he definitely wouldn't let them live well.

He would definitely not let it go just like this.


Following that there were several days of noisy news as the entertainment
world made various conjectures about the reason behind the termination as
well as the amount of damages. Not only did they try to guess the amount
of money paid to Su Quan himself, but also the damages that Total
Entertainment had to give to various related parties in order to change out
Su Quan's jobs.

Bai Lang watched the news for a few days then one night he took his bank
card and a stack of documents and went to find Qiu Qian on the couch to
have a chat.

Qiu XiaoHai was sitting to one side watching cartoons. It was unknown
whether or not he would have trouble finishing his homework.

"For you." Bai Lang stretched out his hand.

Qiu Qian looked up from several documents in his hand. He looked at what
was in Bai Lang's hand. "What's this?"

"I want to help make up for a little of what was lost over Su Quan." Bai
Lang said in a serious tone.

In Bai Lang's eyes, Qiu Qian's actions completely were "using a public
means to solve a private matter". If it wasn't handled well then it might
affect Qiu Qian's standing with the senior generation of the Qiu family.

However since Bai Lang knew that it was useless to try and persuade Qiu
Qian to change his tactics then at least he could help to make up for some of
the lost money of Total Entertainment.
Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. He said in an amused tone, "How much do
you want to give me?"

Bai Lang paused. "Thirty million. Is it enough?"

It was Qiu Qian's turn to go still. "Where did you get so much money

"There were about 8 million of funds that came out of that series of books. I
used it to buy stocks in those online shopping platforms. Last month they
were officially released to the platform and so the the prices of the stocks
have risen quite a lot, about 3-4 times. Also there is the money that I earned
from Gold and a few other things. Added together, it should be about this
much." Bai Lang calculated. This was approximately everything that he

Qiu Qian naturally knew this. He laughed and pulled Bai Lang towards him
and tipped up his chin. "Don't you treat those online shopping stocks like
treasures? Wouldn't it be disadvantageous to sell it off right now?"

"The books will earn more money. I'm not scared." Bai Lang really didn't
mind. If money wasn't spent when it was needed, then what was the point of
having it?

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow again. This was another strange thing about
Bai Lang.

Bai Lang didn't have any background and he had never seen him do much
research or education regarding business. However every time he chose to
invest in something he would earn a lot of money. The online shopping

platform was one matter, at least it was a trending industry, but the series of
books was extremely strange. Each one was more popular than the last. The
price to earning ratio even made Qiu Qian feel a little bit ashamed.

Then there was V Country's oil business that Qiu Qian was preparing to
invest in. Bai Lang only heard a bit about it and then immediately said out
loud a few key points without a second thought. He had even praised Qiu
Qian for his foresight. Of course words were cheap and it wasn't hard to just
casually say a few things, but it just so happened that the key points that Bai
Lang grasped were the exact reason that Qiu Qian was interested in this
business. If it wasn't for the fact that Qiu Qian had already given up on
suspecting Bai Lang, then he would really suspect that Bai Lang was a
corporate spy that someone had sent over to him!

The reason that Bai Lang knew these things was of course because of his
previous life. There just so happened to be a program that introduced the
successful business ventures Chinese people had made overseas. One of
them was V country's oil business. The program was very detailed and
thorough, Bai Lang had a deep impression of it and so naturally he could
remember it.

However the person whose business proposal was picked by V country in

his last life was not the Qiu family. The reason was because the application
for funding transfer overseas by the Qiu family was processed too slowly,
and so by pure bad luck they missed out on this opportunity.

In this life when Hong Yu asked Qiu Qian what he wanted in exchange, Qiu
Qian thought about it and decided he didn't want to rely on Hong Yu too
much to prevent himself being controlled by Hong Yu in the future. So Qiu
Qian had given what he thought was a relatively safe and almost sure to win
proposal over to Hong Yu to "help" with. He told Hong Yu to just help him
rush a few of the government workers who were working a bit slowly.

Within just a few days it was processed and Qiu Qian became busy
confirming this new business venture.

After thinking about quite a lot of things, Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "I'll
ask you one more time, are you hiding anything from me?"

"Nope." Bai Lang rolled his eyes to cover his feelings. He didn't ever want
to tell the truth about his past life to Qiu Qian, particularly not how he died.

Qiu Qian didn't believe it but as long as this person stayed by his side, then
he was willing to overlook these small things.
However he still held this person and kissed him heavily. He said in a
warning tone, "Do whatever you like but taking care of your body is the
most important thing."

There was a rush of warmth in Bai Lang's heart. But he didn't forget the
thing in his hand. "Take it then."

"Are you this worried about me?" Qiu Qian lowered his head to laugh, then
added a few more kisses. "Don't fuss. The money for the damages aren't a
big deal. I've already made preparations for everything that will come. No
matter if it's the outside or within the Qiu family, in order to topple Su Quan
it won't come to paying with ourselves. This money... why don't you leave it
for Xiao Hai's bride price."

{T/N: Bride price is money paid by groom to the bride's family. Opposite to
a dowry which is what a bride pays a groom's family. In China, most of the
times it's the man doing to paying however different areas have different

The working hard on his homework Qiu XiaoHai heard his name and raised
his eyes. "What's bride price?"

Qiu Qian thought for a moment then came up with a good example. "It's
like the money you need to buy steamed buns for Ah Zan to eat."

Bai Lang could help slapping Qiu Qian on the shoulder in a warning

Qiu XiaoHai's eyes went bright. He threw away his pencil and happily came
over to squeeze in between the two people on the couch. "Then it needs to
be lots and lots of money, right?"

"If it's Ah Zan, then I'm afraid so." Qiu Qian rubbed his chin.

These words really weren't wrong.

Eight days after Total Entertainment announced the contract termination, Su
Quan continued to maintain his silence. He had not made any reply to Qiu
Qian's words of "different pathways in life" and so it seemed he was
admitting to it.

However unexpectedly on the ninth day, several quite popular entertainment

online discussion boards all posted the same two series of photos.

One series was Su Quan and Qiu Qian. The two people were meeting in
private at several bars and clubs. The picture showed them chatting or
drinking together.

The other series was Qiu Qian and Bai Lang's photos taken on first day they
had appeared officially in public together.

Putting these two series of photos together, there was a heavy flavor of

And the question of sexual orientation the images raised once again created
another explosion in the entertainment circle.

Chapter 41 - Attack and Counter-attack These photos were posted the

same time, around midday, on online forums.

At this time Bai Lang was at Qiu XiaoHai's kindergarten attending a sports
carnival. Qiu Qian had left for V country the day before due to the business
venture. Before he left he had assigned many of his people to Bai Lang's
side, including even Lin GongCheng. He had also sent people to watch the
people that needed to be watched. Only this way was Bai Lang able to push
him out of the country. Bai Lang had taken a day off to go to the sports
carnival with the identity of a parent.

The people at the school no longer felt surprised. They were already used to
the Qiu XiaoHai and Bai Lang team. Qiu XiaoHai's class teacher as well as
the nanny all had Bai Lang's phone number. {T/N: Although it's not
specifically stated I think can assume by this time QQ has found another
nanny for QXH, because after all BL and him both busy and Hong
Hong/Xiao Li also have other responsibilities. But nanny doesn't live with
them, probably just responsible for picking him up and taking care of him
until BL or QQ get home.}

If Qiu XiaoHai got a fever or fell over in school and they couldn't find Qiu
Qian, they would automatically switch to calling Bai Lang. Even if Bai
Lang didn't pick up he would definitely return the call not long after. His
gentle and warm voice had already changed the class teacher as well as the
nanny from small fans into loyal major fans.

Qiu XiaoHai performed very well at the sports carnival. In these few
months he had been nurtured by Bai Lang until he was very healthy. He got
first place in the 100m race for the kindergarten class. The second place
also smashed the glasses of the people who were watching {T/N: surprised
them}, it was the beautiful and academic looking Rong Zan. Bai Lang was
holding a small water bottle and waiting at the finish line. He was almost
bowled over by the overly excited Qiu XiaoHai who jumped on him. The
sunlight, green plains and large and beautiful smiles really killed off a lot of
people's mobile phone's storage space.

Thus when Bai Lang held the trophy-winning and sleeping Qiu XiaoHai
back home, he didn't know that right now on the internet things things had
already became a chaotic mess.


The people that threw the hugest fuss were Su Quan's fans who had already
been holding themselves back for too long.

The sudden termination of Su Quan's contract by Total Entertainment had

initially made the fans jump out straight away to point to accusatory finger
at Total Entertainment and their lack of explanation. But ever since the
words "different pathways" had been released and Su Quan also didn't come
out to protest against it, they had gradually quietened back down again.

After all this reason was vague but pointed to the fact that there was some
greater play behind the scenes. Although Total Entertainment's methods
were rough however if it meant that their male god Su could find a better
place and a more appropriate company, then so what if he was fired from a
small organisation like Total Entertainment?

But what was this!! Turned out things were like this!? When Su Quan's fans
saw the posts they became incensed.

Actually when the two series of photos were posted there wasn't much text
accompanying it. The fans actually quietly observed for a little while and
there were even some people who asked what the point of it was. After all
in order to judge and delve deeper into the meaning behind these photos,
that meant they would have to first admit that their male god was gay.

The photos taken of Su Quan and Qiu Qian were mostly taken at private
clubs and the like, some of them were blurry or shaky. It was clearly taken
by fans on the down low. However the photos of Bai Lang were different.

They were taken from official news outlets. The headline that accompanied
it was: "The Truth That I Know". It looked as though it was something that
someone on the inside posted after really not being able to tolerate it any
longer, and finally came out to find justice for Su Quan.

One series of photos was taken sneakily and the other was public. By
coincidence, the day after Su Quan's contract was terminated, Qiu Qian had
appeared at the opening ceremony of Chaos Street for Bai Lang. After
brewing for a while, it was unknown which post first wrote the words "Bai
Lang you slut", but its effect was immediately igniting a tidal wave of fire
and opinions.

At this time, Su Quan's fans were also shocked when they realized what
was happening.

A few of them expressed regret, but a large proportion of face-con female

fans said who cares if our Su Quan is gay? He is so beautiful that even other
men cannot resist him, so it's only logical and we completely respect it! The
situation is definitely that this person Qiu Qian, who had a bad reputation,
used tactics and methods to get close to the male god, and caused the
previously inexperienced with relationships and busy focusing on work
male god to fall into his trap!!
Anyway, gay or not gay is one matter, but a homewrecker definitely cannot
be borne!

Most of the female fans grasped this important point. After easily letting go
of Su Quan, they pushed all their fire and attacks towards Bai Lang and Qiu
Qian these pair of male-male dogs. So when Fang Hua called Bai Lang to
let him know about what happened and Bai Lang went on the discussion
board, there were already pages and pages dedicated to swearing at him, the
discussion was very red-hot.

"We've already blocked a few of the IDs," Fang Hua said on the phone,

"However Ah Cheng said that the opponent seems to be professional and

keeps changing their location. They need a few days to catch them. Before
then we need to come up with some kind of explanation."

{T/N: So among SQ's "fans" there's definitely a few that aren't real and
have been paid to ignite the fire/push the discussion/opinion in a certain

That's who Ah Cheng is chasing, not the actual fans lol. Otherwise as you
can probably tell the material isn't that incendiary on its own. After that the

"truth" will take on a life of its own and people will just jump on the boat
and make it bigger and bigger, which is what is happening here.}

"Has Su Quan made any response?" Bai Lang moved his mouse. His
expression as he looked through the material was quite calm.

Fang Hua sighed. Previously because of Lin GongCheng, she can be

considered familiar with Su Quan. However right now...

"He doesn't need to make any response. All he needs to is keep hiding. If he
pretends to be sick the effect is even better. Even if he doesn't admit
anything, the fan's saliva alone is enough to drown us."

"That's true." Bai Lang couldn't help but admit Su Quan's method this time
was very effective and intelligent.
Without a company to back him up and if Hong Yu was taken out of the
equation, it was very difficult for Su Quan to fight against Qiu Qian. Even if
he emptied his wallet to take revenge, probably the effect with be next to
nothing. However by spreading this kind of rumor of a "homewrecker"

through the female fans, he didn't need to use much effort and the effect
would be widespread.

For example if in the future Total Entertainment's intention was to suppress

Su Quan, just like how they had changed his role in Chaos Street to another
person using money, Su Quan could use these rumors to paint himself in the
position of a victim. So although he would suffer some damage to his pride
and reputation, he wouldn't lose everything. After a period of wind and rain,
Su Quan still had the chance to get back what he had lost.

As for his reputation, Su Quan right now was seen as a victim. This would
be the best time to come out of the closet resulting in the least amount of
repercussions as the fans right now were sympathetic to the him that was in
a weak place. As for the next company that Su Quan found, they could even
pick up the reputation of a "savior" for free. Even if Hong Yu didn't help
him, Su Quan's career wouldn't suffer too much damage.

However actually Bai Lang only thought about work related matters. Su
Quan's thoughts were actually far broader.

Right now all of the people's anger was focused on Bai Lang. According to
Fang Hua, Bai Lang definitely had to release some kind of statement from
his side.

There were only two choices. Admit it or deny it.

If Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's relationship was confirmed in this manner, then
Bai Lang would have some ground to comment on Qiu Qian and Su Quan's
relationship and be able to express that he wasn't the mistress. However
since the relationship didn't even exist {T/N: Between SQ and QQ}, it was
hard to produce any so-called 'evidence'. The ending result might be that
Bai Lang still had to carry this title of "homewrecker" and at the same time
come out of the closet. This would have huge repercussions on his

And if Bai Lang publicly denied it, then Su Quan also wasn't scared.

Because that meant that in the future Bai Lang and Qiu Qian would have to
always tip-toe around and hide their relationship. If he chose this method
then Bai Lang would also be unable to comment on whether or not Qiu
Qian and Su Quan had ever "broken up" and in the future he would always
have to carry the suspicion of having "stolen someone else's boyfriend" and
be pointed at by others.

This way, although he wouldn't be able to hurt Bai Lang's life in any way,
Su Quan was still quite pleased at being able to force Bai Lang into a corner
of "not being able to see the light". And then if they hid the relationship for
a while but finally couldn't stand it any longer and ended up admitting to it,
then wouldn't they also be seen to be admitting to this homewrecker matter?

Otherwise why did they hide it the first place?

So in terms of losses versus gains, Su Quan was able to accept making a

small sacrifice in order to obtain larger rewards.

Anyway since Hong Yu and Qiu Qian had come to an "agreement", then
that meant that Hong Yu would still stand by his side and help him clean up

the mess afterwards. If he lost the choice of Qiu Qian, then to Su Quan any
other patron was the same. And if he had to continue being with Hong Yu,
then at least when it came to "that matter" the frequency was reduced and
easier to tolerate than before. {T/N: Uh, since HY probably has lost some of
his sexual function. I'm not sure if author was being too vague or if you
guys got that already haha...}

Returning to Bai Lang's phone call with Fang Hua.

"Right now we've already released the first wave response, which is to state
that in the photos with Su Quan and Qiu Qian there's nothing happening,
and so to use it to say that they had a relationship is too illogical." Fang Hua
reported. "Of course figuring out whether or not the photos are real, what
time they were taken and the purpose of them is the next step. We are also
need to prepare a more detailed explanation as to why Total Entertainment
terminated Su Quan's contract. That won't be hard. Previously when Su
Quan accepted a job, he would often change his mind and it was always
smoothed over by the company. If we expose it now, we can totally say we
didn't want to say it before to preserve his reputation, but had no choice
now. Isn't it just splashing dirty water on people? If he can do it, we can
too!" By this time Fang Hua was also very unhappy.

Bai Lang smiled. "I've troubled Sister Fang. I'm sorry to always have so
many incidents."

"It's natural when someone gets famous, no problem. You also don't need to
think too much. If you need to eat you should eat and if you need to sleep
you should sleep. Your body is the most important." Fang Hua comforted
him and then directly said, "However in terms of Chaos Street, Ah Cheng
will send more people there. They definitely won't be able to get to you.

However I'm afraid that what some people want right now is to see us
hiding. So you and Qiu Qian still need to come up with some kind of
statement in the end. Either you have to admit it or deny it."

Bai Lang had some idea in his heart but after all he couldn't make the
decision on his own. "I'll ask first."

Perhaps these words made Fang Hua misunderstand something. She added,

"In my opinion, it's better to admit it."

Bai Lang couldn't help smiling. "Is this you standing on my side?"

"Stupid. I'm just trying to give you a hint for the correct answer. If you
answer wrong, then the person who has to suffer is me." Fang Hua thought
about Qiu Qian then said, "What about your family? Do you need to notify
them first? Forget about Bai Li but what about your parents...?"
Fang Hua as talking when his phone began to ring again. The only person
who had the authority to interrupt someone else's phone call was Qiu Qian.

Thus Fang Hua just said to take care of himself and directly hung up the

"Hello?" Bai Lang had only swiped the answer button when he heard Qiu
Qian yell loudly.

"Tomorrow you speak straight into the camera, and say when the hell did
my man become your man?!"

Bai Lang blinked. He didn't need to ask Qiu Qian's opinion anymore and
instead had to spend a long time pacifying the angry to death Qiu Qian who
was overseas.


12 hours after the photos were posted, it was midnight.

The number of posts relating to this issue was now well over 10,000. The
location, timing, angle and truth behind the photographs was currently
being discussed over and over again. As time went on, the reasoning and
conjectures became more varied. Those that suspected Bai Lang were
present, but more and more people were also beginning to suspect Su Quan
and everybody was waiting to see if there would be an explanation come

At this time, Bai Lang's fans finally began their counter-attack.

The first post posted a single photograph, it was taken from behind of Bai
Lang holding a small boy's hand.

"Just who the hell is the mistress!? How come we've never seen Su Quan

When Bai Lang saw this he got a fright and immediately made a phone call
to tell Hong Hong to release the things he had just sent over right away.
That night, another bomb appeared on the unpeaceful discussion board.

The new post's heading said, "The other side that you haven't seen".

In the post were three photographs. Each was of Su Quan and a different
man, drinking together.

Chapter 42 - Turn Around

In the new series of photos, the location of the photo was also either a dark
club or bar. The faces of the men with Su Quan in the picture had been
blurred, however their body language and positions were not obscured.

Su Quan was sitting very close to these men. Either their knees were
pressing together or the men had their arm around the back of Su Quan's

Although the positioning wasn't anything that was overtly over-the-top,

however compared to the photo of Su Quan and Qiu Qian where they were
simply drinking together, these were far more suggestive.

So when these photos were posted up. the discussion boards immediately
exploded again.

The passionate and concerned netizens who had stayed up all night,
immediately placed these photos together with the photo of Su Quan and
Qiu Qian. When they compared these photos, which one looked distant and
which one looked intimate, was very easy to tell.

When Su Quan's fans, who had originally stood in the position of an ethical
high ground to curse at Bai Lang, saw these photos they had no choice but
to weakly protest; nothing is happening in these photos, what are you trying
to prove!? Your technique of pouring dirty water is too lacking!

However Bai Lang's fans group were just waiting for this sentence. So if
this is nothing, then Su Quan and Qiu Qian's photos are nothing even more!

You guys spun stories non stop about this photo and dragged Bai Lang into
it, have you still got any more dirty water to splash? Does it feel good
slapping your own faces!? After a series of to and fro, Su Quan's retreated
in defeat. With red eyes they hurried to find if there were any signs that the
new photos were faked.

At this time, some reporters and media who had previously been rejected by
Su Quan and had suffered punishment at his hands, jumped out to throw
more stones down the well.

Previously when they had seen Su Quan's pitiful victim image, they had
actually felt quite good. However they knew logically they shouldn't say
anything otherwise they might cause the fire to spread towards themselves.

However now the problem clearly lay with Su Quan. Since that was the
case they weren't scared of putting a magnifying glass up to these problems
and make them more obvious!

Also up until now, the "big person" behind Su Quan who had previously
always come out to help him had not made a move but only sat by silently.

Could he be that he was allowing it? Or was it that this person was also
angry by these rumors and wanted to let Su Quan taste some bitterness? A
few reporters who were more brave wanted to use this chance while they
weren't being "restrained" to act.

Thus within a short few hours, the identity of these three men were quickly

Although the faces had been blurred however the bodies could still be seen.

If a professional person investigated them, these people could still not


However these three people were all successful people in their fields and
thus pointing the finger at them too directly would cause trouble. So the
reports about these men only stated that out of these three men, two were
already married, and they weren't in the entertainment circle at all. They
were neither crew or cast members. Also, Su Quan had previously clearly
stated that he was never personally involved in finding funding for his
movies, hence how could he explain these interactions?

So when this news was exposed, Su Quan's fans were so panicked steam
came out of their heads.

The fans really didn't understand. Already they had been a bit confused why
the "dedicated to work" Su Quan would appear in these kinds of dark and

seedy looking nightclubs. They were willing to overlook that, but then what
about the suggestive looking positions which gave off a strange feeling?

And now you're saying that two of three were actually married!?

Then, then then, could it be that the person who was initially reported as
being "homewrecked", was the "homewrecker" for other people!?


Other than these photos, there was also another trending topic that night.

That was the photos that Bai Lang's fans had posted of him holding a little
boy's hand as he finished school.

These food was really tender and warm looking. Bai Lang's head was
lowered as he was talking to the little boy and he looked exactly like the
good father Jiang XinCheng in Partners. So when this post appeared, not
long after hundreds of replies appeared all saying, "begging for more!!"

Not long after more and more people started posting photos they had
sneakily taken. It was just like fans talking out their precious treasures to
show off. Because Bai Lang didn't have a personal website, so his fans
normally didn't have much of a platform to play around with each other.

Right now they found a good avenue and the reposts went from tens to
hundreds and all of his fans ran to squeeze in on the fun.

In one night, close to one hundred photos actually appeared.

Within them, the majority was of the just finished athletics carnival. They
were taken from all angles. Some showed the little boy hanging on Bai
Lang's body, and others showed Bai Lang helping wipe the little boy's
mouth after eating. It meng-ed to death a lot of fans.

Others included Bai Lang and the little boy waiting in line outside the
steamed bun shop, or eating marshmallows on the street next to the
marshmallow stall. There were even photos of Qiu Qian and Bai Lang
taking the little boy to school together.

80% of the people followed protocol and blurred the little boy's face.

However it couldn't be helped that some slipped through the cracks and
forgot to hide the little boy's large eyes, thick brows and handsome features.

As soon as they looked the netizens all yelled out, this is definitely Boss
Qiu's son there can't be any mistake, how come he's so cute!?
However when these unblurred photos appeared, within half an hour they
would be deleted. Although they felt a bit dissatisfied, the smart netizens
understood that people were controlling things behind the scenes. And the
fans also supported this. It was a kid after all ma, he should be protected.

Afterwards they obediently photoshopped the photos before posting. One

post followed another, everybody was very happy sharing their precious
treasures. The original purpose in using the photos to create news had
already been long forgotten.

However it was just that as more and more photos appeared, everyone could
smell the scent of a piece of gossip.

This kind of intimate day-to-day actions... Could it be that Bai Lang and the
Qiu father and son had long ago already started living together?

Then if that was the case, then wasn't Bai Lang the legitimate and proper

As for that other shameless "homewrecker" person, he definitely wanted to

"homewreck" Bai Lang and Qiu Qian ba!?

Bai Lang's fans were exactly the same as Su Quan's fans. Gay or not gay
was one matter, but a homewrecker could not be borne!

All of the female fans, including some who were originally Su Quan's,
within a few hours cursed and swore back towards Su Quan's side.


Online the netizens were warring. The internet was extremely lively.

Bai Lang however held Qiu XiaoHai (because Qiu Qian was overseas) and
slept away a peaceful night. It was only that Qiu XiaoHai held him a little
bit more tightly than usual.
The next day when he turned on the TV, the news was broadcasting the
latest news. It was Total Entertainment's press release from that morning.

Within it was listed all the detailed times when Su Quan had rejected a job
that the company had arranged for him. Also the times he had made
improper liaisons and communications to the detriment of his image had
also been listed as examples. Thus Total Entertainment felt that they were
not able to go on with Su Quan and terminated the contract.

With this press release, Su Quan completely didn't get a chance to even
explain the photos. Instead it ruthlessly cut off Su Quan's back path and
simply let his fans know they had completely misread the situation.

At the same time, Total Entertainment also went further and even released a
personal statement from Qiu Qian himself.

Within it there were only a few simple sentences. "Thank you everyone for
being concerned about my family's son and Bai Lang. Five days later, Total
Entertainment will hold a press conference. During that time I will welcome
all questions. But until then, I hope everyone can properly return to their
normal work and studies."

It was only a few words and there wasn't anything poetic. However what
and who he was trying to protect was very obvious.

The large proportion of female fans who had only the previous night not
been satisfied by Qiu Qian's seemingly playboy conduct, today gave him a
big thumbs up. No matter if they would approve or disapprove of them
being "gay", at least this guy admitted it in a direct and forthright manner.

Even some male fans who came to see what the fuss was about, couldn't
help but say approvingly that this guy had guts.

Bai Lang who had finished eating breakfast and was watching the morning
news blinked his eyes. Not long after his mobile rang.

"Did you sleep well last night?" The first thing Qiu Qian was worried about
was his body.

Bai Lang smiled. "Yes. All the way to morning."

"That's good. I'll be back in three days. You can let Xiao Hai take a break
from school these couple of days."

"I know. I didn't call him to get up yet." Bai Lang only just said this when
Qiu XiaoHai appeared in the doorway of the bedroom. He rubbed his eyes
and looked around in a confused manner for someone.

"Ah Bai...." When he found the person he was looking for, Qiu XiaoHai
threw himself over Bai Lang's body on the couch and continued sleeping.

Qiu Qian heard it on the other end and laughed lowly. "If this fellow gets
cornered by the reporters, he'll definitely give away every single detail of
our family."

"Indeed." Bai Lang smiled too, for that sentence "our family". At the same
time he rubbed Qiu XiaoHai's head.

Qiu Qian changed the topic to the proper one. "Hong Hong said the photos
from last night were given to him by you. How did you get it, was it from
Boss Hong?"

"I asked Ah Qi to help me out."

"Rong SiQi?" Qiu Qian immediately realized. "Because of the Rong family
party last time? Did you...?"

"I asked them to help me take the photo of Boss Hong and Su Quan over to
him {T/N: To Hong Yu}, and see if he was willing to exchange it for
something else." Bai Lang admitted.

Qiu Qian paused then laughed out loud. "Sometimes I really think you're
just wearing rabbit skin on the top."
Bai Lang said innocently, "When a rabbit gets angry, it can also bite

"Luckily you jumped into my pocket on your own." Qiu Qian said proudly.

"Then should I jump out?"

"You won't get that chance!"


This bite of Bai Lang's really bit in Su Quan's most painful spot.

The next morning, at approximately the same time, the Su Quan who had
not slept the entire night recieved Hong Yu's phone call.

Su Quan really didn't want to pick it up but had no choice.

"Do you understand everything now?"

Su Quan's hands were icy as he answered, ".... en."

"Then stop messing around. This time I won't help you clean up, you'll just
have to let it be." Hong Yu spoke in a very emotionless tone.

Su Quan didn't dare to refute it.

Because these three photos terrified Su Quan into knowing that his every
single movement was being watched by Hong Yu and within his control.

As for why Hong Yu was willing to expose these photos, the main reason
was to warn and threaten him.

If he continued down this path, there would be even more ugly things
appearing. At that time, if he didn't have any people to rely on, he wouldn't
be able to exist in this circle any longer.

"Then in the future..." Su Quan bit his lip and persisted in asking.
Hong Yu laughed lowly. "I'm getting older so it's natural that I'd want a
more quiet life, don't you think?"

Su Quan clutched his phone tightly until his hand went white. His heart was
filled with terror and hate but he didn't dare say anything back.

".... Su Quan understands."


In the end the fuss that was raised over Total Entertainment's contract
termination faded under the announcement that Su Quan was temporarily
ceasing all entertainment-related activities.

Through this, Su Quan's fans had no choice but to unwillingly accept the
truth like they were swallowing a fly.

Since Su Quan didn't come out to refute the reasons behind Total
Entertainment's contract termination or the photos with the married men,
the only explanation was that there was some truth to it.

However Su Quan's behaviour of not saying anything was also a bit

illogical. What kind of situation was it that he couldn't even come out to say
a single word!?

Left out in the cold this way, Su Quan's loyal fans all felt as though they had
been heartlessly stabbed in the back. They were both angry and hurt.

After that, all of the awards that Su Quan had won previously were dragged
out and placed under the magnifying glass.

Things were often this way. Once the public opinion turned against you,
everything that previously looked good would now turn ugly.

In the years to come, the words "movie emperor Su Quan" gradually

became only a footnote in the history of the entertainment circle.

In the new generation of history, there would of course be a new generation

of people taking the lead.
The nominations for the best male actor in the next Gold Emperor award
was released a few weeks later.

The just out of the closet Bai Lang, was confirmed among them.

Chapter 43 - Coming out of the Closet The two people used the
opportunity of the personal press conference called by Qiu Qian to come
out of the closet.

At that time the internet was still full of rumors about Su Quan and three
men in the photos with him. This drew away a lot of the attention and fire,
so the opinions about their coming out of the closest wasn't as crazy as it
could have been.

But of course it was impossible to avoid attacks and judgement completely.

There were definitely pointing the finger at them saying they weren't filial,
and because there was also the five year old Qiu XiaoHai involved between
them, there were many conservative parents who had very strong opinions.

The majority of them accused Qiu Qian and Bai Lang of providing a bad
growing up environment and example for Qiu XiaoHai. Also their coming
out of the closet meant that Qiu XiaoHai would have to endure being
pointed at and judged. This was extremely irresponsible. This topic was
immediately raised by a reporter in a high-pitched and accusatory tone as
soon as the press conference started: "Mr Qiu, don't you think you are being
irresponsible towards your son?"

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow and asked if a murderer's son can also be
considered guilty?

The reporter who asked the question paused. He said in a conservative

manner that as long as the son had nothing to do with the crime, then no.

Qiu Qian shrugged. "So if people point and stare at the murderer's son,
whose fault is it?"
"But isn't homosexuality possibly hereditary?" The journalist didn't want to
admit loss.

"If it is then it is, so what? The question of genetics cannot be controlled by

the individual so what do you want me to say?" Qiu Qian's face was filled

with disdain.

The reporter's face went red. "Even so, can Mr Qiu please explain why you
tricked a woman into giving birth for you!?"

When Qiu Qian heard this, he suddenly laughed. "Not bad. If you want me
to answer, then you first have to backup your question with proof. If you
don't have any then..."

Qiu Qian didn't finish his sentence. Suddenly everyone realized that
although they supposedly could ask anything they wanted at this press
conference and it was even broadcasted live, however whether or not

"something" would happen to them after or not was guaranteed. Thus all the
following question was like hitting cotton, neither painful nor itchy. Bai
Lang, who was sitting at home watching it on TV, shook his head. It wasn't
as though nobody ever threatened the media, but to do it so brazenly, Qiu
Qian must be one of the top few.

Anyway no matter what, once Su Quan's issues died down, Bai Lang and
Qiu Qian were henceforth seen as a pair. Everybody knew and there was no
need to hide anymore.

The prudent thing to do at this time would be for Bai Lang to lower his
exposure and stay away from the spotlight for a while in order to make the
fuss die down quicker. However luckily or unluckily he wasn't able to do
that, because right now he had gotten nominated for best male actor for the
Golden Emperor's Award.

If she had gotten the news one month earlier then Fang Hua would have
laughed happily.
However when she received the notification letter in her office, Fang Hua
felt for the same time that this gold card really gave her a headache.

Of course for someone new to the industry like Bai Lang, even to receive a
nomination itself was very high praise. To him getting a nomination really
was already like giving him an award.

However if she didn't want Bai Lang to waste the golden opportunities and
popularity brought by the nomination, and asked him to expose himself in
various way on a lot of different programs, then the issues regarding his
coming out of the closet would immediately follow. And if his coming out
of the closet was constantly discussed and over-exposed, then this wasn't
good for Bai Lang.

"However if you simply refuse to go to these programs then it also comes

with its own set of problems," Fang Hua said to Bai Lang, sighing. "People
may get distracted however some of these established programs will take
offense if a newcomer is invited and rejects them, so this will become a
problem when you want to return to promotions in the future. And if you go
to some and not to others, then you may offend people even more. So we
can't act to hastily and need to think clearly before proceeding."

Bai Lang thought about it and then nodded. "It's fine. I will cooperate with
the company's promotional needs. If there's a program that I need to go to
then I will."

Fang Hua thought Bai Lang didn't understand. So she spoke more plainly,

"If you and Qiu Qian's matter blows up too big then... although I don't want
to mention it, but have you thought about what will happen in the event that
you guys break up?"

"So what?" Bai Lang smiled. "If that happens then the thing that will be the
most painful and difficult to bear, won't be these things."

Fang Hua shook her head "Two big grown men being so mushy, really
makes my skin go numb."
Bai Lang raised his eyebrow, expressing he didn't understand.

Fang Hua rolled her eyes and explained, "I already talked to Qiu Qian about
what I just said to you. His reply was, no one will be harsh on someone
who's husband just died." {T/N: i.e. only way they will break up is if one of
them dies omgeeee XD}


Bai Lang was speechless. Turns out Qiu Qian was the real mushy one here.


Su Quan's matter still had a tail left to be taken care of. And that was Bai Li.

According to Su Quan's previous arrangement, the person who had

appeared to help bribe the instructor was Bai Li who had also been bought
out himself.

Of course this instructor had already, not long before the commencement of
filming of Chaos Street, been "taken care of". Other than having a bag put
over his head and being harshly beaten, Qiu Qian had also followed Bai
Lang's suggestion and instead of anything fatal, had arranged a gambling
trap for him so that his future days would be dark and gray. Because after
all this person was only greedy for money and didn't intend to cause
anyone's death.

Bai Li was actually the same. However his method of continuously using
his own blood-related younger brother to make money was unable to be
tolerated. After settling Su Quan's matter, Qiu Qian rolled up his sleeves
and wanted to thoroughly take care of this human scum. However he was
Bai Lang's older brother after all. So as for how far he could go, Qiu Qian
still asked him for his opinion.

Bai Lang also couldn't help but admit that even he had underestimated Bai
Li's greed. Originally he had thought that he would be able to use Qiu
Qian's name to prevent Bai Li from acting out. Indeed, Bai Li hadn't
behaved like he did in his previous life which was to threaten him
constantly that he was going to go to the media. But now with this shadowy
attack, Bai Lang knew that unless he thoroughly took care of Bai Li then
there would definitely be a repeat offense. And Bai Lang also didn't want to
waste any of his own or Qiu Qian's resources on Bai Li. That would be a
huge waste of money.

So Bai Lang agreed to use the old instructor as a witness (even if he wasn't
willing, he became willing) to publicize that Bai Li had used money to find
someone to attack him. With the combination of old instructor's testimony,
photographs of the money transaction, then it was possible that Bai Li
might even be found guilty of the criminal offense of instigating grievous
bodily harm.

Although the sentencing wouldn't be too harsh however for Bai Li who still
thought about using money to change himself into member of the high
society, when he saw this report his entire face went white.

His ugly actions which he originally thought would never come to the light
had actually been captured on camera with crystal-clear definition.

Thus when a huge number of reporters lay siege to his apartment door to
ask him for his motivation, Bai Li's head was completely blank. He could
only clear his throat and argue that, actually he is a law-abiding citizen, all
he did was ask some people to punish his unfilial little brother. What was
wrong with that (of course he wouldn't admit that he was bribed) !?

As soon as he said the eyes of the reporters all immediately lit up.

Unfilial? Was he referring to the news of Bai Lang recently coming out of
the closet ma!!???

Originally these journalists, out of fear of offending Boss Qiu, had not gone
to find the Bai family parents to stab him in the back. But right now, it was
Bai Li who broached the subject himself, they didn't incite him! All the
reporters seized the opportunity and excitedly continued this line of
And for Bai Li, the reporter's questions was practically like a life saving
charm that fell from the sky. It was logical so he immediately admitted it.

"That's right! It's for this reason. Bai Lang's actions really caused the Bai
family to totally lose face!! As an older brother, it's only right that I should
punish him!!"

A very enthusiastic reporter continued to ask, "So Mr Bai Li's meaning is

that your parents also think this way ma? Is the Bai family intending on
cutting off all contact with Bai Lang?"

Bai Li's face changed slightly. He felt regret for his words. Selfishly he
wanted to continue to hold onto Bai Lang this big tree. So he couldn't speak
too rashly. He hesitated and said, "If, if he..."

But Bai Li hadn't finished talking when Mother Bai who was eavesdropping
on the other side of the door suddenly slammed the door open and loudly

"What's there to talk about!! Bai Lang is very unfilial!! In the future he
won't be part of our Bai family anymore!! He brought such shame upon me
and his older brother!! How can we live ah!! How is he planning to
recompense us!! If his brother asked someone to beat him up it's only
right!! He should obediently lie down and take it!! You film this and go and
tell Bai Lang!! From this day on we are tearing down all the bridges, and
we won't owe each other anything in the future!! He doesn't have us as
parents, and we don't have him as our son!! Did you hear!?"

After speaking, Mother Bai didn't care about anything else and dragged Bai
Li inside and slammed the door shut.

This abrupt end to the interview actually had a somewhat comedic effect.

So Bai Lang told Qiu Qian not to block it and it was broadcasted on the
evening news.

The two people waited until Qiu XiaoHai had gone to bed then opened the
evening news to look. At this time, Qiu Qian held Bai Lang's hand as
though to comfort him.

However compared to his last life, Bai Lang actually felt like he had more
to smile about.

"Actually my mom is using her most restrained form of cursing. Seems like
your 5 million still had some effect."

Qiu Qian stared at Bai Lang. "You don't feel any regret?"

Initially when they had decided to expose Bai Li's actions, they had
foreseen that this might happen. However Bai Lang had insisted and
wouldn't even let Qiu Qian suppress it.

Bai Lang looked back at the television. He felt sad yes but also some form
of release. "This time the opportunities are more numerous, however the
chance of winning a prize is not high."

Only he understood what Mother Bai meant by the words "we don't owe
each other anything anymore". It seems like she had been anxious this
whole time that he might come back to ask her to repay the 5 million ba.

Qiu Qian pulled Bai Lang into his embrace and pressed Bai Lang's head
into his chest.

"If you feel unhappy then you can cry in my arms instead of crying staring
at those stupid cakes."

Bai Lang paused then remembered there really was such a night and
laughed. {T/N: This is referencing the moon cake that his family sent him
before, QQ probably spied on him haha.} His ear was pressed against a
warm chest and from it he could hear a steady heart beat. "Me and Xiao
Hai, we're both here for you."

"En." Bi Lang raised his head and looked one of Qiu Qian's rare tender

Thus, Bai Lang couldn't help but pull down Qiu Qian's and proactively kiss
What he got back wasQiu Qian's hot, insistent but tender touch.

Not long after there were four entwined limbs, heavy breathing and an
intimate beyond compare connection.

Warm and fiery, soothing and craving. These two people entwined, slowly
and passionately, throughout the whole night.


The next day on the deep blue bed, Qiu Qian looked down at the Bai Lang
that was wrapped up in the bedsheets, sleeping deeply. The corners of his
eyes were still a little bit wet. Qiu Qian picked up the phone. Although Bai
Lang had expressed to let everything be, he still couldn't help arranging for
a few more things.

That afternoon, everyone knew that Qiu Qian had once helped Bai Li repay
a debt of 5 milllion.

And everyone also knew what Mother Bai meant when she said "we don't
owe each other anything anymore".

Chapter 44 - Bai Family

"Mr Bai, Mr Bai! Can we ask, did Mr Qiu really help you repay 5 million

"What's the reason? Is it because of Mr Bai Lang's connection? Could it be

that you already knew about the two people's relationship a long time

"If you knew about it and didn't approve of it, then why did you still take
Mr Qiu's money!? Can you please explain!?"

"Or was it only that you didn't find out until afterwards, Mr Bai!? Then now
that you know, shouldn't you repay this 5 million to Mr Qiu ah!?"

"Yesterday your mother said that now the two of you don't owe each other
anything, is she talking about this 5 million!?"
"Can we ask what does Mr Bai do for a job? 5 million is not a small sum,
have you thought of an appropriate plan to repay the money?"

"After hiring someone to beat up Mr Bai Lang, aren't you scared that Mr
Qiu will come to chase his debt ma!?"

"It seems like Mr Bai Lang hasn't decided to press criminal charges. Mr
Bai, do you think he will go to the authorities or not!?"

After the news about his borrowing money was exposed, Bai Li was
surrounded by over ten journalists waiting in ambush as soon as he stepped
out from his home. This scene was even more grand than the day before.

Bai Li couldn't stand the pressure and immediately backed back into the
house and shut the door, however the sounds of the questions being yelled
from outside could still be heard.

"Mr Bai, Mr Bai!? Don't shut the door ah!! Come out and answer some

"Mother Bai is in the house right!? Can she please come out so we can
interview her...."

"Also what is Father Bai's opinion!? Is Father Bai the same as you two and
doesn't accept Bai Lang...."

The were [peng-peng-peng] sounds on the door, it was really quite


Bai Li backed into the living room with a pale expression. Mother Bai and
Father Bai also heard the commotion and came over looking worried.

"They, they are still outside?" Father Bai asked in a weak voice. "Isn't this
time to finish work? How come they're still there?"

"Are you stupid? Do you think journalists work regular hours!?" Bai Li's
mood was extremely bad and lashed out. "Mom, yesterday why did you talk
like that? It makes things impossible for me to refute. Look, they've
grabbed your words and are using it to make trouble!"
"Didn't I do it for you?" Mother Bai also got angry. "When I heard that that
wretched fellow wants you to repay the 5 million, it made so angry. Just
asking him to sponsor a little bit of money and he still wants it back!? He's
definitely sick in the head. Isn't that also why you hired someone to go talk
to him?"

When Mother Bai said this, Bai Li's angry face slowly changed to

Of course he had not told his parents that he had taken money to find
someone to beat Bai Lang up. The reason he had given was that Bai Lang
had come to ask him to repay the 5 million and he only hired someone to go
have a chat with him. He didn't expect that that person would use violence.

Thus everything was just a misunderstanding and an accident.

Also when Mother Bai heard about repaying money, she immediately
panicked. All her thoughts were filled with these things. To his day she had

not forgotten about Bai Lang's suggestion of using her two precious
apartments to pay the debt.

"So that's why I seized the opportunity to tell that fellow to forget about the
5 million. Isn't that good? Otherwise he'll keep thinking about our two
apartments!" Mother Bai didn't feel as though she had done anything
wrong. "Anyway everything is his fault to begin with. Didn't he already sell
himself? If he sold himself, then why should he come back and ask us to
repay the money!?"

Father Bai's face changed. He couldn't help but say, "Wait, didn't we already
agree that we would slowly repay the money? If what Ah Lang said back
then is true, then we should..."

"Idiot!" Mother Bai interrupted him loudly. "It's his fault for getting into the
mess anyway! Think about it, now that he and that man have ruined his
reputation, and everybody knows, how can Ah Li continue to do business!!
That means if Ah Li's business fails, then it's his fault and he still wants us
to repay his money!? That 5 million should be what that fellow
compensates to us!!"

"But..." Father Bai just opened his mouth when Mother Bai interrupted him
again. "I still haven't blamed you ne!! Everything is your fault from the
beginning! I told you a long time ago I didn't want to give birth but you
insisted on having a second child!! Now look what's happened!! Asking
him to help earn a bit of money is like death. You said he could help Ah Li
but look, it's more like he's pulling down his back leg!!"

Mother Bai scolded Father Bai furiously. Bai Li, who was standing next to
them, rubbed his face. He was filled with regret at having lost big for a
small gain.

He hadn't even had a chance to tell Father Bai and Mother Bai that after
repaying the 5 million, he had borrowed money again from his friend to
open an internet cafe. As for why there was still someone who was willing
to lend him money, it was of course because of the famous Bai Lang who
was standing behind Bai Li. And it was unavoidable that in the beginning of
a new business it would lose money. Although it wasn't a huge amount

however it was slowly starting to mount, Bai Li was also scared of

repeating the same mistakes. So these days he had been trying desperately
to get in contact with Bai Lang. However each time he had been blocked by
Qiu Qian's people.

Bai Li was becoming more and more panicked. Thus when someone
approached him with a sum of money to ask him to appear to make trouble
for Bai Lang, Bai Li didn't think much before agreeing.

One of the reasons was because he needed money. The other reason was
that the person's tactics seemed sufficiently secretive and safe. As long as
nothing went wrong then no one would find out and he would be able to
win a sum of money. After all now that Bai Lang was becoming more and
more famous, Bai Li wasn't so stupid as to want to get estranged from his
younger brother. He kept thinking that if Bai Lang was able to help him
with 5 million before, then in the future he should be able to help him with
even more.

So when the photos of that transaction was exposed, the thing that Bai Li
was most worried about, other than criminal charges, was Bai Lang turning
his back on him. At that time he still might have been able to hide his
motivation of why he had done it, however now with Mother Bai's actions,
they really had cut off connection with Bai Lang this big tree.

No, this can't be. He had to find a way to get back... after thinking for a long
time, Bai Li suddenly turned to Father Bai who had been silent the whole
time he was being yelled at by Mother Bai. "Dad, we can only rely on you

"Me?" Father Bai got a fright. "Why, what can I do..."

"Dad is the only person who hasn't expressed that he is opposed to Ah

Lang. You should go out and let the reporters know that there is still
someone in our household who supports Ah Lang. That way Ah Lang will
still help us if we need him in the future." Bai Li thought for a while, this
was really the only method. "After some time passes, we can also jump on
father's boat and rebuild our relationship with Ah Lang."

"What? You want us to forgive him!?" Mother Bai immediately protested.

"That wretched fellow is wrong in the first place for coming back to ask us
to repay the money. What else is there to say to him? He's completely
unfilial and ungrateful! Everytime I see him I will swear at him–"

"Mom, calm down!" Bai Li said impatiently. "Have you forgotten about
Boss Qiu who is behind Ah Lang? If we really offend Ah Lang, do you
think Boss Qiu will let us go!? I still want to do business! If I offend the
Qiu family, how do you think I can build connections in the future?"

Mother Bai closed her mouth speechlessly. As soon as the talk turned to

'business', this previously a farmer woman completely trusted and believed

in her son Bai Li.
"I don't think that Boss Qiu really thinks highly of that fellow anyway.

Otherwise why would he ask him to repay the 5 million?" Mother Bai
quietened down but couldn't help grumbling a few more words.

Bai Li ignored her. He turned to his father. "So dad, go right now and tell
those reporters that you still want Bai Lang to have a good life and that you
will try to persuade the family. It's only that right now you need some

Father Bai, who made the least decisions in the family, didn't even let him
finish speaking before rejecting him. "My mouth is stupid. No, no, it's better
if you say it."

"I can't!" Bai Li suppressed a feeling of violence. He said through clenched

teeth. "Haven't you heard what they're saying? I can't take back the things I
said before right now otherwise it'll be like hitting my own mouth! No one
would believe me!! So we can only depend on you, got it? It's very simple.

Just say exactly as I told you."

"But..." Father Bai still wanted to reject it but was dragged by Bai Li
towards the door.

Bai Li knew that as time passed the yelling would decrease. He knew that
Father Bai was cowardly.

When Mother Bai saw the situation she stood on her son's side and pushed
him too. However she couldn't help mumbling, "Don't forget about the 5

million ah, it's better if we don't have to repay. Anyway that wretched
fellow has a lot of money, remember to say it ah."

Thus under the half-force and half-persuasion of Bai Li and Mother Bai,
Father Bai reluctantly opened the door. Immediately he was confronted by a
gaggle of sharp-eyed reporters and there was an explosion outside the door.

"Father Bai! Old Mr Bai!!" The spectacle was unlike anything that Father
Bai, who for more than half of his life had toiled in a simple rice field and
who even after selling it, worked as a simple ticket salesman, had ever seen
before. In his whole life he had never faced the situation of 5 people trying
to talk to him at the same time. Father Bai's head was completely blank.

"Old Mr Bai! What is your opinion on Bai Lang coming out of the closet!!

Do you support him or reject him!!?"

"Old Mr Bai! What's the deal with the 5 million! Will you guys be repaying
Mr Qiu!?"

"If Bai Lang decides to go to the police, what will you do!! Do you think
Bai Lang will do it!?"

"When did you know about Bai Lang and Mr Qiu's matter!? Was it before
borrowing the money!?"

"Bai Li hired someone to beat up Mr Bai Lang, was it because of the 5


"Old Mr Bai, how come there's a debt of 5 million? Can you let us know?"


Outside was a scene of chaos and confusion. Microphones, cameras and

lights were all aimed at him. Father Bai's face went green and white and he
struggled to make a sound. Finally someone yelled, "If you guys keep

asking like this, old Mr Bai won't be able to reply! Quieten down and let old
Mr Bai talk!! If he came out then he must have something to say!!"

Thus the people settled down. It was only a few reporters reminded him
kindly, "Old Mr Bai, the camera is over here. If you have anything to say to
Bai Lang, you can say it like this."

However this sudden silence made Father Bai's panic rise to a new level.
Right now he already couldn't speak. Now asking him to speak freely was
like asking him to go and perform on a stage.

However the expectant gazes of the people around him forced him. Father
Bai had no choice but to open his mouth and stammer.

"Five, five million...." The extremely panicked Father Bai could only seize
this one sentence in his brain. He stammered, "Just, just like your mom
says, just leave it ba."

After he said this there was a sudden commotion from the reporters and
several indrawn breaths. Father Bai thought he had spoken wrong and said
in an even more panicked tone, "Other, other than that, you, you have a
good life yourself ba!"

All the reporters faces changed. Father Bai suddenly couldn't take it
anymore. He turned around, opened the metal door behind him and fled
back to his familiar space. "Peng!" the door slammed, leaving the reporters
standing outside stupefied.




The reporters standing outside the door were speechless at the situation.

Because right now the meaning of Father Bai's words seemed to be.... He
didn't want to have any relationship with Bai Lang anymore, however he

still wanted to keep the 5 million and not repay it?

If it was like this, then they had really never met such a openly greedy
family who weren't even afraid of making themselves clear on camera.

They didn't want their son. But they still wanted their son's money.

On the other side, as soon as Father Bai came back in he rushed into his
room, locked the door and refused to come out again.

He was scared to death that his wife and son would push him out again. So
he completely ignored Bai Li's panicked knocking and questioning.

Thus when Bai Li finally saw what his father said on the news a few hours
later, it was completely too late to take it back.

Because at the same time Bai Lang also made a statement and reply through
his management company He said, thank you everyone for your concern
and sorry also for causing such a fuss. From now on I will live well by
myself and won't disturb my family. That includes regarding the 5 million.

Bai Li was furious and demanded that his father go out to explain. However
Father Bai would rather die than confront the reporters again. Mother Bai
was also extremely satisfied. In her opinion, as long as Bai Lang didn't
think about that 5 million then everything was good. As for Bai Li, he
wasn't as thick-faced as some politicians and wasn't able to on one day
curse at someone and the next day change his mind to forgive him.

So Bai Li intended to let things settle for a while, then after some time find
an opportunity to find Bai Lang to "smooth things over".

However Qiu Qian wouldn't let things go just like this.

Bai Lang had agreed not to press criminal charges against Bai Li, however
Qiu Qian had never agreed to just let Bai Li beat up Bai Lang with zero

A few days later the internet cafe that Bai Li had borrowed money to invest
in, burned down in an unexplained electrical fire.

It was lucky that at the time of the fire breaking out, there was no one
inside. Also the newly built internet cafe was in a freestanding building. No
neighbours were harmed. The loss was purely financial.

However this financial loss once again reduced all of Bai Li's assets to zero.
But there was still the debt he owed plus the interest every month. He
looked at the opinions online of the Bai family's greed and the thin-faced to
outsiders Bai Li didn't dare to go look for Bai Lang at this time. So in this
situation of having no choice, he actually stole the housing title deeds from
Mother Bai, intending to sell one of the two apartments.

However he didn't expect that on the day of the sale the middleman agent
kept saying that selling one is not as good as selling two. If the two levels
were segregated then it would lose its advantage of being a two level
apartment. And the pricing would be vastly reduced. Bai Li thought his
made sense. This was after all the reason they had purchased this apartment
in the first place. Now if they sold it for half its value that would really be a

At this time the agent said, Mr Bai ah, the excess from the sale can be used
to help you start again right? After repaying your debt, you will still have
money left over to start a new business. Isn't always having a debt quite a
lot of pressure? Based on Mr Bai's ability, you can definitely earn
everything back. Then it won't be any problem to buy the house again if you

Bai Li was won over by greed. He really sold both of these apartments that
Mother Bai loved.

The sale price of the house was really quite beautiful. However if he wanted
to buy something similar again then that would be a different story.

Thus on the day she was told to move out and Mother Bai found out
everything, she almost stopped breathing. She rushed to scream and hit Bai
Li as though he had never been her most precious eldest son.

Bai Li had never experienced being yelled out or hit by Mother Bai before.

Her tongue and actions were extremely poisonous. Bai Li was extremely
humiliated and angered. Originally he planned to buy a smaller apartment
for his parents but with this he completely abandoned the idea. He decided
to use all the money he had to invest in a new venture.
Qiu Qian was waiting for this.

From the fire, to the middleman agent, to the project that Bai Li would
come to invest him... Qiu Qian watched as Bai Li, step by step, walked in
the trap he prepared for him.

Chapter 45 - Using Love to Embrace Nature Qiu Qian's trap for Bai Li
required some time to completely take effect. Bai Lang knew what had
caused the fire however as for the exact plan that followed, Qiu Qian didn't
give him any details. He knew that if Bai Lang knew about it, it would only
worry him. However Qiu Qian firmly believed that the three Bai family
members needed to be chased out of those two apartments. Who asked them
to cause trouble for Bai Lang all because of those two apartments?

Bai Lang also didn't have much time to look into this matter. Other than
being busy filming Chaos Street, he also had to attend a wide variety of
programs because of his Golden Emperor nomination. Of course all of these
programs had been given specific instructions and a list of topics that they
were not allowed to discuss. The same rule applied to everyone.

Other than that Bai Lang also accepted a special job. The country's aviation
dragon, Rong Air, invited Bai Lang to attend a press conference to
announce that he would be their spokesperson for the next five years.

Usually this type of spokesperson was signed on from year to year, so a five
year contract can be considered significantly long. Also previously Rong
Air had never called a press conference for the specific purpose of
introducing a spokesperson. So by doing this the Rong family was plainly
making a statement that they were supporting the Bai Lang who had just
come out of the closet.

In the press conference, not only did the very private CEO Rong Ai appear,
even Rong SiQi made an appearance as a member of the Rong family. It
was first time he had ever admitted in public his identity as a young master
of the Rong family.

When this was exposed, it almost gobbled up all the attention of the
reporters. Bai Lang naturally didn't mind. He was both amused and touched
by Rong SiQi's stubborn insistence on getting involved in this matter, even
though previously he had clearly stated that he didn't want his identity to be

known because it might affect his music. And the scene during the press
release that made the reporters the most excited, was the scene of Rong
SiQi and Bai Lang embracing as close friends.

Not only that but at this time Qiu Qian was also sitting underneath the
stage, arms crossed, having mingled in unannounced with the reporters.

This distracted the reporters even more. Both on the stage and off the stage
there were so many interview opportunities that they only hated that they
didn't bring even more cameras and crew!

So with the support of his friends, his lover and his family (Qiu XiaoHai
who could only stay at home to watch TV), this period of wind and rain
brought on by the photographs on the internet, didn't cause much
fluctuations in Bai Lang's mood. In fact the kindness, friendship and
support shown by the people around him, including Zhu Kuan, Que QiMing
and even Sun XiBin who he had not even known for very long, all made
Bai Lang feel that his life after rebirth was really very beautiful.

But of course, not everything could be so smooth and easy.

Only just after the fuss had begin to die down, Bai Lang once again
received an invitation to a special program: Using Love to Embrace Nature.

Other than Bai Lang, the invitation specifically stated it also wanted to
invite Qiu Qian and Qiu XiaoHai.


The main formula of the program Using Love to Embrace Nature involved
inviting three famous star's families to go on a backpacking and camping
trip into nature for three days and two nights. After editing it would show
the comedic interaction of the families, lovers spats, as well their
awkwardness and lack of experience in dealing with outdoorsy type
situations, in order to entertain the audience. The concept was healthy,
natural and family-friendly and it was a very popular program.

However previously the families that were invited by the program were all
picture-perfect, socially acceptable nuclear families. This time by inviting

Bai Lang, Qiu Qian and Qiu XiaoHai, this was really exceeding their
regular style.

If Bai Lang accepted the invitation, then his impression in people's minds of
being someone in a "gay marriage" would become even more flamboyant.

However if he rejected them then people might question he was changing

from the two people's recent public acknowledgement of their relationship.

That is to say, since the two of them were not afraid to admit their
relationship in public, then why fear going on a little program?

So the purpose behind the invitation, was it friendly or not friendly? Was it
someone who wanted to flatter Qiu Qian but only used an incorrect
method? Even Fang Hua wasn't sure. Bai Lang originally already didn't
want to go. After Fang Hua did some investigating and found out that the
coordinator behind the program was someone that was supposedly good
friends with Harmony Entertainment's young miss Li Sha, Bai Lang
naturally rejected it.

Qiu Qian heard about it however, he muttered during dinner one night that
there was still a few people that needed to be cleaned up. Then he asked a
few more questions about the camping format and this was overheard by
Qiu XiaoHai who excitedly yelled, "I wanted to go camping with Ah Bai!

Camping! Camping!" He yelled so loudly the entire night until Bai Lang
and Qiu Qian raised their arms in surrender, promising him over and over
again that they would definitely find a day for the whole family could go
camping together.

Since Qiu XiaoHai got his way, then naturally Rong Zan's family could also
not escape either. In the end it became two families going together. They
found a weekday when they could get away from the usual work, school
and meetings; and decided to go a two-day camping trip together.

The reason they had chosen a weekday was mainly because Bai Lang was a
public figure and they didn't want to turn their camping trip into an
impromptu fan meet and greet. They didn't really want to go somewhere
deep in the wild to torture themselves, so naturally they would chose a more
easy-to-get-to and scenic location to camp.

In order to make sure these four very busy people could all put aside their
jobs and squeeze out two whole days to go camping, the time had to be set
for three weeks later.

However it was unknown if God was making fun of them but it just so
happened that at the lakeside camping area that the four people chose, they
actually ran into the crew of Using Love to Embrace Nature.

When Qiu Qian and Rong SiYu's (who was Rong Zan's father, Rong SiQi's
second eldest brother) car arrived at the camping ground, they saw the large
and small camera equipment being carried on two big buses. In order to
make sure that things went smoothly, Bai Lang had no choice but pig-
headedly go and seek out the production crew. And it just so happened that
the crew leader was someone that Bai Lang knew. He was the producer of
Partners, Chen DongLi.

"Producer Chen, it's been a long time." Bai Lang smiled someone helplessly
when he saw him. "You came to film today?"

"Bai Lang!? Ah, it's really you!! How come you're here!?" Chen DongLi's
face was filled with surprised joy. Then he saw Boss Qiu with a backpack
not far away, along with a little boy who was jumping up and down in
excitement. Other than them there was another car with a unfamiliar
husband and wife along with an exquisite looking little boy. Clearly Bai
Lang was having a real family outing. "What a coincidence, hahaha,
previously you didn't accept our program, it was such a pity. However I
didn't think we'd still run into you here. Hahaha, we are really fated!"
Chen DongLi didn't show any signs of frustration or anger. Bai Lang
naturally replied, "If not for your invitation, why would the children insist
on going camping so strenuously? Originally I wanted them to stay away
from the cameras but I didn't think we'd still run into you guys. This..."

Chen DongLi didn't wait for Bai Lang to finish talking. He rushed to say, "I
know, I know. Of the people who reject the invitation, more than half is
because of the consideration for the kids. This is completely
understandable. So you don't need to worry. I will let the camera crew know
and they will do their best to avoid any shots of you guys. However I can't

guarantee it 100%, it's possible that you guys may appear in the background
of some shots."

"As long as it's not purposeful, then showing up a few times is okay. Thank
you Producer Chen. Sorry for troubling you." Bai Lang pulled down his
baseball cap and smiled serenely. "But isn't the idea of the program to go to
some challenging spots? How come you selected this easy campground?"

After he spoke, it was time for Chen DongLi to laugh helplessly. He came
closer and whispered, "Why else if not because of the guests? It's the
popular goddess Ruan Ying ah. Previously she used to be a teacher. She
insisted that she can't let her daughter go to any primitive places where
there might be bugs or snakes, her daughter won't be able to sleep. The
production crew can only cooperate. Anyway changing the filming location
can also keep the program fresh. This time we also purposely didn't clear
the set, the reason is because we wanted to film some interactions with
other campers. But we didn't think we'd run into you guys."

Bai Lang also felt curious. He nodded. He asked a few questions about
where the crew was planning on setting up camp. They would camp slightly
further away to avoid disrupting them.

Chen DongLi pointed out the spot. However the lakeside camping spot was
only so big, so even if you avoided it you couldn't get too far away. Chen
DongLi even gave Bai Lang a production schedule which let him know
what the crew would be doing during certain hours. This was being very
considerate. Thus Bai Lang said gratefully that if he made anything yummy
he would definitely send over a portion.

When the fatty Chen DongLi heard this his eyes lit up. He still remembered
Bai Lang's cooking skills. In the behind-the-scenes footage of Gold which
was shown at promotional events, the camera had lingered often on the food
that Bai Lang had prepared. Chen DongLi happily agreed to eat and
expressed that he was waiting in anticipation.

The two people exchanged some more pleasantries and by this time more
and more people around them discovered that the young person talking to
the producer was the Bai Lang who currently often appeared on the screens.

This roused a small commotion so Chen DongLi decided to directly call

over the director, planner as well as a few people who were responsible for
the cameras, and made Bai Lang's previous requests clear.

These people were very surprised but they all immediately agreed that they
definitely wouldn't be taking any sneak shots.

However it was only after Bai Lang was called back by Qiu Qian, these
people's eyes couldn't help but follow him and take some sneaky glances.


To Qiu Qian, camping was no big deal. Putting up a tent, setting up an

outdoor stove, building a fire and cooking a meal.

So his tent went up right away. He then grabbed a few rocks from the lake
and the outdoor stove was set up quickly as well. The fire was directly
created by his lighter. Qiu Qian had even purchased a set of small tables and
chairs specifically for camping. In just a few moments he had set up a
convenient kitchen for the big chef Bai Lang. The whole process Bai Lang
was only responsible for passing over a few tools. Not even a hour passed
and Qiu Qian had already finished and was sitting on a stool, resting.

Rong SiYu's eyes, which had watched the whole process, were filled with
envy and admiration. By the time Qiu Qian had finished, he hadn't even
finished reading the setup guide that came with the tent. Qiu Qian also
didn't volunteer to help. He simply sat to one side laughing widely,
commanding this husband and wife as they slowly put up their tent. Tents
ma, they were the most fun when you put them up with your own hands.

After that Qiu Qian led the two little kids down to the lake to go fishing.
For Qiu Qian, who had grown up on the ocean, this was his specialty. Rong
SiYu also followed with interest. Lin Qing stayed in the camp to be Bai
Lang's assistant. She was an 100% career woman, at home all three meals
were made by hired help. But now that she was here, and as the only
woman in the team, even though she didn't know a thing she still felt like
she needed to show some womanly characteristics.

However what she saw the small knife flashing down with lightning speed
and efficiency in Bai Lang's hands, she was gobsmacked. "Shua-shua-
shua", even and thinly sliced radish slices flew out. It was as though they
were illuminated with light and really made Lin Qing's eyes feel blinded
with shock.

She didn't know that Bai Lang had had lots of practice. She only thought
that the way he cut vegetables was super efficient and cool looking. In her
shocked heart, a feeling of competitiveness was born. She decided that once
she got home she would put some effort into researching cooking. This
directly lead to poor Rong SiYu's stomach suffering for a few days. In the
days afterwards this husband and son pair didn't dare raise the subject of the
time they went camping. However despite the tragedy waiting for the Rong
family husband and son, right now these six people were very happy.

This campground was really very convenient and comfortable. There was a
running water and even a flushable toilet. However from the outside it still
preserved its wild and original appearance. The vista of the mountain rising
behind the lake didn't lose at all to a deep forest setting, and the sight of it
really raised people's spirits. Right now it wasn't the holiday season, so
other than the crew, there weren't many campers and so it was also very
spacious and not crowded. The atmosphere was relaxing and peaceful.

Thus when Qiu XiaoHai yelled out, it was immediately transmitted

throughout the entire campground.
"Ah Bai~~ fish! Daddy and I caught fish oh!!"

Not only Bai Lang, but the entire production crew's attention was roused.

They saw Qiu XiaoHai excitedly holding a fish, jumping and waving as he
ran towards Bai Lang. Bai Lang stood in place to welcome him and Qiu
XiaoHai threw himself on his legs. In his fist he held aloft the fish
triumphantly and said joyfully, "Daddy and I caught it oh! It's fish oh! It's
the kind that Ah Bai likes the most!"

"Wow! Xiao Hai, you're so awesome." Bai Lang laughed and ruffled Qiu
XiaoHai's head.

Qiu XiaoHai's eyes curved as he smiled. "Then here you go Ah Bai~ Daddy
and I are going to catch even bigger fish! Ah Bai you can eat even more!"

"Thank you." Bai Lang received the fish but the next moment he pulled
back the Qiu XiaoHai who was about to take off again. He handed him a
water bottle. "Drink some water before going."

"Oh." Qiu XiaoHai held Bai Lang's hand and chugged a few mouthfuls. Bai
Lang didn't take the bottle back but instead gave it to Xiao Hai. "Give it to
your dad to drink."

So Qiu XiaoHai clutched the water bottle between his two hands and while
yelling, ran back towards Qiu Qian who was maneuvering the fishing rod in
a cool and handsome manner. "Ah Bai said drink water~"

Qiu Qian drank with big mouthfuls. After drinking he even hung the water
bottle around his neck. He completely didn't care about his image as a big

Not a few moments later, Qiu XiaoHai's joyous cry sounded again.

"Another fish ne!!" This time after racing back to Bai Lang to hand over the
treasure, he collected a few skewers of roasted mushrooms and took it back.

"Ah Bai made mushroom skewers~~"

The third time that Qiu XiaoHai yelled out that he'd caught fish, every
single person in the campground looked towards the lake. Could it be that
the lake was teeming with fish, how come it was so easy to fish them ah?

Their eyes followed the busy and excited Qiu XiaoHai as he ran back
towards Bai Lang, collected four more green pepper skewers and ran back
to the lake.

"Ah Bai made green pepper skewers~~"

Bai Lang heard and yelled after Qiu XiaoHai, "Eat your greens properly,
don't let me catch you sneakily giving them to your dad!"

"Oh—" Qiu XiaoHai dragged out his voice and seemed very unwilling.

The crew members who were all watching surreptitiously saw Qiu XiaoHai
separate the skewers. Then he looked behind his shoulder at Bai Lang and
then sneakily ran towards the other exquisitely beautiful little boy. The two
people's heads pressed closed and they whispered together. The audience
could all guess that he definitely was asking his friend to help him eat it.

Thus not long after Bai Lang suddenly left the roasting meat and with big
footsteps stalked towards them just like he was out to catch some
disobedient kids. Qiu XiaoHai grabbed his little friend and fled in terror.

They laughed as they ran and Bai Lang chased them. He hadn't chased long
when Qiu Qian abandoned his fishing rod and entered the fray.

They saw the two adults surround the two kids, one from the front and one
from the back. Qiu XiaoHai very uselessly hid behind the pretty little boy.

The little boy actually puffed out his chest like a warrior and even spread
out his arms to bravely protect his charge. Of course in the end the two
people were both caught and tickled as punishment. Their laughter ran out
across the camp. At this time the academic looking man who had been
standing unmoving by the lakeside the entire time suddenly gave out a loud
and joyous yell, "Oh! I also caught one!!"
The people playing all came over to congratulate him including the woman
who had been standing by the stove. It was clear that after watching Qiu
Qian catch fish over and over, the academic looking man stubbornly
persevered because he didn't want to accept loss.

Their happy and natural interactions, even though it was totally unscripted
and unplanned, actually made the people watching unable to avert their

All of the camera people standing to one side really felt hate. How come
they couldn't film ah? They looked back at their own side. The three groups
of big stars were still discussing how to distribute their jobs and were just
preparing to set up camp.

Ruan Ying looked over at Bai Lang. She said in a dissatisfied voice, "So
noisy. Don't they know they're being disruptive?"

At this time Ruan Ying's daughter, a four to five year old little girl who was
wearing pink overalls, pulled on Ruan Ying's athletic clothing and said,

"Mommy, I also want to eat fish."

Chapter 46 - Ah Bai's Fish

There were three stars attending this episode of Using Love to Embrace
Nature. They were Ruan Ying, Li YouFeng and Chen Xun. All of them
came with their families so there were nine people altogether.

There were two male stars and one female star, and they had two daughters
and one son.

The only female star was Ruan Ying.

Ruan Ying had been in the singing world for seven to eight years. In a time
were newcomers were changed often, she can be considered a singer with a
lot of experience. Prior to debuting she had been a guzhen {T/N: Chinese
zither} teacher. Her debut song was suitably had an ancient Chinese theme
with a guzhen playing. Paired with her delicate features and warm and
gentle voice, it pushed Ruan Ying to the heights of popularity. After that she
had gone down this warm and romantic singer image for many years. Her
audience also didn't get sick of her and so she got the title of Popular
Goddess. It was unknown if this title meant Ruan Ying was unable to
change her image for so many years, however actually Ruan Ying quite
liked it herself.

Of the other two stars, Li YouFeng originally started off as a folk singer.

His uncle appearance was popular with university students. Chen Xun was
a talk show host from a variety program, he was comedic and fast-witted.

Every episode of Using Love to Embrace Nature, would invite at least one
star with a fun-loving personality to make the atmosphere more lively and
in this episode this was Chen Xun's hidden job.

However they didn't expect that on the way to the campground when Chen
Xun cracked a couple of jokes and made a bit of noise on the bus, he was
actually rudely reprimanded by a frowning Ruan Ying. She said that her
daughter got car sick and couldn't he please be a bit quieter? Saying this
was like pouring icy water on Chen Xun's head.

Chen Xun was professional and usually he would have been able to smile
and simply let it go. However right now his wife and son were both sitting
by his side, watching, and so it was much harder to swallow than usual. So
everyone on the crew could tell that from the beginning, Chen Xun didn't
seem to want to talk to Ruan Ying. This really was an unfortunate

Not unexpectedly, in the following interactions, without Chen Xun's lively

and slapstick humor to liven the atmosphere, everything became much more
cold and stilted. And Li YouFeng's family had his wife has the figurehead.

This meant that Li YouFeng didn't talk but was only responsible for
following her orders. This sharp-mouthed auntie really was a matching pair
with this big uncle, however although they were very harmonious it wasn't
cute at all ah. So the filming crew really felt worried. In this entire group of
people, probably only the kids were worth filming.
So when they heard Ruan Ying's daughter Zhao YingZheng speak up in a
milky voice, everyone jolted to attention. Although according to the
schedule, after delegating the tasks of setting up camp, it was time to go
into the forest to find forage some wild vegetables and fruit, however
natural interaction was the most important. So the production crew naturally
brought out pre-prepared fishing rods.

Li YouFeng and Chen Xun had also been watching how the neighbouring
group seemed to be catching fish left and right and so their heart was also
moved. Thus a few people enthusiastically got into this originally should
have been quite boring fishing activity.

However after more than ten minutes passed, the water in the lake was still
calm and un-moving. By this time the pink-faced Zhao YingZheng had
already started making an impatient tantrum.

Where was the fish?! How come there was no fish ah? Daddy, I want fish, I
want fish.....

Of course screaming like this probably made the fish scatter even more.

There was even less movement on everyone's fishing rods. Ruan Ying's
husband Zhao QiPring, who was a small boss of a car dealership, usually

acted like a big lord in this family. He had never been tortured like this
before. In addition the cameras kept filming from the side so he irritably
told his daughter to be quiet.

This made it even worse. Zhao YingZheng's temper tantrum immediately

became more explosive. Her high-pitched crying was so piercing that it
pretty much scared away all the living animals by the lake.

And she wouldn't even stop after a few minutes. For an entire half an hour,
all anyone by the lake could hear was Zhao YingZheng's crying sounds.

However you also couldn't really blame the kid. She was the youngest child
on the set, only a little bit over four years old. She couldn't really
differentiate right from wrong. She only knew that usually as long as she
wanted something, daddy and mommy would immediately bring it over.

Today she cried for so long, her voice was already hoarse and painful,
however nothing appeared. Zhao YingZheng really felt heartbroken and
bullied. She completely couldn't stop crying.

At this time, the production had no choice but to pause filming for a while
in order to pacify this little ancestor. And the other two kids, seeing how
Zhao YingZheng was crying so fiercely, got scared and hid behind their
parents and wouldn't come out. From the very beginning Ruan Ying was
very protective of her daughter and wouldn't let her have much interaction
with the other kids. So the "kids group", which would usually naturally and
very quickly form, this time became quite distant.

Just as everyone was wringing their hands in despair, a clear and crisp voice
floated over.

"Little sister don't cry ah, I'll give you Ah Bai's fish."

Everyone looked towards the voice. It was the Qiu XiaoHai who had just
been playing happily. Right now he was holding the other little boy's hand
and with his other hand he held a bucket and placed it by the shore. After
talking, Qiu XiaoHai reached into the bucket, felt around and took out a fish
that was still linked up to a hook and handed it over.

"Here. For you."

Zhao YingZheng cried so much she was already tired. She hiccuped and
stared at the thick-browed and big-eyed Qiu XiaoHai then looked at the fish
in his hands. In a tearful voice she clumsily accepted the fish. The fish was
very slippery and so Ruan Ying who was standing nearby took the fish for
her. She said in an awkward voice, "Thanks ah."

Qiu XiaoHai liked to smile. He turned around to look and then ran towards
the little boy who was standing behind Chen Xun's legs.

"I have one for everyone. Do you want a fish ah?"

Chen Xun's son slightly widened his eyes. Then he looked at Chen Xun
who gave a slight nod. "... okay."

This time it was Rong Zan who reached into the bucket and took out a fish.


The almost six year old Chen Zhao blinked and then actually started
blushing. "Thank, thank, thank you."

Then they gave another fish to Li YouFeng's daughter. After Li YouFeng's

wife the big auntie Zhang Que gave them an affectionate rub on the head,
Qiu XiaoHai and Rong Zan ran back to their camp hand-in-hand.

"Aiya! Did you get that on film ah!?" One cameraman suddenly knocked
himself on the head and yelled out in a tragic voice.

"Even if we film we can't use it anyway, right?" Another person replied in a

gloomy tone.


As it got late, the sun went down in the horizon and the crew had also
finished the "eating dinner" activity. Only after that did Bai Lang and Qiu
Qian bring over a pot of deliciously fragrant fish soup to give to Chen
DongLi. This heavy soup pot was held by Qiu Qian and placed onto the
crew's stove. By this time everyone had gotten more used to it.

Because they had spied on them for the entire afternoon, everyone had
already somewhat changed their minds about Bai Lang and Qiu Qian.

Right now there had been a lot of fuss on the media regarding Qiu Qian
lending money to the Bai family. Also the Bai family seemed to want to
swallow this money but refused to say they borrowed it. So many people
suspected in their hearts that Qiu Qian had used money to keep Bai Lang, it
was only on the surface that they said they were in a romantic relationship
to make things sound better.
However after spying on them for the day, this big boss Qiu Qian was like a
workhorse. All the hard labor was done by him, from getting water to
carrying the water buckets. If he really was just a patron he wouldn't behave
like that. Also the most important point was Qiu XiaoHai. He always liked
to cling to Bai Lang's body every time he had a chance. He looked even
closer to him than his own father. This was completely the happy image of a
real family.

And it wasn't only the crew members spying on them. After they were
given fish, the three little kids being filmed also couldn't help looking
towards the two little boys from the neighbouring campground. They were
both curious and envious. Their whole faces showed how much they
wanted to run over and play.

So when Bai Lang came to give supper to him, Chen DongLi couldn't help
opening his mouth to make a request.

"Ai, although we're already indebted to this afternoon, but tomorrow can
you lend Xiao Hai to us again for a while ah?"

"Lend?" Bai Lang blinked.

"Your three fish has completely stolen away all the interest of the kids over
here ah. Every second minute there will be someone looking over at you
guys. So I was thinking, tomorrow we should let the five kids play together
for a bit. We will only film the kids and not film you guys. So if it goes on
television there would be any trouble of their identities. What do you guys
think? Can we do it?"

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian. Qiu Qian shrugged. "It isn't a problem to just
let them play together."

"Boss Qiu is really generous!" Chen DongLi's eyes lit up. "Good, good.

Then let me arrange it. I definitely won't let any adults enter the shots!"

After talking, Chen DongLi called over a few crew members and swiftly
made the arrangements for the next day's schedule.
The next day, the five kids played hide and seek together. They laughed
joyfully as they played and the filming crew was extremely satisfied. They
were so many meng scenes that they couldn't figure out which ones to use.

And because the kids were happy and having a good time, the atmosphere
between the adults also became much more warm. Also last night Ruan
Ying had been scolded by her manager (because someone had complained),
and the next day she lowered her attitude and went to apologize to Chen
Xun. She said that she was only overly anxious about her daughter on the
bus and didn't have any ill intent. By saying this, Chen Xun was able to
recover some face. He also didn't give her a hard time and so very quickly
the conversation went back on its natural track.

So the next day the originally stilted and awkward atmosphere underwent
an 180 degree change. The following two days of camping wasn't so heavy
and uncomfortable. The origin of all this change seemed to be Qiu XiaoHai.

Behind there was also Bai Lang and Qiu Qian helping. This was all
remembered by the crew members in their hearts.

Afterwards anytime when this group of people encountered people talking

bad about Bai Lang or Qiu Qian's relationship, they would be unable help
speaking up for them. This was something they personally witnessed with
their own eyes, it was rational and they even had evidence. These words
were quickly spread and soon everyone in the entertainment circle knew
that Bai Lang and Boss Qiu were conducting a proper and real romantic

Look, right now the five kids were playing happily and many people's eyes
couldn't help going towards Bai Lang.

They saw him strolling by the lakeside hand-in-hand with Qiu Qian. The
image was extremely sweet and beautiful.


Of course after this episode was aired, the addition of Qiu XiaoHai and
Rong Zan's appearances on the screen caused enthusiastic discussion. Some
sharp-eyed viewers found out that he looked a lot like the photos of Qiu
XiaoHai that had been posted onto the internet a while ago however the
production crew sternly denied these claims. In the world there would
always be people who looked alike. Please don't randomly make up things
and cause misunderstandings.

Rong Zan's appearance also split a lot of the attention. Because this little
boy was too startlingly beautiful. He really caught the attention of many
grandmothers and mothers. However after all they were only two small
children, you couldn't make too many enquiries about them. After a period
of time things naturally died down.

Around this time, all the controversy surrounding Bai Lang's coming out of
the closet also finally disappeared.

However for those who wanted to keep thinking about it, of course they
would continue thinking about it.


In front of the TV, Kang Jian was accompanying his pregnant girlfriend Li
Sha to watch a broadcast about a big new building unveiled by Rong Air.

When Bai Lang and Qiu Qian appeared on the screen, his stomach flip-
flopped madly.

Because Kang Jian originally had always thought that homosexuality was
something that could never be exposed to the light.

That's why he had found Li Sha who could help him with his career. Right
now his path as an actor really became much smoother and when he looked

down at the small life that was growing inside Li Sha's stomach, the son
who would even more firmly affix his fortunes, Kang Jian originally felt
that he was already very lucky.

But as soon as he saw Bai Lang on the screen, Kang Jian couldn't help
feeling uncontrollable emotions.
Envy. Jealousy. Unfairness. And also an admiration that had never faded....

Now when he looked at Li Sha's stomach, he couldn't summon up the same

kind of anticipation as before.

Chapter 47 - Wedding Feast

"A wedding invitation?" Bai Lang was surprised. He took the red-colored
envelope held out by Fang Hua. "For me?"

"Yes. Li Sha and Kang Jian's wedding invitation. It's set for the middle of
next month." Fang Hua raised her brow. "Both you and Qiu Qian are
invited. Your invitation is sent by Kang Jian. Qiu Qian is invited by Li Sha
and Harmony Entertainment."

Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. He opened the envelope and glanced at it to
confirm it. It really was a proper invitation to Kang Jian's wedding. Both
parent's names were listed. The wedding invitation also came with a small
fashionable thank you card for guests. It was a photo of Li Sha in dress,
shrunken down to business card size, for the guests to keep as a

In the card, Li Sha was wearing a blue colored dress encrusted with
rhinestones. The high waistline was unable to completely hide her
protruding belly. And the girl also didn't seem to want to hide it. She used
one hand to hold her stomach and was leaning against the straight and tall
Kang Jian who was wearing a suit. Both of their faces looked blissfully

Except this blissfully happy woman still had time to come out to find
trouble for him. Bai Lang thought about the invitation he had received
before to attend Using Love to Embrace Nature, and now there was this
wedding invitation. Bai Lang really didn't understand and so he handed the
invitation back to Fang Hua. "I'm not interested. Throw it away ba."

Fang Hua took it back with understanding. She smiled, "I really don't know
what that small-hearted couple is thinking. They act like they have a beef
with you and Qiu Qian, going around everywhere making trouble, but when
they got married they still send over an invitation? What kind of emotional
conflict are they going through? If they want to make people uncomfortable
this isn't a very effective method."

"Who knows," Bai Lang smiled helplessly, "Is Brother Qiu going?"

"The company doesn't need the big boss to go out personally to make
contacts." Fang Hua waved her hands. "If you don't go of course he won't
either. I'll just directly send over a gift in the company's name."

Bai Lang nodded. Suddenly he smiled and said, "Other people's companies
have joyous news. I wonder if our company will too?"

"Our company?" Fang Hua paused. Her eyes opened wide and she asked,

"Are you guys going to have a wedding too?"

"....." Bai Lang was speechless. This really was him hitting his own face.

"I'm asking about Sister Fang and Brother Cheng."

Fang Hua's face changed slightly. "What kind of silly nonsense has Ah
Cheng been spouting again?"

After Chaos Street, Qiu Qian had instructed Lin GongCheng into send a
group of people to follow Bai Lang every day about his business.

Other than being responsible for blocking the reporters, initially he had also
been wary whether Su Quan or Bai Li would come up with any new tricks.

So of course Fang Hua also had to get involved in this. Using the excuse of
needing to communicate for work, Lin GongCheng's pursuit of Fang Hua
for the second time around had been quite successful. This event that had
never occured in his past life now seemed like it had signs of life.

Also thinking about it, Kang Jian's development this life had also gone
down a completely different road to before. If not for the fact that Bai Lang
had asked Fang Hua to help stuff Kang Jian into the production that ended
up having a drug scandal, then Kang Jian would not have been forced to
leave his original media company and ended up joining Harmony
Entertainment. After that he met Li Sha and now he was even going to have
a child.

It was hard to say if this was good or bad. However this was approximately
all that Kang Jian could do right now. In his past life, Kang Jian's fiancee

Shen LingLing's family background was higher by quite a few levels

compared to Li Sha's, which showed the extent of Kang Jian's ambition. So
Bai Lang originally felt that Li Sha was only a stepping stone in Kang Jian's
life. He didn't expect that Kang Jian would actually decide to marry and
have a child with her. From this, his desperation at being driven into a
corner could be seen. Because up until right now, other than his initial debut
movie, he had only gotten an assortment of minor roles and hadn't had any
major productions.

And thus Bai Lang wasn't in a rush to deal with Kang Jian. He also didn't
think too much about him.

Right now he had a new and different life. He had to treasure it and work
hard at it.

Looking at the Fang Hua who had a rare embarrassed expression, Bai Lang
laughed. Life was long and no one knew what would happen. It was
important to appreciate and treasure everything that you had now.


It was only that making fun of your manager would have consequences.

That night Qiu Qian grabbed Bai Lang with very bright eyes.

"Fang Hua said you wanted to hold a wedding feast ah? That's only right.

You pick a day, I'll work out a list of good venues for you to choose."

"...." Bai Lang was completely speechless. "Do you think right now things
aren't noisy enough? I'm already tired."
Qiu Qian was also annoyed by the reporters so he backed down a bit but
still insisted, "Why don't we hold inside the company?"

Qiu XiaoHai who was sitting to one side asked curiously, "What's a
wedding feast?"

"It means getting married." Qiu Qian replied. "Do you know what getting
married is?"

"I know! The teacher talked about it before!" Qiu XiaoHai yelled loudly.

"Getting married means being together forever and forever oh!"

Qiu Qian nodded his head in a good mood but he didn't expect that the next
moment Qiu XiaoHai threw away his pencil and wrapped himself around
Bai Lang's leg. His next sentence was, "So I want to get married with Ah
Bai and be together with Ah Bai forever. Ah Bai, let's get married okay?"

Qiu Qian's face went black. Bai Lang joyfully cuddled Qiu XiaoHai.

"Sounds pretty good. Let me think about it."

"Think about it my ass!" Qiu Qian yelled.

Bai Lang glanced at Qiu Qian. He sighed, "I have no choice. It's not like
anyone else proposed to me."

Bai Lang would very quickly come to regret his words.

The next day Qiu Qian immediately got his hands on a pair of rings. He
forced Bai Lang to wear his one all the time. For the Bai Lang who was in
the middle of filming this was very troublesome. He couldn't wear it on his
hand and it was even not okay to wear it on a chain around his neck. If he
only took it off while on camera he was scared of losing it. Bai Lang really
felt troubled for a long time. In the end he could only ask Hong Hong to
help him take care of it.

Just as Bai Lang had guessed, Kang Jian marrying Li Sha was really
because he felt desperate.

After all although Li Sha's father Li Min was the CEO of Harmony
Entertainment, however there were many larger program production houses.

In Kang Jian's eyes, Harmony Entertainment was just a mid-tier company. It

wasn't even like Total Entertainment, which while being a new company,
had a background and backing that could squash people to death.

Even in terms of "marrying to reach up higher", Kang Jian didn't really feel
that he was reaching that high.

It was only that after the scandal with the drugs, Kang Jian was kicked out
by Grand Media. Originally Grand Media's Vice President was Kang Jian's
second uncle-in-law and can be considered a distant relative. After the drug
scandal Kang Jian had actually been investigated a couple of times by the
police and although he was able to clear his name, the scandal was already
attached to him. His uncle-in-law was also affected and had suffered within
the internal politics of the company. Thus he didn't want Kang Jian in the
company to continue dragging his name down. Very quickly he used his
contacts to switch Kang Jian over to Harmony Entertainment.

Even after changing companies, the scandal attached to Kang Jian's name
hadn't vanished. And the original backing he had was also gone. He didn't
get offered anything close to the sweet role he had gotten in his movie
debut. If not for the fact that one day in Harmony Entertainment's large
building he had come across Li Sha and helped pick up the broken heel of
her shoe, then right now Kang Jian would probably be bitterly sitting in the
background somewhere eating bread.

Of course Li Min did not approve of the Kang Jian who had zero
background. Also Li Min had many years of experience dealing with people
and his eyes were sharp and poisonous. He immediately could tell that
Kang Jian was a cunning and ambitious fellow. So right after Li Sha and
Kang Jian had first started going out, Li Min had even hired people to
suppress Kang Jian and let him know that it would continue if he didn't
break up.
However Kang Jian right now had nothing to lose. As the saying went, if
you didn't have shoes then you weren't scared of losing your shoes. So of
course he put on a facade of being deeply in love. He had no desires, all he
wanted was to be by Li Sha's side. He completely fooled and won over the
Li Sha who still had a young girl's fantasies regarding love and things
proceeded very quickly. Right now Li Sha was already pregnant. After all
Kang Jian's heart was clear that without some kind of accident, then Li Min
would definitely not agree to him marrying Li Sha.

Li Sha's pregnancy out of wedlock made Li Min so angry he almost had a

stroke. But right now the uncooked rice had already been cooked. Even if
she got an abortion, the elders in the family would be unable to come to
terms with it. With no choice, Li Min agreed to let them get married. Li Sha
was his only daughter after all. Li Min really spoiled her. As for Kang Jian,
his desire should be simply to use Li Sha to get the backing and networks of
Harmony Entertainment right? Although he was cunning, however if he
was clever then at least this meant he would continue treating Li Min's
precious daughter well and continue to spoil her. At least this way he could
ensure his daughter would always be protected and would never be bullied.

Li Min was able to accept it like this.

Thus under the persuasive force of his daughter and wife, Li Min softened
his attitude and consented to hold a lavish wedding feast for them.

"Ah Jian, Daddy just sent over the confirmed guest list. Do you want to
have a look?"

They were in a new luxurious apartment that Li Min had gifted Li Sha. Li
Sha cuddled close to Kang Jian and spoke with a joyful face.

Kang Jian embraced Li Sha first. "Don't trouble yourself over these small
matters. You should take care of yourself. When other people get pregnant
they become fat so how come your chin is still so pointy?"

Li Sha leaned into Kang Jian and acted spoiled. "Of course it's because I
want to look beautiful on my wedding day. There will be so many people
that day, I can't let you lose face."
"You will always be the most beautiful person in my eyes." Kang Jian gave
her an indulgently loving glance. "There's nothing to worry about."

"Such a sweet talker," Li Sha smiled happily. "Hurry up and look at the
guest list. Daddy really put in a lot of effort this time. He invited all the
bigwigs in the entertainment world. There's even quite a few from the
political and business circles."

Kang Jian smiled and watched as Li Sha recited the list name by name.

Until they reached the column with Total Entertainment's Qiu Qian. It was
written: wedding gift already received. Will not be attending.

Li Sha's originally good mood dissipated. She flipped to the back and found
that Bai Lang was also recorded as not attending.

Li Sha humphed. "I knew that Bai Lang would be too scared to come. I just
don't believe that disgusting gay pair would have the courage to come to our

When she said this Kang Jian's face changed. He forced himself to laugh.

"You invited Bai Lang?"

Li Sha looked at him in a gloating manner. "Didn't you graduate from the
same acting program as him? I used your name to invite him to make him
uncomfortable. Hn, I never thought some cultured looking at him was
actually thinking about men's bottoms- ai! What are you doing, that hurts!"

Kang Jian started and realized that he was clutching Li Sha's arm so tightly
it was painful. He hurried to let go. "I'm sorry ah. Are you okay? It's just
that I remembered your dad asked me to write some thank you cards and I
haven't done it yet, so I momentarily panicked. Are you okay? Ah? Let me

Kang Jian's face looked so anxious that it made Li Sha giggle. "What are
you so nervous about daddy for? As long as you treat me well he'll be
happy. Don't be scared of him."
"Dad finally acknowledged me a little bit. This means you also don't need
to be wedged between us and be so troubled." Kang Jian sighed.

This tone was both spoiling and helpless. Li Sha liked it immensely. She
pulled down Kang Jian's head. "Kang Jian, you're the best...." She kissed
him lovingly.

Of course Kang Jian couldn't reject it. He had to return it with equal
appearance of love.

It was only that the lipstick on Li Sha's mouth suddenly this time made
Kang Jian feel especially disgusted.

In addition her soft and perfume-filled body....

Kang Jian closed his eyes. He forced himself to imagine that in his arms
was a clean and beautiful youth instead.

He had straight black hair, white and clear skin, and four long and slender

Just like Bai Lang.


The week before the Golden Emperor awards, Chaos Street had finished
over half of its filming and entered its promotional period.

Previously the opening ceremony had been done simply. They had just
introduced the plot and the main actors. They didn't even show any
costumes or visual images. The filming had also been done under a veil of
secrecy as though they really wanted to give people a shock and a surprise
when they began their promotions.

Their strategy can be considered quite effective.

When Chaos Street's first wave of promotional materials hit the meida, it
immediately caused a firestorm of opinions.
In the short clip, Bai Lang's appearance was both handsome and somewhat
evil and twisted. He spoke in a coarse and rough Southern accent, rolled
around wearing a pair of flip-flops and sat legs spread on the street eating
skewers. This really shocked most of his fans.

This, this was Bai Lang!?

This was Partner's warm and gentle, Gold's regal and elegant Bai Lang!?

This wild and crazy behaviour, his cruel and ruthless expression, and that
final deadly roundhouse kick.

This completely subverted image of Bai Lang made all the sites which
broadcasted this clip not have a moment of silence the entire night.

Small Theatre:

Qiu XiaoHai (anxious): Ah Zan, yesterday I said I wanted to get married to

Ah Bai but he said he has to think about it.

Rong Zan (shellshocked): .....what about me?

Qiu XiaoHai: En? I can also get married to you oh.

Rong Zan: You can only choose one.

Qiu XiaoHai: What?

Rong Zan: The Teacher said you can only get married with one person. Did
you forget?

Qiu XiaoHai: Re-really!?

Rong Zan: Then who do you want to marry?

Qiu XiaoHai: En... (frowning)

Rong Zan: (glares)

Qiu XiaoHai: !

Rong Zan: !?

Qiu XiaoHai: I'll marry Ah Bai, you can marry daddy ba. That way we can
still all be together!

Rong Zan: (Completely stunned).

Chapter 48 - Award Ceremony

The clip of Chaos Street actually had the strange effect of raising the buzz
regarding Bai Lang's Gold Emperor award nomination.

It was possibly because previously Bai Lang didn't been in many

productions. Other than Gold which he had been nominated for, there was
only Partners which people could use to judge him with. However when he
was filming Partners Bai Lang was really a newcomer. His acting
experience was shallow and although towards the end it improved greatly,
however this kind of simple production about city living didn't really have
many scenes which could display Bai Lang's skill. The storyline was what
drew people in rather than any particular performance. So there was many
people who felt like Bai Lang being nominated this time was just as a lucky

However when Chaos Street's clip was released, this completely different
Bai Lang made people's eyes light up.

From his expressions to his every small movements the Bai Lang in the clip
seemed have completely changed his bones. From him exuded the feeling
of someone in the lowest class of society and it felt as natural as though he
was born that way. Even his way of walking around in flip-flops looked
totally natural, however at the same time there was a still a cool and
handsome feeling. It didn't make people feel repulsion. It was like within a
group of delinquent youths, there would always be a small leader with a
charisma which would always make the people around him be drawn to him
and want to follow him.
Also in the clip there was a segment where Bai Lang cursed fluently as he
fled. His accent was 90% similar to the actual accent of a particular place. It
changed the feeling of originally coarse words to carry a special feeling
associated with a place and culture, so it became a lot easier on the ears and
also brought the character to life even more. His acting was apparent even
in the way he pronounced his words. This type of high-level attention to
detail and skill really left a deep impression in people's hearts.

But actually regarding this accent matter, Bai Lang could be said to be
using some of the experience he gained in his past life.

In his last life, this drama had done quite well. The characters and script
were both very satisfactory. There were many exciting plotlines which
entertained the audience greatly. However the one thing that was criticized
by people as not being quite up to par was the actor who played Luo Zai,
which in his past life was called Cheng Yuan. He was also a very handsome
young man. His features were very delicate and feminine, and it fulfilled
the requirements of Luo Zai's image. However every time he opened his
mouth to talk or swear in his extremely standardized accent, he would be
criticized by sharp-tongued netiens as being too cultured and not realistic.

{T/N: China has many dialects (Hokkien, Cantonese, Mandarin, etc etc)
however government stresses Mandarin as the universal dialect. So most
people all over China can speak Mandarin but they speak it with a different
accent influenced by the place they grew up. However there is a
standardized accent which usually people will try their best to speak when
trying to sound educated and also in order to make themselves better
understood by others. Less educated people or people who have never
travelled much outside their towns won't really be able to do this well.}

Some of these were due to the drama's limitations. After all this drama still
marketed itself to a general audience so it couldn't have too frequent
extreme lines. However there were still many scenes where the character
Luo Zai still needed to rely on his lines to in order to express his personality
and social class. So the scriptwriter was stuck in the awkward position of
trying to produce lines that weren't too extreme nor were they too moderate.

{T/N: Try to imagine the way low class criminals talk on a shows like Law
& Order. Obviously real people in that situation probably are a lot more
coarse/have a lot more jargon and lingo, because it's TV they have to
moderate it somewhat so it's understandable to a general audience.

However at the same time they still have to show that these character's

When Bai Lang received the script, he paid especial attention to the
problem of his character's lines and very early on had a discussion with the

The advice that Bai Lang gave was that he could express himself using a
local accent. He could use special local phrases and words to replace some
of the most ear-piercing swear words and curses. This way even if the
audience heard it often they wouldn't get irritated by it. And in order to
demonstrate the effect, Bai Lang spoke a string of sentences using a local
accent and words.

{T/N: Although they all speak Mandarin, each different place has a few of
its special phrases and ways of saying things. I remember I used to date a
Taiwanese guy and I told him let's go "da di" (take taxi according to
Northern/Beijing people). He stared at me in confusion for some time then
said slowly, "Do you mean "jiao ji cheng che", which is how they say it in
Taiwan. Actually the standardized way is different to both, which is "jiao

chu zu che" haha ¯\_( )_/¯.}

When he finished talking, the scriptwriter's eyes lit up. He immediately

went to find a few consultants from the same area and rewrote the script,
changing almost all of Luo Zai's lines. Even the people who Luo Zai
associated with had their lines and characters edited. As for how Bai Lang
who had grown up in this small T City, managed to learn this kind of very
accurate local Southern accent, Bai Lang of course would tell people it was
because he had already worked hard for 10 more years compared to other

Other than these things, the clip also had something else which no one
could overlook, which was Bai Lang's action scenes. The Bai Lang who had
always appeared before with the appearance of a gentle and elegant young
man, seemed as though he would completely not match with the young
delinquent that appeared in the drama. However just by looking at the
extent of his action movements, it was possible for people to see how much
effort he had placed into this role.

So although Chaos Street had nothing to do with Gold, however based on

the fact that he had proved he had the dedication and focus associated with
a successful actor, this newcomer Bai Lang who had entered the
nominations for the Golden Emperor award, was really recognized and
anticipated by people.


The night of the Golden Emperor award.

The evening was naturally filled with stars, bright and radiant.

The reporters had long ago begun crowding either side of the red carpet
leading inside. Each of them used all their effort to grab the attention of the
stars and ask their questions. A few major sponsoring companies also had
their own television hosts which stood on the red carpet to conduct simple
interviews with the stars as they walked into the venue. Not many people
would pay attention to the reporters questions however they remained in
good spirits. Seeing that they raised the liveliness of the venue, the sponsor
companies also didn't stop them.

So when Bai Lang came out of the car and only just stepped onto the
ground, he was immediately surrounded by a string of questions and
flashing lights.

"Mr Bai, what is your mood like right now? Do you have confidence to win
the Golden Emperor award?"

"Do you think your coming out of the closet has affected your chances for
winning? Can you let us know your thoughts!?"

"Mr Bai have you prepared an acceptance speech!? Right now according to
the gambling statistics, it seems the odds of you winning are very low. What
are your thoughts about this?"

"Mr Bai, how come Mr Qiu didn't accompany you to the awards? Isn't
tonight a very important occasion!?"

"Mr Qiu couldn't come, do you feel regret!? Do you wish he came with you

"Do the two of you have the intention of getting married overseas!? Is the
ring you've started wearing recently given to you by Mr Qiu?"

"Mr Qiu has the same style of ring on his hand, this is definitely a symbol
of your love for each other isn't it Mr Bai!?"


Bai Lang maintained a smile and polite waves, he didn't reply to anything.

Only when he reached the end of the runway and the sponsor's host
appeared by his side did he stop. It was unknown whether it was fortunate
or not but the television host present today was Guo FenFen who had
interviewed Bai Lang previously regarding Gold.

Gao FenFen was wearing a gold colored dress. Her hair was elegantly
pulled back by a hairpin. She walked over and handed him a microphone.

"We meet again, Bai Lang. Sister Fen feels very happy to see you again

"Hello Sister Fen." Bai Lang nodded and smiled. "Sister Fen you look even
more beautiful today."

"Ai, ai, such a sweet talker as usual. I can't feel any nervousness from you
at being nominated best male actor at all ah?"

"Yes I'm not nervous. That's because the only reason I'm here is to
experience the lively atmosphere."
"Oh? So humble? Then if you were going to guess, if it's not you then who
will win the Golden Emperor award?"

"Sister Fen please don't dig a pit and ask me to jump in. Just then I forgot to
compliment Sister Fen on how young you look, let me immediately correct
my mistake."

Gao FenFen laughed merrily, then asked. "I don't mind saying that I
personally really like Gold. After interviewing you last time, I went to the
cinema to watch it more than once."

"Thank you Sister Fen. Other than me, Beyond Gold and Jade is very nice
to look at."

"Of course a handsome guy is the most rewarding thing for the eyes ne,"

Gao FenFen looked Bai Lang from tip to toe then added, "En, today you're
also wearing a beautiful ring. It's even more handsome."

"Thank you." Bai Lang smiled. Recently every time he encountered this
question he would only reply with a smile.

This time Gao FenFen didn't give him a hard time. She smiled kindly, "No
matter what, I still want to congratulate you. I also hope that you'll have a
good result today.

Bai Lang thanked her again, this time with more sincerity. Then Gao
FenFen made a signal to indicate her interview was at an end so he nodded
at the camera and followed the staff into the venue.


After successfully finishing the interview and entering the venue, Bai Lang
felt much more relaxed.

Just as he said to Gao FenFen, Bai Lang really didn't feel he would get any
award tonight. Although after his rebirth, his acting skill had increased
greatly, however when comparing himself to a veteran like Que QiMing,
Bai Lang could still feel he had a lot of room for improvement. And right
now he was just in the process of working hard to chase the next level. So
to be honest if he really got the award, Bai Lang would have felt somewhat

Thus since he wasn't fated to win the award tonight, Bai Lang only wanted
to be a cooperative audience. During the moment when his name was called
during the nominations, all he had to do was show a suitable expression and
clap his hands.

So after entering, Bai Lang had a relaxed attitude. Using the small interval
before the awards started, he went around to make his greetings to various
actors, directors and producers that he had worked with before. This was
the show of respect that Fang Hua had especially given him instructions to
do, so as to avoid people thinking he was an arrogant newcomer.

But in this life, the people that Bai Lang had worked with weren't many.

Very quickly Bai Lang finished up this job. The last person left was last
year's film empress Fei Hong. Today she was one of the people invited to
hand out the awards. Previously Bai Lang had filmed the beer commercial
with her. Although the process wasn't exactly happy however Bai Lang was
a tolerant person and still approached her to make his greetings.

Right now Fei Hong was just talking to a director. She turned around and
saw Bai Lang. She smiled and very cooperatively exchanged some polite
chatter with him, such as if he felt nervous and if he had confidence etc.
The unhappiness from the last time they saw each other couldn't be detected
at all.

Bai Lang thus exchanged friendly words for a few minutes and only when it
was announced that the proceedings were about to start that he said his
goodbye and wanted to leave.

At the moment that he passed Fei Hong, he heard something.

"You guys should be careful."

It was a softly spoken sentence. In the noisy and crowded venue, if you
weren't careful you would definitely overlook it.

But strangely Bai Lang heard it very clearly. So his footsteps slowed and he
turned around to look at Fei Hong.

However Fei Hong behaved as though she hadn't said a thing. She had
already turned around and was walking in the opposite direction, chatting to
someone else already.

Thus Bai Lang didn't chase her. He only looked at Fei Hong's back and
thought about the meaning behind her words.

She said "you guys", not "you". This gave Bai Lang a bad feeling.

After that, there were many exciting performances during the awards
however Bai Lang was not able to recover his relaxed feelings from before

to enjoy it.

Bai Lang suddenly had the strong feeling of wanting to hear Qiu Qian's
voice. Although tight now Qiu Qian was in V country doing the final
touches on the contract for the oil business. This project was something that
Qiu Qian had won personally. And Qiu Qian had told him that obtaining
this project was something that would be greatly beneficial to him when
winning the power and control of the Qiu family.

Because of this, the entire process might have been moved forward
compared to his previous life by quite a few years. {T/N: In BL's previous
life QQ became head of the Qiu family but it was many years later. In that
life they weren't able to win the oil project.}

This butterfly chain of events, it was unknown if it would change even

more of the things that he knew...

Just as Bai Lang was thinking chaotically, on the stage it was finally time to
call the best male actor award.

The master of ceremonies was loudly introducing into the microphone,

"The nominations for best male actor are...

Long River's Jin ZhiQuan,

How to Say I Hate You's Wu YunTian;

Water and Sky's Chen KanDao;

And Beyond Gold and Jade's Bai Lang.

The award goes to, ...."

At this time the mobile phone in Bai Lang's breast pocket suddenly began

This was the sound of a message coming in after the phone had been put on

Bai Lang knew he ought not look at it because the camera was likely on
him right now.

However the suspicion which had just been flashing through his mind made
Bai Lang feel that even waiting one second longer was intolerable.

So Bai Lang looked at it.

The message that jumped out shocked him to the core.

[Brother Qiu has been seriously injured in a car crash in V country. The
plane has already–]

Bai Lang didn't have time to read the last few words clearly.

He had already jumped up suddenly in the midst of the loud applause. With
loud footsteps he rushed out of the award ceremony.

Chapter 49 - Confession

Three years later.

"Ah Jian I love you!!"

"We support you!! Ah Jian!!"

"You will always be the best!! Ah Jian!! Love you!!"

"Ahhhhhh! Ah Jian Ah Jian!!"

"Ah Jian look over here! Ahhhh– Ah Jian—!!"

Accompanying the high-pitched screaming, a flamboyant gold sports car

came to a stop in the driveway in front of a grand hall.

The driver's seat opened and a pair of long legs clad in jeans stretched out.

The fan's screamings became even more excited. When the man who came
out of the car heard it, there was a confident and chic smile on his face. He
waved at the crowd around him however his footsteps didn't stop. He threw
the car keys at one of the staff who came forward and as he was surrounded
by security guards, entered the big building of Harmony Entertainment.


At the same time, a black colored luxury RV came to a stop inside a

particular luxury apartment community. The door slid open slowly.

Before entering the community, the car was stopped by the security guards
stationed outside the gates. It was only after some identification was shown
that they were allowed access. From this it could be seen that the person
inside the car was definitely not one of the residents who came in and out
every day.

However when the RV entered the gated community, it seemed as though it

was very familiar with the roads. It turned left then right and without any
hesitation entered a particular garage. This luxurious apartment community
had a very complex parking area to ensure top security, so from the
movements of the car it had to either be a resident or a frequent visitor.
After the RV finally came to a stop, two big people and one small person
came out.

The big ones looked like a driver and a security guard. They were wearing
very proper black suits. Their expression swept about them in an alert
manner and they followed behind the smaller person in silence. The smaller
person looked about seven or eight years old. His face was very excited. He
was wearing casual shorts and sports shoes. He had thick brows and large
eyes and looked like a very lively child. This child came to a particular door
and he no longer needed to stand on tip-toe to ring the doorbell. In a
confident voice he spoke into the intercom.

Not long after, from inside the apartment which should have very good
sound insulation, there actually came the sound of rapid running footsteps.

The next second, the metal door opened with a "shua!" sound.

The eyes of child who had come visiting lit up. A big smile appeared on his

"Ah–" He didn't get to finish speaking before the person who opened the
door jumped on him and held him tightly.

The smile of child who came visiting became bigger and more vibrant. He
rubbed the child in his arms who was around the same age as him. Only
after quite a few seconds did he let go.

"Hei hei, Ah Zan, I just knew I'd be taller than you."


The same time, in the same city.

In a particular villa there was a large and spacious living room. Someone
had just opened all the windows.

The sunlight came flooding in from the large and floor length windows. It
reflected off the wooden floorboards but it wasn't blinding and instead had a
warm quality. A wind slightly rustled the long curtains on either side of the
window, which beautifully framed the green birch trees outside as well as
the swimming pool glittering under the sunlight. The movement of the
wind, the greenery and sunlight all made the space look both warm and full
of life.

However the originally large and spacious living room was a bit cluttered
right now. Because piled on the floorboards were many large suitcases.

A tall and slender man wearing a white shirt and cream colored trousers
was walking around the house. He was busy talking things out of the
suitcases and placing them into their rightful places inside the house.

In the room was another even taller man. However he was lying lazily on
the couch, watching the white-shirt man walking around. He didn't look
bored at all. Sometimes he would occasionally take a glance at the flat-
screen TV which was hanging on the wall, which was broadcasting the

"Wait until Er Hong comes back to help you. What's the rush for?"

"I have to put things away myself, otherwise I won't know where to find

"Then I'll do it." After speaking he got up.

When the man in white heard this he immediately stopped. "Okay, let's wait
until Xiao Hai comes home."

The tall and broad-shouldered man, which was Qiu Qian, smiled and sat
back down because his objective had been achieved. Then he reached out

his hand and pulled the white-clothed man, which was Bai Lang, to sit by
his side. He kissed him. "Right now I'm much healthier than you so you
should just rest. I'm not even so nervous about you."

Bai Lang reached out and massaged Qiu Qian's right leg. This was
something that had become habitual over the last two years. "You only got
better not long ago. Just to be safe, you should take it easy a bit longer."
"Half a year is long enough." Qiu Qian sighed, then suddenly he smiled
evilly. "Or is that you're dissatisfied because I haven't been using enough
effort at night? However as I remember it, I didn't make you move ah." As
he spoke Qiu Qian clutched Bai Lang's hand, the one that was massaging
the top of his leg.

Bai Lang didn't continue Qiu Qian's teasing. He thought about that when
they were intimate, he could see the cruel scars that were left behind on Qiu
Qian's body and remember back then how painful they had been. Every
time he was overcome with the urge to tightly hug the person in front of his
eyes. Right now Bai Lang could completely understand the emotions
behind Qiu Qian's hug on the hospital bed on the night when he had found
out about Bai Lang's heart disease.

When he saw the shadow flash through Bai Lang's eyes, Qiu Qian sighed.

He used the only effective method he knew, which was to block Bai Lang's
mouth with his own, and steal away all of Bai Lang's thoughts.

Bai Lang closed his eyes and responded tenderly. When Qiu Qian pressed
their bodies closely together he lightly shifted to change the angle of
pressure in order to avoid Qiu Qian's right leg. However this movement was
immediately detected by Qiu Qian. He tyrannically fixed Bai Lang in place
and forced him to lean heavily upon his body. Then, as though he was
punishing Bai Lang for getting distracted, he used his tongue to tease and
attack Bai Lang's tongue. It didn't take Bai Lang to quickly become
obedient. Qiu Qian's definition of "obedient" was for Bai Lang to
compliantly lie in his arms and become muddle-headed with desire.

The warm and intimate kissing continued for quite some time. When the
two people finally parted in order to breathe, Bai Lang's eyes no longer

looked depressed but only slightly glazed. Qiu Qian was very satisfied to
see his slightly swollen lips. He couldn't help but bite them a few times then
spoke in a patient and gentle voice.

"It has nothing to do with you. It's because I wasn't strong enough."

This was of course regarding Qiu Qian's serious car accident three years
ago in V country.

This car accident led Qiu Qian to be admitted to the intensive care unit for
many months. He came in and out of the brink of death.

The cause of the accident was investigated clearly a few months later. It
was done by Qiu Qian's father Qiu EnXin's second wife.

Because the second wife's son was Qiu Kuo, who in every respect could not
compare to Qiu Qian, and had been practically kicked out of list of people
who might inherit the Qiu family business.

Thus his mother naturally panicked. Especially if Qiu Qian was able to
successfully win the huge business of V country's oil investment project.

This would completely change the face of the next few decades of the Qiu
family's shipping and crude oil trading business. It would become a very
important cornerstone for them. At that time, if the person chosen to
become the successor of the Qiu family was not Qiu Qian, then Qiu EnXin
probably would not be able to explain to the family's elders and seniors.

Because after all the Qiu family had for generations been family-controlled
business. There was a very strong emphasis and power invested in its
leader, just like in a mafia or triad. One of the most important aspects of this
was that no two tigers could live in the same mountain. One family could
not have more than two heads. Thus in order to decide on the next
successor, there were significantly strict rules and regulations, however
once the decision was made they would give complete power to him and
there wouldn't be any reservations.

This kind of family tradition was what lead to Qiu EnXin's strange
behavior. The excuse Qiu EnXin had given for marrying so many wives and
having so many sons, was precisely because he wanted to have more
choices. He wanted to make sure that there would definitely be one which
was suitable, so as to avoid this fat meat ending up in the hands of his
cousin's children or heirs.

When Qiu EnXin's second wife, who had long plotted and anticipated her
son becoming the successor of the family, saw that V country's contract was
already signed and that things seemed set, she decided to make a desperate
attempt to help her son. It was just like back then when she ruthlessly
targeted Qiu XiaoHai. She chose to act straight away while the Qiu family
was still not established in V country and was unfamiliar with it, and
through several levels of contacts, she hired assassins to murder Qiu Qian.

However Qiu Qian didn't die in the car accident. Possibly it wasn't his fate.

However during the months he was in ICU he was very seriously injured. It
wasn't something that could be joked about.

Thus, Bai Lang completely gave up his entire acting career. From the
moment he left that night with Qiu XiaoHai to fly to V country, he had
taken care of Qiu Qian and had not left his side a single step. Although at
that time Chaos Street had already entered its promotional period, Bai Lang
could only withdraw. Every few days Qiu Qian would enter the emergency
operating room and so Bai Lang's heart was completely in chaos. There was
also Qiu XiaoHai, who cried every day until his eyes were swollen, to take
care of. Bai Lang completely didn't have any time to think about anything

These type of hard to endure days lasted for several months. Finally Qiu
Qian's injuries stabilized and Bai Lang was finally able to let out a sigh of
relief. However what followed that was the news that Qiu Qian might be
bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

When this news was given to them, the person who took it the hardest was
not Qiu Qian himself but Bai Lang. That was because in his last life, Qiu
Qian was healthy and without harm for at least another ten years and had

never had any accidents or injuries. However in this life, he actually

encountered this kind of thing in V country.
On a particular afternoon who he saw Qiu Qian angrily clutching his cane
after falling over yet again during physical rehabilitation, Bai Lang
suddenly had the feeling that he shouldn't come close.

Because without him, there wouldn't have been any need to get revenge on
Su Quan. And without Su Quan, then Hong Yu wouldn't have helped them.

And them, Qiu Qian would not have had the opportunity to come to V

country. And because of V country's investment which brought forward Qiu

Qian's future and made people's eyes go red....

This chain of causation all seemed to have occurred because of the butterfly
effect caused by his rebirth. Also he felt as though he should have known
that Qiu Kuo's machinations wouldn't stop and should have warned Qiu
Qian more strenuously. All of these feelings of guilt, as well as the
helplessness he felt as he could only stand by and watch while Qiu Qian
valiantly struggled through rehabilitation, all built up inside Bai Lang's
heart and gave him tremendous mental pressure.

Thus his sleepless nights became worse and worse and there were large
circles under his eyes which wouldn't vanish.

While sleeping in an accompanying bed inside the hospital room, Bai Lang
dreamed of the Qiu Qian in his previous life whose footsteps were quick as
though they were flying.

On that night, Bai Lang once again dreamed about the scene before his
death. It was the scene when he went to find Qiu Qian to accuse him and
Qiu Qian smiled mockingly at him. In the dream he suddenly wanted to cry.

Bai Lang didn't know whether it was because of the despair he felt before
his death, or if was because of the unspeakable guilt he felt towards the Qiu
Qian in this life.

At this time, a pair of hands forcefully shook Bai Lang awake.

He saw Qiu Qian half lying on top of him. He violently shook him and said
in a rough voice, "Wake up. Why are you crying!?"

The just awoken Bai Lang couldn't tell the difference between the Qiu Qian
while he was waking and the Qiu Qian in his dreams. His face was streaked
with tears and he wanted to throw himself into this person's arms. However
when he moved he immediately sensed Qiu Qian's abnormal position. At
this time Bai Lang remembered that Qiu Qian was injured and that his
lower body practically didn't have any strength.

Bai Lang glanced around in the darkness and saw that Qiu Qian's walking
stick was discarded about ten steps away on his hospital bed. After Qiu
Qian was injured, in order to help him recover, Bai Lang always slept on
the other single bed in the same hospital room.

However right now this person was beside him. This person, had he
discarded his walking stick and crawled over?

Bai Lang was so disturbed by this guess that he stopped breathing for a

Qiu Qian however was breathing even more heavily. Just like every time
after he finished physical rehabilitation.

"Did you have a nightmare? It seems like you haven't been sleeping well

"You..." Tears slipped out of Bai Lang's eyes. He didn't know what to say.

"Move over a bit, let's sleep together." Qiu Qian frowned and pushed Bai
Lang. Then with difficult effort he raised his leg onto the bed. "If you
squash this leg, just squash it. Anyway it can't move so there's no need to
treat it preciously."

Suddenly Bai Lang felt like he wanted to confess everything to Qiu Qian.

This Qiu Qian who was so worried about him having a nightmare that he
actually crawled over here to wake him up.
On that night, Bai Lang told him everything about his previous life.

Chapter 50 - Within Three Years

When the long, long story was finished, Bai Lang's tears had already soaked
through the collar of Qiu Qian's pajamas.

As he spoke, maybe because the immense pressure in his heart finally found
a source of relief, Bai Lang's tears couldn't stop flowing out.

After finishing talking and crying, Bai Lang really had a sense of
exhaustion and relief. However at the same time logic returned to his brain.

"If you don't believe me, that's okay." Bai Lang burrowed himself into Qiu
Qian's chest. His voice was thick. "I only thought I should tell you. I should
have, told you earlier...."

At this time Qiu Qian only continued to hold Bai Lang's hand. For a long
time he didn't speak.

In the few minutes that passed, only Bai Lang's hoarse breathing could be
heard in the darkness. Bai Lang also didn't say anything more, only sighing
slightly as he calmed his feelings down. He wanted to withdraw however
this movement caused Qiu Qian, who had been holding him the whole time,
to suddenly tighten his arms. He forcefully embraced Bai Lang and pulled
him back against his chest.

Beside Bai Lang's ear, a vibration came through the warm chest he was
pressed against.

"I believe you."

Bai Lang froze. He listened as Qiu Qian continued.

"But everything won't be the same.... except for that umbrella I held up for
you in your past life. This life I will still hold be holding it."

With these words, Bai Lang's tears flowed out again. He closed his eyes and
burrowed his face deeper into Qiu Qian's chest.

"So I'll definitely be well. You too, and also Xiao Hai." The strong arm held
Bai Lang tightly and he spoke as though making an oath. "Because in this
life, we didn't miss each other."

"..... en." Bai Lang agreed again. He didn't know that Qiu Qian could also
be poetic.

"As for Kang Jian, I'll take care of him down the road. So you don't need to
cry anymore."

When he said this, Bai Lang laughed through his tears.

He used Qiu Qian's pajamas to messily wipe his tears dry and then Bai
Lang struggled to raise his head. His eyes, which had been made swollen
and red by crying, looked at Qiu Qian.

"... I love you."

The arms around Bai Lang's body tightened even further.

"Me too, little white rabbit."


From that day forward, Qiu Qian no longer became angry or impatient
during rehabilitation. Step by step, he progressed steadily and obediently
followed the instructions the doctors gave him.

He had determination, optimism and cooperated fully. As long as there was

still a thread of hope, he wouldn't let Bai Lang down.

As his illness slowly stabilized, Qiu Qian relocated to D country. This

country was the top in the field of rehabilitative medicine, and here he
continued to receive the most comprehensive and cutting edge treatment.

Bai Lang and Qiu XiaoHai accompanied him the whole way. After two
years time, Qiu Qian finally and miraculously was able to recover a walking
ability similar to normal people. Even his athletic ability would only be
slightly behind normal people.

During this time, Qiu Qian also didn't delay to take care of the perpetrators
behind the car "accident".

Qiu EnXin's second wife Ji Yi.

While Qiu Qian was seriously ill, his power and status in the Qiu family
was clouded with doubt. However it was discovered that Qiu Qian's
business ventures were very secure and other people were not able to get
their hands on it. This was because every business contract he had signed
contained the following clause: if the parties involved changed, then the
opposing party had the power to call off the agreement.

This clause meant that all of the deals that Qiu Qian had worked hard on,
would disappear if he himself left.

This was the back path that Qiu Qian had left for himself. After all he didn't
have too many feelings towards the Qiu family and had only been taken
back in by Qiu EnXin after he was already grown up. By doing this, Qiu
Qian's loyalty to the Qiu family might be called into question however this
also demonstrated that the fact that each contractual party was willing to
sign the clause, meaning that what they looked highly upon was Qiu Qian's
personal ability. After all everyone in the business world knew that the
success of a project did not just depend on the money that was backing it,
but also on the brain that making the core decisions.

Thus after Qiu Qian left ICU and entered rehabilitation, with the help of a
small team of people loyal to him, he easily and without much effort
regained the power he had prior to his accident. And then the time for
revenge had come.

The person behind the car accident, who had contacted them and also who
was planning behind the scenes, were all investigated clearly by Qiu Qian.

All of the evidence pointed to Ji Yi. However just getting rid of Ji Yi wasn't
enough. Qiu Qian didn't want to have to keep being on his guard against
others later.

So when "taking care" of Ji Yi, Qiu Qian at the same time exposed the
history and evidence of all the corruption that several of his brothers had
been involved in these few years. Clearly the only thing that had happened
was the accident that Ji Yi had arranged, but Qiu Qian forcibly dragged Qiu
Kuo and several other brothers into the matter. He put them all under one
big hat of being responsible for attempted murder.

His actions were incredibly efficient, ruthless and cruel. In addition Qiu
Qian had long ago collected a wealth of materials and they were very
complete. When Ji Yi, Qiu Kuo and the others were met with these so-
called "evidence", they all appeared to be cancerous outgrowths of the Qiu
family, not only was their greed disgusting and dirty, but they were also
ungrateful and disloyal. Of course everyone was aware that certain aspects
of the evidence must have been inflated or exaggerated, but Qiu Qian did it
so well that no one would find evidence of any fault. He completely sealed
off all their back paths and left them the road to death. Even some of the
elders of the Qiu family who had been alive for a long time and seen many
things, couldn't help but sigh and be awed.

After a few months of "cleaning", even Qiu EnXin looked as though he had
aged quite a few years. After all the things that the dirty things that his sons
had done within the family corporation also reflected badly on him, their
father . At this time V country's oil investment received its first
considerable amount of profit, and at the same time the shipping business
new lines received new orders. Pressured by several elders in the family,
Qiu EnXin finally decided to take the big step of announcing that Qiu Qian,
who was responsible for all these successes, would be his successor. He
even announced that he would hand over all power within three years.

At this time Qiu Qian hadn't even stood up from his wheelchair yet.

But he had already confirmed his control over the Qiu family.

In these three years, Bai Lang's investments also achieved a beautiful

Four years after the first book in the series was published, now already five
books were out. There were six in total and only the big finale was left to be
published. The sales from the publication of these books as well as
associated merchandise had already achieved an unimaginable profit of
over a billion yuan.

All of this money had been invested into online shopping platform "Full
Circle". During this period of growth, Full Circle also become the entire
country's biggest and most professional online shopping website. It was
responsible for trade, logistics and associated commerce and finance, and
was rapidly growing into a huge monster of a corporation. Behind the
scenes, Bai Lang owned over ⅓ of its total stocks (if you added Qiu Qian it
would be over ⅔), he was someone who could be said to be able to stamp
his feet and cause the entire stock market to shake.

Thus the Bai Lang who had left the acting world for three years seemingly
didn't have any pressing need to return to his old job.

However Bai Lang continued to maintain that he didn't know anything

except acting. Also he really liked it. Although this road, just like in his old
life, was fraught with many difficulties, however when Qiu Qian returned
home to China three years later, Bai Lang finally said that he wanted to
return to acting.

Qiu Qian didn't have any problems with it.

Originally Bai Lang had sacrificed three of the best years of his acting
career for him. So it was only natural that he wanted to compensate Bai

However when Qiu Qian proposed this, Bai Lang only smiled and rejected
it. He said that right now, even without Qiu Qian's power, he was already
able to achieve the position of being able to act in whatever role he liked.

As for what path he wanted to take, then he wanted to figure it out himself.
Qiu Qian had better not disturb his fun.

Qiu Qian didn't say anything however his expression was a bit strange.

The two of them had been together for many years so Bai Lang could
naturally tell something was up.

After he questioned him, Qiu Qian admitted that three years ago, while Bai
Lang was in no state to think about filming, he actually completely
purchased out Chaos Street. At that time the production crew had waited for
Bai Lang for several months and only when they really could not wait any
longer, they finally made the painful decision to change actors. They also
didn't really want to accept that Bai Lang wouldn't play this role any longer.

After all Luo Zai's role had been carefully and personally crafted by Bai
Lang. If anyone else took over this role, even if they did their best, the
character would still be ruined by 80%. Qiu Qian also knew that Bai Lang
had put a lot of his heart into this role and when he heard that Bai Lang
insisted on quitting acting, he decided to completely purchase the entire

When Bai Lang heard this he didn't know whether to get angry or to laugh.

He asked, at that time weren't you wearing an oxygen mask every day!?

Qiu Qian shrugged. He replied that Er Hong could still read his ugly writing
ma. Then he scooped up Bai Lang, who was wearing a disbelieving
expression, kissed him and asked, "Do you want to continue that role?"

How could Bai Lang say no? It was Qiu Qian's desire and it also was really
one of the unsatisfied regrets in his heart.

Thus the filming of Chaos Street became Bai Lang's first job after returning
to the acting world.


But no matter what, there had been some big changes these three years in
the entertainment circle.
Not only had Rong SiQi already won three major singing awards in three
consecutive years, right now he was the most promising and most

successful newcomer. He had already reached superstar level of being able

to hold sold-out concerts at major venues.

In the past life, Rong SiQi's rise hadn't been so quick. This time, possibly
because of exposing his Rong family background, everyone around him
pushed him up and his music very quickly reached a wide audience. Rong
SiQi also had a professional personality, he wouldn't let the praise around
him affect his dedication to seeking perfection in his work. With both of
these factors working together, it would be strange if he didn't progress

As for Zhu Kuan, in these three years he had shot two very well-received

After the box office success of Beyond Gold and Jade flew into the sky,
Zhu Kuan was able to jump out of the ranks of new directors. The year that
Beyond Gold and Jade came out, because it was too focused on popularity
and box office returns, Zhu Kuan was not nominated for best director.

However his following two movies, leveraging off Gold's results, did not
lack funding and many large stars were interested in being involved. These
two movies were both popular at the box office as well as being critically
acclaimed. Lots of people said it was about time for Zhu Kuan to make a
movie for the purposes of winning the Golden Emperor award. Just by
saying this it meant that Zhu Kuan had already been recognized by his

Bai Lang's friends were all doing well. And those that weren't his friends,
were also doing well.

Fei Hong, who had given a warning before Qiu Qian had his accident, lost
Qiu Kuo as her patron. However she didn't slide down at all.

By contrast, she seemed to have found enlightenment. Her acting these few
years had made progress. She no longer just played female leads but was
willing to throw away her image and play female roles that were more
controversial and villainous. After three years of working hard, many
people said Fei Hong ought to be given the title of film empress for the
second time and this time it should be genuine.

As for Kang Jian, who at this time had a target painted on his back by Qiu
Qian, his progress was also very good.

After Kang Jian married Li Sha, he successfully used his status of Harmony
Entertainment's son-in-law and won a string of good opportunities to show

First there was an adaptation of a popular wuxia novel. He played the

original male lead's senior disciple brother who had a sly and cunning
outward image, but who internally was actually loyal and courageous. This
role was very easy-to-please and this type of production, which was adapted
from a popular story, would become popular easily. After that Kang Jian
through various methods and tactics, pushed this role into being the male
lead and started on his path of becoming famous.

When that drama was finished, the result was similar to when Bai Lang
filmed Partners and Kang Jian's name become something that everyone
knew and was talked about on the streets. After that Kang Jian didn't stop
but continued to film a light-hearted and comedic city life drama. He
continued to play a character who had an outwardly playboy appearance but
whose inner heart was incredibly loyal. This continued the same meng
feeling as the previous work when his outward and inner personality were
contrasted, and left a even deeper impression in the hearts of the audience.

Both of the above dramas were long dramas which aired for a long time.

They played one after the other and over these two years, Kang Jian's
popularity flew up into the sky.

Right now even if he just went by the company, he would be surrounded by

fans waiting for him at the door and screaming his name.
However Kang Jian, who had only just started earning some good money,
immediately took it and invested it in business unrelated to the
entertainment world.

This was the same method that many artists used to earn money. They
wanted their money to earn more money for them, it wasn't unusual. But
when Kang Jian used it, it was clear to insiders that the reason was probably

because he didn't want his father-in-law to continue controlling him any


Thus when Bai Lang returned to the country and saw Kang Jian again for
the first time, it wasn't on a film set.

Instead it was in the lobby of the Full Circle.

Chapter 51 - Meeting Kang Jian Again Bai Lang had come to Full Circle
to attend a shareholders meeting. Just by himself he represented two-thirds
of the total share so if he didn't come then their voting of matters wouldn't
be able to achieve an over 50% agreement rate and they could directly
declare the meeting failed.

So as soon as Bai Lang stepped into the new building built last year by Full
Circle, a skinny man with an employee swipe card around his neck, wearing
denim jeans and a T-shirt came hurrying out of the elevator towards him.

He wore a familiar smile to welcome him. "Ai, ai, young master Bai, we're
just waiting on you. This way, this way."

These words "young master Bai" caused Kang Jian, who was waiting to be
called in on the other side of the large and spacious reception room, to turn
his head around.

Right now around Kang Jian there were several good looking young people

Today one of the departments of Full Circle was doing early tryouts for a
brand commercial. It hadn't gotten to the stage of auditions yet, so they
were simply holding it in one of the offices on this lower level floor.

They were all in the same entertainment circle. When the young people who
had come to try out saw their senior Kang Jian also appear in the same
place, they all naturally got very excited. They all rushed over to greet him
and try to get familiar. After chatting they realized that the reason Kang Jian
had come to Full Circle today was to talk business. This must be high boss-
level discussions. These young and lowly newcomers all felt they couldn't
compare to Kang Jian, so their eyes when they looked at him were filled
with envy and admiration. Their words also become more and more
respectful and pandering.

This new wave of newcomers to the entertainment world were all around
seventeen to eighteen years old, because that was one of the requirements of

Full Circle's tryout. Three, four years ago, when Bai Lang was famous,
these young fellows probably were still in middle school. They probably
could only recall a few idol singers from that time, as for Bai Lang who was
primarily an actor, they didn't have any strong memories of him.

Thus when they saw Kang Jian behaviour change, they all asked curiously,

"Senior Kang, do you know that person?"

"Is he also from our circle?"

"How come I don't have any impression of him? Is he a newcomer?"

These seven or eight tongues were talking at the same time. In the tall and
wide lobby the voices echoed loudly, until the sound even reached Bai Lang
and he looked over together with the man who had come to receive him.

When their eyes met, Kang Jian felt as though something was squeezing his
heart painfully.

It had been a long time since he had seen Bai Lang. When compared to
three years ago, he hadn't changed much but at the same time felt different.
His skin was still white and delicate, his hair and brows dark and pure,
everything about him was clean and elegant. When looking at him it gave
one the feeling looking at a beautiful and translucent jade, you couldn't help
but want to get close. At this time the habitual smile on Bai Lang's face
hadn't disappeared. Even though when he met Kang Jian's eyes, it faded
slightly however it was enough encouragement for Kang Jian to hurry over.

Kang Jian ignored the voices around him and as though he was being
hypnotized, directly walked towards Bai Lang. "Ah Lang, it's been a long

Bai Lang nodded his head. "Mr Kang."

Kang Jian's eyes immediately lit up. Because ever since Bai Lang became
cold towards him, this was the first time he had shown him a friendly

Could, could it be because these years he had obtained some small results,
hence Bai Lang's misunderstandings towards him had faded!?

Kang Jian's feelings towards Bai Lang right now were very complicated.

Within his admiration there was mixed feelings of jealousy and unfairness.

That's why he had not objected to Li Sha making trouble for Bai Lang.

However right now, Kang Jian felt his popularity exceeded Bai Lang's. So
once that jealousy was removed, the Bai Lang that evoked his dream and
desires now occupied the greater part of his thoughts. Now when Kang Jian
stood in front of Bai Lang, his heart raced quickly.

So unable to help himself, Kang Jian quickly glanced down at Bai Lang's

He saw that the same white gold ring from three years ago was still being
worn snugly around Bai Lang's finger.

Three years ago, Bai Lang had rushed out the award ceremony. Three
weeks later, most people knew that Qiu Qian had been involved in an
accident overseas. The original poisonous remarks that Bai Lang had "fled
after losing" all immediately changed to praises for his love and loyalty.

After that there was no more news about Bai Lang in the entertainment
circle. Even Chaos Street, which was halfway through promotions,
disappeared. All the way up until a few days ago, when Total Entertainment
made a simple announcement that Chaos Street would re-commence
filming after three years.

When he saw the ring, Kang Jian's eyes went dark. He also discovered two
shadows coming closer. It wasn't until then that Kang Jian saw two tall and
built bodyguards following Bai Lang from behind. Since Bai Lang had been
stopped by someone they didn't recognize, they came closer to make sure
everything was okay.

Kang Jian quickly organized his expression. He smiled at Bai Lang again.

"It was only a little while ago that I heard you returned to the country and
now we already met again. It must be fate so we definitely need to find a
day to have a good chat. It's been three years, things have changed a lot in

China. There's alot of news within the circle that you might not know and I
can catch you up. That way you won't make any mistakes."

After talking Kang Jian took out his phone, intending to ask Bai Lang for
his phone number again. However at this time another unfamiliar voice
interrupted them. "Mr Kang? You're here ah."

Everyone turned around and saw a man in a suit coming towards them. He
looked like some type of manager and he was also wearing an employee
pass around his neck. He bowed respectfully at them, then turned to Kang
Jian. "Mr Kang, the Vice General Manager has been waiting in the meeting
room for you for quite a while. You...." He respectfully let the rest of the
words trail off.

Kang Jian paused then remembered he had come here on business. His was
representing his new trading company and had come to Full Circle to
discuss and sign a contract regarding warehousing and logistics . When he
turned around, he saw that surprise flashed through Bai Lang's eyes. So
Kang Jian narrowed his eyes at the skinny man who had come receive Bai
Lang. He saw that he was wearing casual clothes and assumed he must be a
low level employee. Feeling good, Kang Jian stood up even straighter and
said importantly, "Ah Lang, I have a meeting to go to now. Let's talk next
time. My phone number hasn't changed, you should know it. So I'll wait for
you call?"

After he spoke, the small manager in the suit gently called him again. Kang
Jian then walked away. But he didn't walk a few steps before turning back
around to wave at Bai Lang. Bai Lang only blinked. Of course he wouldn't
make any gesture in response.

After Kang Jian was taken into the elevator and disappeared from sight, the
employee in the casual clothes beside Bai Lang asked, "Is that someone
young master Bai knows? Should I make some kind of arrangement?"

Bai Lang smiled. "Indeed. Tell the Vice General Manager to delay things
and not to take his business. In a few months his company will go under."

The employee went still. Then he blinked his eyes and then laughed
mischievously. "Is Boss Qiu going to make trouble again? This time you
should let us help too ah."

Bai Lang didn't agree. He patted this small employee's shoulder. "Let's go.

These type of small matters isn't something that needs to worry you, Chief
Financial Officer."


After telling Qiu Qian everything, Bai Lang's antagonism towards Kang
Jian actually faded a lot.

After telling Qiu Qian about all the problems he had faced in his past life,
Bai Lang felt like he had already cleared out all of the garbage inside his
heart. He could think about everything with an open mind. So even when
running into Kang Jian, the coldness and antagonism that Bai Lang felt was
no longer as sharp as before. He felt like the other person was just like a
normal stranger. He could treat him civilly and distantly.

Of course one of the reasons for this was that Qiu Qian had long ago
already placed a trap on Kang Jian's body.

After Bai Lang had told him about what had occurred in his past life, Qiu
Qian had already made plans for Kang Jian's future.

Qiu Qian expressed that in his past life Kang Jian had caused Bai Lang to
be utterly discredited and disgraced. Thus in this life he would repay him
the same, no more no less.

So Qiu Qian had asked people to follow Kang Jian and very quickly
discovered his weak spot.

After maintaining over two years of married life, Kang Jian seemed as
though he couldn't control his homosexual tendencies much longer. At
several celebrations and parties, Kang Jian had used the excuse of being
drunk to make moves on several small male stars. However Kang Jian was
still in possession of his senses. He would kiss them, touch their legs and

rub himself against them; however he wouldn't forget to call Li Sha's name
from his mouth. So if any of these small stars, after being assaulted by
Kang Jian, wanted to blackmail him in order to obtain some kind of benefit,
he could use the excuse that he was simply drunk and mistook them for Li

Whether this was real or a lie probably could only be distinguished by the
person being felt up, however slowly the rumor that Kang Jian wasn't
pleasant after getting drunk spread throughout the circle. However in the
entertainment world where men and women were notorious for being loose,
this wasn't a big deal at all. Even if it spread to Li Sha or Li Min's ears, it
would only be cause for a scolding and not much else. Kang Jian was
actually able to use this reputation to openly act out while pretending to be
So all the photos taken of this type of incident wouldn't be enough to cause
Kang Jian's complete fall from grace. Based on Qiu Qian's personality, once
he struck against someone he intended to destroy them utterly, and not leave
them any back paths. Thus Qiu Qian first began to cause dissonance
between Kang Jian and his backing, which was primarily Li Sha and Li

For Qiu Qian, this was really too easy.

When it came to Kang Jian and Li Sha, just by looking at Kang Jian's
sneaky behaviour, Qiu Qian felt sure that Kang Jian wasn't far from actually
cheating on Li Sha. And this person he cheated with would definitely be a
male. Qiu Qian thus arranged for a few small-time models who were also
gay and had friendly personalities to be stuffed into roles which would
bring them into close contact with Kang Jian. He wanted to bring out the
itch inside Kang Jian's heart.

And for Kang Jian and Li Min, this would be even easier.

Even though Kang Jian was his son-in-law, in Li MIn's eyes he still saw
him as someone who was leeching off his daughter. Although he helped his
career, however on many occasions Li Min still didn't give Kang Jian any
face. Especially in some formal matters when Kang Jian had wanted to

follow Li Min into the entertainment business, Li Min had poured icy water
on his head and asked him, what does an actor know about anything? {T/N:
The word he used for actor is a derogatory one, referring to actor's
traditional low-born roots. Think in the medieval days when it was seen as
a disreputable career.}
Kang Jian thus saw clearly that this old man Li Min probably only wanted
him and Li Sha to have a son. As for him, this son-in-law, he would never
enter his eyes.

Under these circumstances of being looked down upon and being bullied by
others, Kang Jian naturally wanted to create a business empire of his own.

However within the entertainment circle he would always be suppressed by

Li Min and be led around by the nose by him. He wouldn't be able to leave
his control. Thus Kang Jian had no choice but to choose a different industry.

So all Qiu Qian needed to do was help push Kang Jian, this fool who was
holding out his money and looking to start a company, in the path of some
scam artists who were good at talking. He wasn't scared at all that this
outsider Kang Jian would be able to see through them and as expected, he
completely threw his money down a black hole.

However all of the above arrangements would not affect Kang Jian's acting
career. Other than that one production where there was a drug scandal, Bai
Lang expressed that he didn't want to blacken any other productions in
order to attack Kang Jian. Too many peoples livelihoods were tied to every
single production. If it was going to do well it should do well. If it was just
to step on and push down Kang Jian, Bai Lang would rather he do it using
his own abilities.

Thus, other than Chaos Street, Bai Lang also asked Fang Hua if there were
any other acting opportunities for him. Just by coincidence, the cooking
program Who is Hosting Dinner that had made Bai Lang famous for the
second time in his life, was right now holding auditions. All male stars that
had at least passable cooking skills were invited to attend.

When he received this information, Bai Lang naturally went to Qiu Qian
and said he intended to participate.

However unexpectedly, the person who protested was Qiu XiaoHai who
opened his eyes wide.
"Why ah? Ah Bai why are you going to other people's houses to cook!?"

Qiu XiaoHai knit his thick brows and spoke in a very unhappy voice.

During the days that Qiu Qian was injured, Bai lang and Qiu XiaoHai only
had each other for support. Every day they would hold each other and cry.

So towards Bai Lang, Qiu XiaoHai no longer simply liked him but also had
developed an intense dependence on him.

Bai Lang rubbed Qiu XiaoHai's head as the boy came and hugged him. "It's
just for TV. I'll still come home and make food for Xiao Hai."

Qiu XiaoHai buried his little face into Bai Lang's stomach. He was being
uncharacteristically selfish. "I don't want ah, Ah Bai you should only cook
for our family."

Qiu Qian was also slowly nodding his head in agreement. "You should film
movies. You're still missing an award. Wasn't last time a pity?"

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian in surprise. He should know what a great
benefit this program had been to him in his past life.

Qiu Qian saw Bai Lang's glance and sighed. "You already make too much
supper for Er Hong. Look how fat he's gotten."

Bai Lang felt a bit speechless. He wanted to point out that it was just a few
bowls of noodles, that's all. Qiu XiaoHai suddenly lifted his head and
begged again.

"Ah Bai please don't go, okay?"

Even though he was being selfish he didn't forget to be polite. However he

really was acting spoiled.

Bai Lang was defenceless against him. He patted Qiu XiaoHai's head.

"Okay. I won't go. I'll listen to you."

Qiu XiaoHai smiled widely. He rubbed his head against Bai Lang's stomach

Qiu Qian felt lonely and also pressed close and kissed Bai Lang. "Very

Bai Lang felt helpless but at the same time he didn't feel much regret. He
only thought, in this life things really were very different.

Chapter 52 - Flip-flops

When Chaos Street wanted to start filming again after three years, there
were many things that needed to be adjusted.

In terms of styling, fashion and even colloquial language. They couldn't just
use everything they had already filmed three years ago, there were many
aspects that didn't match anymore. For example just look at mobile phone
models. The ones that appeared on TV three years ago were not the same as
the ones currently used. There were a lot of embedded marketing that had to
be removed.

Also the actors. People's figures had changed a lot in three years. So the
ones that couldn't match up with their images from three years ago had to
be reshot. Fortunately Chaos Street had a case-by-case episodic nature.

Each case was solved separately and there wasn't too much connection
between them. So after doing an analysis, over half of the scenes already
shot could still be used.

Of course they didn't have to be so meticulous. If they wanted they could

use some editing techniques to roughly push things through. However this
was Bai Lang's first drama after his comeback, and his behind-the-scenes
patron Qiu Qian had already given his orders that everything had to be done
to the highest standard. There was no need to consider the budget. Thus the
resources they had on hand was very plentiful. Even after the entire drama
finished shooting, it was still carefully analyzed to make sure everything
was done perfectly.
However the crew wasn't changed. The director was still the one from the
beginning, Qin Gang. When Qin Gang heard that this drama was to resume
filming, he didn't hesitate to make out time for it. When Chaos Street was
cancelled the first time around, he was definitely the most disappointed one
among the crew.

{T/N: The director for Chaos Street was called something different in a
previous chapter... guess author forgot. Again, not important.}

Actually around 80% of the crew members shared Qin Gang's sentiment.

Back then from the director, to the producers and actors, there were actually
a lot of very talented people gathered. They excited and inspired each other,
they all took out their passion and put it into their work. The momentum
and force in drama was very strong and they all wanted it to be the very

That was why when they heard that the character Luo Zai, who deeply
represented the spirit of the show, was to change to another actor, even
though they could understand it logically, emotionally they found it hard to

Because Bai Lang had created this Southern accent himself, he could swear
profusely one second and in the next become quiet, cultured and beautiful.

Only he could reconcile these two extremes and gave to this role a unique
and unmatched realism and fascination. It really made him unforgettable. If
the second half was changed to another person, then no one had confidence
that the original flavor could be maintained.

Some of those who were most poisonous accused Bai Lang for not being
professional. Some of them even thought he was being fake for pretending
to be so concerned for his patron. However when they went to receive their
pay, it was very generous. However everyone's heart was still filled with

Three years later when they wanted to resume filming, from the biggest
director to the smallest staff member, the new owner Total Entertainment
contacted every single person, not one was left out. The ones that wanted to
come back, came back. Only the people who weren't willing were changed
out. This type of very meticulous planning and consideration allowed the
three years later Chaos Street, which had 80% of the same faces, to create
almost the exact same setting as before. The feelings between the people
and their cohesiveness was unchanged.

Of course at the very beginning, Bai Lang organised a celebratory feast. He

invited over a hundred people and even personally made a few dishes to
express his apology. Even Qiu Qian and Qiu XiaoHai made an appearance
to support Bai Lang. They expressed their genuine and sincere gratitude

that the crew was able to "lend" Bai Lang to them for these three years and
their family of three pass a difficult time of trial together.

Since that even the big boss Qiu was able to lower his head and speak in
this manner, the unhappiness in most people's hearts dissipated a lot. They
went into filming with light hearts and pride. Within this harmonious and
sympathetic atmosphere, Bai Lang successfully begun filming Chaos Street


"Cut! OK!" Qin Gang sat on the director's seat, slapped his knee and yelled
out loudly. "We will film scene 7 this afternoon."

When the staff heard the director's orders they immediately started moving.

They dismantled the background set, retracted the electrical cords,

organised the set pieces etc etc. There were also a team of three that rushed
towards one of the corners of the street set of Chaos Street.

In that corner, Bai Lang raised himself up from the dusty and muddy street.

His movements were very unsteady and immediately frightened Sun XiBin
who was next to him. "Aiyo Brother Bai, are, are, are you alright ah?" He
hurried to help him up.
Bai Lang steadied himself and looked around. The strap on his flip-flop had
broken. "I'm fine. My shoe is broken. Thank you."

The team of three immediately reached Bai Lang's side. The young person
in the lead immediately supported Bai Lang. "Big brother Bai, please sit
down and rest! I will immediately test your blood pressure!"

Bai Lang was already used to these kind of exaggerated reactions. He only
smile and raised his foot. "I'm fine, it was just because of the shoes."

The most muscular of the three young people immediately started yelling.

"Xiao Wang! It's your damned shoes again ah! How many pairs has it been
now!? This time big brother Bai almost tripped ah!!"

When Xiao Wang, who was responsible for the set pieces, heard that he
jumped up. "What!? Again! I, I'll change it immediately. Ai ai ai, if I knew I
wouldn't have bought them from X country. How come the quality is so bad

The people around him sniggered. "Hahaha, Xiao Wang you're stupid ah.

Why are you trying to save money on the shoes!? Haven't you seen how
much is left in the budget? Boss Qiu would love it if you spent more

The young staff member's face was very wronged. "But this style is very
hard to pick. It can't look too luxurious. Do you want Luo Zai to wear gold
flip-flops ma!"

Everyone laughed again and began discussing if they could stick these
shoes together with 3 second glue.

Even Qin Gang got involved. He ordered that they would buy out all of
these shoes in the stores so he could pick carefully.

At the same time someone took out a new pair of shoes, bent down and
placed it by Bai Lang's feet to let him change. All the people around Bai
Lang seemed to be treating him as respectfully as if he were the film
emperor. Even the other male lead Sun XiBin picked up Bai Lang's
discarded broken shoes and actually started examining it.

The regular crew members were all used to the above scenes. However
some people who had just joined the set couldn't watch it at all. {T/N:
There's guest actors every episode/case.}

In one corner stood a beautiful and pure looking young girl. She crossed her
arms and complained, "I've really never seen such a big shot before. Isn't
the way everyone is treating him a bit over the top? The atmosphere on this
set is horrible."

Fei Hong who was standing beside her heard her. Slowly she moved her
glance over the girl's body. Even the simple movement of head carried with

it a seductive feeling. Compared to the young girl's pretty and pure feeling,
she seemed much more mature and regal.

The girl who spoke felt Fei Hong's glance. She haplessly blinked her eyes.

"Aren't I right Sister Hong? That Bai Lang doesn't have fame or popularity,
the last time he appeared was over three years ago. All of these people are
revolving around him, isn't it because of Mr Qiu? And he treats it as though
it's only natural. His skin is really too thick."

Fei Hong looked at the girl up and down, then she smiled slightly. "Then
what would you do?"

"Me?" The girl paused.

"Yes," Fei Hong looked towards Bai Lang's direction. "If you were
treasured by Mr Qiu to this extent, what would you do?"

The girl's pure and clean features became flushed. "If, if it was me, I
definitely wouldn't create this much trouble for others."

The blush on her face seemed to express that she had secretly thought about
this possibility before. Laughter passed through Fei Hong's eyes. She had
nothing to say to this kind of small-hearted jealous person, so she turned her
head and walked with big strides towards Bai Lang.

The fifth case of Chaos Street was the story of a big star who, after being
stalked, sought help from the police. Originally this big star was supposed
to have been played by Su Quan. After three years, the gender of this big
star was changed from a man to a woman. The production team contacted
Fei Hong whose popularity was continuously on the rise. That's why Fei
Hong appeared on the set of Chaos Street. And the young girl who had been
standing beside Fei Hong was called Xu XinPing, she played Fei Hong's
assistant. She was a popular newcomer who had come on the scene in the
last half year.

When Bai Lang saw the still casually dressed and not changed into her
costume Fei Hong walk towards him from far away, he wanted to stand up
but was pushed back into his seat by the stern young person who was taking

his blood pressure. Bai Lang could only use his mouth to greet her, "Ms Fei,
it's been a long time. Sorry that I can't stand."

"It's been a long time." Fei Hong smiled. "It's fine, don't worry. I only came
to say hello. This show will definitely become popular so I'm very honored
to have the chance to participate."

"It's the director who chooses the people, not me." Bai Lang smiled to.

"Also, these words should be spoken by us. Thank you for your warning
last time."

"Anyone who has a clear head would have acted the same way as me." Fei
Hong's smile faded slightly. "However it's only a shame that I wasn't able to
really be of any help."

"No matter what, thank you for trying." Bai Lang said sincerely.

When she saw Bai Lang's expression, Fei Hong tilted her head. She
suddenly said, "Actually, long before that, actually you were the one who
warned me."
Bai Lang was surprised. "I warned you?"

"You said that, you wanted to be a person who other people who learn to
respect and think about before crossing."

Bai Lang paused then smiled. "These few years, you've done much better
than me."

"I have confidence that you will definitely catch up." Fei Hong raised her
eyebrow. She elegantly reached out hand. "Please guide me."

This time Bai Lang successfully stood up. He took Fei Hong's offered hand
and shook it. "Please guide me."

Fei Hong's face and palms both became warm. She smiled beautifully. But
just as she wanted to say something, she saw from the corner of her eye,
Qiu Qian walking towards them from far away. She paused then withdrew
her hand. She made her goodbye and left.

Qiu Qian reached Bai Lang's side with big steps. He took off his sunglasses
and frowned. "Do you not feel well?"

On the table next to him was a blood pressure checker that had clearly just
been used.

"Just a routine check." Bai Lang patted Qiu Qian and changed the subject.

"Come with me to wash my face. It's hot."

Qiu Qian wasn't satisfied. He immediately swept his glance over the young
person who had been measuring Bai Lang's blood pressure just now.

The young person immediately nodded his head. "Everything is fine Big
Boss Qiu. I just checked!"

"Then why are you hot? Could you be suffering from the heat?" Qiu Qian
reached out his head and touched Bai Lang's forehead with his own.
Ever since the first day of filming, this kind of public intimacy had become
an everyday thing.

Bai Lang still felt a bit not used to it. He pushed away Qiu Qian.

"Everything is normal. Let's go, I'm hungry too."

"So you're not only hungry but also hot! Let's go and eat!"

Qiu Qian grasped Bai Lang's hand and dragged him towards the dressing
room that had been constructed on the set.

However he hadn't even walked a few steps when there was suddenly a
delicate and pained "aiyo!" sound.

A few steps away, a young girl cried out loudly as she supported her calf,
breathing painfully. Scattered around her were the documents the girl had
been holding. One of them floated to land beside Qiu Qian's foot.

When the girl saw the situation, she raised her teary eyes and gazed at the
two people. Or more specifically at Qiu Qian.

Bai Lang thus bent down however he was scooped up by Qiu Qian with one
long arm.

A few stray pieces of paper were stuffed into the girl's hand. Without
waiting for her to speak, Qiu Qian dragged Bai Lang's hand and continued
walking away.

However he wasn't completely out of earshot when Qiu Qian said lowly,

"How come that girl keeps falling over all the time? Should I ask Director
Qin to change her to a less clumsy one?"

Bai Lang didn't turn around. He only replied. "No need. She stands very
steadily when filming."

The young girl was precisely the Xu XinPing who had been talking with Fei
Hong earlier. Her face immediately changed. She looked at the two people
walking away and bit her lip. Then she hobbled away.

When Fei Hong, who was watching from distance, saw this, she laughed

Although she was also envious of the person who stood beside of that
person, however she knew what they were like.

It was better for her just to watch from a distance.

{T/N: The author's implication is the Fei Hong has a crush on Bai Lang,
probably from beer commercial days. Probably why she tried to warn him.}


Two months later the phrase "what the bear" became a common phrase
from everyone's mouth.

{T/N: This is a slang swear phrase that the author said she made up herself.

The Chinese literally means something bear lolol... I really don't know how
to translate it hahaha}

This was a phrase that Luo Zai often said in Chaos Street.

Just as Qin Gang, Fei Hong and the majority of the crew members all
anticipated, as soon as Chaos Street was broadcast it immediately became
the most watched drama on TV.

Not only was the plot suspenseful and full of non-stop drama, there was
also the right amount of comedy as well as beautiful and explosive fight
scenes. From the very first minute of its opening scene, these features were
vividly shown to the audience and also brought out the unique characters of
the male leads

Particularly the first male lead Chen FengGe, who within his innocent
passion carried with him a sense of out of ordinariness, and the second male
lead Luo Zai who underneath his beautiful face had the pessimism and
wordliness of an old man. From the first moment when these two people
encountered and misunderstood each other in the first episode, they firmly
grasped and held onto the audience's eyeballs and interest.

45 minutes into the broadcast, Chaos Street's viewership had already

reached no 3 in the week. At the end of the first episode, Chen FengGe was
pressing Luo Zai's neck against the wall. His entire face was red as he
yelled, "You, you thief! Give my pants back to me!!" When this scene was
shown, all the rotten women sitting in front of their television sets pushed
this show to number 1. From that day on, Chaos Street sat on top seat on
television from beginning to end.

{T/N: Rotten women or fujoshi's. People who like boys love haha.}

However one thing needed to be made clear. Chaos Street was not intending
on trying to sell "rotten". Please, the actor for Luo Zai was the behind-the-
scenes patron's lover. This patron would appear every day on the set to
watch the proceedings. Under these circumstances, how could anyone dare
to arrange any type of homosexual tension in the script?

It was only that Luo Zai's setting was that he was an extremely charismatic
young delinquent. Just like a meteor, he attracted all of the interest of the
people around him. The first male lead Chen FengGe was no exception.

Thus without meaning to, their interactions were full of rotten flavor.

So from the very first episode, Chaos Street' s discussion boards were full
of such articles.

"Oh my god! How come someone be both so horrible and so handsome at

the same time! Cheap and handsome! Will this become a trend in the

"I'm completely blinded!! Bai Lang actually rolled around on the ground!!

This, this, my Prince ah–!!"

"I thought his rolling was cool to death ah!! This should be called a Prince's
roll right!? Right right!?"
"I have to say big mother Sun is also pretty good! How can he even make a
police officer look so dumb and meng!! It's not easy ahhhhhh!"

"That's right that's right!! He's very matching with Bai Lang ah!! Who cares
about Qiu Qian!! Old Sun and Bai Lang is real true love ba!!"

"Get lost you disgusting women!! This is clearly a case of sparks of

friendship okay!! Rotten women my ass!!"

"If you want to be rotten you definitely need to use your ass no mistake!

Hahaha!! I like your comment!!"

"Pei pei pei!! Where is the moderator!! Hurry up and ban these people!!"

"Wait wait, does this drama have a female lead ah?"

"Ah? Who? I heard Fei Hong is in it ah, how come I didn't see her?"

"I think she's just a guest star. Who is the real female lead? Could it be the
one who played the female traffic cop?"

"Her!? Who is she supposed to be matched with!? Big mother Sun or Bai
Lang!! I don't agree to either ah!!"

"Yes yes yes!! She has no charisma at all ah!! Too weak!! Can we have a
stronger one?"

"Is the female lead important? Not having one is good too. Isn't this a crime

"If there isn't a female lead isn't that more special ma!! Calling the female
lead! Let's guess who it will be!!"

"I think there is one!!"

"There isn't one +10086!!"

"There isn't one +2!"


As this enthusiastic discussion was taking place on Chaos Street's

discussion board, Bai Lang was reading the script of the very last episode.

Just as people were arguing about online, actually Chaos Street really did
have a hidden female lead.

As Bai Lang read over the script's kissing scene, he glanced over at Qiu
Qian who was sitting on the couch watching Qiu XiaoHai do his

Then he looked back at his script. He thought silently that on that day he
would definitely have to make sure Qiu Qian wouldn't be able to come to
the set.

Chapter 53 - Inside and Outside of the Drama

"What the bear! Did you just sneakily beat me just now!? I told you just to
act, but you took it for real!? How come you're such a small-hearted person,
didn't I just borrow your pair of pants ma!? I'll wash it and return it to you,
what's the big deal? You still remember it all the way until now? How can
you be such a stuffy person?"

"How, how am I? Just then weren't you scared that Young Master Bo would
see through it? I just lightly touched you that's all! How is it a big deal?!"

"What the bear!! You say it's okay so it's okay is that it ah!? Why don't we
switch and you let me beat you huh!! Just now you your hand nearly
punched me in the nose!! If I didn't duck quickly, you would have broken
my nose by now!! Look!! Look how swollen it is!! It's swollen!! As green
as a mountain ah!! Police officer Chen!!"

"You're exaggerating. Just go back and use an egg to rub it. Why are you so
noisy, like an old mother..."

"Like an old mother!? So what if I'm like an old mother! Didn't your mom
give birth to you! What the bear!! I hate people using the word "like an old
mother" the most!! Your mom labored so bitterly to give birth to you, how
can you use her to swear at other people ah! Does she owe you because she
gave birth to you ah!? Ah! No, I know! Looking at you, you're definitely
what other people call a mommy's boy. Mommy's boy! It's not easy ah,
even when you swear at other people you have to call your mommy to help
you is that right–"

"Okay okay okay! Stop! I'm wrong, it's all my fault okay!? Are we still
going to follow the car or not ah!? If you keep nagging, Young Master
Nian's car will disappear!"

"I don't understand what the hell you police officers learn in the police
school, someone like you..."

The person on the screen had the face that he had become familiar with for
many years, however now there wasn't a hint of culture or elegance. He
completely had the image of a little delinquent. His mouth in the drama
looked as though it could swear three days and three nights without
stopping. It was extremely intense. And because of the action scenes he had
been in before, the little delinquent on the screen's shirt buttons were pulled
open around his collar, revealing his collarbone and a small expanse of skin.

Kang Jian was eating a biscuit but he froze suddenly. His mouth was dry
and his gaze fixedly stared at that small amount of snowy white skin. At
this time the sofa next to his right hand moved, as though someone had sat
down, however Kang Jian didn't move until the other person spoke.

"I called you multiple times already, did you not hear me?" Li Sha pushed
Kang Jian slightly. "Didn't you say you wanted to read a bedtime story to
Xiao Jin? I already gave him a bath and he's waiting in bed for you. Go

"The episode is just about to finish. I'll go when it's done."

After talking, Kang Jian's eyes were still fixed on the screen unmoving. Li
Sha frowned. She grabbed the remote control on the table and pressed the
"Pa!" The screen turned black!

The second before the screen went black, it just happened to be showing a
close up shot of Bai Lang. It showed his beautiful nose and long eyelashes
in crystal clear clarity. Thus interrupted, a ball of fire ignited in Kang Jian's
stomach. He turned his head and wanted to swear but when he saw Li Sha's
expression he suppressed himself.

Because Li Sha's demeanor, which after marriage had slowly changed to

that of arrogance, reminded Kang Jian that Li Min was standing behind her.

Right now still wasn't the right time to turn the tables on her.

Kang Jian slowly took a deep breath. He forced himself to breathe. He

reached out to coax Li Sha. "You also need to think about me. Right now

I'm working. Brother Chen told me to pay careful attention to his drama.

After all my next movie is a crime drama."

After he talked like this, Li Sha's dissatisfied face become slightly better.

However her eyes still carried with it a mocking light, "Oh I see. Watching
it every day like you've lost your soul, if you didn't tell me then I would
have thought there was something strange inside the drama. Particularly
that disgusting homosexual....."

Kang Jian's heart jumped at these words.

He knew that the story of him kissing a young male model while drunk had
probably already spread to Li Sha's ears.

Kang Jian immediately snapped to attention. First he lightly kissed Li Sha

then embraced her. "In order to achieve victory, one must first understand
the enemy, wife. I didn't think it would only take two weeks of Chaos Street
broadcasting for Bai Lang to regain his popularity. To be honest, I'm quite
envious ah."
Li Sha glanced at Kang Jian then puffed out her chest and said with a
humph, "So what. He should be envious of your next movie. I'll ask daddy
to add a few more hours of commercials and promote it well for you. I don't
believe Bai Lang will be able to win over you."

Since there wasn't any concrete guarantee, when Kang Jian heard Li Sha's
words it sounded as though she was using Li Min's connection to tell him
he should be grateful to her. Kang Jian's heart felt uncomfortable but on the
surface he endured it. He messaged Li Sha's waist and said, "Such a good
wife. I know that you treat me well. To be able to marry you, I must have
done something good in my past life."

His actions made Li Sha feel itchy and her face also went red. "Stop sweet-
talking me. Hurry up and go read to Xiao Jin. After the story... we.... we can
also do lots of other things." The last sentence was spoken by Li Sha with a
seductive air.

On Kang Jian's face there was a warm smile however his body was very

After getting married, Kang Jian logically told himself that he had to treat
this supporting mountain Li Sha well. Previously he had treated his
marriage to Li Sha quite seriously. However it was unknown if after getting
famous, it was natural that people's hearts would become more ambitious.

Or perhaps it was only that once something was forcibly repressed, the
desire for it would go stronger. Kang Jian was originally bisexual, however
right now he was slowly drifting more and more towards the "gay" side.

Right now even when he touched Li Sha's smooth and soft as cotton body, it
was harder and harder to summon up any sexual desire.

So Kang Jian changed the subject to something that he was more interested
in. "How about what I discussed with you previously? Have you thought
about it?"

Li Sha's smile froze slightly. She said in a hesitant voice, "Do you mean
about your trading company?"
Kang Jian controlled himself so he wouldn't appear too eager. He casually
nodded his head. "Of course. A while ago I went by Full Circle for a
meeting. Their Vice General Manager didn't reject working together straight
away and even said he looks highly upon our company's products. That's
when I knew my opportunity had come. If we can form a working
relationship with the biggest online shopping platform right now, then we
don't need to worry about our profits in the future."

Li Sha bit her lip. "But, we are outsiders in this kind of business. Now we
need to borrow such a large amount of money, didn't Daddy already tell us
not to before–"

"Since you already said that your dad is an outsider in this business, then
don't you think the Vice General Manager's words are more trustworthy?"

Kang Jian couldn't help interrupting. "Sha Sha, to be honest, I've always
wanted to do something of my own to show your father. I want to prove to
him that your faith in me isn't wrong. I definitely can give you the most

luxurious and most joyful life, and spoil you well. Regarding this, just trust
me, okay?"

As he spoke, Kang Jian held Li Sha's shoulders and looked deeply and
emotionally into her eyes. Li Sha, who had been upset and suspicious that
these days Kang Jian seemed to be growing colder towards her, was moved.

"But Ah Jian, right now aren't we very good already? You're already famous
and you have many jobs trying to fight over you. As long as you continue to
work hard as an actor, and get an award or two, daddy will definitely
acknowledge your ability."

"Saying it like this, it turns out you also..." Kang Jian exposed a
disappointed smile. "Alright. Don't worry, actually this is my own problem.

It's my own fault that I can't make you be more confident in me." After
speaking Kang Jian's hands slid down. "That's fine, let's not speak of it
anymore. I will go and read to Xiao Jin."
Kang Jian turned away but Li Sha immediately stopped him. "Ah Jian..."

Kang Jian turned around and patted her hand. He said in a considerate
manner, "Don't stress. This matter, I will use the money I have on hand to
do it slowly. There will finally be a day when you will be able to put your
trust in me."

Li Sha saw the tender helplessness in Kang Jian's eyes. Her heart ached and
she finally let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's use this house as
collateral to obtain a loan. As for how much, you decide. I won't interfere.

Fireworks appeared inside Kang Jian's eyes however he didn't agree

immediately. "Sha Sha, are you sure?"

Li Sha nodded her head decisively. "En, no matter what, I'll always support

"Thank you, Sha Sha!!" Kang Jian hugged her tightly. "I, I definitely won't
let you down!"

Li Sha felt Kang Jian's strong embrace. It was as though they had returned
to the intimacy they had before getting married.

Kang Jian continued to massage Li Sha's body. "Let's just do it the two of
us, husband and wife. We won't tell your father at first so we can give him a
big surprise later. He'll definitely..."

Li Sha listened as her man painted her a bright and beautiful vision of the
future. She closed her eyes.

Right now, in this moment, she was still a happy woman.


The question of how to make sure Qiu Qian had other business on the day
they were to film the kissing scene, not only was it Bai Lang's concern but
even Director Qin was very worried.
Not long after the script was given out, Bai Lang received Director Qin's
phone call to ask him if he had any ideas. Director Qin asked it in a very
round about way but Bai Lang cooperated and revealed Qiu Qian would be
travelling interstate on business soon. Director Qin was overjoyed, and on
the phone he reiterated that he would definitely schedule things well.

So on the day before the kissing scene, when the two people were lying in
bed together in the evening, Bai Lang confirmed Qiu Qian's schedule with

"You're going to C city tomorrow? Will you make it home for dinner?"

"No. I have a business dinner. By the time I get home it will be midnight so
don't wait up for me." Qiu Qian pulled up the blankets for the two people.

"You're going on set tomorrow? There's nothing special right?"

"En, there isn't." Bai Lang suddenly felt unexpectedly guilty for no reason.

"Tomorrow I'll prepare some hangover soup for you."

"Why, are you worried about me?" Qiu Qian was very happy and held Bai
Lang in his arms.

Bai Lang looked at Qiu Qian then obediently admitted to it. "Of course."

Pleasure rose in Qiu Qian's eyes. He didn't say anything more and embraced
the other person and started kissing him.

The intimately familiar scent and heat flowed into Bai Lang's nose. The
entangling and provoking movements caused Bai Lang to close his eyes as
his desire rose. His heart and breathing sped up. As usual, Qiu Qian's hand
became naughty and Bai Lang felt even more breathless. He was already
accustomed to it, however he wanted to feel and fall even more deeply, so
did something that was rare for him and proactively reached his hand into
Qiu Qian's shirt.

Naturally Qiu Qian could not resist this temptation. He made a low sound in
his throat then violently and passionately pressed this person into the bed.
Bai Lang also cooperated and spread his four limbs, his eyes were wet and
mesmerized. It was as though in this whole world, he could only see this
one person.

The next day, Qiu Qian got up very early and left the house in a very good
mood. However his afternoon event was unexpectedly cancelled. He flew
back to A city then went by the set to pick up his person. When he saw a
woman embracing Bai Lang and kissing him passionately, Qiu Qian
couldn't help it and suddenly kicked over a trash can next to him.

"Ka-La—!!" There was a loud noise!!

The audience, who until then had been fixated on the man and woman
inside the camera's frame, all jumped with fright.

Then all of the swear words that were hanging off the corners of their lips
were suddenly changed into sharp and indrawn breaths.

Qiu Qian's face was extremely dark. He stared at the Bai Lang who turned
around to look.

The slightly widened eyes, shock and slight look of guilt... Qiu Qian
narrowed his eyes. Very good, this was definitely pre-planned.

"You guys continue," Qiu Qian clenched his teeth. Then he strode with big
steps towards Bai Lang's dressing room.

Then there was a loud "peng!" sound of the door slamming which made the
ground shake. It made everyone present so scared their hearts thumped

Even Qin Gang was clutching the director's board and stunned speechless.

Right now it was clearly just an ordinary filming situation. A professional

actor definitely should cooperate in this kind of scene. However when it
came to these two people, Qin Gang unexpectedly felt as though it was him
that had done something wrong.
Bai Lang sighed, breaking the anxious and stifling atmosphere. "Let's

Qin Gang immediately reacted. He gathered himself together and coughed a

few times. He said sternly, "Okay! Let's finish this scene quickly!"

Everyone gave a mental thumbs up and in their eyes two flames appeared.

Yes, they had to finish quickly!

.... Otherwise Big Boss Qiu's anger might incinerate them all ah.

Only the unfortunate hidden female lead trembled from tip to toe. She felt
so much pressure she almost couldn't stand straight.

Be-be-be-because, being stared at like this, she she she she definitely would
NG ah!!!!


One hour later, the female lead was weakly supported off the stage by
others. Thank the heavens and thank the earth, this scene was finally
completed. Under Director Qin's orders, the crew members cleaned up the

set at breakneck speed. At this time, under all the "hurry up" gazes by
others, Bai Lang was pushed quickly into his dressing room.

When he came in, Qiu Qian was sitting in an unreserved manner on the
sofa. His head leaned against the back of the seat and his eyes were closed
as though he was resting.

Of course his facial color was still not good.

Bai Lang also didn't know what he should say. He only patted Qiu Qian's
legs. "It's finished. Let's go home."

Qiu Qian opened his eyes and narrowed them. "You should have told me
Bai Lang wisely did not remind him at this time that this was only
something that an actor normally did in the course of their work. He only
replied, "En. I'm sorry."

Qiu Qian's face was extremely bullied. "If you told me then I definitely
wouldn't have come and made myself a nuisance"

This answer made Bai Lang pause. He smiled, "Thank you."

"Thank you my ass. Come here." Qiu Qian's manner of speaking wasn't

Bai Lang obediently sat down. The position he chose was on Qiu Qian's

This made Qiu Qian's color improve slightly. Then he grasped Bai Lang's
chin, tilted his head and wanted to kiss him.

However Bai Lang pulled away. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"You need to be disinfected." Qiu Qian's voice was dangerous.

Bai Lang reached out and blocked Qiu Qian's mouth. "No, it will transfer
onto your lips."

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow.

Bai Lang said quietly, "I don't like it."


When the two people finally emerged from the dressing room, the audience
was shocked to see that Qiu Qian's good mood seemed to have completely

Qin Gang secretly gave Bai Lang a big thumbs up. He also pretended he
didn't see Bai Lang's slightly swollen lips.
Chapter 54 - Qiu Qian vs Kang Jian After Chaos Street had broadcasted
for around a month, there was almost no young people who didn't recognize
the two roles Chen FengGe and Luo Zai.

Other than its fixed time slot on television, Chaos Street was also trending
on the internet. Because it was popular, all of the online streaming sites
promoted it well. With the support of various internet giants like Full
Circle, the download and streaming of Chaos Street on various online
platforms far exceeded that of just on its official website. It had pretty much
reached the extent of being readily available anywhere and everywhere that
the audience felt like watching it. This meant it could attract audience's
attention even better.

Of course the episodes online was a few episodes behind that being
broadcasted on television. This was to thank the audience members who
were willing to tune in at the set time every day. If those on the internet
wanted to catch up then they would need to pay a fee similar to that of
purchasing an ice cream. This was originally a small service provided to
those who were both impatient but didn't want to sit through
advertisements. However they didn't expect that the people who subscribed
to this service soon blew out as the promotions got bigger and bigger. When
an analysis after one month of broadcasting it was found that approximately
20% of the audience watched it via a platform other than TV.

All of this represented one thing. And that was that Bai Lang had become
popular again.

It wasn't just Bai Lang. The first male lead Sun XinBin and also a few
supporting stars, all got a lot of attention from fans.

Because the popularity of this drama arose from the entire team. From the
director, producer, guest stars, main stars, and even people responsible for
the background music and special effects, on each level they had brought an

above-average effort. The combined together effort could be summarized

by the audience in three words: "great to watch".
Without a doubt, the fact that the budget was large was one of the primary
reasons behind this. Also this drama had been through three years of
reflection. After it was carefully and meticulously edited and re-examined,
of course it would become better and stronger. Also another reason that the
majority of people weren't aware of was that the patron and boss of this
drama practically appeared on set every single day. In these circumstances
how did anyone dare to slack off?

So the fact that Chaos Street got popular was very natural. There wasn't
even a single thread of artifice.

Under this kind of great promotion it took only two weeks of broadcasting
Chaos Street for Bai Lang to gain back his previous popularity. It was just
as Kang Jian said and really wasn't an exaggeration.

Soon, the main characters as well as some supporting characters in the

drama were all notified that they would be participating in some variety
show programs. After all popularity was a wave. Right now any programs
that were able to invite some members of the show, whether they be main or
supporting, to come on to discuss some interesting snippets and clips,
would experience a significant rise in viewership. So these invitations
began to flood in like flakes of snow during a snowstorm.

Thus once people started to talk, very quickly the gossip that Boss Qiu
would come to visit the set every day was soon exposed and spread out.

Even the fact that Boss Qiu had gotten angry because of Bai Lang's kissing
scene was talked about, with exaggerated vinegar for effect. Under this kind
of gossip, Qiu Qian's image practically became that of stereotypical modern
jealous husband. It made Bai Lang laugh for a long time.

However this type of chatter meant that Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's
relationship was easier for fans to accept three years later.

After what had happened, Bai Lang no longer cared to think about whether
or not his relationship with Qiu Qian was showy, and whether he should try
to mask it somewhat. Life was so unpredictable that it was important to
grasp every moment. This was how Bai Lang and Qiu Qian felt after
experiencing these three years.

Because of this thinking, the number of times Bai Lang and Qiu Qian
appeared together in public was also more than three years ago.

This included the grand opening of a particular luxury shopping mall.

Qiu Qian had received an invitation to attend as a VIP guest and dragged
Bai Lang along as a companion.

And among the many artistes who had also been invited along by the
publicity company, it also included Kang Jian who had a small popularity.

This was actually the very first, and only time, that Qiu Qian and Kang Jian
had ever met.


The new boutique shopping mall SKAI was given the title of the most
luxurious and high-end shopping mall in A City, and had gathered together
all the most popular flagship luxury international and domestic brands. The
target audience were wealthy people, particularly young men. Inside there
was even a counter selling sports cars.

The Qiu family owned one complete level in the shopping mall and had
opened a VIP entertainment club there which would provide the wealthy
patrons with a luxurious place to rest and recover after spending big in the
mall. This combination of conspicuous consumption and wealth of
entertainment would make it very popular with rich madames.

As the representative of the club, Qiu Qian was invited to attend the mall's
grand opening reception as a partner. Thinking about the fact that in the
future he might consider doing his shopping here too, he dragged Bai Lang
to see what type of shops he liked and if his own family's entertainment
club would interest him.
Such a grand and dazzling opening reception naturally would invite many
artistes and models to attend. A lot of them were the domestic brand
representatives of the various luxury brand shops in the mall. The publicity
company was very intelligent and inside the grand atrium as well as the
fountain garden, they held a small runway show. Other than building up the
atmosphere, it would also satisfy the desire of various rich people invited
along to spend their money. Because of course on the day of its grand
opening, the shopping mall wasn't actually open to the public but only to
those several hundred specially invited VIPs.

Kang Jian was one of the people in the runway show. His eyes met Qiu
Qian's, who was sitting below.

When their eyes met briefly, Kang Jian's heart thumped. Then he
immediately looked at Bai Lang who was sitting next to Qiu Qian and had
his head lowered, looking through the programme in his hand. Only this
way he could confirm that this person really was the Boss Qiu who
sometimes appeared on the news.

This was the first time Kang Jian had ever seen this so-called "love rival"

which he had built up in his fantasies. In the stories, Boss Qiu was wildly
handsome and charismatic, and this really seemed to be the case. He had
handsomely carved and angular features, as well as broad shoulders and a
figure, which even if he didn't stand up, was clearly strong and powerful.

So even though Kang Jian was the one on the stage, an overpowering sense
of jealousy washed over him.

Because this situation of being on and off the stage even more clearly
accentuated the difference in the status of these two people.

Kang Jian finally saw clearly why, even though he had tried so hard to be
friendly, Bai Lang still persisted in ignoring him and not contacting him...

wasn't it only natural? Even though he was famous now, in this kind of
situation, he was still just a performing monkey for the rich VIPs off the
stage. Anyone with brains would know which one to pick, right!?
This type of harsh reality shattered the fantasies Kang Jian had in his head.

Particularly when he saw, out of the corner of his eye, these two people's
heads bent together as they talked. Qiu Qian was leaning over, he whispered
something in Bai Lang's ear which made him laugh. When Qiu Qian saw it,
he came even closer and kissed him suddenly which made Bai Lang freeze.

He turned quickly to look around, then helplessly and tolerantly continued

to converse with Qiu Qian in a low voice. During this time... at least until
the point which Kang Jian had no choice but to leave the stage, Bai Lang
had not raised his head once to look onto the stage.

As he left the stage, dark feelings of envy and hate once again swirled in the
depths of Kang Jian's heart.


Kang Jian's mood was dark but actually Qiu Qian's wasn't good either.

After seeing Kang Jian on the stage, and in the reception party which
followed after, Qiu Qian stuck closely by Bai Lang's side and didn't leave
one step. This was because he could keenly feel that even though Kang Jian
stayed far away and didn't come close, however his gaze was constantly on
Bai Lang all the time.

Qiu Qian slightly adjusted his angle and blocked this gaze which made him
extremely displeased. If it wasn't because Bai Lang had in a rare occasion
pointed out a few counters and said he wanted to go and buy a few sets of
bedsheets later, then Qiu Qian would have dragged him away long ago and
taken him someplace where that gaze wasn't able to see him.

However Kang Jian's strange behaviour reminded Qiu Qian of some things.

According to Bai Lang, at the point to which he was reborn, he had Kang
Jian were only ordinary friends. There wasn't any romance which only
occured in his past life when he got famous for the second time. According
to Bai Lang, the reason Kang Jian kept making trouble them was probably
just because Bai Lang had been cold and dismissive of him since filming

However when Qiu Qian saw the expression in Kang Jian's eyes when he
looked at Bai Lang, he immediately knew that things weren't so simple. He

also didn't forget that series of missing calls from Kang Jian from over three
years ago. It definitely was too much for something as simple as being


When he thought about this Qiu Qian's expression became darker and
darker. However he didn't expect that Kang Jian picked this time to actually
pluck up the courage and approach them.

"Ah Lang, such a coincidence. We meet again."

Kang Jian raised a glass of champagne. His cloying gaze from before had
completely vanished. On his face was a friendly and innocent smile.

Bai Lang nodded his head. Qiu Qian turned and asked Bai Lang, "Who's

This way of speaking, which was directly talking over and ignoring Kang
Jian, showed his antagonism. In addition since Kang Jian was "famous"

there was also an implied insult.

A flash appeared in Kang Jian's eyes however on the surface he maintained

the appearance of respectful friendliness. "It's an honor to meet you Mr Qiu.

I'm Kang Jian, previously I was in the same training class as Ah Lang.

We're old friends. I didn't think we'd meet here, such a coincidence."

This type of thick skin made Qiu Qian look at Kang Jian from top to
bottom. He smiled lightly, "Oh. So you're Kang Jian?"
Kang Jian's expression flickered. "Ah Lang has mentioned me before to
Boss Qiu?'

"No, but I remember you." Qiu Qian said in a meaningful tone of voice.

"Didn't we speak on the phone before?"

"Phone?" Kang Jian couldn't help pausing.

"A long time ago, on a particular morning, you called Bai Lang's mobile
and I picked up. However you probably didn't know it was me."

Qiu Qian's expression was very generous.

Kang Jian's sense of danger immediately rose. "Re-really? I don't seem to


"That's true. This type of small thing, why would Mr Kang remember it?"

Qiu Qian smiled dangerously. "At that time, Mr Kang didn't you have a
senior brother called Wu ShenEn? It seems he got involved in a drug
scandal, I wonder how he is now."

As soon as Kang Jian heard that his face immediately went white.

Because three years ago, the fact that Bai Lang's mobile had been picked up
by a man, was something that he had told Wu ShenEn....

Right now Qiu Qian suddenly brought up this phone call, and even pointed
out Wu SheEn.... Could it be that Qiu Qian had long ago found out about

When he thought about it, Kang Jian's heart flip-flopped and he swallowed
hard. "This, Mr Qiu, what's the meaning of your words?"

Qiu Qian only laughed very faintly. So faintly that all the hairs on Kang
Jian's arms stood up.
Just as he thought when the laughter stopped, Qiu Qian's eyes became cold
enough to freeze someone. "Get lost. That's my meaning."

This kind of overwhelming pressure forced Kang Jian to take an

involuntary step backwards. His legs also felt weak however his eyes
couldn't help looking towards Bai Lang.

However Bai Lang's face was very peaceful. There wasn't any type of
strange expression. It was clear that he already knew about it from a long
time ago.

So that meant the he already knew the horrid things he had done.... When
he thought of that, Kang Jian's face went hot. He couldn't stay there any

longer. He didn't even make any explanation but only turned around and
frantically left the venue.

When Qiu Qian saw him fleeing, he couldn't help but make a spitting noise
in his throat.

Bai Lang however stopped smiling and asked, "Why all of a sudden?"

He knew that Qiu Qian wanted revenge on Kang Jian, however wasn't it all
supposed to be done under the surface?

Qiu Qian thought about Kang Jian's cloying glances from before but he
didn't want to tell Bai Lang. He only said, "Some people, if you don't
completely rip faces with them {T/N: shred all pretense of cordiality}, they
will continue to show up and find opportunities to disgust you."

Bai Lang thought about it and it seemed to be right. "That's true. Kang Jian
really is a strange one."

Qiu Qian didn't want to continue this conversation so he changed the topic.

"Let's not talk about him. What do you still need, just buy everything

Bai Lang nodded. "You don't have anything on after this?"

"No. I've cleared my schedule today."

However Bai Lang was the one who picked up his phone. He looked at the
time showing on the screen then dialled a number.

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow but Bai Lang only smiled at him. He waited
until the phone connected.

A few seconds later a loud voice came through the phone, "Hello hello
hello! Ah Bai! Are you looking for me~~~"

In this day and age, second year primary school students already started
carrying phones in order to make it more convenient for their parents to
contact them. The phone that Bai Lang gave Qiu XiaoHai didn't have all

functions and could only be used for making phone calls. However this was
enough to make Qiu XiaoHai overjoyed. He really loved it when Ah Bai or
daddy called him to chat.

"Is it time to finish class now?" Bai Lang asked.

"En! Ah Bai! Let, let me me tell you ah, just then the teacher said–"

Following it was a string of loud chatter. Standing to one side, Qiu Qian
could also hear his son's very loud and energetic voice.

Bai Lang replied a few times then said, "Then after you finish school Hong
Hong will bring you over okay? Me and your dad are at the mall. We will
take you around to pick out a present. It's almost your birthday."

There was an excited and piercing cry from the phone. Bai Lang had no
choice but to slightly hold the phone away from his face. Qiu Qian snatched
it and said, "Be quiet, dumbass. No one talks on the phone like you. Our
ears hurt to death."

"I want to go I want to go ah!! Daddy!! Hurry and tell Ah Bai!!" Qiu
XiaoHai was still yelling into the phone. "I can finish school now!! I will
tell the teacher right away!!"
Qiu Qian clenched his teeth. His ears really hurt.

"No, you be good and finish your last class. Otherwise Ah Bai and I will go

"Ahhhhh– No ah!! Wait for me wait for me!! I, I, I want to go together!!"

From Qiu XiaoHai's cries it was clear to see that the present wasn't the
important part. The part that made him the most joyful was being


Qiu Qian admonished him a few more times before finally hanging up and
returning the phone to Bai Lang. He asked, "How about mine?"

It was a coincidence that the Qiu family father and son's birthdays were
only separated by approximately one week.

Both of them were Leos, in the future they were definitely bound to argue.

"If you don't like bedsheets," Bai Lang pretended to be put out. "Then I
need to think about it some more."

"Let me give you a hint, I like what's on top of the bedsheets more." Qiu
Qian leaned in closer to Bai Lang to whisper.

"So should I wrap myself up in a bow?" Bai Lang raised his eyebrow.

Although there were a lot of people around them, Qiu Qian was not able to
suppress his urge and lowered his head and stole a passionate kiss.


After meeting at the shopping mall, Qiu Qian decided to roll up his sleeves
and pull the net in. He wanted to take care of Kang Jian properly.

However he didn't expect that before he could do that, he was the one who
got thoroughly disgusted.
Hong Hong came with a report, "Kang Jian finally slept with someone. The
photo is in the file, he's a small male model. Not someone that we stuffed

Qiu Qian didn't open the folder, he didn't really care. "Doesn't matter.

Expose it and take care of everything as we discussed."

Hong Hong pointed to the file again. "I think it's best if you look first."

Qiu Qian paused. Then he opened the folder and glanced at the photo.

A few seconds later Qiu Qian viciously ripped up all the contents of the
folder. It wasn't enough to assuage his rage so he also savagely kicked the
leg of his desk.

"Fuck! So goddamn disgusting!!"

"How do you want to deal with it?" Hong Hong asked.

"Give him some money and tell him to get plastic surgery. Don't expose it
until he does it. Also let Kang Jian earn some profit and this time introduce
Brother Chen Dong to him. After he loses his entire family and fortune,
we'll see what else he can get up to!" Qiu Qian's breathing was ragged. He
stared viciously at the photo that had landed on the floor.

In the photo was a delicate and pretty youth. When he smiled, the
appearance was actually 50% similar to Bai Lang.

Chapter 55 - Ending

{T/N: This is not the end of the story, just the chapter title.}

It wasn't a difficult thing to persuade a model who had no fame to get

plastic surgery. All it took was a modelling job which had good exposure,
and a casually thrown sentence of "If you get plastic surgery it will more
aptly represent the image of the product". Any impatiently hoping to get
famous model would immediately get hooked.
This wasn't really considered trickery and lies. After all the job opportunity
was real. If he didn't want to do it then he could totally reject it. In this
world there wasn't anyone who after receiving a good benefit, would sigh
and say that they had been tricked. There also wasn't much chance of the
little model rejecting it. After all the fact that he was okay with having an
affair with a married man meant he wasn't someone that was very
principled. Thus Hong Hong didn't need much effort and time to take care
of everything.

When it came to operation, they would still make sure it was done carefully
and wouldn't ruin his looks. The operation wasn't a big one, just slightly
adjusting his eyelids and the corners of his eyes, turning the little model
into someone with big and electric peach blossom eyes. He was even more
handsome, however his entire person no longer shared any resemblance
with Bai Lang.

That would be enough. As for whether or not afterwards this little model
called Lin ChenYuan would be forsaken by Kang Jian, well Qiu Qian didn't
care about that. The only thing that concerned Qiu Qian was the fact that he
couldn't stand Kang Jian using that kind of glance to look at Bai Lang, and
then continue to use that sort of glance to look at and sleep with someone
who looked like Bai Lang.

Then what if Kang Jian found another person who looked like Bai Lang?

Did they have to continue making them have plastic surgery?

Qiu Qian's reply was, he wouldn't give Kang Jian this kind of chance.


"Boss Kang! You have really good eyes, such great foresight!" The car
dearlership's Boss Wu looked at Kang Jian with an admiring gaze. "I
completely don't even understanding how this heat film works but it sold so
amazingly well. Now it's completely sold out ah! Boss Kang haven't you
already earned back your investment and doubled it a few times in just one
deal! Hahaha, just by helping you send inventory around, my eyes are
already red."
Kang Jian smoothed down his suit and suppressed the proud feeling in his
heart. "No no, I was just lucky that I got good advice from friends and
manage to catch on to this trend."

"No no, don't be so humble! Some people even if they know where
opportunities lie, they don't have the courage or the money! They wouldn't
dare to invest so bravely like you!! Boss Kang has such outstanding ability,
you are definitely out of the ordinary." Boss Wu was filled with admiration.

"From what I can see, Boss Kang you're in the wrong industry. You're a
genius at investment. It's a shame you're an actor, hahahaha."

These effusive compliments made Kang Jian feel he was floating in the
clouds. He coughed in a fake manner, "Okay okay, if you keep talking then
I'm going to blush. This time I'll trouble Boss Wu to help me send this
inventory to G city's Long Tong warehouse. I will pay you 30% of the cost
first, then after it's delivered I'll give you the rest."

"Ai ai ai, there's no rush. Boss Kang's business is so red-hot. I'm definitely
not scared Boss Kang won't be able to pay the bill. Haha, I don't mind Boss
Kang paying after everything has been delivered." Boss Wu rejected it.

Kang Jian heard this and it was even more like music to his ears. He nodded
in a satisfied manner then gave a few more instructions before finally
leaving the car company's warehouse. Then, he went to the third floor of an
unremarkable looking building.

When he opened the door, Lin ChenYuan was wearing on loose T-shirt and
kneading his legs on the sofa.

Being a male model had some basic requirements. Although Lin ChenYuan
could be considered somewhat shorter than the average for a model,
however the proportion of his lower body and upper body was very good.

His legs were straight and still appeared quite long. Although he wasn't able
to meet the standards of the international arena, however within the
domestic market he can be considered quite adequate.
When Lin ChenYuan heard someone open the door, he released his legs and
smiled. His after-surgery peach blossom eyes curved, and it was very pretty
and seductive. "You're here."

When he saw his smile, the bottom of Kang Jian's heart felt dissatisfied so
he turned his gaze towards Lin ChenYuan's white and straight long legs, and
that perky and hot looking ass. Even though this dumb idiot had run away
to have plastic surgery without even telling him, and lost that pair of
wonderful eyes, however he was still good at and familiar with how to
satisfy Kang Jian's desires. So Kang Jian was reluctant to let him go.

Kang Jian threw his key to one side and walked with big strides towards
Lin ChenYuan. Within a few seconds he pushed the other person down into
the couch. "So? You calculated the timing of my coming and wore this pair
of short shorts to tempt me?"

Lin ChenYuan angled his look downwards and said archly, "Don't you need
to go home to accompany your wife to eat?"

Kang Jian reached out to cover Lin ChenYuan's eyes, then kissed him
heavily. He said in a hoarse voice, "First let me feed you until you're full,
baby." After talking he impatiently changed the two people's rooms, and
frantically did his business.

During the process, Lin ChenYuan groaned with pain a few times, however
he obediently endured it.

After all Kang Jian had told him that he loved him. He said that his
marriage was like a grave, and that Lin ChenYuan was his savior.


Only when Chaos Street was nearing the end of his broadcasting was Bai
Lang allowed to think about his next show.

In order to cooperate with Chaos Street' s promotional activities, Bai Lang's

schedule was filled with programs and variety shows. The jam packed
nature of his schedule made Qiu Qian frown. After turning down
auditioning for Who is Hosting Dinner, Qiu Qian told Fang Hua to stop
arranging jobs for Bai Lang for a short while.

After all Bai Lang's primary doctor Fang YingQi had told him that because
Bai Lang had been tired and stressed during the three years of Qiu Qian's
car accident, it had reduced a lot of the benefits he had carefully nurtured
previously. If he now wanted to return to the acting world, then he needed
to carefully take care of his body.

Thus whether his next job was a TV drama or a movie, Bai Lang would not
consider anything that had the same level of action scenes as Chaos Street.

If Qiu Qian was anxious, then Bai Lang also couldn't relax so he didn't want
to torture himself.

But if he then added the requirment of not having any sex scenes, and even
better if there wasn't any kissing scenes...

Fang Hua stuck her nose in the air and expressed that this kind of pickiness
was really testing her ability.

However she was just complaining on the surface. It only took Fang Hua a
few days to find a script for a movie which fulfilled all these requirements:

After roughly reading the script of Ending, Bai Lang was immediately able
to tell that this wasn't a movie that was being made for the purpose of box
office earnings.

After all, just reading a rough outline of the plot was enough to abuse the
heart. Probably no one would watch this movie for the purposes of just
enjoyment or pleasure. Because the story of this movie was about a patient
who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. There was a certainty of paralysis
waiting for him in the future. After struggling for some time, the patient
persuaded his family and loved ones to let him die via euthenasia.

Using this plot, the movie examined issues such as the price of living, the
value of self-respect and the weight of warring emotions. In addition, this
was a movie that had been adapted from a real-life story. After Bai Lang
finished reading it, he held the script and sighed for a long time, scaring
both the Qiu family father and son.

This type of heart abusing script was something found by Director Xu Wei,
who was one of the few very famous female directors.

Xu Wei was good at expressing and holding up a mirror to show subtle and
delicate emotions. Most of her works were poetic and emotional, showing
warmth and strength. She was critically very acclaimed. Now she picked
this kind of not easily likeable script, it made Bai Lang feel very curious.

After asking Fang Hua for the phone number, he called Xu Wei and had a
personal chat with her.

The unexpected answer he received was that Xu Wei's mother also faced an
experience like this before dying.

At that time she hadn't agreed, however afterwards she was tortured by the
thought of whether or not she should have agreed. She wanted to look for
an answer. {T/N: Regarding euthenasia.}

After talking on the phone, Bai Lang agreed to take this role.

Even though in his past life, Bai Lang completely had no impression of this


In the following few months, Bai Lang's heart was completely focused on

This time, Bai Lang refused to allow Qiu Qian to come onto the set. His
reasoning was this type of movie placed heavy emphasis on emotions. If
Qiu Qian was on set, then Bai Lang would undoubtedly get distracted. So
Bai Lang sternly rejected Qiu Qian's "disturbance". Even the small medical
team that Qiu Qian had arranged to be on the set of Chaos Street was
disallowed by Bai Lang.
Qiu Qian very much respected Bai Lang's decisions in the course of his job.

Otherwise when it came to Chaos Street, all he needed to do was to say one
sentence and the script would have been changed, and he wouldn't have had
to sit angrily by himself in the dressing room. So when Bai Lang promised
that he would report to Fang YingQi at a fixed time every week, and that
would definitely pay attention to his own health, Qiu Qian agreed to all of
Bai Lang's requests.

However, Qiu Qian very quickly found that Bai Lang became skinnier.

Every time he finished work, his mood was not high and could even said to
be low. Qiu Qian asked a few times but Bai Lang would only say that after
filming this kind of movie, he would need time to adjust his emotions.

However there was nothing wrong with his body.

However Qiu Qian still felt things didn't feel right. Secretly he asked Fang
YingQi. Fang YingQi first stated that there was definitely nothing wrong
with Bai Lang's heart. After asking about Bai Lang's job a little, he thought
for a while then introduced a psychiatrist to consult with Qiu Qian. His
meaning was, he wasn't quite sure whether it was Bai Lang who needed
help, or if the real person who required aid was the overly anxious Qiu

{T/N: Unrelated but something which distracts me in a lot of stories is that

people seem to mix up psychiatrist and psychologist. A psychiatrist is a
medical doctor with a medical degree and further education/specialisation
in psychiatry. A psychologist is NOT a medical doctor, their job is to help
people via behavioural modification (but psych can also do this). If in the
story the character can prescribe drugs and makes diagnoses, they are a

psychiatrist. It is not the translator's fault since I believe Google Translate

translates it as "psychologist" but 90% of the time as I read the story, it's
clear that the character is actually a psychiatrist. Probably author also
does not know the difference. This is one of my pet peeves. LOL sorry rant
However this psychiatrist was really very helpful. After talking one the
phone with Qiu Qian few times, he smiled and made a suggestion which
was that Qiu Qian should take Bai Lang out to exercise every day. This
would probably take care of everything.

Although Qiu Qian felt a bit suspicious however the next morning he still
dragged this family of three out of their warm blankets and took them
outside for a stroll.

After leaving the gate of their freestanding villa, approximately ten minutes
away there was a long river embankment.

The first couple of days even Qiu Qian thought this was quite tortuous. The
late autumn weather was cool and Qiu XiaoHai's nose was frozen until it
became runny. However after walking around a few circles, although the
people that came back from the river would have flushed faces, their spirits
were very bright and cheerful. Now when he looked at Bai Lang, the dark
air which clouded his eyebrows really seemed to have dissipated a lot. After
that, Qiu Qian even got his hand on three bicycles. After one week this
family of three got into the habit of doing a few laps around the riverbank
and breathing in the mountain air.

This type of support really allowed Bai Lang to be able to withstand the
significantly heavy pressures associated with filming.

Two months later, the day Ending finished filming, Bai Lang came home
very early. He made dinner and waited for the Qiu family father and son to
come home. At this time Bai Lang suddenly realized that he hadn't
personally cooked for a long time.

Qiu XiaoHai was the first one to come home. When he opened the door, he
saw the room was filled with the fragrant smell of spring onion pancakes.

He joyfully ran into the kitchen and yelled that he wanted to eat. Next was
Qiu Qian. Bai Lang's mood from earlier had made Qiu Qian put aside a lot
of his work and now he had a regular habit of returning home early for
dinner. This was because the next day they had to get up early to go
When Qiu Qian opened the door, he was met with the sight of Bai Lang
holding a bowl of soup. His face was smiling as he told him to go wash up
then come have dinner.

As soon as Qiu Qian saw it he knew the hard time had passed. He threw
away the documents in his hands, pressed close and kissed him a few times.

In return he got Bai Lang's words, "Thank you."

Qiu Qian replied, "Thank you my ass. As long as you're well, that's all that


Although the journey was very difficult, however the sacrifice that Bai
Lang had made for Ending wasn't without its rewards.

Two months later when Ending premiered in the cinemas, even Qiu Qian
cried. When the credits rolled his nose was running non-stop.

It was unknown who started it but when the lights came back up, someone
stood up from their chair and started to clap.

One person, two, then three people. Following that more and more people
got up and started to clap enthusiastically.

And all of their eyes were red.

At this time there wasn't any words of compliment or congratulations. All

the audience could do was clap seriously.

The clapping became louder and louder, taking over the entire venue. It
didn't stop for a long time.

It was a type of instinctive action. It came from a deep place within

everyone which words could not describe.

Chapter 56 - New Opportunity

While Bai Lang was occupied with filming Ending, Kang Jian's entire heart
and focus was placed on his trading company.

Long before Kang Jian's thoughts had moved to Li Sha's apartment, Qiu
Qian had already made the arrangement to allow Kang Jian to use the
money he had on hand to experience the sweetness of doing business. This
way, he could lure Kang Jian to borrow more money and place it down this
bottomless black hole. If at this time Kang Jian's company went under, then
it would be enough for Kang Jian to lose entire life savings and never be
able to raise his head again in front of Li Min. However even so his
supporting mountain Li Sha probably would not be able to be moved. After
all at that time Kang Jian had not actually cheated on her.

But then the addition of Lin ChenYuan's matter really made Qiu Qian lose
his temper. He vindictively decided to make Kang Jian even greedier. The
more greedy he became and the higher he reached, the greater his fall
would be. So when Kang Jian borrowed 6 million against Li Sha's
apartment, Qiu Qian very generously allowed him to first make a windfall.

This way the 6 million, plus the 3 million that Kang Jian originally had, was
flipped a few times. Within half a year of Kang Jian's company operating, it
was already worth approximately 20 million.

20 million.... This number was enough to make Kang Jian's mouth go dry.

Even the current popular film emperor could only earn this amount by
working for more than half a year. In addition when it came to doing
business, Kang Jian completely didn't need to use his brain to remember
any script lines, stand out in the sun and rain, or miss out eating because he
had to rush to different locations. All he had to do was attend a few
functions and parties and the money started raining down. It was so easy
that the amount of effort he put in completely didn't compare to the reward
he got out.

After experiencing a taste of this sweetness, Kang Jian didn't want to accept
any more roles. All he could think about was investment, investment and

more investment.
When his manager gave him scripts he rejected all of them. If it was a
simple advertisement or product representation, he would casually
undertake them. He didn't have any time to spend on his fans website or
meet and greets.

When he had free time, Kang Jian either spent it flipping blindly through
thick financial magazines, or he would try to get close to Xiao Xu. Xu Li
was the person that Qiu Qian had arranged to be by Kang Jian's side from
the beginning. {T/N: Xiao Xu means "Little Xu", nickname for Xu Li.}

It was only that after earning the 20 million, the other man became evasive
and didn't seem to want to pay any more attention to him. Kang Jian
thought it was maybe because Xiao Xu was now jealous of his success.

Not only Xiao Xu, but all of Kang Jian's friends who knew he had started a
company, including Li Min, didn't seem to look very highly upon his
success. The people who didn't know the details would only smile and
congratulate him in a superficial manner, however their expressions clearly
showed that they didn't really believe him. As for those who knew the
details, such as Li Min, they would only faintly say a few words of "you're
very lucky".

Lucky!? Lucky!? Being lucky was also a form of talent okay!! When Kang
Jian proudly and gloatingly showed off his bank deposit slip to Li Min, and
only received these three words "you're very lucky", his face almost turned

So when he returned home, Kang Jian violently smashed the table. For the
very first time he yelled furiously at Li Sha, "You saw what happened today
ba!! Your father is so great!! He completely doesn't put me in his eyes!!

Luck!! This is only luck!? After all my hard work and running around, he
only says it's goddamn luck!?"

"Ah Jian...." Li Sha was frightened by Kang Jian's sudden violent outburst.

She held onto her son and stood to one side. In her view, she thought her
father Li Min's words weren't wrong. Kang Jian really probably was just
lucky. However on the other hand she also wanted to believe that her
husband was capable and she didn't want to splash cold water on him. So
she only carefully replied, "No matter what, didn't we earn money? The
result is good and so in time daddy will definitely recognize it. Let's use this
money and repay the loan a little, then buy another house–"

"Buy!? Buy what!? This is the important funds from my company! You and
your dad both need to shut up and watch me closely!! I will let you know
what I'm truly capable of!!" Kang Jian responded furiously. He didn't even
take one look at this son who was crying because of the fight, and left
slamming the door shut behind him.

Li Sha was shocked into silence. She even forgot to call out to him.

Previously, Kang Jian had only ever shown her a warm and tender side.

However right now Kang Jian actually finally felt a sense of relief and joy
at being finally able to express his true feelings.

Because Kang Jian realized that he could now depend on himself to earn
money. He could earn lots and lots of money. He no longer needed to be led
around by the nose by Li Min. So why did he need to bow his head and act
like a grandson in front of Li Min, or act like a servant in front of Li Sha?

Look, just now he had stood with his back straight and yelled at Li Sha. The
feeling was pretty good.

Just thinking about it like that made Kang Jian's mood even more beautiful.

He quickly headed towards Lin ChenYuan's small apartment. He felt as

though his life was turning around. And this was only the beginning, there
would be an even more glorious future waiting for him. Because of this,
Kang Jian decided that tonight he would take Lin ChenYuan to an exclusive
club to experience some good living.

The club was something that Xiao Xu had introduced to him. The yearly fee
was expensive enough to make people vomit blood. However the important
thing was that many big bosses would appear here.
And this would mean business opportunities.

Since Xiao Xu was jealous of him, then he wouldn't use him any longer. As
for the next opportunity, he would find it for himself....


"I've never cried so miserably in a cinema before. If I knew earlier then I

wouldn't have taken my wife to see it. Although she cried even more than
me. Haha, she kept asking me for more tissues, stacks and stacks of it."

"During the middle part, it was really difficult to control myself. My whole
body was trembling. However in the end my neighbour suddenly let out a
sound, haha. My neighbour lost control and cried first."

"When I left the cinema, my entire head felt dizzy and I was sweating
everywhere. Probably because I cried until I was exhausted, however my
emotions felt quite light. It was like I had a dream. I think the psychological
effect of reducing stress is quite good hahaha."

"After I finished watching it, although I know it's just a movie, however I
felt like my problems really aren't real problems. Sure sometimes there are
little things which are frustrating or irritating, but it's really no big deal.

When I think about what happened in the movie–"

"Masochists will like it, however I would never watch it a second time.

Once is enough, it's really too tiring. However if I meet someone who hasn't
seen it, I will definitely tell them to watch it. It's definitely worth
experiencing once."

"The applause is real. I know it sounds a bit stupid but this is really the first
time I've ever clapped at the cinema. Although they are only people in the
movies however I really, from the bottom of my heart, want to... how
should I put it... show my support?"

The above six people's words spoken with red and swollen eyes, was the
content of the trailer for Ending.

In the end they added a clip of the entire audience standing and clapping
while the credits rolled. This formed the entirety of the promotional trailer.

In other words, during the promotion of Ending, not a single clip from the
movie was shown.

The poster for the movie also didn't show any characters. All it showed was
an ordinary, single bed.

This type of promotion method naturally elicited the audience's curiosity

and made them walk into the cinemas. The other reason was because any
individual clip of the movie wouldn't have any meaning. Only by watching
the entire story would they understand the messages the movie was trying
to convey.

So the promotion for Ending was also not like other movies which required
the lead actors to go on various programs and variety shows to introduce the
content of the movie. Even some programs which actively tried to invite
them, such as In Front of and Behind the Cameras, were all rejected in
order to cooperate with the promotional method of Ending.

The promotion for the movie only kept playing the feelings the audience
had after watching the movie. Each word showed their real thoughts about
Ending. There were many versions of these clips. When Ending was finally
released to general cinemas, there were more than 100 people who had
expressed their short thoughts. Each promotional clip included 5 people and
so there were almost 20 different versions of it.

So because the clip was continuously refreshed and became stronger, it

didn't cause people to get sick of it but only made them more and more

When it came to the expense needed to do this kind of promotion, it was

actually a bit counter-productive for an artistic film like Ending which
didn't have a high budget. However who asked Ending to have asked Bai
Lang to come on board? Of course behind Bai Lang there was Qiu Qian.
Qiu Qian had agreed not to interfere during the filming process, but once
the film was

completed, Qiu Qian naturally took over the promotional activities. This
wouldn't interfere with Bai Lang's artistic expression.

Thus on the first week of Ending being shown, the box office completely
overshot Director Xu Wei's expectation and earned approximately 80


The second week it continued to rise, expressing that word of mouth was
positive and its good performance was assured.

From this, any insider could tell that this movie was definitely bound for
success. Not only was it eye-catching and artistic, the box office returns
were also not bad. When it came to most artistic films, the box office would
only started to grow on the second week. It was like a sugar cane that as
you chewed it, would become more and more sweet.


As Ending continued to be popular in the cinemas, Bai Lang's time was

freed up quite a lot.

Because of the emotional problems he ran into while filming Ending, Bai
Lang agreed to Qiu Qian's request for him to rest for a while after finishing.

Heavy work such as filming a movie or television series were all stopped,
and Qiu Qian even instructed Fang Hua to not annoy Bai Lang with
advertisements and brand representation jobs, unless they were the type of
opportunities that only came once in a lifetime.

Fang Hua rolled her eyes at this statement "once in a lifetime". She
grumbled that he didn't need to raise this kind of barrier, he could directly
just close the door and be done with it. But she didn't expect that only a few
days passed when an opportunity that really fulfilled this requirement came
knocking, making her directly rush to look for Bai Lang in excitement.

It turns out that that series of books that Bai Lang had purchased the
Chinese rights for, which this year had begun filming its fourth movie in a
series, actually had a role for an Asian student. They wanted to invite Bai
Lang to play him.

It should be mentioned that from three years ago, this series of books had
started being adapted into movies in its original G country. After filming for
one year, the first movie was shown to great success. The amazing special
effects of the movies brought out the fantastical and imaginative elements
of the book to greater heights, and brought on a new wave of popularity for
this franchise. The fame of the books reached a new level.

Right now the adaption of the books had entered into its fourth year. This
would also be the movie adapting the fourth book in the series.

From this movie onwards, there was the introduction of an Asian character.

He was approximately 20-something years old and was a student. The

Director Jackson Shaik was looking for an Asian actor and he saw that Bai
Lang's acting was very mature. Although his age was slightly older, but
from a Western person's perspective, his looks were very tender and they
completely couldn't tell. His qualities were very suitable so they came to
enquire whether he would be interested. Also, Bai Lang had the special
identity of being their Chinese agent.

So when Bai Lang heard this, he reacted just like Fang Hua and couldn't
believe it at first. After pausing for a long time he finally nodded his head.

This was really an opportunity that you could even pray to obtain, the
timing wasn't important because to Bai Lang, the possibility of participating
in these movies seemed too far away and fantastic, but now it was actually
right before his eyes.

However when he heard this news, Qiu Qian's face was so black it almost
dripped ink. Even though this movie wouldn't start filming for another half
year, but the fact that he had already agreed to this job meant that he
probably wouldn't be able to completely relax and enjoy his freedom. Bai
Lang couldn't deny the truth of Qiu Qian's words, he really did want to use
this time to carefully research and practice the foreign language. So he
could only try to compensate Qiu Qian by reassuring him that this half year
he would definitely rest well. If Qiu Qian wanted something he would
definitely be obedient and listen.

Qiu Qian saw Bai Lang's expression. He ordered in a dissatisfied manner,

"Then tomorrow you go with me to the club to take a look."

After talking he stuffed a beautifully designed pamphlet into Bai Lang's


Bai Lang flipped through it and saw that the photos were very beautiful,
making the club's environment look very luxurious and comfortable.

This was probably Qiu Qian wanting to coax him to rest but at the same
time scared of making him bored, so he thought of this method to take him
out to play.

Bai Lang devotedly embraced Qiu Qian. "Okay, I'll go with you."

However they didn't expect that on the very first day, Bai Lang and Qiu
Qian ran into two people they didn't expect.

Kang Jian and Lin ChenYuan.

Chapter 57 - Shangri-La

There was a soft, soothing voice beside his ear and the jazz music playing
in the background was also very pleasant.

The wooden walnut decoration, combined with the soft couches and
cushions, showed off this place's comfortable but also very luxurious space.

There was also floor-length windows which in this high-rise location,

showed a stunning city night view. There was a balcony where one could go
outside to get a breath of the fresh night air. This was the most popular
evening bar inside the exclusive, members-only club "Shangri-La".

Lin ChenYuan carefully placed down the wine menu. He opened his peach
blossom eyes wide and looked at his surroundings, feeling somewhat

Kang Jian was holding another wine menu. In it, the cheapest glass of wine
started from 1000 yuan, even a glass of soda water cost 100. Although this
made his skin hurt slightly, Kang Jian remained calm and ordered a glass of
wine slightly more expensive than the cheapest one, and then looked at Lin
ChenYuan who was sitting opposite him on the couch. "How about you?"

Lin ChenYuan was still looking all around him. He hurried to shake his
head, "You choose."

Kang Jian smiled. He added a glass of the same and after waving off the
waiter, turned to Lin ChenYuan and said, "Xiao Yuan, relax. In the future
we will often come here to pass the time."

Everyone around them was speaking softly and there was also the sound of
polite clinking of glasses. This made Lin ChenYuan also not help but
suppress his voice too. "Brother Kang do you often come here to talk
business ah? This place is so high-class. I'm scared of doing something
wrong and embarrassing Brother Kang."

Kang Jian leaned into the sofa in a casual pose. He adjusted his suit. "Once
you get used to it, it's okay. The people that come here aren't that special,
they have just deep pockets that's all. Although just having money isn't
enough, if you want to become a member of "Shangri-La', you need to be
introduced by another member. You will only be allowed to join after
confirming your identity, otherwise you can only use an experience card to
come three times."

"Then is Brother Kang a legitimate member? So amazing!" Lin ChenYuan's

eyes were filled with admiration.
"I will be one soon. Xiao Xu asked Brother Dong to introduce me to
become a member. Thinking about it, I should get my members card this
month." Kang Jian puffed out his chest as he talked.

"Oh, are there many benefits to being a member? Just then those wines
were so expensive I almost died." It was clear to Lin ChenYuan that Kang
Jian was very proud of his previous statement so he followed along and said
a few pleasing things.

Kang Jian immediately smiled joyfully. "The most important thing is the
connections, not the wine ah Xiao Yuan. I can get familiar with the bosses
that come around here, and that way I can find lots of opportunities to earn
money. That's the real value of this place." The other reason Kang Jian was
very pleased with Lin ChenYuan was because Lin ChenYuan was always
filled with admiration for him, and not like Li Sha who was always looking
down on him.

"I see." Lin ChenYuan nodded his head respectfully. He looked around.

"Then are there any bosses that Brother Kang recognizes tonight? Do you
need to go and make any greetings?"

Kang Jian looked around. There were really a few people present whom he
had met while following Xiao Xu. But right now they were all in
conversation with other people, and behaved as though they totally hadn't
seen him. Kang Jian felt unsure whether or not he should go over to make a
greeting. Now that he thought about all of these things were previously
done with Xiao Xu guiding him.

Now that he saw these bosses talking amongst each other, Kang Jian felt a
bit intimidated. Also Lin ChenYuan was by his side and watching so Kang
Jian didn't want to do anything risky. At this time the waiter came with the
wine so Kang Jian used the opportunity to change the subject. "Come, drink
up. Tonight I brought you here to open your eyes a bit, so tonight you're the
main character."

When Lin ChenYuan heard this, his smile grew more vibrant. "Thank you
Brother Kang!"
Kang Jian was very satisfied with the awe and worship he saw in Lin
ChenYuan's eyes. He took a pleased sip of the wine. But he hadn't even had
the chance to ponder whether or not the taste of the wine matched its price
tag on the menu, when there was a sudden and obvious disturbance and
commotion which arose around him.

The originally quiet voices talking became louder. There was even some
people who stood up and walked towards the bar entrance. This meant that
there was definitely a big boss who had an even wider influence who had
appeared, so Kang Jian turned around and looked over curiously as well.

Initially he couldn't see anything except for a group of people in the way.

They were voices talking. "Oh, you came too?" "How come you're here
too?" "Come come, we're just waiting on you!" After these greetings, the
people's backs parted and through the crowd, Kang Jian suddenly saw Qiu
Qian and Bai Lang. In front of these two people, there was also a broadly
smiling middle aged person leading the way. Kang Jian recognized this
middle aged person. It was the club manager that Xiao Xu had introduced
to him when bringing him here.

However the club manager's movements, or the people surrounding Qiu

Qian, were no longer the focus of Kang Jian's attention. One look was all it
took for all of Kang Jian's focus to be fixated on Bai Lang's body.

As Qiu Qian dealt with the people around him, Bai Lang was taking the
opportunity to have a look around this high-roofed wine bar made of walnut

He was wearing a light-colored casual shirt and his hands were tucked into
trouser pockets. This Bai Lang, whom he hadn't in several months, looked
relaxed and chic.

Kang Jian didn't realize that he had completely gone frozen. He only knew
that intense conflicting emotions appeared in his heart. He wanted Bai Lang
to discover him, but at the same time he didn't want him to.
Even right now Kang Jian wasn't completely sure what type of feelings he
had towards Bai Lang.

He was always jealous of Bai Lang's good luck, and also hated Bai Lang's

"materialism". However at the same time, the itchy feelings and admiration
he had in his heart towards Bai Lang, had never faded. Also the humiliation
of being discovered at having betrayed Bai Lang in the beginning , all of
these conflicting feelings warred together inside Kang Jian's heart. Right
now when Kang Jian saw Bai Lang in the flesh, he could only breathe
heavily and hoarsely.

All the way until Bai Lang's glance suddenly swept over to him, making
Kang Jian violently shake.

However he didn't expect that Bai Lang behaved that he hadn't seen
anything at all. His glance casually slid away without any reaction.

All of a sudden Kang Jian was seized with the hot flush of humiliation.

It was just like if the name that was called out as the winner of an award
wasn't you, but you had already stood up in preparation to get the award.

That kind of anger, humiliation and embarrassment.

Even so, Kang Jian still couldn't avert this eyes.

At this time Qiu Qian seemed to have finished greeting everyone who had
rushed forward to talk to him. He lowered his head and said a few words to
Bai Lang, then put his arm around his waist and walked together with the
club's manager towards the stairs on one side of the bar.

Kang Jian knew that these stairs led a special honored guest's rooms in the
mezzanine level upstairs. There, there was a private space and an even more
perfect night view. This was a special service for the VIPs among VIPs.

Kang Jian thus stared at the group of people who went upstairs. All the way
until Lin ChenYuan's voice penetrated his foggy thoughts.
"Brother Kang! Brother Kang!? Are you okay, why aren't you

"Just now that was Bai Lang ba? I didn't think he would come here too. The
person next to him must be Boss Qiu, he's even more good-looking than in
his photos...."

"Previously there were a lot of people that said that I looked a little bit like
Bai Lang. Keke, it was good at first but afterwards I found it a bit
troublesome, so that's why I wanted to change things a bit..."

Kang Jian completely wasn't listening.

For the next few hours, his eyes kept returning to the room upstairs.

Especially when waiters would go up and down, opening the door screen
that blocked it from view.

The wine that he felt was expensive enough to hurt his skin previously,
Kang Jian afterwards didn't hesitate to order glass after glass.

It was as though as when the wine entered his stomach, it would be able to
suppress the nameless boiling emotions inside his heart.


Drinking like this, when Kang Jian was helped out by Lin ChenYuan that
night, he had long become drunk out of his mind.

When the club manager saw this type of uncontrollably drunk guest, in
order to preserve the peace and elegance of the bar, he had the ability to

provide a guest room for the guest to pass the night. Thus half via forcing
and half via persuasion, he pushed this guest into the room to rest.

Half an hour later, Kang Jian and Lin ChenYuan were sent into a
comfortably furnished suite. Even though right now they were just guests
holding a temporary card.
Lin ChenYuan only just helped Kang Jian to lie down and remove his outer
clothes, and hadn't even had time to sigh about the club's good service,
when the lying down Kang Jian suddenly flipped his body around and
pressed Lin ChenYuan onto the bed. He began to rip off Lin ChenYuan's
clothing, clearly in a drunken frenzy.

Actually Lin ChenYuan's first time "doing it" with Kang Jian was also
while drunk. He was also taken advantage of by the pretending to be drunk
Kang Jian. So right now seeing Kang Jian like this, Lin ChenYuan didn't
feel surprised. It was only that his alcoholic breath was a bit stinky. Tonight
Lin ChenYuan wasn't drunk and felt a bit unwilling. He wanted to push
Kang Jian aside however Kang Jian violently wrestled him down onto the

"Be good–, don't move–" Kang Jian's eyes were red and his voice was

"You're drunk, you should rest–" Lin ChenYuan pushed him and opened his
mouth to talk, however he didn't even finish his sentence before Kang Jian
forcibly blocked his mouth.

This kiss was violent and painful, and stank of alcohol. It wasn't
comfortable at all. Lin ChenYuan frowned and struggled, wanting to turn
his neck aside, however his chin was seized painfully by Kang Jian and

"Oh-wu-wu-!!" Lin ChenYuan continued to struggle. He used all his energy

and pushed Kang Jian away.

Kang Jian who was confused while drunk didn't have too much defence. He
was pushed aside. However he took a deep breath and his eyes went even

more red. He struck Lin ChenYuan violently on the face and yelled, "I told
you to be good so you be good!! Do you hear!!"

Then there was another "pa!!" sound.

Lin ChenYuan's head was hit until it turned to one side. His lip was
bleeding and his head felt dizzy with the impact.

Even the first time they did it, because Lin ChenYuan was drunk at the
time, although he didn't really consent, however he didn't receive any
violent treatment. But right now the Kang Jian in front of him, who had red,
furious eyes and was clutching his hand so tightly he felt the nerves being
damaged, terrified Lin ChenYuan. "Bro- brother Kang...."

"Be good–" Kang Jian looked into his eyes and breathed hoarsely. "Turn
around! Open your legs–"

Lin ChenYuan swallowed heavily. During the pause he could feel Kang
Jian's angry violence. His heart jumped and he immediately followed Kang
Jian's instructions.

Afterwards as he was violently and painfully done, Lin ChenYuan could

only endure it with a white face.

However all of this wasn't the most shocking thing that happened to Lin
ChenYuan that night.

The most shocking thing was just as he was feeling a terrible tearing pain,
Lin ChenYuan actually heard something he could barely believe.

It came out of the mouth of the drunken into a stupor Kang Jian.

".... Ah Lang, oh, Ah Lang...."


The next day when the two people left the club, Kang Jian thought Lin
ChenYuan's pale face was because he had been too violent the night before.

He consoled and cajoled him with a smile, however Lin ChenYuan's

thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.

The following days when Kang Jian wanted to coax this person onto the
bed, Lin ChenYuan rejected him using the excuse that he still had injuries
from that night.

Kang Jian actually treated Lin ChenYuan in quite a spoiling manner. So

after hearing that he said a lot of pretty things to comfort him. At that time,
Lin ChenYuan suddenly said slowly, "Kang Jian, you see, you've earned so
much money and you come here so often. Why don't you just buy a place
ah? My contract to rent this apartment is almost over, why don't you buy a
new place and we can live more comfortably."

"Buy a place?" When Kang Jian heard it was about spending money, he
immediately frowned.

"En. Just a simple apartment will work ah." Lin ChenYuan said. "Look, the
rent is already this much. If you use the rent money for a mortgage, then
you only need to add a little bit on top every month. It's very cost-effective.

If it's not convenient for you to write your name on the title for the house,
you can use mine. Aren't you always complaining that the snack shop from
next door makes this place smell like oil and smoke? Why don't we use the
opportunity and change to some place with a better atmosphere?"

"This..." Kang Jian went quiet, thinking about it slowly.

Lin ChenYuan saw that Kang Jian didn't reply. He lowered his eyes and an
emotion flashed through them. He said, "If it's not okay then don't worry
about it. It's just a suggestion. I saw that the rent was almost up so I thought
I would ask."

When Kang Jian heard this his expression became better. He embraced Lin
ChenYuan and said in a tender voice, "I think it's pretty good here. Yes the
air is a bit bad but it's quite private. Let's just live here for a while and when
I earn more money, I'll buy a better one and we can move out then."

Lin ChenYuan smiled faintly. He looked at Kang Jian's tender expression,

and thought about whether or not this fellow also coaxed his wife in the
same manner.

The timing was just about right, so Qiu Qian finally set the final trap for
Kang Jian.

The timing chosen was the end of the month. At that time Kang Jian really
received a legitimate member's card for "Shangri-La" and was filled with
joy and trust in Brother Dong. One day Brother Dong invited Kang Jian to
drink at the club, however at the very last minute something came up so he
was late. On that day another person called Xiao Chen who had been
invited to the club by Brother Dong struck up a conversation with Kang
Jian while they both waited for Brother Dong.

It turns out this Xiao Chen had come to look for Brother Dong because he
wanted to borrow money in a hurry. It should be mentioned that Brother
Dong had been introduced to Kang Jian by Xiao Xu as a very powerful
underground money lending boss. The reason that Xiao Chen wanted to
borrow money from Brother Dong was because he had his eye on a real
estate company which had a direct sales model. The model involved raising
funds by direct selling, then using the money to invest in real estate
development projects. Although investing in this manner would not allow
you to flip your investment by several times, however it was very stable and
secure and you could expect a profit of around 30%.

The scale of this type of investment funding is very large, and the projects
were all those that involved tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

The dividends from this type of large-scale project will be very impressive.

This type of guaranteed to be profitable business, even if you had to borrow

money from a money lender to invest in it, it would still be a good earning.

Xiao Chen had heard that the new investment target of the real estate
company was the refurbishment of some large and old buildings in an elite
area. They expected double the profit as usual, that's why Xiao Chen was in
such a hurry to borrow money so he could be involved. He wanted as much
as he could, the more the better.

When Kang Jian heard Xiao Chen's glib tongue, his heart naturally began to
itch and feel impatient. The more the heard the more interested he was. So
he immediately arranged with Xiao Chen to go by the real estate company
tomorrow to listen to the investment proposal.

However in reality this so-called "direct sales" model was pretty much just
an unscrupulous pyramid scheme. The so-called "great profits' earned by
the company were simply the new funds placed into the company by new
investors, which they would distribute the old investors. All the earnings on
the investments reflected on the books were only a visage. After all where
would there really be an investment that was guaranteed to never fail and
would only earn money?

In order to hide itself from the eyes of the law, the entire company from top
to bottom had been prettily packaged so that the appearance looked like a
well-invested, profitable company in order to attract ignorant and greedy
new investors to join. Why greedy? Because promising that your
investment would never fail was obviously not logical. People who were
willing to believe this were mostly people who only cared about money and
had no mind for other things. As long as profits were distributed to them,
they wouldn't care to look under the surface.

As the boss of an underground money manor, Brother Dong did not lack in
his network of this type of greedy gamblers. They all dreamed of borrowing
money to make more money. Thus, all it required was to arrange time for
this type of gambler to encounter Kang Jian. Then based on Kang Jian's
ignorance inability to withstand the temptation of high profits, he would
definitely use all the money he had on hand and sink it in.

Just as expected, Kang Jian was immediately hooked.

Chapter 58 - Nomination

Although Kang Jian was naive from the beginning, it wasn't as though he
didn't have any suspicions at all about this seemingly perfect investment

However that night at the club Xiao Chen seemed to have a wide network.
Almost all the bosses present greeted him and seemed to know him
familiarly, and this made Kang Jian believe him already 20%. After that,
Kang Jian made enquiries about Xiao Chen with Brother Dong and
confirmed the two of them knew each other. Although Brother Dong said he
wasn't very clear about Xiao Chen's business, however Brother Dong said
Xiao Chen was pretty good at borrowing and then repaying money. He
wasn't the kind of client that was struggling with debt. This made Kang Jian
believe him 30%.

After that, Kang Jian tested the temperature first and picked the smallest
investment available at the real estate company which was 2 million. After
two weeks, just as the company promised, he earned about 60,000 yuan of
profit. It went into his account, not even a cent was missing. Kang Jian's
heart immediately heated up.

Following that he put in 3 million, 5 million. All of the smaller investments

were tested by Kang Jian. As he saw the profits flow unceasingly into his
account, Kang Jian's heart became more and more secure and he also
trusted the company more and more.

All the way until Kang Jian finally made up his mind to put in a big

At this time it was unknown whether or not the company was too
experienced with this type of greedy person or not, but they were very good
at seizing the correct timing. Just at this time they threw out a very large-
scale and extremely profitable big project. This was precisely the
renovation of the old buildings in an elite area that Xiao Chen had talked to
Kang Jian about before.

This time the real estate company provided a benefit which was the more
you invested, the higher your return percentage would be. For anyone who
invested over 30 million, they could get back over 30%. However if you
invested over 50 million, then your return was over 50%. And the profit
would be distributed over 12 months, every month you would receive a
fixed amount into your account.
Such a high rate of profit. That meant that one year later, 30 million would
turn into almost 40 million. Then if you invested the 40 million again, the
second year it would turn into almost 55 million. The entire project would
take about three years to complete. After the third year when the old
buildings were completely renovated, their market value would
approximately increase tenfold. It would be more than enough to support
the earnings of these investments, they wouldn't have any problems paying

When Kang Jian, who already trusted the real estate company 90%, heard
about this his heart naturally beat in excitement. As for the 10% remaining,
when he saw Xiao Chen also take out several tens of millions to invest, he
didn't have any hesitation left. He directly jumped over the 30 million
option and went for the 50 million. This way he could earn the highest
amount of interest. After two years ago, the value would be almost doubled
and there will be nearly 100 million in his account book!

In order to achieve this beautiful future, Kang Jian who only had some 20

million or so on hand went around everywhere borrowing money. But if he

wanted to use savings of 20 million to borrow another 20 million or more,
than actually it was impossible by legitimate means. After all these were
savings and not tangible assets.

However if legitimate means weren't possible, then there was also

illegitimate means. The first person Kang Jian thought of was Brother
Dong. However Brother Dong actually went overseas on holidays at this
crucial time. Thus Kang Jian asked Xiao Chen to help him, and Xiao Chen
introduced him to a private money lender. Although the interest was very
high, however compared to the earnings from the investment, it wasn't

Thus Kang Jian got his hands on 50 million. After he transferred the money
to the real estate company happily, Qiu Qian received notice. He
immediately made a few calls and instructed his people to "flip the cards".

"Flipping the cards" meant anonymously reporting the illegal activities of

the real estate company to the authorities.
After all this real estate company had a very tempting structure. Normal
people would not be able to see through it however if proffesional people
examined it, they would know that many of its practices were illegal. If the
police investigated it, whether or not the people behind it would get
prosecuted would have to be determined slowly, but the very first step
would be freezing the accounts and assets of the company. This first step
would be enough to knock Kang Jian over on the head. In addition, even
after it was investigated for three to five years, it didn't mean the investors
would be able to get their money back. Because if there were any other
people who have been victimized by the company, then the company's
assets would first have to be used to compensate these people.

{T/N: So legally speaking, after a company is declared fraudulent/proceeds

of crime, it will be liquidated and people who have been victimized it will
get paid. However the law generally takes into account how innocent you
are. For example if the company owes money to construction companies,
contractors etc. who are unaware of their fraudulent activities, then they
would get paid before someone like Kang Jian who strictly speaking, should
have known that there was something dodgy about he was getting himself
into. Plus that's if the money hasn't already disappeared somewhere to the
Cayman Islands lol.}

In other words, as soon as Qiu Qian made the phone call then Kang Jian's
50 million were as a good as thrown into the bottom of a lake.

As for Kang Jian, this was something he would only learn much later.


Just as Kang Jian was walking, step by step, into the valley of despair,
Ending finished its run in the cinemas. The total box office earnings was a
beautiful 6.3 billion. For a movie like Ending which didn't have any special

effects, and was purely a plot-driven drama, to be able to surpass an

entertaining movie like Gold really showed that it was one of the most
popular movies in this last couple of years.

For this the Director Xu Wei was so happy she couldn't stop smiling.
Originally when she decided to make this movie she had already prepared
herself mentally to lose money, for this reason she had even invested a lot
of her own money. She thought this way she could help shoulder some of
the losses and prevent too many problems when she wanted to look for
funding down the road. However now that she achieved this kind of result,
it meant that she actually earnt a good amount. And not just that, the main
investing owner was even more overjoyed and almost wanted to set Bai
Lang up on a pedestal.

As for why he wanted to put Bai Lang up? Because at the end of filming
reception party, Xu Wei had shared her thoughts that in this movie. She said
that other than her own personal experiences, Bai Lang had also provided a
lot of insight into the pain and suffering of someone who had a terminal
illness. It was through the two of them sharing and inspiring each other that
such heart-rendering and realistic scenes could appear in front of the

Qiu Qian heard about this late. Only then he did he realize that while
filming this movie, Bai Lang's unstable mood was because he was
constantly immersing himself in the scenes and feelings of his death from
three years earlier. He was extremely angry and almost, almost... actually
not anything really, because he could not bear to hurt Bai Lang even a little
bit. He could only grab the person, rub him and bite him, as though he
wanted to eat this person into his belly.

So all Bai Lang needed to do was pretend to be even more obedient in front
of Qiu Qian to pacify him.

About two months later, the Golden Emperor awards published their
nominations for the best male actor. For the second time Bai Lang's name
was among them. Invitations to various awards again came falling in like
snow, however because of Qiu Qian's black face, Bai Lang pushed them all
to Fang Hua to deal with. And since Fang Hua was Qiu Qian's underling,

how else could she deal with it? She could only laugh mirthlessly as she
pushed away all these invitations that if it were given to anyone else, would
be golden opportunities.
From the above it may seem that Qiu Qian was being a bit overbearing
towards Bai Lang, however in actual fact it was only because Bai Lang was
happy to let him behave that way. Because if Bai Lang really wanted to do
something, then the person that would have to give way in the end would be
Qiu Qian.

A prime example of this would be the brand representation for Rong Air.

As Rong Air's brand spokesperson, Bai Lang had actually skipped out on
Rong Air for three years. When Bai Lang had come out of the closet, Rong
Air had supported him and signed a five year contract with him. However
not long after that Qiu Qian had had a car accident and Bai Lang had
thrown everything aside and left the country to take care of him. Naturally
his contract with Rong Air was delayed.

Because the reasons behind it were understandable so of course the Rong

family didn't mind. When Bai Lang returned, although the contract was still
in effect, whether or not to continue it was something they could choose.

After it wasn't as though in these three years Rong Air didn't have a
spokesperson, of course they had found a new one. So it wasn't as though it
had to be Bai Lang and no other. Under this kind of circumstances, the
decision whether or not to cancel the contract of course lay with Rong Air.

So of course when he received Rong Air's inquiry as to whether or not he

was available to continue the contract of being their spokesperson, Bai
Lang immediately agreed.

"What did you say?" Qiu Qian's breathing went short and his face went

Since he wanted to challenge Qiu Qian's bottom line, Bai Lang cleverly
picked a time when he was eating.

"Back then when I signed the contract with them, I asked them to pause it
for three years. Now they've come to ask and I looked at the content and it's
just filming a short advertisement and some calendar events. There's
nothing heavy or difficult..." Bai Lang trailed off as he turned to look the
messily eating Qiu XiaoHai. He reminded him, "Xiao Hai, eat slower. If
you eat slower it's better for the digestion."

However Qiu XiaoHai didn't reply. His two large and shiny eyes showing
over the curve of the bowl turned around a few times, then he buried his
face in the bowl and began slurping the noodles again vigorously. He wasn't
wrong. Just by looking at Qiu Qian's face it was easy to see the best move
would be to eat quickly.

Tonight Bai Lang had made them clam, radish and spring opinion noodles.

The broth was clear and fragrant, the clams were slightly sweet and the
radish was slightly bitter. And there was also a heap of spring opinions. The
flavor was delicious and not heavy. The Qiu family big and small had both
asked for a second bowl.

At this time Qiu Qian, with a "kuang!" sound, placed down his bowl. "You
told me before that you would listen to me regarding this half year of

"Of course, I'll listen to you." Bai Lang said reassuringly. "That's why I'm
asking you for your opinion. Rong family has given has a lot of support
over the years, including when we came out of the closet and also during
your accident. If there is a chance to repay the Rong family, just being a
spokesperson shouldn't be anything right? What do you think?"

Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes and didn't fall into Bai Lang's trap. "I don't
mind repaying them but you can wait until your body is better."

Bai Lang sighed. He admitted honestly, "I'm very sorry to have made you
worry before. If I knew it would be like this, then I would definitely have
allowed the medical team on set. I didn't expect that my mood would run
into a problem."

"So in the future you need to listen to me." Qiu Qian picked up his bowl
again slowly, indicating the discussion was at an end.
Bai Lang nodded his head. He said, "Okay. So when I'm filming the
advertisement, the medical team can definitely come."

Qiu Qian discarded his bowl again. His face sunk. "You really insist?"

Bai Lang's smile was a bit complicated. ".... actually, when Er Hong told me
that you had your accident, the Qiu family was in a bit of chaos. He wanted
to call out the Qiu family's private jet but ran into some problems. We were
standing at the airport and every minute, every second, was hard to bear.

Luckily the Rong family intervened and transported us to your side earlier."

When he spoke of this, Qiu XiaoHai also put down his bowl. His face was

Bai Lang saw this and rubbed Qiu XiaoHai's head. "That's why we need to
remember when other people have helped us, got it?"

"En!" Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head vigorously. Then he got up from his
chair and threw himself into Bai Lang's lap, he wanted Bai Lang to hug
him. Every time when he thought of those gray days full of darkness, Qiu
XiaoHai would want to be comforted. "I will be very, very good to Ah Zan

Bai Lang kissed Qiu XiaoHai's forehead. The next second it was his turn to
be tightly embraced by Qiu Qian who came over. Even Qiu XiaoHai was
enveloped in the same hug.

"I owe the two of you. I will pay you back well." Qiu Qian voice was a bit

"That's not called owing," Bai Lang rubbed himself against Qiu Qian's
chest. "It's called letting one feel even more grateful and treasuring what
one has."

Qiu Qian's heart went warm, and hugged them even tighter.

Of course, regarding Rong Air's job, Bai Lang had gotten the permission he

An amusing interlude that happened the next day was when Qiu XiaoHai
arrived at school, he brainlessly ran to embrace Rong Zan and patted his

"Ah Zan, if you want something just tell me ah. I will be really, really,
really good to you oh."

Rong Zan's beautiful eyes blinked. He returned Qiu XiaoHai's hug. He

didn't demur but accepted it straightforwardly, "En. It's a promise."

Qiu XiaoHai vigorously nodded his head. He completely didn't know that
from this moment on, he had already sold himself.

Chapter 59 - Adultery Headline

" The Already Married Kang Jian Meets Late At Night With His
Boyfriend!! Intimacy Exposed!!"

"Could It Be A Sham Marriage!? Kang Jian Has A Wife and Son But Also
Has A Boyfriend?"

"The Passion Cannot Be Stopped! Exposure Of Kang Jian's Three Years Of

Homosexual Affairs After Getting Married!"

Not long after Qiu Qian made the phone call to "flip the cards", Kang Jian
and Lin ChenYuan entered the entertainment news headlines together.

This couldn't only be considered Qiu Qian's schemes. Ever since Kang Jian
and Li Sha had had a big argument, he would often go by Lin ChenYuan's
apartment. In addition to this he would also take Lin ChenYuan to various
small and large bars and other types of venues. After a few times, it was
undoubtedly taken notice by reporters. The only reason they had delayed so
long and not exposed it earlier, was because Qiu Qian was suppressing it
behind the scenes.

The reason Qiu Qian did this was because he was waiting for the most
opportune timing. Right now there was no need to take out the materials
gathered before Lin ChenYuan had had plastic surgery. There was already
enough interesting and exposing things from afterwards. A lot were the
scenes of passionate kissing after getting drunk. It was more than enough to
push down the two big supporting mountains behind Kang Jian.

So from very early in the morning, Li Sha started crazily calling Kang Jian's
mobile non-stop!!

Right now Kang Jian was at Lin ChenYuan's small apartment. He had
already been living here for the past few days. He had just gotten out of bed
and hadn't even shaved. The mobile on the bedside table was vibrating like
mad. Kang Jian had long ago put it on silent. The headlines on the news

was too frightening. Kang Jian's face was heavy and he couldn't contain his
panic. The just woken up and not even wearing a top Lin ChenYuan's face
was also quite ugly.

Looking at each crystal-clear, high-resolution photo printed in the

newspaper, Lin ChenYuan's young face clearly showed hesitation and

"Brother, Brother Kang, what should we do ah?" Lin ChenYuan's head was
a mess. "Maybe it's better if you don't stay at my place for the time being.

Anyway, it's just when drunk right? The photos in the newspaper, are all
when we were drunk right? Brother Kang you can call a press conference
and tell them not to make a big deal out of it....."

"Why, are you scared?" Kang Jian looked with a dark gaze at the hesitant
and hiding Lin ChenYuan.

Kang Jian suddenly thought about Bai Lang. When he had come out of the
closet, he hadn't shown any hestiation or worry. He wore the ring on his
finger and didn't show any shame. He was very firm and steady. And wasn't
Lin ChenYuan filled with worship and admiration towards him? Why was it
now that everything was exposed, he looked as though he wanted to
maintain a distance from him?
"Of, of course Brother Kang. Not just me," Lin ChenYuan didn't discover
Kang Jian's mood. He was immersed in his own feelings of panic. "Isn't Li
Min behind your wife? Li, Li Min is in charge of a big production company.

We can't afford to offend him. If he takes revenge, what should we do? We

will be played to death by him ah. Actually, be-before I already told Brother
Kang.... That, that I don't really want anything. If Brother Kang wants to go
back, I will definitely cooperate–"

When Kang Jian heard the name Li Min, it was like it he had been
stimulated. Also Li Sha's calls wouldn't stop. Each time the phone vibrated,
it filled him with annoyance and irritation. He picked up his phone and
violently turned it off. Then he slammed it against the bedside table.

This type of action seemed to feel Kang Jian with feelings of violence. He
said aggressively, "What are you scared of? Right now I don't need to
depend on Li Min to eat! In just a little while, using the earnings from my
company, I can invest in my own movie. Who is scared of who!? So what if
I'm on the news. Isn't it better?! I was just thinking about how to get
divorced with Li Sha!"

When he thought about Li Min's appearance of looking down on him, he

knew that after his incident he definitely wouldn't be able to get any benefit
from Li Min. So why torture himself? Kang Jian suddenly felt like
everything he said was very correct.

When Lin ChenYuan heard it he panicked. "What...!? Brother Kang you

want to get divorced?"

"Of course! Right now why do I need to pay attention to them!? If I was
scared of them then I wouldn't be here today!!" Thinking about the 50

million he had invested, and the beautiful situation of always profiting and
never losing... Kang Jian let go of his last bit of reservations. He puffed out
his chest and said yelled loudly, "That woman, she's trash just like her
father! Their eyes are growing out of the top of their heads and they still
think they can look down on people with their dog eyes!! They pretend to
be one way on the surface, but inside they look down on me!! They think I
don't know!! From my birth, to my ability, to even the freaking type of
restaurant I choose, they are always standing around and judging me!!"

Kang Jia's voice got louder and louder as though he was trying to convince
himself. "From the way I see it, what she wants is just an obedient dog! If
not because of their job, who would be able to develop an interest in that
kind of woman!? I've had enough, I don't want to endure any longer! Do
they think because of this I'll go back to kneel and beg their forgiveness!?

Ha!! Wait and see! Who cares if I'm homosexual!? Aren't Qiu Qian and Bai
Lang living well! Right now coming out of the closet isn't—"

Kang Jian hadn't finished talking when there was a loud "peng!!" sound.

From the old steel security door outside the living room, there was the
sound of loud banging!!

Kang Jian and Lin ChenYuan were both given a fright. They hadn't had
time to react when there was the sound of the lock being opened.

Two seconds later, the thin door was suddenly violently kicked open!!

When the door was kicked open, the first person who barged in with an
ugly face was Li Sha. And behind her were two building security officers!!

The worst thing was, behind the security officers were actually more than
ten reporters!!

The reporters were all carrying cameras and lights. They swarmed into the
apartment's tiny living room, and "ka-cha-ka-cha" furiously started taking

Kang Jian's face immediately changed greatly as he thought about whether

or not his words just then might have been heard. Li Sha expression looked
insane as though she had completely lost logic and reason. Her entire
person jumped on Kang Jian's body and began clawing and screaming.

"Kang Jian!! You human scum!! Trash!! Disgusting and shameless!!

Ungrateful ingrate!! Has a dog eaten your liver and heart!! You're the trash
here! Trash!! Who is the one that has dog eyes and looks down on people!?"

"You, what are you doing!! Let go me!!" Kang Jian was clawed and
scratched by Li Sha until his face was very painful and pitiful. His heart
was also frightened. Judging by this, it seems that Li Sha had overheard his
words from before. In his panic and anxiety, Kang Jian couldn't help using
more force and pushed Li Sha onto the ground.

The anger that Li Sha felt after being pushed aside made her grab anything
she could find on hand and like a mad woman she began fling them at Kang

"So disgusting!! Disgusting!! I must have been blind to have liked you!!

You said I wanted a dog, you really are just like a dog!! If you think you're
so good and don't want others to look down on you, then stop asking my
dad to help find you opportunities!! You used my dad's connections to get
famous and now you turn around and say we're trash!! Fuck your mom!!

You're rotten into your bones!! Do you think I'm vegetarian!? You dare talk
this way about me!! Let me tell you!! You just wait!! Me and my dad will
definitely torture you to death!! We will definitely make sure you die!!

From now on!! You just wait and see!!" Li Sha had been through a
rebellious phase in her life before. Right now when she was being
aggressive, she completely didn't lose to a Taiwanese gangster girl.

"Stop that!! Stop throwing things!!" Kang Jian was pummelled by his
phone, nail clipper, keys, tissue box, remote control and all sorts of random
objects. He couldn't help but yell , "You crazy woman!! Stop that!! You
guys quickly stop her ah!! Are you stupid ah!"

The strange thing was the security guards that came seemed to be only
responsible for opening the door. When they saw the noisy scene in front of
them, they just stood to one side and didn't stop it. The reporters that
followed were all watching with joy, of course they couldn't bear to say
anything to stop the main characters.
Lin ChenYuan, who was shellshocked, suddenly came back to himself. He
realized right now he wasn't wearing anything on top and already had had a
lot of photos taken. He yelled lowly with panic. He wanted to get up and
run to the toilet to hide but when he got up he found that his legs had gone
soft and he suddenly fell down again.

However this movement seemed to remind Li Sha that there was still
another person. With a terrible expression she pointed her finger at Lin
ChenYuan. "And you! You just wait you slut!! Kang Jian's matter, I'm
holding you responsible too!! No one can make a fool of me!! I definitely
won't let you guys live well!!"

"No no!!" Lin ChenYuan's face went pale. He shook his head vigorously as
he tried to absolve himself. "I, I was forced Miss Li Sha! The reason I'm
with Kang Jian, is only because he forced me against my will! He, he even
took photos to threaten me!! He said I have to obediently listen to him,
otherwise he will expose my photos to the public!! I, I was forced!! Also,
previously he hit me before ah! Really, I have photo evidence!! I'm totally
not with him of my own free will!! Miss Li Sha!!"

Kang Jian turned his head to glare at Lin ChenYuan in disbelief. He said in
disappointment, "What the hell are you going on about!! When have I ever
threatened you!?"

When they heard the situation turn 180 degrees, the reporters couldn't help
getting excited.

"Is this real!? Mr Lin!! Did Kang Jian force you!?"

"This will become a criminal offence of assault and intimidation!! Mr Lin,

in all of the photos on the news were you being forced and not acting of
your own free will?"

"Can we take a look at that photo evidence you were talking about before!?

Right now there are security present, do you want to report to the police!?"
"Also how did Kang Jian beat you up!? Does he hit you often!? How many
times has he hit you!? He..."

The scene completely became a mess! Li Sha got even more angry. Once
again she jumped on Kang Jian and used her nails to tear at his face!

The two security guards at this time finally took action. They first separated
the two people, then during the brawl they accidentally ran into some of the
camera equipment or reporters, in addition the reporters were all fighting
among themselves to get the best shots. More than ten people were crowded
in the tiny living room of the apartment, and the ensuing scuffle actually
took a very long time!

So early in the morning, Lin ChenYuan's small apartment became the most
exciting live stream location in the entire country.


The next day, all major publications printed the headline of Li Sha filing for
a divorce, and also for the requisite alimony as well as child support. The
speed was very fast.

The reason was that the words Kang Jian had spoken when Li Sha was at
the door, even though it was muffled by the security door, however after
being recorded and broadcast not one word was missed. It was subtitled
clearly and broadcast to the entire country. Under this type of humiliating
circumstances, of course it was not possible for Li Sha to maintain the

The fact that things evolved to this point, of course half of the reason was
also Li Sha's "impulsiveness".

If not for the fact that that morning Li Sha had created a huge fuss leading
everyone to Lin ChenYuan's apartment to catch them in the act, then things
might have been able to go the way Li nChenYuan had said, just have a
press conference to clarify things. The big things could be turned into small
things. After all it was just a drunk scene ma, it wasn't as though Kang Jian
had never had such incidents before.
However Li Sha had been spoiled by the Li husband and wife to the
heavens. When she saw the headline and the photos, she couldn't endure
even one second. Especially since after the time Kang Jian had slammed the
door and walked out on her, he often didn't come home at night. So Li Sha
had had a couple more terrible arguments with him and Kang Jian became
more and more aggressive which had made the originally slightly guilty
feeling Li Sha have a belly full of anger. But the origin of the arguments
was to do with Li Min and Li Sha had actually endured it and didn't go
home to report to her family, however she didn't expect that after that she'd
then be met with this kind of "headline".

So when she saw it, Li Sha completely went crazy. She also thought that
she had finally discovered why Kang Jian had been acting strange this
whole time! It was because of Lin ChenYuan this little slut!! After calling
Kang Jian like crazy without anyone picking up, she had mobilized her
group of friends and contacts and obtained Lin ChenYuan's address. She
immediately ran out of the door and made a killing spree towards him.

At that time, the reporters had long surrounded Li Sha and Kang Jian's
apartment waiting for the situation to develop. Of course the angry and
furious Li Sha didn't care about anything. She took the reporters with her

and it was unknown who was the clever person who gave the idea to call
security to open the door. Thus the security was added in, and they all made
a beeline to Lin ChenYuan's apartment.

And when she got there, even Li Sha didn't think that the first thing she
heard was Kang Jian's exciting "confession" about her!

Thus, after making this big fuss, Li Sha was slapped in the face by Li Min
and given the words "stupid idot!!" She couldn't even refute it.

And the Li Min couple, because of their daughter's ugly news, was laughed
at in secret by everyone in the company for a long time. And it wasn't like
they were completely blameless. After all the fact that they had raised Li
Sha to be this reckless, spoiled and impulsive, wasn't it their parental
responsibility and mistake?
Chapter 60 - Complete Defeat

Li Sha filed for a divorce. As for the two people embroiled in a stormy
affair out of wedlock, Lin ChenYuan and Kang Jian, what happened to

First Lin ChenYuan. The day that Li Sha had come to make a fuss he had
turned around and stabbed Kang Jian in the back. The reason for that was
completely because he was scared of offending Li Min. After the night at
the club when he was violently treated by Kang Jian, Lin ChenYuan woke
up from his beautiful illusion. He saw clearly that someone like Kang Jian
definitely wasn't really in love with him.

He knew that if the two people's relationship became an issue later, there
was no doubt that Kang Jian wouldn't stand by him to support him. This
could be seen clearly just from the fact that Kang Jian had earned 20

million but didn't even want to buy a measly little apartment for him. After
thinking about it for a long time, Lin ChenYuan's heart went cold and he felt
as though his suspicions were correct.

Thus from that day, Lin ChenYuan had in secret starting preparing some

"special photos" of when he and Kang Jian were together. The most
important thing was he needed to paint himself into the image of a victim,
otherwise when things got exposed, he would end up in the pitiful state of
being tricked by Kang Jian into giving up his body, and also at the same
time offending and being the target of Li Min and Li Sha's revenge. That
definitely wasn't worth it.

Thus Lin ChenYuan didn't feel a little bit guilty about preparing a reverse
attack. The day of Li Sha's fuss, Lin ChenYuan had gone with the two
security guards to the police station and filed an official statement accusing
of Kang Jian of threatening and blackmail.

Kang Jian found this development so ridiculous he didn't know if he should

cry or laugh!!
This type of brainless story, was there really someone who would believe

After Kang Jian watched Lin ChenYuan leave the security officers, he
laughed coldly. He wasn't really worried about himself. The fact that Lin
ChenYuan would turn around to bite him, the important thing was he was
scared of Li Min's revenge. But saying he threatened him!? Blackmail!?

Forced him!? Kang Jian didn't believe Lin ChenYuan really had any real
evidence! So, if he wanted to report then just let him report!! He definitely
had the means to hire the best and most expensive lawyers to prove his

It should be strange that Kang Jian was able to think so openly about this
kind of thing, because right now Kang Jian really didn't have any spare time
to pay attention to it.

From the moment Li Sha had stormed into his apartment with a group of
people, Kang Jian was kicked out by Li Sha and Li Min. All of the fame
and reputation that he had worked so hard to accumulate were immediately
eliminated by the reporter's ugly news.

When Kang Jian's words were broadcasted, the effect was that his
painstakingly curated image of someone that appeared to be a player on the
surface but was actually loyal inside, was completely destroyed and
changed into that of an unseemly beast!! Or something even worse!! His
career has an actor took a major hit.

Of course this was if Kang Jian still even had a path left as an actor. After
Li Sha filed her divorce, Li Min put out the word that if anyone gave Kang
Jian any work, then they should expect Harmony Entertainment's revenge.

Even so Kang Jian was the one who said those vicious words himself,
however afterwards he still more or less blamed Li Sha for her
impulsiveness and inability to see the big picture!! This stupid woman,
what couldn't be said behind closed doors? He was just acting like a big
man in front of Lin ChenYuan. Afterwards he might even have been willing
to coax and pacify Li Sha! But now that it had gotten to this point, there
wasn't any chance of that. Kang Jian really hated Li Sha's idiocy and

Right now on the internet and various media channels, everyone was
pointing the finger and accusing Kang Jian!

Anyone who heard about this matter would say:

Look at Kang Jian. He looks so cultured and clean, but in secret he's a
disgusting ingrate!

No wonder Lin ChenYuan finds him disgusting, and has no choice but to
make his deeds known to prevent other people being harmed!!

This kind of human scum, he should be kicked out of the entertainment

world forever and never see the light of day again...


And Kang Jian had no idea that these kind of words were exactly the same
accusations and insults that Bai Lang suffered after being lied to and tricked
by Kang Jian in his past life.

For this reason, when Bai Lang saw the opinions regarding Kang Jian these
few days in the newspaper, his feelings were very complicated.

When Qiu Qian saw the situation, he grabbed the newspaper and chucked it
to one side. He pulled over Bai Lang to embrace him. "He did this to
himself. Really his ability to bring trouble to himself was beyond my

Bai Lang leaned into Qiu Qian's embrace and sighed. "It just feels so
strange. In my past life, he probably also laughed at me like this."

Qiu Qian really didn't like to hear this kind of talk. He lifted Bai Lang's chin
and kissed him deeply. His tongue explored every sensitive part of Bai
Lang's mouth, all the way until Bai Lang couldn't help but groan and begin
to breathe rapidly. Only then did Qiu Qian let him go.

Qiu Qian licked his lips a few times. "These days, I will get someone to
keep a close eye on Kang Jian. You should also be more careful."

"I haven't had any kind of relationship with him for a long time," Bai Lang's
breathing was still a little bit fast. "Also your schemes were so secret and
deep, it doesn't have any connection with me."

Qiu Qian saw Bai Lang's completely unshadowed and clear expression,
then thought about the strange way Kang Jian had glanced at Bai Lang last
time at the shopping mall. He thought that perhaps he ought to give some
kind of warning, but at the same time he didn't want Kang Jian to occupy
even the slightest part of Bai Lang's heart. As the two feelings warred
against each other, his brow knit for quite a long time.

Even Bai Lang discovered it. "What's wrong?"

Qiu Qian didn't reply. He pressed the person against his chest.

As he entwined deeply with Bai Lang afterwards, this type of both spoiling
and worrying as well as possessive feelings only became more and more


After Li Sha's commotion, Kang Jian pretty much became a rat that
everyone would insult upon seeing on the street. However the feelings in
his heart was still quite stable.

Because Kang Jian felt that he still had a powerful upper hand. In his hands
he still had the definitely would profit and never would fail investment
contract for 50 million. Every year he would obtain almost 50% profit. In
just a few days, the first amount should reach his account.

At that time there would be 2 million going into his account, the second
month there would be 4 million and the third month 6 million... in other
words, even if he didn't work the next year it didn't matter! Just this perfect
investment was enough to reduce his suffering by 10 years.

So with this type of security, when meeting the insults of the media, Kang
Jian was able to laugh coldly. In his heart he thought, let's just see how long
you can insult for? After this period passed, he completely he didn't need
his old job back. His new arena would be the business world. The person
who had money was the big Lord! Kang Jian completely didn't care and
looked down on being a small star.

So right now Kang Jian could still use the 100,000 or so he had on hand to
sleep in hotel rooms and live a good life (his things were either at Lin
ChenYuan or Li Sha's home, so he can be considered to be completely
without possessions). He also went by a few lawyer's offices and obtained a
few not-cheap lawyers to help him with the two lawsuits; Li Sha's divorce
settlement and Lin ChenYuan's blackmail accusation.

Thus, just as Kang Jian was eagerly anticipating the first amount of profit
coming into his account, Qiu Qian's real big move landed.

That day the news headline said:

"Brilliant Real Estate has been raided by police!! All company funds
"Board of Directors involved in illegal money laundering!! All arrested late
last night!!"


"Then where's my money!? Where's the profit I should be getting!?"

"Isn't it supposed to be given out tomorrow!? What does it have to do with

money laundering!?"

"If they committed crimes that's their business!! My money was given to
the company legitimately!!"

"I still have the contract isn't that right!? So you need to give me my money

"I don't care!! Don't tell me this crap!! I'm asking about my money!!

Where's my money–!?"

Kang Jian's eyes were red. He grasped the phone and yelled loudly. But he
hadn't even finished yelling when the other person couldn't be bothered
with him anymore and hung up the phone.

When Kang Jian called again, there was only a busy signal. And from that
day on it was eternally a busy signal.

At this time Kang Jian realized that his word was crumbling under his feet!!

His 50 million! 50 million of his money!!

All of it was in the company!! Now even the shadow of it couldn't be seen!!

Cold sweat rolled down Kang Jian's forehead. His feet and hands felt
nerveless. But he forced himself to wear a hat and sunglasses and rushed
towards to company, not willing to give up.

But when he got there, Kang Jian's heart became even more cold.
Because right in front of the entrance of the company's large building, there
was a bunch of policeman scuffling with a some protesting people. Ten
policemen were drawing a chain around the company's front doors. And a
few others were blocking the protesting people who wanted to rush
forward. Another group of policemen were moving big boxes of documents
out of the building.

The people gathered in front of the building were both angry and panicked.

Some of them actually sat down on the ground and started crying and

"These human scum!! Return my money to me ahhhhhh! These scam artists

should die!! They are not human!!"

"What are you policeman doing!! Our money is inside there!! Let us go and
get our money out ah!!"

"Yes ah!! That's the money we earned with our sweat and blood!! It's our
family fortune ah!! How can we live like this ah!!"

"Even if I die I have to get my money back ah!!! What will I do in the
future ah–!!"

Kang Jian's heart beat quickly. He squeezed into the crowd of people who
were watching the fuss and pushed his way to the front. He felt his knees
getting weak. He saw a big auntie standing there watching and asked her,

"This auntie, what, what's happening over here, do you know?

The big auntie had been watching for quite a while and was quite clear
about what's happening. "Isn't it just a scam artist company? Now there's
plenty of these ah. I heard from my neighbour Old Wang ages ago, how can
there be such a good thing in life? Just casually throw some money and it
will earn more money? Look, he didn't listen to my advice, and now the
police have raided the place. They won't let anyone touch the things inside.
In my opinion he won't ever get his money back. Ai, thinking about it is just
desserts. The people who would fall for this can be described with one word

– greedy."

Kang Jian's whole person froze.

Won't – won't get it back? Won't ever be able to get it back!!??

Then what about his mortgage? What about the interest from the
underground money lender.... Every month the repayment was 5 million!!

What could he do!! If he calculated the money he had on hand, now that he
had spent quite a lot of it he only had 10 or 20,000 left.... Was it even
enough to cover his week's stay in the hotel!? What, what should he do!?

Just as Kang Jian was panicking, the big auntie realized that there was no
response to her words. Displeased, she turned around to look and after a
few seconds she said, "Aiyo! This young fellow, you look a lot like that

scum guy on the news, what's his name, something Jian?! Recently it must
have been tough on you, haha, looking like that disgusting guy. Have you
been mocked by others!?"

When the big auntie said this, the people watching all turned around to
look. All the fire in their eyes were directed at Kang Jian. Kang Jian
couldn't help retreating a few steps however was blocked by the people
standing behind him. He anxiously shook his head. "No, I'm not, you've got
the wrong person...."

The people who would gather to watch this kind of thing weren't kind
people. Their eyes immediately became more fiery. "Ai ai, are you really
him!? Look, his complexion got so bad, he's definitely feeling embarrassed!

Look, isn't he running away now!?"

When people said this everyone got curious and swarmed over, pointing
and talking.
"Really ah! Look at his hat and sunglasses, scum face and scum head.

Could it really be him ah!?"

"Right ah, if it isn't him why would he act so suspicious!? Why don't you
take off his hat and have a look!?"

"Ha, if it's really him then isn't it a case of heaven having eyes!? He
scammed a girl's feelings, and now his own money got scammed!!"

"Hahaha! That's really true!! Revenge is sweet ba!! These type of scum
should be treated in this manner ah!"

Being forced by this group of aggressive people made Kang Jian feel both
panicked and anxious. Right now he was about to lose it. Each and every
one of these civilians looked like evil ghosts coming to chase a debt. This
made Kang Jian lose his logic. He felt like he was crazy. He picked a
random direction and completely barreled into the people in an effort to get

"Hei! Why are you running into people ah!!"

"It's painful ah!! Are you crazy la!!"

"He's definitely feeling panicked!! Grab him ah!!"

"Yes yes yes!! Grab him!! He's definitely that human scum ba!!"

In the scuffling of the crowd, Kang Jian's hat and sunglasses were really
grabbed off. There was a chorus of "It's really Kang Jian ah!!" "I didn't
expect it ah!!" Kang Jian didn't have energy to fight back, he only knew that
he had to get away from this place!!

However this wasn't the most frightening thing that happened to Kang Jian
that day.

Once he finally fled and ran back to his hotel, in the lobby he saw Brother
Kun from the underground money manor and a few of his subordinates.
They were standing at the front desk asking the receptionist questions.

This scene really made Kang Jian's legs go weak!!

He quickly backed out of the lobby. He didn't care if he had already been
discovered by Brother Kun. He could only turn around and flee like crazy!!

Kang Jian had heard about the methods of the underground money lender in
order to get their money back. They would break fingers, make you into a
drug mule, force into prostitution, everything was possible!! Back then
Kang Jian had thought that the 20 million profit he would get every month
would definitely be enough to support an interest of 5 million so he was
willing to take the risk, but now... now....

How, how did it become like this!?

As he fled, Kang Jian's heart was both panicked and angry!!

As he ran aimlessly, the intense exercise made Kang Jian's lungs hurt and
breathing difficult. His heartbeat was so rapid it felt as though it was going
to beat out of his chest. His legs went weak and Kang Jian finally rushed
into a small alley.

He didn't look where he was going and actually flipped over a trash can
nearby. The dirty water from the trash can splashed over his clothes.

Right now Kang Jian couldn't really breathe. He could only hold onto the
wall for support and continuously cough.

However the alley wasn't surprised by Kang Jian's intrusion.

This place was one of the poorer, backwards places in A city.

The apartments in the alley were small and cramped, people lived in living
rooms and left their doors open in order to increase their space. Lots of
people put their tables and other furniture into the alleyway to take up the
space of the alley. It looked like a village, messy and cramped. And there
was no sound proofing for the TV, the noise was loud enough to disrupt two
or three neighbours.
At this time, a TV playing outside was broadcasting some music and then a
line from an advertisement.

"Between heaven and earth, Rong Air puts its customers first–"

Kang Jian suddenly raised his head.

In the screen, Bai Lang was wearing the uniform of a flight steward. He
was smiling in an extremely intimate and friendly way.

He was as clean and as beautiful as always.

Ah Lang....

Yes, only he could save him now.

Chapter 61 - Grand Finale

Kang Jian, who was chased by the media and mocked by everyone, had
been hiding for nearly half a month.

This previously bright and showy individual was right now not quite at the
level of a stinky homeless beggar, however he wasn't far off with heavy
eyebags and a pitiful appearance. In order to hide from the reporters and the
underground money lenders, he didn't dare to go back for his luggage and
car at the hotel. Every day he wouldn't stay long in the same place. With
this kind of despairing feelings and crushing anxiety, Kang Jian actually
persisted for half a month and can be considered quite a good effort.

Of course Kang Jian didn't know that his every moment was still being
closely monitored by Qiu Qian's people. And they would now and again
notify the underground money lenders, causing them to often appear within
Kang Jian's sights in order to increase his fear and anxiety. This was to push
him to look for his loved ones, so that they could get their money back.

However even though Kang Jian had been wandering around outside for
quite some time, they didn't see him go to look for anyone for help.
However for a few days ago, he had started hiding out in a small alley near
Total Entertainment's big building, surreptitiously observing the place. And
if one thought about who in Total Entertainment was the focus of Kang
Jian's thoughts? Then the answer could only be Bai Lang.

At this time Kang Jian completely realized Qiu Qian's conjecture from
before, however Qiu Qian didn't feel any joy at being right. It only made
him more determined to take care of Kang Jian and his thoughts, otherwise
it would be leaving too despicable of a tail!

So Qiu Qian also didn't want to waste any more effort. He planned to tell
people just to grab Kang Jian and "take care of him" once and for all.

However in this he was met with Bai Lang's resistance. Right now Kang
Jian was still the focus of the entire country's attention and pursuit. Bai
Lang didn't want Qiu Qian to take such a risk over Kang Jian and leave

some kind of trail which others could use to hold over him in the future. It
simply wasn't worth it and wasn't necessary.

It was rare that these two people would have a disagreement but at this time
Kang Jian was unable to hold on any longer. On a particular morning he
rushed into Total Entertainment's building and said bluntly that he wanted
to meet with Bai Lang and talk to him. The receptionist of course rejected
him but he simply sat down on the couch in the lobby and said he would
wait until Bai Lang appeared. He said if he didn't see Bai Lang then he
wouldn't leave.

Of course Total Entertainment had ways to make people leave. Asking a

few security guards to throw him out was as easy as anything. However the
news spread to Bai Lang's ears. Thinking about it, Bai Lang thought that
making things clear and finally airing out his thoughts was also a way of
dealing with things. So he got into a car and headed towards Total
Entertainment's building. He agreed to meet with Kang Jian.

At this time Qiu Qian was at his shipping company partaking in a very
important video conference. So the news was delayed by half an hour to
reach him, and by then it was too late to stop it. Qiu Qian was so angry he
knocked over a table, fired the female secretary who had prevented the
news being sent into the meeting room, and then instructed for his car to
speed towards Total Entertainment's big building.

At the same time, Bai Lang was already in a meeting room inside Total
Entertainment, and met with Kang Jian.


"Ah Lang! You definitely have to help me!"

When Kang Jian saw Bai Lang come in, he rushed over and threw himself
at Bai Lang's feet.

Beside Bai Lang was the tall and built Hong Hong. Hong Hong came
forward and easily kicked Kang Jian aside.

Although Kang Jian was pushed aside however he didn't get up. He
continued to kneel there and with red eyes, he said fervently, "I know
there's been some misunderstanding between you and me Ah Lang! You
think I did something to wrong you!! No matter what, I'll apologize first!!

I'm really sorry!! Ah Lang!! Everything is my fault!! My fault!!"

"However I had a reason, Ah Lang!" Kang Jian's face was filled with a
heart-rendering pain. "I was jealous, jealous of the person who could stay
by your side! Originally we were so close, so friendly. At that time, I, I
already liked you so much! However I didn't dare to tell you! I thought if I
told you I would ruin our friendship!! During that time of anxiety and pain,
I, I heard you and someone else.... At that time, I really couldn't accept it in
my heart!! That's why I did those things! I, I really didn't mean to hurt you!!

I only wanted your attention!! Because I really didn't want to accept it, Ah

Kang Jian's words was passionate and lyrical, however Bai Lang's only
response was an expressionless face. Even now, Kang Jian's "apology"
carried artifice and schemes. Bai Lang originally already didn't feel any
emotions now hearing this he only thought this person was too naive, he
really thought these fake words and actions could make everything right?

Kang Jian was still immersed in his acting. His face was filled with regret
and he pitifully inched towards Bai Lang on his knees.

"But right now I really, from the bottom of my heart, wish you and Boss
Qiu well. Really! Choosing him really is the best choice you've ever made!

Even, even if I.... I, really have let go of it and now I wish you well! Its only
that, Ah Lang, other than that stupid thing from long ago, I really haven't
done anything wrong to you right!? So, seeing as we are old friends and

At this time Bai Lang quietly interrupted Kang Jian. "I also think I haven't
done anything to wrong you. I don't owe you, I'm not responsible for you."

Last life this man had caused him to end up in that kind of circumstance...

so in this life, "We have nothing to do with each other."

Kang Jian froze. He didn't seem to understand. Even though right now Bai
Lang's face only showed a distant coldness, it still caused Kang Jian to be
not able to tear away his eyes.

However, Bai Lang's next statement was both clear, cruel and final.

"So, I won't help you. You should go now." Bai Lang said clearly.

Kang Jian's face went white. He opened his mouth as though he wanted to
say something in protest, but when he saw Bai Lang's calm and peaceful
face, the words died in his throat and wouldn't come out....

After a few seconds, Kang Jian really seemed to understand. He hung his
head low and his eyes were filled with despair. Swaying from side to side,
he got up from the floor.
Perhaps because he had been kneeling on the floor for too long but when
Kang Jian got up, he actually fell down again, and toppled towards Bai
Lang's side.

When Hong Hong saw this, he naturally went over to block. He grabbed
Kang Jian's arm and wanted to pull him to stand further away. However at
this time something similar to an aerosol spray appeared in Kang Jian's left
hand. He sprayed it right towards Hong Hong's face!

Hong Hong made a short sound and used his hand to wipe his face. He
staggered back a few steps and afterwards swayed left to right and then fell
onto the ground!!

Bai Lang's face changed. He rushed to Hong Hong's side and helped
support Hong Hong whose tears were flowing non-stop and was coughing
madly. "Er Hong!? Are you okay!? What did you just do!?" The last
question was directed at Kang Jian who had gotten up.

A strange smile was on Kang Jian's face. He really looked deranged.

"Nothing really. It's just a normal insect repellant spray. However if it gets
into their eyes and mouth, even the biggest man's knees would go soft for a
little while."

Bai Lang's face sunk. "What are you trying to do? Outside there's lot of
people, you think you can walk out of here unharmed?"

Kang Jian patted his pants and walked towards Bai Lang. "It's no problem.

No one will stop me. Because you will ensure my safety. Because this
office of yours is very luxurious. There's even a small green area outside,
the sound proofing must be really good. So, I just want..."

Bai Lang grabbed Hong Hong and retreated. His complexion wasn't good.

"What do you want?"

Kang Jian's perverse gaze roamed over Bai Lang's body from top to toe. He
licked his lips. "I just want you to submit to me once. It won't take long,
five minutes should be enough. Then I'll take some photos. I don't believe
that you would let Qiu Qian know about what happened today?"

Because Kang Jian was advancing on him, Bai Lang had no choice but to
let go of Hong Hong who slid to the floor. He retreated a few steps. "You
want me to be like Lin ChenYuan and let you do what you want?"

Kang Jian was confident in the spray he had in his hands. So he didn't
prevent Bai Lang's movements. "Well, after all according to the stories Qiu
Qian gets jealous easily, he can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes. So why
don't we try? Anyway right now I'm out of options, before I die I want to
make one last attempt and also satisfy my own desire. No matter what, it's
worth it for me."

Bai Lang's heart went cold. His voice was a bit unsteady. "You, you think
just using this spray, you can make me obey?"

"Just then you saw what happened. Such a big bodyguard, one spray and he
turns into paper. But isn't that good? It can help you relax a bit. Maybe
you'll even enjoy yourself and feel pleasure right?" Kang Jian's words
became more and more perverted.

"You bastard-" Bai Lang just opened his mouth to swear when Kang Jian
suddenly came towards him.

At this time, the office door was kicked open with a loud 'peng!" noise!!

It was Qiu Qian rushing inside!!

And when Qiu Qian rushed inside, the first thing he saw was Bai Lang
viciously kicking Kang Jian's head with a perfectly aimed roundhouse kick!

"Ahhh!" There was a pitiful cry. Kang Jian right face was violently kicked
and his entire person landed on the ground!

At this time Hong Hong who was on the right suddenly jumped up!!

Without a second's pause, he stomped on Kang Jian's hand holding the

Kang Jian made a sound loud cry which echoed all around the spacious

Bai Lang turned around and threw himself at Qiu Qian, he held the other
person and laughed, "You came. It's all good, everything's taken care of

Qiu Qian was frozen in the embrace. His facial expression kept changing.

The entire way here he had listened to the live feed from Bai Lang's
diamond watch. When he reached the elevator the situation had become
critical! He was almost panicked to death!! But these two people actually
had the audacity to play this kind of scheme!!

"You!? You, you– bastard!!"

Qiu Qian's breathing was rapid. He seemed to not know what to say.

Bai Lang also felt a bit helpless. But he terms of safety he really wasn't
worried. He was even wearing the bulletproof vest that Hong Hong had
given him.

Even though prior to being let into the office, Kang Jian had been felt up
from head to toe by Xiao Li to ensure he wasn't carrying a gun.

As more and more people swarmed inside to take care of things, Bai Lang
pulled Qiu Qian and directly used his mouth to block and appease him.

The response he got was a vicious and passionate kiss and embrace, as
though the other person was trying to confirm he really was still okay.

Even though it was a bit painful, Bai Lang was still glad from the bottom of
his heart.


After that Kang Jian was quickly arrested and prosecuted from his crimes of
blackmail and intimidation.
All the way until he was sent into prison, he didn't have any chances to
leave even one step.

Even Lin ChenYuan's previous accusations, under Qiu Qian's influence,

actually managed to successfully add a few years to Kang Jian's sentence.

Because of this Li Sha's divorce was successfully approved in just under a

few months. Li Sha was successful in obtaining all rights to their child and
was also entitled to child support. Of course Kang Jian right now was
penniless, so this judgement could only be considered a piece of paper.

It was only that Li Sha's apartment had been mortgaged by Kang Jian for 6

million. This money needed to be repaid to the bank. So Li Sha had no

choice but to move back home with her son. At this time Li Sha's pride also
took a big hit. Every time she left the house she would be laughed at and
mocked by others, so for a long time she hid inside the home and dutifully
raised her son. In the future, she also became more quiet and peaceful.

As for Kang Jian, even in jail he wasn't able to live peacefully. He still
owed the underground money lender over 20 million. When the money
lenders heard that Kang Jian had been incarcerated, they were very excited.

After all they had many brothers on the inside. And all their brothers
needed fresh meat to entertain them. Kang Jian's face and skin
approximately should be able to help him repay some debt ba.

As for what happened in jail after, even Qiu Qian didn't have the time or
inkling to get involved in it.

After all, even just focusing on maintaining the peace and quiet of his
family of three, to Qiu Qian it wasn't an easy thing.

Lots of small things kept popping up.

For example, Rong Air's advertisement became too popular and now they
wanted to invite Bai Lang to film a second one, so should Bai Lang accept
or not? Or, Qiu Qian had accepted a professional business interview, but
how come the reporter kept asking about his family circumstances? Also,
when it came to this years Golden Emperor awards, should Qiu XiaoHai
appear with the two of them on the red carpet or not.....


One month later.

On a gorgeous and regal stage, amidst loud clapping, the host Gao Kang's
voice sounded clearly.

"The next award is Golden Emperor's best male actor category!"

There was an exciting drumroll, and the anticipation in the venue reached
its climactic height.

"The nominations this year are...."

"Every Second Counts' Luo KeYu!"

"Square Inch's Liang Qi!"

"Great Qi Empire's Huang XuanMing!

"And.... Ending's Bai Lang!"

"The award goes to...."

Everyone held their breaths. The host ripped open the envelope in his

"Mr Bai, this time remember to run towards the stage!" These comical
words made everyone present laugh and whistle, and also yell loudly.

"Ending's Bai Lang!! Congratulations–!!"

At this time the entire venue erupted into thunderous applause.

The next second all the cameras were focused on the scene of Qiu Qian and
Qiu XiaoHai hugging and embracing Bai Lang tightly!

It was a live broadcast so this scene was at the same time transmitted to
every corner of the country!!

Qiu Qian laughed brightly. He used his arm to hug Bai Lang and pat his
shoulders. He also turned his head and kissed him on the cheek lightly.

Qiu XiaoHai was grinning from ear to ear. He used his little arms to hug
Bai Lang's waist, and also followed to pat his Ah Bai.

When Bai Lang finished these hugs, he was ushered by the audience onto
the stage.

When he got there and received the award trophy, the venue quietened
down and Bai Lang was supposed to give his acceptance speech. Except
right now, Bai Lang's head was completely blank.

All the way until Bai Lang once again saw Qiu Qian below the stage. Then
he raised his microphone and said in a hoarse voice,

"My ending, was also the beginning of everything."

"From the bottom of my heart I want to express my thanks."

"I will always treasure everything, all the way until the last day of my life."

[End Main Text]

ROAMS - Extra 1

"Between heaven and earth, Rong Air puts its customers first, piloting with

This advertisement slogan, which was used by Rong Air for many years
afterwards to cement their place in the hearts of the people, first appeared in
the short clip that Bai Lang shot for Rong Air.
The short clip told a short story about an eight year old little boy. He was
happily taking the plane to go overseas to find his father (don't ask why
there wasn't any guardian travelling with him). He stood in front of the tall
floor-length windows in the airport terminal, gazing with excitement at the
many planes landing and taking off, waiting for his boarding call. At this
time, his father who was far away overseas called him. The little boy was
overjoyed and didn't want to hang up for a long time, they talked about
many things, however he didn't expect that because of this he missed his

Then Bai Lang, who was wearing the uniform of a flight steward, appeared.

Thus the little boy was panicked and afraid, so anxious that his eyes went
red. He didn't know what to do.

Rong Air strongly stressed that in the air, they treated their customers as
though they were their own family. Taking Rong Air was like returning
home. The flight steward Bai Lang thus comforted the little boy for a while,
and helped him contact his parents. He ordered lunch for him and
accompanied the little boy to count how many planes there were outside.

He even made the gift of a small plane model to the little boy as they waited
for Rong Air to arrange for the little boy to be on the next flight.

After that, Bai Lang accompanied the little boy to fly over half of the

When he personally held the little boy's hand and delivered him into the
arms of his father waiting at the foreign airport, the boy gazed at him with
gratitude. Bai Lang smiled and waved his hand to say goodbye. Then
multiple crew members appeared in the background, and along with the
company's slogan, it became the short clip's designated image
representation for Rong Air.


So when this promotional clip was broadcasted on various large television

channels and online, there were immediately many sharp-tongued netizens
who gave the opinion that this ad was not just one of, but the most "foolish
smile" commercial of the year.

Because the story was completely illogical, however it still at the ability to
make people unable to help themselves from feeling warm in their hearts
and smiling foolishly while staring at the screen. It was so foolish, but so
made you smile, so if it wasn't a "foolish smile" commercial then what was?

Within it, Bai Lang who played the role of the flight steward was praised
greatly. His performance was natural and didn't feel awkward or artificial,
he had a clean crisp white uniform paired with a light gray pants,
underneath his officer-style cap he showed a sunny smile. The entire feeling
that Bai Lang gave off was beautiful and clean, friendly and intimate. It was
as though he had returned to his clean image when he first debuted.

It had to be said that after experiencing many different types of styles, this
type of appearance still suited Bai Lang's aura the most. Even Qiu Qian,
when he first saw Bai Lang wearing his uniform, was unable to control
himself from dragging this person into his arms and furiously feeling him
up. So don't even talk about the female crew members when Bai Lang
finally came out of his dressing room. They couldn't help surrounding him
and using their mobiles to furiously take photos for their personal

However the short clip also had another star and that was the meng little
boy who had missed his flight. The boy who played him couldn't be said to
be exquisitely handsome, however his thick brows and large eyes were

extremely spirited and cute. His excitement in the short clip, as well as his
look of trust and dependence, all his emotions appeared genuine and

When this ad was broadcast, it ignited an immediate firestorm of chatter.

Other than capturing the hearts of many middle-aged women, it was also
very popular with many fathers. The download of this clip from Rong Air's
website reached several million in its first week, pushing the reach of this
commercial even further.
Following that, people naturally asked the question, who is the little boy in
the clip?

Not long after, Bai Lang's fans immediately took out their precious small
and large photos from three years ago.

It was impossible to hide, it was Qiu XiaoHai and his Ah Bai.


That Qiu XiaoHai would film Rong Air's commercial actually arose out of a

The day of the filming happened to be a holiday. Qiu Qian didn't have any
set plans and Qiu XiaoHai also didn't have school. Originally this family of
three's rare day off together was disrupted by Bai Lang's job. So the family
of three decided simply to go together to the film set at the airport and treat
it as a family outing. Anyway Qiu XiaoHai also liked the airport, and the
large and modern airport had many facilities for shopping, entertainment
and etc. So they weren't scared of him getting bored.

However the family of three had only just reached the waiting lounge which
had been cleared for the purposes of filming the commercial, when they
were informed that the young actor who had been contracted to play the
part of the little boy, as well as his mother, were going to be late. They had
called and said that they were stuck in a serious traffic jam and so the entire
crew had no choice but to wait.

As for the traffic jam, it was the result of a last-minute car accident which
had happened on the highway leading to the airport. It wouldn't be able to
be cleared easily. Since this was a misfortunate incident outside of anyone's
control, everyone had no choice but to cooperate and wait.

During this time, Bai Lang had already changed into his uniform and in this
guise of a flight steward was teased and played with by Qiu Qian for some
time. After that the little actor still had not arrived. So the Qiu family father
and son naturally accompanied Bai Lang to pass the time.
However they waited and waited, an hour passed, and then a second hour....

The little actor and his mother were still stuck on the road. The crew
members called them furiously and repeatedly, the producer was so stressed
his head was full of sweat, the set crew was also very anxious and jumpy.

After all they were making the two big gods Bai Lang and Boss Qiu sit
around and wait aimlessly, this was a big impediment to their health!

At this time, the director Chen Bing secretly pointed at the screen next to
the camera. He said to the producer, "Xiao Fu, actually just then I filmed
quite a lot. Almost one quarter of the important scenes are done."

The producer Fu Yu was staring vainly at the entrance, he completely didn't

pay much attention and said, "The people haven't arrived yet, how can you

Chen Bing whispered in a low voice, "Bai Lang and that little Qiu boy ah.

Several scenes can be used... no, actually it's a case of if you didn't use it it
would be a real shame. What do you think, should we just..."

Fu Yu's heart jumped. He immediately huddled in front of the screen and

carefully reviewed the footage that had been taken secretly just before.

When he saw it, it really fulfilled the parameters of the script. There was a
little boy jumping up and down excitedly in front of the floor length
window, and also one where Bai Lang was accompanying him to count the
number of planes.... Each scene was natural and moving, every angle
looked great. Chen Bing also was very careful and meticulous and avoided
Boss Qiu appearing in any of the footage. This this this, really was using a
dog's huge courage..

So Fu Yu's eyes glowed with light but his heart felt very conflicted. "Who is
going to ask ah. That's Boss Qiu's son after all. Today we already forced
them to wait aimlessly, now we're even plotting to use their kid. You might
want to die but I still want to live ah."
Chen Bing also had some reservations which was why he had filmed
secretly. "But this might be a good opportunity. I was filming secretly for a
long time. This little Qiu boy seems very clingy towards Bai Lang. Maybe
he might agree?"

Fu Yu heard it and his heart also moved. "But the main decider is Boss Qiu
ah. Do you really think so?"

Chen Bing looked again at Qiu XiaoHai and Bai Lang on the screen.

Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the impulsive feeling that this short
clip was meant to be filmed by these two people. His head went hot and he
straightened his back and said, "If you're too scared to ask then I'll do it!

This is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime, I need to grab it


Fu Yu didn't even have time to think it through clearly when he saw Chen
Bing grab his director's hat, place it squarely on his head, then stand up as
straight as he could before marching towards these three people.

Fu Yu's jaw fell open for some time. After fighting internally with himself
for a while, he didn't call Chen Bing back. At the same time he comforted
himself by thinking that he definitely wasn't hanging back because of
cowardice. If the director really angered Boss Qiu then he would be able to
go up and try to calm the proceedings. So right now he had an important
responsibility. He needed to endure for the sake of the big picture. It was
what he should do.....

However when he saw Chen Bing go over and say a few words, it was
actually Bai Lang who shook his head first. He didn't need to hear their
conversation, just from their body language it was clear that Chen Bing was
being immediately rejected. Fu Yu who was observing couldn't help feeling
crestfallen. However he didn't forget to look at Boss Qiu and feel relieved
that they hadn't made Boss Qiu lose his temper.

However at this time the little boy became unhappy. He hugged Bai Lang's
waist and argued for a little while, he seemed to be expressing that he was
willing. Hope appeared in Fu Yu's heart again however Bai Lang continued
to wave his hand at Chen Bing. He appeared resolute in his rejection. Chen
Bing looked slightly hesitant and Fu Yu thought whether or not he should
go over to help him.

However at this time the situation changed. The little boy Qiu actually got
angry. He stamped his feet and suddenly yelled loudly, "Ah Bai is a
dummy!!" Then he ran over to a corner by himself and squatted down

This yell, alone with the echoing effect of the large and spacious waiting
hall, naturally drew all the gazes of the crew members over.

It was also ignited a buzz of conversation. Because everyone now had

reached the conclusion that since Bai Lang and Qiu Qian were together,
then wasn't he the little boy Qiu's "stepmother"? When the stepmother
wanted to discipline the son but the son wasn't willing, then whose side
would Boss Qiu stand on? No wonder the whole time Boss Qiu had sat by
silently and not expressed his opinion, tsk tsk,wasn't this the scene of a
domestic drama ah....

A firestorm of gossip was igniting and swirling around everyone's stomach.

This time Fu Yu's heart really jumped in terror. He glared viciously at the
Chen Bing who was standing nearby holding his hat in his hands helplessly.

Did he want him to go up to save him? Right now he had even caused a
domestic dispute?! How was he supposed to save him under this situation?!

From the ancient days, it was very difficult for a civil officer to judge
family affairs wasn't it!?

Suddenly during this stiff atmosphere, the angry Qiu XiaoHai suddenly
turned his head around and yelled again.

"Who cares if other people know! I'm daddy's son, but I'm also Ah Bai's son
oh! What's wrong with that!?"
Bai Lang, who was some distance away, suddenly shook.

At this time Qiu Qian finally patted Bai Lang's back. "He's been prepared
since ages ago to stand by your side."

Bai Lang seemed to be still frozen with shock. However he was pushed
from behind and stepped forward one step.

Qiu XiaoHai's eyes went red. He gazed at Bai Lang in a bullied manner. He
said in a somewhat weak voice, ".... or does Ah Bai not want me?"

This sentence made Bai Lang's face change. He rushed quickly towards Qiu
XiaoHai and with one motion picked up the little boy who was not light
anymore. He was also clung to by Qiu XiaoHai who wrapped all his four
limbs around him.

At this time, watching the tightly embracing big and small person, the entire
audience could approximately guess what kind of promises and answers Bai
Lang saying into Qiu XiaoHai's ears. However they still felt disappointed at
being unable to hear Bai Lang's words of confession.

However Qiu XiaoHai afterwards sniffed his nose a few times, and then
loudly helped answer the curiosity in people's hearts.

"En. I want to be Ah Bai's son, always and forever."

"Even if Ah Bai doesn't want daddy anymore, that won't change oh."

It was Qiu Qian's turn to go black in the face. He walked towards the two
people, "Hey you rascal, are you dismantling the bridge now that you've
crossed it ah."

Then he put his arm around the two people and enveloped them in his

Thus the family was reunited.

In the end, not only did Qiu XiaoHai enter the filming but even Qiu Qian
appeared briefly.

In the original script, the parent waiting for the little boy at the airport was
his "mother". Qiu Qian made a request and the director immediately
changed the character to a "father". In the short clip, Qiu Qian only showed
a pair of hands and a scene from the back hugging the little boy. But this
still can be considered taking part in the filming of the clip, and he wasn't
excluded from this family activity.

So can this be considered Qiu XiaoHai's debut production?

Well this was perhaps thinking too far into the future. After all, right now
Qiu XiaoHai was still a simple-minded child.

Rong Zan couldn't be more sure about that.

ROAMS - Extra 2

The first time Rong Zan spoke to Qiu XiaoHai was on the first day of

The reason was very simple, because they sat at the same table in

However the initial impression that Qiu XiaoHai gave Rong Zan wasn't
very good. Because he didn't bring the crayons he needed for the morning's
drawing class. When the teacher asked everyone to take out their crayons,
Qiu XiaoHai's face was filled with confusion as he looked left and right.

At that time Rong Zan wasn't familiar with Qiu XiaoHai. So even though he
noticed something wasn't quite right with him, he didn't pay any mind and
just opened his own pencil case.

Not until the kindergarten teacher discovered the blankly staring Qiu
XiaoHai. She walked over, bent down and asked, "Did your mommy not
pack it for you? Teacher wrote it in the notification letter oh." At this time,
Qiu XiaoHai only opened his eyes wide, shook his head and didn't say

The teacher also didn't ask too many questions. She patted Qiu XiaoHai's
head and told the neighbouring Rong Zan to share with him and for the two
people to draw together.

It was the first day at school so Rong Zan wasn't used to sharing with
others. He had been raised up by his family as a precious treasure; all the
toys, books and drawings he had was his alone. Rong Zan frowned and felt
a bit unhappy. He thought that this time Qiu XiaoHai's mommy forgot so
next time it would be better to help remind him.

Rong Zan who had been very logical and methodical from childhood
thought for a while then made up his mind. He then obediently and quietly
continued his drawing.

It was only that when it came to the afternoon, after finishing lunch and
when it was time for the midday nap, the teacher once again discovered that
Qiu XiaoHai had also not brought a blanket.

This has been mentioned in the notifications. Because blankets were

personal items so in the interest of maintaining hygiene, although the school
provided blankets for sale, however they were not responsible for taking
care of them or cleaning them. Every Monday the school required parents to
bring to school a freshly cleaned blanket taken home the week before. And
because it was the first day of school, the blanket was naturally new. But
parents would still need to purchase it beforehand and bring it to school for

So the teacher bent over again and said in a coaxing voice, "Did you also
not bring a blanket? Teacher wrote everything in the letter. Today when you
go home you need to remind your mommy to look over it again oh." Since
it was the first day, these types of small incidents were not uncommon.

Rong Zan, who was sitting next to Qiu XiaoHai and listening, immediately
got a wooden face. Right now Rong Zan was already frowning inwardly.
He thought, it can't be that I have to share a blanket with him too? Other
than mommy and daddy, he had never slept with another person before,
could he tell the teacher that he didn't want to.....

Qiu XiaoHai scratched his face. He twisted and turned restlessly. "I don't
know ah, I don't have a mommy oh."

When he said this, not only did the teacher's face slightly change but even
Rong Zan's gaze also swept over.

The five year old Rong Zan already knew quite a lot of words. Because the
Rong family looked highly upon education, Rong Zan had already
commenced some extra-curricular reading. So Rong Zan knew that
everyone was supposed to have a daddy and mommy, if they were missing
one then it was something that very not good. When he tried to think about
it, Rong Zan couldn't imagine what life would be like if either daddy or
mommy wasn't there.

However Qiu XiaoHai actually didn't have a mommy.... Rong Zan looked at
the restless looking Qiu XiaoHai, for some reason he had very apologetic
feeling in his heart. When he thought about his secret unhappiness from
before, this time he didn't wait for the teacher to open her mouth but
suddenly said, "We can sleep together."

Qiu XiaoHai's face went slightly brighter. He nodded his head. "En!"

The teacher came over at this time and also gave Qiu XiaoHai a hug. She
said comfortingly, "Don't worry, Teacher will get you a back-up blanket.

Tonight Teacher will call your house and have a chat, there's nothing to
worry about oh."

Qiu XiaoHai seemed relieved. He obediently nodded his head and smiled at
the teacher. After the teacher left, he turned and smiled and Rong Zan.

"My, my name's Qiu XiaoHai. What are you called?"

"Rong Zan." Because Rong Zan had been raised well, he responded
formally, "The Rong from "Rong Qi" and the Zan from "Zan Mei". {T/N:
Rong Zan used two common phrases to let Qiu XiaoHai know which exact
two characters are in his name since multiple characters have same

Qiu XiaoHai paused, then hurried to say, "Then mine is the Qiu from Qiu
XiaoHai, and the Xiao Hai from Qiu XiaoHai!" {T/N: Basically, zero
information ^_^.}

"...... En."


After that perhaps because Qiu XiaoHai didn't have a mommy, it made
Rong Zan more tolerant towards him.

After all Rong Zan had private tuition back home in the Rong family.

Coming to the kindergarten was purely for the purpose of learning social
skills. Compared to the other children, Rong Zan had a beautiful face and

also knew a lot more things. Towards Qiu XiaoHai, Rong Zan already had
feeling of compassion and wanting to take care of him. He wasn't like the
other children his age who with the attitude of innocent curiosity and
suspicion kept chasing to ask things like, "Why didn't your mommy come
to pick you up ah?".

Otherwise based on Rong Zan's prim personality, it was highly possible that
he would become very disapproving of Qiu XiaoHai's attitude of constantly
forgetting the teacher's instructions, eating food without wiping his hands,
and napping without taking off his singlet.

However although Qiu XiaoHai was slow in certain aspects, his personality
was innocent and straight-forward. Simply put, if someone treated him well,
he would also treat that person very, very well. If someone treated him ill,
he wouldn't pay any attention to the teacher, and if he needed to retaliate he
definitely would.
On the first day, Rong Zan lent Qiu XiaoHai his crayon and blanket (the
latter was unsuccessful). So the next day Qiu XiaoHai brought the toy car
that his daddy gave him to share with Rong Zan to play with. Afterwards,
when he realized that Rong Zan didn't like to sing songs Qiu XiaoHai
would block in front of him and sing very loudly. Rong Zan disliked it
when people said he looked like a little girl, so if someone made a comment
like that Qiu XiaoHai would help him swear back at them. So slowly, Rong
Zan lost his compassionate and pitiful feeling towards Qiu XiaoHai and
only thought that the two people being together was very happy. And if Qiu
XiaoHai forgot something again then it didn't matter. He would help him
make up for it.

It didn't take long for Rong Zan and Qiu XiaoHai to become not one of, but
the very best of friends.

All the way until "Jiang XinCheng" appeared on the television.


Jiang XinCheng was a name which only after Qiu XiaoHai had mentioned a
few times, did Rong Zan go to look for on television. Otherwise the rules of

the Rong household was that meal times were strictly for eating quietly.

They couldn't leave the dinner table and so of course there wasn't any habits
of eating whilst watching TV.

So one day, Rong Zan finished his dinner very early and waited by the
television to see what the deal was with this Jiang XinCheng. What he saw
made him immediately realize by Qiu XiaoHai was so in love with this

Because the Jiang Le in the show was just like Qiu XiaoHai in that he didn't
have a mommy. In the show he lived happily with his father Jiang

Rong Zan knew that this was what Qiu XiaoHai wanted from the bottom of
his heart, he wanted to live together with his daddy.
So one day, when Rong Zan heard his young uncle mention that Jiang
XinCheng was their neighbour, and also by coincidence a few days later
Qiu XiaoHai saw the teacher who was monitoring their midday nap reading
a newspaper which had a photo of Jiang XinCheng in his daddy's car and
reported it excitedly to Rong Zan, Rong Zan thought for a little bit and
easily stringed these two pieces of information together. Then that very
afternoon, he delivered the excited to death Qiu XiaoHai to Jiang
XinCheng's apartment door.

Originally Rong Zan wanted to come with him, but his family driver would
not consent to him going anywhere prior to going home. So Rong Zan had
no choice but to drop Qiu XiaoHai off, before going home to tell his family
before coming out to find him again.

However he didn't expect that when he came over a little while later, Qiu
XiaoHai was eating pancake with spring onion and enthusiastically told him
how great Jiang XinCheng was. To be completely honest, other than feeling
surprised, Rong Zan also felt a bit unhappy.

He didn't think this was only the beginning.

Starting from the next day, Qiu XiaoHi actually stated happily holding
Jiang XinCheng's hand to school. There was also no more missing crayons
or blankets from his bag. Not only that but there also the daily addition of a
lunchbox full of beautiful little white rabbit buns. He said he could eat it
when he got hungry. And from his mouth there was endless Ah Bai, Ah Bai.

Although Rong Zan also didn't dislike the beautiful Uncle Bai, however Qiu
XiaoHai's constant chatter about Ah Bai made him somewhat irritated.

Because he really repeated himself too many times. At that time Rong Zan
was still unfamiliar with the concept of "jealousy". He only thought that
Qiu XiaoHai's joy was a bit over the top. During those days every time he
looked at Qiu XiaoHai's hugely smiling face, Rong Zan felt a bit

All the way until a particular day at school when Qiu XiaoHai suddenly
came over and said, "Thank you."
He said right now he, daddy and Ah Bai were living together. It was all
because of Ah Zan's help. He liked Ah Zan the most!

A few simple words completely eliminated the unhappy feelings in the

bottom of Rong Zan's heart.

From that day on, whenever Qiu XiaoHai felt happy, Rong Zan also felt
happy with him.

Because after all, he was the person that Qiu XiaoHai liked the most.

He would even share his most favorite little rabbit steamed buns with him.


After that on a particular day, the teacher raised the question of "who do
you like the most at home".

On that day Qiu XiaoHai said that Ah Bai would "kiss me, hug me, and
sleep with daddy".

At the same time as Rong Zan heard the first part rather unhappily, Chen
ZhenZhen suddenly said, "That's what a mommy does."

This sentence suddenly switched on a lightbulb in Rong Zan's mind.

If Ah Bai turned into Qiu XiaoHai's mommy, then in the future the person
that Qiu XiaoHai like the most would definitely be himself ba.

Because daddy, mommy, and the person you liked the most couldn't be the
same person.

Daddy and mommy were daddy and mommy, the person you liked the most
was someone you would get married to. The day before the teacher had just
taught them.

Rong Zan blinked his eyes and looked at the Qiu XiaoHai who was at the
moment arguing with Chen ZhenZhen about "whether or not Ah Bai could
be mommy".

He reached out and tugged Qiu XiaoHai's clothes. He spoke quietly into
Qiu XiaoHai's ear.

When Qiu XiaoHai heard it he nodded his head vigorously. "En! Ah Bai
will definitely agree oh!"

Rong Zan looked at Qiu XiaoHai and nodded his head quietly.

Right now he felt very happy in his heart.


It was only that life was unpredictable and Rong Zan never imagined that
there was one day that he would be separated from Qiu XiaoHai.

But suddenly from a particular morning, the seat beside Rong Zan became

There wasn't any warning or any information given to him.

It wasn't until many days later that Rong Zan was told that Qiu XiaoHai's
daddy had gotten injured and that Qiu XiaoHai had gone overseas to visit

At that time he had thought that after a while, Qiu XiaoHai would reappear

Day after day, Rong Zan would watch the door of the classroom.

He was hoping that before class started, Qiu XiaoHai would come running
and jumping over to him.

But his wait lasted over half a year.

Half a year later, on a particular evening, his mommy handed over the
phone and said that Xiao Hai wanted to talk to him.

Rong Zan looked at the phone. At the same time as feeling surprised, he
suddenly felt angry. He was actually so mad that he rejected the phone call.

However when his mommy really put down the phone, Rong Zan suddenly
felt a feeling of deep regret and sadness.

That night, he cried secretly by himself under the bedcovers. He had never
done that before.

Luckily a few days later, Xiao Hai called again.

This time Rong Zan snatched the phone from his mother's hands.

He had only just said "Hello" when from the other end came the sound of
Qiu XiaoHai's loud bawling.

Thus Rong Zan completely forgot to be angry.

From that day on, Rong Zan very rarely got angry with Qiu XiaoHai again.

Because he didn't want to be sad by himself again.

ROAMS - Extra 3

Afterwards, Rong Zan waited two and a half years for Qiu XiaoHai to
return to the country.

In between, Rong Zan and Qiu XiaoHai maintained a trans-pacific phone

call every week. Sometimes Qiu XiaoHai would be the one calling, more
often it was Rong Zan who calculated the timing and called. Perhaps it was
because of nearly losing Qiu XiaoHai and then regaining him, but Rong
Zan really valued and preciously protected their connection to one another.

In addition, in the original kindergarten class, Rong Zan didn't have any
other very good friends. Even when he went to primary school, Rong Zan
put all of his spare time into studying. Around him there weren't any other
intimate friends like Qiu XiaoHai.

This situation was something that Rong Zan's mother Lin Qing didn't
discover for quite some time.

After all she was usually very busy with work. When she interacted with
her son in the evenings, Rong Zan always very obediently stayed in his
room to read his books.

It was not until the kindergarten teacher called their house to chat and
disclosed the fact that Rong Zan didn't seem very willing to form groups
with other children to play.

He wouldn't even allow them to sit in the seat beside him.

Lin Qing immediately thought of Qiu XiaoHai. She actually thought she
was very familiar with her son's ways and thinking. However she thought
that stubbornness was simply stubbornness, it would be unable to withstand
a child's natural ability to forget. As time passed, Rong Zan would naturally
make new friends. So all she did was help Rong Zan arrange some summer
camps, sporting activities, chess clubs and other extracurricular activities.

This was so the usually quiet Rong Zan could get to know some more

As these activities increased, Rong Zan seemed to come around.

He was someone who was more quiet than most children. When it came to
Lin Qing's arrangements, he treated it just like homework set by his teacher.

He would complete them very well. In some occasions he even displayed a

natural ability to lead the group. When it came to picking a team leader, this
role would often fall to Rong Zan.

It was only although he did well in everything, no matter how many

suggestions or questions Lin Qing gave Rong Zan, he had never again
voluntarily brought any child home with him. This really made Lin Qing
feel helpless. After thinking for a while, Lin Qing and Rong SiYu decided
to have a second child.

Lin Qing's second child turned out to be twin boys. This was unexpected.

Originally the husband and wife only wanted Rong Zan to have a brother or
a sister to be a companion.

After all Rong Zan really had too little friends. In three years, Lin Qing
could count all of them, including Qiu XiaoHai, on one hand.

All the way until Qiu XiaoHai returned to the country and pressed on their

From the day, a child's excitement and natural liveliness once again
returned to Rong Zan's eyes.

It had to be said that Lin Qing, who was sensitive about these things,
actually felt somewhat complicated in her heart.

She looked at the two infants on the bed, and then at her oldest son who had
not displayed such joy in a long time.

Lin Qing could only sigh helplessly. Well, just let it be. She would just let
kids be kids.

{T/N: Not sure if the translation conveys it adequately, but I think author is
indicating LQ has a premonition of QXH's and RZ's relationship in the
future and while not disapproving, feels complex about it.}


While a family revolution was slowly taking root in Rong Zan's household,
Qiu XiaoHai actually still had yet to completely realize what was

Recently he and Rong Zan had been having a small disagreement. This was
because Rong Zan didn't like the commercial he had shot. But the film was
clearly of his family ah. He had thought that Rong Zan would like it, but he
didn't expect to Rong Zan to get quietly upset for a few days now. Qiu
XiaoHai might be slow but his ability to judge Rong Zan's mood was
actually quite accurate.

Qiu XiaoHai carefully reviewed his thoughts, and thought that perhaps it
was because too many people wanted to talk to him, and that made the
Rong Zan who liked peace and quiet, unhappy. Look just today, the two
people were eating lunch in Rong Zan's classroom (they weren't in the same
class), and yet another person came to look for him.

This time it was a big-eyed pretty girl with princess curls. She leaned over
and said in a clear voice, "You're Qiu XiaoHai ba. My name is Wang
KeLing. I'm the class president of the neighbouring Class 2. You should
have heard of me before ba."

The last sentence was because many people said that Wang KeLing was this
year's most beautiful girl. She also had good style. Every day she would
wear expensive western clothes and a princess hairdo, accessorized with
pearls and butterfly hair clips, or small hats, which made the other young
girls green with envy. During this time the young boys were just in the
midst of the age where they liked to tease each other about which girl they

liked, and so while playing this game, Wang KeLing was seen as the most
desirable girlfriend.

But Qiu XiaoHai who had just transferred over didn't know anything about
this. He only raised his head from his large lunch box and replied in a
natural manner, "Oh. Hello."

Wang KeLing smiled cutely. "I saw you on TV before. Are you going to be
a star in the future? That's what I want too. I've been dancing from a young
age and been preparing for a long time. My mommy told me to ask you to
contact your director uncles, and tell them to put me on TV with you."

Qiu XiaoHai swallowed the food in his mouth then shook his head. "After
filming the current one, I won't be doing anymore."
After saying that he glanced sideways at Rong Zan. He said in a coaxing
manner, "I won't film anymore, okay ah?"

Rong Zan glanced at Qiu XiaoHai once and didn't reply. The rule of not
talking while eating was one that Rong Zan followed stringently.

"Why won't you film anymore? My mommy says the advertisement was
very good ah." Wang KeLing looked as though she didn't believe. "Then,
how about you give me the contact details for your director uncle. My
mommy will contact them directly."

Qiu XiaoHai had never met someone this proactive. He paused slightly,
unsure what to do. "But I don't know the phone number ah."

"How can you not know it? Doesn't your family live together with Bai
Lang?" Wang KeLing furrowed her delicate brow. She said in the voice of a
child pretending to be an adult, "Ai, even if you don't have it, Bai Lang will
definitely know. Let's ask him. When you finish school today, wait for me. I
will come home with you ah."

Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide in surprise. "You want to come to my

Rong Zan's face immediately went wooden.

Wang KeLing nodded in a natural manner. She blinked her eyes. "We're
schoolmates ah. Haven't you ever been to a schoolmate's house to play
before? Today I'll come to your house and tomorrow you can come to my

At this time, Rong Zan replaced the lid on his lunch box. He stood up. "I've
finished now. I'm going to wash my hands."

"Ah?" Qiu XiaoHai froze. He saw Rong Zan turn around and walk out of
the classroom without looking back.

But clearly Ah Zan hadn't finished the contents of his lunch box yet.
Wang KeLing ignored Rong Zan. She tugged Qiu XiaoHai's sleeve and
confirmed, "Then it's all settled oh. Today after finishing school I'm coming
to your house. Let's meet at the school gates."

"Ah?" Qiu XiaoHai hurried to turn his head around. "No, no you can't. Ah
Zan is coming over today."

"We can go together it doesn't matter." Wang KeLing first felt a bit
confused, then she felt unhappy. "Can it be that Rong Zan also wants to be a
star? Since you helped him, you should help me too. In the future when I'm
more famous than him I won't snatch his jobs. After all I'm a girl and he's a
boy ah."

Qiu XiaoHai opened his eyes wide again. He said in a straightforward

manner, "How can you be more famous than him. Rong Zan is better
looking than you!"

"How- how ah!?" Wang KeLing's face went red and stamped her feet.

But at this time Qiu XiaoHai had already jumped up from his seat and
chased Rong Zan outside.

On the other side.

In the hallway, Qiu XiaoHai hurried to chase down and grab Rong Zan in a

"Ah Zan Ah Zan, I didn't tell her to come to my house. Today we already
agreed that you would come over, I remember oh."

"Then if I don't come, is it okay for her to come?" Rong Zan turned around
with an expressionless face. He couldn't help asking this question.

He suddenly had the impulse that he wanted to knock Qiu XiaoHai out and
hide him away in some place. After the advertisement had broadcast, there
were always people looking for Qiu XiaoHai. Since then this kind of feeling
had been growing inside his chest.
Qiu XiaoHai stared at him blankly. This type of hesitation made Rong Zan's
little face grow frosty. Qiu XiaoHai realized this so vigorously shook his
head. "If you don't want her to come, I'll tell her not to come."

Rong Zan turned his head away. "It's your house, you don't have to worry
about what I want or not."

Qiu XiaoHai anxiously crowded in front of Rong Zan's eyes. He said in a

pacifying voce, mimicking what he had learnt from Qiu Qian, "Ai,
whatever you want, I'll listen to you. I said it before oh."

Rong Zan looked at Qiu XiaoHai's coaxing smile. He couldn't help placing
his arms around Qiu XiaoHai's neck. He absorbed Qiu XiaoHai's warm
temperature, the feeling was very reassuring. "She's noisy, I don't like her."

Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head to express he understood. "I know. I didn't
think that there would be so many noisy people. No matter if it's eating or at
class. In the future there won't be anymore."

Rong Zan thought for awhile then proposed a solution. "In the future let's
eat on the rooftop."

"There's no need," Qiu XiaoHai smiled and added. "I'm going overseas
soon with Ah Bai and daddy to film something. This time I'll be going for

eight months."


Perhaps it was because Qiu XiaoHai was missing a few brain cells, but after
confirming his relationship with Qiu XiaoHai, Rong Zan's possessiveness
was even more serious than Qiu Qian's.


Eight years later.

A particular private senior high school's opening ceremony in A city.

On the stage there was a tall and handsome student making a speech on
behalf of the year. Below the stage there was a flurry of discussion which
could not be suppressed.

"Who, who's that on the stage ah? So handsome, he doesn't even look

"Who are you talking about ah? That's Senior Rong! He's the year
representative of the second years, he's also the president of the student
representative council. Didn't you hear the teacher introduce him from
before?" {T/N: Schooling works a bit differently in different countries, so
just in case it's confusing to you, in China senior high school is grades 10-
12, second year would be grade 11.}

"Ai, I was too busy staring at him. How can someone be this good looking

"Paired with our school's uniform, his looks can really kill. Hehe, for Senior
Rong, I did everything I could to get into this school ah."

"Does Senior Rong have a girlfriend ah? She must be a big beauty ba."

"Hehe, that's an even bigger killing point. He. Doesn't. Have. One!"

"He doesn't!? The voices became more excited. "Is it because the school is
too strict, and forbids young dating?"

"Our school isn't that strict. It's not really forbidden. Senior Rong really
doesn't have one, no one's seen it before. I think he spends all of his time
studying ba. After all he's very busy, not only is he the top student in the
school, he's also the representative for the student council, math olympiad,
debating and sporting clubs ah."

"Are you serious? You're not exaggerating? Then isn't he like a prince from
a manhua, the type that when he smiles there's a glow surrounding him!?

Senior must be very friendly and easy to get to know ba!?"

"Oh, no no no, Senior Rong is an ice immortal-type beautiful boy ah~~"

"Ice, ice immortal?"

"He always has an emotionless face and doesn't like to smile. When he
walks he has a regal and elegant air."

"This this this, this is completely my type ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

"Save it, you. Before coming out today did you take a good look at yourself
in the mirror?"

"No no no, you don't understand. This type of perfect prince is just the type
that should end up with a regular girl ah!!"

"Ha, unfortunately that's not the case in our school. Here, we don't even
have a student assistant ..." {T/N: I'm not sure what the author means by
this, she put an asterick after "student assistant" as though she wanted to
explain her meaning but there's no explanation after....}


Two hours later, in Year 2 Class 1's classroom.

Everyone was sneakily looking at Rong Zan who had chosen a table in the
very back row. And when Rong Zan sat down, he really placed his bag on

the seat next to him. In everyone's heart floated the sentence "just as
expected", after all everyone had heard this story before.

When it came to the order of choosing seats in the classroom, logically it

was determined by how good your grades were. Rong Zan entered the
school with the highest marks, so in Year 1 Class 1 he was the first one to
choose his seat. And every time he would choose a table in the very back
row. Because he was very tall, the fact that he chose a seat in the back row
seemed to be very considerate towards his classmates.

So the male student who had the second highest grades thought that if he sat
at the same table next to Rong Zan, then perhaps they could learn from and
inspire each other to study better, so he picked the seat next to Rong Zan.
But as soon as he sat down, Rong Zan suddenly turned around and said to
him, "I'm used to sitting by myself. Sorry."

After saying that he picked up the bag he had just placed down, then
changed to another table further down.

The boy with the second highest mark's face became very ugly. He had also
worked very hard to get into this high school so naturally he couldn't stand
this kind of humiliation. He naturally raised his head and complained to the
teacher that Rong Zan wasn't following the rules. Unexpectedly, the teacher
only smiled. He said that until everyone had picked their seats, people were
free to change their spots. The boy couldn't say anything, and Rong Zan
opened his book and began reading. Of course after that no one dared to
pick the seat beside Rong Zan to sit in.

In the next time, according to the grades, Rong Zan was still the first person
to choose his seat. So when they came to Year 2, and the classes were
shuffled, all the new students to the class paid special attention to this event
when choosing their seats.

Of course there were still people among them who didn't believe it.

Right now it was the no 8 student, Shi Ting's turn to choose. Not only was
she a very good student but she was also very beautiful. Previously people

had admired her as a female version of Rong Zan, however her personality
was much more friendly and easy to get to know. She had many male fans
in the school, and a lot of them were worried that their female goddess
would get taken away by the cold-faced male god Rong Zan.

However things didn't happen that way.

When it came to Shi Ting's turn, she directly walked towards the table Rong
Zan had chosen. She indicated the empty seat beside him with a smile. "Do
you mind?"

Rong Zan raised his head from his book. He said expressionlessly, "I mind."
From the waiting area outside the classroom there was a buzz of opinions.

However Shi Ting didn't seem angry. She then pointed at the seat in front of
Rong Zan. "Then how about here?"

"Feel free." After talking Rong Zan lowered his head back into his book.

A flash of interest passed through Shi Ting's eyes. She smilingly sat down
on the seat in front of Rong Zan.

This type of exchange was as though even though she had been rejected by
Rong Zan, but she had received permission for some level of intimacy. This
made her male fans, who were lining up behind, to gnash their teeth and
some of the female students that liked Rong Zan also felt unhappy.

However they didn't expect that, half an hour later, something that would be
even more shocking to the fans was about to happen.

Halfway through the welcoming speech by the teacher, a staff member

appeared outside the classroom and waved their hands.

The teacher saw it and turned to the class. He coughed and said, "Students,
this term we also have a transfer student who hasn't had time to be entered
into the numbering of our students yet. He is a very talented sporting
student, and just returned home from a competition overseas. Please
everyone get along well."

This caused some slight chatter. After all this was Year 2 Class 1, and all the
best students in the year were concentrated within it. It was a class which
primarily requisite was good grades. They had never heard of any sporting
talent being put into their class.

Rong Zan didn't say anything. He also glanced with some surprise from the
window outside to the front podium.

This time he had chosen a seat next to the window so that it would allow
him to space out during class.
At this time, when the teacher gave a signal, a tall and slender youth came
in. The youth was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans and it seemed he hadn't
had time to purchase the school uniform yet. Paired with his tanned, wheat-
colored skin and a row of pearly white teeth, he looked sunny and friendly,
and all the female students couldn't help staring.

No one noticed that in the very back row, Rong Zan's facial expression
changed. Even the way he sat in his chair changed.

The person who came in also didn't throw any airs. He said openly and with
a big smile, "Hi. Nice to meet everyone. My name is Qiu XiaoHai. Please
lead me well."

After that he waved his hand in a Western way.

The teacher nodded. "Find a seat for yourself. Let's continue the class."

After speaking, the teacher suddenly seemed to remember something.

Actually there were a few empty seats in the classroom. Other than the seat
beside Rong Zan, there were several tables in which only one person was
sitting. However the transfer student was unfortunate enough to choose
Rong Zan...

As he was thinking this, Qiu XiaoHai had already, under the gaze of the
teacher and the entire classroom who were waiting in anticipation for a
good drama, directly walked to Rong Zan's table.

When Qiu XiaoHai placed his bag on the table next to Rong Zan, there was
a flurry of conversation in the classroom.

At this time Rong Zan suddenly shot out of his seat with the "kua-la!"

sound of the chair sliding along the floorboard.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became a lot more tense. Even
the teacher's mouth dropped open. He thought he had to hurry and divert the
new transfer student to avoid an altercation.
However Qiu XiaoHai only laughed. He held out his hand and said in a
somewhat coaxing mamner, "Ah Zan, I'm back la."

Rong Zan took one step forward and hugged Qiu XiaoHai forcefully. "If
you didn't come back soon, I would have gone to go grab you.

When he released him, there was a smile for the first time on his face.

"Ai, you've gotten taller again. When clearly half a year ago, we were the

"Just cycling a bike won't make you taller."

"Who says! I also did some training!"

From the moment that everyone's jaw in the classroom dropped, very
quickly the whole school got to know that Rong Zan had a best friend
called Qiu XiaoHai.

No matter if it was a seat, smiles or even the first love that everyone was
secretly suspicious of.

It turns out Rong Zan had been waiting for Qiu XiaoHai this whole time.

(T/N: Author's notes says the two people weren't separated for 8 years, it
was just that Qiu XiaoHai travels back and forth from China to overseas,
and the two people aren't always in the same school.}

ROAMS - Extra 4

When the bell rang at the end of class, there was a flurry of conversation
and the sound of people packing up which filled the room.

Rong Zan was also packing up his books and pens. His movements were
very speedy and efficient, as well as being quiet.

At this time Shi Ting turned around. First she looked at the seat directly
behind her, then moved her glance to Rong Zan who was behind slightly to
the right. She said in a gentle voice, "Next class is science, shouldn't you
wake Xiao Hai up early?"

{T/N: Actually says "experiment" class, I assume it's science class. In this
case I think the students have their normal classroom which they attend
most pen and paper type classes, and then go to special classrooms for
science, sport etc.}

Rong Zan glanced up at Shi Ting. He had deep set features as well as a pair
of deep, narrow eyes. The appearance was exquisitely perfect, but because
of his expression there was also a sense of coldness and hardness. "It's still

Shi Ting didn't seem affected and smiled. She picked up her book and stood
up. "You need to give him some time to wash his face ba. It also takes at
least 5 minutes to walk to the science classroom." The way she stood up
and pushed back her chair was also gentle and elegant looking.

Rong Zan didn't reply. He only nodded his head. "See you in the

Shi Ting behaved as though she didn't understand this dismissal. Instead she
said gently, "Then I'll go and mind the table next to the window. Let's be in
the same group next class. See you."

"En." Rong Zan agreed. Then he began to organize the things he needed to
bring to the science class. After finishing Rong Zan opened Qiu XiaoHai's

bag and began to organize for him too. He made his movements slightly
bigger this time.

Because of these movements, the Qiu XiaoHai who had been lying on the
table sleeping without moving finally moved his mouth and slowly woke

After waking up, the first thing Qiu XiaoHai did was stretch lazily. He also
yawned. At the same time Rong Zan reached for the thin jacket which had
slid off Qiu XiaoHai's shoulders and pulled it back up in a smooth,
practiced motion. This was the jacket that Rong Zan had laid on him during

Qiu XiaoHai hadn't completely woken up it. He rubbed his face. Rong Zan
handed him the jacket. "Put it on."

As though he was used to being commanded, Qiu XiaoHai took the clothes
and messily stuck his arms into it.

Rong Zan picked up the things he had prepared and stood up. He helped
smooth down Qiu XiaoHai's flipped up collar. "Let's go, next class is

"Haaa—-" Qiu XiaoHai yawned again. "Finally a fun one...."

"Being able to sleep while standing, I have to give it to you." Rong Zan
helped support Qiu XiaoHai.

"One day I'll definitely master it." Qiu XiaoHai's voice was thick. Then he
added, "Oh, I need to go to the toilet."

"There's enough time." Rong Zan's brow slightly moved. "It's on the way."

Qiu XiaoHai looked around then grabbed the water bottle which was
hanging on the back of his chair. "We should also bring our water bottles.

Just then you didn't drink any water right? You need to drink more ah.

Drink more and go to the toilet more, it's good for your body. My coach and

Ah Bai both say that." After talking he unscrewed the cap and drank a few
gulps. Then he handed it to Rong Zan. "Drink some."

Rong Zan took it with one hand. Without hesitation he drank a few

Qiu XiaoHai stood to one side grinning and nodding his head. Thus Rong
Zan drank a few more mouthfuls.
Drinking more was good. Then they could go to the toilet together later.


The "coach" mentioned by Qiu XiaoHai was his cycling coach.

This was something which had started because of the foreign movies that
Bai Lang filmed previously.

It was a movie adaption from a book. The two part series was also split into
two separate movies, and so the shooting time spanned nearly three years.

During this time, Bai Lang would spend nearly half the year overseas.

Originally Bai Lang thought that because Qiu Qian had assigned him a
private jet for his use, that the travel wouldn't be too arduous. He planned to
return home every two weeks, so this meant that the Qiu father and son
would be able to obediently remain in China and attend school and work the
way they were supposed to.

It was only that Qiu Qian wouldn't agree and Qiu XiaoHai also wouldn't
agree. One of them picked up his laptop and said he could work from
anywhere, the other threw away his backpack and said he would definitely
go wherever Ah Bai and daddy went.

Bai Lang tried to coax them for a long time, his primary concern was Qiu
XiaoHai's schooling, but eventually he was rejected by Qiu Qian who said
that when he was young he often skipped school and that going to school
had nothing to do with whether you would become successful later. So after
rushing to pack up a few clothes, Qiu Qian and Qiu XiaoHai followed Bai

Lang onto the plane and directly headed towards the small wooden villa
that they had long ago purchased near the filming set.

It had to be said that because the film set was in the countryside, the
surrounding environment was very good. There were green fields, clear air,
mountainous surrounds and even a large lake. The lakeside town was very
peaceful and tranquil, the pace of life was slow. Even Bai Lang felt that this
place might be better for Qiu XiaoHai to grow up in, rather than a crowded

So during the three years of filming, Bai Lang and the Qiu father and son
mostly stayed overseas. During this time, because of the beautiful
surrounds, the family of three was able to maintain their habit of cycling in
the morning together as well. And as they continued cycling, then as time
passed Qiu XiaoHai started getting very interested in cycling. In this
country, it was also considered a serious sport that was being promoted

So his hobby transformed into a professional interest. After that he

participated in many competitions. After Qiu XiaoHai requested it, Qiu
Qian hired a professional coach to train him and purchased expensive bike
after expensive bike for him. No matter if the competition was big or small
he would sign him up. When the series of movies finishing filming, it
changed to the two adults following Qiu XiaoHai to run around.

Because of this, prior to senior high school, Qiu XiaoHai's schooling was
very casual. However this didn't affect Qiu XiaoHai too much, because at
the age of 12 he had already found the direction of his future life, which
was to be a cool professional cyclist.

However each school he went to was like soy sauce. The fact that he had
never properly completed any school term was something which gave Bai
Lang a headache. So Bai Lang had a discussion with Qiu Qian and decided
that prior to the best age in which he would really enter the professional
cycling world, Qiu XiaoHai needed to properly experience a period of
school life. He needed to experience the joys and bitternesses that young
people his age should have.

When they asked Qiu XiaoHai which school he wanted to go to, Qiu
XiaoHai picked the senior high that Rong Zan attended.

Of course Bai Lang and Qiu Qian supported this. It was fortunate that Rong
Zan's private high school had a class schedule which had a lot of freedom,
and there was a lot of choice as to curriculum. This meant that there wasn't
any special sporting positions? Then they would simply use money to create
one. There wasn't a cycling club or cycling coaches? Then they would help
the school create one. That way, Qiu XiaoHai wouldn't have to be thinking
about cycling during class and be unable to rest.

Of course Rong Zan's school didn't do everything just for money. When he
applied to enter the school, Qiu XiaoHai had won a string of international
youth competitions. The brightness of the shining trophies was enough to
make the teacher's eyes go blind. So even though professional cycling
wasn't a sport that was widespread in China, however if they really trained
an international sporting star, then that would also look good for the school.

So in this way, the uncouth Qiu XiaoHai was thrown the class Year 2 Class
1 which was filled with intellectual geniuses.

Aside from the times he was training, everyday he was surrounded by these
intellectuals watching him while he slept.

Then what would happen when it came time for exams?

No problem since he was sitting next to a real genius. Rong Zan was
extremely accurate when guessing the content of the exams. Also Qiu
XiaoHai only needed to memorize about 30% of the content.

Because Qiu XiaoHai's grades were also 30% comprised of his sporting
marks, goddammit.


However, actually the special student Qiu XiaoHai and his intellectual
classmates got along together quite well.

{T/N: I didn't want to use the word "nerd" since it has negative
connotations traditionally (although changing). Asian/Chinese people look
highly upon education, so smart students are considered elite. So I thought

"intellectual" would fit the bill better.}

After all among these group of competitive and close-knit students, having
Qiu XiaoHai who was outside the circle and who was cool, easygoing and
liked to laugh (the female students added: also handsome) was fantastic.

Not only that but he was also great at making people laugh. Although
sometimes when he slept in class he would snore, but after class he could
help others weedle Rong Zan's notes out. Since he was a benefit both for
entertainment and studying purposes, more and more people like to crowd
around Qiu XiaoHai.

Not to mention, beside Qiu XiaoHai there was always Rong Zan.

Every discovered that after getting to know Qiu XiaoHai, it also became
easier to talk to Rong Zan.

For example, asking him to borrow his notes was something that the top
student Rong Zan would have never agreed to before.

In the highly competitive environment of the school, every classmate was

your competition. Notes were a valued resource, each person carefully kept
theirs. So if it was the top student Rong Zan's notes, then it was definitely
something that would not easily be passed to others! In addition Rong Zan
had always had a stern and proper image, and asking for notes seemed to be
a sign of the crime of not working hard and taking shortcuts.

However on a particular day, three students surrounded Qiu XiaoHai

chatting about him sleeping in class. After being complemented a lot, it was
unknown who said that they envied him to death for possessing the golden
notes, which was pretty much an exemption from the death penalty and
with it he could sleep as much as he liked.

Qiu XiaoHai heard this then he turned around to look at Rong Zan. "Ah
Zan, can I make a few copies to give them?"

While Qiu XiaoHai chatted, Rong Zan wouldn't read but instead sit to one
side silently "participating". "Sure."

The talking classmates all went quiet. Suddenly there was the "zeng" noise
of them jumping out.

"Is it really okay!?"

"You're talking about your notes!?"

Qiu XiaoHai got a shock. "What are you all getting worked up for!?"

"Are you an idiot! Those are the top student's notes!! His notes!! It will
affect your grades!!"

"Those notes have organised all the important points!! This means getting
the highest marks!! This means other people will be able to catch up!!"

"Only you don't know how fortunate you are!! You actually managed to
look at Rong Zan's notes and not score over 70!! No wonder you don't

The people who had come over to chat were all Qiu XiaoHai's good friends.

So they spoke in a straightforward way.

Although they didn't have any ill intent however Rong Zan who was
listening felt a bit unhappy because these people were calling Qiu XiaoHai

He didn't expect for Qiu XiaoHai to laugh heartily and wave his hands. "So
the effect is just so so ma, even if you guys read the notes thoroughly, the
number one will always been Ah Zan ah."

The students glared at him but they couldn't help but agree. "Seems to be...

the case."

The unhappiness in Rong Zan's heart disappeared. He began to reply but at

this time Qiu XiaoHai hooked his arm around Rong Zan's neck. They were
close enough to pat and rub each other. "Although, even if wasn't number 1,
Ah Zan is still the best oh. So don't feel any pressure, no pressure."
All of the other students felt.. how come these two sentences sounded a bit

Rong Zan rubbed Qiu XiaoHai back. "There is no "although", number one
is number one."

Okay, that last sentence was just as annoying.


It's just that all things had a good and a bad side.

Rong Zan and Qiu XiaoHai finally had the opportunity to attend the same
school. One was the intellectual type and the other one was physical type.

These two different good looking guys would appear together all the time in
the school. Since they saw them so often, it was hard for the female
classmates not to have thoughts in their hearts so they got disturbed quite

However because behind Qiu XiaoHai, there was a very famous gay couple,
many of the girls began to get suspicious of the relationship between Qiu
XiaoHai and Rong Zan. This matter concerned too many people's
happiness, thus on the second month of Qiu XiaoHai attending the school,
he would often be invited out by female classmates for a private "chat".

The first few times, the girls seemed to be aware that it wasn't good to pick
a time when the two people were together. Hence they would always pick
an opportunity when Rong Zan was at student council meetings to find Qiu
XiaoHai to chat. However after the first few times, perhaps because these
opportunities were rare and hard to come by, the girls began asking Qiu
XiaoHai outright in front of Rong Zan.

Thus, when he saw that Qiu XiaoHai would leave the classroom with the
girls, and even prevent him from following, not returning until the next
class... day by day, Rong Zan's face became uglier and more dark.
One evening, Rong Zan specifically followed Qiu XiaoHai back to his
house. As soon as he entered Qiu XiaoHai's room he couldn't help himself
and straight out asked:

"What did those girls want to talk to you about today? Do you know her?"

Qiu XiaoHai took off his uniform shirt casually and then went through his
closet looking for a T-shirt. "Nothing much. They were just asking me
whether or not I have someone I like, and whether or not you have someone
that you like."

Rong Zan didn't expect that the question would be so provoking. He asked
in a troubled manner, "Then what did you say?"

Qiu XiaoHai's head was still buried in his closet. He didn't look around.

"Told them the truth ah."

Rong Zan stared at Qiu XiaoHai's naked upper back. ".... you, you know
about mine?"

"The glory of the debating society" / "The Olympiad prodigy" / "School

Chief" / "Major School Intellectual" / "Ice Prince" etc etc, Rong Zan who
had all of these titles didn't dare to ask Qiu XiaoHai who he liked. He only
dared to ask about himself.

Qiu XiaoHai turned around. His expression looked confused. "How can I
not know? Didn't we agree on being together a long time ago?"

Rong Zan froze. "We agreed?"

Qiu XiaoHai also seemed surprised. His mouth opened and closed, then he
said slowly, "We.. didn't we agree that when we were 16 we would start
dating.... Did, did you forget?"

In his life, Rong Zan never again experienced this sensation of being
smacked hard across the head again....

So right now all Rong Zan could do was freeze.

Qiu XiaoHai saw it and a look of shock and suspicion appeared on his face.

Then he looked extremely cut. He immediately turned around and

stammered while facing the closet, "If, if you forgot then it doesn't matter...

then, then, then I'll–"

Qiu XiaoHai had no words for a moment. Suddenly he felt himself being
wrenched back around forcefully!

Then before he could react, there was already something hot pressed against
his lips.

This was Rong Zan and Qiu XiaoHai's first kiss.

It was a bit forceful, a bit violent, also it hurt a bit and the duration was
quite short.

After Rong Zan kissed him heavily, he said gravely, "Yes, let's date."

Qiu XiaoHai was shocked by the kiss. But he didn't forget his previous
words. "Right now we're already 16. So, so, you really did forget–"

Rong Zan actually had no impression of it at all. However he wouldn't let

Qiu XiaoHai have a chance to detect this.

He turned his head and used the same method to block Qiu XiaoHai's
mouth again.

This time, a soft and hot exchange exploded on the two people's lips.

It was both fresh and exciting, a feeling of wanting to treasure something

but at the same time wanting to plunder it. It was unknown who started, but
their tongues began to enterwine in their mouths. The two people's bodies
were filled heat and humidity, their tongues pressed and entangled together,
and excitement and passion coursed through their bodies. Also Qiu XiaoHai

wasn't wearing a T-shirt, his athletic body was embraced by Rong Zan and
even further stimulated a sexual desire. All of this rose up into Rong Zan's
head. He could only embrace this person more tightly, kiss him more

However at this time, there was a "ka!" sound.

Someone actually opened Qiu XiaoHai's bedroom door!

The sound wasn't loud but since the closet was right next to the door, it was
very clear.

Rong Zan and Qiu XiaoHai sprang apart in shock. They must have both felt
guilty because they jumped apart from each other quickly.

They saw Bai Lang standing in the doorway in shock. Then his gaze
glanced over Qiu Xiaohai's naked upper body and he coughed. "Remember,
about that, you have to wait until you're 20!"

Then there was another "ka!" sound as the door closed.


A long, long time later, Rong Zan finally realized that it was Bai Lang who
very early on set the requirements for Qiu XiaoHai.

He could start dating after 16, he could do *that* after 20, and he couldn't
consider marriage until he was 25.

Qiu XiaoHai obediently agreed. Then he turned around to look at Rong Zan
to remind him, "Ah Bai said dating has to wait until 16, don't forget."

Rong Zan actually did remember this incident.

What he didn't know was that when Qiu XiaoHai was talking about this, he
had never considered any other person.

ROAMS - Extra 5

Not long after winning the Golden Emperor award for the movie Ending,
Bai Lang began working on the movies for the series of foreign books.
Even though the actual filming would not take place until a while later,
however in the early period Bai Lang still had a lot of work getting makeup
and styling for early promotional material.

When the casting was announced, naturally for Bai Lang this new film
emperor's reputation went up a few notches.

The popularity of this series of books in China was already so widespread

that every household knew about it. It had a wide fanbase. After the first
three movies were shown, the fans of the books were all curious as to who
would play the role of the Asian student who would show up in the fourth
movie. They saw that one month after receiving his award, the new film
emperor was cast in the role and with the addition of the very popular Rong
Air commercial, this casting choice made all the fans very satisfied. The
casting director was also very happy. This meant that they had also gained a
free, additional promotion gold card. With the two things complimenting
each other, the effect was very good.

Thus, Bai Lang's career after becoming the movie emperor took off faster
than anyone could have expected.

After all the chance to film a foreign blockbuster was an opportunity that
didn't come easily. There were many film emperors who while having a
great career domestically, didn't have any bright successes overseas. The
fact that Bai Lang got this opportunity can also be considered his fortune.

When these two final movies were successfully shown to the world and
succeeded both in terms of popularity, critical opinion and box office sales,
Bai Lang rode the wave to successfully become an "international superstar".

Even though he really hadn't filmed that many works.

And when Father Bai came to find Bai Lang, it was when the first movie
Bai Lang filmed for that series of books had just come into the theatres.

At that time, no matter if it was big streets or small alleys, all were covered
with posters for the movie. Bai Lang had also busy doing promotions for it.
Father Bai loitered outside Total Entertainment's big building suspiciously
and after being recognized by the eagle-eyed security team, Fang Hua
brought him in via the back door then called Bai Lang to let him know.

Bai Lang went silent for a few seconds then agreed to come by for a


Bai Lang had only lightly pushed open the door when he saw the back of a
person standing looking out the window of his personal office.

Father Bai was wearing pants of an indeterminate color and it was covered
with dirt and grease. His ashy gray hair was very messy. In these years he
had become quite a lot thinner and his shoulders were hunched as though he
was about to collapse. No matter if it was when Bai Lang was young and at
home, or when he was a farmer, Father Bai had never had this kind of
dejected and downtrodden appearance.

Looking at this made Bai Lang's footsteps pause slightly. "Dad."

Father Bai who was spacing out next to the floor length windows was
startled. Swaying slightly, he turned around.

On his old and pale face there were many lines etched. His expression was
very hesitant, "Ah, Ah Lang...."

Looking at this father who appeared like a completely different person, Bai
Lang really didn't know what to say. "Why don't you sit while waiting?"

On the coffee table next to the couch there was a cup of tea placed. The
secretary wasn't likely to have forgotten her responsibilities.

Father Bai lowered his head. Guiltily he pulled at his clothes. "I'm scared,
scared of making it dirty. I can just stand here, it's okay...."

If these words came from Bai Li's mouth, Bai Lang would definitely think
he was acting.
But when it came from Father Bai, Bai Lang knew that his personality was
so weak and soft that even if he told a lie, he would become agitated and

So he also didn't beat around the bush but directly asked, "Dad, do you need
something so came to find me?"

When Father Bai heard this not unkind question he raised his head. His
expression when he looked at Bai Lang had a little bit of anticipation.

But a few seconds later, when he saw Bai Lang was only peacefully waiting
for him to talk, that little sliver of anticipation changed to anxiety, shame
and in the end his face went red.

Father Bai lowered his head again, not able to look at Bai Lang in the eye.

He said shamefully, "I, I came because... you, your mother... no, I mean,
that.... Your big brother, he...."

Father Bai couldn't string a sentence together for a long time. Bai Lang only
slowly walked beside Father Bai and also looked down at the cityscape that
could be seen outside the floor-length windows. He thought it might be
easier for Father Bai to talk without someone looking at him.

"What happened to Bai Li?"

Bai Lang asked this because he really didn't know.

After Qiu Qian's accident, Bai Lang and Qiu Qian pretty much had no
secrets from each other. So Bai Lang knew that Qiu Qian had used schemes
to evict Bai Li, as well as Father Bai and Mother Bai from that two
apartments. After that, Qiu Qian arranged a pit for Bai Li to jump into using
the money he had gotten from the sales. However Bai Lang didn't enquire

further about whether or not he had actually jumped. Because after that the
car accident had occurred and both Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's focus turned to
other things.
Three years later when they came back to the country, the Bai family hadn't
come to find them. Bai Lang also asked Qiu Qian not to look for them.

In reality, Bai Li really couldn't withstand the temptation of the trap Qiu
Qian had set for him. He had invested the majority of his money and lost
almost everything. However the only thing good about this time was at least
that the money was his own and not borrowed. After losing nearly
everything he had, if Bai Li learnt his lesson and was willing to work hard
and find a proper job, then with the small amount of remaining money he
had, it was not impossible to survive together with Father and Mother Bai
even though life would be bitter for some time.

However Bai Li persisted in dreaming about getting rich overnight. But

right now he and Bai Lang had publicly cut off their relationship. Also most
people knew that right now Bai Lang wasn't in the country. So no matter if
it was a legitimate bank or a loan shark, no one was stupid enough to lend
Bai Li any money.

So Bai Li could only pin his hopes on the lottery. He did some odd jobs to
earn a bit of money, but was often fired. As soon as he earned a small
amount of money he would immediately use it gamble. However at least at
this time, what was left of the Bai family's money as well as Father Bai's
small income he earned as a ticket seller was tightly grasped by Mother Bai.

So even though Bai Li's income was zero, the family of three was able to
rent a small apartment and just managed to get by.

However Bai Li was not willing to keep living like this. Because after Bai
Li stole the deeds of the apartments to sell, Mother Bai's attitude towards
Bai Li had changed to treating him like an enemy. She would often hit him
and swear at him. Every day during the three meal times this scene would
definitely occur. This made the already short-tempered Bai Li fill with
anger and on a particular day he finally lost control and pushed Mother Bai
violently to the ground, twisting her ankle.

Mother Bai lay on the ground and yelled out painfully. She didn't forget to
curse hatefully at Bai Li and said she would definitely sue this unfilial son
to death!! Ungrateful wretch!! So big and old but still wants his old parents
to support him, this useless trash!!

When Bai Li heard this he was both angry and frightened. He knew that the
crime of hurting someone would be compounded by the fact that he was a
son hurting his parents. So without another thought, he snatched the bank
card that Mother Bai had always guarded preciously and without even
turning back around, he rushed out the door and never came back.

When Father Bai finished work and came home, Mother Bai was in so
much pain she had nearly fainted. Because originally she thought it was just
a sprain and that she could endure the pain and just massage and roll it a bit
until it became better. But when she manipulated it, the originally 50%

injury was turned by her into an 80% injury. By the time she got to the
hospital, the shattered bone was already at the point where it would never
heal back to its original state. This fall caused her to become a cripple.

Mother Bai was filled with even more hate. Holding her crutch, she hobbled
to the police station to file charges against Bai Li. This turned Bai Li into a
wanted man. It was unknown whether or not he would be caught, but the
Bai family's circumstances didn't get any better because of the charges.

After Bai Li stole the family's money and ran away, Father Bai's tiny
income after paying Mother Bai's hospital and medication fees meant that
they were no longer able to afford to rent the apartment. Although the kind-
hearted landlord agreed to let them stay another few months, however the
small amusement park that Father Bai worked in was also demolished. Now
that he lost his job, if not for the fact that Mother Bai sold her jewellery and
managed to find an even worse, dilapidated apartment to momentarily hide
from the wind and rain, then probably right now Father Bai and the disabled
Mother Bai would probably be homeless and living on the streets.

"After that, me and your mother looked through the trash for things to sell."

Father Bai said slowly. His voice became even lower. "Right now, we can
still live, but just a few days ago your mother was robbed. She was beaten
up and the other person also put out a notice. We, for a few days we haven't
been able to collect any trash. We, really don't have any other way, so,

When he heard this Bai Lang also lowered his eyes. His heart felt very

In his past life, Bai Li was finally able to get rich in the end. He used Bai
Lang's money and so there wasn't any discord between him and Father and
Mother Bai.

In this life, Bai Lang cut off Bai Li and so Bai Li could only go back to bite
his parents. However for it to get to this state, to say it's karma or

However Bai Lang had to ask himself, was this what he wanted?

His father who looked so old and broken, and his mother who was a cripple.

Right now could he really feel happy?

"Ah, Ah Lang," Father Bai finally spoke again. "I, I know that me and your
mom, we were wrong about your older brother. Pre-previously, we had
some misunderstandings about you. That's our mistake. Everyone, everyone
says that we did this to ourselves, but, but...."

"Don't say anymore, dad." Bai Lang interrupted him.

Father Bai went quiet. His face was very pale.

Right now his son wouldn't even look at him. His mouth opened slightly
then finally closed again.

"I will transfer 10,000 yuan a month to father's bank card."

Father Bai, whose legs were feeling weak at this moment, froze and stared
at Bai Lang.

Bai Lang also finally looked at Father Bai in the eye.

"There won't be anymore. Because the other half should have been given to
you by Bai Li. In this life, I won't ever help him pay a single cent again."

"No.... it's, it's already enough." Father Bai's face showed he couldn't
believe what he was hearing.

"Two people living on 10,000. It will be hard in the city. However if you go
somewhere more regional, you can live well." After talking, Bai Lang
walked towards the office table and took out a piece of paper and a pen and
wrote down a phone number. He also wrote a cheque and handed both to
Father Bai. "If something comes up, you can call this number."

Father Bai looked at what was in Bai Lang's hand then looked at Bai Lang.

With trembling hands he took it. He spoke with a whimper.

"Ah, Ah Lang, it's me and your mom that have wronged you... this, you...."

Bai Lang turned his head away. He didn't want to listen to this. It would
only reopen the wounds that had already been covered over.

"Go back quickly ba, take mom to see a doctor and.... eat a good meal."

Father Bai saw the situation and shamefully wanted to say something, but
after pondering for some time he couldn't find the right words. Finally he
rubbed his eyes and moved his feet to leave. When he got to the door, just
before he stepped outside, Father Bai turned around and suddenly asked.

"..... Ah Lang, you, are you living well?"

Bai Lang's back was to his father. He didn't reply but his eyes went red.

It had been so many years but he had finally received a sentence of concern.

This can be considered progress ba.

After that Bai Lang stayed in the office for some time. Just like Father Bai,
he stood next to the floor-length window and looked at the scenery outside

for a long time.

All the way until a warm pair of arms embraced him from behind. A
familiar and comforting voice sounded.

"Don't cry."

Bai Lang lowered his already dry eyes. "Who said I cried?"

"You're soft hearted on the inside. You can't hate to the end, but you also
aren't foolish enough to thoroughly forgive."

Bai Lang turned around in Qiu Qian's arms. He breathed Qiu Qian's scent in
deeply and laughed. "It sounds like you're saying I brought this on myself."

"Don't worry." Bai Lang felt his head being kissed. "You just do what you
want, as long as your happy it's good."

Bai Lang leaned into Qiu Qian's embrace and shut his eyes. He made a
noise of agreement then said, "Let's eat hot pot tonight. Later let's go by the

"Okay." Qiu Qian nodded.

"Let's invite Er Hong, Xiao Li, Sister Fang and Ah Zan's family."

Qiu Qian wasn't pleased. "Why you want to call so many people for?"

"Hot pot is better with more people."

"I can eat many people's portion. It's the same."


"That's Xiao Hai."

Dozens of kilometres away, Qiu XiaoHai sneezed loudly next to Rong Zan.

"It's so cold ah, when I get home I'm going to ask Ah Bai to make hot pot!"

Just as he said this, his phone rang.


Just before the next lunar new year festival, Bai Lang's house received a
cardboard box of vegetables.

On it was written Father Bai's name, and there was also a crumpled letter.

In it the first sentence, although it was just a formality, was written: "Ah
Lang, are you living well?"

ROAMS - Extra 6 (Final)

Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's wedding was held not long after the fourth movie
in that series was shown in the cinemas.

It was really just to make up for before, because Bai Lang and Qiu Qian had
gotten registered long ago in H country after Qiu Qian's recovery from his

The reason was pretty simple. Qiu Qian's rehabilitation was in D country,
however the neighbouring H country was the first country in the world to
recognize gay marriage. So in D country there were many gay couples who
ran to the neighbouring H country to get married.

When Qiu Qian saw these couples his eyes went red and naturally he didn't
want to miss this opportunity.

The only reason they hadn't done it earlier was because Qiu Qian had said
that this was the reward he would give himself after standing up from his

However this event was not known by many people in China. The day they
got registered, the only people that attended was Bai Lang, Qiu XiaoHai
and the still walking very slowly Qiu Qian. In addition there was Hong
Hong who drove them to the civil registry bureau. They signed a few
documents and got their registration.

After that, Bai Lang focused on Qiu Qian's rehabilitation. Qiu Qian was
also occupied in the final stages of snatching power of the Qiu family. So
because they were both busy, the two people didn't even think about any
wedding ceremony. Because this matter didn't seem that significant. The
people who mattered already knew that they were married.

However it was only that when the fourth movie for that series of books hit
the theatres, Bai Lang's fame really reached a new peak.

Movie fans were added to book fans, and with the addition of the effect of
the character he was playing, meant that Bai Lang suddenly gained many
passionate new fans. And a lot of them were young women.

In order to express the love and admiration bubbling in their hearts,

sometimes they would call out things like "I want to have your baby!" Or
other such passionate confessions.

If a normal person heard this, they would only think it was just a fan trying
to express their love. They were just words. However because of Bai Lang
and Qiu Qian's special relationship, there were several female fans who
really thought about it seriously. They rushed to Total Entertainment's
reception desk and wanted to send a message to Bai Lang to say she really
wanted to have Bai Lang's child. They could do it via IVF. Because she
didn't want to ruin Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's beautiful relationship. She only
wanted Bai Lang to be even happier than now....

Her words were very passionate. When Qiu Qian heard about it his face
went black. However this was really an issue that the two of them had never
touched on before. One evening while lying in bed, Qiu Qian couldn't
withstand the anxiety in his heart and directly asked Bai Lang.

However he had only just started talking when Bai Lang cuddled him and
kissed him. He smiled and said, he knew what made him happy and that it
was for their family of three to live well.
At that time, in the dimly lit room, the moonlight came in from outside. Bai
Lang, lying beside him, had a radiant smile on his face.

Qiu Qian threw aside his prepared words of "fairness" and being "willing to
endure", and also the information he had secretly gathered about surrogacy.

He only violently embraced Bai Lang and told him that his happiness was
exactly the same.

The next morning Qiu Qian convinced Bai Lang. He said they should have
a wedding ceremony.

This would show everyone that Bai Lang's happiness was him.


A few weeks later, Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's friends all received an
invitation without any preamble or warning.

When the silver card was opened, there was printed three blue colored stars.

Two big and one small.

The romantic and elegant script said that three weeks later, Bai Lang and
Qiu Qian would hold a wedding ceremony on the beaches of the T islands.

At that time they wanted to invite their friends to bring their own flip-flops
and sunglasses and come to share in their joy.

Of course contained within the letter was a return airplane ticket.


On the day of the wedding, the sun shone brightly. There was not a cloud in
sight. The natural beauty of the glittering blue ocean and white sands
enthusiastically welcomed the guests.

On the vast and empty sands a small wedding arch had been set up. The
arch was filled with colorful flowers often seen on the island. Pink morning
glories and white roses were set up in the space between the blue ocean and
the blue sky, other than being romantic there was a feeling of purity.

On either side of the arch were placed some chairs for the guest. There
weren't many, maybe thirty to forty in total. There was an aisle left between
the seats, just like as though there was going to be red carpet set up later.

However today there wasn't any red carpet. Instead there was only the warm
and delicate white sand. On either side of the aisle, there were decorations
in the shape of starfishes and clams. It was both clean and artistic looking.

On one side of the area, there was a pure white grand piano placed. The
purpose was to play the wedding march.

However it being placed like that gave the scene a somewhat dreamlike

This allowed Fang Hua, who had never attended a beach wedding before
and who had come to personally inspect the surrounds the day before, to
finally cast aside the reservations she had about this flip-flop and sunglasses
wedding. She was just scared that Qiu Qian's careless love of the ocean
would mean Bai Lang wouldn't get the treatment he deserved.

But as she strolled on the clean sands, Fang Hua became more and more
satisfied. She even complimented Qiu Qian a few times. This kind of place
which wasn't occupied, where phones didn't work, and which you couldn't
even get a visa to go to without knowing people, was very sensible. Not
only did they not have to worry about any uninvited guests, they could even
post the wedding notification on the same day and let this group of
journalists and fans work themselves into a frenzy but be completely unable
to get closer.

However no one knew that Bai Lang and Qiu Qian didn't pick this location
for the reasons Fang Hua had described.

Because this was the place Qiu Qian had first confessed to Bai Lang. It was
on these sands that the two people's relationship had changed for the better.

Dang~ dang dang dang~

Dang~ dang tang dang~

After that, the wedding piano echoed throughout the beach.

The music today was organized by Rong SiQi who was playing the piano

Qiu XiaoHai and Rong Zan held baskets of flowers and walked down the
aisle throwing flowers, they grinned as they opened the pathway for the

The two beautiful children were dressed for the occasion. Outside their
loose shirts, they wore wreaths made of flowers around their necks. They
looked both joyous and cute.

Then finally it was time for the two main characters.

However unexpectedly the two grooms didn't wear any luxurious tuxedos
or formal clothing. Instead they wore a pair of simple white shirts. When
they appeared, Qiu Qian and Bai Lang were holding hands. They walked
towards the celebrant standing in front of the arch as simply as though they
were taking a stroll by the beach.

But even so, under their wind-tossed hair, the two people's joy from the
bottom of their hearts was apparent and very mesmerizing.

The breeze was warm, their actions natural and sincere, there wasn't any
artifice or too much ceremony.

Fang Hua suddenly felt even more keenly what this wedding ceremony was
trying to convey.

Against the sound of the waves...

"I, Qiu Qian, am willing to become you Bai Lang's, support in life, family
member as well as your only and forever partner."

"I, Bai Lang, am willing to become you Qiu Qian's, support in life, family
member as well as your only and forever partner."

"Your smile warms my heart, your tears break my heart."

"Your smile warms my heart, your tears breaks my heart."

"My love for you is imprinted deeply onto my soul."

"My love for you is imprinted deeply onto my soul."

"Whether in times of pain and suffering, or in times of joy,"

"Whether in times of pain and suffering, or in times of joy,"

"I will support you and accompany you."

"I will support you and accompany you."

"Until the sky falls down and the earth becomes old,"

"Until the sky falls down and the earth becomes old,"

"And the ocean runs dry."

"And the oceans run dry."

When the vows were finished, Fang Hua couldn't help dabbing away the
tears at the corner of her eyes.


Afterwards the wedding ceremony was cut into a short 10 minute clip.

The person responsible for doing the editing was this year's winner of the
Golden Emperor award for best director, Zhu Kuan. His signature aesthetic
filmmaking, paired with the music from the winner of the Golden Coil,
meant that when this clip was uploaded onto Total Entertainment's website,
the initial download quickly reached several tens of thousands.

He didn't want anyone to disturb them during the wedding but Qiu Qian
didn't mind letting the fans have a good look afterwards. As Bai Lang's fans
furiously clicked, they couldn't help but admit that the male god in their
hearts had found a good man. This type of wedding ceremony which was
simple and natural, but at the same time didn't lose in the romance
department, really fulfilled the fantasies women had in their hearts about
what a wedding should look like.

Don't say, but beach weddings really started trending afterwards in China.

However based on the quality of the beaches in the country, as well as the
crowded population, even if the venue was cleared the scenery didn't look

as beautiful. Most people could only rub their hands and wait for this trend
to pass.

However this didn't stop people from discovering T island's natural beauty.

And the first tourist spot that was open to the public was of course the
beach that Bai Lang and Qiu Qian got married on. Because right now,
because of the series of foreign movies, Bai Lang could be considered
internationally famous. The wedding clip that was posted on Total
Entertainment's website was quickly reposted by various international
media outlets.

Of course, all of the above happened afterwards.

On the actual day of the ceremony, the two little flower children also made
a promise to each other.

"Ah Zan, how long will you be staying here to play this time?"

"Three days."
"Only three days oh. Then tomorrow let's go collect seashells, and the day
after let's go pick fruit ah."


"Look this is the type I like to collect, they're pretty ba."

Qiu XiaoHai patted the sand off his hands and from his pocket took out a
white-colored, small conch shell and handed it to Rong Zan.

Rong Zan took it and examined it carefully. It was very pretty.

"Present for you!" Qiu XiaoHai grinned.

"Thank you." Rong Zan's eyes curved.

Qiu XiaoHai nodded his head, satisfied. Then he began to dig around in the
sand again.

After the wedding ceremony, when the adults were sitting on the sunshade
chairs chatting and drinking champagne, the two kids went to play by the
sand by the ocean.

Right now Qiu XiaoHai and Rong Zan were recreating the arch.

"Oh, the side of the arch needs to be curved, and this side needs to be like
this, en..."

"There also needs to be five rows of chairs here." Rong Zan followed on.

"Yes you put five on the left and I'll put it on the right." Qiu XiaoHai


"Five rows of chairs, each row has four seats." Qiu XiaoHai mumbled to
himself. "There also has to be people on the chairs. We can use rocks to
represent the people ba, otherwise it won't fit."
"En." Rong Zan was used to working quietly.

When the two small people recreated the adjacent wedding ceremony scene
in the sand, Qiu XiaoHai gazed with satisfaction at his creation. He even
dragged Bai Lang and Qiu Qian over to look and received a series of

After that Qiu XiaoHai entered a period of reflection. He looked at the sand
then looked at the real arch standing not far away. Then he turned to look at
Rong Zan and said, "Ah Zan, I think our arch is a bit small. In the future
let's get a bigger one okay?"

Rong Zan was someone that chased perfection. Even though it was just
sand, he still was the same. So right now he was still carefully altering the
degree of the curve of the arch. He said, "Okay."

"Hehe, then it's settled."

"En." Rong Zan replied.

So you can't blame the Rong Zan of many years later for forgetting what he
had once agreed to.

All the way until Qiu XiaoHai reminded him.

Then they also had their own beach wedding ceremony.

Document Outline
Title Page
Chapter 1 - Digital Clock
Chapter 2 - A Black Umbrella
Chapter 3 - Little White Rabbit
Chapter 4 - Five Million Dollars
Chapter 5 - Diamond Watch
Chapter 6 - Pullover Sweater
Chapter 7 - Brothers On Screen Together
Chapter 8 - Missed Call
Chapter 9 - Jiang XinCheng
Chapter 10 - Green Bean Soup
Chapter 11 - Following Car
Chapter 12 - Grocery Basket
Chapter 13 - Moon Cake
Chapter 14 - Qiu XiaoHai
Chapter 15 - Little Rabbit Steamed Bun
Chapter 16 - Medicinal Soup
Chapter 17 - The Regal Suit
Chapter 18 - Tape Measure
Chapter 19 - End of Year Party
Chapter 20 - Martini
Chapter 21 - Coriander and Squid
Chapter 22 - Sunscreen Oil
Chapter 23 - Airport Photograph
Chapter 24 - Black Cherry
Chapter 25 - Hong Yu
Chapter 26 - New Owner
Chapter 27 - Long Time Friend
Chapter 28 - In Front of and Behind the Cameras
Chapter 29 - Premiere
Chapter 30 - Young Master Bai
Chapter 31 - Old Friends
Chapter 32 - Two Business Cards
Chapter 33 - University Hospital
Chapter 34 - Beer Commercial
Chapter 35 - Cigarette
Chapter 36 - Life Saving Medication
Chapter 37 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 38 - Crime Accessory
Chapter 39 - Chaos Street Starts Filming
Chapter 40 - Retaliation
Chapter 41 - Attack and Counter-attack
Chapter 42 - Turn Around
Chapter 43 - Coming out of the Closet
Chapter 44 - Bai Family
Chapter 45 - Using Love to Embrace Nature
Chapter 46 - Ah Bai's Fish
Chapter 47 - Wedding Feast
Chapter 48 - Award Ceremony
Chapter 49 - Confession
Chapter 50 - Within Three Years
Chapter 51 - Meeting Kang Jian Again
Chapter 52 - Flip-flops
Chapter 53 - Inside and Outside of the Drama
Chapter 54 - Qiu Qian vs Kang Jian
Chapter 55 - Ending
Chapter 56 - New Opportunity
Chapter 57 - Shangri-La
Chapter 58 - Nomination
Chapter 59 - Adultery Headline
Chapter 60 - Complete Defeat
Chapter 61 - Grand Finale
ROAMS - Extra 1
ROAMS - Extra 2
ROAMS - Extra 3
ROAMS - Extra 4
ROAMS - Extra 5
ROAMS - Extra 6 (Final)
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