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1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this project is to design, develop, and launch a user-
friendly and engaging website. The site will serve as a platform for
writers, bloggers, and content creators to share their ideas, thoughts, and
stories with a global audience. The project aims to provide a seamless
and enjoyable experience for both content creators and readers.

1.2. Project Definition

The main goal of our system is to provide application where people can
post their thoughts/ideas. It is also used for editing the thought, deleting
the posted thought. It is also used for viewing other’s thoughts and user
can like and comment on the posted thoughts. Users can follow other users.

1.3. Functionalities provided our system

1.3.1.User functionality

o User can login

o User can register

o User can post their thoughts

o User can add the location

o User can also post images/video on their thoughts

o User can like other’s thoughts

o User can comment on other’s thoughts

o User can follow other’s profile

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o User can see follow/follower count

o User can share other’s thoughts

o User can edit their profile

1.3.2. Change Information

➢ User can update information like thoughts, comment, user profile

photo and their details

1.3.3. Input requirement of the system

o Register information
o Login information.
o User information

o Thought information
o Comment information

1.3.4. Output requirement of the system

o Thought information
o Profile information
o Comment information
o Follow/followers information

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2.1. Introduction to System Analysis

It is a process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the

problems, and decomposition of a system into its components.
System analysis is conducted for the purpose of studying a system or its
parts in order to identify its objectives. It is a problem-solving technique
that improves the system and ensures that all the components of the
system work efficiently to accomplish their purpose.

2.2. Feasibility study

1. Technical feasibility:
Technical feasibility study compares the level of technology available
in the software development firm and the level of technology required
for the development of the product. The level of technology consists
of the programming language, the hardware resources, other software
tools etc.

I. Front-end Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

II. Back-end Development: A server-side language Node.js for
handling data storage, user authentication, and content
III. Database: A database system like MongoDB to store posts,
user information, and comments.

2. Economic feasibility:
Economic feasibility involves study to establish the cost benefit
analysis. Money spent on the system must be recorded in the form of
benefit from the system.

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This include cost estimation

I. Development Costs: Calculate the expenses related to website

development, including front-end and back-end development,
CMS implementation, database setup, and initial design.
II. Hosting and Domain Costs: Determine the costs of hosting the
website on a reliable server and registering a domain name.
III. Marketing and Promotion Costs: Budget for advertising, social
media marketing, and other promotional activities to attract
users to the website.
IV. Maintenance and Support Costs: Account for ongoing
maintenance, bug fixing, and technical support expenses.

2.3. Software & Hardware Requirements

➢ Hardware Requirements

I. Any processor after Pentium 4.

II. Any version of Windows XP or later.
III. Processor speed: 2.0 GHz

➢ Software Requirements

I. Any Version of browser after Mozilla Firefox 4.0, Internet

Explorer 6.0, chrome 49.0
II. Database: MongoDB
III. Frontend: HTML / CSS
IV. Scripting Language: JavaScript
V. Technology: Node.js

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2.4. Technology used

• HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language[1] and Extensible markup

Language are the predominant markup languages for web pages.
It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based
information in a document and to supplement that text with
interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects.

• CSS: Cascading Style Sheets[2] is a style sheet language used for

describing the presentation of a document written in a markup
language such as HTML or XML. CSS is a cornerstone technology
of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript

• JavaScript: JavaScript[3] is a text-based programming language

used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to
make web pages interactive. Incorporating JavaScript improves
the user experience of the web page by converting it from a static
page into an interactive oneIn most cases, JavaScript is used to
create responsive, interactive elements for web pages, enhancing
the user experience.

• NodeJS: Node.js[4] is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end

JavaScript runtime environment that runs on a JavaScript Engine
(i.e. V8 engine) and executes JavaScript code outside a web
browser, which was designed to build scalable network
applications. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write
command line tools and for server side scripting running scripts
server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page
is sent to the user's web browser.

• MongoDB: MongoDB[5] is a source-available cross-platform

document oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL
database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with
optional schemas.

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MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the
Server Side Public License (SSPL)[6] which is deemed non-free
by several distributions


3.1. Functional Requirements

R1: Register
Input: Enter all information
Output: show the login page

R2: Login
Input: Enter Email id and password
Output: Show home page

R3: Post thought

Input: Enter title of thought, description of thought
Output: Upload the post and show in home page

R4: Edit thought

Input: Enter the information user want to change
Output: show the updated thought

R5: Like on thought

Input: click on like button
Output: show count of total like

R6: Comment on thought

Input: Enter the comment
Output: Show the comment on thought

R7: Delete thought

Input: Click on delete button
Output: Thought will be deleted

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R8: Edit Profile
Input: Enter the information that user want to change
Output: Update the user Profile

R9: Trending page

Input: Click on trending page
Output: Show most famous thought of the day

R10: Follow other’s Profile

Input: click on follow
Output: show followers count

3.2. NON- Functional Requirements

3.2.1. Performance Requirement

• System should be able to scale to many users concurrently.
• System is available 24x7
• Errors will be minimized and an appropriate error message that
guides the user from an error will be provided.
• Validation of users input is highly essential.
• The time taken to recover from the error is less.

3.2.2. Security Requirement

• The system is provided a high level of security and integrity of the
data held by the system.
• Only authorized personnel gain access to their private data and
only the user with valid username and password is allowed to view
its user page.

3.2.3. Software Quality Attributes

• The key software quality attributes are Availability, Reliability,
and Usability.

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• As the system is expected to be 24/7 working. High availability is
• A simple but quality user interface is developed to make it easy to
understand and required less training.
• The error message displayed is more descriptive and can be easily

4.1. ER Diagram

o E-R (Entity-Relationship) Diagram is used to represents the relationship

between entities in the table.
o Entities: User, Post

Figure 1 ER Diagram

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4.2. Class diagram
o User had to login to use the system. User can post thought. User can
comment on any post and user can see all the comments.

Figure 2 Class diagram

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4.3. Use Case Diagram
o In use case diagram we have one actor user.
o User can register, login, upload post, edit and delete post.
o User can follow other’s Profile, see other’s post , like post, comment
on post and share post.

Figure 3 Use Case diagram

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4.4. Activity Diagram

o User must register and then login to use system.

o After login user can do many activities such as upload post, edit and
delete post, edit profile, follow other profile, see post, like and comment
on post, share post.

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Figure 4 Activity diagram
4.5 Level 0 DFD

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Figure 5 Level 0 DFD

4.6 Level 1 DFD

Figure 6 level 1 DFD

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5.1 User
Table 1 user table
No. Field Name Field Type Required Description
1 email string true User’s Email ID
2 password string true User’s Password
3 name string true Username
4 imageURL string false Profile Image
5 thoughts object false Thought
6 Follower object false Follower of user
7 Following object false Following of user

5.2 Post
Table 2 post table
No. Field Name Field Type Required Description
1 title string true Title of Post
2 url string false Image/ Video URL of Post
3 thought string true Content of Post
4 creator string true User name
5 likes object false Like count of post
6 hashtags string false Hashtag of post
7 Comment Object false Comment on post

5.3 Like
Table 3 like table
No. Field Name Field Type Required Description
1 thoughtID object true Post ID
2 userID object false User ID


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6.1 User module testing
Table 4 User Module tesing
No. Test Input Output Test
1 Login Login Id Home Page Pass
2 Sing in User name Home Page Pass
Email ID
3 See Post Click on Home All the post Pass
4 Upload Post Click on upload User Can Pass
post Upload post
5 My Thoughts Click on My User’s all post Pass
6 Trending Click on See Trending Pass
Page Trending page Hashtags
7 Profile Page Click on Profile See personal Pass
page Details
8 Like Post Click on like See Like count Pass
9 Share Post Click on share Share that post Pass
10 Edit Post Click on Edit Can Edit Post Pass
10 Delete Post Click on Delete Post will be Pass
Button deleted
11 Comment on Click on See and upload Pass
Post comment comment on
12 Delete Click on delete Can Delete Post Pass
Comment comment
13 Follow other Click on Follow Can Follow Pass
Profile other Profile

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7.1 User Login : User can login here

Figure 7 Login

7.2 User Sing-in : User can Sing-in here

Figure 8 Singin

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7.3 User Feed : User can see the other post and also upload his/her post

Figure 9 Feed

Figure 10 Feed

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7.4 Trending page : User Can see trending hashtags and see that post

Figure 11 Trending Page

7.5 User Profile : User can see count of follow ,follower and post. User can also
change Profile photo

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Figure 12 Profile Page

7.6 Comment : User Can comment on other post and also delete his comment

Figure 13 Comment on Post

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➢ While working on this project we have learnt a lot about Node.JS/MongoDB
and working with database management, we have also learnt how to make the
application user-friendly by hiding the complicated parts of it from the users
➢ During the Requirement process, we studied carefully and understood the
criteria for making a software more demanding, we also realized the
importance of maintaining a minimal margin for errors.

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1. W3Schools is Powered by W3.CSS. , HTML introduction , html (last

2. W3Schools is Powered by W3.CSS. , CSS introduction , css (last

3. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , JavaScript – Wikipedia , javascript , (last


4. Simplilearn Solutions, What is Node.js: A Comprehensive Guide,


5. MongoDB, Inc., Introduction to MongoDB, mongodb , (last


6. MongoDB, Inc., Server Side Public License (SSPL), (last


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