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Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022

First name: NIA:

Last name(s): Group:

• Reason and justify all the answers.
• Documents or books that are not provided are forbidden during the exam.
• Do not use red or green ink, or pencil.
• Total time: 3 hours.
• Total number of problems: 4.

Problem 1 We have connected an amplifier (amp) to an emitter (em) through the terminals (a, b). The
circuit is in Sinusoidal Steady-State condition. Prove that the frequency of the source v(t) = A cos(ωt+φ)
that maximizes the average power transfer from the amplifier to the emitter is ω = 1 rad/s.

R1 = 1 Ω C = 1F

R2 = 2 Ω
v(t) L1 = 1 H
L2 = 2 H

Amplifier Emitter

Use the following steps to prove the statement:

a) Draw the circuit replacing the elements by their phasors and impedances leaving them as functions
of ω
b) Find the equivalent impedance of the emitter as a function of ω and name it Zem (ω).
c) Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the amplifier between terminals (a, b) as a function of ω.
Then, name the Thevenin voltage and the Thevenin impedance as Vamp (ω) and Zamp (ω) respec-
d) Use the mathematical relation between Zamp (ω) and Zem (ω) that maximizes the average power
transfer to show that the necessary value for ω is 1 rad/s. It may be useful to express the complex
values of the impedances found in the previous items in binomial form (real part and imaginary


e) Calculate the ratio in dB between the power that is delivered to the transmitter when ω = 1 rad/s
and the power that is delivered to the emitter when ω = 2 rad/s.

Hint or final result:

1 jω a
Aejφ jω 2
+ 12 jω

b) Zem (ω) = 2 + 12 jω
jω ω2 1
c) Vamp (ω) = Aejφ 1+jω ; Zamp (ω) = 1+ω 2
− j ω(1+ω 2)

Prob. 1 continued on back page...

Prob. 1 Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022 Prob. 1

d) Check Zem (ω) = Zamp ∗ (ω) when ω = 1

P |ω=1 25
e) P |ω=2 = 16 = 1.56 = 1.94 dB

Estimated time: 30 min 25 points

Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022
First name: NIA:

Last name(s): Group:

• Reason and justify all the answers.
• Documents or books that are not provided are forbidden during the exam.
• Do not use red or green ink, or pencil.
• Total time: 3 hours.
• Total number of problems: 4.

Problem 2 In this exercise we study the transient effect of the activation and deactivation of the coil
present in a relay. Let’s think of a microcontroller that activates/deactivates this relay by means of one
of its output pins, as shown in the following figure:

vo (t)

L = 0.2 H
Vg = 5 V
R = 50 Ω

Microcontroller Relay

Figure 1: Circuit

a. Consider that the switch in figure 1 has been open for a long time, and that the microcontroller
closes it at an instant we define as t = 0. Determine
a.1. IL (s): current through the coil in the Laplace domain for t > 0.
a.2. Is : stationary value of the current reached after a long time (t → ∞).
a.3. iL (t): current through the coil in the time domain for t > 0.
a.4. If the relay is triggered when the current flowing through the coil is 80 % of the final value
Is , how long does it take for the relay to trigger from the time the microcontroller activates it
(switch is closed)?
b. Consider now that the switch in figure 1 has been closed for a long time, and that the microcontroller
opens it (puts the output pin in the high-impedance state) at an instant we redefine as t = 0.
Under these circumstances, calculate the voltage on the output pin in the Laplace domain, Vo (s),
and in the time domain vo (t). Interpret the result and comment on whether you foresee any
problems in the microcontroller.
c. To avoid the possible problems mentioned in the previous point, a capacitor is connected in parallel
with the relay. Cp = 320 µF, as shown in figure 2. Assuming that the switch has been closed for a
long time before opening it at instant t = 0, determine:
c.1. IL (s): current through the coil in the Laplace domain for t > 0.
c.2. Vo (s): voltage on the microcontroller output pin in the Laplace domain for t > 0.
c.3. vo (0+ ): voltage to be supported by the output pin of the microcontroller at t = 0+ . Has the
problem discussed in section b been solved?
c.4. iL (t): current through the coil in the time domain for t > 0.

Prob. 2 continued on back page...

Prob. 2 Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022 Prob. 2

c.5. If the relay returns to its normal poisition when the current through the coil is 20 percent of
what it was initially before the microcontroller deactivated it, how long does it take from the
time it is deactivated until it returns to its normal state? How long did it take in the case seen
in item b?
NOTE: The equation to obtain the answer to the first question in this section may not be
calculable analytically. Make a reasonable estimate of the duration of the transient, check the
value of the current after that interval, and improve the estimate in one or two iterations.
c.6. Describe qualitatively what would happen if C < 320 µF.

t=0 vo (t)

L = 0.2 H
Vg = 5 V Cp
R = 50 Ω

Microcontroller Relay

Figure 2: Microcontroller deactivates the relay at t = 0.

Hint or final result:

a. a.1. IL (s) = s(0.2s+50)
a.2. Is = 0.1 A
a.3. iL (t) = 0.1 1 − e−250t u(t)

a.4. 6.4 ms

b. Vo (s) = −0.02 ⇒ vo (t) = −0.02δ(t)

c. c.1. IL (s) = 0.2s2 +50s+3125
5 1 5 0.02s+5 5s+937.5
c.2. Vo (s) = s − IL (s) sC = s − 320 × 10−6 ×s(0.2s+50s+3125)
= (s+125)2

c.3. vo (0+ ) = 5 V
c.4. iL (t) = 0.1(1 + 125t)e−125t u(t)
c.5. ' 12 ms
c.6. Poles change.

Estimated time: 45 min 25 points

Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022
First name: NIA:

Last name(s): Group:

• Reason and justify all the answers.
• Documents or books that are not provided are forbidden during the exam.
• Do not use red or green ink, or pencil.
• Total time: 3 hours.
• Total number of problems: 4.

Problem 3 We want to characerize a two port network Q that contains a reciprocal circuit. To that end,
we take some measurements of the impedance in sinusoidal steady-state:


Z1 Z2


Z3 Z4

ω2 − 1 ω2 − 1
Z1 = j Z2 = j
ω ω
2ω 2 − 1 2ω 2 − 1
Z3 = Z4 =
jω(ω 2 − 1) jω(ω 2 − 1)
a) Obtain the Z11 parameter of the [Z] matrix
b) Find the possible values of the two port network [Z] matrix (there can be two different values).
c) We know that Q is a T-network. Find the T equivalent circuit to know the value of every impedance.
d) If each of the impedances of the network T is composed of only one RLC element (a resistor,
a coil or a capacitor), then only one of the two solutions obtained in section b is valid. Indicate
which one and draw the circuit that compose the two-port network Q detailing the type of element
and the value it has.
e) Find the [F ] matrix (F is the ABCD matrix).
NOTE: If you have not been able to answer items c and d, calculate the [F ] matrix of a generic
f) Calculate the image impedance Zi of the two-port network Q
g) Obtain the insertion and transmission losses of Q (in dB) at angular frequency ω = 10 rad/s if a
real source with an internal impedance Rg is placed in one of its ports and a load impedance RL
is placed in the other, having Rg = RL = Zi |ω=10 where Zi is the image impedance calculated in
the previous item particularized at ω = 10 rad/s.
h) Keeping the same values of Rg and RL as in the previous item, design, using normalization/scaling
of frequencies, a two-port network having the same insertion and transmission losses as in the
previous item, but at frequency f = 1 kHz.

Hint or final result:

a) z11 = Z1
" #
j ω ω−1 ±jω
b) [z] = 2
±jω j ω ω−1

Prob. 3 continued on back page...

Prob. 3 Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022 Prob. 3

2 2
−j ω 1
−j ω j 2ωω−1 j 2ωω−1
jω −jω

1F 1F

" 2
1 − ω12 j 1−2ω
e) [F ] =
−j ω1 1 − ω12

f) Zi = Z1 Z3
g) Ltx = 1 = 0 dB; LI = P2 = 1 = 0 dB

h) Apply frequency scaling using ωn = 2π × 103 rad/s.

Estimated time: 45 min 25 points

Linear Networks Analysis and Design – 31st May, 2022
First name: NIA:

Last name(s): Group:

• Reason and justify all the answers.
• Documents or books that are not provided are forbidden during the exam.
• Do not use red or green ink, or pencil.
• Total time: 3 hours.
• Total number of problems: 4.

Problem 4 Consider the design of a digital IIR filter that meets the following specifications:

α(ω) ≤ 0.5 dB if 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π rad

α(ω) ≥ 10 dB if ω ≥ 0.5π rad

In the design you must use the bilinear transformation and a Chebychev approximation.
Please provide:
a. The specification mask of the digital filter to be made.
b. The specification mask of the analog filter to be made.
c. Determine the order of the filter.
d. Obtain the transfer function Ha (s) of the analog filter.
e. Obtain the transfer function Hd (s) of the digital filter.
f. Obtain the values of the multiplicative coefficients of the direct synthesis of the filter.
g. Draw a schematic drawing of the direct synthesis of the obtained digital filter.

Finally, using the designed filter:

h. Obtain, in time domain, the output of the filter y[n] in steady state for the following input signal:

x[n] = 1 + cos(0.5πn) + (−1)n

Hint or final result: From a. to g. very similar to the example at the end of digital filter

0.093 + 0.186z −1 + 0.093z −2

Hd (z) '
1 − 1.033z −1 + 0.428z −2

z −1 z −1

b0 ' 0.093 b1 ' 0.186 b2 ' 0.093


−a2 ' −0.428 −a1 ' 1.033

z −1 z −1

h. Hd (ej0 ) = 0.94; Hd (ej0.5π ) = 0.16e−j2.6 ; Hd (ejπ ) = 0

y[n] = 0.94 + 0.16 cos(0.5πn − 2.6)

Estimated time: 30 min 25 points

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