Principios Del Entrenamiento 1ºBACH

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Unidad 1.

Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

UNIDAD 1: Principios del entrenamiento – CF y Salud

#GetReady: Each time are further, the

scientific research and studies that
show that people who do regular
physical exercise , Not only do they have
greater health and quality of life , but
they also see reduced the odds of suffer
different types of diseases such as
hypertension, the diseases
coronaries, diabetes or even diseases associated with mental health.

Now good, OK with carry out any guy of exercise physical?,

is necessary a planning?, that I must have in account Yeah
wanna influence positively in my health and in my quality of life?

In order to have a greater impact on our physical condition and, therefore, on our
health, it will be essential to understand that physical conditioning or Training
is a planned process , it is the preparation through the training loads , of the
different systems of the body (system muscle, bone – joint, respiratory and
circulatory, among others) and its purpose is improve the capabilities physical
basic, is say, the STRENGTH , the RESISTANCE , FLEXIBILITY and SPEED .


As mentioned above, a person can practice activity sporadically and freely, and
this does not mean that he is training. In this sense, HE understands by training
the practice of a series of exercises or physical activities carried out
systematically and regularly, searching influence positively in the conditioning
physique of the person.

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

To do this, it will be essential to respect some training principles which are

nothing other than the guidelines that must be followed so that the different
systems of our body adapt appropriately to the effort physical and, consequently,
help to obtain a better physical condition. That´s the most important principles:

1. Principle of adaptation : The organism human is able of resist

physical exercise and get used to its practice. According to the theory of
“stress” or “General Adaptation Syndrome” ( GAS ), by Hans Seyle ,
the body responds to exercise in the same way as it does. does before
any disturbing agent.

After running, swimming, playing a game of basketball or cycling ( any training

load), the body suffers wear and tear that causes a momentary decrease in
physical level. It is physical fatigue, stress either fatigue. Subsequently, he body
human recovers and reaches a new level,
superior to the former, gettinga adaptation
to saying effort and taking the body to a
higher level of initial equilibrium. This effect
is known with the name of
overcompensation .

In relation to the principle of adaptation we must take into account the Law

threshold or Schultz's law : the stimulus must be sufficient to cause a

imbalance , for it has to get over he threshold minimum either be to the same
but repeat of manner continued. It
is about stimulating to the body
above the threshold to produce
adaptations. For we must use
this properly the
frequency, the

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

intensity and volume of training. If so, a adaptation and the individual's fitness
level will rise. There is also a maximum threshold above which one should not
work because produce damage to the body.

2. Principle of progression : Based on the previous principle, can say

that he organism human is able of bear progressively efforts each time
greater, by it that for get a increase of the level of condition physical to
long term , is necessary increase the intensity of physical exercises
progressively to end of chain, with he passed of the time, all the
overcompensations produced and obtain a solid adaptation.

Must increase the stimuli gradually, bit to bit. The application of stimuli will be done
in a staggered and gradual manner as we adaptto workloads.

3. Principle of continuity ( frequency ) : The principle of continuity

refers to the planning of the long-term training process. Without continuity
there is no training . The application of two loads of training very far in
time does not produce any effect , while that a lot continuity would cause
overtraining either saturation.
There is that practice exercise
physical with the frequency
necessary for leverage the effects
positive of the over compensations.

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

Resting too many days after the last workout means losing the positive effects
of the overcompensation that we had acquired,suffering a progressive loss
of the physical condition obtained. So that produce improvements are necessary
to train a minimum of three days per week.

4. Principle of recovery : The periods of recovery are essential in a

session of training (recoveries between series and blocks of exercises) or
during all theplanning, between training sessions.

Let's remember that if there isn´t exist recovery enough there won´t exist
adaptation neither. In every session and in every planning there must be time for
it. Many coaches dare even to say that the cause of the adaptation of the body is
rest, because no matter how much you train, if you don't rest, it will never increase

5. Individualization principle : Each person has a threshold, ability

functional different and reply of manner different in view of the same training.
Between others things influence the inheritance, maturation, nutrition, rest,
motivation and fitness level.

6. Principle of specificity : The effects of the training are specific to the

training stimulus used.

If we want, for example, to develop speed endurance, we must apply loads of

training that provoke a spent energetic anaerobic, or if we want, by he contrary,
develop the endurance aerobics general, must apply stimuli that have that see
with he balance of the input and spent of oxygen that allow to the individual
continue working a time dragged on. If we want develop force in a muscle, the
loads they must be high enough ,… . And so, you must train based on the
objectives desired.

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

7. Principle of variety : It is advisable to avoid monotony and boredom in

the training using great variety of stimuli,whenever possible.

8. Principle of reversibility either of action inverse : The effects of

thetraining are reversible when no train, getting back progressively to our
ability functional initial. Costs a lot improve our fitness level and very little
lose it.



In addition to taking into account the training principles exposed previously,

also we need to have present the called as components of the load . No

are further that indicators basic of the training: duration , volume and

intensity . Modifying these components, can be increased or decrease the job.

It is important to keep in mind that in training planning, has to first increase he

volume and, subsequently, increase the intensity.

• Duration : Is the time during he which he training has a effecton the

organism, that is, the time the activity lasts . It's a continuous work, the
duration will be equal to the volume. For example: 20 minutes of running.
In a job fractional, I would be he time of work from a series by example of
strength, or a repetition.

• Volume : Is the amount total of exercise physical practiced in a

session. Reply to the ask “ How much ?” Can Express oneself inunits
of time (hours, minutes, seconds), of space (kilometers, meters), in total
weight lifted (kilos). For example: pedaling for a hour, swim 1500 m, do
three series of ten repetitions of

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

squats,… .etc. Increasing progressively the volume. Get to long term, a

adaptation to the exercise physical increasing the physical capacity of the

• Intensity : The refers to the shape in that the makes he exercise

either exercises that we make in a session, the “ quality ” of the exercise.

Reply to the ask “ How ?” How much elderly be the job performed per
unit of time, the greater the intensity. We will work with more or less
intensity modifying:

o The speed of execution (x meters in x seconds, repetitions further

or less fast, etc ).
o The difficulty of work (inclination of the land, stairs, etc.).
o The workload (percentage, % of a maximum obtained with
anteriority: kg, time, etc ).
o The variation of the periods of repose between the repetitions
(the shorter the rest time, logically it increasesthe intensity).

Heart rate is a good indicator of intensity that supposes a

physical activity for a organism .


Time totals Percentage % of maximum
Distances totals Speed of execution
Total weight Work/rest relationship
Number of repetitions Heart Rate

The two indicators previous (volume and intensity) there is that add to them
the recovery either rest; the produces in the moments of pause between
repetitions, between series of exercises either even he rest between sessions

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

days of training. In the diverse systems of training the establish the breaks taking
into account two aspects :

1. Degree of recovery : it can be complete if it returns almost to the state

initial, to the keystrokes at rest, or incomplete if the work is started when
not yet We have fully recovered.

2. Recovery type : it can be active if some type of recovery is performed

gentle exercise, such as continuous running, stretching,... , and serves as
recovery after of a training hard, either passive Yeah he repose istotal. In
training programs, the rest total a time to the week after of the training
further longI intense, So like after a competition.

Examples of how to modify the components of the

burden in a session of training:

Exercise and level of I go up he level of Factor that BY

departure job I modify THAT?
Increase the
Do 2 sets of 10
ABS: 1 series repetitions with rest
VOLUME repetitions totals =
15 repetitions of 1' betweenseries 20 butdo less
They increase the
ABS: 2 series Do 1 set of 20Rep.
INTENSITY repetitions
of 10 repetitions
ABS: Do 1 set of 15Rep.
1 series of on a plane It modifies the
15 inclined difficulty of the job
in a horizontal plane
Do 2 sets of 15Rep.
ABS: 2 series
With 1' of rest time is reducedof
of 15 rep. with 2' of INTENSITY
between recovery
rest between series
Increase timeof
Run 20 minutes Run 40 minutes
VOLUME career without
maintaining nails maintaining nails Modify rhythm

Unidad 1. Olga pe teacher Educación Física 1ºBACH

pulses of 130 pulses of 130

p.m p.m
8 race series50m. to
8 race series fifty m. a rhythm of 80% of
to a rhythm of 80 maximum witha
It modifies the
% of maximum with a recovery incomplete
recovery starting
recovery complete, HE and active, one INTENSITY
with aTRUE fatigue
startsa new series with begins new series
rest pulses with 120 pulsations
Run 8 km. in 25 Run 9 km. in 25 Increases the
minutes minutes speed of career
2 sets of 20 squats 4 sets of 15 squats
Increase the
with 50 kg with 2' of with 50 kgwith 2' of
recoverybetween recovery between
VOLUME repetitions totals =
series. Total of weight series. Total of
60 butthey do less
lifted 2000 weight followed
kg lifted 3000 kg
2 sets of 20 squats 2 sets of 20 squats
with 50 kg with 2' of with 60 kgwith 2' of
recoverybetween recovery between Increases the
series. Total of weight series. Total of weight ofeach
lifted 2000 weight repetition
kg lifted 2200 kg

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