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e STANDARDS ORGANISATION OF NIGERIA 4 oO improving life through standards iia Conformity Assessment PROGRAMME + ae wrote Product Certificate 3 (Licensed) [Pcu)No= Leomruastaes This documentis not and dows not substitute in any respect the |lssuance Date: 12 Ocicber 2015 [SONGAP Certificate required for Customs Clearance cay Sale cl Cathie: 12 Cedar 2016 Page: 2M Version Tem] HS Code ‘Product Description County ol | Standard i Origin | Reference |" [esa co [ictaa - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS: TURKEY ie eoovet [Brand Name:BETA rs287) Model Wo.630 KVA 110 415KV 7 | B50AET.OO 190 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS jroRKeY ies eoare-t Brand Name:BETA see) Model No750 KVA 110.415KV an . 70" [85042270 F199 POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY ies ore \Brand Narme:BETA sere (S267) Mot No'800 KVA 1104 18KV 2 i [86042270 [F199 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY JiEC eooret Brana Nore:SeTA : (rs267) Model No.:1000 KVA 110-415 KV “7 [80AZE A090 - POWER ANO DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS [TURKEY ES more lbrand Name:BeTa ere lrszeen [Medel No.1Z250 KYA 110.415 Kv 5" [ 8504 22-10 1-199 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY ec eoure-t rane Narne:SETA = lrs257) Modet No Te00KVA 110.415 KV “Tr |85042290"_]I-198 POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS FruRKEY _|ieceoore lSrana Name:BeTA ee rs2sr) Meet Ne2000 KVA 110.415 KY “5 [85042790 [+799 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS froRKeY _]iec eooret rand Ware: STA "5267, Model Wo2500 KVA 1110.35 KV Pare 6 [#50427 OD |-739 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY lige eooret Brana Name: BETA : irs2s7) Nodal Ne 25 KVA 230.415 KV bi 7 |850827.00 1-130 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS ToRKEY lec eoove-t BETA ; rsze7) YH |850427.00 1-198 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANGFORMERS TuRKEY lie eoore-t Brand Name:BETA (75267) Model Ne:"00 KVA 230415 WD [850427100 1-998 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS froaxey —Jeceooret [Brand Neme:s-TA rs267) Mode No“SOKVA 330415 KV signee [AF Country Office” TT. WTERTER TALIAS®A aye ‘ Sp LAN TTALY om Chea Lecco Ino COMRL.C Manager RFINUmber: Ni ‘This document is issued under the authority ofthe SONCAP for and on behalf ofthe Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) 6028751 STANDARDS ORGANISATION OF NIGERIA improving life through standards Intertek ConFormity ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME We cose: 10ve70 Product Certificate 3 (Licensed) Pow Ne= _—_LoOrTLostae This document's notand dows not substtte m any respect the lsuance Date: 12 Oxcber 2015 |SONCAP Centticate required for Customs Clearance Expiry Det of Corts 12 Orxbee 2018 Pape: 34 —_Vorsion: am) A Code Product Description Country of | Standard Ne. Orin | Reference 20 [8504200 |-190- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Framer |ieceoore1 Brand Nome:aeTA \rs2s) Model No-200 KVA33/0415 KV Fi [BSA O0_|-798- POWER. AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS HURKEY ec scorer Brand Neme:BETA rsasi} Model No300 KVA33/0415 KY BE [BSOATOO_|1498- FOWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORWERS froREY Jie eooret rand NamessETA ae \re2e7) [Model No-#00 RVA 310.415 KV ‘i BS [EBA OO |1499- FOWEREAND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS —_—_— fromcey isc eooreat [Brand Name:5ETA rent erszen) Model Nox630 KVASI0475 KV 7a [BEDATT.O0 [198 - POWER. ANO DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS UREY ec eoorer [Brand Name:3E7A vrenrest erszsr, Model Noz790 RVA 330415 KV WE [SATE TW F499- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS fuRReY lee eo07e1 [Brand Name:SeTA reece rszs7) Model No:800 KVA 330415 KV ‘2, [88042210 0-120 - POVIER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY lee score [Brand NamesseTA are 8287) Medel No1000KVA 330.415 KV 77 [850822 10_|i-108- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY [cand Name:se” st . Model No1250 KVA330.415 KV a 726, [8808.22.10 |i-198- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY [iE eoo7et [rand NameSeTA (8287) Model No. 1600 KVA 330.415 KV mn 7 |BHOL 2250-130 POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS jrunKeY—ieCeoa7e7 Brand Nar (rs267) adel No2000 C04 330.415 m 3 [REO BO_|1-4199- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORWERS rower [ieceoores Brand Name:SETA seen) Merde! No2300 KVA330 415 KV 37 [B5O422 10 _[1-499- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS fronxey __|ieceoore Brand Name:BETA ersze7) Model No" 1000 KVAS3/11 KY Signed: AF Country Office: IT. INTERTEK ITALIA SPA jae lp MILAN ITALY Name: Chiara Laseo Intertk CO/RLC Manager RFINumber: NA ‘This document is 'ssued under the authority of the SONCAP for and on behalf of the Standards Organisation of Nigaris (SON) 6028752 STANDARDS ORGANISATION OF NIGERIA 2 ‘O improving life through standards itn Conrormity ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME IAF Coe: 1ovaro Product Certificate 3 (Licensed) PCR) No= — LCOTLOST2a5 this documents not and does not substitute in any respect the [Issuance Date: 12 Oxtber 2015, |SONCAP Certicate required for Customs Clearance ety nals sesevasas i Gooner av Page: 4A Versions t Tom | HS Code Product Beserption County of | Sandor Non rigin | Reference {2 |B50422 IO ]ivia0- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS HURKEY [Ec eoure-1 [Brana Name:5ETA lrsze7), Model Na.1500 KVA 33/t1KV 99 PROF 90 |i Powe AO DISTRIBUTION TAANSFORWERS TURKEY iE soo7e snd Name: Irs2e7) tod! No'2000 KVR 3/11KV [BS0€2280 ]1-199- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY igo soo7e-r Brana Neme:BETA is2er). Mode! No:2500 KVA28/41KV "35 [85042200 |1L139. POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORNERS jTuRKEY—jiEe sonre-t Brand Name:BETA : fn rs2e7) Mode! No:5000 KVA 39/11KV = ‘5 |85042250_|1-139- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORNERS HURKEY flee soare-+ Brand Name:BETA © rsze7) | Modat No.s7500 KVA 33/11 {7 |B504Z00 _|1-139- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORNERS honey —jeceareT | [Brand Name:BETA 5 (78267) [Model No 0000 KA S3/1H 38, [86042300 |u-199- POWER AND DISTRISUTION TRANSFORNERS URKEY [ie oare-+ {Brand Nama:BETA te see?) [Model No“! 2500 KVA 311K 3@_|85022500_]icia9- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS homKey fee eoare-1 Brand Name:BETA = ; \rs2s7) Model No S000 KVA 311K “| 850421100 i139 - POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORNERS HuRKEY [lec oo07e-1 Brand Name:BETA 2 rs2e7) | Model No.:550 KVA 11/0415 KV i Gi] 8642100 |i-199.- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANGFORNERS TURKEY ie eoo7eT Brand Name:BETA a rises) Model N0:350 KVA 390.415 KV “@]SSOAZTOO 198 POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANGFORWERS TURKEY [EC e00TE-T [Brand Nama:BETA crs267), [Model Na:880 KVA 110.415 Ky ]85082100 [1-138 - POWER ANO DISTRIBUTION TRANGFORWERS FrURKEY fie soore-1 [Brand Nama:BeTA Model No:5E0 KVA 990.415 KV Signee: AF Country Offce: TTL- NTERTEX ITALIASPA Chia f (s MILAN TAL Mame: Chara Lasco inirok COMRLC Manager RFINumber:_WiA ‘This document is Issued under the authority ofthe SONCAP for and on behalf ofthe Standards Organisstion of Nigeria (SON) 6028753 STANDARDS ORGANISATION OF NIGERIA ee ie improving life through standards meant Conrormity ASSESSMENT PROGRANME IAF Code: 10v070 Product Certificate 3 (Licensed) PCI) Ne TCOMLOS;295 Issuance Date: 12 Octobe 2015 Expiry Dato of Ceriicate: 12 October 2016 Page: 1 Version: § [Name of Manufacturer’ BETA TRANSFORMATOR ELEKTROMEKANIK SAN TICLTD STI This document s nat and does not substitute in any respect the |SON CAP Gertiicete required for Customs Clearance Addr HACI SABANG! ORGANZE SANAYI BOLGESI CANAKKALE NO 11/8 SULUCA ADANA TURKEY Telephone: 0000 s72 3944283 Ema: re ey FaxtNo: 0000 322 3040265 : Irn: IRGIBN No: Nuraen Factory Audit Site: SAME AS ABOVE exnTERTEN Factory Audit Date: 30/00/2015 : Hom] HS Code Product Description ‘County of | Standere Wo. aust Origin” | Reference T [85042100 |i-190- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS: jruRKey [lec eooret [Brand Neme:GETA te a crsze7y Model No.:25 KVA 11/0415 KV a —— 7% |850421.00 |l-188- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS ____ jrunKey IEC BODIE [Brand Name:BeTA : ' (7s267) Model No.:40KVA 11/0418 KV 3 [8504.23.00 |I-130- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS TURKEY [IEC soo7e-7 [Brand Name:BETA Cn (is2e7) [Model No.'50 KVA 11/0415 KV [850427.00_|1-130- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS: HruRKEY —|ieC eooTeT Brand Name:BETA isze7 [Model No.:1G0 KVA 11/0.415 KV 5 [850427.00 |i-130- POWERAND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS FruRKEY [ie s0076-T land Name:OCTA reer rs267y Imodel No.:200 KVA 110.415 KV @_]850427,00_|i-198- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS FrORKEY iE eu076-1 [Brand Name:BETA a = rs267) Model No.:300 KVA 110.418 KV 7 68042700 |-196- POWER AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS [FruRKEY [lec e007e1 [Brand Name:BETA (18267) Model No,'500 KVA 1110-415 KV ‘Remarks: PRODUCTS ARE SUPPORTED WITH CERTIFICATES OF ANALYSIS, MANUFACTURERS GMP DECLARATION AND. DECLARATION STATEMENT OF NO CHANGE OF PRODUCT FORMULADESIGN, SPECIFICATION. MATERIAL AND. MANUFACTURING PROCESS, IAF Country Office: TL -INTERTEK ITALIA SPA se Se MILANITALY Name: ‘Chiara Lesco Intertek COPRLC Manager RFI Number: NIA ‘This document is Issued under the authorty ofthe SONCAP for and on behalf of the Standards: Organisation of Nigeria (SON) 6028750

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