Social Media Strategies For Online Shopping Aa-2

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(Reg. No. GU21R0849)

Under the Supervision of
Mrs. Khushbu Kausar

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “SOCIAL MIDIA STRATEGIES

FOR ONLINE SHOPPING” is a Bonafide and genuine research work is carried
out at the Department of Business and commerce, Glocal School of Business and
Commerce by ABUDULAZEEZ BASHIRA ENEZE BC0M (3rd year), during
the year of 2022-2024 under the supervision of Mrs. KHUSHBU KAUSAR This
Project is submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award degree
of Glocal school of business and commerce Glocal University, Saharanpur.

Guide Signature Dean School of BSBC

MRS.KHUSHBU KAUASR Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Kumar
I, ABDULAZEEZ BASHEERA ENEZE S/O Abdulazeez Basheera student of
BCOM, Registration No. GU21R0849, hereby declare that the work embodied in
SHOPPING” was carried out by me under the supervision of Mrs.khushbu
kausar, The Glocal University of Business and Commerce School, Glocal
University, U.P. 247121, India.

Abdulazeez Basheera Eneze


Place: Glocal University, Saharanpur, UP


The satisfaction and euphoria that come along with successful completion of any
work would be incomplete unless we mention the names of the people who made it
possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement served as a beam of light
and crowned out the efforts. First of all, it is by the love and blessings of Allah
(S.W) that I am able to complete my investigation studies successfully and I
present this piece of work which I am eternally indebted.
I wish to express my deep gratitude to Mrs. khushbu kausar, Glocal school of
Business and Commerce for her hearty cooperation & valuable guidance for my
project work.

Abdulazeez Basheera Eneze

Place: The Glocal University

Abstract: Social media has revolutionized the ways of communication and sharing
information and interests. The rapid growth of social media and social networking
sites, especially, in developing country like India is providing marketer a new
avenue to contact customers. The study attempts to assess the impact of usage of
social media on purchase decision process. The study finds that the social media is
most widely used in information source for entertainment, networking, and
information on new brands. Also, the social media reviews and opinions affect the
purchase decision process; however, tendency of share their experiences post
purchase is surprisingly good. Keywords: Social Media, Online Purchase,
Advertisement, Decisions, Factors Influence
• Social media sites cater for innovative features such as ‘like’ buttons and
comment sections frequently used to facilitate conversations. Sharing information
through social media is important because of the impact it has on the choices that
people make when selecting
products and services. • Incorporating Share buttons for social media platforms
such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter on your website will allow you to
advertise your business and promote interaction. Several social media users make
their purchases online after they share items on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.
This is a clear indication of how vital social media networking is in ecommerce..
Both operational and strategic decision-making processes for businesses or
entrepreneurs will benefit from this study.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................5
Advantages And Disadvantages of Each Market Research Technique...............................................10
How To Choose Between Quantitative and Qualitative Market Research Techniques.....................11
How To Set Smart Goals and Objectives............................................................................................13
How To Track Progress Towards Achieving Smart Goals...................................................................14
MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION.......................................................................................................14
How To Identify Which Component(S) Of the Marketing Mix Are Working and Which Aren't..............15
2. COMPANY PROFILE................................................................................................................................16
2.1 FLIPKART (HISTORY).........................................................................................................................16
2.2 ORGANISATION................................................................................................................................19
2.3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................20
HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS OF FLIPKARTS.................................................................................................21
LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................................24
3.1LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................................25
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION.....................................................................................................28
CONCLUSION & IMPLICATION...............................................................................................................29
SUGGESTIONS/ RECOMMENDATION.........................................................................................................30

What is the meaning of Social Media Marketing? The meaning of the term ‘social
media’ can be derived from two words which constitute it. Media generally refers
to advertising and the communication of ideas or information through
publications/channels. Social implies the interaction of individuals within a group
or community. Taken together, social media simply refers to
communication/publication platforms which are generated and sustained by the
interpersonal interaction of individuals through the specific medium or tool.
Wikipedia has a general definition of the term: Social Media is the democratization
of information, transforming people from content readers into content publishers. It
is the shift from a broadcast mechanism to a many-to-many model, rooted in
conversations between authors, people, and peers. Social media marketing refers to
the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social
media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts
attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate
message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to
come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself.
[citation needed] Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth,
meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. Social media marketing
is a new marketing strategy which almost every business is adopting to reach their
consumers on the virtual networks. If you have an idea and you want it to reach
millions, at a very little cost, then social media is the only way-out. Entertainment
companies were the first to adopt the social media as a promotional tool. Weinberg
(2009) has defined social media marketing as the process that empowers
individuals to promote their websites, products, or services through online social
channels and tap into a much larger community that may not have been available
via traditional channels. So if we keep it simple, social media marketing is the
process where organizations use social media websites to build rush on their
company official websites. It does not stop here but organizations also inform the
potential customers of happenings in the organization, launch of the new model or
product and latest news about the organization through social media applications.
Gordhamer (2009) has related social media marketing to the relationship marketing
where firms need to shift from “trying to sell” to “making connections” with the
consumers. This explanations of social media marketing takes us to the other side
of marketing, where building relations with the potential consumers is the key to
repeated purchases and enhanced brand loyalty. Social Media is an innovative tool
that organizations use for creating a very strong public relation with the customers
on the virtual networks (Jan & Khan, 2014). Maintaining public relations through
social media has become easy because a large number of potential consumers are
available on the virtual networks. And making connection with consumers using
social media is only some clicks away. Today’s customers are more powerful and
busy; therefore, companies should be reachable and available in every social media
communication channel such as Face book, Twitter, Blogs, Forums at any time
(Gordhamer,2009). Exploiting the opportunities provided by the social media
communication channels is important for every organization.


A competitive marketing strategy is a plan that helps businesses achieve their

marketing objectives and goals. It is a combination of all the decisions and actions
taken to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Here are
the key components of a competitive marketing strategy:
 Market Research: Collect, organize, and write down data about the market
that is currently buying the product(s) or service(s) you will sell. Find niche or
target markets for your product and describe them.
 Marketing Strategy: A detailed, structured plan of a company’s
promotional efforts across a wide range of platforms and channels. A marketing
strategy typically includes objectives, target audience profiles, content creation
steps, key performance indicators, and other components. Your marketing strategy
must align with your business’ overall vision, values, and goals.
 Target Audience: Identify your target audience. This process not only
entails understanding who your customers are but also what they want, what they
need, and what they value.
 Competition: Describe your competition. Develop your “unique selling
proposition.” What makes you stand apart from your competition? What is your
competition doing about branding?
 Product: Describe your product. How does your product relate to the
market? What does your market need, what do they currently use, and what do
they need above and beyond current use?
 Mission Statement: Write a few sentences that state your business’s
purpose, what it does, and why it exists.
 Goals and Objectives: Identify your business’s goals and objectives. What
do you want to achieve with your marketing strategy? What are your short-term
and long-term goals?
 Marketing Mix: The marketing mix is the combination of product, price,
promotion, and place (distribution) that a company uses to achieve its marketing
 Budget: Determine your marketing budget. How much money do you have
to spend on marketing? How will you allocate your budget across different
marketing channels?
 Measurement and Evaluation: Establish metrics to measure the success of
your marketing strategy. How will you know if your marketing efforts are
successful? What metrics will you use to evaluate your performance?
Creating a competitive marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution.
By following these key components, businesses can achieve their marketing
objectives and goals, increase sales, and achieve a sustainable competitive


Here are some social media market research techniques:

 Surveys: Surveys are a popular market research technique that involves
asking a group of people a set of questions to gather data. Surveys can be
conducted online, over the phone, or in person
 Focus Groups: Focus groups are a market research technique that involves
bringing together a group of people to discuss a product or service. Focus groups
are useful for gathering qualitative data and understanding how people feel about a
product or service
 Interviews: Interviews are a market research technique that involves one-
on-one conversations with individuals to gather data. Interviews can be conducted
in person, over the phone, or online
 Observation: Observation is a market research technique that involves
watching people in their natural environment to gather data. Observation can be
done in person or through video recordings
 Experiments/Field Trials: Experiments and field trials are market research
techniques that involve testing a product or service in a real-world setting. This
technique is useful for gathering data on how a product or service performs in the
 Secondary Research: Secondary research involves analyzing data that has
already been collected by others. This technique is useful for gathering information
about the market, competition, and target audience
By using these market research techniques, businesses can gather data to make
informed decisions about their products, services, and marketing strategies. It is
important to choose the right technique based on the research question and target

Advantages And Disadvantages of Each Market Research Technique

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each market research technique:
 Surveys:
 Can target a large number of potential respondents for gathering large
quantities of data.
 Can be conducted online, over the phone, or in person.
 Low response rates, which can be improved by offering incentives or
making the survey shorter and more engaging.
 Focus Groups:
 Useful for gathering qualitative data and understanding how people feel
about a product or service.
 Can provide insights into how people interact with each other and how they
perceive a product or service.
 Small sample size, which may not be representative of the target audience.
 Can be expensive to conduct.
 Interviews:
 Can provide in-depth insights into a person's thoughts and feelings about a
product or service.
 Can be conducted in person, over the phone, or online.
 Small sample size, which may not be representative of the target audience.
 Can be time-consuming and expensive to conduct.
 Observation:
 Can provide insights into how people behave in their natural environment.
 Can be done in person or through video recordings.
 May not provide insights into why people behave a certain way.
 Can be time-consuming and expensive to conduct.
 Experiments/Field Trials:
 Can provide insights into how a product or service performs in the market.
 Can be conducted in a real-world setting.
 Can be expensive to conduct.
 May not provide insights into why a product or service is performing a
certain way.
 Secondary Research:
 Can save time and money by analyzing data that has already been collected
by others.
 Can provide insights into the market, competition, and target audience.
 May not be specific to the target audience.
 May not provide insights into the unique needs and preferences of the target
By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each market research
technique, businesses can choose the right technique based on their research
question and target audience. It is important to choose the right technique to gather
useful information and make informed decisions about products, services, and
marketing strategies.
How To Choose Between Quantitative and Qualitative Market Research Techniques
To choose between quantitative and qualitative market research techniques,
businesses can consider the following factors:
 Research Goals: Determine the research goals and objectives. If the goal is
to reach a critical inference about a larger audience, then quantitative research is
required. If the goal is to map out the nuanced experience of an individual, then
qualitative research is required
 Data Collection Methods: Determine the data collection methods that will
be used. Quantitative research involves collecting large amounts of data through
surveys, questionnaires, and polling methods. Qualitative research involves
determining customer motivation through close observation – typically in a small
group or face-to-face encounter
 Sample Size: Consider the sample size needed for the research. Quantitative
research typically involves a larger sample size, while qualitative research involves
a smaller sample size
 Data Analysis: Consider the data analysis methods that will be used.
Quantitative research involves statistical analysis, while qualitative research
involves thematic analysis
 Time and Budget Constraints: Consider the time and budget constraints
for the research. Quantitative research can be conducted more quickly and at a
lower cost than qualitative research
 Complementary Methods: Consider using both quantitative and qualitative
research methods. They can be used together to generate actionable insights and
provide a more complete picture of the research question
By considering these factors, businesses can choose the right market research
technique for their needs. It is important to choose the right technique to gather
useful information and make informed decisions about products, services, and
marketing strategies.


Goals and objectives are important elements of a company's plan that establish its
core. Here are some differences between goals and objectives: Goals:
 A goal is a broad, overarching target that a company wants to achieve in the
 Goals are usually long-term and provide direction to the company.
 Goals are general statements of desired achievement, such as increasing
profitability, growth, and customer service.
 Goals are specific and measurable, but they do not detail how to get there.
 An objective is a specific, measurable action that a company takes to achieve
its overall goal.
 Objectives are usually short-term and define the specific steps or actions that
a company takes to reach its goal.
 Objectives are the specific steps or actions that a company takes to reach its
goal, such as increasing annual sales by 10% or landing three new accounts each
 Objectives are specific and measurable, and they detail how to get there.
By setting goals and objectives, businesses can clarify what they want to
accomplish with their actions and create clear metrics for success. Effective goals
and objectives should align with a larger personal or professional vision. It is
important to continuously refine the goals and objectives based on feedback and
data to ensure that they remain effective.

How To Set Smart Goals and Objectives

To set SMART goals and objectives, follow these steps:
 Specific: Make sure your goal is specific and well-defined. This means that
it should be clear what you want to achieve and why it is important. For
example, instead of setting a goal to "increase sales," set a goal to "increase sales
by 10% in the next quarter."
 Measurable: Make sure your goal is measurable. This means that you
should be able to track your progress and determine whether you have achieved
your goal. For example, if your goal is to "increase sales by 10% in the next
quarter," you should be able to measure your sales at the end of the quarter to
determine whether you have achieved your goal.
 Achievable: Make sure your goal is achievable. This means that it should be
challenging but realistic. For example, if your current sales are $100,000 per
quarter, setting a goal to increase sales by 100% in the next quarter may not be
 Relevant: Make sure your goal is relevant to your business objectives. This
means that it should be aligned with your overall business strategy and
contribute to the success of your business.
 Time-bound: Make sure your goal is time-bound. This means that you
should set a specific deadline for achieving your goal. For example, if your goal
is to "increase sales by 10% in the next quarter," you should set a deadline of the
end of the quarter.
By setting SMART goals and objectives, businesses can clarify what they want to
accomplish with their actions and create clear metrics for success. Effective goals
and objectives should align with a larger personal or professional vision. It is
important to continuously refine the goals and objectives based on feedback and
data to ensure that they remain effective

How To Track Progress Towards Achieving Smart Goals

To track progress towards achieving SMART goals, follow these steps:
 Compare Actual Results with Expected Outcomes: To review the
progress of SMART goals, you need to compare the actual results with the
expected outcomes and identify the achievements, challenges, and areas for
improvement. This can be done at the end of the goal period or at regular
intervals along the way
 Set Clear Milestones: Tracking your goals entails setting clear milestones
and regularly self-evaluating to see how you're progressing toward your desired
results. This helps you determine what you can improve to more effectively hit
these goals.
 Use the SMART Goal Method: Using the SMART Goal Method gives you
a great baseline to review your goal progress. The SMART Goals acronym
stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
 Assign Reasonable Deadlines: Assign reasonable deadlines to your goals.
This helps you stay accountable and motivated to achieve your goals.
 Use Goal Tracking Apps: If you prefer online goal tracking, there are many
apps on iOS or Android to help you. Free options include Trello and Asana.
These are more oriented towards project management but you easily use them to
track goals.
 Review Progress Regularly: Regularly track your progress toward reaching
your goals by checking in and taking note of what you can do to more
effectively reach each milestone. This helps you stay on track and make
adjustments as needed.
By tracking progress towards achieving SMART goals, businesses can stay on
track and make adjustments as needed to ensure that they achieve their goals. It is
important to continuously refine the goals and objectives based on feedback and
data to ensure that they remain effective.

To measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing mix, businesses should
consider the following:
 Establish Measurable Objectives: Establish measurable objectives that are
aligned with the overall business strategy. This will help determine what metrics
to track and evaluate.
 Monitor Performance of Each Activity: Monitor the performance of each
activity to determine what has worked and what needs to be changed to promote
financial and/or brand growth
 Compare Actual Results with Expected Outcomes: Compare actual
results with expected outcomes to determine the effectiveness of the marketing
mix. This can be done through measurable outcomes such as lead generation,
online analytics, and bottom-line value
 Use Surveys and Feedback: Use surveys and feedback to gather
information about customer satisfaction and preferences. This can help
determine what changes need to be made to the marketing mix to better meet
customer needs
 Analyze Sales Data: Analyze sales data to determine the success or failure
of marketing mix choices. This can help determine whether changes to the
marketing mix have had a positive or negative impact on sales
 Construct a Matrix: Construct a matrix that ranks the mix components
from most effective to least effective and identifies areas where improvement is
needed. This can help determine which components of the marketing mix are
working and which are not
By measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing mix, businesses
can determine what changes need to be made to better meet customer needs and
achieve their overall business objectives. It is important to continuously refine the
marketing mix based on feedback and data to ensure that it remains effective.

How To Identify Which Component(S) Of the Marketing Mix Are Working and
Which Aren't
To identify which component(s) of the marketing mix are working and which
aren't, businesses can follow these steps:
 Establish Measurable Objectives: Establish measurable objectives that are
aligned with the overall business strategy. This will help determine what metrics
to track and evaluate.
 Monitor Performance of Each Component: Monitor the performance of
each component of the marketing mix to determine what is working and what is
not. This can be done through measurable outcomes such as lead generation,
online analytics, and bottom-line value.
 Compare Actual Results with Expected Outcomes: Compare actual
results with expected outcomes to determine the effectiveness of each
component of the marketing mix. This can be done through measurable
outcomes such as lead generation, online analytics, and bottom-line value.
 Use Surveys and Feedback: Use surveys and feedback to gather
information about customer satisfaction and preferences. This can help
determine what changes need to be made to the marketing mix to better meet
customer needs.
 Analyze Sales Data: Analyze sales data to determine the success or failure
of marketing mix choices. This can help determine whether changes to the
marketing mix have had a positive or negative impact on sales.
 Construct a Matrix: Construct a matrix that ranks the mix components
from most effective to least effective and identifies areas where improvement is
needed. This can help determine which components of the marketing mix are
working and which are not.
By following these steps, businesses can identify which components of the
marketing mix are working and which are not. It is important to continuously
refine the marketing mix based on feedback and data to ensure that it remains

Flipkart is an e-commerce company founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal andBinny
Bansal. The company is registered in Singapore, but has its Headquarters in
Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Flipkart has launched its own product range under the
name "DigiFlip" with products including tablets, USBs and laptop bags.
Flipkart's last fundraising round in May 2015 had pegged its valuation at $15
billion. In May 2016, Morgan Stanley lowered Flipkart's valuation at $9.39 billion.

Flipkart (Company) was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, both
alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. They worked for
and left to create their new company incorporated in October 2007 as Flipkart
Online Services Pvt. Ltd. The first product they sold was The bookLeaving
Microsoft toChange the World to a customer from Hyderabad. Flipkart now
employs more than 33,000 people. 16
Flipkart allows payment methods such as cash on delivery, credit or debit
cardTransactions, net banking, e-gift voucher and card swipe on delivery.
After failure of its 2014 Big Billion Sale, Flipkart recently completed the Second
edition of Big Billion Sale held between October 13 and 17 where It is reported
that they saw a business turnover of 300 million in gross merchandise volume.
In a report dated November 25, 2014, a leading media outlet reported that Flipkart
Were operating through a complex business structure which included nine firms,
some registered in Singapore and some in India. In 2012 Flipkart co-founders sold
WS Retail to a consortium of investors led by Rajeev Kuchhal.
Initially, they had spent ₹ 400,000 only for making website to set up the business.
Flipkart has later raised funding from venture capital funds Accel India (US$1
million in 2009)and Tiger Global (US$10 million in 2010 and US$20 million in
June 2011). On 24 August 2012, Flipkart announced the completion of its 4th
round of $150 million funding from MIH (part of Naspers Group) and ICONIQ
Capital. The company announced, on 10 July 2013, that it has raised an additional
$200 million from existing investors including Tiger Global, Naspers, Accel
Partners and Iconiq Capital.
Flipkart's reported sales were ₹ 40 million in FY 2008–2009,₹ 200 million in FY
2009–2010and ₹ 750 million for FY 2010–2011. In FY 2011–2012, Flipkart is set
to cross the ₹ 5 billion (US$100 million) mark as Internet usage in the country
increases and people get accustomed to making purchases online. Flipkart projects
its sales to reach ₹ 10 billion by year 2014. On average, Flipkart sells nearly 10
products per minuteand is aiming at generating a revenue of ₹ 50 billion (US$0.81
billion) by 2015.
On November 2012, Flipkart became one of the companies being probed for
alleged violations of FDI regulations of the Foreign Exchange Management Act,
1999 17
Flipkart reported a loss of ₹ 281 crore for the FY 2012-13. In July 2013, Flipkart
raised USD 160 million from private equity investors. On 6 October 2014, Flipkart
sold products worth INR 650Crore in 10 hours in a special one-day event - "The
Big Billion Day", claiming they had created e-commerce history, but their hard-
won reputation for good customer service suffered because of technical problems,
and angry reactions on social media from buyers disappointed with the pricing and
availability of products. It claimed to sell a whopping 5 lakh mobile handsets, five-
lakh clothes and shoes and 25,000 television sets within hours of opening its
discounted sale at 8 AM.
In December 2014, after it received $700 million from another funding, Flipkart
had a market cap of $11 billion or Rs.66000 crore. In May 2015 Flipkart has raised
$550 million from some of its existing investors, in a deal that raises the valuation
of the privately held Indian startup to about $15 billion or Rs. 90,000 crore.
By August 2015, after raising $700 million, Flipkart had already raised a total of
$3 billion, over 12 rounds and 16 investors. 18


Founded 2007
Headquarters Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Founder(s) Sachin Bansal Binny Bansal
Key people Sachin Bansal (Chairman) Binny
Bansal (CEO)
Industry Internet
Services E-commerce (Online shopping)
Revenue ₹2,846 crore FY2014 (US$ 1
billion in gross merchandise value
Employees 33,000 (2015)
Subsidiaries Myntra
Slogan(s) Ab Har Wish Hogi Poori Every
Wish gets Fulfilled now!
Alexa rank 96 (April 2016)

Motorola Mobility, previously owned by Google but then sold to Lenovo, in an

exclusive tie up with Flipkart launched its budget smartphone Moto G in India on 5
February 2014; more than 20,000 units were sold within hours of launch on
Flipkart. After this Flipkart was looking for a long term tie up with Motorola
Mobility, They also launched their Android smartphone, the Moto X, on 19 March
2014. Flipkart later sold the Moto E, cheaper than Moto G, from 13 May 2014.

The sale of high-end smartphone Xiaomi Mi3 produced by Xiaomi Tech was
launched in India on an exclusive tie-up with Flipkart. The first batch was sold out
within 39 minutes on 22 July 2014, the second in 5 seconds on 29 July 2014. The
sale was proceeded on pre-registration mode where more than 150,000 buyers
booked for the 5 August 2014 sale. This got sold off in less 20
than 2 seconds. Following this Xiaomi Tech sold 20,000 units in the next sale on
12 August 2014. On 2 September 2014 Flipkart held a flash sale of the Xiaomi
Redmi 1S budget Android smartphone which was launched in India in July 2014.
40, 000 units priced at Rs 5999 each were sold within seconds. A further 40,000
units were sold within 4.5 seconds on Sept 9, 2014. The third Redmi 1S sale on
Sept 16, 2014 sold 40,000 units in 3.4 seconds; In the 4th round of sale of Redmi
1S, 60,000 units sold in 5.2 seconds on Sept 23, 2014. On 30 September 2014
60,000 units sold in 13.9 seconds. Redmi Note in India exclusively through
Flipkart; 50,000 units sold in 6 seconds on 2 December 2014. 21


In July 2014 Flipkart launched its own set of tablet, mobile phones & Phablet. The
first among these series of tablet phones was Digiflip Pro XT 712 Tablet.

In July 2014 Flipkart launched its first networking router, under its own brand
name named DigiFlip WR001 300 Mbit/s Wireless N Router. 22
In September 2014 Flipkart launched its in-house home appliances and personal
healthcare brand Citron. The label includes a wide range of cooking utilities and
grooming products.
To begin with, as a part of the curriculum a summer internship programme was to
be conducted for a period of six weeks. Given a choice one was allowed to choose
the field in which i was interested as my interest in curiosity was in Online
Marketing, I choose to work with a start-up company named ThinkNEXT
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ThinkNEXT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Is 9 years old Mohali
based IT Software Company providing business centric strategic solutions to the
companies. I choose the start-up company because with start I can explore myself
and why Online Marketing? Because it is booming industry, the growth of Online
Marketing is tremendous and expected to grow more. 23

Due to this summer internship, I learned every aspect of Online Shopping. The
company asked me to do their competitive research and to analyse that is Online
Shopping beneficial for the customers? With the help of research we got a flow of
what are the major criteria’s we need to have. We had to identify various sectors in
the market that actually have a need of Online Shopping services. And then your
task is to approach them before your competitors.

Social network sites (SNSs) such as My Space, Facebook, and Youtube have
attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their
daily practices. There are hundreds of SNSs, with various technological
affordances, supporting a wide range of interests and practices. However, the
impact of SNSs is increasingly pervasive, with activities ranging from economic
and marketing to social and educational. Among the wide impacts of social
network sites, they are, anecdotally, becoming increasingly important in today’s
businesses. Thus, the purpose of this study is to present a literature review of and
classification scheme for research works in business impacts of SNSs, with the aim
of clarifying the ways SNSs impact businesses. The review covers 28 journal
articles published from 2000 to 2011 and a few months of 2012. The 28 articles
classified SNS applications in businesses into six distinct categories: the
“marketing and advertising,” “knowledge management,” “social capital,”
“relationship management,” “e-commerce,” and “economic model.” The findings
reveal that “marketing and advertising” were the most frequently category has been
considered in the literature. This review provides a source for discovering business
impacts of social network sites and will help to simulate further interest in the area.
Mohammad Furqan Khan1, Dr. Anisa Research Scholar, School of Business
Studies , Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora, J&K.
Assistant Professor, School Of Business Studies, Islamic University of Science and
Technology, Awantipora, J&K. Social media and social media marketing are
sometimes used interchangeably, but two indeed are different. The purpose of this
research paper is to revisit the literature on both concepts and correlates them in
technical terminologies. We have studied the literature available on Social media
first and identified the basic functionalities of it. Then the literature available on
social media marketing helped us in identifying its dimensions. In conclusion
section of the research paper we have correlated the two concepts and redefined
social media marketing in technical terms.
Helena Alves (University of Beira Interior and NECE) Cristina Fernandes
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and NECE Mario Raposo University of
Beira Interior and NECE This study carries out content analysis and systemizes
articles on social media marketing in the Web of Science database. Forty-four
studies were analyzed in accordance with a variation on the systematic review
approach, involving synthesis- and interpretation-based assessment. The results
demonstrate how most of the studies analyzed focus on the consumer perspective
in terms of usage, share, and influence of social media on consumer decisions, and
perceptions. The studies focusing on the firm’s perspective centered not only on
the usage of social media, but also on their implementation, optimization, and
measurement of results. The majority of studies are quantitative and published in
recent years. This study not only reached certain conclusions for both theory and
practice, but also defined future lines of research according to the gaps detected by
the study’s results. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The research methodology defines what the activity of research is, how to proceed,
how to measure progress, and what constitutes success. It provides us an
advancement of wealth of human knowledge, tools of the trade to carry out
research, tools to look at things in life objectively; develops a critical and scientific
attitude, disciplined thinking to observe objectively (scientific deduction and
inductive thinking); skills of research particularly in the ‘age of information’.
The current literature on consumer online purchasing decisions has mainly
concentrated on identifying the factors, which affect the willingness of consumers
to engage in Internet shopping. In the domain of consumer behaviour research,
there are general models of buying behaviour that depict the process which
consumers use in making a purchase decision. These models are very important to
marketers as they have the ability to explain and predict consumers‘ purchase
behaviour. The classic consumer purchasing decision-making theory can be
characterized as a range extending from routine problem-solving behaviours,
through to limited problem solving behaviours and then towards extensive
problem-solving behaviours. The traditional framework for analysis of the buyer
decision process is a five-step model. Given the model, the consumer progresses
firstly from a state of felt deprivation (problem recognition), to the search for
information on problem solutions. The information gathered provides the basis for
the evaluation of alternatives. Finally, post-purchase behaviours critical in the
marketing perspective, as it eventually affects consumers‘perception of
satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the product/service. This classic five-stage model
comprises the essence of consumer behaviour under most contexts.
Nevertheless, the management of marketing issues at each stage in the virtual
environment has to be resolved by individual E-marketers. It is an early stage in
Internet 26
development in terms of building an appropriate dedicated model of consumer
buying behaviour. Decision sequences will be influenced by the starting point of
the consumer, the relevant market structures and the characteristics of the product
in question. Consumers' attitude towards online shopping is a prominent factor
affecting actual buying behaviour.
There are several indicators, belonging to four major categories; the value of the
product, the shopping experience, the quality of service offered by the website and
the risk perceptions of Internet retail shopping. There are some nine factors
associated with users' perception of online shoping. Among those factors the risk
perception of users was demonstrated to be the main discriminator between people
buying online and people not buying online. Other discriminating factors
were;control over, and convenience of, the shopping process, affordability of
products, customer service and ease of use of the shopping site. Experts tested a
model of consumer attitude towards specific web base stores, in which perceptions
of the store's reputation and size were assumed to affect consumer trust of the
retailer. The level of trust was positively related to the attitude toward the store,
and inversely related to the perception of the risks involved in buying from that
Researchers concluded that the attitude and the risk perception affected the
consumer's intention to buy from the store. Consumer risk perceptions and
concerns regarding online shopping are mainly related to aspects involving the
privacy and security of personal information, the security of online transaction
systems and the uncertainty of product quality. It is found that trust is interwoven
with risk.
One of the consequences of trust is that it reduces the consumer‘s perception of
risk associated with opportunistic behaviour by the seller. Lack of trust is
frequently reported as the reason for consumers not purchasing from Internet
shops, as trust is regarded as an important factor under conditions of uncertainty
and risk in traditional theories.
As consumers continue to perform more and more of their activities online, social
networking techniques, to include email marketing, have assumed an increasingly
important role in their daily lives. The sheer volume of using campaign through
email, Facebook, google AdWords & AdSense is useful for E-commerce industrial
growth and social media used as a marketing too in India. To manage this increase
in online activity, consumers are moving through their social media engine more
quickly, looking not only for the information and benefits but also for new updates,
profit, quality and easily available in services they need and want. Additionally, up
to 25% of the Indian population is accessing their social networking sites with
hand-held devices, not only for shopping or services but also for new updates on it.
So how do E-Commerce marketers break through the clutter to efficiently and
effectively improve results? The key to success in this complex environment is
using relevance-enhancing tactics. Here are 12 proven tactics that can help any
marketer advance the relevance of their social media marketing messages and
improve results. You will learn how to: Benefit from the impact that short-burst
and attractive communications are having on our society. Understand and use
subscriber behavior and engagement as the primary tool for deciding future social
media campaign messaging and offers. By analyzing the campaign results on the
basic of CTR, bounce rate, Likes, impressions, spend & earnings also by the
queries & feedbacks. Use Social media analyzing tools which is available for free.
Leverage the relationship that engagement and relevancy have on your sender
reputation and message delivery. Use visitor Website behavior and analytics to
improve message relevancy. Test to better control the impact of messaging on
future success. Develop content and subject lines that are more effective. Apply
social networking techniques to improve your company's relevance with social
media subscribers. Drive subscriber acquisition and optimize search. 47 Implement
best practices in creative design to be relevant on the small screens of mobile and
desktop devices. Implement segmentation tactics that drive both top and bottom
line results These 12 techniques can be implemented by entry level and advanced
marketers who want to improve social media marketing results by creating greater
engagement through relevance.

At the heart of any Business are Customers, and Social networking represents an
opportunity to build even more mutually rewarding and candid relationships with
those Customers. But for organizations to realize tangible business benefits, they
need to find better ways to plan, manage, and measure their social networking
efforts. Social media deals with engaging the customers & vendors and
maintaining a bridge between these two. With the advent of internet and ongoing
changes in Consumer Behavior, last decade has witnessed revolutionary growth in
E-Commerce and E Business in India because of significant use of Social media
marketing tools. Social marketing uses the benefits and of doing social good to
secure and maintain customer engagement. In social marketing the distinguishing
feature is therefore its "primary focus on social good, and it is not a secondary
outcome. Not all public sector and not-for-profit marketing is social marketing.
Increasingly, social marketing is being described as having "two parents"—a
"social parent" = social sciences and social policy, and a "marketing parent" =
commercial and public sector marketing approaches. Public sector bodies can use
standard marketing approaches to improve the promotion of their relevant services
and organizational aims. This can be very important, but should not be confused
with social marketing where the focus is on achieving specific behavioral goals
with specific audiences in relation to different topics relevant to social good (e.g.:
health, sustainability, recycling, etc.) There is no escaping social media these days,
either for individuals or for businesses. Today, it is impossible to separate social
media from the online world. The social media conversation is no longer
considered a Web 2.0 fad -- it is taking place in homes, small businesses and
corporate boardrooms, and extending its reach into the nonprofit, education and
health sectors. From feeling excitement, novelty, bewilderment, and overwhelmed,
a growing number of people now speak of social media as simply another channel
or tactic. Blogging can have a very positive effect on your Company’s branding
growth. As per the Hubspot report, Customers with blogs gathered 68% more leads
than customers without blogs. It is imperative to understand that today, social
media have exponential potential. They are part of an ever- growing online
network of people who discuss, comment, participate, share and create. Whether
you are an individual, a startup, small business or a large corporation, an online
presence and an ongoing conversation with your constituents is a baseline
requirement -- and
will take time and expertise. Companies are diverting resources and rethinking
their traditional outreach strategies. And as the social media wave dissipates into
the vast ocean of connected experiences, the term itself will become an entry in
dictionaries and encyclopedias and we will embark on a new era of knowledge,
accessibility and experiences unbound by distance, time or physical walls. It is
high time that every business adopts social media and takes it seriously.

To prevent of the fake websites by filtering the unwanted and irrelevant
advertisement using firewall security. • Social media can keep the privacy of the
customers according to their searching of products. • E-commerce websites can
give more offers and discounts to the users who subscribed to their page in social
media. • Make the customers realize how trustworthy their products are through
social media.

Social networks have a role in influencing the behaviour of consumers in the
virtual environments, particularly when the degree of exposure of messages and
the relation created between the variety of information given of information given
and the customer who is about to make a purchase. There are many people who are
still preferred to buy through physical mediums. But also we could find that this
major chunk of population belongs to the age group of 18-32 are the potential
buyers of certain products such as electronics, clothes, books, home appliances are
purchased through online. While coming to the most important attribute that makes
a consumer choose to buy products through online are quality, security of
credit/debit cards, and variety of products and so on. As per the research
consumers usually spend more than three hours a day on the social media and the
major purpose was found out to be social networking and information gathering.
Consumers rely upon more than one medium in order to enhance their brand
related knowledge. It means that they use the combination of various sources for
making final purchase decision. Along with the traditional sources, they heavily
rely on modern marketing tool i.e. online advertising. Consumers do require
detailed information about the brand so as to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses;
this ample amount of information saves their time by allowing them to make the
purchase decision quickly.

Books referred:

 ➢ Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary,Agnihothri.Prafulla Y(Edition

2011)Principle of Marketing
 ➢ Chunawalla S.A.(Edition 2008)Principles and Practice.
 ➢ Kotler Philip:Keller Kevin Lane: Koshy Abraham And Jha Mithileshwar
(13th Edition 2009)Marketing Management
 ➢ Srivastava T N, Rego Shailaja (Edition 2011) Business Research
 Arul jothi and a mohmadraj gaffoor: impact of social media in online
 Intact journal on management studies, august 2017, volume 3




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