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Tudors Quiz

Chapter 1
1) What battle did Henry VII defeat Richard III at in order to become King?
2) What is the name for a farmer who owns his own land?
3) What is the group of high level officials that controls the Royal Household known as?
4) What is the proper term for the monarch’s living arrangements?
5) What monarchical approval implement could give considerable power of aspects of government to
whoever had control of it?
6) What is the term for an informal group at court who had similar aims or ideas?
7) Roughly how many men did Henry VII have in his Royal Council?
8) Roughly how many men did Elizabeth have on her privy council?
9) Which post in government did Elizabeth refuse to fill after Walsingham died in 1590 and left
vacant until 1596 when Robert Cecil filled it?
10) Who was Robert Cecil’s arch enemy at court?
11) Which position developed over the Tudor period to combat the problems of untrustworthy
nobility who had been in charge raising armies?
12) What two reasons would a monarch call upon parliament?
13) What legislation did Henry VII pass which found his enemies guilty without the need to trial
14) What type of thought emerging from the middle ages was critical of superstition, wealth and
corruption of the church?
15) The word for when the bread and wine miraculously becomes the body and blood of Jesus.
16) The word for the church’s right to grant safety in a charge for anyone accused of a crime for 40
17) Which case heard in 1511 brought Henry VIII to re-evaluate the Benefit of the Clergy ruling?
18) Word for payments sent to Rome by new churchmen when they were appointed to a new postion
within the church?
19) Word for Church parliament?
20) What was the first example of statute law which limited the powers of the church and was
applicable to all of Henry’s subjects?
21) What year was Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy which confirmed him as Head of the English
22) Which institution was gradually removed through 1536-40?
23) What was most serious rebellion in Henry VIII’s reign?
24) What was the first attempt to define the doctrine of the new English Church? The Act of 10
25) Which adviser introduced the new English Book of Common Prayer in both 1549 & 1552?
26) Who led a protestant rebellion against Mary in 1554?
27) What year did Elizabeth introduce her Act of Supremacy which renamed her ‘Supreme Governor’
of the Church of England?
28) Why was Article 29 removed from the 39 Articles of faith which Elizabeth was modifying from
her brother’s initial 42 Articles?
29) What is the word for meetings set up by Puritans to encourage bible study and preaching of
sermons, which Elizabeth thought were dangerous?
30) Name one of Elizabeth’s archbishops of Canterbury.
31) Name one puritan who was imprisoned for attempting to remove the structure of the Church of

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