Assessment Test 1 - Solutions

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EEE2261: Control Systems

Assessment Test I

2nd ETE, EPE

Duration: 2 hours

Wednesday 29/11/2023

1. A system is described by its input-output characteristic

where y is the output signal
x is the input signal (5 marks)
a, b are real constants
State whether the system is linear or not. Explain your answer using the
properties of linearity.

2. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the following function

15e −3 s
G (s) = 2 (7 marks)
( s + 4 s + 4)(s + 5)

3. Find the Laplace transform of the following time functions (Use theorems
where applicable)

i) f1(t)=3e-2t .u(t)+4sin3(t-2).u(t-2) (5 marks)

ii) f2(t)

1 2 t

(6 marks)

4. Solve the following differential equations by means of the Laplace transform

d 2 y (t ) dy(t )
+5 + 6 y (t ) = e −t
dt dt (7 marks)
y (0) = 0 y (0) = 2

End of the paper

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