Vanilla Sugar Shrug

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Vanilla Sugar Shrug

By Julia Stangeland

Vivid Yarn Studio


Yarn: DK weight yarn 3.5oz/100g

Yardage: Approximately 210 yards

Needles: Size 7 16” circular needle, size 7 12” circular needle or size 7 DPN’s for sleeves

Others: Tapestry Needle, 4 stitch markers, ¾” button

Gauge: 5 stitches per inch on size 7 needles in stockinette stitch.

1|P age Vivid Yarn Studio


CO Cast On

K Knit

P Purl

YO Yarn Over

K2T Knit 2 Together

PM Place Marker

SM Slip Marker

BO Bind Off

ST Stitches

Size: Fits approximately size 4-6

Measurements: 24” chest circumference


CO 80 st using the long tail CO method and size 7 16” circular needle

Row 1: *K2, P2, repeat from *, turn work

Row 2: *K2, P2, repeat from *

Row 3: K2, P2Tog, YO, *K2, P2, repeat from *

Row 4-5: *K2, P2, repeat from *

Row 6: K4, P10, PM, P14, PM, P24, PM. P14, PM, P10, K4

Row 7: *K to 1 st before marker, YO, K1, sl marker, K1, YO. Repeat at each marker

Row 8: K4, P to last 4 st, K4

Repeat rows 7 & 8 12 more times (you should have 13 YO’s)

Split for sleeve

K27 (to first marker), slip 40 sleeve stitches onto waste yarn, CO 3 st (using a backward loop cast on),
knit to next marker (50 st), slip 40 st to waste yarn, CO 3 st, K27

You should have 110 st

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K4, P to last 4 st, K4


Repeat those 2 rows for 2”

*K2, P2, repeat from *

*P2, K2, repeat from *

Repeat those 2 rows for 1”

BO in pattern

Short Sleeve

Transfer the sleeve stitches onto a 12” size 7 circular needle or size 7 double pointed needles.

Pick up 4 stitches from the CO stitches in the armpit. You should have 44 sleeve stitches.

Rounds 1-5: Knit

Rounds 6-10: *K2, P2, repeat from *

BO in pattern

Weave in ends and attach your button!

3|P age Vivid Yarn Studio


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