RC Lecture 10-Foundations

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10.1 Introduction
The primary function of foundation is to transfer all the building loads to the ground. The
ultimate design loads for the foundation should not exceed the safe bearing pressure of the soil
supporting the foundation. This is to avoid settlement of foundation which can cause severe
crack on the building structure. The assumptions made to foundation design are:

 The base pressure at the bottom of the foundation is considered uniform if it supports
only axial load.
 The base pressure at the bottom of the foundation is considered linearly distributed if it
supports eccentric axial load or axial load with moment.

10.2 Types of Foundation

The type of foundation use for any particular conditions depends on various factors. These
factors are:
 the magnitude and type of loading,
 the soil bearing pressure which the ground can safely support,
 the acceptable level of settlement,
 the location and proximity of adjacent structures.

Generally, foundation is classified into 6 common types, which are:-

a) Pad Footing
Pad footing (Figure 10.1) is a single footing of square or rectangular shape which supports only
one column. It is use when the load is heavy, the supporting soil bearing pressure is high, and
the distance between columns is large.

Figure 10.1: Pad Footing

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

b) Combined Footing
Combined footing is a footing which supports two columns. It is use when the distance between
columns is small while the load and the supporting soil bearing pressure are high. The footing
can be rectangular, trapezoidal or a combination of two rectangles. It can also incorporate a T-
beam section connecting the two columns.

Figure 10.3: Combined Footing

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie


c) Strap Footing
Strap footing (Figure 10.4) is usually an exterior footing. It is used when the area within the
footing is limited or when there is a very close boundary which the footing cannot cross-over.
As such, this footing has to be strap by means of a beam to another internal footing nearby.
The beam will be lock together so that it provides stability from the rotational effect of the
exterior footing.

Strap beam

Figure 10.4: Strapped Footing

d) Strip Footing
Strip footing (Figure 10.5) is a long rectangular footing which is used to support a row of closely
spaced columns or walls.

Figure 10.5: Strip Footing

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

e) Raft Foundation
Raft foundation (Figure 10.6) is a continuous slab that supports the whole plan area of the
building. It is use when the ground is soft and weak such that the foundation will float the
building. When settlement of the structure is critical, the foundation will eliminate the
differential settlement in the building.


Figure 10.6: Raft Foundation

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

f) Pile Foundation
Pile foundation (Figure 10.7) is used when the load from the column is very high and it needs to
be transferred (by means of pile) to the strong layer of soil or rock very deep below the soil
surface. The pile is also used to resist high uplift forces from the building.

Figure 10.7: Pile Foundation

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

10.3 Selection of Foundation Types

The selection of foundation types for a particular structure depends on the following factors:-
 Soil history and condition,
 Condition at site,
 Type of structure and loading,
 Differential of settlement expected on the structure,
 Economy,
 Past experiences

10.4 Loading Effects And Base Pressure

a) Loading Effects
The loading effects on the foundation can be one of the three types:-
 Horizontal forces – due to lateral loading from the wind or friction between the base and
the ground,
 Vertical forces - from columns or walls, and the soil bearing pressure underneath the

 Moments - from the columns or walls which are eccentric to the centroid of the base.

b) Base Pressure
In general the soil bearing pressure underneath the base of the foundation is linearly distributed
and can be of three types:

Case 1: Uniform Pressure (Compression throughout)

When the base is subjected to only an axial load acting at the centre of base, the soil bearing
pressure P is assumed uniformly distributed in compression (Figure 10.8).

Figure 10.8: Case 1 – Uniform Pressure

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

Case 2: Varying Pressure (Compression throughout)

When the base is subjected to axial load and moment or the axial load act at an eccentric
distance from the centre of the base (which induce moment effect), the soil bearing pressure P
is assumed linearly distributed in compression throughout if e ≤ D/2 (Figure 10.9) and the
pressure is calculated as shown.

Figure 10.9: Case 2 – Varying Pressure (Compression Throughout)

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

Case 3: Varying Pressure (Partial Compression)

Similar to Case 2, the soil bearing pressure P is assumed linearly distributed in compression
partially if e > D/2 (Figure 10.10) and the pressure is calculated as shown.


Figure 10.10: Case 3 – Varying Pressure (Partial Compression)

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

Middle Third Rule:

Case 1 e=0 No tension
Case 2 e ≤ D/6 No tension
Case 3 e > D/6 Tension exists

The above three cases is also regarded as the middle third rule. The rule specifies that if the
eccentricity e of the load lies within the middle third of the base length, then no tension will
occur under the base.

10.5 Design of Pad Footing

The design procedure for the pad foundation is as follows:-

 Determine the soil bearing pressure from the soil investigation (SI) report.
 Decide the type of footing.
 Assume the footing self-weight, say about 10% of the service load.
 Determine the footing size (B and D) using the soil bearing pressure at service loads.
Footing Area, A = (GK + QK + W) / pb
Where GK, QK = Dead and Imposed Loads
W = Self-weight of footing
Pb = Soil bearing pressure

 For combined footing, check whether the spacing between the individual footing is small.
 Assume the minimum concrete grade to be not less than grade 35.
 Determine the suitable thickness (h) and effective depth (d). Use the calculation of
starter bar (or dowel) (Figure 10.11) as a guide to find h value.
Clause Anchorage of column starter bars indicates that bond stresses on the
starter bars need not be checked if:
 The starter bar extend down to the level of the bottom reinforcement, and
 The footing has been designed for moments and shear.

The thickness of the footing can be estimated as follow:-

From Table 3.27, fcu=35, Grade 460 and Deformed type 2 bar:
Compression anchorage length, La = 30C Starter bar is bent 8c
Thickness of footing: h = [(30–8)C + C + 1.5T]
Longitudinal direction, dx = [h – C – T /2]
Transverse direction, dy = [h – C – 1.5T]


Figure 10.11: Dowel or starter bars

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

 Determine the bending reinforcements for the footing at ultimate loads. The calculation
is similar to slab as in Clause The critical section in bending for the single footing
as in Clause is taken at the column face (Figure 10.12). The moment at column
face can be calculated as:
Total design axial load N = 1.4Gk + 1.6Qk
Ultimate Earth pressure wP = n/(BxD) kN/m2
Ultimate Earth Line load wL = wp x B kN/m
Length of critical section, Ld = [(D – cx)/2, cx or cy = column size
Moment at the column face, M = wLd2/2

B cy
h cx
Figure 10.12: Critical section for bending
Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

 Check the required As min and As max for the reinforcement.

 Check the distribution of reinforcement as in clause (Figure 10.13).
LC = half the spacing between column centers (for combined footing) or distance from
column centre to the edge of footing (for single footing)
If LC > [3c/4 + 9d/4], two-third of the reinforcements should be distributed within the
zone of 1.5d from the column face, or otherwise, the bars may be distributed evenly

Lc Lc

Figure 10.13: Distribution of bars

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

 Check cracking as in clause where spacing of bar ≤ 3d or 750 mm,

whichever is smaller.
 Calculate the concrete shear resistance vC from Table 3.8 as in Clause
 Check that the maximum shear stress (Clause at the column face is less than
0.8√fcu or 5 N/mm2, whichever is smaller. Maximum shear occurs at the surrounding
column face. The shear stress in this region is calculated as:


vmax = N/U0d < 0.8√fcu or 5 N/mm2

Where U0 = column perimeter = 2[cx+cy]; [cx, cy = column size]

 Check that the direct shear stress (Clause at a section 1.0d from the column
face is less than vC from Table 3.8 (Figure 10.13). The direct shear stress is calculated
Length of critical section, Le = [(D – cx)/2 – d], cx or cy = column size
Shear force, V = wP x B x Le
Shear stress, v = V/Bd < vC (Table 3.8)



Figure 10.14: Direct shear and Punching shear

Source: Design of Structural Elements. W.M.C. McKenzie

 Check that the punching shear stress ( at a section 1.5d from the column face is
less than vC from Table 3.8 (Figure 10.13). The punching shear stress is calculated as
 Critical perimeter, LCP = [column perimeter+8x1.5d] = [4c+8x1.5d]
 Area inside critical perimeter, AP = [cx+3d]x[cy+3d]
 Shear force on the critical area, Vcritical = wPx Acritical
 Punching shear force, VP = N – Vcritical
 Punching shear stress, vP = VP / [LCP x d] < vC (Table 3.8)


10.6 Design of Single Footing

Example 10.1
Figure 10.15 shows a pad footing supporting the axial load from a column. Design the square
pad footing using the following data:
Column load: Gk = 900 kN, Qk = 420 kN, C = 40 mm
fcu = 35 N/mm2, fy = 460 N/mm2, Concrete density = 24 kN/m3,
Soil bearing pressure pb = 200 kN/m2 Column size = 300 mm x 300 mm

a) Determine the size of the pad footing

b) Design the reinforcements.
c) Check direct shear, maximum shear, and punching shear
d) Show the reinforcement details

Lean concrete

cy B

Figure 10.15


a) Determine size of footing at service load:

Axial load at service = 1.0 Gk + 1.0 Qk = 900 + 420 = 1320 kN
Assume footing self-weight at 10%, w = 0.1x1320 = 132 kN
Total axial load = = 1320 +132 = 1452 kN
Minimum required base area A = 1452/200 = 7.26 m2
Base length for square base D = B = √7.26 ~ 2.69 m
Provide a square base of D = B = 2.7 m (7.3 m2)

Determine the thickness of footing h:

From Table 3.27, fcu=35, Grade 460 and Deformed type 2 bar:
Compression anchorage length = 30C Assume T = 20 mm Starter bar is bent 8c

Thickness of footing: h = (30–8)x C + C + L = (30– 8)x20 + 40 + 20 = 500 mm;

Take h = 550 mm
Effective depth of footing:
Longitudinal direction, dx = h – C – T /2 = 550 – 40 – 20/2 = 500 mm
Transverse direction, dy = h – C – 1.5T = 550 – 40 – 1.5x20 = 480 mm

Check footing self-weight:

Wfooting = 24x2.7x2.7x0.55 = 96 kN < 132 kN = assumed footing weight OK!

Provide footing size h = 550 mm


b) Determine the bending reinforcement:

Since it is a square footing, reinforcement for longitudinal and transverse direction will be the
same. However, transverse direction is critical. Thus, use dy = 480 mm.

Total design load N = 1.4Gk + 1.6Qk = 1.4x900 + 1.6x420 = 1932 kN

Earth pressure wP = N/(BxD) = 1932/(2.7x2.7) = 265 kN/m2
Earth Line load wL = wp x B = 265x2.7 = 716 kN/m Moment at column face

Ld = (2700 – 300)/2 = 1200 mm
M = wLd2/2 = 716x1.22/2 = 515 kN-m K = M/bd2fcu = 515x106/ (2700x4802x35) = 0.024 < K’ = 0.156

z = d{0.5+ √(0.25-K/0.9) } = d{0.5 + √(0.25-0.024/0.9) }= 0.97d > 0.95d use z = 0.95d
As = M/(0.95fyz) = 515x106/(0.95x460x0.95x480) = 2584 mm2

Table 3.25 As min = 0.13%bh = 0.13x2700x550/100 = 1931 mm2

As max = 4%bh = 4x1000x550/100 = 46200 mm2 Check Maximum Spacing for Cracking

Maximum spacing = 3d = 3x480 = 1440 mm or 750 mm whichever is lesser
Spacing of bar s = B/(no. of bar) = 2700/9 = 300 mm < 750 mm OK!
Spacing is adequate

Provide 9T20 (2862 mm2) or T20 – 300 mm

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Check distribution of reinforcement:

LC = distance from column centre to the edge of footing (for single footing)
= 2700/2 =1350 mm
[3c/4 + 9d/4] = [3x300/4 + 9x480/4] = 1305 mm
Since LC = 1350 mm > 3c/4 + 9d/4 =1305 mm, two-third of the reinforcements should be
distributed within the zone of 1.5d from the column face
Therefore, 2x9/3 = 6 bars to be distributed within the zone of 1.5x480 =720 mm from column
face. Edge distance = [2700 – 300 – 2x720]/2 = 480 mm

Distribute 6 bars within 1.5d zone from column face, 3 bars outside the zone.

Check Concrete Shear Resistance: Table 3.8 Concrete shear stress Reinforcement provided is 9T20 (As = 2862 mm2)
100As/bvd = 100x2862/[2700x480] = 0.221 < 3 OK!
400/d = 400/480 = 0.83 < 1.0 Not OK! Use 400/d = 1.0
[fcu/25]1/3 = [35/25]1/3 = 1.12

vc = 0.79x[100As/bvd]1/3[400/d]1/4[fcu/25]1/3 /γm
= 0.79x[0.221]1/3[1]1/4[1.12]/1.25 = 0.43 N/mm2.

c) Check direct vertical shear at 1.0d from face of column

Length of critical section, Le = [(D – cx)/2 – d]= [(2700–300)/2 – 480] = 720 mm

Shear force, V = wPxBxLe = 265x2.7x0.72 = 515 kN
Shear stress, v = V/Bd = 515x103/(2700x480) = 0.40 N/mm2 < vC = 0.43 N/mm2 OK!
Shear link is not required
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Maximum Shear Stress:

Maximum shear stress: vmax =0.8√fcu = 0.8√35 = 4.73 N/mm2
Column perimeter: u0 = 4c
Shear stress:
vA = V/u0d = V / [4c x d] = 1932x103/[4x300x480] = 3.4 N/mm2 < vmax OK!
Maximum shear at column face is satisfactory
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Punching Shear at 1.5d of column face

Critical perimeter: LCP = column perimeter + 8x1.5d = [4c+8x1.5d]

= [4x300 + 8x1.5x480] = 6960 mm
Area inside the critical perimeter: AP = (c + 3d)2
= (300 + 3x480)2 = 3.03x106 mm2 = 3.03 m2
Shear force on the critical area: Vcritical = wPx Acritical = 265x3.03 = 803 kN
Punching shear force: VP = N – Vcritical = 1932 – 803 = 1129 kN
Punching shear stress: vP = VP / [LCPxd] = 1129x103 / [6960x480]
= 0.34 N/mm2 < vC = 0.43 N/mm2 OK!
Shear link is not required.

d) Detailing

600 mm

Lean concrete

T20 – 290 both directions

T20 – 290 mm
2.7 m

T20-290 mm

2.7 m
480 mm 1740 mm 480 mm



10.7 Design of Combined Footing

Example 10.2 Design of Combined Footing

Figure 10.16 shows a combined footing supporting the axial loads from two columns. Design the
footing using the following data:
C = 40 mm fcu = 35 N/mm2, fy = 460 N/mm2, Concrete density = 24 kN/m 3,
T = T20 C = T20, Column A = 300 mm x 300 mm, Column B = 400 mm x 400 mm
Soil bearing pressure pb = 300 kN/m2

a) Show that the combined footing is suitable for design

b) Determine the required dimensions, Y, L, b and h of the combined footing.
c) Design the reinforcements.
d) Check cracking, direct shear, maximum shear, and punching shear.
e) Show the reinforcement details
Gk = 1000 kN Gk = 1400 kN
Qk = 350 kN Qk = 300 kN

Column Column
Transverse A B
direction B

1.1 m 2.6 m Y
Longitudinal direction

Figure 10.16


Check whether combined footing is suitable:

Assume footing weight A and B = 80 kN each
Footing A: Required base area: AA = (1000 + 350 + 80) /300 = 4.77 m2,
Size AA = √(4.77) = 2.2 m2
Footing B: Required base area: AB = (1400 + 300 + 80) /400 = 4.45 m2,
Size AB = √(4.45) = 2.1 m2
Spacing between two footings: s = [2.6 – (2.2+2.1)/2 ] = 0.45 m

The spacing of 0.45m is quite small. Therefore, it is suitable and economical to design as
combined footing.

Determine the footing size at service load, B and D:

Service loads: PA = 1000 + 350 = 1350 kN, PB = 1400 + 300 = 1700 kN
Total service loads: R = 1350 + 1700 = 3050 kN
Assume each footing weight, w = 80 kN Combined footing weight
Combined footing: Required base area: A = (3050 + 2x80) / 300 = 10.7 m2

PA= 1350 kN PB= 1700 kN
z = 1.45 x1 = 1.15m
1.1 m 2.6 m Y= 1.4 m
D = 5.1 m

R= 3050 kN

Location of centroid: x1.R = PA x 2.6, x1 = (1350x2.6) / 3050 = 1.15 m

Distance left of x: z = 2.6 – 1.15 = 1.45 m
Length of base: D = 2x(1.45+1.1) = 5.1 m; Y = 5.1 – 1.1 –2.6 = 1.4 m
Footing width: B = 10.7 / 5.1 = 2.10 m;
Provide B = 2.1m and D = 5.1 m

Determine the thickness of footing h:

From Table 3.27, fcu=35, Grade 460 and Deformed type 2 bar:
Compression anchorage length, La = 30C Starter bar is bent 8c
Thickness of footing: h = (30–8)C + C + T = (30– 8)x20 + 40 + 20 = 500 mm;
Take h = 550 mm
Effective depth of footing:
Longitudinal direction, dx = h – C – T /2 = 550 – 40 – 20/2 = 500 mm
Transverse direction, dy = h – C – 1.5T = 550 – 40 – 1.5x20 = 480 mm

Check footing self-weight:

Wfooting = 24x5.1x2.1x0.55 = 141.4 kN < 160 kN = assumed footing weight OK!

Determine the Shear and Moments (Exclude footing weight):

Design loads:
PA= 1960 kN PB= 2440 kN
PA = 1.4x1000 + 1.6x350 = 1960 kN
PB = 1.4x1400 + 1.6x300 = 2440 kN
Total design load: A B
R = 1960 + 2440 = 4400 kN
wL = 862.7 kN/m
Design earth pressure under the base: 1.1 m 2.6 m 1.4 m
wP = R/(DxB) = 4400 /(5.1x2.1) = 410.8 kN/m2
5.1 m
Design earth longitudinal load:
BL = 1232 kN
wL = wP x B = 410.8x2.1 = 862.7 kN/m AL = 949 kN

Shear force at A: 620kN

AL = 862.7x1.1 = 949.0kN SFD
+ x2=1.17m +
AR = 949 –1960 = –1011kN
-- 0.72m 0.7m --
Shear force at B: x3 = 1.43m
BL = –1011+ 862.7x2.6 = 1232kN
BR = 1232 –2440 = –1208kN
AR = –1011 kN
BR = 1208 kN
Position of zero shear:
M = 69.4 kN-m
x2 = AR/w = 1011/862.7 = 1.17 m BMD
x3 =2.6 – 1.17 = 1.43 m --
Bending moment at A:
MA = (949x1.1)/2 = 522.0 kNm +

Moment at zero shear: MA = 522 kNm

M = 522 – (1011x1.17)/2 = –69.4 kNm
MB = 845.6 kNm

Bending moment at B:
MB = 1208x1.4/2 = 845.6 kNm

Distance 1.0d from column face B:

x4 = d+c/2 = 0.48+0.2 = 0.68mm ≈ 0.7m
Shear force at 1.0d from column face B:
V = 1232x0.72/1.43 = 620 kN
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Determine the Reinforcements:

Reinforcement at column A and B (Longitudinal direction): dx = 500 mm

Moment is maximum at column B, therefore the design at column B is critical.
M = 845.6 kNm, fcu = 35 N/mm2, fy = 460 N/mm2, dx = 500 mm

K = M/bd2fcu = 845.6x106/ (2100x5002x35) = 0.046 < K’ = 0.156 singly reinforced

z = d{0.5+ √(0.25-K/0.9) } = d{0.5 + √(0.25-0.046/0.9) }= 0.946d OK!
As = M/(0.95fyz) = 845.6x106/(0.95x460x0.946x480) = 4261 mm2

As min = 0.13%bh = 0.13x2100x550/100 = 1502 mm2

As max = 4.0%bh = 4x2100x550/100 = 46200 mm2
Provide 14T20 (4396 mm2) at the bottom for both columns (longitudinal direction) Check Maximum Spacing for Cracking

Maximum spacing = 3d = 3x500 = 1500 mm or 750 mm whichever is lesser
Spacing of bar s = B/(no. of bars) = 2100/14 = 150 mm < 750 mm OK!
Spacing is adequate

The above reinforcement can also be denoted as T20 – 150 mm.


Reinforcement at mid-span between column A and B (Longitudinal direction): M = 69.4 kNm

K = M/bd2fcu = 69.4x106/ (2100x5002x35) = 0.0038 < K’ = 0.156 singly reinforced
z = d{0.5+ √(0.25-K/0.9) } = d{0.5 + √(0.25-0.0038/0.9) }= 0.996d > 0.95d,
Use z = 0.95d
As = M/(0.95fyz) = 69.4x106/(0.95x460x0.95x500) = 334 mm2 < As min = 1502 mm2,
Use As min = 1502 mm2 (or 1502mm 2 / 2.1m = 715 mm2 per m strip)

Provide 5T20 (1571 mm2) at the top (longitudinal direction)

Secondary reinforcement at the top: Take 1 m strip,

Use As min = 1502 mm2 (or = 715 mm2 per m strip)
As min = 0.13%bh = 0.13x1000x550/100 = 715 mm2
Provide 5T20 (1571 mm2) at the top for secondary reinforcement

The above reinforcement can also be denoted as T20 – 420 mm (2100/5 = 420 mm).
(Note: Alternatively we can also provide T12- 150 mm (754 mm2) for the main bar at the top
between column A and B since it requires only minimum reinforcement)

Reinforcement at column face (transverse direction):

fcu = 35 N/mm2, fy = 460 N/mm2, dy = 480 mm
b = 2100 mm, column A = 300mm x 300mm, column B = 400mm x 400mm Moment at column face
Column A is chosen since it is smaller, thus given the longer distance Ld from column face to the
edge of the pad.


Ld = (2100 – 300)/2 = 900 mm = 0.9 m

Design earth pressure under the base: wP = 410.8 kN/m2

Design earth transverse load (whole strip = 5.1 m):
wT = wP x D = 410.8x5.1 = 2095.1 kN/m
Moment at column face B: M = wL2 /2 = 2095.1x0.92 /2 = 849 kNm

K = M/bd2fcu = 849x106/ (5100x4802x35) = 0.026 < K’ = 0.156 singly reinforced

z = d{0.5+ √(0.25-K/0.9) } = d{0.5 + √(0.25-0.026/0.9) }= 0.97d, Use 0.95d
As = M/(0.95fyz) = 849x106/(0.95x460x0.95x480) = 4261 mm2

As min = 0.13%bh = 0.13x5100x550/100 = 3647 mm2

As max = 4%bh = 4x5100x550/100 = 112200 mm2
Provide 14T20 (4396 mm2) at the bottom bars in transverse direction
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Check distribution of reinforcement:

LC = half the spacing between column centers (for combined footing) = 2600/2 =1300 mm
[3c/4 + 9d/4] = [3x300/4 + 9x480/4] = 1305 mm
Since LC = 1300 mm < 3c/4 + 9d/4 =1305 mm, the bars may be distributed evenly

Check Concrete Shear Resistance: Table 3.8 Concrete shear stress Reinforcement provided is 14T20 (As = 4396 mm2)
100As/bvd = 100x4396/[2100x550] = 0.3806 < 3 OK!
400/d = 400/550 = 0.73 < 1.0 Not OK! Use 400/d = 1.0
[fcu/25]1/3 = [35/25]1/3 = 1.12

vc = 0.79x[100As/bvd]1/3[400/d]1/4[fcu/25]1/3 /γm
= 0.79x[0.3806]1/3[1]1/4[1.12]/1.25 = 0.51 N/mm2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check direct vertical shear at 1.0d from face of column against concrete shear

Form Shear Force Diagram (SFD), shear force at left of column B is maximum. Therefore, shear
at column B is critical.
Shear force at 1.0d from face of column B : V = 620 kN (Refer from SFD)
Shear stress at 1.0d from face of column B :
v = V/bd = 620x103/(2100x550) = 0.54 N/mm2
v = 0.54 N/mm2 > vC = 0.53 N/mm2 Failed. Shear link is required
To omit from providing the shear link, reinforcement provided needs to be increased.

From shear resistance equation:

0.54 = 0.79x[100As/bvd]1/3[400/d]1/4[fcu/25]1/3 /γm
0.54 = 0.79x[100As/(2100x550)]1/3[1]1/4[1.12]/1.25
100As/(2100x550) = [0.54x1.25/(0.79x1.12)]3
As = [0.54x1.25/(0.79x1.12)]3x[2100x550]/100 = 5128 mm2

Provide 17T20 (5338 mm2) at the bottom for both columns (longitudinal direction)

Spacing of bar s = b/(no. of bar) = 2100/17=124mm < 3d=3x550 = 1650 mm or 750 mm OK!
The above reinforcement can also be denoted as T20 – 120 mm.


Maximum shear stress: vmax =0.8√fcu = 0.8√35 = 4.73 N/mm2
Column perimeter: u0 = 4c
Shear stress at column A:
vA = V/u0d = V / [4c x d] = 1960x103/[4x300x550] = 3.0 N/mm2 < vmax OK!

Shear stress at column B:

vB = V/u0d = V / [4c x d] = 24400x103/[4x400x550] = 2.8 N/mm2 < vmax OK!
Maximum shear at column face is satisfactory
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Punching Shear at 1.5d of column face B

Critical perimeter: LCP = column perimeter + 8x1.5d = [4c+8x1.5d]

= [4x400 + 8x1.5x550] =8200 mm
Area within the critical perimeter: Acritical = (c + 3d)2
= (400 + 3x550)2 = 4.2x106 mm2 = 4.2 m2
Shear force on the critical area: Vcritical = pBx Acritical = 410.8x4.2 = 1725 kN
Punching shear force: VP = PB – Vcritical = 2440 – 1725 = 715 kN
Punching shear stress: vP = VP / [LCPxd] = 715x103 / [8200x550]
= 0.16 N/mm2 < vC = 0.51 N/mm2 OK!
Shear link is not required.

e) Detailing


550 mm


A B 2.1 m

1.1 m 2.6 m 1.4m


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- End of Lecture -


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