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Human Physiology Protocol 1

Miguel Fontes
5 October 2016

Energy Metabolism
Determine the energy metabolism of an individual.

1. Determination of:
a. Body surface area using the nomogram;
b. Total body fluid volume using the nomogram;
c. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the nomogram based on age,
gender, body weight and height.
2. Determination of the Caloric value of O2 (CE02) for different substrates
and mixed substrate.
3. Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate, using results of indirect calorimetry.

1. Nomograms;
2. Scientific Calculator;
3. Indirect calorimetry reader (BREEZE).


Determination of Body Surface and Total Body Fluid Volume:

1. Determine the weight and height of the individual´s body;
2. Using the nomograms, find the body surface area and total body fluid
volume corresponding to the individual´s anthropometric data.

Calculation of Basal Metabolic Rate

1. Using the nomogram, determine that portion of the Basal Metabolic Rate
that corresponds to the weight of the individual´s body;
2. Using the nomogram, determine that portion of BMR that corresponds to
the individual´s age and height;
3. Using these data, calculate the individual´s standard BMR.

Determination of Caloric value of O2

1. Write the equation for glucose oxidation;
2. Calculate the Respiratory Quocient RQ=VCO2/VO2;
3. Find in the nomogram the corresponding Caloric Value of O2-CEO2;
4. Write the equation for palmitic acid oxidation; calculate the RQ and find
the CEO2;
5. Similarly, find the Caloric value of O2 for mixed substrate, considering
the proportion of foodstuffs.
Determination of Basal Metabolic Rate
1. Calculate the RQ;
2. Find the CEO2 in nomogram, knowing the RQ;
3. Calculate BMR in 24 hours.
4. Compare the BMR of the patient with standard BMR in nomogram.


1- Determination of:

a) Body surface area according to the nomogram for a 20-year-old male

with a height of 180 cm and weight of 78 kg was 1.97m2;
b) The total body fluid according to the nomogram for the same individual
was 39,5 liters;
c) The standard basal metabolic rate according to the nomogram was 1884
kCal (male, 78 kg = 1125 kCal; male, 180 cm, 20 years old = 759 kCal;
1125 kCal + 759 kCal = 1884 kCal)

2- Determination of caloric value of Oxygen:

a. Glucose oxidation equation: C6H12O6+6O26CO2+6H20
1) RQ=VCO2/VO2 = 6/6 = 1
2) CEO2=O2-CEO2 = 5,047 kCal/O2
b. Palmitic acid oxidation equation: C16H32O216CO2+16H2O
1) RQ=VCO2/VO2 = 16/23 = 0,696 (0,7 for fats)
2) CEO2 = 4,678 kCal/CEO2
c. CEO2 mixed substrate = pcarbohydrates x CEO2carbohydrates +
pfats x CEO2fats= 0,65 x CEO2 glucose + 0,35 x CEO2 palmitic
acid =4,92 kCal/O2

3- Determination of Basal Metabolic Rate:

a. With calculations:
1. RQ=0,18/0,25 = 0,72
2. CEO2 = 4,702
3. BMR = VO2 x CEO2 = 0,25x 4,702 = 1,1755
4. 24 x 60 x 1,1755= 1692,72 in 24 hours
5. BMR from nomogram = 1517 kCal/O2 approximately
for 960kCal + 545 kCal, male, height 165 cm, weight 65 kg,
age 40 years.
b. With indirect calorimetry, using BREEZE, for patient Miguel, male,
with 20 years old, with 180 cm and 78 kg. (Chart 1). The RQ
corresponds to the gas exchange.
600 600 3000 1.0
540 540 2700 0.9
480 480 2400 0.8
420 420 2100 0.7
360 360 1800 0.6
300 300 1500 0.5
240 240 1200 0.4
180 180 900 0.3
120 120 600 0.2
60 60 300 0.1
0 0
0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (Mid 5 of 7)

Chart 1. BREEZE results for Miguel

In the study of energy metabolism is crucial to understand that
corresponds to all chemical and energy transformations occurring in the body
and that energy metabolism is the liberation of energy by the catabolism of food
in the body and the transformation of energy during physiological functions. The
anaolism is the constructive process by which living cells convert simple
substances into more complex compounds. On the other side, catabolism is the
destructive process by which complex substances are converted by living cells
into more simple compounds, thereby releasing energy. A Kilocalorie (kCal) is
the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1
degree Celsius, is a measure of energy used in metabolic works.
Calorimetry determines the caloric value of a foodstuff or the metabolic
rate of an organism. Indirect calorimetry determines the energy production in
the human body by measuring oxygen consumed, or by measuring the products
of the biological oxidation (e.g. carbon dioxide). This is possible with specialized
equipment, that measures the carbon dioxide output and oxygen input while
recording the results to a computer program (BREEZE).

Analyzing the results is possible to conclude that I´m within normal
values attending to age, height and weight. However, probably the caloric intake
requirements are higher for me, due to my constant physical work and exercise.
The indirect calorimetry procedure was taken in the best conditions that we
have, however was not taken in perfect conditions because the patient wasn´t in
complete quiescence, in a room at a comfortable temperature, 12-14 hours after
the last meal. So this results cannot correspond to the real results.
Analyzing the chart is possible to see that my rates of gas exchange
adapted well to the laboratory environment.
In general, the results indicate that an organism with more mass
requires, obviously, more caloric intake than a smaller individual. But the mass
is not the only factor, other factors such as age, gender, height, weight and level
of physical activity have an important role too.
Analyze the results of an individual daily diet.

Analysis of individual daily diet (using the table of composition):
1. Mean daily caloric requirement for me: 2800-3400 kCal
2. Proportion of foodstuffs:
1) 55-60% of the calories-from carbohydrates;
2) 10-15% of the calories-from protein;
3) 25-30% of the calories from fat;
3. Optimal proportion of caloric values of meals
4. Optimum of vitamins, minerals, salt, water.

Materials and methods:

Meal table

Meal Food Grams kCal Carbohydrate Proteins Fats
Breakfast 1 banana 120 g 105 27 g 2g 0,4g

Lunch Big Mac 200 g 1080 106g 37 g 39 g

Dinner Pasta 200g 335 32g 20 g 17 g
with tuna
Snack Cereals 50g 80 15 g 2g 1g
with milk
TOTAL 570g 1600 180 g 61g 57,4 g
Table 2. Table of daily diet

I consumed 1600 kCal total from 600 g of food, which 180 g were
carbohydrates,61g were protein and 57,4 g were fats.
The carbohydrates represent 720 kCal, the proteins represent 244 kCal and the
fats represents 516.6 kCal.
In this day, the proportion of kCal from carbohydrates was 45%, from proteins
was 15,25% and from fats was 32,3%.
My proportion of breakfast:lunch:dinner, definitely doesn´t follow the ideal
proportion of 1:2:1.
My proportion of carbohydrates should be a little bit higher, the proportion of
proteins is good and the proportion of fats should be a little bit lower.

Analyzing my daily diet I can conclude that I should consume more
calories due to my weight, height and constant physical exercise. I should eat
more in the breakfast and have more meals during the day. I should eat more
carbohydrates because of my football trainings and reduce a little bit the
consumption of fats. Normally I eat more properly but due to be in Erasmus,
where I need to cook by myself, I’m I little bit sloppy now.

Body fat percentage estimation and somatotype

determination using skinfold measurement
Determine my mass of adipose tissue (or body fat percentage) and determine
my somatotype.

Measure skinfolds on different body parts (triceps, biceps, supraspinale,
abdominal, subscapular, chest, thigh, medial calf) using the caliper, and convert
the results using the conversion equation.

Materials and methods:

 Caliper
 Tape-measure
 Tables to write the results
 Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype chart

1) Body Mass according the the BMI calculation was 23,77 kg/m2.
2) Measurements of skinfolds with the caliper were taken from:
a. Triceps: 9,58 mm
b. Biceps: 6,74 mm
c. Supraspinale: 13,8 mm
d. Abdominal: 14,72 mm
e. Subscapular: 14,33 mm
f. Chest: 9,73 mm
g. Thigh: 19,05 mm
h. Medial calf: 13,18 mm
3) These measurements were used to calculate body fat percentage using 3
different equations:
a) Yuhasz: 11,48%
b) Durnin and Womersley: 16,98%.
c) Jackson and Pollock: 12,6%.
4) Estimation of body fat distribution: waist circumference (WC)= 89 cm, Hip
circumference (HC)= 104 cm and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)= 0.86.
5) Somatype measurements:
i) Height: 180 cm
ii) Weight: 77 kg
iii) Heigh-weight ratio: 42,3
iv) Skinfold of triceps: 0,96 cm
v) Subscapular: 1,43 cm
vi) Supraspinale: 1,38
vii) Medial Calf: 1,32 cm
viii) Biepicondylar breadth of the humerus: 6,4 cm
ix) Biepicondylar breadth of the femur: 8,2 cm
x) Upper arm girth: 31,5 cm
xi) Corrected upper arm girth: 30,54 cm
xii) Calf girth: 41 cm
xiii) Correct calf girth: 39,68 cm
6) Applying the results of the measurements to the somatotype equations, the
result of the somatotype rating was 0.1 endomorphy – 3,5 mesomorphy –
2,4 ectomorphy.

With the skinfold measurement technique, we determine more accurately
the healthy weight and we have more information about cardio metabolic risk
assessment than with the body mass index, because it measures mass of
adipose tissue of a person instead of only bases on weight. It is therefore more
informative than BMI in regards to cardio metabolic risk assessment.
Measuring the body fat distribution according to waist circumference, hip
circumference and waist-to-hip ratio we can estimate the distribution of the
adipose tissue, which allow us to evaluate the amount of abdominal fat that is
linked to increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases such diabetes.

With the skinfold measurement I can conclude that my body fat percentage is
Acceptable (10-15%). With the estimation of body fat distribution, I concluded
that my waist circumference reflets no increased risk (less than 94 cm) and that
my waist-to-hip ratio is Moderate (0,83-0,88).
Analyzing my somatotype rating (0,1-3,5-2,4) I concluded that my somatotype is
Ectomorphic mesomorph (mesomorphy is dominant and ectomorphy is greater
than endomorphy).
In general, I conclude that my physical shape does not shows risks to my health
and that I´m in the normal standards.
Is important to say that the measurings were not super accurates and so they
cannot correspond totally to the true.

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