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Hello, Nationalians!

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Home of the Nation Builders
Integrity | Compassion | Innovation | Resilience | Patriotism

Welcome back,

Miss Eddielyn D. Bote, LPT, MAT

What emoji best describes how you are feeling today?

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline
Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Announcements
F 4 Art Appreciation 101
Faculty and Students’

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline
Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Announcements
F 4 Art Appreciation 101
Faculty and Students’
RTU-COE (2020)

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline

Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Routines
4 Art Appreciation 101

Faculty and Students’

Calendar of Activities
Art Appreciation
Term One | AY 2022-2023
Weeks One-Three
Please be guided by the following
tasks/activities for Weeks 1-3.
Course Interactive Institutional
Individual Task
Orientation Discussion Task

Its nature and elements

Course overview, Its creator and subject
Art, Man and Society Class Participation Class Participation
Policies, Ideas affecting individual’s 1 2
Requirements, and view of art
Grading System Art History as
differentiated from Art
4 Words
1 Pic
Let’s get to know one another
through this activity.
The professor will present FOUR
WORDS/CATEGORIES. Your task is to
add ONE PICTURE (you may add
photos from your own galleries, you
may also add web-searched images)
related to the categories presented.
You will be given 2 minutes to
upload your image. Sharing
will be done afterwards.


Meet the

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline
Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Announcements
F 4 Art Appreciation 101
Faculty and Students’
Ac a d e m ic Policy on N U FLEx, the N U Normal
A p p r o v e d in J u n e 2022
A c a d e m i c P o licy o n N U F L E x , t h e N U N o r m a l d t d 01 A u g 2 0 2 0
eff AY2020-2021

C H E D D O H J M C No. 2021-004 Gu id e lin e s o n I m p l e m e n t a t i o n of

L i m i t e d F 2 F Classe s for All P r o g r a m s of H E I s in Are as u n d e r
Alert level S y s t e m s for Covid-19 R e s p o n s e
C M O No. 01 s2022 S u p p l e m e n t a l Gu id e lin e s to J M C No. 2021-
New academic normal for
National University Adoption of
innovative instructional
strategies and educational
technologies for curriculum
Microsoft Teams
Other Microsoft365 apps
Major Revisions
Revised N U F L E x
approaches Defined
HyBl end Learning
A d d e d provisions on the classification a n d delivery
of courses R e m o v e d the provisions on R A L a n d
Bl ended Learning
A d d e d guidelines on the conduct of HyBl end
Learning classes Updated s o m e provisions based on
existing policies

Remote Asynchronous /
F a ce - t o - Face (F2F) HyBlend Learning (HBL)
Synchronous Learning (RASL)
A ll c l a s s e s or s e s s i o n s for t h e Strict a d h e r e n c e to the h e a l th a n d
term are co n d u ct e d o n - c a m p u s safety guidelines released by H E S A C O M

FA C E- TO - FA C E (F2 F)
C o m b i n a t i o n of a s y n c h r o n o u s a n d s y n c h r o n o u s delivery m o d e s
A t least 5 0 % of t h e se ssio n s s h o u l d b e c o n d u c t e d s y n c h ro n o u s l y
S t u d e n t s are re q u ire d to a t t e n d t h e s y n c h r o n o u s se ssio n s
C o u r s e syllabus/outline s h o u l d in d icat e t h e s y n c h r o n o u s a n d
a s y n c h r o n o u s se ssio n s
F 2 F m e e t i n g at t h e e n d of t h e t e r m m a y b e r e q u e s t e d for approval:
Pen-and-paper exam
C u l m i n a t i n g activity
F in a l co u rse r e q u i r e m e n t
C o m b i n a t i o n of h yb rid a n d b l e n d e d l e a r n in g a p p r o a c h e s
Meetings/sessions m a y b e c o n d u c t e d in 2 ways:

Simultaneous F2F and Remote Synchronous

Remote Asynchronous
S t u d e n t s s h o u l d d e c i d e w h e t h e r to a t t e n d F 2 F or re mo t e ly
before t h e start of classes, w h i c h s h o u l d b e followed
throughout the term
S h if t in g of a t t e n d a n c e f r o m F 2 F to h yb rid or vice versa s h o u l d
b e requested a n d approved
C o u r s e syllabus/outline s h o u l d in d icat e t h e F 2 F / s y n c h ro n o u s
a n d a s y n c h r o n o u s se ssio n s
Strict a d h e r e n c e to t h e h e alt h a n d safety g u i d e l in e s released
b y H E S A C O M for t h o se o n - c a m p u s
Category 01
W i t h C H E D - i s s u e d delivery g u i d e l i n e s
C o l l e g e - de f in e d co u r se s to b e delivered F 2 F

OF COURSES Category 02
Preferably delivered F2F, b u t s i m u l t a n e o u s
r e m o t e delivery is available for flexibility
C o u r s e s w i t h laboratory c o m p o n e n t s

Category 03
C o u rse s th a t d o n o t fa ll u n d e r C a te g o rie s 1 & 2
C o l l e g e D e a n s , in co n su lt a t io n w i t h p r o g r a m
ch airs a n d coordinators, s h o u l d s u b m i t t h e
classification of co u rse s p e r p r o g r a m to E V P
before t h e start of t h e A Y
Reclassification of co u r se s wit h in t h e A Y
m a y b e allo we d for justifiable r e a so n s
Classification of co u r se s of t h e e xt e n sio n
p r o g r a m s will follow t h e g u i d e l i n e s set b y
the extending ca m p u s
N U F L E x appr o ach to b e i m p l e m e n t e d d e p e n d o n the Alert Level
Classification set by the H E S A C O M (Alert Level 0, Alpha, Bravo,
Charlie, E cho ) B a s e d o n 3 indicators:
IATF Declaration
D O H report o n positivity
rate Positivity rate at the
NU campus
Shifting of alert level classification within the ter m is possible
Health a n d safety protocols to b e observed will b e ba s ed o n the
H E S A C O M - issued guidelines
W o r k a r r a ng ements for N U personnel (faculty, ASP, officials) will
follow the
guidelines released by H R
S t u d e n t s are re q u ire d to a t t e n d classe s o n c a m p u s for C a t e g o r y 1co u rse s
O n l y fully v a c c i n a t e d s t u d e n t s are a l l o w e d to a t t e n d c l a s s e s o n c a m p u s
W i t h H y B l e n d , s t u d e n t s w h o i n t e n d to a t t e n d classe s virtually s h o u l d
a g r e e to t h e following:

S u b m i t a letter of in t e nt
P a y t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g sch o o l fees c h a r g e d for t h e t e r m
H a v e t h e s a m e d e ad lin e s a n d other deliverables p re scrib e d for t h e
co u r se
S u b m i t a f o rmal re q u e st to shift f r o m o n e delivery a p p r o a c h to
an o t h er o n c e t h e t e r m h a s started
Rules on Attendance
A t t e n d a n c e to F 2 F a n d s y n c h r o n o u s c l a s s e s is r e q u i re d
T h e policy o n e xce ssive a b s e n c e s applies; in cu rre d w h e n a s t u d e n t
m i s s e s m o r e t h a n 2 0 % of t h e s c h e d u l e d F 2 F or s y n c h r o n o u s classe s
Excessi ve a b s e n c e s m a y result in a final g r a d e of 0.0
Co n su lt a t io n h o u rs s h o u l d b e o b se rve d
U s e of Microsoft T e a m s a s a g e n e r a l r e so u r ce for co u rse ad min ist rat io n
a n d learner s u p p o r t
As you proceed to the lesson, you are expected to:

• discuss the general

01 guidelines/policies in the
03 • participate actively during
class activities/discussion;

02 • familiarize oneself with the

course outline; 04 • give a session closure.
GEART01X - Art Appreciation
Be well-informed
Stay updated regarding the necessary information
for the course. Be mindful of the class schedule,
consultation hours, deadlines, instructions, etc.
Check MS Teams regularly. Due dates will be set
by the professor and communicated clearly to the
students. Submission of late requirements is highly
discouraged. If possible, take screenshots of
all your submissions.
Maintain open
All questions and concerns regarding the
course must be addressed to the professor. Ask
questions if there are any parts of the course that
you find confusing. It is better to ask and clarify
things; than to have problems due to the questions
left unanswered.
Observe Proper
Communication Guidelines
Communications will be strictly via MS
Teams/ NU emails. Practice professional
email etiquette. You may also set
appointments within the stated consultation
Exhibit integrity in all
your outputs.
Plagiarism is a major offense. Submission
of dishonest work/s will result the student
to be subjected to necessary disciplinary
Observe Data Privacy
RA 10173 is not limited to the data privacy
of the students. This Act includes all
materials that are published, uploaded, and
presented by the professor.
Treat everyone with
Demonstrate decorum during synchronous
classes. Participate in discussions with an
open mind and right attitude. Help in
maintaining an environment that is
conducive for learning.

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline

Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Routines
4 Art Appreciation 101

Faculty and Students’

1 2 3
I understand I have a I want to share
the discussion question. something related
clearly. to the discussion.
Course Description:
Art Appreciation promotes a deeper and more
expansive appreciation of Art through its opus
along with the multitude of cultural histories an
individual has inherited. Students will learn how
to develop a five-system approach in understanding
art in all forms based on Description, Analysis,
Context, Meaning, and Judgment.
Course Description:
… Through systemic thinking, reflective and
blended learning, students are envisioned to
become active participants, critical of their
surroundings. This course aims to provide
students the opportunity to explore visual
principles and elements, observe, participate in or
otherwise experience works of art in order to
appreciate their role and purpose in life.

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline

Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Routines
4 Art Appreciation 101

Faculty and Students’

Refer to our Course Outline

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline

Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Routines
4 Art Appreciation 101

Faculty and Students’

Today’s objectives:
As you proceed to the lesson, you are expected to:

1 2 3
identify the lens clarify some understand the
to be used when misconceptions role of art and
talking about art; about art; humanities
”This is a ”This is __.”
work of art.”

Art must be perfect. Any piece of art must

achieve a great sense of perfection.

Art must include colors-- more, the better.


Art is basically drawing and imagination.

What are the standards?

Do we have a standard?

”This is a ”This is __.”

work of art.”
What are some of your striking
encounters with arts?
What is
Definition of Art (ars)
according to Collingwood, 1938

Ancient Latin Medieval Latin

“craft or specialized use of “any special form of book-
skill, like carpentry or learning, such as grammar
smithing or surgery” or logic, magic or astrology”
Definition of Art (ars)
according to Collingwood, 1938

17th century 18th century

”aesthetics” vs the original
fine arts vs. beautiful arts
conception of “art”
Why study the Humanities?

The term Humanities comes from the Latin word, “humanitas” .

It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and
the theatre—in which human subjectivity is emphasized and
individual expressiveness is dramatized.
ART according to Philosophers
Art is that which
brings life in
harmony with the Art should express
beauty of the harmony.
world.-Plato – Aristotle

Art is the medium
by which the artist Art is a product
communicates of man’s need to
himself express himself
to his fellows.- (F. Zulueta)
Charleton Noyes
”The humanities constitute one of the
oldest and most important means of
expression developed by man”
- Dudley et al., 1960
Art is universal
and timeless. Art has always been
timeless and
universal, spanning
generations and
continents through
and through.
“What is considered artistic are those which have been
made long time ago.”

This is a misconception.
”… art is not good because it is old,
but old because it is good.”

(Dudley et al., 1960)

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Art will always be present because human
beings will always express themselves and
delight in these expressions.
Art is not
Art is man’s expression of
his reception of nature.
Art is a man’s way of
interpreting nature
Art is not
Art is made by man.

Nature is a given around us.

Art is not
Audience can ask, “What
does the artist want to show
in his/her art.”
Art involves Art depends on
experience. experience, and if one
is to know art, he
must know it not as
fact or information
but as experience.

(Dudley et al., 1960)

Art involves
An important aspect
of experiencing art is
its being highly
personal, individual,
and subjective.
“Someone else can compose music for you,
Someone else can perform music for you,
No one on earth can listen to music for you.”

-Olga Somaroff
1 2 3
I understand I have a I want to share
the lesson question. something related
clearly. to the lesson.

Online Netiquette Course Orientation

1 3 Course Outline

Opening of Class
Course Introduction
2 Routines
4 Art Appreciation 101

Faculty and Students’


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