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Time to test your knowledge!

(Work with a partner)

I am submitting this piece of work along with my partner
a. Look carefully at this diagram and assess whether the practices are safe or unsafe in
this high school Laboratory. Why do you think they are unsafe? What could happen?

It is unsafe as they aren’t being careful in the science lab and the boys aren’t wearing any
protective equipment and they both have a high chance of getting tripped.

b. Complete a Risk Assessment (in the Table below)

● Identify 3 hazards
*The boys are fencing with scissors
* There is food on the table
*There are bags and a ball on the floor and they might trip.
● State 3 risks

● They are likely to trip, the chemicals might spread on to the food and the
boys might hurt themselves with the scissors and the girl didn’t tie her hair
● Suggest what the students need to do to prevent accidents and injuries. In
other words, what needs to be done in order for this area to become a safe
Laboratory for everyone?
They need to get rid of the food, bag and ball and stop fighting with the scissors and
tie her her back.

Risk management- what

Name the hazard in the State the risk involved needs to be done to
Lab you can see with this hazard (what prevent accidents and
harm or injury can injuries from happening?
1. The boys fencing. they could hurt each
other or spill/break
2. girl not having her her hair could carry
hair back. chemicals or could dip in
the chemicals
3. They brought a
rugby ball inside.

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