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Знание 13

Понимание 21

<question> If you've invited people to your home, you should greet them as
<variant> arriving
<variant> eating
<variant> leaving
<variant> going out
<variant> drinking

<question> Greetings in business are usually formal, but greetings among family
and friends are much more
<variant> casual
<variant> polite
<variant> impolite
<variant> rough
<variant> informal

<question> Which greeting is best for a formal business meeting?

<variant> Nice to meet you!
<variant> Hi, there!
<variant> Hello, everyone!
<variant> How is it going?
<variant> Hi everyone!

<question> If you meet someone at night, you can greet them by

<variant> Good evening
<variant> Good day
<variant> Good sleep
<variant> Good dream
<variant> Good night

<question> Which is a greeting that friends might use when meeting for coffee?
<variant> Good to see you
<variant> Want a coffee?
<variant> Nice to meet you!
<variant> Help yourself
<variant> Drink coffee?

<question> Which would only be said if you haven't met the person for a long
<variant> Hi Annie. Long time no see.
<variant> Hi Lee. What's up?
<variant> Hey Joe. How are things?
<variant> Hello. How’re you?
<variant> Hey Jim. It’s been ages!

<question> Business people often greet one another with

<variant> a handshake
<variant> a high five
<variant> a hug
<variant> patient
<variant> smile

<question> What are you doing if you say "I'd like you to meet our accountant
<variant> introducing Hugo
<variant> meeting Hugo
<variant> greeting Hugo
<variant> helping Hugo
<variant> handshaking Hugo

<question> What can you say after being introduced to someone for the first
<variant> Nice to meet you
<variant> Nice to greet you
<variant> Nice to see you
<variant> Nice to go you
<variant> Nice to help you

<question> "Hi, I'm Roberto. But you can call me Bob." What's Roberto doing?
<variant> introducing himself
<variant> calling himself
<variant> greeting himself
<variant> seeing himself
<variant> smiling himself

<question> If someone says "Thank you", you say: "You're _____."

<variant> welcome
<variant> well
<variant> nothing
<variant> not at all
<variant> come

<question> Which answer is correct for this question: "Where are you from?"
<variant> Italy
<variant> Italian
<variant> French
<variant> Spanish
<variant> English

<question> When we meet a person for the first time we say: _____.
<variant> Nice to meet you
<variant> Nice to greet you
<variant> Pleased
<variant> Nice to see you
<variant> Long time no see

<question> What is the meaning of "What do you do?"

<variant> What is your profession?
<variant> What do you like?
<variant> How are you?
<variant> your age
<variant> What are you doing right now?

<question> When you want to get someone's attention you can say: _____.
<variant> excuse me
<variant> sorry
<variant> stop
<variant> hey
<variant> wait

<question> When you arrive at a hotel the receptionist will say: _____.
<variant> Welcome!
<variant> What’s up?
<variant> What’s happening?
<variant> How are you?
<variant> What do you like?

<question> I _____ 24 years old.

<variant> am
<variant> have
<variant> has
<variant> do
<variant> are

<question> At 9 o'clock a.m., you say: _____.

<variant> Good morning
<variant> good evening
<variant> good night
<variant> good afternoon
<variant> good sleep
<question> When we arrive we say: ____.
<variant> Hello
<variant> Bye
<variant> See you
<variant> Hey!
<variant> Welcome

<question> When we leave we say: _____.

<variant> Goodbye
<variant> Hello
<variant> Hi
<variant> Good to see you
<variant> Good morning

<question> Complete the diologue.

Henry. - … are your parents?
Julie. - They're very well. Thank you!
<variant> How
<variant> Whom
<variant> Where
<variant> Which
<variant> What

Применение 6

<question> Read the text and complete the sentence. He has his own … .
Hello, I am Arman. I am from Kazakhstan. I am twenty five years old. I
am married and I have three children. I speak two foreign languages:
English and Spanish. My hobby is reading adventures books. I like
sports. My favorite sport is football.
<variant> family
<variant> country
<variant> books
<variant> languages
<variant> age

<question> Read and complete the text.

Hello, I am Arman. I am from _____ . I am _____ five years old. I am
married and I have three______. I speak two foreign languages: English
and Spanish. My hobby is reading adventures _____. I like _____. My
favorite sport is football.
<variant> Kazakhstan / twenty / children / books / sports
<variant> Kazakhatan / twelve / children / books / sports
<variant> Kazakhstan / two / child / sports / books
<variant> Kazakhstan / twelve / babies / poems / swimming
<variant> Kazakhstan / twenty / child / movies / sports

<question> Read the text and define are the sentences true or falls.
Hello, I am Arman. I am from Kazakhstan. I am twenty five years old. I
am married and I have three children. I speak two foreign languages:
English and Spanish. My hobby is reading adventures books. I like
sports. My favorite sport is football.
1. He speaks more than two foreign languages.
2. He is married and has children.
3. He likes reading books in his free time.
<variant> F.T.T.
<variant> T.F.T.
<variant> F.T.F.
<variant> T.F.F.
<variant> F.F.F.

<question> Put the sentences in correct order .

a I speak two foreign languages: English and Spanish.

b I am from Kazakhstan.
c My hobby is reading adventures books.
d I am twenty five years old.
e Hello, I am Arman
f I am married and I have three children.

<variant> e,b,d,f,a,c
<variant> e,b,c,f,a,d
<variant> e,d,b,f,a,c
<variant> e,b,d,a,f,c
<variant> e,f,d,b,a,c

<question> Read and define are the sentences true or false?

A thank-you email
Subject: Thank you!

Hi Susan
Thank you very much for the birthday present. I really need a new computer game,
so it is perfect. You’re very kind. :)
How are you? Good luck in your exams. I hope you pass with good marks.
Speak soon.
Tom xx
1. Susan wrote this email.
2. It was Tom's birthday.
3. Susan bought Tom a computer game.

<variant> F.T.T.
<variant> T.F.T.
<variant> F.T.F.
<variant> T.F.F.
<variant> F.F.F.

<question> Read and define are the sentences true or false?

A thank-you email
Subject: Thank you!

Hi Susan
Thank you very much for the birthday present. I really need a new computer game,
so it is perfect. You’re very kind. :)
How are you? Good luck in your exams. I hope you pass with good marks.
Speak soon.
Tom xx

1. Susan has exams soon.

2. Susan's email address is
3. Tom doesn't like the computer game.

<variant> T.T.F.
<variant> T.F.T.
<variant> F.T.F.
<variant> T.F.F.
<variant> F.F.T.

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