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Ethics and Morality

- Ethics as SCIENCE - Because it is systematic, ethics is regarded as a science. It adheres to a

number of laws, principles, and other procedures in order to arrive at the truth or a strong
moral case.

- Ethics as PRACTICAL SCIENCE - Ethics is regarded as a practical science because its goal is to
reveal truths that may actually be applied to real-world situations. It also includes rules and laws
that are applicable to our everyday life.

- Ethics as PHILOSOPICAL SCIENCE - The word "ethics" can refer to a variety of philosophical
theories about what is morally right and wrong or morally good and bad, as well as to the
philosophical study of moral right and wrong and moral good and bad. It is a philosophical
science because, in the process or technique, we draw on our rationality as humans to develop
strong moral arguments that are both valid and persuasive.

Morality - is defined as a quality of human action either good or bad. Or The rightness or wrongness in
human action

How are ethics and Morality related?

Ethics is a field of study
Morality is the quality of right and wrong in human acts

The object of study in ethics is morality, and morality is the quality of right and wrong in human acts

Ethical and Moral - Refers to considered good and right action.

Unethical and Immoral - are terms that are used in reference to actions that are considered bad or

Unethical or ethical - refers to actions dealing with etiquette, manners, and how we conduct ourselves
before others or a sense of professionalism.

Moral or Immoral - Applied to actions that deal directly with human life and dignity

Amoral - Having no moral sense or being indifferent to right and wrong. Not appreciative. And does not
care about what is right or wrong.
• Amoral person is someone who knows the ethical rules but they are void of meaning to him
• No sense of conscience, guilt, or remorse for the action being done.

Nonmoral - Out of the realm of morality altogether. This means you cannot judge it as good or you
cannot judge it as bad.
Inanimate objects
Field of study
• Feelings - refers to the initial output of feelings

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