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Class 1 *India polity and constitution*

Concept of state and constitution -

-A state refers to a political entity created with the purpose of governing a
-In modern democracies, the state has been divided into various organs as
Follows -
Legislature – it is that organ of state which has been provided with powers to
Make laws.
Executive – the organ of the state concered with the execution or
implementation of the laws.
Judiciary – it has been prepared with powers to interpret the laws and to
decide disputes related to laws.

There exists an inherent danger in giving powers to the State as it may misuse
the same against the interest of the citizens. Therefore, the power of the state
are limited by the rule book of the nation according to which the state is
supposed to function.
This basic rule book which is the fundamental law of the
country is called as the constitution. This fundamental law apart from defining
the powers and limitations on the powers of the state also defines the basic
rights of the citizens.
Not only that constitution of a country also defines the principal
functions of various organs of the state and the relationship between them.

Basic functions of the constitution -

-To provide a set of basic rules that allow for minimal coordination amongst
members of society.
-To define who has powers to make laws and enforce them i.e. organizational
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-To set some limits on what the State can impose on its citizens.
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