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In our hectic and non-stopping quotidian existence it is universally comprehensible that being a teacher

nowadays is a complicated mission. Considering the global dimension of the issue the subject has always
attracted controversy. I regard that teachers bring an immense contribution to the ordeal in which we
all are caught up. I will form and interpret my conception thoroughly.

First and foremost, nowadays teachers are doomed to conduct lessons with children, who do not
demonstrate interest in it. Teachers must cope with the obstacles, which are triggered by inattentive
and dismissive vantage points of scholars.

The second reason to consolidate my conception is that, nowadays teachers deal with children, who are
computer geeks. Utilizing smartphones is not prohibited at lessons, thus, pupils are always keen on their
phones during the lessons. Teachers have to tackle the concern, considering that children do not
endeavour to rectify this situation.

Finally, to recapitulate, I contemplate that being a teacher is a complex vocation nowadays, as a result of
indifference and computer geekiness of school children.

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