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Subject: HATE CRIME.

Dear Sirs The Energy Ombudsman.

With reference to the long history of my complaints to your office against
certain individual or individuals abusing the electricity billing system to
harass me over the years regardless whether my account was in credit or
not !
Here is one more evidence to similar hate crime:
This individual or individuals had me registered in EDF online (my account)
As mad man as you can see for yourself from Their own statement which I
copied below:

Priority Services. EDF.

You are registered for the following:



Please tell me how can University Lecturer (which I was) And Subject
Consultant (Which is what I am now) Fit the above descriptions?
Like I said in all my previous complaints over the years that unless this
individual (or individuals are identified this CRIMINAL abuse will not stop.
I been told that now a days Systematic harassments and defamations of
character constitute Punishable CRIMINAL OFFENCE and the best people to
investigate and to identify such CRIMINAL Abuses will be the
Respectfully yours
Isam.T.Salih AL Jarrah.

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