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A Modified Blasingame Production Analysis Method
for Vertical Wells Considering the Quadratic
Gradient Term
Junjie Ren *, Qiao Zheng and Chunlan Zhao
School of Sciences, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;
zhengqiaotzq@126.com (Q.Z.); your_wang1119@sina.com (C.Z.)
* Correspondence: renjunjie1900@126.com; Tel.: +86-028-8303-7669

Received: 22 March 2019; Accepted: 29 May 2019; Published: 31 May 2019 

Abstract: Fluid flow in actual oil reservoirs is consistent with material balance, which should be described
by the nonlinear governing equation, including the quadratic gradient term (QGT). Nonetheless,
the widely-used Blasingame production decline analysis (BPDA) is established based on the conventional
governing equation neglecting the QGT, which leads to some errors in the interpretation of production
data under some conditions, such as wells producing at a large drawdown pressure. This work
extends BPDA to incorporate the effect of the QGT by modifying material balance time and normalized
rate functions. The step-by-step procedure for the proposed production decline analysis (PPDA) is
presented and compared with that for BPDA. The simulated cases for various production scenarios
are used to validate PPDA. A field case is employed to show the applicability of PPDA in practice.
Comparisons between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA are analyzed in detail. It is found that
BPDA overestimates the permeability and original oil-in-place, while PPDA works well. Compared with
BPDA, PPDA can be employed to obtain more accurate original oil-in-place and reservoir properties,
especially when wells produce at a large drawdown pressure.

Keywords: production decline analysis; oil reservoir; material balance; quadratic gradient term;
Blasingame type curve

1. Introduction
Production decline analysis is considered to be an important reservoir engineering method for
reservoir characterization and evaluation in the development of oil reservoirs, where production data is
employed to estimate reservoir properties (e.g., formation permeability) and original oil-in-place [1–4].
Over the last decades, pressure response analysis and production decline analysis have received much
attention owing to their low cost and high reliability [5–15].
The first production decline analysis was published in 1945, when Arps [16] proposed
the empirical decline relations including exponential relation, hyperbolic relation, and harmonic
relation. The original version of Arps’ production decline analysis is only applicable to the cases
of wells producing at a constant bottomhole pressure during the boundary dominated flow period,
and then the modified versions were proposed to deal with various production conditions in different
reservoir scenarios [17,18]. However, as an empirical tool, Arps production decline analysis is
usually used to estimate recoverable reserve and cannot be employed to obtain reservoir properties.
With the assumption of wells producing at a constant bottomhole pressure, Fetkovich and his co-workers
provided a theoretical basis for Arps’ method and proposed a new methodology for production decline
analysis [19–21]. Although Fetkovich production decline analysis can be employed to estimate
reservoir properties and original oil-in-place, it is limited in the cases of a well producing at a constant

Energies 2019, 12, 2092; doi:10.3390/en12112092 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2019, 12, 2092 2 of 33

bottomhole pressure. In order to deal with the variable-rate/pressure cases, Blasingame et al. [22]
proposed a function of time (i.e., material balance time) that can transform a variable-rate/pressure
system into an equivalent constant-rate system. Then Blasingame and his co-workers developed
production decline analysis for variable-rate/pressure cases based on material balance time, which was
known as BPDA [23,24]. From then on, BPDA received extensive attention and was extended to
different well types and reservoir scenarios. Doublet and Blasingame [25] developed BPDA for
an infinite-conductivity fractured vertical well, which can be employed to estimate fracture half-length.
Marhaendrajana and Blasingame [26] proposed an analytical solution for a multiwall reservoir system
and developed BPDA for a multiwall reservoir system. Pratikno et al. [27] improved Blasingame type
curves and proposed BPDA for a finite-conductivity fractured vertical well. Nie et al. [28] investigated
Blasingame type curves of a horizontal well in a naturally fractured reservoir based on an analytical
model. Wang et al. [29] established Blasingame type curves of multiple fractured horizontal wells
(MFHWs) and made a sensitivity analysis of type curves. Although BPDA has been developed
to interpret production data of various wells in different reservoir scenarios, BPDA is established
based on the conventional governing equation without the quadratic gradient term (QGT), which is
inconsistent with material balance. The governing equation, describing fluid flow through porous
media, is a nonlinear partial differential equation because of the presence of the QGT. This nonlinear
equation is usually linearized by neglecting the QGT with the assumption of small pressure gradients.
However, the linearized equation with neglecting the QGT may cause significant errors in the prediction
of the transient pressure/flow rate during certain operations such as large-pressure-gradient production.
Over the last decades, transient pressure/flow rates considering the impact of the QGT has received much
attention. Many scholars established seepage models with the QGT and studied the effect of the QGT
on pressure behaviors for various wells under a constant-rate-production (CRP) condition, including
vertical wells [30–32], horizontal wells [33], and MFHWs [34,35]. It was found that due to neglecting
the QGT, there may be a large error in predicting transient pressure, when wells produce at a large flow
rate or for a long time. Recently, Ren and Guo [36] made a detailed analysis of the relationship between
the seepage models with and without the QGT, and investigated the characteristics of a transient flow
rate under a constant-pressure-production (CPP) condition. It was found that if the effect of the QGT
is neglected, transient flow rate is underestimated. Fluid flow in actual reservoirs is consistent with
material balance, which should be described by the nonlinear governing equation with the QGT; thus,
BPDA based on the conventional governing equation without the QGT may lead to some errors in
the interpretation of production data under some conditions.
In this work, we extended BPDA to incorporate the impact of the QGT by modifying material
balance time and normalized rate functions, and then simulated cases for various production scenarios
were used to validate PPDA. Finally, comparisons between BPDA and PPDA were discussed in detail.

2. Theory and Analysis

In this section, we discuss the theory for production decline analysis based on the governing
equation with the QGT in detail. A completely penetrating vertical well was considered here,
while the derived theory and developed method for production decline analysis are easily extended to
various well types. The schematic of the physical model for a vertical well in a finite closed reservoir is
shown in Figure 1, and the assumptions are given as follows:
(1) A completely penetrating vertical well is located at the center of a finite closed reservoir with
a constant thickness. Single-phase liquid can be exploited by the vertical well with variable rates
and bottomhole pressures.
(2) A homogeneous and isotropic reservoir with constant permeability and porosity is considered.
The compressibility of the slightly compressible rock keeps constant.
(3) The compressibility and viscosity of the fluid are considered to be constant. Fluid flow in
the reservoir is consistent with the Darcy law.
(4) The initial pressure is uniformly distributed in the reservoir.
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 3 of 33
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Figure 1.
Figure Schematicof
1. Schematic ofthe
well in
in aa finite
finite closed
closed reservoir.

2.1. Governing Equations

2.1. Governing Equations
The continuity equation in a radial coordinate system is [37,38]:
The continuity equation in a radial coordinate system is [37,38]:
r ρυ)) = ∂∂((ρφ
11 ∂∂((rρυ ρφ))
rr ∂r = .. (1)
∂r ∂∂tt
The Darcy law is expressed as:
The Darcy law is expressed as:
k ∂p
υ= . (2)
kµ ∂∂r
υ= . (2)
μ ∂r
The fluid compressibility is introduced as follows:
The fluid compressibility is introduced as follows:
1 ∂ρ
cf = . (3)
1ρ ∂∂p
cf = . (3)
ρ ∂p
The rock compressibility is defined as follows:
The rock compressibility is defined as follows:
1 ∂φ
cr = 1 ∂φ . (4)
cr = φ ∂p. (4)
φ ∂p
With the aid of Equations (1)–(4), the governing equation with the QGT is derived as (Appendix A):
With the aid of Equations (1)–(4), the governing equation with the QGT is derived as (Appendix
A): 1 ∂ ∂p ∂p 2 φµct ∂p
! !
r + cf = , (5)
1r ∂r
∂  ∂r∂p  ∂r 2 φμkc ∂∂t
 ∂p  p
 r  + cf   =
, (5)
where c is the total compressibility expressed by c = c + c . ∂t
r ∂r  ∂r   ∂r
 f
If the
where ct issecond term
the total of Equation expressed
compressibility (5) is neglected,
by ct =Equation
cf + cr . (5) is reduced to the conventional
governing equation without the QGT [39]:
If the second term of Equation (5) is neglected, Equation (5) is reduced to the conventional
governing equation without the QGT [39]: 1 ∂ ∂p
φµct ∂p
r = . (6)
r1 ∂r
∂  ∂r
∂p  φμkct ∂∂t
r  = . (6)
r ∂r  ∂r  k ∂t
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 4 of 33

2.2. Relationship between the Seepage Models of Vertical Wells with and without the Effect of the QGT
Recently, we conducted a detailed analysis of the relationship between seepage models with
and without the effect of the QGT [36]. We briefly reviewed this as follows:
The seepage model of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs based on the governing equation
with the QGT can be linearized as [36]:

1 ∂ ∂∆p∗ φµct ∂∆p∗

r = , (7)
r ∂r ∂r k ∂t

∆p∗ t=0 = 0, (8)

= 0, (9)
∂r r = re

2πkh ∂∆p∗

q (t) = − r , (10)
µB ∂r r=rw

∆p∗ = exp(−cf ∆p) − 1, (11)

q∗ (t) = −q(t)cf exp(−cf ∆p), (12)

where ∆p = pi − p. It is obvious that the seepage model with respect to ∆p∗ and q∗ considering the effect
of the QGT is equivalent to the seepage model with respect to ∆p and q neglecting the effect of the QGT.

2.3. Brief Review of the Theory for BPDA

In order to interpret the variable-rate/pressure data, Blasingame et al. [22] introduced the concepts
of material balance time and normalized rate function, and then bridged the gap between the CPP
and CRP conditions.

2.3.1. Dimensionless Seepage Model under the CPP Condition

The Laplace-space dimensionless pressure solution of the seepage model of vertical wells in finite
closed reservoirs under the CPP condition can be obtained by (Appendix B):
 √  √   √  √ 
K1 reD s I0 srD + I1 reD s K0 srD
pD = h  √   √ √   √ i , (13)
s I0 s K1 reD s + K0 s I1 reD s

where the definitions of dimensionless variables for CPP cases are listed in Table 1.
The dimensionless flow rate qD for vertical wells under the CPP condition is expressed as:

qD = − . (14)
∂rD rD =1

With the aid of Equations (13) and (14), we can obtain the dimensionless flow rate in Laplace
space as follows:  √  √   √  √ 
I1 reD s K1 s − K1 reD s I1 s
qD = √ h  √   √ √   √ i . (15)
s I0 s K1 reD s + K0 s I1 reD s
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 5 of 33

Table 1. Definitions of dimensionless variables for vertical wells.

Nomenclature CPP Case CRP Case

pi −p ∆p 2πkh∆p
Dimensionless pressure pD = pi −pw = ∆pw pD = qBµ
Dimensionless bottomhole pressure pwD = 1 pwD = qBµ
kt kt
Dimensionless time tD = φct µr2w
tD = φct µr2w
r re r re
Dimensionless distance rD = rw , reD = rw rD = rw , reD = rw
Dimensionless flow rate qD = 2πkh∆p qD = 1

2.3.2. Dimensionless Seepage Model under the CRP Condition

The Laplace-space dimensionless bottomhole pressure of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs
under the CRP condition is derived as follows (Appendix C):
 √  √   √  √ 
K1 reD s I0 s + I1 reD s K0 s
pwD = pD r = √ h √   √  √   √ i , (16)
D =1
s s K1 s I1 reD s − I1 s K1 reD s

where the definitions of dimensionless variables for CRP cases are listed in Table 1.
With the aid of the Stehfest inversion method [40], qD (tD ) under the CPP condition and pwD (tD )
under the CRP condition can be obtained based on Equations (15) and (16), respectively.

2.3.3. Material Balance Time and Normalized Rate Function

In order to establish the relationship between qD (tD ) under the CPP condition and pwD (tD ) under
the CRP condition, dimensionless material balance time was introduced as [22]:
Z tD
tcD = qD (τ)dτ, (17)
qD 0
where tcD is the dimensionless material balance time defined by tcD = ktc / φct µr2w ; tc is the material
balance time expressed by tc = 0 q(τ)dτ/q . It is obvious that tcD is equal to tD under the CRP condition.
It was found that the “qD vs. tcD ” curve for the CPP case almost coincided with the “1/pwD vs.
tcD ” curve (i.e., the “1/pwD vs. tD ” curve) for the CRP case, which is shown in Figure 2. According to
the definitions of qD in the CPP case and pwD in the CRP case shown in Table 1, it is obvious from
Figure 2 that the curves of q/∆pw versus tc for both the CPP and CRP cases are almost the same.
Therefore, normalized rate function (q/∆pw ) and material balance time (tc ) can be employed to
transform a variable-rate/pressure system into a constant-rate system [22].
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1/pwD , (CRP case)

10 qD , (CPP case)

1/pwD , qD



10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Figure 2. Comparison
Figure Comparison between
betweenthe “ 1 wD
the“1/p pwD vs.
vs.tcDtcD” ”curve forfor
curve thethe
CRP casecase
CRP andand
the “q
the “ qDtcDvs.
D vs. tcD ”
” curve
for the CPP case.
curve for the CPP case.
2.4. Modified Material Balance Time and Modified Normalized Rate Function
2.4. Modified Material Balance Time and Modified Normalized Rate Function
Although BPDA has been widely used to interpret production data and obtain reservoir properties
Although BPDA has been widely used to interpret production data and obtain reservoir
and original oil-in-place, it is established on the basis of the conventional governing equation without
properties and original oil-in-place, it is established on the basis of the conventional governing
the QGT. Because the conventional governing equation is inconsistent with material balance, BPDA may
equation without the QGT. Because the conventional governing equation is inconsistent with
lead to some errors in interpreting production data. Considering the relationship between the seepage
material balance, BPDA may lead to some errors in interpreting production data. Considering the
models with and without the effect of the QGT, we modified material balance time and normalized
relationship between the seepage models with and without the effect of the QGT, we modified
rate function, and then developed BPDA.
material balance time and normalized rate function, and then∗ developed BPDA.
The seepage model with the QGT related to ∆p ∗ and q is equivalent to that without the QGT
The seepage model with the QGT related to Δp and q* is equivalent to that without the QGT
related to ∆p and q. Following the derivation of BPDA presented above, we proposed the theory for
modified Δp and q . Following the derivation of BPDA presented above, we proposed the theory
to BPDA.
for modified the definitions of dimensionless variables with respect to ∆p and q shown in Table 1,
Similar to
Similar to the
the definitions definitions of dimensionless
of pseudo-dimensionless variables withvariables
and dimensionless respect towithΔp respect
and q toshown
∆p∗ and q∗ are
in Table
1, in Table 2. of
the definitions In pseudo-dimensionless
the same way, if oil wells
andproduce at a constant
dimensionless transformed
variables to Δp *difference
with respect and q*
∗ = expin(−c f ∆pw2.
Table ) −In1, the
the same
seepage model
way, if oilofwells
vertical wells at
produce in afinite closed
constant reservoirs based
transformed on
difference Δp = exp ( −c Δp ) − 1 , the seepage model of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs based
the governing * equation with the QGT is given by:
w f w

on the governing equation with the QGT1 is∂given∂pby:

∗ ! ∂p∗
rD D = D , (18)
rD1 ∂r∂D  ∂r∂pDD*  ∂∂t
 D  = , (18)
rD ∂rD ∗ ∂rD  ∂tD
pD t =0 = 0, (19)

pD* = 0, (19)
tD = 0 = 0, (20)
∂rD rD =reD

∂pp ∗*
D rD =1 = 1,
= 0,
D (21)
∂rD rD = reD
where p∗D , rD , reD , and tD for the constant-∆p∗w case are defined in Table 2.
The q∗D under the constant-∆p∗w condition is expressed as:
pD* = 1, (21)
rD =1
∂p ∗
where pD* , rD , reD , and tD for the constant-q∗D =Δ p−* case are. defined in Table 2. (22)
w ∂rD
rD =1
* *
The q D under the constant- Δ p w condition is expressed as:

qD* = − . (22)
∂rD rD =1

It is clear that qD* in Laplace space is the same as Equation (15):

Energies 2019, 12, 2092 7 of 33

It is clear that q∗D in Laplace space is the same as Equation (15):

 √  √   √  √ 
I1 r eD s K1 s − K1 r eD s I1 s
q∗D = √ h  √   √ √   √ i . (23)
s I0 s K1 reD s + K0 s I1 reD s

Table 2. Definitions of pseudo-dimensionless and dimensionless variables for vertical wells.

Nomenclature Constant-∆p*w Case Constant-q* Case

∆p ∗
Pseudo-dimensionless pressure p∗D = ∆p∗w p∗D = q∗ Bµ
Pseudo-dimensionless bottomhole pressure p∗wD = 1 ∗
pwD = q∗ Bµ
Dimensionless time tD = φct µr2w
tD = φc ktµr2
t w
Dimensionless distance rD = r
rw , reD = rrwe rD = rrw , reD = rrwe

q Bµ
Pseudo-dimensionless flow rate q∗D = 2πkh∆p∗ q∗D = 1

In the same way, if oil wells produce under the constant-q∗ condition, the seepage model of vertical
wells in finite closed reservoirs based on the governing equation with the QGT is expressed as:

1 ∂ ∂p∗D ∂p∗
rD = D, (24)
rD ∂rD ∂rD ∂tD

p∗D t = 0, (25)
D =0

= 0, (26)
∂rD rD =reD

rD = −1, (27)
∂rD rD =1

where p∗D , rD , reD , and tD for the constant-q∗ case are defined in Table 2.
Similarly, it is obvious that the pseudo-dimensionless bottomhole pressure in Laplace space is
the same as Equation (16):
 √  √   √  √ 
K1 reD s I0 s + I1 reD s K0 s
p∗wD = p∗D r = √ h √   √  √   √ i . (28)
D =1
s s K1 s I1 reD s − I1 s K1 reD s

In order to establish the relationship between q∗D (tD ) under the constant-∆p∗w condition and p∗wD (tD )
under the constant-q∗ condition, modified dimensionless material balance time is introduced as:
Z tD
t∗cD = ∗ q∗D (τ)dτ, (29)
qD 0
where t∗cD is the modified dimensionless material balance time defined by t∗cD = kt∗c / φct µr2w ; t∗c is
the modified material balance time defined by:
Z t
t∗c = q(τ) exp(−cf ∆pw )dτ. (30)
q exp(−cf ∆pw ) 0

In the same way, the “q∗D vs. t∗cD ” curve for the constant-∆p∗w case almost coincided with the “1/p∗wD
vs. t∗cD ”
curve for the constant-q∗ case, both of which are the same as the “qD vs. tcD ” curve for the CPP
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 8 of 33

case and the “1/pwD vs. tcD ” curve for the CRP case, respectively. Similarly, the modified normalized
rate function is introduced as:

q∗ q cf ∆pw exp(−cf ∆pw )

= , (31)
∆pw∗ ∆pw 1 − exp(−cf ∆pw )

and then the curves of q∗ /∆p∗w versus t∗c for the constant-∆p∗w and constant-q∗ cases are almost the same.
Therefore, in order to take into account the effect of the QGT, modified normalized rate function
(i.e., Equation (31)) and modified material balance time (i.e., Equation (30)) should be used to interpret
production data.

3. Method for the Analysis of Production Data

The procedure for BPDA of production data of oil wells has been proposed by Blasingame
and his co-workers [24] and widely used in practice from then on. To make a comparison between
BPDA and PPDA, the step-by-step procedure for BPDA is listed in Appendix D. PPDA is established
on the basis of the governing equation with the QGT and its procedure is presented as follows:
(1) Computation of modified material balance time
Z t
t∗c = q(τ) exp(−cf ∆pw )dτ, (32)
q exp(−cf ∆pw ) 0

where ∆pw = pi − pw .
(2) Computation of the modified normalized rate function

q∗ q cf ∆pw exp(−cf ∆pw )

(q∗ /∆p∗w ) = = . (33)
∆pw∗ ∆pw 1 − exp(−cf ∆pw )

(3) Computation of the modified normalized rate integral function

t∗c t∗c
q∗ q cf ∆pw exp(−cf ∆pw )
∗ 1 1
(q /∆p∗w )i = ∗ dτ = ∗ dτ. (34)
tc 0 ∆p∗w tc 0 ∆pw 1 − exp(−cf ∆pw )

(4) Computation of the modified normalized rate integral derivative function

d(q∗ /∆p∗w )i d(q∗ /∆p∗w )i

(q∗ /∆p∗w )id = − ∗ = −t∗c . (35)
d ln tc dt∗c

(5) Three log-log plots of (q∗ /∆p∗w ) vs. t∗c , (q∗ /∆p∗w )i vs. t∗c , and (q∗ /∆p∗w )id vs. t∗c are plotted,
respectively, and then matched on Blasingame type curves shown in Figure 3. The matched reD
and the match point are recorded.
(6) The formation permeability can be obtained by

Bµ (q∗ /∆p∗w )MP  1

k= ln reD − , (36)
2πh (qDd )MP 2

where (q∗ /∆p∗w )MP is the real value of the match point, and (qDd )MP is the dimensionless value of
the match point in Blasingame type curves.
(7) The drainage radius can be calculated by
∗ ∗ ∗
B (tc )MP (q /∆pw )MP
ct (tcDd )MP (qDd )MP
re = . (37)
B ( tc )MP ( q Δpw )MP
* * *

ct ( tcDd )MP ( qDd )MP (37)

re = .
Energies 2019, 12, 2092
π hφ 9 of 33

(8) The effective wellbore radius and skin factor can be estimated by, respectively
(8) The effective wellbore radius and skin factorrecan be estimated by, respectively
rwa = , (38)
rwa = , (38)
 rw 
S = ln rw . (39)
S = ln  rwa  . (39)
be calculated
(9) The original oil-in-place can be calculated by

1 1 (t(∗ctc)MP
)MP ((qq*∗ /∆p
Δpw*∗ ))

N= = w MP MP.
. (40)
ctc(t t(cDd
(( q
qDd ))

It is found
found that
PPDA are based
are basedononBlasingame
Blasingame type curves
type (see(see
curves Figure 3), but
Figure 3),
but are are
there some differences
some differences in the definitions
in the ofof
definitions material
PPDA can be reduced to BPDA if the value of Δpww infinitely
of ccff∆p infinitelyapproaches
zero. The
The interpretation
results of
of production
basedonon PPDA
PPDA areare
consistent with material
with balance,
material andand
balance, so we
sobelieve that
we believe
thatinterpretation results
the interpretation based
results on on
based PPDA
PPDA areare
more moreaccurate
BPDA, especially
when wells
wells produce
produce at
at aa large
large drawdown
drawdown pressure
pressureand andfluid

qDd , qDdi , qDdid

-1 103

10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10

Figure 3. Blasingame type curves of vertical wells.

4. Validation and
4. Validation and Application
4.1. Simulated Case Validation
4.1. Simulated Case Validation
In this section, the numerical model based on the governing equation with the QGT
In this section, the numerical model based on the governing equation with the QGT (see
(see Appendix E) was employed to model performances of wells under different production conditions.
Appendix E) was employed to model performances of wells under different production conditions.
The input parameters for the simulated cases, including CPP cases, CRP cases, and variable-rate/pressure
The input parameters for the simulated cases, including CPP cases, CRP cases, and variable-
cases, are listed in Table 3. Because the rock compressibility is very small compared with the fluid
rate/pressure cases, are listed in Table 3. Because the rock compressibility is very small compared
compressibility, the value of the total compressibility ct was set as the value of the fluid compressibility
with the fluid compressibility, the value of the total compressibility ct was set as the value of the
cf in the simulated cases. The generated production data by the numerical model was employed to
fluid compressibility
conduct cf in analysis.
production decline the simulated cases.
Matched Theof
results generated
PPDA were production
validateddata byinput
by the the numerical
model was and
parameters employed
comparedto with
conduct production
the matched decline
results analysis. Matched results of PPDA were
of BPDA.
validated by the input reservoir parameters and compared with the matched results of BPDA.
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 10 of 33

Table 3. Data used for the simulated cases.

CPP Case CRP Case Variable-Rate/Pressure Case
Permeability, k, mD 5 5 5
Volume factor, B, m3 /m3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Viscosity, µ, mPa · s 20 20 20
Reservoir thickness, h, m 15 15 15
Porosity, φ 0.1 0.1 0.1
Oil compressibility, cf , MPa−1 50 × 10−4 50 × 10−4 50 × 10−4
Wellbore radius, rw , m 0.1 0.1 0.1
Initial reservoir pressure, pi , MPa 80 80 80
Drainage radius, re , m 100 10 100

4.1.1. CPP Cases

The CPP cases were chosen as those of wells producing at a large drawdown pressure ∆pw
(i.e., ∆pw = 30 MPa, 50 MPa, and 70 MPa) so as to highlight the effect of the QGT. The CPP cases with
∆pw = 30 MPa, 50 MPa, and 70 MPa were simulated by the numerical model with the input parameters
listed in Table 3, respectively. The production data for the CPP cases was obtained and the corresponding
flow rates are shown in Figure 4. Normalized rate functions (i.e., (q/∆pw ), (q/∆pw )i , (q/∆pw )id )
and material balance time tc were prepared for BPDA. Similarly, modified normalized rate functions
(i.e., (q∗ /∆p∗w ), (q∗ /∆p∗w )i , (q∗ /∆p∗w )id ) and modified material balance time t∗c were calculated for PPDA.
The plots of normalized rate functions (i.e., (q/∆pw ), (q/∆pw )i , (q/∆pw )id ) versus material balance time
tc , together with the plots of modified normalized rate functions (i.e., (q∗ /∆p∗w ), (q∗ /∆p∗w )i , (q∗ /∆p∗w )id )
versus modified material balance time t∗c , are shown in Figures 5–7 for CPP cases, respectively.
Then, both normalized-rate-function plots and modified-normalized-rate-function plots were matched
on Blasingame type curves as shown in Figures 8–10. It was observed from Figures 8–10 that excellent
type curve matches were obtained for the three CPP cases. The matched dimensionless drainage
radius reD and the match point were recorded, which were used to estimate reservoir parameters.
The estimated results obtained with BPDA and PPDA are listed in Table 4 and relative differences
between the actual values and estimated values are shown in Table 5. The relative difference between
the actual value and estimated value is defined by:

ψav − ψev
δ= × 100%, (41)

where δ is the relative difference between the actual value and estimated value; ψav ,ψev are the actual
2019,estimated value
12, x FOR PEER of a parameter, respectively.
REVIEW 11 of 34

p =30MPa
30 p =50MPa
p =70MPa




100 101 102 103 104
t, day

Figure 4.
4. Production
Production data
data for
for CPP
CPP cases
cases with
with different Δpww. .
different values of drawdown pressure ∆p

50 0
10 101 102 103 104
0 t, day
100 101 102 103 104
Figure 4. Production data for CPP cases witht,different
day values of drawdown pressure Δpw .
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 11 of 33
Figure 4. Production data for CPP cases with different values of drawdown pressure Δpw .

Figure 5. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for CPP case of
Δpw = 30 MPa .
Figure 5.5.Normalized
Figure Normalizedraterate
functions and modified
functions normalized
and modified rate functions
normalized forfunctions
rate ∆pw
CPP case offor = 30
case of
Δpw = 30 MPa .

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 34

Figure 6.6.Normalized
Figure Normalizedraterate functions
functions and modified
and modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions forfunctions ∆pwCPP
CPP case offor case
= 50 of
Δpw = 50 MPa .
Figure 6. Normalized
100 rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for CPP case of
(q/ pw)
Δpw = 50 MPa .
(q/ pw)i
(q/ pw)id
(q*/ p*w)
(q*/ p*w)i
10 (q*/ p*w)id

100 101 102 103 104 105
t , t*, day
c c

Figure 7.7.Normalized
functions and modified
functions normalized
and modified rate functions
normalized rateforfunctions ∆pw
CPP case offor = 70
case of
Δpw = 70 MPa .

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

100 101 102 103 104 105
t , t *, day
c c

Figure 7. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for CPP case of12 of 33
Energies 2019, 12, 2092
Δpw = 70 MPa .

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 34
Figure ofproduction
CPPcase of ∆p
caseof Δpww = 30 MPa .
= 30 MPa.

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Figure 9. Match of
9. Match of production
production data
data for
for CPP
CPP case of ∆p
case of Δpww =
= 50
50 MPa
(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Energies 2019, 12, 2092 13 of 33

Figure 9. Match of production data for CPP case of Δpw = 50 MPa .

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Figure 10. Match of
10. Match of production
production data
data for
for CPP
CPP case of ∆p
case of Δpww = 70 MPa
= 70 MPa..

Table 4. Comparison between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA for CPP cases.

Production Decline Analysis Result

Parameter Actual Value ∆pw = 30 MPa ∆pw = 50 MPa ∆pw = 70 MPa
k, mD 5 5.395 5 5.681 5 5.987 5
re , m 100 103.870 100 106.588 100 109.423 100
N, 104 m3 4.284 4.622 4.284 4.867 4.284 5.129 4.284
S 0 −0.038 0 −0.064 0 −0.090 0

Table 5. Relative differences between the actual values and estimated values for CPP cases.

Relative Difference δ (%)

Parameter ∆pw = 30 MPa ∆pw = 50 MPa ∆pw = 70 MPa
k, mD 7.90 0 13.62 0 19.74 0
re , m 3.87 0 6.59 0 9.42 0
N, 104 m3 7.89 0 13.61 0 19.72 0
S - - - - - -

It was found that the values of parameters estimated by BPDA were different from the actual values
(i.e., the data input to the numerical model) for CPP cases, while the results estimated by PPDA were
the same as the data input to the numerical model, verifying PPDA for CPP cases. It is interesting that
both the permeability and original oil-in-place estimated by BPDA are larger than the actual values,
and the relative difference between the actual value and estimated value increases with increasing
the drawdown pressure for CPP cases, indicating that BPDA overestimates reservoir properties
and original oil-in-place, especially when wells produce at a large drawdown pressure. This is because
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 14 of 33

the production data is generated by the numerical model on the basis of the governing equation with
the QGT. The existence of the QGT enhances the capacity of fluid flow [34], so a larger permeability is
estimated by BPDA, which is established on the basis of the conventional governing equation without
the QGT. If the estimated permeability becomes larger, the pressure wave can spread over a longer
distance within the same time, and thus the estimated drainage radius and original oil-in-place become
larger. According to the comparison between BPDA and PPDA, as the drawdown pressure ∆pw
increases, the value of cf ∆pw becomes larger, which results in a greater error in the interpretation of
production data.

4.1.2. CRP Cases

The CRP cases were chosen as those of wells producing at a large flow rate q (i.e., q = 10 m3 /d,
20 m3 /d, and 30 m3 /d) so as to highlight the effect of the QGT. The CRP cases with 10 m3 /d, 20 m3 /d,
and 30 m3 /d were considered here and the ∆pw responses for the three cases were obtained by inputting
the constant rates into the numerical model (see Figure 11). The basic input parameters for CRP cases
are listed in Table 3. On the basis of the simulated production data by the numerical model, “(q/∆pw )
vs. tc ”, “(q/∆pw )i vs. tc ”, and “(q/∆pw )id vs. tc ” for BPDA and “(q∗ /∆p∗w ) vs. t∗c ”, “(q∗ /∆p∗w )i vs. t∗c ”,
and “(q∗ /∆p∗w )id vs. t∗c ” for PPDA were obtained (see Figures 12–14). Following the procedures for
BPDA and PPDA, the matches of the normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions
on Blasingame type curves for the three CRP cases were conducted and shown in Figures 15–17,
from which we can see that good type curve matches were obtained for all the three cases. The matched
results obtained by BPDA and PPDA are listed in Table 6 and relative differences between the actual
values 2019,
Energies and12,estimated
x FOR PEERvalues
REVIEWare shown in Table 7. It is obvious that the results estimated 15 ofby
BPDA are different from the actual values (i.e., the data input to the numerical model) for CRP
cases, while model) for CRP
the results cases, while
estimated the results
by PPDA estimated
are the same as by thePPDA are thetosame
data input as the datamodel,
the numerical input
to the numerical
verifying PPDA for model, verifying
CRP cases. PPDAthat
It is found for both
CRPthecases. It is found
permeability andthat both the
original permeability
oil-in-place and
original oil-in-place estimated by BPDA are larger than the actual values, and the
by BPDA are larger than the actual values, and the relative difference between the actual value relative difference
between the actual
and estimated valuevalue andwith
increases estimated valueinincreases
an increase the flow with anCRP
rate for increase
the flow that
rate reservoir
for CRP
cases, indicating that reservoir properties and original oil-in-place obtained
properties and original oil-in-place obtained by BPDA are also overestimated especially when wellsby BPDA are also
overestimated especially when wells produce at large flow rates. The reason is similar
produce at large flow rates. The reason is similar to that for CPP cases. As the flow rate is enhanced, to that for CPP
cases. As the flow
the drawdown rate∆p
pressure iswenhanced, the drawdown
of wells should pressure the
increase to maintain Δ pflow
w ofrate,
wells should
which leadsincrease to
to a larger
maintain f ∆pflow
value of cthe rate, which
w . Therefore, leads
there is to a larger
a larger value
error in of Δpw . Therefore,
thecfinterpretation ofthere is a larger
production error
data in the
based on
BPDA when the
interpretation of flow rate of wells
production becomes
data based larger. when the flow rate of wells becomes larger.

flowrate q.
rate q.
Figure 11. Production data for CRP cases with different values of flow rate q .
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 15 of 33
Figure 11. Production data for CRP cases with different values of flow rate q .

Figure 12. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for CRP case of
Figure 12.
Figure Normalizedrate
rate functions
functions and
and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for CRP
CRP case
case of
q = 10 m3 d Normalized
= 10
qq = m33 d/d.
10m .

Figure 13. Normalized rate
13. Normalized rate functions
functions and
and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate functions for CRP case of
Energies 2019, 12,
Figure 13.x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 34
33 Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for CRP case of
qq== 20 mm d.
q = 20 m3 d .
(q/ pw)
(q/ p )
w i
(q/ pw)id
(q*/ p*w)
(q*/ p*w)i
(q*/ p*w)id


10-2 10-1 100 101 102
t , t*, day
c c

Figure 14. Normalized
rate functions
functions and
and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for CRP
CRP case
case of
qq = 30mm3 3d/d.
= 30 .

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

10-2 10-1 100 101 102
t , t*, day
c c

Figure 14. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for CRP case of
Energies 2019, 12,
2092 16 of 33
q = 30 m d .

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 34
Figure 15. Match of production data for CRP case of q = 10 m3 /d.
Figure 15. Match of production data for CRP case of q = 10 m3 d .
101 Blasingame q
Blasingame q
Blasingame q
(q/ p ) data
0 w
10 reD (q/ p ) data
w i
50 (q/ p ) data
w id
Matched results: r =130
(q/ p ) /(q ) =0.5058 m3/(d MPa)
w MP Dd MP
(t ) /(t ) =5.0907 days
c MP cDd MP
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

CRP case of qq =
case of 20 m3
Figure 16.
Figure 16. Match = 20 m3 /d.
(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Energies 2019, 12, 2092 17 of 33

Figure 16. Match of production data for CRP case of q = 20 m3 d .

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Figure 17. Match of production data for CRP case of q = 30 m33 /d.
Figure 17. Match of production data for CRP case of q = 30 m d .
Table 6. Comparison between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA for CRP cases.

Production Decline Analysis Result

Parameter Actual Value q = 10 m3 /d q = 20 m3 /d q = 30 m3 /d
k, mD 5 5.596 5 5.969 5 6.455 5
re , m 10 10.471 10 10.964 10 11.415 10
N, 104 m3 0.0428 0.0470 0.0428 0.0515 0.0428 0.0558 0.0428
S 0 0.136 0 0.1703 0 0.273 0

Table 7. Relative differences between the actual values and estimated values for CRP cases.

Relative Difference δ (%)

Parameter q = 10 m3 /d q = 20 m3 /d q = 30 m3 /d
k, mD 11.92 0 19.38 0 29.10 0
re , m 4.71 0 9.64 0 14.15 0
N, 104 m3 9.81 0 20.33 0 30.37 0
S - - - - - -

4.1.3. Variable-Rate/Pressure Cases

As most wells produce at a variable rate/pressure rather than a constant flow rate or a constant
pressure in practice, we focus on the applicability of PPDA for variable-rate/pressure cases in this
subsection. Here we considered two common types of variable-rate/pressure production, which were
the case of first producing at a constant rate and then producing at a constant pressure (i.e., Case 1–3
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 18 of 33

shown in Table 8) and the case of multiple rate/pressure changes (i.e., Case 4 shown in Table 9).
The two types of variable-rate/pressure production are close to actual performances of wells and can
be considered representative of actual production histories of wells. In order to highlight the effect
of the QGT, the cases were also chosen as those of wells producing at large drawdown pressures or
large flow rates. Table 8 shows the production histories of the cases for vertical wells first producing at
a constant rate and then producing at a constant pressure. Vertical wells first produce at the constant
rate q until the drawdown pressure reaches a specified value ∆pw , and then vertical wells produce at
the constant drawdown pressure ∆pw . Table 9 shows the production history of the case for vertical
wells producing at multiple rate/pressure changes. The production data for the four cases, which were
obtained by inputting the production histories into the numerical model, are shown in Figures 18
and 19. The basic input parameters for the variable-rate/pressure cases are listed in Table 3. “(q/∆pw )
vs. tc ”, “(q/∆pw )i vs. tc ”, and “(q/∆pw )id vs. tc ” for BPDA and “(q∗ /∆p∗w ) vs. t∗c ”, “(q∗ /∆p∗w )i vs.
t∗c ”, and “(q∗ /∆p∗w )id vs. t∗c ” for PPDA were calculated by the simulated production data, which are
shown in Figures 20–23 for the four cases, respectively. Excellent matches of the normalized rate
functions and modified normalized rate functions on Blasingame type curves for the four cases were
obtained, which are shown in Figures 24–27. The matched results obtained by BPDA and PPDA are
listed in Table 10 and relative differences between the actual values and estimated values are shown in
Table 11. It is seen that the formation permeability, drainage radius, original oil-in-place, and skin factor
estimated by BPDA are also different from the actual values (i.e., the data input to the numerical model)
for variable-rate/pressure cases, while the results estimated by PPDA are also the same as the data
input to the numerical model, verifying PPDA for variable-rate/pressure cases. Furthermore, it is also
found that BPDA overestimates the permeability and original oil-in-place for variable-rate/pressure
cases, especially when wells produce at large drawdown pressures or large flow rates.

Table 8. Production histories of cases for a vertical well first producing at a constant rate and then
producing at a constant pressure.

Constant Rate Production Constant Pressure Production

q, m3 /d ∆pw , MPa
Case 1 10 30
Case 2 10 70
Case 3 20 70

Table 9. Production history of Case 4 for a vertical well producing at multiple rate/pressure changes.

t, day q, m3 /d ∆pw , MPa

0–50 10 variable
51–100 14 variable
101–150 12 variable
151–200 16 variable
201–350 variable 60
351–700 variable 50
701–1500 variable 55
51–100 14 variable
101–150 12 variable
151–200 16 variable
201–350 variable 60
351–700 variable 50
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 19 of 33
701–1500 variable 55

(a) Case 1

(b) Case 2

(c) Case 3

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER18.

Production data for Cases 1–3 with variable rate and pressure. 20 of 34
Figure 18. Production data for Cases 1–3 with variable rate and pressure.

Figure 19. Production

Production data for Case 4 with variable rate and pressure.
(q/ pw), (q*/ p*w) functions, m3/(d MPa)

Figure 20. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for Case 1.
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 Figure 19. Production data for Case 4 with variable rate and pressure. 20 of 33
Figure 19.
19. Production
Production data
data for
for Case
Case 44 with
with variable
variable rate
rate and
and pressure.

) functions,3 3m/(d/(d
/*/ p/ p*w*w)p)functions,
(q/ MPa)

Figure 20. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for Case 1.
Figure 20.
20. Normalized
Normalized rate
Normalized rate functions
rate functions and
functions and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for Case
Case 1.

Figure 21. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for Case 2.
Figure 21. Normalized rate
21. Normalized
Normalized rate functions
rate functions and
functions and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for Case
Case 2.

Figure 22.
22. Normalized
rate functions
functions and
and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for Case
Case 3.
Figure 22.
22. Normalized
Normalized rate
rate functions
functions and
and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for Case
Case 3.
Energies 2019,
Energies 12, x2092
2019, 12, FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of
21 of 34
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of 34
0 (q/ p )
10 w
(q/ pp ) )
(q/ pp ) )
(q/ p )
w id


-2 0 1 2 3 4
1010 10 10 10 10
0 1 2 3 4
10 10 tc, 10
day 10 10
tc, day
(a) Normalized rate functions
(a) Normalized rate functions

0 (q*/ p* )
(q*/ p* )
(q*/ p* w
w i
* *
* / *p )
(q / pww)idi
* *
(q / pw)id


-2 0 101 102 103 104
100 101 t*, 10
10 3
t , day
(b) Modified normalized rate functions
(b) Modified normalized rate functions
Figure 23. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for Case 4.
Figure 23. Normalized
Figure 23. Normalized rate
rate functions
functions and
and modified
modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for Case
Case 4.

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
Figure 24.
Figure Matchof
24. Match ofproduction
production data
data for
for Case
Case 1.
Figure 24. Match of production data for Case 1.
Energies 2019, 12, 2092
x FOR PEER REVIEW 22 of 34
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 22 of 34

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Figure 25.
25. Match
Match of
of production
production data
data for
for Case
Case 2.
Figure 25. Match of production data for Case 2.

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
Figure 26.
Figure Match of
26. Match of production
production data
data for
for Case
Case 3.
Figure 26. Match of production data for Case 3.
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 23 of 33
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 23 of 34

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis

Figure 27. Match of production data for Case 4.

Figure 27. Match of production data for Case 4.
Table 10. Comparison between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA for variable-rate/pressure cases.
Table 10. Comparison between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA for variable-rate/pressure cases.
Production Decline Analysis Result
Production Decline Analysis Result
Parameter Actual
ActualValue Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Parameter Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
k, mD 5 5.548 5 5.800 5 6.387 5 5.903 5
k , mD 5 5.548 5 5.800 5 6.387 5 5.903 5
re , m 100 103.870 100 107.152 100 109.423 100 107.822 100
re ,10m
N, 4 m3 100
4.284 103.870
4.622 100
4.284 107.152
4.919 100
4.284 109.423
5.129 100
4.284 107.822
4.980 100
N , 10S4 m3 0
4.284 0.144
4.622 0
4.284 0.303
4.919 0
4.284 0.498
5.129 0
4.284 0.330
4.980 0
S 0 0.144 0 0.303 0 0.498 0 0.330 0
Table 11. Relative differences between the actual values and estimated values for
Table cases.
11. Relative differences between the actual values and estimated values for variable-
rate/pressure cases.
Relative Difference δ (%)
Parameter Case 1 Relative δ ( %3)
Case 2 Difference Case Case 4
2 Case 3 PPDA
BPDA Case 4
k, mD 10.96BPDA 0PPDA BPDA
16.00 PPDA
27.74 PPDA0 BPDA 18.06PPDA 0
re , mk , mD 3.87 10.96 0 0 7.15
16.00 00 9.42
27.74 0 0 18.067.82 0 0
N, 104 mr3 , m 7.89 3.87 0 0 14.82
7.15 00 19.72
9.42 0 0 7.8216.25 0 0
S - - - - - - - -
N , 104 m3 7.89 0 14.82 0 19.72 0 16.25 0
S - - - - - - - -
4.1.4. Discussion of Validation
Discussion of Validation
simulated cases in a variety of production scenarios provide a good test of the validity of
PPDA. Based on the above analysis, it was found that the results of PPDA are the same as the data input
The simulated cases in a variety of production scenarios provide a good test of the validity of
to the numerical model for all the cases including CPP cases, CRP cases, and variable-rate/pressure
PPDA. Based on the above analysis, it was found that the results of PPDA are the same as the data
input to the numerical model for all the cases including CPP cases, CRP cases, and variable-
rate/pressure cases. Because BPDA is inconsistent with material balance, BPDA overestimates the
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 24 of 33

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 24 of 34

cases. Because BPDA is inconsistent with material balance, BPDA overestimates the permeability
permeability and original oil-in-place for all the cases, especially when wells produce at large
and original oil-in-place for all the cases, especially when wells produce at large drawdown pressures
drawdown pressures or large flow rates.
or large flow rates.
Recent studies have demonstrated that the ultra-deep reservoirs (a depth greater than 4500 m)
Recent studies have demonstrated that the ultra-deep reservoirs (a depth greater than 4500 m)
may contain abundant oil and gas resources [41]. In the past decades, many ultra-deep, high-pressure
may contain abundant oil and gas resources [41]. In the past decades, many ultra-deep, high-pressure
reservoirs have been discovered and developed in various parts of the world [36]. Commercial
reservoirs have been discovered and developed in various parts of the world [36]. Commercial
development of these reservoirs may require producing wells with large drawdown pressures.
development of these reservoirs may require producing wells with large drawdown pressures.
Furthermore, in order to realize fast cost recovery and obtain better economic benefits, the policy of
Furthermore, in order to realize fast cost recovery and obtain better economic benefits, the policy of
“fewer wells with higher oil rate, large drawdown pressure” has been employed to develop various
“fewer wells with higher oil rate, large drawdown pressure” has been employed to develop various
reservoirs, especially the offshore oilfields, the oilfields with contract term and investment risks, and
reservoirs, especially the offshore oilfields, the oilfields with contract term and investment risks, and so
so on [42]. Therefore, it is better to make the interpretation of production data considering the effect
on [42]. Therefore, it is better to make the interpretation of production data considering the effect of
of the QGT in practice. Compared with BPDA, PPDA can be used to more accurately interpret
the QGT in practice. Compared with BPDA, PPDA can be used to more accurately interpret production
production data with little increase in computation time. Therefore, PPDA provides a better way to
data with little increase in computation time. Therefore, PPDA provides a better way to interpret
interpret production data.
production data.
4.2. Field
Field Application
AA field case was
field case was employed
employed to to show
show the the proposed
proposed methodmethod can can be
be used
used inin practice.
practice. Well
Well XHa
located in Halahatang oilfield in Tarim Basin of China is a flowing oil well. The production data
in Halahatang oilfield in Tarim Basin of China is a flowing oil well. The production data for
Well XHa
Well XHa under
under the
the flush
flush stage stage is is shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 28.
28. Basic
Basic parameters
parameters of of Well
Well XHaXHa areare listed
listed in
Table 12. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions
Table 12. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for Well XHa are shown for Well XHa are shown
in Figure 29. The
Figure 29. The matches
matches of of the normalized rate
the normalized functions and
rate functions modified normalized
and modified normalized rate functions
rate functions
on Blasingame
Blasingame type
type curves
curves are are conducted
conducted and and shown
shown in in Figure 30. The
Figure 30. The matched
matched results
results obtained
obtained by by
BPDA and PPDA are listed in Table 13, from which we can see that neglecting
BPDA and PPDA are listed in Table 13, from which we can see that neglecting the effect of the QGT the effect of the QGT
results in
in the
overestimationofofthe thepermeability
permeability and original
and originaloil-in-place
oil-in-placefor for
BPDA.BPDA. Furthermore,
index of correlation
the index (R (R
of correlation
2 ) is2 )introduced
is introduced to to
quantify thethe
betweenthe thetest
andthe thecomputed
computed datadata
for normalized rate function
for normalized rate function (q/∆pw ) and ( q Δ p ) and modified normalized rate function

w modified normalized rate function (q /∆pw ), respectively.
∗ ( q* Δpw* ) ,
It is seen from Table 2 ) is 0.9895 for
respectively. It is seen13from
the index of the
13 that correlation
index of (R
correlation (R2) isBPDA
0.9895and 0.9932 and
for BPDA for PPDA,
for shows
PPDA, the shows
which test data
test datawell with the
matches wellcomputed data for both
with the computed dataBPDA and
for both PPDA.

Figure 28.
Figure Production data
28. Production data for
for Well
Well XHa.

Table 12. Basic parameters of Well XHa.

Table 12. Basic parameters of Well XHa.
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Volume factor,
Volume B, m3 /m
B , m3 m3 1.18
Viscosity, µ, mPa · s 5.35
Reservoir μ ,h, mPa
thickness, m ⋅s 5.35
Reservoir φ
thickness, h, m 0.08
−1 56 × 10−4
Oil compressibility,
Porosity, φ −1
cf , MPa 0.08
Total compressibility, ct , MPa −1
58 × 10−4
Oil radius, rw , m cf , MPa
Wellbore ×10−4
Initial reservoir
Total compressibility, ct , MPa −1
pressure, pi , MPa ×10−4
Wellbore radius, rw , m 0.06
Initial reservoir pressure, pi , MPa 77.6
Energies 2019,
Energies 12, x2092
2019, 12, FOR PEER REVIEW 25 of
25 of 34
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 25 of 34

Figure 29. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized rate functions for Well XHa.
Figure 29. Normalized rate functions and modified normalized
normalized rate
rate functions
functions for
for Well
, q,Ddi
qDdqDd qDdid
, q,Ddid

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis

(a) Match of production data based on Blasingame production decline analysis
, q,Ddi
qDdqDd qDdid
, q,Ddid

(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
(b) Match of production data based on our proposed production decline analysis
Figure 30. Match of production data for Well XHa.
Figure 30. Match of production data for Well XHa.
Figure 30. Match of production data for Well XHa.
Table 13. Comparison between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA for Well XHa.
Table 13. Comparison between the results obtained by BPDA and PPDA for Well XHa.
Index ofTable
Correlation (R2 )
13. Comparison between the Production
results obtained byAnalysis
Decline BPDA and PPDA for Well XHa.
Parameter Relative Difference (%)
Index of Correlation
BPDA PPDA Production
BPDA Decline Analysis
Index of Correlation Production Decline Analysis Relative Difference
(R2) Parameter 15.550 Result Relative Difference
(R2) k, mD
Parameter Result 14.680 ( %)
re , m BPDA 65.928 PPDA
62.599 (% )
1.002 10.88
k , N,10
mDm 15.550 14.680 5.93
k , mD S −1.704
15.550 −1.652
14.680 3.15
re , m 65.928 62.599 5.32
0.9895 0.9932 re , m 65.928 62.599 5.32
5. Conclusions 0.9932 N , 1044m33 1.111 1.002 10.88
N , 10 m 1.111 1.002 10.88
S −1.704 −1.652 3.15
In this work, we modified material balance−1.704 −1.652
time and normalized 3.15 improved
rate functions and hence
BPDA, which neglected the impact of the QGT. The step-by-step procedure for PPDA was presented
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 26 of 33

and compared with that for BPDA. The simulated cases for various production scenarios were used
to validate PPDA, and a field case was employed to test its applicability in practice. The errors in
the interpretation of production data based on BPDA were analyzed in detail. Several conclusions are
listed as follows:

(1) Both BPDA and PPDA are implemented by matching corresponding normalized rate functions
on Blasingame type curves. The main differences between them are the definitions of material
balance time and normalized rate functions. If the value of cf ∆pw infinitely approaches zero,
PPDA is simplified as BPDA. Therefore, interpreting production data based on PPDA is
relatively straightforward.
(2) PPDA can predict better estimates of reservoir properties and original oil-in-place for oil reservoirs
compared to BPDA. The latter overestimates permeability and original oil-in-place, especially
when wells produce at large drawdown pressures or large flow rates.
(3) Fluid flow in actual reservoirs is consistent with material balance, and thus compared with
BPDA, PPDA can be used to more accurately interpret production data with little increase in
computation time.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.R.; Formal analysis, J.R.; Funding acquisition, J.R.; Investigation, J.R.
and Q.Z.; Methodology, J.R.; Project administration, J.R.; Supervision, J.R.; Validation, Q.Z.; Visualization, C.Z.;
Writing—original draft, J.R.; Writing—review & editing, Q.Z.
Funding: We acknowledge the support provided by Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir
Geology and Exploitation (PLN201627), the Natural Science Project of Sichuan Province Department of Education
(No. 17ZA0425), the Scientific Research Starting Project of SWPU (No. 2017QHZ031).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Roman Symbols
B volume factor, m3 /m3
cf fluid compressibility, Pa−1
cr rock compressibility, Pa−1
ct total compressibility, Pa−1
h formation thickness, m
I0 ( x ) modified Bessel function of the first kind, zero order
I1 ( x ) modified Bessel function of the first kind, first order
K0 ( x ) modified Bessel function of the second kind, zero order
K1 ( x ) modified Bessel function of the second kind, first order
k permeability, m2
M number of the space grid
N original oil-in-place, m3
p formation pressure, Pa
p∗D pseudo-dimensionless pressure, defined in Table 2
pi initial formation pressure, Pa
pw bottomhole pressure, Pa
p∗wD pseudo-dimensionless bottomhole pressure, defined in Table 2
q flow rate, m3 /s
q ∗ transformed flow rate, defined in Equation (12)
q∗D pseudo-dimensionless flow rate, defined in Table 2
r radial distance, m
re outer boundary radius, m
rw wellbore radius, m
rwa effective wellbore radius, m
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 27 of 33

Roman Symbols
s Laplace transform variable
S skin factor
t time, s
tc material balance time, s
t∗c modified material balance time, s
Greek Symbols
∆p pressure difference, ∆p = pi − p, Pa
∆p ∗ transformed pressure difference for ∆p, defined in Equation (11)
∆pw drawdown pressure, ∆pw = pi − pw , Pa
∆p∗w transformed pressure difference for ∆pw , defined in Equation (11)
∆t time step size, s
∆χ space step size, m
δ relative difference between the actual value and estimated value
µ fluid viscosity, Pa · s
ρ fluid density, kg/m3
υ velocity, m/s
φ porosity
χ variable related to r, defined in Equation (A52)
χe variable related to re , defined in Equation (A52)
χw variable related to rw , defined in Equation (A52)
− Laplace space
D dimensionless variable
Dd dimensionless decline variable
i integral function
id integral derivative function
MP match point

Appendix A. Derivation of the Governing Equation with the QGT

Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1) yields that

1 ∂ k ∂p ∂(ρφ)
rρ = . (A1)
r ∂r µ ∂r ∂t

Equation (A1) can be rewritten as

1 k ∂p k ∂ρ ∂p ∂p ∂(k/µ) k ∂2 p ∂φ ∂ρ
ρ + +ρ +ρ =ρ +φ . (A2)
r µ ∂r µ ∂r ∂r ∂r ∂r µ ∂r2 ∂t ∂t

According to Equations (3) and (4), one can obtain that

∂ρ ∂p
= ρcf , (A3)
∂r ∂r

∂ρ ∂p
= ρcf , (A4)
∂t ∂t
∂φ ∂p
= φcr . (A5)
∂t ∂t
Substituting Equations (A3)–(A5) into Equation (A2), one can derive that
1 k ∂p k ∂p ∂p ∂(k/µ) k ∂2 p ∂p ∂p
ρ + ρcf +ρ +ρ = ρφcr + φρcf . (A6)
r µ ∂r µ ∂r ∂r ∂r µ ∂r2 ∂t ∂t
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 28 of 33

With the assumptions of the physical model, the permeability k and fluid viscosity µ are considered to be
constant, so ∂(k/µ)/∂r = 0 and Equation (A6) is simplified as
∂2 p 1 ∂p ∂p φµct ∂p
+ + cf = , (A7)
∂r2 r ∂r ∂r k ∂t

where ct is the total compressibility expressed by ct = cf + cr .

Appendix B. Pressure Solution of Dimensionless Seepage Model under the CPP Condition
The seepage model of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs based on the conventional governing equation
can be expressed as [39]:
1 ∂ ∂∆p φµct ∂∆p
r = , (A8)
r ∂r ∂r k ∂t

∆p t=0 = 0, (A9)

= 0, (A10)
∂r r=re

∆p r=r = ∆pw , (A11)


where ∆p = pi − p.
Introducing the definitions of dimensionless variables for CPP cases listed in Table 1, the dimensionless
seepage model of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs under the CPP condition can be expressed as [39]:

1 ∂ ∂pD ∂pD
r = , (A12)
rD ∂rD D ∂rD ∂tD

pD t =0 = 0, (A13)

= 0, (A14)
∂rD rD =reD

pD r =1 = 1. (A15)

Using the Laplace transform of Equations (A12)–(A15) with respect to tD yields that [43,44]:

1 ∂ ∂p
rD D = spD , (A16)
rD ∂rD ∂rD

= 0, (A17)
∂rD rD =reD

pD r =1 = . (A18)
D s
The general solution of Equation (A16) is expressed by:
√  √ 
pD = A1 I0 srD + B1 K0 srD . (A19)

Substituting Equation (A19) into Equation (A17) yields that:

√  √ 
A 1 I1 sreD − B1 K1 sreD = 0. (A20)

With the aid of Equations (A18) and (A19), one can obtain that:

√  √  1
A1 I0 s + B1 K0 s = . (A21)
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 29 of 33

Combining Equations (A20) and (A21), one can obtain that:

K1 reD s
A1 = h  √   √ √   √ i , (A22)
s I0 s K1 reD s + K0 s I1 reD s
I1 reD s
B1 = h  √   √ √   √ i . (A23)
s I0 s K1 reD s + K0 s I1 reD s

Substituting Equations (A22) and (A23) into Equation (A19), the pressure solution in Laplace space is
derived as:  √  √   √  √ 
K1 reD s I0 srD + I1 reD s K0 srD
pD = h  √   √ √   √ i . (A24)
s I0 s K1 reD s + K0 s I1 reD s

Appendix C. Bottomhole Pressure Solution of Dimensionless Seepage Model under

the CRP Condition
The dimensionless seepage model of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs under the CRP condition is
expressed as [39]:
1 ∂ ∂pD ∂pD
rD = , (A25)
rD ∂rD ∂rD ∂tD

pD t =0 = 0, (A26)

= 0, (A27)
∂rD rD =reD

rD = −1, (A28)
∂rD rD = 1

where the definitions of dimensionless variables for CRP cases are listed in Table 1.
Using the Laplace transform of Equations (A25)–(A28) with respect to tD , one can obtain that:

1 ∂ ∂p
rD D = spD , (A29)
rD ∂rD ∂rD

= 0, (A30)
∂rD rD =reD

∂pD 1
=− . (A31)
∂rD rD = 1

The general solution of Equation (A29) is given as:

√  √ 
pD = A2 I0 srD + B2 K0 srD . (A32)

Substituting Equation (A32) into Equation (A30) results in that:

√  √ 
A 2 I1 sreD − B2 K1 sreD = 0. (A33)

Substituting Equation (A32) into Equation (A31) yields that:

√  √  1
A 2 I1 s − B2 K1 s = − √ . (A34)
s s

Combining Equations (A33) and (A34), A2 and B2 are determined as:

K1 reD s
A2 = √ h  √   √ √   √ i , (A35)
s s K1 s I1 reD s − I1 s K1 reD s
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 30 of 33

I1 reD s
B2 = √ h  √   √ √   √ i . (A36)
s s K1 s I1 reD s − I1 s K1 reD s

Substituting Equations (A35) and (A36) into Equation (A32), the dimensionless bottomhole pressure solution
in Laplace space is obtained as:
 √  √   √  √ 
K1 reD s I0 s + I1 reD s K0 s
pwD = pD r =1 = √ h  √   √ √   √ i . (A37)
s s K1 s I1 reD s − I1 s K1 reD s

Appendix D. Procedure for BPDA of Production Data of Oil Wells

The procedure for BPDA of production data of oil wells is listed as follows:
(1) Computation of material balance time
Z t
tc = q(τ)dτ. (A38)
q 0

(2) Computation of the normalized rate function

q q
(q/∆pw ) = = . (A39)
∆pw pi − pw

(3) Computation of the normalized rate integral function

Z tc q
Z tc q
1 1
(q/∆pw )i = dτ = dτ. (A40)
tc 0 ∆pw tc 0 pi − pw

(4) Computation of the normalized rate integral derivative function

d(q/∆pw )i d(q/∆pw )i
(q/∆pw )id = − = −tc . (A41)
d ln tc dtc

(5) Three log–log plots of (q/∆pw ) vs. tc , (q/∆pw )i vs. tc , and (q/∆pw )id vs. tc are plotted, respectively,
and then matched on Blasingame type curves shown in Figure 3. The matched reD and the match point are recorded.
(6) The formation permeability can be obtained by

Bµ (q/∆pw )MP  1

k= ln reD − , (A42)
2πh (qDd )MP 2

where (q/∆pw )MP is the real value of the match point, (qDd )MP is the dimensionless value of the match point in
Blasingame type curves.
(7) The drainage radius can be calculated by
B (tc )MP (q/∆pw )MP
ct (tcDd )MP (qDd )MP
re = . (A43)

(8) The effective wellbore radius and skin factor are given as, respectively

rwa = , (A44)

S = ln . (A45)
(9) The original oil-in-place is estimated by

1 (tc )MP (q/∆pw )MP

N= . (A46)
ct (tcDd )MP (qDd )MP
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 31 of 33

Appendix E. Numerical Solution of Seepage Model on the Basis of the Governing Equation
with the QGT
The seepage model of vertical wells in finite closed reservoirs on the basis of the governing equation with
the QGT is given as [36]:
1 ∂ ∂∆p ∂∆p 2 φµct ∂∆p
! !
r − cf = , (A47)
r ∂r ∂r ∂r k ∂t

∆p t=0 = 0, (A48)

= 0, (A49)
∂r r=re

2πkh ∂∆p
q(t) = − r , (A50)
µB ∂r r=rw

∆pw (t) = ∆p r=r , (A51)


where ∆p = pi − p, ∆pw = pi − pw .
Introducing the variable χ related to r:
χ = ln r. (A52)
Equations (A47)–(A51) are rewritten as:
∂2 ∆p ∂∆p φµct 2χ ∂∆p
− cf = e , (A53)
∂χ2 ∂χ k ∂t

∆p t=0 = 0, (A54)

−χ ∂∆p
e = 0, (A55)
∂χ χ=χ

2πkh ∂∆p
q(t) = − , (A56)
µB ∂χ χ=χw

∆pw (t) = ∆p χ=χ , (A57)


where χe = ln re , χw = ln rw .
Equations (A53)–(A57) are discretized by the fully implicit finite-difference method:

j+1 j+1 j+1 2

 (∆p) j+1 − (∆p) j+1  j+1 j

(∆p)i−1 − 2(∆p)i + (∆p)i+1 i i−1  φµct 2(i−1)∆χ (∆p)i − (∆p)i
− cf   = e , (A58)
(∆χ)2  ∆χ  k ∆t

where i = 2, 3, · · · , M; j = 0, 1, 2, · · · .

(∆p)0i = 0, (i = 1, 2, · · · , M, M + 1), (A59)

j+1 j+1
(∆p)M+1 − (∆p)M
e−M∆χ = 0, ( j = 0, 1, 2, · · ·), (A60)
j+1 j+1
2πkh (∆p)2 − (∆p)1
q j+1 = − , ( j = 0, 1, 2, · · ·), (A61)
µB ∆χ
(∆pw ) j+1 = (∆p)1 , (A62)

where ∆χ = χe /M= ln re /M.

Equations (A58)–(A62) compose a system of nonlinear equations, which are solved by the Newton–Raphson
method [45].
Energies 2019, 12, 2092 32 of 33

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