HDFC Life Sanchay Plus Guaranteed Income Option

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In a life with no guarantees, get assured benefits. IS HDFC Life Sanchay Plus e-~ Savings & Investment ‘ANon-Participating, Non-Linked Savings insurance Plan Plans ‘This leaflet aims to explain the benefits of Guaranteed Income Option. For more details on other available options, please refer to other leaflets and Sales brochure, HDFC Life Sanchay Plus offers guaranteed returns for you and your family thereby securing the key life stages of your life such as marriage, parenthood, retirement, etc. PSu Lee Tatu UM ad = Guaranteed" Income Benefit offering more than double the premiums paid* for 12 pay option ‘= Enhanced benefit for policies with Annual Premium mare than INR 150,000? = Taxbenefits?- You may be eligible for tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws Optional Riders - Enhance your protection coverage with rider options on payment of adgitional premium PETa eo 3.And get Guaranteed Income for: 10/12 years PayoutPeriod 1 Pay Premiums for:10/ 12 years Premium Paying Term (PPT) Guaranteed Income eco eccescosocco | Beseeooeeees J PateyTemm FH 2.ForaPolicy Termof: 11/13 years . Bea nu Illustration of benefits for healthy male who pays INR 1 Lac + Taxes per annum throughout the premium paying term and survives the policy term, Cees) So acon Ce CO) 9 DOSE ouCu 35years | 12,00,000 14,96585 3 2 Guaranteed income* of 2,09,000 pa. from 14” year to 25° year (payout period of 12 years) ‘sSyears | 10,25,000 13,88,176 B 12 Guaranteed income* of € 1,94,000 pa. from 14° year to 25" year (payout period of 12 years) ‘A. The premiums ate exciodng splicable ace & levies, B, The values shown ae frilstative prpoe only, Fr detailed istration, pease speak to or ltemeiay brochure for ore details is, please refer “Eth for High Premium Policies” section in the Sales broshure Income Amount payable in arrears on annual frequcncy during the payout period (After the policy erm). Maturity Benefit: This option pays you a maturity benefit inthe form of Guaranteed Income for fixed term of 10 or 12 years upon payment ofall due premiums and life assured surviving the policy term, ‘Atany point of time during the Payout Period, you shall have an option to receive the future income as alump sum, which shallbe the present value of future payouts, discounted at arate which is computed using the prevailing interest rates On death of the Life Assured during the Payout Period, the nominee shall continue receiving Guaranteed Income as per Income Payout Frequency & benefit option chosen till the end of Payout Period. Death Benefit: Incase of death of Life Assured during the policy term, the death benefit equal to Sum Assured on Death shall be payable te the nominee, ‘Sum Assured on Deathis the highest of: + LOtimes the Annualized Premium®, or + 10596 of Total Premiums’ paid, or + Premiums paid accumulated at an interest of 5% p.2, compounded annually, or + Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity, or + an absolute amount assured to be paid on death, whichis equal to the Sum Assured, ‘Sum Assured shallbe equal to the applicable Death Benefit Multiple times the Annualized Premium. Please refer sales brochure for applicable Death Benefit Multiples Under this option, Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity shall be the present value of future payouts, discounted at arate of 9% p.a Upon the payment of the death benefit, the policy terminates and ne further benefits are payable. Income Payout You have an option to receive the Annual Income under the Guaranteed Income option at ess frequentintervalsi.e, Semi-annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Please refer brochure for more detail. Rider Options \We offer the following Rider options to help you enhance your protection ~ HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider (VIN: 1018013V03) = HDFC Life Critical lness Plus Rider (UIN:1018014V02) ‘orl det o Rides, kindly rf tothe Rider Bocus valable on ur website ead Erin) co Maximum ‘Age at entry (ast birthday) S*years GO years ‘Age at maturity (lastbirthday) Te years 7a years Policy Term (PT) and 1 years for PPT 10 years Premium Paying Term (PPT) 13 years for PPT 12 years Payout Period For PT 11 years: Guaranteed income from12" to 21" yearin arrears ForPT13 years: Guaranteed Income from 14% to 25% yearin area's ‘Minimum Premium ‘Annu: 30,000, Half yearly: € 15,000, Quarterly: & 7.500, Monthiy:€ 2.500 Maximum Premium No limit, subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP) All ages mentioned above are age last birthday. - oO HDFC A ae Life Someta Sar utha ke jiyo! + For Now 208 Variant * Anmunized Premium sal be he premium amount payable in a year cosea bythe poiyholer, excluding the tans rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for oda peru i “Total Proms Pai means al of al the premiamsressved, etciding any ext premium, ary rider prema and aes wl vt onthe Life Assured on stinnent of age 18 yess * Rin cover srs mn dt of cormeneement of policy foal lives icing minor In case noo ie the poi [DFC Lite Insurance Company Limited (*HDFC Life) CIN: LS LOMH2000PLC128245, IRDAL Reg. No. 101 Registered Office: 13h Flor, Lod Excel, Apollo Mills Compound, N.M.Josi Marg, Malaemi, Mars - 40 0 Email servceabaflicom. Tel No: 18602679999 (Mot-St 10 ay oT pn) Loval huge apply. Do NOT Pex any county code eg. +91 oF 0, Website: wa hdfeliecom The namellers"HDFC" i he namelogo ofthe company belong lo Housing Development Fnane Corporation Lined CDEC Lins” and is sed by HEC Life under an grementexerod ito with HDFC Limite, [EDEC Lite Sanchay Pls (UIN:IOINI34V0) i Non-Partcpating, Non Linked Saving Insurance Plan, Life Ieuance Coverage i availabe i this product HDFC Life come Benefit on Acide Disability Rider (UIN:1018013V05, Form no. RSOI-21-01) and HDFC ite Ciel Mines Pies Ride (CTS: 107B014V02, Form no, RSOI-2-01) are the mames ofthe riders. Foe more deals on rik fico, sociated ters apd condos and exclusions plese read sales brochure caely belo concn asl. The South Ind Bank Li {the Coruate Agent (IRDAI Reg. No. CA0067) of HDFC Lilt Lie iasuance polices are underwrten by HDEC Lie, Puchase of ie iasuance policy is volasay ARN: 1BA0821725700, [BEWARE OF SPURIOLS PHONE CALLS AND HICTITIOUSUFRAUDULENT OFFERS “IRDALis pot volved i acs lie sling surance pois, ngouning bonus oe iavestaeat of remns Publi receiving ach pone calls ae requested o ode a Plc compas.

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