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hosident -yn

from enteaing
candidate gets an absohute majority and he is 1imself/herself to the service and
can (oytna
declarrd clected tounhlhodhi au yng of the people of India.
Thr 201h Constitution Amendment Act
(19751 and the 44th Constitution Amendment Rsoluhon movelshall hold office for a term of
Act (1978 ay down that any dispute Over the five
of ter (east l4daf the date on whrich he/she
ection of the President shall be decided by nohe in wng his /her office. He/ She shall
ihe Suprmc Court of lndia? Syned by bne
fow th the hold office, notwithstanding the
Rrasen jen andinct elhetiors menttrs se her term, until his/her successor
14 ecied direcky, tsdant oold lected direcctly
be comk a
rua anu power come a rival Office: 1. The President may,
tet noe mnsters, hust er resignation letter to the Vice
ilof Ministers)
eeced bu moyoity mambers parliamcntary r order to resign his/her office.

ohe nen uriamnt coud mkt Such resignation will be communicated by the
nonet esponsibility.
rolng pavty. said in the Vice-President to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
3 Besident & eleced by electoral 2. The President may, for the violation of
oleo a s o d make hm the could not have the Constitution, be removed from the office
eleced tpresentatue whole and not give
nahon claaa by the process of impeachment.
K The sHaes
Procedure for Impeachment of the President
-two Houses of
Fasuduu o pachment: dominated by 1. When a President is to be impeached
ehan hee panuamant can Asue sident merely for violation of the Constitution, either
a Jog viahon e couihtion, of the Union House of Parliament can level the charge
Rou higate the chage a nominee of as follows:
Uotn is pasud, t rime Minister) (a) Resolution which is moved after at
on ang tupdt represent the least fourteen days' notice in writing
nion. signedby not less than one-fourth of
3. The President is elected by an Electoral the total number of members of the
College In India, the Electoral College House; and
cOnsists of the elected nembers of (b) The resolution is passed by a
the two Houses of Parliament and majority
of not less than two-thirds of the
Legislative Assemblies of the States membership of the House,
Articje 54) Such an (Electoral College 2. When a charge has been so
would make the President the elected preferred
by either House of Parliament, the other
represtnlawe ot he whole nation with (House will investigate the charge and the
a clear voiCE given to the States as
well) President has the right to appear and to
Oath of Office Before entering upon his office, be represented at such an investigation
the President akes an oath in the presence of 3. If, as a result of the
the Chief Justice of India (or in his absence, investigation, a
resolutian is passed by a majority of not less
the seniornost Judge of the Supreme Court) to: than tWa-thirds of the tatal membership
of the House (by which the charge was
1. discharge the functions of the President
of India, investigated), declaring that the charge
has been sustained, sucha resolution will
2. preserve,protect and defend the Constitution have the effect of removing the President
and the law, arnd
from his/her office.
Total History & Civics-10

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