Psycholinguistics 140314095005 Phpapp01

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Nastiti Adi Hapsari 12-121

Ludgardis Venny C. A. 12-125

Agnes Febrian Harlan 12-127
Andi Lintang Pertiwi 12-143
Psycholingustics is a study of language
and the mind.

This explores what goes on human’s mind as an individual

acquires, comprehends, produces, and stores
Psycholinguistics Evidence
The mind cannot be directly observed

1. Observation of spontaneous utterances

 more informative
 learn from child’s mistake, e.g. saying foots
instead of feet

2. Psycholinguistics experiments
 ‘lexical decision task’
 recognizing a word as being a word, e.g.
Acquiring Language
• Language has all the characteristics of
maturationally controlled behavior.

• Animal behavior
 natural : dogs bark
 unnatural : dogs are taught to beg

• Individuals will reach the maturation, so they

are biologically ready to learn the behavior
from their surroundings.
The Content-Process Controversy
• Each person is innately programmed to speak.
• Children are social beings who have a great
need to interact with those around them.
- the social nature of language
- the role of parents
• Humans are naturally ‘tuned in’ to language.
They instinctively pick out speech sounds, and
know how to build them into linguistics
The Rule-governed Nature of Child Language

The learning • A child might first use the

mere word “what” in a
processes of children phrase with a single verb,
are more complex
- What mummy doing?
because they are not - What daddy doing?

simply imitating what • Then only gradually extend

it to other verbs, as in:
they hear going on - What kitty eating?
around them. - What mummy sewing?
Learning the Meaning of Words
• When children have to learn not only the
syntax and sounds of their language, but also
the meaning of words.
• Undergeneralization
 Snow = white, meanwhile paper ≠ white
• Overgeneralization
small things: crumb
 shiny things: moon
Doing It by Hands
• Sign language = used for them who can’t hear
• Sign language is important for children to start
acquiring it young.
• In Nicaragua, a community of deaf youngsters
has invented its own sign language.
Recognizing Words
Listeners were asked to interpret the following

- Paint the fence and the ?ate  gate

- Check the calendar and the ?ate date

How do speakers make the guesses?

• Serial processing
 the liistener check through the possible
candidate one after the other
• Parallel processing
 the possibilities are considered
subconsciously at the same time
Understanding Syntax
The boy kicked the ball threw it back.
Most people feel that there is something wrong
with it, that there is a word left out
somewhere, and that it would preferably be:
The boy who kicked the ball threw it back
The boy kicked the ball, then threw it back.
Speech Production
• Speech production involves at least two types
of process
- Words selection
- Integration to syntax
• Useful clues to those processes:
- Slips of the tongue
- Pauses (where the speaker stops to think)

Slips of
the e.g. Please hand me the tin-opener (nut-crackers)


e.g. A poppy of my caper (a copy of my paper)

Selection errors tell us how individual words are stored
and selected.

Assemblage errors indicate how whole sequences are

organized ready for production.

For example, mistakes nearly always take place within a

single ‘tone-group’.

antidote for ‘anecdote’, confusion for ‘conclusion’
Speech Disorders
speakers have some speech,
Aphasia but speech a rather odd kind.
e.g. Rabbit = apple and rhubarb

speak fluently but tend to

Fluent Aphasia make no sense.
e.g. I can’t mention the tarripoi.

a state where someone talks

Agrammatism with no grammar.
e.g. “Why.. Errr.. No.. Barbara
wife.... And..., oh...”
Language and the Brain


• Left : controls right side  more

powerful and dominant
• Right : controls left side

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