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Vocabulary for Opinion Writing

1. Adjectives for Positive Opinions:

 Superlative
 Commendable
 Meritorious
 laudatory
 Praiseworthy
 Admirable
 Exemplary
 Uplifting
 Noteworthy
 Exquisite
2. Adjectives for Negative Opinions:
 Reprehensible
 Iniquitous
 Deplorable
 Execrable
 Abhorrent
 Detestable
 Repugnant
 Censurable
 Odious
 Ignominious
3. Verbs for Expressing Agreement:
 Corroborates
 Validates
 Affirms
 Supports
 Ratifies
 Substantiates
 Concurs
 Acknowledges
 Aligns
 Confirms
4. Verbs for Expressing Disagreement:
 Contradicts
 Refutes
 Challenges
 Counters
 Rebuts
 Disputes
 Opposes
 Denounces
 Discredits
 Invalidates
5. Adverbs for Strongly Stating Opinions:
 Incontrovertibly
 Undoubtedly
 Evidently
 Conclusively
 Unquestionably
 Unambiguously
 Decidedly
 Categorically
 Resolutely
 Unmistakably
6. Phrases for Introducing Opinions:
 It is irrefutable that...
 Without a shadow of a doubt...
 It stands to reason that...
 In light of compelling evidence...
 It is axiomatic to assert that...
 There is a compelling case for...
 It is incumbent upon us to recognize...
 To deny this reality would be to disregard...
 Inarguably, it can be said that...
 Inescapably, one must acknowledge...
7. Connectives and Transitions:
 Furthermore
 Moreover
 Additionally
 Conversely
 Nevertheless
 Nonetheless
 Notwithstanding
 Consequently
 In conclusion
 In essence
8. Nouns for Opinions and Perspectives:
 Tenet
 Conviction
 Assertion
 Postulation
 Stance
 Predisposition
 Proclivity
 Precept
 Paradigm
 Disposition

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