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1. A. waste B. easy C. instead D. sustainable
2. A. item B. breadwinner C. gratitude D. laundry
3. A. natural B. household C. create D. lifestyle
4. A. awareness B. encourage C. respective D. character
5. I would like to express my gratitude ____ everyone for their hard work.
A. to B. on C. of D. for
6. Many people ________ their computers after just a few years of use.
A. break down B. clean up C. throw away D. take up
7. The tiger saw the boy scouts. ________ , he followed them at a safe distance.
A. Then B. Now C. Today D. Until
8. "The buffalo already crossed the river ________, "said the bear to the tiger. "It is long gone by now".
A. yesterday B. today C. tomorrow D. soon
9. The robbers attacked the police from behind.
A. The police was attacked from behind. B. The police were attacked from behind.
C. The robbers were attacked from behind D. The robbers are attacked from behind
10. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ________________ .
A. we are following B. we are being followed C. we are followed D. we are being following
11. I'm sorry I made you so angry. I ______ it again
A. won't do B. am not going to do C. am not doing D. don’t do
12. The mayor ________________ for office again next term. He's already made plans.
A. will run B. is going to run C. is going to be run D. runs
13. She apologized for ________________ enough time with her two daughters.
A. not to spend B. not spend C. doesn’t spend D. not spending
14. Jake was wise enough _____________ back home after the weather had become worse.
A. to go B. going C. goes D. go
15. –John: “Everyone should learn more about how to treat the environment well." - Jack“________ ”
A. That's not true B. I am sure about that. C. I don't think so. D. It's not true
16. You may find that jogging is harmful to your health rather than beneficial. (SYNONYM)
A. detrimental B. depressing C. simple D. helpful
17. You can use a microwave or cook this kind of food in a traditional oven which has been used in cooking for a long time.
A. unique B. modern C. conventional D. extraordinary

*Identify the errors:

18. You should learning (A) a foreign (B) language before (C) applying (D) for a job.
19. My brother usually asked (A) me for help when (B) he has (C) difficulty with his homework (D) .
20. Five suspects (A) have be (B) arrested (C) by the (D) police.
* Choose the best option to fill in the gaps
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious. It is complicated (21 )
____________ much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes a
large percentage of air pollution. But the automobile (22 ) ____________ transportation for millions of people. Factories
discharge much of the material that pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people.

Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to ( 23) ____________ using many things that
benefit them. Most of the people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually ( 24) ____________ in
several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways lessen the amount of the (25) ____________ that such things
as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that require businesses and traffic to stop, or
to cut down on certain polluting activities.
21. A. while B. because C. so D. though
22. A. provides B. takes C. carries D. affords
23. A. stop B. go on C. start D. continue
24. A. reduced B. to reduce C. reducing D. reduce
25. A. pollutants B. pollutied C. pollute D. pollution
*Read the text and choose the correct answer:
Building positive family relationships
The ordinary, everyday things that families do together can help build strong relationships with teenagers. Regular
family meals are a great chance for everyone to chat about their day, or about interesting things that are going on or coming
up. If parents encourage everyone to have a say, no one will feel they’re being put on the spot to talk. Also, many families
find that meals are more enjoyable when the TV isn’t turned on!
We should all take turns choosing outdoor activities for our families. A relaxing holiday or weekend away together as a
family can also build togetherness.
One-on-one time with the child gives the parents the chance to stay connected and enjoy each other’s company. It can
also be a chance to share thoughts and feelings.
Parents should celebrate the child’s accomplishments, share his disappointments, and show interest in his hobbies.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of showing up to watch the child play sport or music, or giving him a lift to extracurricular
Family traditions, routines and rituals can help parents and their children set aside regular dates and special times. For
example, we might have a movie night together, a favourite meal or cooking session on a particular night, a family games
afternoon or an evening walk together.
Agreed household responsibilities give kids of all ages the sense that they’re making an important contribution to family
life. These could be things like chores, shopping or helping older or younger members of the family.
26. Regular family meals are a great chance for everyone ________.
A. to have an opportunity share their daily activities B. to talk about TV programmes during the meal
C. to have the spot to talk about D. to talk about interesting things that are coming soon
27. The following things are true about outdoor activities for our families EXCEPT ________.
A. all family members try to find out suitable activities B. they should be held on holidays or at weekends
C. they offer a chance to share secret thoughts and feelings D. they offer the pleasant feeling of being united
28. Parents can show their attention to their child by all these things EXCEPT ________.
A. watching the child play sport or music B. giving him a lift to extracurricular activities
C. having a movie night together D. setting aside regular dates to do housework
29. Children who share household chores with their parents will ________.
A. enjoy each other’s company
B. make the family life better
C. be given a chance to do extracurricular activities
D. have a family games afternoon or an evening walk together
30. The main idea of the passage is ________.
A. to give advice on staying connected and enjoying each other’s company
B. how to share household chores between family members
C. to offer pieces of advice to improve family relationships
D. the important role of family traditions, routines and rituals

*Choose an appropriate word from the box to fill in each blank. There are some words are unnecessary.

breadwinners benefits homemakers aim

eco-friendly sustainable bond

31. In fact, childcare seems to have some important __________ for young children.
32. Mothers play an enormous role in the lives of their children and the ________________ is very strong.
33. Women became ________________ while their husbands went to fight in the war.
34. We should use _________ products that are designed to do the least damage to the environment.
35. The _________ of the project is to encourage people to cut down on waste.

*Give the correct forms of the words in brackets:

36. Any help or donations will be ________________ received. (gratitude)
37. 1. Taking these drugs could seriously ________________ your health. (danger)
38. The tests showed high levels of ________________ in the water. (pollute)
39. In contrast with the fierce appearance, the dog is quite ________________. (harmful)
40. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of ________________ in agriculture. (chemistry )
* Give the correct verbs in brackets:

41. I will wait until he (finish) ___________ his work.

42. When I was a child, I usually (go) _______fishing with my brother.
43. A new sports and athletic centre ________________ (open) in our town last week.
44. Are you interested in ____________________ (hear) the whole story?
45. They finally decided __________________ (rent) their apartment.

*Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.

46. Scientists are designing a new project to help reduce greenhouse gases. (passive voice)
47. People will choose locations with plenty of wind to build wind farms in our region. (passive voice)
48. Families in poor countries often force their children to work. (passive voice)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
49. They often redecorate the house before Christmas. (passive voice)
________________ __________________________________________________________________________ .
50. They will repair my car by next week. (passive voice)

1. A. heavy B. breadwinner C. cleaning D. breakfast
2. A. set B. encourage C. enjoyable D. environment
3. A. protection B. neighbourhood C. natural D. energy
4. A. polluted B. dangerous C. organic D. recycled
5. I would like to express my gratitude ____ everyone for their hard work.
A. to B. on C. of D. for
6. Many people ________ their computers after just a few years of use.
A. break down B. clean up C. throw away D. take up
7. The tiger saw the boy scouts. ________ , he followed them at a safe distance.
A. Then B. Now C. Today D. Until
8. "The buffalo already crossed the river ________, "said the bear to the tiger. "It is long gone by now".
A. yesterday B. today C. tomorrow D. soon
9. It _______ that half of your plate consists of vegetables and fruit.
A. suggests B. suggesting C. is suggested D. is suggesting
10. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ________________ .
A. we are following B. we are being followed C. we are followed D. we are being following
11. Not brushing your teeth regularly _______ plaque build up on your teeth.
A. is going to let B. is going to allow C. will let D. will get
12. I _______ a good hot bath in ten minutes in order to take good care of my skin.
A. will have B. will have had C. will be having D. is going to have
13. She apologized for ________________ enough time with her two daughters.
A. not to spend B. not spend C. doesn’t spend D. not spending
14. Jake was wise enough _____________ back home after the weather had become worse.
A. to go B. going C. goes D. go
15. Mr. Black: “I’d like to try on these shoes, please.” Salesgirl: “______”
A. That’s right, sir. B. By all means, sir. C. I’d love to. D. Why not?
16. You may find that jogging is harmful to your health rather than beneficial. (SYNONYM)
A. detrimental B. depressing C. simple D. helpful
17. You can use a microwave or cook this kind of food in a traditional oven which has been used in cooking for a long time.
A. unique B. modern C. conventional D. extraordinary

*Identify the errors:

18. The singer were being sung (A) on the stage (B) when (C) we arrived (D) at the theater.
19. We used to (A) go fishing (B) on this river (C) when we are (D) small children.
20. Jane couldn't (A) come to my birthday party, which (B) made me (C) feeling (D) sad.
* Choose the best option to fill in the gaps
The three Rs
Rubbish, and how we choose to (21) _________ it, affects the environment and everything around us including the air,
water, land, plants, and man-made things. We need a healthy environment for our well-being, so we can (22) __________
why effective management of rubbish is important. Everyone needs to learn about and practise the three Rs - reduce, reuse,
and recycle - to make our world safe and environmentally-friendly place. First, we must buy and use less and we should
choose items with minimal packaging. Second, we should reuse things as much as possible and (23) ____________ items
on to others who can use them when they are no longer of (24) ____________ to us. Finally, we should recycle everything
once its usefulness is over so they can be made into new items. Making new items from recycled ones takes less energy
and fewer resources than making products from brand-new materials. Just about anything that cannot be reused can be
recycled into something (25) ____________ . You’d be amazed what can be done with a recycled product! A recycled
plastic bottle can be made into hundreds of other plastics goods that can be used for many years.

21. A. deal B. cope C. handle D. accept

22. A. know B. understand C. say D. think
23. A. give B. pass C. deliver D. send
24. A. need B. help C. value D. use
25. A. other B. else C. another D. more

*Read the text and choose the correct answer:

The American family unit is in the process of change. In the first half of the 20 th century, there were mainly two types of
families: the extended and the nuclear. An extended family includes mother, father, children and some other relatives, living
in the same house. A nuclear family is composed of just parents and children living under the same roof.
As the American economy had progressed from agricultural to industrial one, people were forced to move to different
parts of the country to get good jobs. These jobs were mainly in the large cities. Now, in fact, three-quarters of Americans
live in urban areas which occupy 2.5% of the national total land mass. Of the 118 million in the labour force, only 3 million
still work on the farm.
Since moving for better jobs has often divided the extended family, the nuclear family became more popular. At present,
55% of the families in the US are nuclear families. But besides the two types of traditional family groupings, the family is now
being expanded to include a variety of other living arrangements because of divorce. There is an increase in single-parent
families, in which a father or mother live with one or more children. Divorce has also led to blended families, which occur
when previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from former marriage into a new family.
There are also some couples who do not want to have children to form two-person childless families.

26. A nuclear family is one that________.

A. consists of father, mother, and children living in the same house
B. relatives live with
C. there are only grandparents, parents and their children living in
D. is bigger than extended family
27. The expression “under the same roof’ means________
A. a house with one roof B. a house with the roof the same as the wall
C. in the same building D. under the house
28. The nuclear family becomes more popular because of________.
A. more divorces B. the division of the extended family
C. fewer jobs in big cities D. an increase in single-parent families
29. How many types of families have there been in the US since the first half of the 20th century?
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five
30. A blended family is a newly-formed family________.
A. with the combination of children of the two previously married father and mother
B. that has only father or mother living with children
C. in which there are no children
D. that there is only one couple living in with their newborn children

*Choose an appropriate word from the box to fill in each blank. There are some words are unnecessary.

divide setting up appliances cleaning up

eco-friendly reduce heavy-lifting

31. For this exercise, the teacher is going to ________________ the class into four groups.
32. My grandfather can’t do ________________ because he has a bad back.
33. His new job is to make sure lights and electrical _________ are switched off when they are not used.
34. We need to _________ the amount of waste you throw out every day.
35. There is a lot of work involved in _________ the campaign to recycle our waste.

*Give the correct forms of the words in brackets:

36. It is of great ________________ that you show up for the meeting. (important)
37. She got into a car accident while driving through a ________________ intersection. (danger)
38. These gases ________________ the atmosphere of towns and cities. (pollutant)
39. This medicine has no ________________ side effects. (harm)
40. Three students and a teacher were taken to hospitals after a fire broke out during a demonstration in the
________________ classroom. (chemist )

* Give the correct verbs in brackets:

41. I will wait until he (finish) ___________ his work.

42. When I was a child, I usually (go) _______fishing with my brother.
43. A new sports and athletic centre ________________ (open) in our town last week.
44. Are you interested in ____________________ (hear) the whole story?
45. They finally decided __________________ (rent) their apartment.

*Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.

46. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday. (passive voice)
47. They may use this room for the classroom. (passive voice)
48. . The children looked at the women with a red hat. (passive voice)
49. Tom was writing two poems. (passive voice)
50. People speak English all over the world. (passive voice)

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