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unil 3 Cater" internal combustion engines are fuelled only by electricity. 2. The cylinder moves up and davr 3, The engine is made of a moving piston and fixed cylinder. 4, There are three types of internal combustion engine 5, Most engines are four-stroke cycle engines. om (INIT tc tne ne in the correct place 1. Place the following parts ofthe - = ae We crankshaft ie connecting rod camshaft piston 2, Complete the following definitions with the words from the previous exercise. 1. The piston is connected to the crankshaft by the 2. They open at the proper time to let the airand fuel in. 3. is 2 ylincrical piece of metal thet meves up and down inside the cylinder 4 Ittums the pistons up and down into a circular motion, _ Controls the Input of fuel. thas several cams, _ 5. Adevice that 3. Match the nouns below to the correct pictures, Iterator arklugs timing bale aterat spark plugs timing beleive belt block of cylinders 4a MLD Present Continucus PRESENT CONTINUOUS Pee ever ear emi teneu ve Yet: happ Orcas Rone HE srecsingtamrorrepaing Amt epning.2 Nala emcaiis Fe sepit Neyo parish seek ee ES cere maceing —gsavpaing.7 is repairin« Wisinot repamng) itvepairing...? | we ee noteati"§ — pewerepain Netra ain ard are repairing aren't) 0 ‘Are you repairing...? They arent oat 1. Complete the following sentences with the Present Continuous. {you check) this engine? Yes, he/she/it i, No, he/she/it sr ETewanead! shot tsb the owe Yes,youhwe/theyare. No, you/we/they aren't 6. (she / study) mechanics? 2. Change the following sentences into the negative form: |. My students are doing the homework 2, Susan is driving her new car 3. john and Peter are changing the cylinders 4, Lam checking the tyres. . The teacher is correcting the exams, 3, Write questions in the Present Continuous ising these words. 1. Julie / fix her car? 2, Tom / repair / the brakes? 3, Brandon / wash /his car? 4, Sarah / change / the oil to the car? 5, Themechanics /Inspect/ the car? 4, Write the answers to the previous questions. 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. Yes, 4, Yes, 5. No, ® AN ing sentences with th 5, Correct the following fon as in the example: informati nposition. (story) Jam writing mposition. lam writing a story Jam not writing a0 1, Sheis reading a book. (comic) 2, Themechanics are repairing the car. (motorbike) 3, Lam having lunch. (dinner) 4, The school is having a party. (meeting) 5. |am riding a bike. (motorbike) 6. They are visiting the garage. (work) BTL the Otte Cycle 1. Look at the faur strokes in the Otto Cycle. Can you identify them? a) 8) ° ©) _ (By Wapcape at Eglsh 1. Intake stroke —The intake valve opens up, letting in air and moving the piston down. 2. Compression stroke — The piston moves back up and compresses the air. 3, Combustion and power stroke — As the piston reaches the top, fuel is injected at just the right moment and ignited, forcing the piston back down. 4, Exhaust stroke — The piston moves back to the top, pushing out the exhaust created from the combustion out of the exhaust valve. 2. What is the meaning of the following verbs? 1. open 5. push 2. dose _ 6.reach 3. let__ 7.force _# 4, compress 8 inject 3. Write sentences using the verbs in Exer Example: in the intake the valve opens nt the Prese ces using 4. Complete the following sentenc i ork, ee aout {do} the English homew' entation of the new C2" 2. Susan _[prepare) the pres an i (the teachers /attend) the presentation 4. Theschool__(enrol) a new exchange program this year. 5. Peter {not come) to schol today. He is il. 6. Ourstudents (design) a new electric car prototype, 5, Write sentences using the Present Continuous 1. Susan /check/ the tyres pressure. 2. Paul and Tom / change /the wipers. 3, John /not replace /the windscreen, 4. The teacher / show /the students how to change a tyre. 5. The students /listen /to the teacher. 6. The garage / offer / reduced prices this week ecm 7. What are the people in these pictures doing with the following information ‘6. Write questions in the Present ont 1, Susan /ride / het motorbike? 4, Sara /listen / to music? 2, Paul and Tom / study / English 3. Jenny /read / a book about engines) 5, The teacher / explain / the lesson? | 6. The car (work / properly? | 7. The mechanics / change / the brake pa | 8. The senior mechanic / work? CST Types of engines eeeeeHHReHYW Ut all engines ae created equal. Tho amen many shapes ord sizes Most outanebile ys lend htt he, oie ba tbnks of inline eglinders in a vee, as ina V-6 or 0 V8 Engines are cls clasiied by thar size, or displacement, which The combined volume of aver’ ise. That a cote exp od Arras ann ener conbistion edaoes onthe morket Alknsn-tacleeonines, for example, change. te vole ie ag ens ml cg timing fe make. a mere efficient but less poser eagine. Tabihagig nl aprhrgig pap ona anf he rg shih nr he available oxygen and thas the omaunt of fue that can be burned=resaling in more poner - fs wont i a hace mt ye ist need Fos none sel engines do all this without 5 to matter the engin, as long as it's Tce ealategcrng bee nl lene oe See SREY ape or piano comitatus a269621/NO Wa MS! 1. Which type of engines are mentioned in the text? A a ©. D) 6 AL 2. Read the text and answer these questions. Which engine. 2) does not need sparkplugs? b) increases the oxygen and the burned fuel? ©) changes the valve timing? d) arrange their cylinders in straight line? ©) arrange the cylinders in a vee? 3. Can you relate these pictures to some of the type of engines mentioned in the text: #n the following sentences into the 5, change with ae s information segs 44 write sentences using this ee as the Present Sionple iy {sparkplug 1. Diesel engines/ not need spark i. oe pet 2, Turbocharaing engi ta a - rincrease (Owe site 2. Turbocharging engines. efficiency. ait i? i you need to check the oll level every day, 3, Atkinson engines /be / more efficient ustion process's very compen banks 4. Theinternal combustion pr {mat combine / two bat 4, Straightline engines cof eyindersina vee. Pits = '5, The technicians are inspecting the engine atte ment. 5, Te Atkinson engine / change /the valve timing mor tobe more efficient. >= 6. Turbocharging engines change the valvettimieg Let's see the main parts is the part which converts the linear involved in the working of an engine. Fi this Motion of the pene First the 1. . ait 2 BOET_he pistons are push to a rotational force. Ne 4 theyturn thecrankshaft, ‘hed down by the expansion ee ‘compressed ai 2 Then we have the 3, Taher sore i amy fe The the flow of ait and fuel into the cnn siallace Tt Blas an ange ree cs a ynder engine whichis commanty fairs (Mra struct over four-stroke inline 0" produce aoke engine passes throught? Most hatchbsce ve" four-stroke rrottespone They are” OEY ou citeene eee SENATE a — Soo ee ange ow STO can tng 1. Read the tips for car engine maintenance. Do you understand all of then re Maintenance lips Nowadays, it's not unusual for cars to get past 300,000 miles ~ sometimes even up to 500,000 ile. Its obvious, isnt it? It all comes down to the maintenance. Here you have some engine maintenance tips to make your car live longer + Check the oil regularly + Keep your engine from overheating + Schedule a regular tune up + Check the timing bel + Change the air filter at eqular intervals. + Replace worn out drive belts + Change the spark Plugs and wires + Replace the fuel filter. 3. How often do you need to make these maintenance tips? Write sentence 1 example You need to check the ol every month s Phesent Continvie, cet vee Simple v ng Actions happening at the moment of speskng eth ay Routines. Univers ius ations ze versotreaueney eae oe Atthe moment ee Listent, Look! Monroe schas ove at the Pres nt Simple or Present Continuous. the Presen ‘4. Complete the following sentences usins ee ere ee tepen at arm ever nk look) fora new car at the moment. a 3. John {not lke) diesel cars, 4, Peter and Susan _ (work) in that garage. 5, Look! Those guys tea that car 6 (they /work) in new project now? a [check) the ol evel in this car at the moment 8. ___{she lve) in London? 9. My teacher {g0) to the garage twice a week. 10. {that garage look) fora new mechanic? 5. Arrange words to write sentences inthe Presen oF Present Continuous. mele 1. The/ are / the /tyres / changing / mechanics, 2. not/ Pam /live / does / Manchester in, 3 patents / got /@/ car lassie/ have / my, 4, garage /our fm: garag) roth /1s/ this offering / special prices, 5. you/ with /. : working /are/car /that /now /? Usually / break / lunch / for/we/ay a/at/2pm/h, thave, AU 1. What's the meaning of...? Layout A upwards 4.layout 2, straight Bie 3. core 6.rearwheeldrive © Tia Type of engines cas 2. Complete the following sentences with the information from the listening. TYPE OF EVIGINES 1, Ininline engines, the cylinders are inaline facing upwards and are usually perpendicular to the car. 2. The straight shape engine is basically the same as an inline engine, butthe cylinders are positioned in | with the core from front to back This layout of engine is mostly used in premium cars usually in Se rae, 3. The Vitype of engine got their name because the cylinders ae arranged in a V shape. This type is generally reserved for ears. 4, Boxer engines helps keep their center of gravity low usually to benefit the engines are known for their distinctive and there are only two car companies currently using boxer engines. They are ______and Subaru, 5. The W engine is basically two VR engines which are joined together at their base performing a W “These types of engines are only used in ultra-luxury and in high performance cars like in some Bentley models and _ 6, Rotary engines have no pistons, but they have __ Instead, These engines are ‘mall, compact and there isa curved long inner shape: Its rotor turns in direction only but it completes all four___ of Otto's cycle, 3. Answer the following questions according ta the information provided by the listening. 1. Which are the most common types of engines? 2. Where can we find straight shape engines? 3. Where does V engine get its name from? 4 How an ost ngs tron a vege 5, Whatis the main characteristic of rotary engines? be scnviced 7 ty can needs to sna caster. What the Problem With 1. Read the following conversation ‘car? When is the mechanic fixing it? Ilse Wood our garner seers" PP you? stoner Hell. Mycaris making a weird noise. ‘Mechanic: Where iit coming from? Castomer: Well,Lam not sure. When | a wu start the car and pop the hood? sin the ett sounds ke is coming from the engine ‘Mechanic: Let me takea look. Can yo Customer: Sure Mechanic: Wel) cant hear the noise but theresa coolant leak and your carburetor needs adjusting Customer So, ean you fxit today? Mechanic: Not today, but can you bring ittomorrow morning? Customers Ok, What time? ‘Mechanic: We open at 3am so anytime. will check the noise and fix the coolant leak. sstomer Ok See you tomorrow. Mechanic: See you! 2. Write you own conversation between, ‘that you can use about problems in a car Itdoes not tart flat tyre r itmakes a strange noi: \___thasanoiteaking ae their conditioning does not work han ‘anda customer. Here you have some vocabulany _ 1. Mysistor_ 15 years old. 2 We. English class on Friday, 3, My parents anew car. 4, My cousins _ ‘om Londen. si __18 yearsold 2. Complete with how often, when, why, where, wh, what or how and match them to the correct answer 1 old are yo a) At tam. 2 isnot Mary in class? b) Mr. Robins. 3 does the cass start? ©) In Room 14 4. ___doyougo tothe gym? a) Twice a week 5. isthe Basic Machining class? _¢) Because she isi 6 isthe Engines teacher? frm 1. 3. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs | in bracket 1. The garage supervisor (open) | thegarage ato 2. The senior mechanic (supervise) the junior mechanic's work. 3. John inot work) in that garage anymore 4. This favourite garage. (be) my (yourlike) automatic cars? __(she/study) Electronics? 1@ with the correct form of verb to be or have got. 4. Complete with the correct form of the Present Continuous, 1. My father: (wash) his car at the moment. 21 (read) anew magazine about cars. 3. John and Paul (work) with a new prototype. | 4 _(Karen/work) with you now? 5. We (watch) a documentary about classic cars in class. se _(they/ study) Basic Motors? op the name below | resto lass repair tyres welding bodywork & ai he Nh D 7. Match the following staff members to their definitions. 1. Senior mechanic 2) He checks the electrical systems in car. 2. Diagnosis specialist ») He works with whee! alignment, punctures or at wheels 3. Welder ‘<)Thepetson who sells and buys cars. 4, Salesman )Amechanic with alot of experience, 5. Tyre fitting mechanic 6) The mechanic that finds out what the problem in a caris, 6. Electrical repair mechanic A) He needs some special Protection for work, 8, Write the name Om”. ( om 9. Complete the following sentences with the 11. Choose one of the topics and prepare a information in the listening, short presentation: 1. The tools are _ the workbench. 2. My parents are considering buying an 3, Susans the ofthe garage. | 4, Paul is working in the atthe | moment. 5, The fourth step in the Otto’ cycles the a tice 6, We have Transmissions and Electric Circuits on. td Types ees 7. The Of this car isall electric. 8, This car does not have alloy rims. It has DAILY ROUTINES Ss = = Weekdays Weekend 9, The basic version of this cardoes not have Bialik con 10, We have English THE ENGINE | Main parts Types 10. Look at the following chart these routines. Then complete with information about you Pe ee book watchTV sarah usually never every day sometimes Paul and Tom often usualy usually never George sometimes often never usually You

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