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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Semester: (Spring, Year:2023), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)


Course Title: Digital Logic Design Lab
Course Code: CSE-204 Section: D7

Lab Experiment Name: Implement D flipflop and verify its truth table.
Implement T flipflop and verify its truth table.

Student Details

Name ID
Ashiful Haque Shihab 221902329

Lab Date : 29/11/2023

Submission Date : 13/12/2023

Course Teacher’s Name : Mr. Montaser Abdul Quader

[For Teachers use only: Don’t Write Anything inside this box]

Lab Report Status

Marks: ………………………………………………. Signature: ………………………………………
Comments: ………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………..

1. Title:
Implement D flipflop and verify its truth table.
Implement T flipflop and verify its truth table.

2. Objectives:
The objective of this lab exercise is to implement and verify the
functionality of D flip-flop and T flip-flop. Both flip-flops will be
implemented using appropriate logic gates, and their operations will be
validated by comparing the output states with the expected values derived
from truth tables.

3. Block Diagram of D Flip - Flop and T flip flop:

Figure 1: Block Diagram of T Flip – Flop

Figure 2: Block diagram of D Flip - Flop


4. Truth Table:

Clock D Q Q’

↓»0 0 0 1

↑»1 0 0 1

↓»0 1 0 1
↑»1 1 1 0
3: truth
Table of D
Flip - Flop

T Q Q (t+1)

0 0 0

1 0 1

0 1 1

1 1 0

Figure 4: Truth Table of T Flip – Flop

5. Circuit Diagram:

Figure 5: Circuit Diagram of D Flip – Flop

Figure 6: Circuit Diagram of T Flip - Flop

6. Required Components & Equipments:

 IC 7408, 7410 and 7404
 Resistors
 Connecting Wire.
 Power Supply
 Bread Board.

7. Implementation On Tinkercad:

Figure 6: Implementation of D flip -flop

Figure 7: Implementation of T Flip - Flop

8. Result/Output:

D Flip – Flop:

T Flip- Flop:

9. Discussion:
In this experiment, we successfully made and tested D and T flip-flops, important
parts of digital circuit design. Let's talk about what we saw, compare it with what
we expected, and think about how these flip-flops can be useful.

1. D Flip-Flop Discussion:

The D flip-flop does a simple job. It keeps its output the same when the clock is
low, and it changes to the input state when the clock goes from low to high. This is
useful in circuits where data needs to be stored and synchronized. During our
simulation, the circuit behaved as expected, giving us the right output states.

2. T Flip-Flop Discussion:

The T flip-flop toggles its output state when the clock changes from low to high,
but only if the T input is high. This is handy when you need toggling without extra
control logic. Our simulation matched the expected results from the truth table.

10. Conclusion:
In conclusion, our successful implementation and verification of the D flip-flop
and T flip-flop in this experiment demonstrate foundational skills in digital circuit
design. The D flip-flop, maintaining and updating stored data, and the T flip-flop,
efficiently toggling its output, serve as essential building blocks for more intricate
digital systems.

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