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MGMT351 – Human Resources Management

Tutorial topic 10

Exercise 10.1: Tesla

Tesla, manufacture of solar panels and electric cars, is currently being investigated for several
workplace hazards at its Fremont, CA factory. The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, has made a move
to run the factory around the clock to meet current production targets. Tesla is accused of
underreporting worker injuries to regulators, along with other serious violations. In other
investigations of Tesla, Federal safety regulators are fining Tesla Inc. $110,863 for safety
violations they uncovered after an employee was hospitalised with electrical burns on the job.
It’s Tesla’s single largest safety fine to date.
Tesla responds to the investigation saying, “Cal/OSHA [California Division of Occupational
Safety and Health] is required to investigate any claims that are made, regardless of whether
they have merit or are baseless (as we believe these are) and we always provide our full

Watch the video at:

• What could be reasons for the safety issues experienced at Tesla?
• What do you think of the fine that Tesla had to pay?

(end of tutorial activity)

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