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2.F. Mental Attitude of Patients

patient before meet
De Van stated, "meet the mind of the

the mouth of the patient" Hence, we understand that

can influence the out
the patient's attitudes and opinions
come of the treatment.
patient's hair color, height,
A doctor should evaluate the
etc. right from
weight, gait, behavior, socioeconomic status,
the moment he/she enters the clinic. A brief conversation
will reveal his/her mental attitude.? Actually patient

tion is done along with history taking but since it is usually

discussed it in detail
begun prior to history taking," we have
Based on their mental attitude, patients can be grouped
under two classifications. Dr MM House proposed the first
one in 1950, which is widely followed.

2.G. Classificationof Mental Attitude of Patients

2.G.1. House's Classification

Dr MM Housess in 1950 classified patient's psychology
four types:
Class I: Philosophical or reasonable
Section 1: Complete Dentures
Those who have presented themselves prior to the 2.G.2. Classin
extraction of their teeth, have had experience in

anticipate any specialPatients may «

wearing d e n t u r e s , and do not

diffhculties in that regard. gories

are in good Cooperative:
Those who have worn satisfactory dentures, in need of They may or mn
well-balanced type, and
a are
health, are
they are Open-
further denture service.
Procedures ca
oenerally. they can be easy-qoing, con
described as

become fully cc

genial, mentally well adjusted, cooperative and confdent

of the dentist. These patients have excellent prognosis. Apprehensive:
for dentures th
Class lH: Exacting or critica
.Those who, while suffering from il health, are seriousiy not be overcot
concerned about appearance and efficiency of artiicial to all of these
dentures. They are reluctant to accept the advice of the them speak ou
physician and the dentist, and are unwilling to submit to Apprehensive
the removal of their artificial teeth. Anxious: Th=
Those wearing dentures unsatisfactory in appearance uncertaintie

and usefulness, and who doubt the ability of the dentist selves intooa
to render a satisfactory treatment, and those who insist may be psyc
on a written guarantee or expect the dentist to make Frightened:
repeated attempts to please them. others fear
still others 1
These patients areprecise, above average in intell
gence, concerned in their dress and appearance, usually cases shou
dissatisned Byiher prevaus treatment da nat have con: Obsessive o
exacting na
hdencein the dentist. Itis very difíicult tosatisfv them. But
oncesatisfiedthey become the dentist's greatest supporter. others.
Class lIl: Hysterical or antagonistic the dentist
Those in bad health with long neglected pathological handled firm
mouth conditions and who are positive in their minds that they
that they dentures.
can never wear
They are emotionally constructio
unstable and tend to complain without
Those who have attempted to wear dentures but
.Chronic co
who are
failed. They are
thoroughly discouraged. They
are of a APpreciatin
hysterical, nervous, very exacting temperament and will many of
demand efficiency and appearance from the dentures
equal to that of the most perfect natural teeth. Unless to have ar
their mental attitude is changed it is difficult to give a work comr
successful treatment
patients do not want to have_any treatment Selr-conscie
done. They come Out of compulsion from their relatives
friends. They have a highly negative attitude to the and
dentist conscious
and the treatment. Ihey nave unrealistic expectations and
want the dentures to
be better than their natural teeth. some resp-
Theyare the mast dificult patients to manage.
poor prognosis. Ihey show Uncooperativ
Class IV: Indifferent or passive upon being u
Those who are unconcerned about a need for de
their appearance and
feel very little or no attitude is neg
necessity for teeth for mastication.
are, therefore uncooperative and will hardly group of pote
try to become patience
accustomed to dentures. They will not maintain the to th
tures properly and do not
den- dentures for t
appreciate the efforts and skills
of the dentist. Along wit
20 the dentist mu

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