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Central Characters List:

1. Ariel The Mermaid – Riyan Beriwal
2. The Prince – Nihal
3. King Triton –Aditya
4. Flounder the Fish – Yog Sinojia
5. Sebastian The Crab – Rishabh Pandey
6. Ursula The Sea Witch – Arnnav Deva
Side Characters:
1. The Prince’s Assistant:
2. The Chef: Aryaman Gupta
3. Mermaid’s Grandfather: Naman Somani
Background Characters:

Introduction: Good Evening to everyone present here. Today, I, on behalf of Martand House,
welcome you to our Inter-House One-Act Play. We the students of Martand House will be
presenting Little Mermaid. This story follows Ariel, a curious and determined young
mermaid, who longs to see the world beyond the waves, in the name of not just curiosity, but
forbidden love. Let us embark on this journey along with Ariel and follow her throughout her
journey, and the sacrifices she makes, in the name of love.
Prepare to be mesmerized as we bring this performance to light with the help of our Vibrant
Costumes, Stunning Acting, and Breathtaking props.

Through our performance, we hope to ignite your imagination, stir your emotions and remind
you of the power of love, determination, and self-discovery. Now let us transport you to the
world of “Little Mermaid” as we embark on this extraordinary adventure together.
Scene 1

(Music is playing in the background. Side characters are discussing among

themselves, and suddenly one of the side characters comes up, and blares from a
Mermaid 1: Mermans and Mermaids alike! May I present, Your Majesty!
(Loud Cheers)
King Triton enters.
Triton: Thank you Thank you! Now, to all those assembled here. Today is a
special day! I am, of course, talking about my beloved, my caring daughter
Ariel’s Concert! Now then Ariel, the show is yours!
(An even louder cheer)
(A brief 4 seconds of silence)
Triton: Um…Ariel? Ariel? SEBASTIAN!!!
Sebastian (Runs as fast as he can): Y-Yes, your Majesty! To what service may I
be to you?
Triton: Where is my daughter?!
Sebastian: Oh my, well it seems your majesty, your daughter has…your
daughter has…
Triton: Sebastian. Finish. The. SENTENCE!
Sebastian: Your Daughter has decided to go on a trip, my lord
Triton: A trip? TO WHERE!
Sebastian: the surface my lord.
(The side characters scream in fear of Triton’s rage, and all the characters run
out of the stage.)
Narrator: And so, Triton’s rage gets the better of him. Such an ordinary
occurrence if I must say so myself. But as the scene shifts, we move to the
beauty of the youngest princess of Triton’s own: Ariel; With her gushing
crimson hair and her two only necessities, her best friend Flounder, and her
sweet, and awakening voice.
(Ariel and Flounder enter the stage)
Ariel: I mean, Father, look it’s a dinglehopper! I found it on the way back!
Human things are so beautiful and special, don’t you agree?

Triton: ARIEL! NEVER——

Ariel: Father! You must understand!

Ariel: I... (Cries and storms off)
Triton: No! Ariel! wait!
Flounder: Ariel! Ariel! Wait for me! *Sighs* You know I can not swim as fast
as you!
Ariel: Oh, quit making excuses, Flounder. Look! A Dinglehopper! From the
world above! (Points Fork to the audience) Does it not make you think? Does it
not make you wonder what the world beyond looks like? Oh, when will Father
ever allow me to go beyond… Sometimes all I wish is to go with my sisters and
have a concert of my own up on the surface! A concert…wait a minute…Oh no.
Father! Please do not unleash another one of your storms!
Narrator: And so, as the torrent of Triton sets in her mind, the seeds for
something larger have already begun to sow.
Ursula: My, My. Is this something not to look forward to? Ah, I remember my
youthful days, how beautiful I truly was then, it is truly a PITY that Triton
chose that flimsy witch of his over me. But sometimes, it is best to move on,
hmm? Oh well, who says I cannot have a bit of fun on my own? (Sinister
(Ursula leaves the stage)
Ariel: Father! Father! I can explain!
Triton: You! You went up to the surface again, did you not?! Do you not realize
you could have been seen by one of those “barbarians”?! One of those
“humans” could have snared you by their hook and taken your life!
Flounder: It was not her fault! It could not be! It was…uh...yeah. It was not her
fault! All we did was try to go near the surface, but then we remembered about
the concert, and so we made our way back as soon as possible!
Triton: *Sigh* (Sits back at his throne)
Sebastian: Oh teenagers, what goes in their mind is something no creature can
ever truly understand…
Triton: Do you think I was perhaps too harsh to her?
Sebastian: Oh, not in the slightest! Sometimes, a bit of scolding is just what they
Triton: *Sigh*, I believe I am too old for such a chore anyway. Wait! Perhaps I
should look for an assistant of mine to look after her!
Sebastian: Indeed.
Triton: Someone who watches after her all the time!
Sebastian: All the time.
Triton: Someone who makes sure she will be all fine.
Sebastian: All fine.
Triton: You are just the man Sebastian!
Sebastian: HUH?!
Triton: And Sebastian, if you ever let her even touch the sands of the shores of
the land, I promise you, I shall wreak havoc on all land above!
Sebastian: But my lord that is- Wait! My lord! You must understand!
(Triton walks out)
Sebastian: Oh, how did I get myself into this mess? I should be someone who
always stays by the king himself. Not look after some hormonal teenagers! Oh,
here she comes…
Ariel: If only I could make my father understand. I just do not see how a world
that makes such wonderful things could be so bad. He will never understand
that I was not meant for these fins!
(Ariel Sings a song and Flounder travels around with her, while Sebastian
watches from the corner, slowly making his way to the scene)
Ariel: Alright that is it! I am off to the surface!
Sebastian: Wait, wait. Ariel! You must not! Oh, my word, what will your father
say about this?!
(Blackout) Scene Ends (7:30 mins with Part of Your World) (During Blackout
narrator says this)
Narrator: Ahh Curiosity. It is what drives us all, is it not? Ariel has no idea of
the world beyond. The unimaginable beauty of the world beyond the seas. Its
magnificence and its endless wonders stirred her curiosity like an irresistible
siren's song. As Ariel, the young and spirited mermaid, gazes longingly at the
distant horizon. The tales she has heard from wise old sea folk and the
fragments of human objects she has collected fuel her imagination, leaving her
with an insatiable desire to unravel the secrets of the surface world but it is all
good up in this new world, The WORLD BEYOND the shore!

Scene 2:

Prince: (Plays the Flute while enjoying the time with his dog)
Ariel: Wow, a human, I had no idea they looked so…
Prince: Alright, who is a good boy now?
(A dog barks and runs towards Ariel.)
(Ariel sneaks behind the boat)
Ariel: Phew, that was a close one
Ariel: Shush Sebastian! Look there, it is a human! Can you believe it?
Sebastian: Oh, I certainly can, you do not worry! I am sure these guys have
something to “welcome” us with if we ever meet them!
(Bell Tings)
Prince’s Assistant: *Ahem* Gentlemen. I think we all owe a huge debt of
gratitude to Prince Eric himself on this fine day, as it is his birthday after all!
(Everyone Cheers)
Eric: Alright, Alright that’s enough for one day fret not.
Assist.: But sire, do you not think it is about time you-
Prince Eric: Oh, come on, just because I did not fall for the Princess of Glower,
did you? Do not worry. I know she is out there somewhere, I just…Have not
found her yet. But believe me, I will know when I find her. And when I do, I
will know it, it would hit me, just like…just like lightning!
(Thunder suddenly roars, and everyone looks around)
Sailor: Everyone, hang on tight! This is a big one!
(Chaos in the background)
Narrator: Ah, a day to certainly forget for the prince, ironic if I must say so
myself! As the ship is wrecked with chaos, the innocent little puppy is left
stranded on the ship. And as is the duty of love and affection, the prince hops
back onto the ship and rescues his dog from the threats that lay ahead. But in
return, the prince has BLASTED away from the sheer power of the heat of the
But at the same time, it will forever be a day that the prince remembers, it was
that mystical mermaid that saved him from his impending doom, as this
mysterious figure rushes to rescue the prince, and escort her to the seashore that
lies ahead.
(Ariel and an unconscious Eric are at the shore of a beach)
Ariel: Is he...alive?
Sebastian: Oh, I’m afraid I do not know how humans work Princess!
Flounder: Where even are their hearts?
Ariel: But look, he’s breathing!
Sebastian: Well, is that not wonderful! Alright then, we shall agree to none of
this ever happening, Our King will never know. You will not tell him. I will not
tell him. And I shall remain in one piece.
(2 song plays, as Ariel lip-syncs again, Prince slowly wakes up, but the steward

and the dog located the prince, so she quickly escapes from the scene)
Asst.: Oh Prince Eric! There you are! I truly am delighted about your safety!
Eric: A girl, she saved me, and she had the most beautiful voice of them all.
Asst.: Alright my prince, perhaps that is enough for one trip of yours, Let's head
back to the castle.
(They both exit.)
Ariel: Eric, so that is your name, my prince. One day, I too wish that I will be
part of your world!
(Sweet Music Ends and Ursula makes an entry)
Ursula: Oh, what is this I am seeing? A mermaid, falling in love with a mere
human prince? Oh, and so the plot thickens, in this twisted tale of love, perhaps
it is time I make an entry myself. (Sinister Laughter)
ARIEL (Internal Monologue): The world beyond is what the folks call it to be.
Prince Eric. So that was your name! I want to…no! I need to learn more about
those beyond the reef, in the world I have just seen. That ship was beautifully
crafted and bigger than this dinglehopper of mine (Sudden sad tone) But who
can tell me more about them? (Sudden shift to happiness) That is it! Grandpa!!

Scene 3
Ariel: Grandpa, what makes us mermaids so different from humans? We look so
similar anyway, is this separation between us all that necessary?
Grandpa: *Laughs* Oh my child, you truly are a curious one, are you not? This
is not the first time you have asked this after all.
Ariel: Really?
Grandpa: Really! Ah, you were just a simple toddler back then, how truly old I
have become.
Ariel: Come on…You are far from being old Grandpa!
Grandpa: Well, in Human years, you can certainly count me as a man who has
lived through it all!
Ariel: Human years? How long do they live for Grandpa?
Grandpa: Ah, it is a life far shorter than ours could ever be, but perhaps they
have something more waiting for them on the other side.
Ariel: Grandpa…
Grandpa: Yes?
Ariel: What happens after we die?
Grandpa: So, it is this question at last hmm? I’m afraid I have seen this coming.
Listen here my little star, our death is something far away, but when it does
come, it will be simple, all we do is, simply turn to foam and be one with the
Ariel: Be one with the sea…
Grandpa: Now, now. You do not worry about such things already, you have a
whole life ahead of you! Look forward to its beauty, you have all the time in the
Ariel: Your right grandpa, I think I know what I should do! All right then, I’m
off! See you soon.
Grandpa: No problem, Sweetheart.
(The Grandpa leaves)
Flounder: Ariel, there you are!
Ariel: That means, the love of my life, will die, and all I could do is watch?
Flounder: What are you talking about Ariel?
Ariel: Do not you get it Flounder? I must find a way, so I can finally be one with
him, the man of my world…
Flounder: But you are a mermaid, Ariel, how could you possibly do something
like this?
Ariel: I…hmmm. Wait, that is it! Flounder, have you heard about her?
Flounder: About who?
Ariel: About the Sea Witch.
Flounder: No, Ariel, I will not let you, I can not let you go near someone
who…who is so…
Ariel: Flounder, you must understand, he means everything to me, I would do
anything just so I could live with him even for a single day!
Flounder: Please understand Ariel, you will sacrifice so much more in return…
Ariel: Well so be it then! Flounder, it is your wish if you wish to join me, but
I’m going. Because I need to, and I must.

Flounder: Ariel, wait! Where are you going?! Sebastian! Are you seeing this?!
(Swims away with Sebastian behind him)
Sebastian: Oh, what now?!
(Ariel in a gloomy background)
Ariel: Where, where am I? The atmosphere here, is so suffocating, so thin, is
this the right place? Am I supposed to be here?
Ursula: Ah, so there you are, alas. It seems this little plan of mine needed no
execution. (Facing the audience). You have come right to me! So, tell me,
darling, what can I do for you?
Ariel: Are you…the one?
Ursula: Ah do not be afraid; Ursula already knows what you want.
Ariel: Huh?
Ursula: You want him do you not, that prince charming of yours.
Ariel: You…knew? But I can not…
Ursula: Oh, and why is that?
Ariel: I do not have-
Ursula: Oh, my sweet little princess, you do not worry about having legs. You
want to meet your true love after all, do you not? Ah, teenage love, how pure it
truly is (Facing the audience). Very well then, my child! I shall give you your
beloved human legs you so desire!
Ariel: R-really?!
Ursula: Of course! But in return… you must sacrifice what is your most
precious of yours.
Ariel: A-and, what could that be?
Ursula: Why my dove, I’m of course talking about, YOUR VOICE!
Ariel: My, my voice?
Ursula: So then! What shall it be?
Ariel (Internal Monologue): My, my voice. It’s the very thing that people love
about me. Am I ready, am I truly ready to sacrifice not only my voice but also
all that is down here? Father, my sisters, can I ever truly see you again if I make
this choice?
Ursula: Aww I am afraid this princess simply cannot be with her love. What a
pity, I guess he’ll have to find a woman who will stand by him when he needs it.
Ariel: Wait! Wait!
Ursula: Oh?
Ariel: I will…Fine. I accept the deal. Make it happen.
as the background starts blinking rapidly, and Ariel slowly loses her voice after
as she tries to sing, and passes out as it is over)
Narrator: In a moment of fateful decision, the princess's destiny unfolded. As
her choice was made, a remarkable transformation began to transpire. Her
ethereal tail was once graceful. Yielded to a new-found enchantment. In its
stead, delicate legs, as if emerging from a whispered incantation. As the passage
of time unfolded, the melody of her once resplendent voice gradually faded into
the ephemeral whispers of the wave. As the realization washed over her that she
could not breathe in the sea. Sebastian and Flounder seized the opportunity to
aid her and gradually pulled her toward the surface.
(Ursula Disappears, Sebastian and Flounder appear, stunned, and pull her to the
Sebastian and Flounder: Ariel, please you have to wake up right now!
Sebastian: Oh no, did she survive? I mean we pulled her out of the water in
time, but were we quick enough?
Flounder: Take it easy buddy, I know where their hearts are now! Look! She’s
breathing! Ah! Ariel! You’re awake!
Sebastian: Oh, this is a catastrophe! That Sea Witch deal worked after all! Look
at her Flounder! She’s on Human Legs! Oh, what would her father say if he
found out about all this, this cannot happen, this cannot happen I must go and
say to him this instant, and you do not dare nod your head in disapproval right
now Young Lady! Maybe we can still go back to that witch and get those fins
and Cail of yours back, and then you can back to the ocean where you belong -
(Sudden shift to a sad tone) Oh please do not give that face to me Ariel…*Sigh*
all right, all right, I will help you find that Prince…Oh, what a soft shell I am
after all. ( keeps whispering into the mic about what has happened and
Floundy: All right! Now then, how about we get you ready to see the prince?
The scene cuts to Prince:
Eric: I just do not get it Max, who was it, who was the one who came into my
life that day and went away just as quickly?
(Max Barks and leads Eric to the princess.)
Eric: Hey Max! Get back here-
Eric: Woaahhhhhh.
Eric: You…I feel as though…I have seen you somewhere. No, could it
be…You’re the one, are you not?! My true love, you are the beautiful voice I
have been searching for all along, are you not? I knew it! (Sudden Realization)
Oh, you cannot speak? Oh…Perhaps you are not the one I am looking for…
(Both Ariel and Max look at the audience in disappointment)
(Max barks more and more at Eric.)
Eric: All right all right, take it easy now buddy. Hey, you do not seem to have a
place to stay right now. Ah! I know! Do you see that castle over there? That is
where I live! Come on then! We do not want you to catch a cold.
(Ariel squeaks in excitement, and they head to the castle. (11:30))
(Scene Ends)
(During the blackout)
Chef: Mamamia! Today I shall prepare the best dishes of them all. A fish! Hehe
Sebastian: What is this place?Oh no… my friends(Scared, Looking at the dead
and fried fish)
Chef:ohh what do we have here?The Biggest crab I have ever seen. I guess I
need to change my plans. Why don't you join me here, my little friend?
(Chef starts running behind Sebastian and exits the stage.)
Sebastian: Oh no no no
Chef: I will start by slicing you and then frying you in this hot oil. With a pinch
of salt and seasoning, you would be the most delicious dish I have ever cooked.
Sebastian: O Gods above and below, save me from this inhuman atrocity!

The Scene starts.

Narrator: The beauty of her eyes.The way she looked at me. Love is something
we all deserve but we do not always get what we deserve, do we? Human
behavior is something so peculiar. Everything we want is right in front of us but
we still fail to see it until it is too late.

Steward: Oh my prince, lovely ladies do not just swim around and rescue in the
ocean, and then flutter off into-
Eric: I am telling you Grim she was real! And I will find her without a doubt,
and when I do. I shall marry her.
Maid: Hohoho come on then darling, do not be shy.
(Ariel walks in.)
Eric: Uhm, wow you look absolutely uh…gorgeous.
Maid: I told you my dear it would work! Hey Grim, do you not think this is the
first time Eric has smiled in weeks?
Grimsby: Oh, my it certainly is. Well then, shall we take our seats?
Eric: Uh yes, of course.
Grimsby: Well then, my prince as I was saying, oh please would you just turn
your eye here for one second? Ah! That is it! Tomorrow my prince, why do you
not take our beloved guest on an adventure into the town?
Eric: Huhhhh…Huh? Oh yes of course! Well then, would you like to go to the
town with us tomorrow?
(Ariel nods approvingly.)
Eric: Alright then! Our date is set!
(Ariel jumps and hops back to her room and on her bed.)
Ariel (Internal Monologue): This is it; this is all I have ever asked for! The
prince will take me on his date, and we can have the most wonderful of times!
Ah, I can’t wait till tomorrow comes!
Ariel waves Good Night to Sebastian who was beside him and goes to sleep.
(Blackout. Spotlight on Sebastian and his internal monologue.)
Sebastian (Internal Monologue): Ah, you truly are a hopeless child, I truly hope
you find what you are looking for Princess. But, I wonder, is this the right call?
Shall I inform The King about this? Oh, the thought makes me sick, but…is that
not my duty?
Narrator: And so, a tour of the town was set for the next day. Ariel could not
help but dream of the marketplace filled with shops! She imagines what these
markets would be filled with. What kind of food would they sell? The different
types of items! Meanwhile, poor Sebastian is stuck between his loyalty to his
dear king and Ariel's trust in him! What will he do in this situation? (While they
are roaming the town)The very next day he took her to the town. They roamed
and embraced each other's presence. The market itself was filled with shops.
People were selling all kinds of things. Fresh apples, bananas, dragon fruits and
so much more.Mats with all kinds of designs. Cycles of different kinds. The joy
in their eyes was unimaginable and they knew they completed each other.
Eric: Well, is this not comfy? Haha…
Sebastian whispers outside the stage to Eric: Oh please will you both just kiss
Eric: Huh? Did you hear that?
(Ariel looks in confusion.)
Eric: Oh uh, never mind. Listen, I have something to tell you. I-
(Ariel looks in excitement.)
Eric: I…
(More tension.)
Eric: I cannot be with you.
(Ariel looks stunned.)
Eric: You see, there was a special person who saved me a while back. She saved
me from a falling boat, can you believe that? And she had the most beautiful
voice of all. If it was not for her, and her voice, I do not think I would be here
right now.
(Ariel looks in excitement and points to herself.)
Eric: I wished it was you, but the truth is, you simply cannot speak, and so, I do
not think you are the one. And so, I must go on a voyage tomorrow, to find that
lady once and for all. I hope you understand.
(Ariel froze and looked down depressingly. All the characters freeze, and she
slowly makes her way back to the bedroom, where she goes to sleep.)
Ariel (Internal Monologue): I cannot believe it, the very man who I saved, the
love of my life, knows his true love is the one who saved him, but he does not
know it was me, how could he ever know?
Sebastian: Oh Ariel, please don’t feel so upset, there’s so much more to it all!
Ariel? Oh…she is fast asleep.
Sebastian (Internal Monologue): I, I am sorry Ariel, But I cannot do this to
myself anymore. I am loyal to the king, and I must tell him the truth. But I shall
assure you, Ariel, you are not in the wrong here, and I will assure the king of
that. Till then, farewell my princess.

Narrator: A loyal subject to the king. Does this loyalty come at a cost? The
princess had failed in convincing the foolish prince that it was her. The love of
his life. The one he longed for. His true love.


Sebastian: My King, you must understand, there was not a lot I could do in such
a situation.
(Triton unleashes a storm on the surface, and the boat carrying the crew is
Sailor: Everyone! Hold on tight!
Narrator: The storm was too fierce, and the ship came crashing down, leaving
the entire crew underwater, and dead, for there was no rescue for them this time.
The mermaid who once saved him could only watch in horror at the sheer
velocity of the storm.3 days had passed. Ariel sat idly by the seashore for long
keeping faith, hoping even in the slightest that the prince would come back to
her. He does, but not alive. She finds him near the shore, and she drags him out
of the water, with tears running down her eyes. She tries waking him up, but to
no avail, she has no voice this time Afterall.
Ursula Comes out of the river: My oh my, is this just not a sad sight to see? The
beloved princess has lost her love, whatever shall we do?
( Ariel pleads to the witch. )
Ursula: Well, if you wish, there is still one possibility.
( Ariel’s face lights up. )
Ursula: The grand sacrifice, the purest display of love, a soul for a soul. You
must sacrifice yourself.
Ariel looks at the audience, (Internal Monologue begins): My life, for his? What
about Sebastian? Flounder? My sisters? Father? I…can never see their face ever
again. I…No. I cannot let myself be selfish again if this is the last act I ever do.
It should be one where at least, the love of my life, lives to see another day. I am
sorry, my friends and family, I am sorry Eric, I wished we could have spent
more time. I do, but don’t you worry my heart, it will always belong to you no
matter what.
(Internal Monologue Ends) ( Ariel nods to Ursula ).
Ursula: So, be it young princess, you have truly given me a fun watch in this
prisoned life of mine, now then, shall we begin?
(Ariel nods.)
Ursula: Well then, say your final goodbyes, as your life slowly dissipates, and
his will come back.
(Ariel goes to Eric one last time, and with a hug, she makes her way to the
ocean. Ariel slowly starts limping as she goes more through the ocean. )
Eric slowly wakes up: W-what happened…Wait. No! Where are you going? It is
you, the one I have been looking for this entire time! I am sorry! Please, do not
leave me once again. Come back, I beg you.
(Ariel slowly dissipates and disappears into the ocean.)
Eric: No, please. Do not leave me. Oh, what have I done? Why could I not?
Why could not I see you for who you truly are? Not once, but twice you saved
me, and yet, I rejected you, but you are my love, you gave it all for me, oh how
can I ever give it back to you? Only if, only if I at least knew your name…

(The scene blacks out, focus on Triton as he comes on stage)

Narrator: A father’s love has no limits. It might sound like something to admire
but in Trition’s case, his affection for his daughter cost her someone worth more
to her than even herself.
Triton: Oh, what sin have I committed! My youngest, my most beloved
daughter…Died by my own doing, the rage that blinded me from seeing the
truth…Oh what if…what if I simply accepted her love for another man, whether
it be a human or one of our own? Could I have…Could I have saved…Could I
have saved this spark of my life from diminishing by its own will?
(Ursula appears.)
Ursula: Oh? It seems that in the end, you truly can feel the emotions of love
after all eh Triton?
Triton: You…Ursula. Are you alive? How could that be… It was I after all who
with my own hands-
Ursula: Enough Chit-Chat my beloved king, let us get to the point.
Triton: Do you mean to say?
Ursula: Of course, now then, tell me (Kneels down and looks towards Triton)
would you like your daughter back?
Triton: Yes! Anything! I’m prepared to sacrifice my life! If it means she can live
for another day!
Ursula: Well then, it seems my job has become far easier. Very well then! O
Triton, the king of the sea. Sacrifice your life, and your daughter shall be
brought back!
Triton: I…very well then. If I must, then let this be the way.
Ursula: Then all I ask is, for you to drink this potion.
(Triton drinks it.)
Triton: Is the deed done?
Ursula: Hmmm? Oh yes, don’t you worry!
(Triton starts feeling weak.)
Triton: You…what was…what was in this potion of yours?!
Ursula (Sinister Laughter): Oh Triton, did you think, even for a single second,
that I shall ever do you a Favor?!
Triton: You! I knew it! How could you?! Do you not realize what is on the hue?!
You should know better than anyone else!
Ursula: Of course, I realize that! But you see…
(Triton is on the floor.)
Ursula: You have been a bad father to our daughter, have you not?
(Triton dies.)
(Ursula laughs in a sinister tone, as the blackout happens one last time, and even
during the blackout, the laughter echoes throughout the halls of the chamber).

Narrator (chuckles): Oh, is it? The world under the seas has since been so quiet.
Every day I wake I feel excruciating pain. Every time I go on a boat I feel as if I
am drowning. Every time I roam these markets, I feel suffocated. If only I had
accepted her. If I had seen beyond her voice. Every time I sleep, I dream of her.
If I had known.
Child: But — but King Eric this is all just a fairy tale, isn't it?
Eric: Ahh. yes…yes Of Course it is. I think it is time for you to go and play with
the other kids.

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