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Name: Génesis Tipantasig

Nowadays the world and societies are changing and with them, the education as well, years

ago people think that students only learning with an arrogant and impatient teacher. I think

that a good educational relationship is better than content that cannot be learned. Which

argument I will explain in this text.

Firstly, it is important to talk about the contributions that students can make in a class and

the discussion that can cause, in other words, the concept of “Edu-communication” which

proposes that: both the learner and the educator can contribute in the teaching-learning

process, this is very useful in the contemporary context, because the student is considered as

a thinking subject. Obviously, I have checked that in my university experience, when the

teacher speaks, for example, about gender discrimination argument but no everybody agree

with that, so they start to speak and contribute with something different. This type of exercise

not only promotes debate, but also learning through an open mind of the teacher this, leads

to a relationship, since the professor does not oppress different thinking.

In addition, psychologically it is much healthier to learn with someone who does not create

fear. This creates a more peaceful and friendly environment to learn, contents can be better

transmitted. For example, there are many cases where children are traumatized by bad

teachers and have to change educators. Regardless, if the teacher knows a lot, this does not

work if he or she does not have ways of transmitting knowledge

Usually some people say that if a teacher has a good relationship with the students, they will

not learn; However, in this case it is necessary to clarify that the ability of a teacher to relate

well with students, in no way should it exceed the limits of respect, both within the class and

outside of it. Usually in basic education this may not happen, because the socio-cultural

context does not allow it, the students are too young and generally tend to exceed that fine
line. However, if we talk about higher education students, in theory, there are no impediments

for learning to be constructed in this way.

In conclusion, a good educational and learning relationship, is possible. Knowledge, if it

cannot be transmitted, is useless. It is like talking to rocks and not to humans, people have

the ability to think.

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