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From our country’s history of virgin forests with its vast track of lands for agriculture which are now high
value real estate owned by politicians who had self-serving foresight, bills in congress were done and
came into law and served the said interests coupled with bribery by the profiteering entities in the
lumber business and foreign market (first world countries), corruption as a whole by the government
officials and politicians at that time allowed the massive extraction of forest products for the very high
return of the investments because of no development and growing cost involved as were provided by
nature for free.

Ironically, those logging operations, being massive and country wide, touted by the government
agencies to assure responsible harvesting with tender loving care “TLC” operations did not happen
because only a good of thirty (30%) logs were recovered leaving behind the seventy (70%) to rot in the
cutting areas. Though reforestation policies were but sad to note that it was only done along road sides
where easy for the inspectors to see, meaning there had been no sincere reforestation since then and
up to the present.

That period offered a short-lived livelihood and upon the imposition of the total logging ban law, left the
forest areas with no one to attend to in preventing forest fires. The custodian of the said natural
resources is Department of Environment and Natural Resources “DENR” whose capacity and resources
hardly meet its responsibility to reforest and manage the huge areas nationwide.

The proposed agroforestry programs is deemed to fill up the gap and in the next fifteen (15) years or so
we bring back the ideal forest cover and our ecological “eco” system get restored aside from having the
respective areas to get managed from forest fires, made available as venue and opportunity for
agriculture activities.

Seaweed growing along coast lines is not new and in fact only those who have money are now enjoying
the economic gains of it hence we provide seed capital through contract growing scheme to the majority
if not all of the marginal fisher folks of our country’s archipelago to alleviate them from poverty by
tapping the marine life potential, given the same opportunity for those who have the money into
seaweed farming and get processed into carrageenan in the processing plant we have in place within
our 40 hectare/100 acres compound development.

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