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Chain Reaction 2023 is a set of man-to-man
combat rules that can be played in a variety of
periods and with any figures you may already
have. Modern, WW2, Medieval, Sci-fi, and yes,
even Fantasy.
Games are very fast, just like real gunfights, and
multiple games can be finished in two hours or
less. Chain Reaction 2023, like all THW games,
is designed to be played solo, cooperatively – all
players on the same side – or competitively –
Play it on the tabletop with any figures you may
already have. Play it on the Battle Boards with
Counters – we’ve given you both. Play it any way
you want because after all…


Ken Hafer, Bob Minadeo and Ron "Baddawg"
Strickland: For insisting that, “It's not just a gang
warfare game."
The THW Folks on the Group and Forum: For the
constant support.
And Lil.
On the Battle Board or Tabletop ...................................... 8
Contents Turn Sequence ......................................................................... 9
Prologue ...................................................................................2 Active ...................................................................................... 9
Introduction..............................................................................2 Action .................................................................................. 9
THW Reaction System ........................................................2 Shooting................................................................................... 9
Word Of Advice...............................................................3 First Fire .............................................................................. 9
Needed to Play .........................................................................3 Targeting............................................................................ 10
The Dice – D6 ......................................................................3 When You Can Shoot ........................................................ 10
Figures or Counters ..............................................................3 How to Shoot ..................................................................... 10
Using the Tables ......................................................................3 Shooting ............................................................................. 10
Fight or Game? ........................................................................4 Damage .................................................................................. 11
Defining Characters .................................................................4 Shaken ............................................................................... 11
Star or Grunt ........................................................................4 -1 to Rep ............................................................................ 11
Star Advantages ...................................................................4 Out of the Fight.................................................................. 11
Star Power ........................................................................4 Leave the Fight .................................................................. 11
Free Will ..........................................................................4 Melee ..................................................................................... 12
Class .........................................................................................4 Fist Fight ............................................................................ 12
Psy & Casters .......................................................................4 Melee Weapons? Armor? Shield? ..................................... 12
Firing Off the Blast ..........................................................5 Charge into Melee ............................................................. 12
Casters ..................................................................................5 Opportunity Charge ........................................................... 12
Casting the Spell ..............................................................5 Melee ................................................................................. 13
Attributes .................................................................................6 Stay or Go .............................................................................. 13
Reputation ................................................................................6 Taking the Stay or Go Test ................................................ 13
Weapon ....................................................................................6 Stay or Go .......................................................................... 14
Target Rating .......................................................................6 Recovery ................................................................................ 14
Recruiting Your Band ..............................................................7 Recovery ............................................................................ 14
Combat Rules ...........................................................................7 Zombies? Of Course. ............................................................. 15
Leaders .................................................................................7 Rep & Attribute ................................................................. 15
Leader Function ...............................................................7 Melee and… Infection? ..................................................... 15
Tabletop Play ...........................................................................7 What About the Cure? ....................................................... 15
Terrain..............................................................................7 More Zeds? ........................................................................ 15
Set Up ..............................................................................7 PEFs....................................................................................... 15
Movement ........................................................................7 How Many PEFs ................................................................ 16
Ranges..............................................................................8 Resolving PEFs.................................................................. 16
Who Moves First..............................................................8 Game On! .............................................................................. 16
In Sight.............................................................................8 Quick NPC Generation ...................................................... 16
Battle Board Play .....................................................................8 What Are They?................................................................. 16

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

How Many Have You Met? ............................................... 17 “Uh, no, but these are free rules and I figured I’d give them a
try,” was the answer.
Who Are They? .................................................................. 17
“Okay, hold on. These aren’t free rules. That’d be Chain
Criminal ............................................................................. 17
Reaction 2018 on the THW website.” Billy replied. “These are
Exotic ................................................................................. 17 for our Patreon supporters. They support us and we provide
special products in appreciation. These are smoother game
Joes .................................................................................... 17
mechanics that THW gamers can use by themselves or with
Movers (1) ........................................................................... 17 our other rules; WW2, Zombies, Pulps, Sci-Fi and more. But
the big thing; Chain Reaction 2023 is a standalone game.”
NPC Gender ................................................................... 18
“Oh, now I understand. Thanks for clearing it up. I feel better
Playing Zeds? ..................................................................... 18 now,” he said with a smile. “What’d you say your name was
Playing Sword & Sorcery?................................................. 18 again?”
Dwarves ............................................................................. 18 “Billy… Billy Pink.”
Elves .................................................................................. 18 ******************

Goblins ............................................................................... 18
Men .................................................................................... 18
Orcs .................................................................................... 18
Chain Reaction 2023 is a set of man-to-man combat rules that
Skeletal Undead (1) ............................................................. 18 can be played in a variety of periods and with any figures you
Fame and Fortune .................................................................. 19 may already have.

Epilogue ................................................................................. 19 Games are very fast, just like real gunfights, and multiple
games can be finished in two hours or less. Chain Reaction
Band Rosters ...................................................................... 21 2023, like all THW games, is designed to be played solo,
PEF .................................................................................... 21 cooperatively – all players on the same side – or competitively
– head-to-head.
PEF .................................................................................... 21
Before we go into detail about the game let's explain the
PEF .................................................................................... 21 cornerstone of all THW games, the Reaction System.
PEF .................................................................................... 21 THW uses what is called the Reaction System. In this system
Action ................................................................................ 21 your side activates, and you move part of your force. That
triggers a reaction from parts of my force. I immediately react
Shooting ............................................................................. 21 and this may cause you to react in kind. Here’s an example
using one figure on each side.
Melee ................................................................................. 22
Stay or Go .......................................................................... 22
Recovery ............................................................................ 22
Our figures start on opposite sides of a building and are out of
sight of each other.

• It’s my turn and I move first.
• I move my figure around the corner and your figure
can see me.
• We take the Action Test.
“I’m not understanding this, Billy,” he said. • Maybe you go first and shoot at me.
“It’s clear to me,” Billy replied. • If you do shoot at me either you hit me or you miss.
• If you hit me you see how bad the damage is.
“Okay, so Stars? What’s a Star?” he asked.
• But if you miss me maybe I buck up and return fire.
“Ever played any THW before?” • Maybe I go first and shoot you.
“TH what?” • We continue to fire back and forth until either one of
us gets hit, ducks back behind cover, or runs away.
“THW; Two Hour Wargames. Ever played it before?” Billy • When all actions and all reactions, both yours and
asked. mine, are finished, we go back to the Action Table.
© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

The big thing is you immediately get to react to what I do, Example – A Ganger (Rep 4) wants to fire on the Shooting
during my turn, just like in real life. Table (page 9). He rolls 2d6 and scores a 1 and 5. The 1 is
Now let’s put that in real life context. Private Smith and lower than his Rep, the 5 is not – so he passes 1d6.
Private Manfred are on opposite sides of a building. Private • READ THE RESULT AS ROLLED. Read it just like it
Smith walks around the corner and Private Manfred sees him says. You may be asked to add the scores together or
and Manfred fires first but misses. Smith fires back and roll a second time.
Manfred dives for cover. Private Smith cannot see Manfred • ROLLING A 1/2D6. When you are asked to roll a
now, so firing stops. 1/2d6, roll 1d6 and convert the results:
• 1 or 2 = 1
WORD OF ADVICE • 3 or 4 = 2
Be sure to read the rules one section at a time. Do the review • 5 or 6 = 3
and short exercises in the Stop boxes. We’ve broken the rules • NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES. When you see these
down into smaller pieces to make them easier to learn. Yes, I after a word that event will occur if that number is
know some of you may have experience, but you should still rolled or if the number rolled falls within that range.
use the Stop boxes, as our mechanics may be a bit different
from what you’ve played before. Example –I’ve run into Movers. There’s a chance (1-3) of
them having a Bodyguard. I roll 1d6 and score a 5. No
If you have a question about the rules, just keep reading, as the Bodyguard.
answer will be coming along shortly.
However, if you can’t find the answer, check out the THW FIGURES OR COUNTERS
link below for answers to questions and free downloads.
Note that the words figure and counter are interchangeable.
Figures or Counters are used on the Battle Board (page 7).
Use Facebook? Check out the Two Hour Wargames Gaming Each represents one Character. We’ve provided some easy to
Group as well as the Two Hour Wargames business page. use Counters as well. Cut them out and use them as is or
You can expect a response within 24 hours. mount them on 1” double back thick tape for the best result.
Each Counter has a picture of the Character and its Reputation
(page 5). You can use any Counter to represent any Character.
NEEDED TO PLAY It’s up to you!

You will need/want a few things to play Chain Reaction 2023.

• Six-sided dice, referred to as d6. It is best to have
three or more per player.
• An 8” x 10” flat table surface – we call it the Battle Here’s how we use the tables in this book:
Board (page 7). We’ve included some for your use.
• Consult the appropriate table for what you are doing.
• We’ve also provided some Counters. They are from
our Sci-Fi solo RPG 5150 New Beginnings, but you • Roll 2d6.
can use them for any time period. • Apply any applicable Modifier.
• Or you can use any combination of metal, plastic, or • Go down the left-hand column to the appropriate row
paper figures in a consistent scale of your choice. for the number of d6 you have passed, or the result
• Heck, you can even play with pen and paper or on scored.
your computer. • Go across the row and carry out the result.
Example – Sooze rolls 2d6 on the Stay or Go Table (page 13)
THE DICE – D6 versus her Rep of 4. She score a 3 and 5, passing 1d6. She
becomes Shaken (page 10) and returns fire.
During the game, you will be required to roll dice in one of
four ways. Here’s how we do it:
• TAKEN VERSUS REP: Roll 2d6 and compare each
score to the Reputation (page 5) of the figure. If the
d6 score is equal to or less than the Rep, the d6 has
been passed. You can pass 2d6, 1d6, or 0d6.

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023


• An Out of the Fight (page 10) result from shooting
sends the Star to the Stay or Go Table (page 13)
• An Out of the Fight result in Melee becomes a -1 to
We use the term Fight and game in the rules. Rep (page 10) instead.
A game can contain one to three Fights. Example: A Star with a Rep of 5 is hit by gunfire. He takes an
A Fight is when you run into the enemy. Out of the Fight result. The Star has 5 Star Power d6.
When only one side is left the Fight is over. • He rolls the first and scores a 4. The damage stays and
the Star Power d6 is lost.
• He rolls a second Star Power d6 and scores a 6. The
damage stays and the Star Power d6 is lost.
DEFINING CHARACTERS • He is down to 3d6 and rolls another one. He scores a 3,
the Out of the Fight is gone, and he goes to the Stay or Go
Table instead. The Star Power d6 is lost.
Chain Reaction 2023 is played with individual Characters that • The Star now has 2 Star Power d6 for the rest of the
are defined in the following ways. game.
• Is it a Star or a Grunt?
• What is its Class? FREE WILL
• Does it have an Attribute? The Star will always pass 2d6 on the Stay or Go Table. It can
• What is its Reputation? choose to Leave the Fight and have the Band Leave the Fight
• What kind of Weapon does it have? with it.
When playing on the same side or head-to-head each player Example – Billy Pink and Sooze must take the Stay or Go Test.
has their own Band (page 5). They are facing four Gangers. Billy decides to cut his losses;
grabs the Out of the Fight Char, and the trio Leave the Fight.
We use two types of Characters, called Stars and Grunts.
• STAR – This Character represents you, the player. We
suggest your Star have a Reputation of 5.
• GRUNTS – These Characters do not represent a player. People work. I work, you work, and in general everybody
Grunts are controlled by the game mechanics and are works. For simplicity’s sake we’ve grouped similar
also referred to as Non-Player Characters – NPCs. Professions together and placed them into four Classes based
on what they have in common. We use these for Pulps,
Modern, and Sci-Fi.
• MOVERS – Wealthy and powerful people. Movers
Stars have two important advantages over Grunts – Star Power
influence the masses either in person or behind the scenes,
and Free Will.
usually economically. Think Office Holder.
• JOES – The vast majority of people who have ordinary
STAR POWER jobs and lead ordinary lives. Waitstaff, laborers, etc.
Star Power is the ability of a Character to ignore normally • EXOTICS – People with unique jobs. Mercenaries,
disabling damage. Here’s how we do it: bodyguards, soldiers, cops, investigators, Psy, Casters,
and similar types.
• Stars start each game with a pool of Star Power equal
to the Star’s Rep (page 5). • CRIMINALS – This covers all criminal professions,
Pickpockets, “Escorts”, Hackers, Gangers, and all those
• Whenever a Star takes damage, it rolls its current
“above the law”.
Star Power d6 one at a time. Read each d6 as rolled.
• 1, 2, or 3 = Reduce the damage and the d6 is lost
for the rest of the Game. PSY & CASTERS
• 4, 5, or 6 = Damage stays and the d6 is lost for
Want to play a little Cyber-Punk? Some Sci-Fi? Add Psy to
the rest of the Game.
your games. Sword and Sorcery? Add a Caster. They share
Damage is reduced in the following ways: similar procedures, but they are little bit different. Here’s how
we do it:
© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023


Yes, you can be a Psy.
There is a chance that when you meet an NPC Band
there could be a Psy with it. After rolling up the Band We’re adding some Magic to the rules. First question. Who
roll 2d6. Score a 2 or 12 and there’s a Psy. Which can have Casters? Here’s how we do it:
NPC? Roll it up randomly.
• Only Men and Elves can have Casters. Yes, you can
• There can only be one Psy per side in a game. So be or Recruit a Caster to your Band.
when there are multiple Bands, only one could have a
• There is a chance (1) that when you meet an NPC
Band that there could be a Caster with it.
• You can Recruit a Psy if you want. Just roll up the
• There can only be one Caster per side in a game. So
NPCs normally and roll 2d6 for each. Score a 2 or 12
when there are multiple Bands, only one could have a
and it’s a Psy.
• An NPC Caster will be the Leader so roll it up
This is the use of powerful mental energy. In effect, the Psy • You can Recruit a Caster if you want. Just roll up the
focuses energy and slams it into the mind of its target. The NPC normally and roll 1d6. Score a 1 and it’s a
target receives damage. Here’s how we do it: Caster. If in your Band, you count as the Leader.
• Instead of Shooting the Psy fires off the Blast.
• Use the Shooting Table normally counting the Crack CASTING THE SPELL
Shot Attribute. Think fireball. The target receives damage. Here’s how we do
• The Psy Blast has a Target Rating of 3. it:
• The 2nd and 3rd target modifier is NOT counted. • When Active, instead of Shooting the Caster fires off
• When taking the Stay or Go Test and the Psy can the Spell, but only once.
shoot, fire off a Psy Blast but only at one of the • Use the Shooting Table normally.
shooters that fired at the Psy.
• Has Target Rating of 3.
• When a Psy is Shaken count a -1 to Rep when firing
• The 2nd and 3rd target modifier is NOT counted.
off subsequent Psy Blasts.
• When taking the Stay or Go Test and the Caster can
• A Psy Blast can be aimed at a Charging figure.
shoot, fire off a Damage Spell but only at one
Example – The Leader of the Band is a Rep 4 Psy. We roll on • If the Caster becomes Shaken count a -1 to Rep when
the Action Table versus a Rep 4 Exotic Leader. The Psy wins Casting subsequent Spells.
so fires off a Psy Blast. She targets the Leader matched up
Example – A Goblin and an Eskelin Band start a Fight. The
across from her and two other figures, one to the left and one
Men win on the Action Table and it’s time for the Caster to
to the right of the opposing Leader.
Cast a Spell. He targets the figure matched up across from
I roll 2d6 versus her Rep and score a 4 and 6 – passing 1d6, him and two other figures, one to the left and one to the right
the 4. The opposing Leader isn’t affected as the result is not of the first target.
higher than his Rep. The two Rep 3 NPCs go Out of the Fight
I roll 2d6 versus his Rep and score a 4 and 6 – passing 1d6,
as the 4 is higher than their Rep. The Leader goes to the Stay
the 4. The first target isn’t affected as the result is not higher
or Go Table.
than his Rep of 4. The two Rep 3 NPCs go Out of the Fight as
He rolls 2d6 versus Rep and passes 2d6. He fires back and the 4 is higher than their Rep. The other Gobbo goes to the
misses. The Psy rolls on the Stay or Go Table and passes 1d6, Stay or Go Table.
becoming Shaken! She can still fire back but at -1 to Rep.
It rolls 2d6 versus Rep and passes 2d6. It is armed with a
I roll 2d6 and score a 3 and 3 – passing 2d6. The total is Melee Weapon so charges the Caster. The Caster cannot fire
higher than the Rep 4 Leader, so he goes Out of the Fight. off another Spell as it could if it was a Ranged Weapon armed
figure. Looks like tough times for the Caster!

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023


You will use six-sided dice, called d6, in four ways. I roll 2d6 Reputation or Rep represents a combination of experience,
versus a Rep 4 Mover and score a 3 and 5. How many d6 did I morale, and motivation. Rep is an expression of a Character’s
pass? What does a result of 3 convert to when rolling a 1/2d6? overall quality. Both Stars and Grunts use Rep. There are three
Stars have two Advantages: Star Power and Free Will. Star possible Reputations:
Power reduces damage and Free Will allows the Star and his
• REP 5 – These are confident Characters of numerous
Band to Leave the Fight without having to roll any d6.
successful Fights. Stars are Rep 5.
We’ve grouped similar Professions into four Classes. Movers • REP 4 – These are experienced Characters that have
are at the top of the social standing while Criminals are at the performed well in numerous Fights.
bottom. If playing a specific period, just use the applicable • REP 3 – These are inexperienced Characters with
Class. little experience or desire for fighting.

The Rep of the NPCs are on the Class Lists (page 16).

Attributes further define the Characters. Using them will really
make Characters unique, but if you desire a more vanilla
game, simply do not use them. Use the Class Lists (page 16) We’ve broken down Ranged Weapons into the following three
we’ve provided for the Grunts, but for the Stars? That’s you! types:
Pick two and for a little more fun, make one negative!
• SINGLE – Includes pistols, muskets and Bolt-Action
• Consult the Attributes Table. rifles used by the military. You can fire at one target,
• Roll 2d6 and add the results. rolling one time on the Shooting Table (page 9).
• Go to the appropriate row and across to see the • BURST –Includes Rapid Fire and Semi-Automatic
Attribute. rifles used by the military. You can fire at up to two
targets, rolling one time on the Shooting Table (page
2 ATTRIBUTES 9) and applying it to both targets.
• AUTO – Includes Machine Pistol, Assault Rifle, and
(Added together) Submachineguns used by the military. You can fire at
# BASICS up to three targets, rolling one time on the Shooting
Table (page 9) and applying it to all three targets.
2 COWARD: Treat Shaken as Leave the Fight!
3 RUNT: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual when
4 SLOW TO REACT: Count Rep at 1 point less than Each Ranged Weapon has a Target Rating equal to the number
actual on the Action Table. of targets it can fire at. So a Single has a Target Rating of 1,
5 NEAR SIGHTED: Count Rep at 1 point less than Burst is a 2, and Auto is a 3.
actual when Shooting.
6 NOTHING: Nothing bad, nothing good. This comes into play on the Stay or Go Table (page 13). If
7 NOTHING: Nothing bad, nothing good. fired on by a higher Target Rating Weapon than what the
figure is armed with, it counts its Rep at 1 point lower than
8 NOTHING: Nothing bad, nothing good.
9 RAGE: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual
when in Melee.
10 CRACK SHOT: Count Rep at 1 point higher than
actual when Shooting.
11 QUICK REFLEXES: Count Rep at 1 point higher
than actual on the Action Table.
12 HARD AS NAILS: Counts 1st Out of the Fight when
shot at as a Miss or as a -1 to Rep instead if in

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023



If you have Band Members from other THW rule sets, just Chain Reaction 2023 is all about your Story. Think of your
bring them into Chain Reaction 2023. Otherwise, you start games as chapters in a book or scenes in a movie. You will see
your career alone, but can recruit Grunts to form your Band. the mechanics we use in Chain Reaction 2023 allow you to
Here's how we do it: build your Story quickly. Having a set of combat rules that are
clunky and slow would detract from, instead of enhancing,
• Your Band can be as large as your Rep, including your Story. That’s why we made this combat system easy to
yourself. This means you can recruit one NPC less learn and play, yet still give you realistic results. All that while
than your Rep. Therefore, a Rep 5 Star could recruit gaining Fame and Fortune (page 18).
four NPCs.
• To Recruit NPCs roll on the Class List (page 16) of BTW – These rules are deadly and unforgiving!
choice prior to starting the game.
• You can keep any surviving NPC you rolled up in LEADERS
your Band for future games, adding more if needed.
Bands of Characters, yours and your opponents will always
Example – Billy Pink (Rep 5) is going on a raid. Fast Eddie is have a Leader. Here’s how we do it:
in the Band, but he wants to get more NPCs to join. As Fast
Eddie is an NPC and Billy can have up to four NPCs he can • The Star is always the Leader of the Band.
roll three times on the Class List he wants to use. He rolls 1d6 • A Temporary Leader is the Character with the
three times and gets two Rep 3 NPCs and a Rep 4. Billy highest Rep in the Band when a Leader is not with
decides to keep the Rep 4 and not take the Rep 3s. Why is the Band or is Out of the Fight.
that? Because the size of his Band dictates the size of the
enemy force and Rep 3s could be a liability if he runs into Rep LEADER FUNCTION
4s or higher. The Leader’s Rep is used when rolling on the Action Table
(page 8). Star Leaders can have the Band Leave the Fight

without having to roll any d6.

As a Star how do you get your Attributes? How many can you
have? Do you have to keep them?
Ranged Weapons. What are the three types? If you can fire at
Chain Reaction 2023 can be played on the tabletop. It’s how I
more than one target, do you roll 2d6 once for each one? Or
was exposed to gaming and I still do it. I use a 3x3 foot table,
only once and apply the results to all of them? How are
but you can play on a larger or smaller one if you want.
muskets used?
You can have a Band of Characters, including yourself, equal TERRAIN
to your Rep. When do you recruit NPCs? You are a Rep 5
Set up terrain as you like. Woods, buildings, etc.
Exotic and have a Rep 4 NPC in your Band already . How
many more can you recruit? When do you do it? What’s the
easiest way to do it? SET UP
Place one Band on one side of table within 6” of the edge in
cover when possible. The other side will enter the table from
the opposite end when it is its Turn.

Normal movement is 8” per Turn. Chargers can move up to
12”. Want to move faster?
• Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the Band Leader.
• Pass 2d6 and the Band moves up to 16”.
• Pass 1d6 and the Band moves up to 12”.

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

• Pass 0d6 and the Band moves up to 4”. Sorry,
you couldn’t get the Band organized to make the
Example – Sgt. Barnes (Rep 4) has four Grunts in his Band.
He wants to move fast so rolls 2d6 and scores a 2 and 5 –
passing 1d6. The Band moves 12” and the front man comes
into sight of the enemy. The rest of the Band are moved up into
sight and the two sides are matched up (page 7).

Example – Both sides have been placed on the Battle Board
Ranged Weapons (page 5) have the following ranges. with the figures matched up against each other. The Leaders,
• Pistols 12”. A and 1, are matched up across from each other.
• Muskets, Bows, Crossbows, & Military Submachine
• Rifles 48”. All combat occurs on the Battle Board or Tabletop and how
the figure or Counter is placed denotes its status. Here’s how
At the start of the Turn (page 7) each side rolls 1d6 and the • Carry On – When on the Battle Board, turn the
high side goes first. Re-roll any ties. Carrying On (fully functional) Counter so its head is
facing the enemy. The figure is facing the enemy.
IN SIGHT The Character can see and be seen.
Terrain such as Woods, Buildings, Hill etc. will block the line
of sight between Bands so they may not be seen. Bands at the
edge of the terrain can see and be seen. Those 2” or more into
the terrain cannot be seen from outside the terrain.
If you enter into In Sight with part of your Band unable to see
or be seen, only the visible members are counted as a Band for • Out of the Fight – When on the Battle Board, turn
the ensuing combat. Note that terrain is considered cover and the Out of the Fight Counter sideways and face up.
negates the First Fire (page 8), which only applies to targets The figure is laid face up on its back. The Character
not in cover. Now go to the Action Table (page 8). can be seen.


Sometimes I don’t have time to set up a table to game on and • Weapons Counters – These give the number of shots
want something quicker to play but just as much fun. That’s for the weapon used by the Character from 1 to 3.
when I use the Battle Board. Same figures and Characters are Place it behind the Character when on the Battle
used. Board.
We call the 8” x 10” area that the game is played on the Battle
Board. We’ve given you a couple.
• Place one Band within 3” of one board edge, either
the 8” or 10” – it’s up to you.
• Place the other Band within 3” of the opposite edge.
• Always place the Leaders in the center and across
from each other.
• Match up the other Band Members across from each
• Refer to page 7 for how to indicate various battle Example – From left to right, Billy Pink has a Burst, Fast
status conditions. Eddie an Auto, and Sooze a Single.
© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

(Taken versus Leader Rep)
After Characters are in sight on the Tabletop or on the Battle A score of “6” is always a failure.
Board, the Fight begins. Here’s how we do it:
• The Leader of each Band rolls 2d6 versus its Rep.
• Consult the Action Table (page 8). • Add total of all passing d6.
• Modify the Rep of each Leader by any applicable • The higher scoring Leader’s Band will fire first.
Modifier. • If tied, then fire is simultaneous and both count as First Fire.
• Each Leader now rolls 2d6 versus its Rep. MODIFIERS
• Determine how many d6 are passed (page 2). Quick Reflexes: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual.
• Add the scores of the passed d6. Slow to React: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.
• The Band with the higher score is Active, and each ACTION
figure will now act based on the Actions listed. If the
d6 scores are the same, then both sides act • If have Ranged Weapon– Shoot.
simultaneously! • If no Ranged Weapon – Charge into Melee.
• Both sides may be forced to roll on the Stay or Go

Table (page 13).
• When the figures in both Bands have finished all the
required rolling on the Shooting, Melee, and Stay or
Go tables, the Bands return to the Action Table.
• Repeat the process until one or both Bands Leave the If a figure has a Single, Burst, or Auto, it can shoot during the
Fight (page 10). Yes, both sides could Leave the Fight, often multiple times.
Fight at the same time!
Example – Billy Pink (Rep 5) and Sooze are having a FIRST FIRE
Confrontation with 3 NPC Gangers. Billy rolls 2d6 and scores When the shooting starts, Characters will run for cover. We
a 1 and 5, passing 2d6. have made this abstract so as not to slow down game play.
The Gang Leader (Rep 4) rolls 2d6 and scores a 2 and 2 and Here’s how we do it:
passes 2d6. • The Band that fires first at the start of the Fight gains
Billy’s total was 6, the Ganger 4. Billy’s Band fires first. Billy an advantage.
and Sooze shoot, and the Gangers return fire, rolling on the • The Band being fired on first counts its Rep at one
Stay or Go Table when required. point lower for the first round of fire. This is called
the First Fire bonus.
After both sides have finished shooting, Sooze is Out of the • No firing during the rest of the Fight gains the First
Fight and so is one Ganger. Billy now rolls 2d6 on the Action Fire bonus.
Table again and scores a total of 7. The Ganger scores 5.
Billy fires first and takes out both Gangers. Example – Billy Pink, Sooze and Char have run into a Band of
Gangers. Billy and the Ganger Leader roll off on the Action
As only one Band remains, Billy’s, the Fight is over. Time to Table and Billy’s passing d6 total is higher. His Band is
see if Sooze recovers (page 13). Active.
The Band that fires first in the very first round of the Fight
gains an advantage.
ACTIVE Billy fires first at a Rep 4 Ganger and rolls a 3 and 1 for a
total of 4. As this is the First Fire, the Ganger’s Rep counts as
3. He goes Out of the Fight.
When a side is Active, each figure can do one of two things as
listed on the Action Table. Another Ganger (Rep 4) is shot at by Sooze. She scores a 1
and 2 for a total of 3. The Ganger takes a -1 to Rep as this is
• If have Ranged Weapon– Shoot. Sooze’s First Fire. Her score of 3 is not greater than the
• If no Ranged Weapon – Charge into Melee. Ganger’s effective Rep of 3 so he goes to the Stay or Go
Table. His Rep returns to 4. He rolls 2d6 and scores a 4 and 3.
He returns fire but does not count the First Fire bonus.
© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

The Active side matches up (targets) each of its Characters When it’s time to shoot we use the same procedure regardless
against a figure on the other side. After all Characters have of the number of figures targeted by the shooter. Here’s how
been targeted; the Active side can target one or more figures we do it:
multiple times. This is done whether the figure will Shoot or
Charge into Melee. • The shooter declares which figures it will target.
• Consult the Shooting Table (page 9).
• Apply any applicable Modifiers.
• The shooter now rolls 2d6 versus its Rep and
determines how many d6 are passed. The shooter
rolls only once even if firing at multiple targets.
• The Rep of the 2nd target counts 1 point higher than it
actually is.
• The Rep of the 3rd target counts 2 points higher than
it actually is.
• If the passing d6 total score is higher than the Rep of
the target, the target has been hit and goes Out of the
• If the passing d6 total score is equal or less than the
target Rep it immediately does one of these actions.
Example – In the picture above, the numbers side has won on • If can shoot: Go to Stay or Go Table.
the Action Table and will now target the opposing figures. 1
• If can’t shoot: If armed with a Melee Weapon
and A are matched up as they are the Leaders. 3 matches up
will charge or continue charging, go to Melee
to D, 4 to C and 2 to B. As all the alphabet figures have been
Table. If not, go to the Stay or Go Table.
matched up, 5 targets B as it is the closest enemy.
• If already Shaken: Leave the Fight!
If the alphabet side had been Active it could only target four
Characters with Ranged Weapons can fire in three ways: (Taken versus Rep)
A score of “6” is always a failure.
• When Active.
• When being charged (page 11). • Add total of all passing d6.
• When directed to return fire by the Stay or Go Table • Apply result to targets.
(page 13). • Apply any applicable modifiers.
Shooting will continue between matched up figures until one
of them goes Out of the Fight or Leaves the Fight! Crack Shot: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual.
First Fire: Count Target Rep at 1 point less than actual.
Hard as Nails: Counts 1st Out of the Fight as a Miss.
Example – Billy Pink (Rep 5) has won on the Action Table and Near Sighted: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.
fires at an Exotic, a Bounty Hunter (Rep 4). He misses the 2nd Target: Count Target’s Rep at 1 point more than actual.
Bounty Hunter who now goes to the Stay or Go Table (page 3rd Target: Count Target’s Rep at 2 points more than actual.
The Bounty Hunter, remember he lost on the Action Table, Hit or Miss:
rolls 2d6 and scores a 2 and 3. Passing 2d6 he can now fire • If passing d6 total is higher than Rep of Target – Out
back at Billy. He misses. of the Fight.
• If passing d6 total is equal to or less than Rep of
Billy goes to the Stay or Go Table, passes 2d6, and fires back.
Target – Target missed.
He takes the Bounty Hunter Out of the Fight. Remember, fire
• If can shoot: Go to Stay or Go Table.
between two figures continues until one goes Out of the Fight
or Leaves the Fight! • If can’t shoot: If armed with a Melee Weapon
will charge or continue charging, go to Melee
Table. If not, go to the Stay or Go Table.
• If already Shaken: Leave the Fight!
© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023


Example – Sooze (Rep 4) is armed with an Auto and fires at Example – Fast Eddie (Rep 5) is in Melee with two Joes (Rep
three Gangers. 3). Should be pretty easy, right? Fast Eddie passes 2d6 and so
does each Joe. As they pass the same number of d6, all suffer
She rolls 2d6 and scores a 2 and 3. She has passed 2d6 for a
a -1 to Rep. The Joes drop to Rep 2, but as Eddie is fighting
total of 5.
two opponents, he suffers two -1 to Rep and is now Rep 3!
The Gangers are all Rep 4. The first Ganger goes Out of the
Another round of Melee is immediately fought. Eddie passes
Fight as the 5 is higher than its Rep of 4.
2d6 and so does one of the Joes. They both suffer another -1 to
The second Ganger targeted counts its Rep at 1 point higher, Rep. The other Joe passed 1d6, less than Eddie, so goes Out of
i.e. Rep 5. He is missed and goes to the Stay or Go Table. the Fight.
The third Ganger targeted counts its Rep at 2 points higher, so Finally Eddie, now Rep 2, takes out the last Joe, now Rep 1.
Rep 6. He is missed and goes to the Stay or Go Table. As the Melee is over, Eddie’s Rep returns to 5.
Both roll 2d6 on the Stay or Go Table. One goes Shaken (page
10) but returns fire. The other Leaves the Fight. OUT OF THE FIGHT
The Character has taken damage and falls to the ground. Out
of the Fight until the Fight is over.

DAMAGE If a Band Leaves the Fight each figure can carry off one Out
of the Fight figure. If a Band Member is left behind, regardless
of what happens the rest of the game, you don’t gain any Fame
We use four types of damage in Chain Reaction 2023. From Points (page 18).
least to worst, we have:
• -1 to Rep.
Okay, technically the figure doesn’t take any physical damage,
• Out of the Fight. but it does run from the Fight. When a figure Leaves the Fight
• Leave the Fight. remove it from the Battle Board. After the Fight has stopped it
could return to the Band by rolling on the Recovery Table
SHAKEN (page 13).
Not physical but emotional damage. The Shaken Character’s Example – Jim Bob Joe has been fired on by two enemies and
confidence is shaken and it could easily Leave the Fight if shot must roll on the Stay or Go Table. He passes 0d6 and Leaves
at or when passing 1d6 on the Stay or Go Table. the Fight. His Band continues to Fight and ends up winning.
They still have more fighting to do so the game is not over.
Jim Bob Joe will roll to see if he Recovers and returns to the
-1 TO REP game.
During Melee, the figure can have its current Rep reduced by
1 point. Here’s how we do it:
• During the Melee the -1 to Rep result is cumulative
so a figure can have its Rep reduced drastically.
• It is possible for a figure to suffer a -1 to Rep more
than once during the same round of Melee – for
example if fighting two enemies at the same time.
• If a figure reaches “0” Rep it is Out of the Fight.
• If opposing figures reach “0” Rep at the same time,
ignore the result and Fight another round of Melee.
• Continue until only one figure is left.
• After a figure has completed all of its Melees for the
turn, any lost Rep is recovered.

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

STOP! When Active, a Character can choose to Charge into Melee
whether it’s a Fist Fight or using Melee Weapons. Figures can
charge up to 12”. Here’s how we do it:
The Leader of a Band is the Star or the figure with the highest
Rep when no Star is functioning. Leader Rep is used on the • Declare the target of the charge. Up to two figures
Action Table. can charge the same target.
The Battle Board is 8” x 10” and where all fighting takes • If armed with a Ranged Weapon the target can shoot.
place. Leaders are placed in the center of each Band and the The target may fire at one or both chargers but cannot
Bands are placed within 3” of opposite Battle Board edges. exceed the Target Rating for the Weapon.
• If the charger survives, place it into contact with the
How do you determine who acts first? One Rep 5 Leader target.
scores a 5 and 6 on the Action Table. The other Leader Rep 4, • Consult the Melee Table.
scores a 2 and 3. Which Band goes first? • Apply any applicable Modifiers.
Roll 2d6 versus Rep when shooting, regardless of the • Each figure rolls 2d6 versus Rep.
Weapon’s Target Rating, from 1 to 3. You can target as many • When fighting two figures, all figures roll at the same
figures as you have Target Rating. Any penalty for firing at time and the solo figure applies its score to both
more than one target? Check the Shooting Table for 2nd and 3rd chargers separately. One figure could pass more d6
target modifiers. When is the Stay or Go Table used? What is than one figure and a different number of d6 versus
Shaken? another figure.
• This could result in the losers going Out of the Fight
If a figures goes Out of the Fight or Leaves the Fight, can it
or suffering a -1 to Rep. Figures fighting two figures
come back to the game? How is it done?
could suffer two -1 to Rep results.
BTW – In the above who acts first example it was a tie, so • Any -1 to Rep damage is recovered after the Melee
both sides Activate. ends.

MELEE A figure that is missed when shot at and does not have a
Ranged Weapon to return fire with, will charge into Melee
instead, up to 12” as does the normal charge.
In this section we cover Melee, hand to hand combat. There
are two ways to Melee, Fist Fight or use a Melee Weapon. Example – A Viking Warrior (Exotic) is shot at by a Bow
armed Barbarian. The archer misses and the Viking charges
into Melee. As he has a Ranged Weapon the archer is in deep
Most characters you will deal with in CR 2023 carry guns.
The average Joe does not. Okay, maybe some Movers don’t
either. So if you are unarmed and run into a Band, you must
Melee them. It’s a Fist Fight! But if they got guns, well; this is
the Shooting section.
Wait, what if some have guns and some don’t? Your call. �


You can play a genre where you have Melee Weapons such as
a sword, spear, bayonet, etc. If using a Melee Weapon you can
re-roll 1 failed d6 each round of Melee. If the opponent in
Melee is using a shield or wearing armor the 1 failed d6 re-roll
is not allowed.
Fighting two enemies, the maximum allowed, and only one
has armor or a shield? Then the re-roll is only allowed on the
unarmored guy.

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

(Taken versus Rep) Figures will be directed to the Stay or Go Table in one of two
A score of “6” is always a failure.
• If directed by the Shooting Table.
• If all Shooting and Melees by both sides are finished
Hard as Nails: Counts 1st Out of the Fight as -1 to Rep and the Band is outnumbered by three to one or more.
Example – Billy Pink is shot at by a Mercenary. The
Rage: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual.
Mercenary misses and Billy is directed to roll on the Stay or
Runt: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.
Go Table. He fires back and takes out the Mercenary. Later,
Shaken: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.
after all Shooting and Melees are completed he finds himself
Weapon: Melee Weapon re-rolls 1 failed d6 per round. outnumbered three to one. He must roll on the Stay or Go
Wearing Armor or using a Shield: Negates Melee Weapon Table. Wait. He’s a Star so can choose if and when he wants
re-roll. to Leave the Fight. He decides to leave.
More Loser: It’s time to take the Stay or Go Test. Here’s how we do it:
• Out of the Fight.
Same All: • Stars can use Free Will (page 3).
• -1 to Rep. Fight another round. Recover • Consult the Stay or Go Table (page 13).
lost Rep after Melee is finished. • Apply any applicable Modifiers.
• Roll 2d6 and determine how many d6 are passed.
• Go down the left-hand column to the appropriate row
Example – Haldor (Rep 5) is a Viking carrying a shield and and across to see the results.
sword. He is facing two Barbarians, one with a bow and one • Immediately carry out the results.
with a sword and shield. He wins on the Action Table and
• Shoot back at the cause of the test.
charges the archer. The archer shoots and misses. Haldor,
• Stay in place if cannot shoot.
because he is charging, does not go to the Stay or Go Table,
and continues into Melee. • Become Shaken (page 10).
• Leave the Fight (page 10).
The Rep 3 Archer rolls 2d6 and scores a 2 and 5, passing 1d6.
Haldor rolls 2d6 and scores a 3 and 6, passes 1d6. But as he
has a Melee Weapon he can re-roll the failed d6 result, the 6,
and does. He scores a 2, so now passes 2d6. He has passed
more d6 than the Archer who now goes Out of the Fight.
Back to the Action Table as all Shooting, Melees, and Stay or
Go Tests have ended. Haldor and the Barbarian roll off.
Haldor passes 2d6 with a 1 and 2 for a passing d6 total of 3.
The Barbarian passes one d6 with a 4 and 6. As the passing
d6 total is higher than Haldor’s, he charges into Melee. Both
can re-roll 1 failed d6 as they both have Melee Weapons.
Wait! Because both have shields, neither of them can re-roll!
Haldor passes 2d6 and so does the Barbarian. Both suffer a -1
to Rep, Haldor to 4 and the Barbarian to 3. Another round of
Melee is fought, Haldor passes more d6 and the Barbarian
goes Out of the Fight. As the Melee is over, Haldor’s Rep
returns to 5.

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(Taken versus Rep) (Taken versus Rep)
A score of “6” is always a failure.
A score of “6” is always a failure.
Shaken recover to normal after the game.

MODIFIER Melee: If lost a Melee to an opponent with a Melee

Weapon count a -1 to Rep.
Coward: Treat Shaken as Leave the Fight! #D6 RESULT
Fired at by a higher Target Rated Weapon = -1 to Rep. PASSED
PASSED 2 I’m good!
• Return at normal Rep.
2 All: Fire – Go to Shooting Table. 1 Going, going…
1 Become Shaken: Count as Shaken for the rest • Out of the Fights immediately re-take
of the Fight. test counting pass 1d6 as pass 0d6.
• If can shoot – go to Shooting Table. • Left the Fights count as passing 0d6.
• If cannot – remain in place. 0 Gone.
If already Shaken: Leave the Fight! • Never heard from again.
0 Leave the Fight!
Example – One Ganger (Rep 4) Left the Fight and the other
Example – A Mover (Rep 5) is shot at by an Auto armed (Rep 3) went Out of the Fight. I roll 2d6 versus the Rep 4
Exotic. Guess he didn’t pay for a Bodyguard. The Exotic Ganger and score a 1 and 6. Passing 1d6, I see that the
misses and the Mover must take the Stay or Go Test. He’s Ganger that left, never returns.
armed with a Single so has been fired at by a higher Target I roll 2d6 versus the Rep 3 Ganger and score a 1 and 4, the
Rated Weapon. He suffers a -1 to Rep. The Mover rolls 2d6 same results – passing 1d6. I re-take the test and pass 2d6 this
and scores a 3 and 5. He passes 1d6, becoming Shaken, but time. He returns at Rep 3.
fires back.

RECOVERY -1 to Rep occurs during a Melee and is cumulative. However,
when the Melee for the turn is over, Rep returns to normal.
Fight a round of Melee with a Rep 5 Star against two Rep 4
During the game you can see if the Out of the Fight figures Gangers. Remember that the -1 to Rep can be suffered more
and those that Left the Fight will return. Roll separately for than once during a round of melee. What are the most
each figure. Here’s how we do it: opponents a Character can face at one time in Melee?
• Consult the Recovery Table. Review the Stay or Go Table and what can modify the test.
• Apply any applicable Modifiers. Did you see what happens when fired at by a higher Target
• Roll 2d6 and determine how many d6 are passed. Rated Weapon?
• Go down the left-hand column to the appropriate row
When all Shooting, Melees and Stay or Go Tests are taken, go
and across to see the results.
back to the Action Table. Want to take control of the Fight?
• Immediately carry out the results.
Win on the Action Table. Who rolls on the Action Table? �
• Note that the test is taken after every Fight, often
multiple times during a game! Your Rep 3 Grunt went Out of the Fight while your Rep 4
Grunt Left the Battle Board. Roll for them on the Recovery
Now that you understand how combat works, try setting up
various Fights on the Battle Board to put the procedures into
practice. Start with one figure per Band and work up to three
until you get the hang of it. After that, you’re set.

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

ZOMBIES? OF COURSE. Yes, yes, I know. There has to be a Cure. What if my Star gets
infected? Okay, here’s how we do it:
Want zombies? I know you do. �
• If you get infected roll Star Power d6.
• Score one reduce damage and you’re Cured!
REP & ATTRIBUTE • But the Star Power d6 is gone for the rest of your life.
Zeds are Rep 3.
Zeds have the Slow to React Attribute. MORE ZEDS?
Zeds never take the Stay or Go Test but if shot at and missed,
they will always charge into Melee. Shooting could attract more Zeds. But you knew that. Here’s
how we do it:

MELEE AND… INFECTION? • After the Action Test is taken, track how many shots
are fired that Turn.
Zeds can move 6” per Turn on the Tabletop so should easily be • When it’s time to take the Action Test again it’s time
outrun. But when they charge and are excited, who knows? to see if there are more Zeds.
Here’s how we do it: • Before you take the test roll 1d6 for each shot
• The Band rolls 1d6 and reads the result as rolled. fired.
• Add that in inches to the basic 6” move. So we’re • Score a 1, add a Zed.
taking Zeds charge from 7 to 12 inches. Just a little • The added Zeds will always form their own Band.
more suspense. � Add them to the current Fight. Ouch!
If they can contact you, they will, because Zeds can only Example – Billy Pink and Sooze have run into 3 Zeds. Sooze
Melee and they do it a bit differently. Here’s how we do it: fires her Auto and Billy his Burst. Two of the Zeds are taken
• Shoot at a Zed and miss, it will charge into Melee. Out of the Fight. Before rolling on the Action Table I roll 5d6
• Zeds only use 1d6 in Melee, not 2d6. for the shots fired and score a 1, 1, 3, 4 and 6. Two Zeds now
• A maximum of two Zeds can Melee the same figure arrive as a separate Band.
and carried out normally (page 11). However…
If a figure goes Out of the Fight while fighting Zeds, they are
done. Kaput. Finished. The Zeds will stay in place and munch
the body for 1/2d6 Turns. PEFS
If a figure takes a -1 to Rep result when Meleeing Zeds it
could get Infected. Here’s how we do it: PEF stands for Possible Enemy Force and they are used during
every game. By using PEFs, we create a sense of uncertainty
• Count how many -1 to Reps the figure suffers during
as to the number and type of NPCs you will face. If playing
the Fight. The whole Fight; all the rounds of Melee.
head-to-head on a tabletop each side uses 3 PEFs. Only one of
• When the Fight ends roll 1d6 versus the number of -1
them is their Band and players can move their PEFs as
to Rep results the figure suffered.
desired. Figures aren’t placed on the table until revealed.
• If the score is equal to or less than the number of Here’s how we do it:
-1 to Rep results the figure is infected, becomes a
Zed, and is never heard from again. • Divide the tabletop into nine equal size sections,
• If the score is greater than the number of -1 to three rows of three. Label them from 1 to 9.
Rep, the figure is okay.
Example – Jim Bob Joe is in Melee with a Zed and suffers a -1
to Rep before he takes it Out of the Fight. After the Fight is
over he rolls 1d6 and scores a 2. Jim Bob Joe is okay.
The next Fight he suffers two -1 to Rep results. After that Fight
he rolls 1d6 and scores a 2. Jim Bob Joe is infected. The good
news is he stays like a human until the game is over but after
that? Never heard from again.

• Set up terrain as you like. Woods, buildings, etc.

Note that terrain is considered cover and First Fire
© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

(page 8) only applies to targets who are fired on
while not in cover. All Bands will move through

cover when given the chance.
Place your Band in section 7, 8, and/or 9; you choose.
• Roll 1d6 and place a PEF (possible opposing Band)
in the corresponding section, in cover if available. Okay, so you’ve resolved a PEF as the enemy Band. Who are
More than one PEF can occupy the same section. they? How many of them? We got you covered.
• Roll 1d6 for each side. High score moves first. The When a PEF is resolved as enemy there is a Fight. This means
PEFs (page 14) will always move towards your Band. that there can be multiple Fights in the same game.
PEFs move from the closest one to your Band to the
one farthest away. Example – Billy Pink rolls for PEFs and scores a 2. Okay, so
• When you come into sight of a PEF resolve it (page there will be 2 PEFs in the game.
15). Billy Pink’s Band resolves the 1st PEF and the shooting starts.
If not playing on the Tabletop and only using the Battle The opposing side Leaves the Fight. Billy resolves a second
Boards, simply resolve the PEFs one after the other as PEF as an enemy Band and another Fight happens. This is the
sequential Fights. last PEF to be resolved so once the Fight is finished, the game
is over.
Example – I want to play on the tabletop so set up a 3x3 foot
square. I divide the table into 9 sections. The three next to me
are 7, 8, and 9. I set up terrain. Some woods, maybe a QUICK NPC GENERATION
building or two. I now roll for PEFs and get 3. I roll 3d6, one Resolved a PEF and need some NPCs? Here’s how to do it:
for each, and score a 2, 4, and 4. That’s two possible enemy
Bands in the same section! • What have you met?
• How many of them have you met?
I place my Band in section 7 and it’s time to roll to see who
• Who are they?
goes first. I score a 3, the PEFs a 4. They go first. The PEFs in
section 4 will move first. I roll one up randomly and move it
into my section, 7 and into sight. It is resolved as nothing. The WHAT ARE THEY?
second PEF is resolved as an enemy Band, and we set up the
There’s two ways to do this. If you’re playing a historical time
period like WW2 or the American Civil War, then you have
met enemy soldiers. Use the Exotic List (page 16). Just be sure
HOW MANY PEFS to swap out the Weapons as needed.
At the start of each game, roll 1/2d6 (page 2). That’s how If you’re just playing Chain Reaction 2023 on the fly, as
many PEFs you could meet during the game. written, we use the What Are They Table. Here’s how we do
RESOLVING PEFS • Consult the What Are They? Table.
• Roll 2d6, add the scores, and go down the left-hand
When you meet a PEF it’s time to see what it is. Don’t worry
column to the appropriate row.
from what direction the forces are coming from as we always
• Go across the top row to the appropriate Class that
turn the opposing forces to face. Here’s how we do it:
you are playing, then down to the appropriate row for
• Roll 1/2d6. the 2d6 result.
• If the result is equal or less than the number of the • This is the enemy you have met.
PEF you are resolving you have met something.
• If the result is higher than the number of the PEF you
are resolving then you have not met anything.
• Once a PEF is resolved, it is removed from the game.
• If you get to the last PEF and have not met an enemy
Band, then it will automatically be an enemy Band.
Example – I start the game in section 7 and decide to move
into section 4 where there is a PEF. I roll 1/2d6 and score a 2.
As this is the second PEF I am resolving it’s an enemy Band. I
can go to the Battle Board and set them up or I can play on
the tabletop.

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

# MOVER JOE EXOTIC CRIMINAL 1 5 Burst No Quick Reflexes
2 4 Burst No Nothing
2 Mover Exotic Mover Mover 3 4 Single No Rage
3 Mover Mover Mover Mover 4 4 Auto No Runt
4 Mover Joe Joe Exotic 5 3 Single No Nothing
5 Joe Joe Joe Joe 6 4 Single No Hard as Nails
6 Joe Joe Joe Joe 7+ 3 Single No Nothing
7 Joe Joe Joe Joe
8 Joe Joe Exotic Exotic
9 Exotic Exotic Exotic Criminal EXOTIC
10 Exotic Criminal Criminal Criminal # REP WEAPON ARMOR ATTRIBUTE
11 Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal
12 Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal 1 5 Burst No Rage
2 4 Burst No Hard as Nails
Example – Billy Pink is an Exotic. I resolve a PEF and must 3 4 Burst No Runt
see who he has met. I roll 2d6 and score a 3 and 4 for a result 4 4 Burst No Quick Reflexes
of 7. Billy has met Joes, but how many? 5 3 Auto No Nothing
6 4 Single No Runt
7+ 3 Burst No Nothing
You know who you’ve met, now it’s time to see how many of
them there are. Here’s how we do it:
• (1) = One less than Band but never less than one. 1 5 X No Nothing
• (2) = Same as Band. 2 4 X No Nothing
• (3) = One more than Band. 3 3 X No Rage
Playing Zombies? Then add 1/2d6 more to their number. 4 4 X No Slow to React
5 3 X No Nothing
Example – Billy Pink is alone and resolves a PEF. He rolls 6 3 X No Coward
1/2d6 and scores a 3. There are two Zeds. He rolls a second 7+ 3 X No Nothing
1/2d6 and scores another 3. He has met 5 Zeds!

You know what you’ve met, now it’s time to see how many of
them there are. Here’s how we do it: 1 4 Single No Runt
• Go to the appropriate List (page 16) for the Class of 2 3 X No Nothing
NPCs you have met. 3 5 Single No Rage
• Roll 1/2d6. Go down the left-hand column to that 4 4 X No Slow to React
row. That is the Leader of the NPCs. Want a tougher 5 4 X No Nothing
game? Roll 1d6 and if the score is the same as the 6 3 X No Coward
1/2d6 result, the NPC Leader is a Star with all the 7+ 4 X No Nothing
benefits. (1) = Chance (1-3) of having 1 Exotic Bodyguard rolled randomly.
• Go down the subsequent rows for the rest of the

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

Example – Billy Pink has met three Joes. I roll 1/2d6 and
score a 2. The Joe on row two of the Joe List is the Leader.
The 3rd and 4th rows are the other two NPCs. I roll 2d6 for # REP WEAPON ARMOR ATTRIBUTE
Attributes for each NPC, starting with the Leader, and score a
1 4 Melee Yes Runt
10 – Rage, 5 – Slow to React and 7 – nothing. The Leader is
2 4 Melee Yes Runt
going to be a pain because they are unarmed and a Fist Fight
3 4 Melee Yes Runt
(page 11) is coming,
4 4 Melee Yes Runt
5 3 Single No Runt
NPC GENDER 6 3 Melee Yes Runt
Need a Gender? NPCs will be male (1 – 3) or female (4 – 6). 7+ 3 Single No Runt
Or just use whatever Gender works for your figure or Counter.
When you play games with Zombies you could run into them
but not all the time. Here’s how we do it: 1 5 Melee Yes Hard as Nails
• Roll 1d6. 2 4 Melee Yes Rage
• (1, 2, or 3) = Zeds. 3 4 Melee Yes Rage
• (4 or 5) = Humans. Roll them up. 4 4 Melee Yes Nothing
• (6) = Zeds. 5 4 Single No Crack Shot
6 4 Melee Yes Nothing
7+ 3 Single No Nothing
In Chain Reaction 2023 you can play with swords, bows, ORCS
armor etc. (page 11). Well, we’re going to add some Fantasy
Lists. Use as little or as much as you want. # REP WEAPON ARMOR ATTRIBUTE
We use the same Attributes and Band Rosters. 1 5 Melee Yes Rage
2 4 Melee Yes Slow to React
3 4 Melee Yes Slow to React
DWARVES 4 4 Melee Yes Slow to React
# REP WEAPON ARMOR ATTRIBUTE 5 4 Single No Slow to React
6 3 Melee Yes Slow to React
1 5 Melee Yes Hard as Nails
7+ 3 Single No Slow to React
2 4 Melee Yes Hard as Nails
3 4 Melee Yes Hard as Nails
4 4 Single No Nothing SKELETAL UNDEAD (1)
5 4 Melee Yes Hard as Nails
6 4 Melee Yes Hard as Nails
7+ 3 Single No Nothing 1 3 X Yes Slow to React
2 3 X Yes Slow to React
3 3 X No Slow to React
ELVES 4 3 X No Slow to React
6 3 X No Slow to React
1 5 Single No Crack Shot
7+ 3 X No Slow to React
2 4 Single No Crack Shot (1) Never Leaves the Fight.
3 4 Single No Crack Shot
4 4 Single No Crack Shot
5 4 Melee Yes Nothing
6 4 Melee Yes Nothing
7+ 3 Single No Crack Shot

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023


Review how tabletop play is done. How is the First Fire rule
affected? How are the enemies placed on the table? How
many of them are there and how do you know when you have
met them?
PEFs are Possible Enemy Forces. You don’t know what you
have met until you resolve the PEFs. How do you resolve
You have run into the enemy. You have a band of 5. You roll
a 3 with the 1/2d6. How many enemy have you run into?
Review how to generate the NPCs. Where do you start?


Want to make the games more exciting? Maybe link them
together to build a career, to tell your Story? Use Fame and
Fortune. Here’s how we do it: EPILOGUE
• For each game you win – resolve all the PEFs and
force them to Leave the Fight, you get 1 Fame Point. Billy Pink surveyed the scene and didn’t like what he saw.
• For each game you lose – leave the game without “Three, four Hishen,” he thought. “At least two Grath and I’ll
resolving and forcing all the PEFs to Leave the Fight, bet that’s the Razor I pissed off back in New Hope City.”
you lose 1 Fame Point. “I got five or so back here,” Sooze said. “Tell me good news
• You cannot have a negative Fame Point total; zero is Billy.”
the lowest.
• If a Band Member is left behind, regardless of what Billy slid back down the rock next to Sooze and the Professor.
happens the rest of the game, you cannot gain any He just shook his head. “Sorry.”
Fame Points, but you still could lose one. “What are we going to do Billy?” asked the Professor.
• If you use any Star Power d6 in the game you cannot
gain any Fame Points, but you still could lose one. Just as Billy was going to reply, a loud sound erupted from
nearby and a shimmering area of energy appeared.
Your goal is to get 20 Fame Points. Track how many games it
takes you to get there. The smaller number of games the better “What the hell is that?” Bill asked.
you have done. Want more fun? Play head-to-head with your “Oh,” the Professor began,” It appears to be a neuro cosmic
friends and the first one to 20 Fame Points wins. � jibber jabber…” At least that’s what it sounded like to Billy.
Example – I decide I want to create my Story so will use Fame “It’s a Magic Door,” Sooze blurted. “Let’s go!”
Points. Okay, it’s Billy Pink’s Story but you get the idea. I play Sooze took off at a run with Billy close behind. He wasn’t sure
the first game and resolve all PEFs and force them to Leave what he was running to, as much as what he was running from.
the Fight. Billy gains 1 Fame Point. I play a second and third Being a Razor’s plaything didn’t sound good. Billy was in
and he wins them both. Three games played and 3 Fame mid-leap as he saw Sooze disappear into the energy field.
With a thump Billy landed on the ground, followed by the
Then I play another game and, well, things don’t work out so Professor. As quickly as it appeared, the Magic Door
well. Billy loses a Fame Point. Four games played 2 Fame disappeared.
Points. And the Story goes on.
“Well lookie here, Frank,” said the outlaw as he pointed his
six-shooter at the trio. “Where’d you think they come from?”

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

“Don’t rightly know Jessie,” replied Frank. “But I reckon
we’re gonna find out pretty soon. So what’s yer story

Stay tuned. �

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

Here are some Band Rosters that you can use if needed.
PEF (Taken versus Leader Rep)
A score of “6” is always a failure.
• The Leader of each Band rolls 2d6 versus its Rep.
1 • Add total of all passing d6.
2 • The higher scoring Leader’s Band will fire first.
3 • If tied, then fire is simultaneous and both count as First Fire.
Quick Reflexes: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual.
Slow to React: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.


If have Ranged Weapon– Shoot.
If no Ranged Weapon – Charge into Melee.
4 (Taken versus Rep)
5 A score of “6” is always a failure.
• Add total of all passing d6.
• Apply result to targets.
• Apply any applicable modifiers.
# REP WEAPON ATTRIBUTE Crack Shot: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual.
First Fire: Count Target Rep at 1 point less than actual.
Hard as Nails: Counts 1st Out of the Fight as a Miss.
Near Sighted: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.
2nd Target: Count Target’s Rep at 1 point more than actual.
3rd Target: Count Target’s Rep at 2 points more than actual.
7 Hit or Miss:
• If passing d6 total is higher than Rep of Target – Out
of the Fight.
PEF • If passing d6 total is equal or less than Rep of Target
# REP WEAPON ATTRIBUTE – Target missed.
• If can shoot: Go to Stay or Go Table.
1 • If can’t shoot: If armed with a Melee
2 Weapons will charge or continue charging, go
3 to Melee Table. If not, go to the Stay or Go
4 Table.
5 • If already Shaken: Leave the Fight!

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023

(Taken versus Rep) (Taken versus Rep)
A score of “6” is always a failure.
A score of “6” is always a failure.
Melee: If lost a Melee to an opponent with a Melee
Hard as Nails: Counts 1st Out of the Fight as -1 to Rep
Weapon count a -1 point to Rep.
Rage: Count Rep at 1 point higher than actual.
Runt: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual.
Shaken: Count Rep at 1 point less than actual. 2 I’m good!
Weapon: Melee Weapon re-rolls 1 failed d6 per round. • Return at normal Rep.
Wearing Armor or using a Shield: Negates Melee Weapon 1 Going, going…
re-roll. • Out of the Fights immediately re-take
#D6 RESULTS test counting pass 1d6 as pass 0d6.
• Left the Fights count as passing 0d6.
0 Gone.
More Loser: • Never heard from again.
• Out of the Fight.
Same All:
• -1 to Rep. Fight another round. Recover
lost Rep after Melee is finished.

(Taken versus Rep)
A score of “6” is always a failure.
Shaken recover to normal after the game.
Coward: Treat Shaken as Leave the Fight!
Fired at by a higher Target Rated Weapon = -1 to Rep.
2 All: Fire – Go to Shooting Table.
1 Become Shaken: Count as Shaken for the rest
of the Fight.
• If can shoot – go to Shooting Table.
• If cannot – remain in place.
If already Shaken: Leave the Fight!
0 Leave the Fight!

© 2023 Ed Teixeira – Two Hour Wargames 9/25/2023


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