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Conclusion: Embracing the Single Definition

In conclusion, having a Single Definition in Human Design presents a unique path of self-discovery and
growth. Individuals with this configuration are blessed with an internal coherence that brings a strong
sense of self-sufficiency and autonomy.

However, it’s crucial to remember the importance of relationships and interactions with others. While
Single Definition individuals might not instinctively feel the need to connect with others to feel complete,
the wisdom and growth that come from interacting with a variety of other definitions can significantly
enhance their journey.

In embracing their Single Definition, individuals can celebrate their self-sufficiency, cherish their
autonomy, and navigate life with the understanding that they carry a complete and coherent energy
within them. With awareness and understanding, they can interact with others in a way that honors
their design and respects the designs of others, leading to richer and more fulfilling experiences.

The Right Angle Cross of Rulership (26/45 | 47/22) in Human Design brings together the energies of
Gates 26, 45, 47, and 22. This integration contributes traits of egoism, gathering, realisation, and

Gate 26, situated in the Heart Center, is the Gate of Egoism in human design. It is associated with the
energy of articulate communication, particularly in sales and persuasion, often driven by a strong desire
for personal gain and influence.

Gate 45, located in the Throat Center, is known as the Gate of Gathering Together. This gate represents
the energy for managing resources and sharing them with the community, often indicating leadership
qualities and a natural ability to amass and distribute resources for the collective good.

Harmonising Egoism, Gathering, and Realisation

Gate 47, located in the Ajna Center, is referred to as the Gate of Realisation. This gate signifies the energy
for processing experiences, introspection, and deep comprehension, often showing a capacity for
profound insight, especially during challenging times or from past experiences.
Gate 22, situated in the Solar Plexus Center, is the Gate of Openness. This gate embodies the energy for
emotional openness and grace in social interactions. It often reveals a strong inclination towards
aesthetics and a remarkable ability to charm and persuade others.

When these energies interact, they form the Right Angle Cross of Rulership, symbolising the dynamic
interplay between egoism (Gate 26), gathering (Gate 45), realisation (Gate 47), and openness (Gate 22).
It signifies a unique balance of articulate communication, resource management, deep understanding,
and emotional openness.

Embracing the Right Angle Cross of Rulership

If your Human Design chart features the Right Angle Cross of Rulership, you likely possess a balance of
communication skills, resourcefulness, introspection, and emotional grace. Your persuasive
communication (Gate 26), together with your ability to manage and distribute resources (Gate 45), could
make you an influential figure in your community.

Your capacity for deep insight and understanding (Gate 47) and your emotional openness (Gate 22)
enable you to form meaningful connections with others and process experiences with depth.

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