Bio H2 Measuring

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2

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Review Article

A review of measurement methods of biological


Fatemeh Boshagh a,*, Khosrow Rostami b

Department of Chemical Technologies, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), P.O. Box
3353-5111, Tehran, Iran
Department of Biotechnology, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), P.O. Box 3353-
5111, Tehran, Iran


 GC is accurate and needing small sample however is expensive and energy-intensive.

 Gas meter is accurate and easy to use but is not suitable to measure low gas flow.
 Water displacement is simple, easy to use, and inexpensive but is labor-intensive.
 Using GC with water displacement or gas meter is accurate to measure hydrogen.

article info abstract

Article history: The current review purpose is to present a general overview of measurement methods of
Received 14 April 2020 hydrogen in dark fermentative hydrogen production. The gas measurement is performed
Received in revised form with manometric and volumetric devices by manual and automatic methods. The
8 June 2020 hydrogen gas measuring devices must be simple to construct and use, inexpensive, ac-
Accepted 9 June 2020 curate, durable, and economical. The methods of water displacement, plunger displace-
Available online 7 August 2020 ment, commercial gas meter, respirometer, and manometric were used to measure volume
and rate of biogas. For measurement of hydrogen fraction in the biogas, gas chromatog-
Keywords: raphy and hydrogen sensor were employed. The advantages and drawbacks of each
Biohydrogen production method are highlighted and some works of their uses in dark fermentation are presented.
Gas chromatography Literature shows that the water displacement method and gas meter were extensively used
Gas meter to measure biogas volume and flow and gas chromatography with thermal conductivity
Hydrogen sensor detector with a Molecular Sieve 5A column and nitrogen as carrier was widely employed to
Water displacement measure biohydrogen.
© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (F. Boshagh).
0360-3199/© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2 24425


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24425
Methods of biogas collecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24426
Methods of biohydrogen measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24426
Gas chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24426
Volume displacement devices (water displacement and plunger displacement method) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24441
Commercial gas meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24442
Hydrogen sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24442
Respirometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24443
Manometric method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24443
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24443
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24444
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24444

converted into the volume of gas using the ideal gas law [13].
Introduction The biogas measurement can be done manual or automatic
[14]. Various biogas measurement devices were introduced in
Nowadays, using fuels not compete with resources of water the literature and explained that the ideal biogas meter must
and food and not emit CO2 is necessary to decrease green- be precise, need slight or no maintenance, durable, inexpen-
house gas emission and global warming [1,2]. In recent years, sive, and can measure a wide range gas flow at varying pres-
hydrogen has received global consideration as future fuel and sure and temperature [15]. The approaches such as lubricated
a clean and efficient energy carrier which can replace fossil syringes, pressure manometers or transducers, volume
fuels hydrogen can be directly employed as a transportation displacement devices, manometer assisted syringes, or low
fuel while solar and nuclear fuels do not have this feature [3]. pressure switch meters were employed to determine volume
The methods of production of hydrogen including physical/ and rate of biogas. The biogas measurement at low headspace
chemical and biological [4]. Among hydrogen production pressure is an important issue to all manometric or volu-
methods, biological methods as environmental friendly due to metric methods of biogas measurement [14].
reduction of CO2 production, less consumption of energy The method and process of gas measurement itself can
(ambient pressure and temperature), and using organic result in the inhibition of biogas and biohydrogen production.
wastes and wastewaters as substrate are desirable. The bio- Generally, the process of biogas or biohydrogen produce gases
logical hydrogen production methods are including dark and such as methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, etc. Carbon di-
photo fermentation, direct and indirect biophotolysis, and oxide is very polar and its solubility is high in water [16], where
water-gas shift reactions [5]. One of the hydrogen production methane and hydrogen have low solubility in water [17]. The
methods is dark fermentation that occurs under facultative or high amount of dissolved CO2 affects the pH of the medium
strictly anaerobic conditions in the absence of light [6,7]. The and consequently alters the microbial activity [18]. Two pro-
dark fermentation compared with photo fermentation pre- tocols to measure biohydrogen production in batch mode has
sents advantages such as easier to conduct and control, no been recommended. A manual protocol with periodic mea-
need light, higher yield and production rate, stability and surements of biogas, needing conventional laboratory mate-
feasibility for industrialization, using a wide variety of carbon rials and analytical equipment for biogas characterization and
sources, and lower operating costs [8]. Also in this process an automatic protocol as a developed device for online mea-
simultaneous produce bioethanol and biohydrogen from the surements of low biogas production [19,20]. Results indicated
various substrate [9]. that both protocols of manual and automatic are suitable to
One of the important issues of biogas and biohydrogen get acceptable results. Typically manual methods are labour-
production is the detection and quantify measurement of intensive and time-consuming, and unless data are recorded
biogas composition. Biogas sampling and analysis is a major at frequent intervals the sensitivity of measurement is
challenge to control and adjust the cleaning process param- reduced and critical events may not be observed [21].
eters [10]. The production of biogas in the laboratory scale is Various methods have been developed in literatures for
low especially during the startup time. Therefore measuring collecting, measurement, and calculation of biohydrogen gas
such a low flow rate is not an easy work [11]. The gas mea- manually or automatically. In dark fermentation produced
surement is carried out with manometric and volumetric biogas is a gas mixture which hydrogen and carbon dioxide
methods. In the volumetric method, the pressure was brought are the main components [22] and methane may also produce
to atmospheric and volume of gas was measured [12] while [23]. Size of the bioreactor, and the sensitivity and capacity of
the manometric method is based on measurement of pressure the gas-measuring apparatus affect selection of appropriate
increase in the system and the pressure difference was method [24]. In dark fermentation, the volume of produced
24426 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2

biogas was measured by methods of water displacement [25], qualitative and quantitative compounds that can be vaporized
plunger displacement [26], gas meter [27], respirometer [22], without decomposition [49]. Samples of solid, liquid, and gas
manometer [24], pressure transducer [17], and pressure gauge can be analyzed by gas chromatography [50]. Gas chroma-
[23]. For measurement of hydrogen fraction in the biogas tography as an analytical device can be used to analyze and
hydrogen sensor [28], gas chromatography [29], and portable measure gases such as methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2),
hydrogen gas analyzer [30] were employed. Each method has hydrogen (H2), and so on [10]. Gaseous samples are injected by
advantages and limitations that must be considered when a gas-tight syringe or through a by-pass loop and valves. For
they are employed. Also, different types of the instrument of each gas, a calibration curve is drawn and according to it the
displacement gas measurement depending upon the research percentage of gas composition is determined. If moderate
requirements were developed. accuracy is adequate, single-point linear calibration with pure
The present study covers the methods of hydrogen gas hydrogen is suitable. When high accuracy is required, multi-
measurement which are employed for collecting and mea- point calibration preferably with bracketing approaches is
surement of hydrogen gas in dark fermentative hydrogen used [51]. The biogas was sampled from the headspace of the
production. The methods of water and plunger displacement, bioreactors by using special gas-tight glass syringe (pressure-
respirometer, manometric, gas meter, gas chromatography, lock syringe) and injected directly in the chromatographic
hydrogen sensor, and portable hydrogen gas analyzer were column. During sampling and injection of the gas sample,
employed to measure hydrogen gas in dark fermentation. proper attention is needed. Rapid injection of the samples into
Each method briefly is introduced and the advantages and the column of GC without delaying will give more precise re-
disadvantages of its is discussed. sults [16]. Selection of column (stationary phase and di-
mensions: column inner diameter, length, and film thickness),
selection of carrier gas (type and flow rate), determination of
Methods of biogas collecting temperature programing (initial temperature, initial hold,
ramp rate, final temperature, and final hold), selection of
In dark fermentation, biogas was collected in gasbag [31e39], injector and its temperature, and selection detector and its
syringe [40], and helium balloon [41]. The biogas can be temperature are several important issues in the separation
collected in a large syringe [39,42] or several small syringes process and analyze by GC [52]. Advantage of GC compare to
[40]. Gas sampling was carried out with a syringe [43] and can other methods of gas measurement is its capability to mea-
be collected in evacuated 6.8 mL exetainers [44] or syringe is sure both quantitative and qualitative produced biogas [16].
equipped with Mininert valves [45]. Gasbags are extensively This method is very useful, easy to use, accurate and sensitive
employed as a convenient portable system to collect biogas to measure biohydrogen, but requires equipment and specific
[46]. The Tedlar bag was often used to collect biogas [47]. The installations [53]. More expensive and relatively larger size
polyvinyl fluoride, polyethylene-terephthalate-nylon- than other methods of biogas measurement are disadvan-
aluminum, and polytetrafluoroethylene were most widely tages of GC [54,55]. GC is relatively bulky and needs high power
employed for making gasbag by Tedlar brand [46]. Other bags with a typical peak power requirement of 2000e3000 v-
such as Nalophan, Teflon, and Plastigas were also used in ampere. The challenge of new GC is low power, develop
some researches [47]. The bags or helium balloons are con- compact, low cost, and field-portable GC instruments [56].
nected to the bottle or bioreactor headspace for biogas col- The column of gas chromatographic can be considered the
lecting [41]. Gasbags with various capacities of 30 L [35], 10 L heart of the GC, where the separation of sample components
[33], 1 L [38], and 0.5 L [32] were used in dark fermentation. takes place [50]. The columns of GC are classified into two
Gasbags have advantages such as the sampling of simple and categories packed and capillary columns (Fig. 2) [57]. In dark
fast, easy to use, no need a skilled user or additional equip- fermentation the packed columns of Molecular Sieve 5A
ment [47] and disadvantages such as bags leakage may take [29,58,59], Molecular Sieve 6A [60], Molecular Sieve 13X [4,61],
place especially near to the septum and connections [41]. Porapak Q [62,63], Porapak N [64,65], Porapak TDS-01 [66,67],
Long-term storage of biogas in bags is not recommended [46]. HayeSep D [68,69], HayeSep Q [70,71], Unibeads C [72], GDX-
To check leakage of bags or balloons after fill by biogas, they 102 [73,74], TDX-01 [75,76], Unibeads C [77,78], Carboxen 1000
are immersed in water and formation of bubbles are investi- [79,80], Chromosorb 102 [81], Carbon Shin [82e84], Carbosive
gated. The bags and ballons are limited in volume and if vol- SII [85], and CTR1 [24] and capillary columns of Carboxen 1010
ume of produced gas is high those are not suitable. Compared PLOT [86,87], GS-CarbonPLOT [88,89], CarboPLOT P7 [90,91],
with the Tedlar bags, balloons of helium were more robust for HP-PLOT Q [92,93], HP-PLOT U [94], HP-PLOT Molecular Sieve
long term use [41]. Methods of biogas collecting are shown in [9], and HP-PLOT Molecular Sieve 5A [94] were employed to
Fig. 1. analysis hydrogen gas. Micro-GC with columns of CP-Cox
[95,96] and CP Molecular Sieve 5A [97,98], HP-PLOT Molecular
Sieve 5A [37,99], Porapak N [44], and HP-PLOT U [99] was also
Methods of biohydrogen measurement used to measure hydrogen gas in dark fermentation. The
working principle of micro GC is similar to conventional GC,
Gas chromatography except that the different components are miniaturized in
micro GC to reduce power consumption, increase portability
Gas chromatography is an important separation device in and analysis speed [56]. Selection of carrier gas as the mobile
which the components of a sample partition between two phase is another important issue that must be determined.
phases of stationary and mobile [48] and is used to analyze The carrier gas is an inert gas (helium) or unreactive gas
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2 24427

Fig. 1 e Methods of biogas collecting (A: gasbags, B: helium balloon, C: syringes) [40,41].

Fig. 2 e Capillary column (A) and packed column (B) [119].

(nitrogen) [100]. The gases of nitrogen [101e104], argon was used as carrier gas. The operating temperatures of the
[60,105e108], and helium [109,110] were used as the carrier gas injector, detector, and oven were kept at 100, 200, and 200  C,
in dark fermentation. The carrier gas flows through an respectively. A gas chromatography equipped with a TCD and
injector onto a column, which is in turn connected to a de- 1.5 m stainless-steel column packed with Molecular Sieve 5A
tector [50]. The compounds are detected by the detector. Gas was used by Mu et al. [117]. Argon with 30 mL/min flow rate
chromatography is equipped with various detectors such as was employed as carrier gas. The operating temperatures of
thermal conductivity detector (TCD), flame ionization detector the injector, detector, and column were set at 100, 105, and
(FID), helium ionization detector (HID), thermal ionization 60  C, respectively. Sreela-or [77] employed a GC equipped
detector (TID), photometric ionization detector (PID), catalytic with a TCD and a 2 m stainless column packed with Unibeads
combustion detector (CCD), electron capture detector (ECD) C to determine biogas. Argon was used as the carrier gas at a
and so on. Each having its own advantages and limitations flow rate of 25 mL/min. The operating temperatures of the
[111]. The detectors of TCD [112] TCD and HID [113,114], and column, detector, and injector were 145, 150, and 150  C,
TCD and FID [115,116] were used to detect hydrogen gas in respectively. Biogas composition was measured by GC
dark fermentation. The literatures show that TCD was widely equipped with a TCD with a stainless steel column packed
employed to detect hydrogen gas in dark fermentation. Most with Carbosive SII. The temperatures of the injector, detector,
analyses require the use of a temperature program. A tem- and column were kept at 100, 105 and 60  C, respectively [85].
perature program involves heating the oven at a controlled Zhao et al. [73] used a GC equipped with a TCD with a 2-m
rate during the run. Several temperature programs were used stainless iron column packed with GDX-102 to determine
in literatures to measure hydrogen gas in dark fermentative produced hydrogen. The temperatures of the injector, detec-
hydrogen production. Ray et al. [82] measured biohydrogen tor, and column were kept at 80, 100, and 50  C, respectively.
production by GC equipped with TCD with a column packed Nitrogen was employed as a carrier gas at a flow rate of 30 mL/
with Carbon Shin. The nitrogen gas with 10 mL/min flow rate min. Biogas composition was analyzed using GC equipped
Table 1 e Measurement methods of biogas composition and volume in dark fermentative hydrogen production.
Microorganism Biogas composition Biogas composition Biogas volume and flow Substrate Ref.
measurement (CH4 and/or measurement (H2) measurement
Seed sludge GCeTCD GC-TCD Water displacement Glucose [25]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molecular Sieve 5A PLOT

Carrier: Helium Carrier: Argon

Clostridium sp. LS2 GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement POME [29]

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Column: Porapak T Column: Molecular Sieve

Carrier: Helium (30 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (25 mL/min)

E.cloacae DM11 Remove CO2 by 30% (w/v) KOH GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [62]
Column: Porapak Q

Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)

E. aerogenes Remove CO2 by NaOH GCeTCD Water displacement Xylose, arabinose, mannose, [63]
Column: Porapak Q galactose, and rhamnose

Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)

Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [64]
Column: Porapak N Column: Porapak N
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD e Glucose [66]
Column: Porapak TDS-01 Column: Porapak TDS-01

Carrier: Nitrogen (70 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (70 mL/min)

Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048 GCeTCD GCeTCD e Glucose [32]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molecular Sieve
Anaerobic sludge e H2 sensor e Glucose [28]
Enterobacter aerogenes MTCC 111 e H2 sensor Water displacement Glucose [144]
Anaerobic sludge CO2 sensor CH4 sensor H2 sensor e Glucose [175]
Mixed culture e H2 sensor e Chemical wastewater [176]
Mixed culture e H2 sensor e Chemical, domestic, and synthetic [170]
Mixed culture e H2 sensor e Chemical wastewater [177]
Mixed culture H2 sensor e Wastewater [178]
Anaerobic sludge e H2 sensor Water displacement Glucose [167]
Anaerobic sludge CO2 sensor H2 sensor Water displacement Glucose [164]
CH4 sensor
Mixed culture e H2 sensor Water displacement Bean husk, corn stalk, and organic [166]
fraction of solid municipal waste
Mixed culture e H2 sensor e Chemical wastewater [168]
Mixed culture e H2 sensor e Dairy wastewater [179]
Mixed culture (soil and sludge) e H2 sensor e Glucose, untreated and pretreated [180]
soil and sludge
Clostridium Remove CO2 by KOH (30%) H2 sensor e Cheese whey [130]
Anaerobic sludge CO2 sensor H2 sensor and GCeTCD Gas flow meter and water Sewage biosolids [163]
CH4 sensor displacement
Anaerobic sludge e H2 sensor e Distillery wastewater [169]
Enterobacter MTCC 7104 e H2 sensor Water displacement Xylose [181]
E. aerogenes e H2 sensor Water displacement Rice mill wastewater hydrolysate [165]
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Owen method Sucrose [4]
Column: HayeSep DB Column: Molecular Sieve13X
Carrier: Helium (140 mL/min)
Carrier: Nitrogen ( 75 mL/min)

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Mixed culture Remove CO2 by NaOH GCeTCD Owen and respirometric methods Glucose, molasses, sucrose, potato [22]
Column: Molesieve 5A starch, lactate, cellulose

Carrier: Nitrogen
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Respirometer Glucose [127]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molesieve 5A

Carrier: Hydrogen Carrier: Nitrogen

Mixed culture e GCeTCD Respirometer Domestic wastewater and food [173]
Column: Molesieve 5A processing wastewaters
Carrier: Nitrogen
Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 GCeTCD GCeTCD Respirometer Glucose [172]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molesieve 5A

Carrier: Hydrogen Carrier: Nitrogen

Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD e Cow manure [182]
Column: Porapak N Column: Porapak N
Carrier: Nitrogen Carrier: Nitrogen
E. aerogenes e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [6]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Nitrogen
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Acid hydrolyzed waste wheat [183]
Column: HayeSep D powder
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Pig slurry [184]
Column: Molesieve 5A and Porapak Column: Molesieve 5A and Porapak
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Helium
E. aerogenes e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [7]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Water displacement Dairy wastewater [138]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Nitrogen (25 mL/min)F
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [126]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molesieve 5A PLOT
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Argon

(continued on next page)
Table 1 e (continued )
Microorganism Biogas composition Biogas composition Biogas volume and flow Substrate Ref.
measurement (CH4 and/or measurement (H2) measurement
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Buffalo slurry, cheese whey, and [185]
crude glycerol
Sewage digester sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [70]
Column: HayeSep Q Column: HayeSep Q
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Enterobacter aerogenes MTCC 2822 Remove CO2 by KOH (30%) GCeTCD and gas monitor Water displacement Cheese whey wastewater [129]
Vegetable waste e GCeTCD Water displacement Vegetable waste [186]
Column: HayeSep Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (35 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose, lactose, cheese whey [118]
Column: HayeSep D Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (12 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (12 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Water displacement Wheat powder [69]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [110]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Helium (12 mL/min)
Mixed culture MicroGC -TCD MicroGCeTCD Water displacement Cattle manure, Slaughterhouse [44]
Column: Porapak N Column: Porapak N risk material
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Argon
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [187]
Column: TDX-01
Carrier: Nitrogen (15.5 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement POME [38]
Column: HP- Molesieve
Carrier: Argon (45 mL/min)
Mixed culture and E. aerogenes GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [188]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q
Mixed culture e GCeTCD/HID Water displacement POME [114]
Column: Molecular Sieve 13X
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Sewage sludge and fallen leaves [189]
Column: TDX-01 Column: TDX-01
Carrier: Argon Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Sugar refinery wastewater [124]
Column: PoraPLOT Q Column: Molesieve 5A and
Carrier: Helium HayeSep Q
Carrier: Argon
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [59]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Helium (12 mL/min)
Clostridium sp. LS2 GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement POME [121]
Column: Porapak T Column: Molesieve
Carrier: Helium (30 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (25 mL/min)
Thermoanaerobacterium aotearoense GCeTCD/FID GCeTCD/ FID Water displacement Sugarcane bagasse [35]
SCUT27/Dldh Column: TDX-01 and AE electric Column: TDX-01 and AE electric
insulating oil analysis insulating oil analysis
Enterobacter cloacae e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose and sucrose [190]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
Enterobacter aerogenes e Portable hydrogen gas analyzer Water displacement Glucose and glycerol [30]

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Enterobacter aerogenes HU-101 GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [139]
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [191]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Helium (12 mL/min)
Escherichia coli DhycA DlacI (WDHL) e GCeTCD Water displacement Cheese whey [53]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (12 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Starch [192]
Column: Molesieve
Carrier: Helium (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD/HID Water displacement POME [193]
Carrier: Helium (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement POME [194]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Clostridium butyricum EB6 e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [31]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Rice, oil, fat, lettuce, lean meat, [195]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q potato, and banyan leaves
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [196]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Helium (12 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [197]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Water displacement Brewery wastewater [8]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Water displacement Ozonated POME [72]
Column: Unibeads C
Carrier: Helium
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Waste wheat powder [68]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
(continued on next page)

Table 1 e (continued )
Microorganism Biogas composition Biogas composition Biogas volume and flow Substrate Ref.
measurement (CH4 and/or measurement (H2) measurement
Enterobacter aerogenes HU-101 GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose, fructose, glycerol, [198]
mannitol, sorbitol, gluconate, and
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Cheese whey [199]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Carrier: Nitrogen Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Sucrose [200]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Enterobacter cloacae IIT-BT 08 Remove CO2 by 40% (w/v) KOH GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [131]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glycerol [71]
Column: HayeSep Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (30e35 mL/min)
Enterobacter aerogenes Remove CO2 by 20 M NaOH GCeTCD Water displacement Rice straw [201]
Column: Porapakk Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Hydrolyzed wheat powder [202]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Enterobacter cloacae IIT-BT 08 Remove CO2 by KOH (40%) GCeTCD Water displacement and gas flow Starchy wastewater, cane [203]
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min) meter molasses, and distillery effluent
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Glucose [141]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Hydrolyzed wheat powder [140]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Food waste [204]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Nitrogen
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Water displacement Sucrose [205]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e Water displacement Sucrose [117]
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Food waste, potato pulp, cattle [206]
Column: TDX-01 Column: TDX-01 manure, and pig manure
Carrier: Argon (40 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (40 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Water displacement Sucrose [207]
Column: PoraPLOT Q Column: Molecular Sieve 5A and
Carrier: Helium (20.7 mL/min) HayeSep Q
Carrier: Argon (20.7 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Plunger displacement Sucrose, Food waste and non-fat [26]
Column: Porapak T Column: Porapak Q dry milk
Carrier: Helium (35 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Sucrose [146]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Plunger displacement Vermicelli processing wastewater [208]
Column: Molesieve 5A Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Argon for CH4 and Helium Carrier: Argon
for CO2

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Organic wastes [209]
Column: Molesieve 5A
Carrier: Argon
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Molasses-based distillery [210]
Column: Molesieve wastewater
Carrier: Nitrogen (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Glucose [73]
Column: GDX-102
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Sucrose and digestion sludge [102]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Melon, papaya, pineapple, sewage [211]
Column: Molesieve sludge
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Plunger displacement Starch and sucrose [61]
Column: Porapak T Column: Molesieve 13X
Carrier: Helium (35 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Plunger displacement Food and beverage processing [212]
Column: Molesieve 5A wastewater
Carrier: Argon
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Plunger displacement Fruit and vegetable waste [213]
Column: HP-PLOT Q Column: HP-PLOT Q
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Helium
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Oil volume displacement Agro industrial wastewaters [214]
Column: HP-PLOT Q Column: HP-PLOT Q (Liquid cow manure, cheese whey,
Carrier: Nitrogen Carrier: Nitrogen olive mill wastewater)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [107]
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [215]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [153]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
(continued on next page)

Table 1 e (continued )
Microorganism Biogas composition Biogas composition Biogas volume and flow Substrate Ref.
measurement (CH4 and/or measurement (H2) measurement
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [154]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Thermotoga neapolitana e GCeTCD Gas meter Xylose [216]
Column: Carboxen 1000

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Carrier: Nitrogen (55 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge MicroGC -TCD MicroGC -TCD Wet gas meter Glucose [217]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molsieve 5A PLOT
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Argon
Mixed anaerobic culture e GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [218]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Sewage sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [219]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Steam-exploded switchgrass [220]
Column: Carbon Shin Column: Carbon Shin liquor
Carrier: Nitrogen (10 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (10 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [89]
Column: GS-CarbonPLOT Column: GS-CarbonPLOT
Carrier: Argon (3.67 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (3.67 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [88]
Column: GS-CarbonPLOT Column: GS-CarbonPLOT
Carrier: Argon (3.67 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (3.67 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [125]
Column: Carboxen 1010 PLOT Column: Carboxen 1010 PLOT
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [221]
Column: Carboxen 1010 PLOT
Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas flow meter Chess whey [222]
Column: GS-Carbon Column: GS-CarbonPLOT
Carrier: Argon (3.67 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (3.67 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Gas flow meter Citric acid wastewater [76]
Column: TDX-01
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Clostridium butyricum GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas flow meter Glucose [91]
Column: Carboplot P7 Column: Carboplot P7
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Wet gas meter Sucrose [223]
Column: HayeSep D
Carrier: Argon (20 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [224]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [225]
Carrier: Argon
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Gas meter Starch [226]
Column: Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Corn stover [227]
Column: Carbon Shin Column: Carbon Shin

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Carrier: Nitrogen (25 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [228]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Gas meter Cheese whey [87]
Column: Carboxen 1010 PLOT
Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas flow meter Glucose [123]
Column: TDX-01 Column: TDX-01
Clostridium butyricum GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas flow meter Glucose [103]
Carrier: Argon Carrier: Nitrogen
Clostridium butyricum GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Glucose, xylose, fructose, [33]
Column: Molecular Sieve Column: Molecular Sieve 5A, galactose, and mannose
5A,Porapak Q, and Porapak N Porapak Q, andPorapak N
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Helium
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Glucose [229]
Column: TDX-01 Column: TDX-01
Carrier: Nitrogen (50 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (50 mL/min)
Seed sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Cassava starch [230]
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Galactose [231]
Carrier: Nitrogen Carrier: Nitrogen
Seed sludge Remove CO2 by NaOH (3e5%) GCeTCD Wet gas meter Molasses [128]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (40 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Glucose [232]
Column: Porapak T Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Helium (40 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (40 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Wet gas meter Glucose and peptone [233]
Column: HayeSep Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (15 mL/min)
Seed sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Glucose [122]
Column: HayeSep Q Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Seed sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [58]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min) Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Seed sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Molasses [27]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q

Carrier: Nitrogen (40 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (40 mL/min)
(continued on next page)
Table 1 e (continued )
Microorganism Biogas composition Biogas composition Biogas volume and flow Substrate Ref.
measurement (CH4 and/or measurement (H2) measurement
Anaerobic seed sludge e GCeTCD Gas flow meter Sucrose [234]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Clostridium thermolacticum MicroGCeTCD MicroGCeTCD Gas flow meter Lactose [96]
Column: CP-Cox Column: CP-Cox

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Carrier: Argon Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Wet gas flow meter Glucose [155]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Wet gas meter Condensed molasses [235]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Argon
Anaerobic granular sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Galactose [236]
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Dairy manure [237]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Wet gas meter Starch [43]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Helium (30 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/ min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Soft-drink wastewater [238]
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Gas meter Sucrose [106]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon(30 mL/min)
E. coli (XL1-BLUE) GCeTCD GCeTCD Gas meter Formate [109]
Column: CarbonPLOT Column: Molecular Sieve 13X
Carrier: Nitrogen Carrier: Helium
Mixed culture GCeTCD/HID GCeTCD/HID Gas meter POME [239]
Carrier: Helium (25 mL/min) Carrier: Helium (25 mL/min)
Cow dung compost e GCeTCD/HID e Sucrose [101]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
Mixed culture MicroGCeTCD MicroGCeTCD e Swine manure and fruit and [37]
For CO2; Column: Molecular Sieve 5A PLOT vegetable market waste
Column: HP- PLOT U Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Carrier: Helium (30 mL/min)
For CH4 ;
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A PLOT
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Clostridium e GCeTCD e Glucose [79]
Pasteurianu Column: Carboxen- 1000
Carrier: Helium
Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 e GCeTCD e Glucose [67]
Column: Porapak TDS-01
Carrier: Nitrogen (70 mL/min)
Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB8052 e GCeTCD e Glucose [60]
Column: Molecular Sieve 6A
Carrier: Argon (2 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD e Food and blood waste [105]
Column: HayeSep Q and Molecular Column: HayeSep Q and Molecular
Sieve Sieve
Carrier: Argon Carrier: Argon
Escherichia coli e GCeTCD e Glucose [108]
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD e Glucose [240]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD e Glucose [241]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD e Biodiesel waste and pure glycerol [94]
Column: HP-PLOT U
Carrier: Helium
Column: HP-PLOT Molecular Sieve
Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe Food waste [77]
Column: Unibeads C
Carrier: Argon (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe Waste glycerol and sludge [242]
Column: Unibeads C
Carrier: Argon (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe Pineapple waste extract [78]
Column: Unibeads C
Carrier: Argon (25 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe (a 500 mL Food waste [243]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Molecular Sieve 5A syringe)
Carrier: Nitrogen Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic sludge e GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe Sweet sorghum syrup [244]
Column: Unibeads C
Carrier: Argon (25 mL/min)
Thermoanaerobacterium e GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe Sweet sorghum bagasse [83]
thermosaccharolyticum Column: Carbon Shin
Thermoanaerobacterium e GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe (20e50 mL) Xylose and arabinose [245]
thermosaccharolyticum KKU-ED1 Column: Carbon Shin
Carrier: Helium (25 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Wetted glass syringe (10e100 mL) Glucose [74]
Column: GDX-102
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Buffalo dung compost e GCeTCD Glass syringes (5-50 mL) Glucose and xylose [246]
Column: Porapak Q

Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)
(continued on next page)
Table 1 e (continued )
Microorganism Biogas composition Biogas composition Biogas volume and flow Substrate Ref.
measurement (CH4 and/or measurement (H2) measurement
Mixed culture e GCeTCD Glass syringes (5e100 mL) Thin stillage [247]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Mixed culture GCeTCD GCeTCD Glass syringes (5e50 mL) Microcrystalline cellulose [248]
Column: Porapak T Column: Porapak Q

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2
Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (30 mL/min)
Clostridium termitidis e GCeTCD Glass syringes (5e100 mL) Glucose and cellobiose [249]
Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic mixed culture GCeTCD Glass syringes (5-50 mL) Cornstalk wastes [250]
Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (20 mL/min)F
Caldicellulosiruptor owensensis MicroGCeTCD MicroGCeTCD e Glucose and xylose [97]
Column: PoraPLOT Q Column: Molecular Sieve 5A
Carrier: Helium Carrier: Nitrogen
Anaerobic sludge GCeTCD GCeTCD e Starch [251]
Column: Porapak Q Column: Porapak Q
Carrier: Helium (20 mL/min) Carrier: Helium (20 mL/min)
Mixed culture e GCeTCD/HID e Glucose and starch [113]
Carrier: Helium (25 mL/min)
Clostridial species GCeTCD GCeTCD Owen method Glucose [252]
Column: HayeSep Q Column: HayeSep Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (15 mL/min) Carrier: Nitrogen (15 mL/min)
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2 24439

Table 2 e Manometric method to measure hydrogen in dark fermentation.

Microorganism Substrate Biogas composition Biogas volume Ref.
measurement (H2) measurement
E. coli (DJT 135) Format GC-TCD Manometer [253]
Column: Molecular Sieve
Carrier: Helium
Thermotoga maritima, Glucose GC-TCD Manometer [24]
Thermococcus kodakarensis Column:CTR1
KOD1 and Enterobacter Carrier: Argon (20 mL/min)
Clostridium butyricum TM-9A Glucose GC-TCD Mechanical pressure gauge [93]
Column: HP-PLOT Q
Carrier: Nitrogen (2.8 mL/
Anaerobic sludge Food waste GC-TCD Pressure gauge [23]
Column: HayeSep DB
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Anaerobic sludge Sewage sludge and sugar beet pulp GC-TCD Pressure transducer [254]
Column: Carboxen 1010
Anaerobic sludge Sewage sludge and wine vinasse GC-TCD Pressure transducer [255]
Column: Carboxen 1010
Anaerobic sludge Sucrose GC-TCD Pressure transducer [17]
Anaerobic sludge Lard GC-TCD Pressure transducer [13]
Column: HayeSep DB
Carrier: Argon (30 mL/min)
Activated sludge Food waste GC-TCD Pressure transducer [256]
Column: Molecular Sieve

with a TCD and a column packed by HayeSep D. Nitrogen at a carrier gas. The temperatures of the injector, detector, and
flow fate of 12 mL/min was used as carrier gas. The operating oven were held at 40, 220, and 40  C, respectively [113]. The
temperatures of the injection port, detector, and oven were set produced biohydrogen from sugarcane bagasse by Clostridum
at 250, 250, and 60  C, respectively [118]. Mandal et al. [62] thermocellum DSM1313 was measured with GC with detectors
employed gas chromatography equipped with a TCD and a of TCD and FID [115]. A gas chromatography equipped with
column packed with Porapak Q to analyze biogas. Nitrogen detector of TCD and capillary columns of HP-PLOT U and HP-
was used as carrier gas at a flow fate of 20 mL/min. The PLOT Molecular Sieve 5A was used to measure hydrogen gas.
temperatures of the injector, detector, and oven were kept at The gases of helium and nitrogen were employed as carrier
150, 200, and 80  C, respectively. The determination of pro-
duced hydrogen from glucose and starch by mixed culture
was performed using GC equipped with detectors of TCD and
HID. Helium gas at a flow fate of 25 mL/min was used as

Fig. 3 e Water displacement method [55]. Fig. 4 e Commercial gas meter [55].
24440 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2

Fig. 5 e Commercial hydrogen sensor [171].

gas for the columns of HP-PLOT U and HP-PLOT Molecular (30%) [129,130], and KOH (40%) [131] in a CO2 absorber and
Sieve 5A, respectively [94]. Table 1 indicates GC equipped with remaining gas was then measured with GC. The sodium hy-
thermal conductivity detector using nitrogen gas as carrier gas droxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), and calcium
and column of Molecular Sieve 5 A was extensively employed hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) were widely employed for CO2 scrubbing
for quantitative measurement of hydrogen gas. and their reactions with CO2 are shown in Eqs. (1)e(3). KOH is
GC is the best analytical device to analyze the different more expensive than NaOH, however, the K2CO3 formation
components of the biogas including methane, carbon dioxide, (Eq. (2)) has several industrial applications [132].
etc. [120]. In dark fermentative hydrogen production, the col-
umns of HayeSep DB [4], Porapak Q [62], Porapak N [64], Por- 2NaOH (aq) þ CO2 (g) / Na2CO3 (aq) þ H2O (l) (1)
apak T [121], Porapak TDS-01 [66], GS-CarbonPLOT [88],
CarboPLOT P7 [91], CP- Molecular Sieve 5A [98], HayeSep Q
[122], TDX-01 [123], and PoraPLOT Q [124] were employed to
analyze methane. The columns of HayeSep DB [4], HP-PLOT U
[37], HP-Molecular Sieve [38], Porapak N [64], GS-CarbonPLOT
[88], CarboPLOT P7 [91], CP-PoraPLOT Q [97], CP-PoraPLOT U
[98], Porapak T [121], HayeSep Q [122], TDX-01 [123], PoraPLOT
Q [124], Carboxen 1010 PLOT [125], and Porapak Q [126] were
used to measure carbon dioxide in dark fermentation. The
gases of nitrogen [27,109], argon [70,96], hydrogen [127], and
helium [4,124] were used as carrier gas. In some researches,
dioxide carbon gas was removed by NaOH [6,7,63,128], KOH

Fig. 6 e Commercial respirometer [174]. Fig. 7 e Manometric cap [253].

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2 24441

More expensive, high power

Not suitable for high biogas

than other methods, errors

Labour-intensive, diffusion

Short lifetime, poisoned by

injection of the gas sample

evaporation, and corrosion

Not suitable for low biogas
2KOH (aq) þ CO2 (g) / K2CO3 (aq) þ H2O (l) (2)

and relatively large size

other gases or material

of biogas in the barrier

during sampling and

Ca(OH)2 (aq) þ CO2 (g) / CaCO3 (aq) þ H2O (l) (3)

solutions, liquid

flow and rate

flow and rate

As indicated in Table 1, GCeTCD using a column of Porapak
Q and helium gas as the carrier gas was widely employed for
quantitative measurement of methane and dioxide carbon
gases. There is much research available in the literature on GC
to measure hydrogen gas in dark fermentation which some of
them are reported in Table 1.

Volume displacement devices (water displacement and

plunger displacement method)

The volume displacement devices such as water displacement

[25] and plunger displacement [26] were extensively used for
Simple, easy to use, smaller
Simple, easy to use, robust,

the measurement of biogas volume [133]. The water

Useful, accurate, sensitive,
and needing small sample

Simple, durable, accurate,

allow significant pressure

Quick and easy, accurate,
user-friendly precise, not
size than other methods

displacement devices are employed for laboratory-based vol-

ume measurement and are usually height or weight types [16].

The general working principle of volume displacement in-

struments is the difference of pressure between the inlet and

easy to use

outlet of the device which causes the periodic filling and


emptying a defined volume of gas in the measurement vessel

[16]. These devices are robust, easy to set up and use, inex-
pensive, and capable of working for long periods without
maintenance [134]. Since water is almost incompressible, the
volume flow rate of water leaving the chamber is equal to the
gas volume flow rate entering it [135]. The produced biogas
inside the bioreactor moves into an external reservoir, con-
taining a barrier solution and displaces an equivalent volume
of liquid, that can be manually or automatically measured
[14]. These devices can be constructed with materials of sim-
ple and inexpensive such as plastic or glass jars or cylinders
[16]. The gases solubility in water and liquid evaporation are
limitations of this method [136]. Acidified saturated solutions,
Composition of biogas

alkaline solutions, and saline solutions can be employed as

Volume of biogas

Volume of biogas

Volume of biogas

barrier solution in all types of liquid displacement devices to

Composition of

minimize solubility of the gases [134]. The manual water


displacement method is labour-intensive. On the contrary,

the automatic water displacement device is less labour-
Table 3 e Methods of hydrogen gas measurement.

intensive but has problems such as corrosion, algae growth,

and complexity in managing CO2 solubility and control of
reservoir levels [137].
In dark fermentation the method of water displacement
with acidic water [29,30], NaOH solution [138], aqueous NaCl
[139], sulfuric acid (2%) and NaCl (10%) [68,140,141], and
NaHCO3 [33] was used to avoid CO2 absorption. As carbon di-
oxide is very polar and its solubility in water is high [16], the
absorption of carbon dioxide into water produces carbonic
acid according to Eq. (4) and reduces pH of water. The carbonic
acid may lose protons to form bicarbonate (HCO1 3 ) and car-
bonate (CO23 ) [142]. Therefore, the absorption of carbon di-
Gas chromatography

Water displacement

oxide into water causes an error in determining the volume of

Hydrogen sensor

the produced biogas.

Gas meter

CO2 (g) þ H2O (l) / H2CO3 (aq)


24442 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2

Plunger displacement method or wetted glass syringe CWBI1009 and glucose monohydrate as the substrate in a 2.5 L
method or Owen method was introduced by Owen et al. [143]. AnSBR. The percentage of hydrogen in biogas was then
This type of device is employed for laboratory-based volume measured using a GC equipped with TCD and CarboPLOT P7
measurement and was also used for dark fermentation. There is column and nitrogen as the carrier gas. Amount of generated
a large number of research work available in the literature on hydrogen through dark fermentation of glucose in an anaerobic
volume displacement devices for dark fermentation that a few fluidized bed bioreactor with expanded clay as support was
are reported in Table 1. A schematic of the water displacement investigated by Amorim et al. [107]. They used a gas meter
method is shown in Fig. 3. Generally, this method follows by gas follow by GC-TCD to measure rate and fraction of produced
chromatography or hydrogen sensor to measure the amount of hydrogen gas. A wet gas meter was employed to record daily
generated hydrogen gas. For example, hydrogen production produced biohydrogen by anaerobic digested sludge. The gas
from glucose by Enterobacter aerogenes was investigated in characterization was carried out by a GC equipped with TCD
250 mL conical flask by Karthic et al. [144] and the water and columns packed with Porapak Q and Porapak T [43]. There
displacement method was used to measure the volume of is a lot of literature available (Table 1) on commercial gas me-
hydrogen gas. Water was adjusted to pH 3 or less in order to ters for dark fermentative hydrogen production. The commer-
prevent dissolution of the biogas. Amount of hydrogen gas was cial gas meter brands of Ritter Inc. (Germany) [107,153,154],
then estimated using an electrochemical sensor. The hydrogen Changchun Filter Co., Ltd. (China) [27], Far Asia Co. Ltd. (China)
production from corn stalk by Xing et al. [145] was investigated. [128], Mettler Toledo (Switzerland) [123], Shanghai A.K. In-
The method displacement of saturated brine was employed to struments Co., Ltd. (China) [33], Toshniwal Instruments Pvt.
measure the volume of biogas at regular interval and GC-TCD Ltd, (India) [155], and Shinagawa Co. (Japan) [122] were used in
was used to measure the concentration of hydrogen in biogas. dark fermentation. A schematic of the commercial gas meter is
Dark fermentative hydrogen production from artificial waste- shown in Fig. 4.
water was investigated by Zhang et al. [146] in 1 L completed
stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Plunger displacement method fol- Hydrogen sensor
lowed by GC was used to estimate volume and composition of
hydrogen gas. A sensor is an electronic instrument designed to measure and
monitor changes in the environment, convert those changes
Commercial gas meter to electrical signals and communicate that information to
other electronic instruments to compute and analyze [156].
The diffusion of biogas in the barrier solutions is a disadvan- Hydrogen sensor is transducer devices that detect hydrogen
tage of the water displacement method which the designed gas and has advantages such as lower cost, smaller size, and
gas meter overcomes this problem. Gas meter as an instru- fast response when compared with conventional methods of
ment for the measurement of gases is simple, easy to use, hydrogen detection. There are different types of hydrogen
accurate, repeatable, and durable [16] and for measurement of sensors include catalytic, mechanical, optical, electro-
hydrogen gas flow was employed. Gas meters can be used for chemical, metal oxide, thermal conductivity, etc. [54]. Each
large-scale commercial applications [134]. The ideal gas meter type of hydrogen sensor has advantages and disadvantages in
must be affordable, accurate, be able to measure a wide flow terms of performance. The performance parameters of sensor
range, capable of operation at low gauge pressures, data- types are measuring range, sensitivity, selectivity, stability,
logging, need little maintenance, and produce insignificant accuracy, and response time [157]. The poor selectivity, high
pressure variations [147]. The gas meter classified into two power consumption, poisoned by other gases or material,
types of dry and wet and two uses of commercial and exper- short lifetime, and slow response time can limit the perfor-
imental [148]. The dry and wet gas meter are similar in oper- mance of sensors. A suitable sensor must be low cost, low
ation, but in a dry gas meter, the water seal is replaced by a maintenance, fast response time, easy to install and use, and
sliding valve seal [149]. Wet gas meters are heavy. Under accurate. Also choice a sensor is according to ambient work-
suitable conditions, wet gas meters are very accurate, partic- ing conditions and detection requirements and sensor per-
ularly at low flow rates. Dry gas meters are more convenient formance capabilities [158,159]. The measurement sensor
but have lower accurate than wet gas meters [150]. In exper- should not inhibit the biogas production [160]. Many types of
iments of laboratory scale, the biogas production is usually hydrogen sensors based on various mechanisms to detect
low, often below 5 mL/min [151], and commercial gas flow hydrogen are available in the market. The sensors of hydrogen
meters are usually not suitable to measure small amounts of are employed in applications of hydrogen production, storage,
biogas with low flow rates [11]. To solve this problem gas flow transportation, and use [161]. As hydrogen is colorless, odor-
meters were designed and devised. The gas meters with an less, tasteless, and explosive, industry often used hydrogen
adjustable resolution meter, minimal back-pressure and wide sensors to detect leakage of hydrogen. Hydrogen sensors are
flow rate capability were developed [133,147,152]. applicable in many industries such as petroleum, petro-
Both wet- and dry-type commercial gas meters were chemical, medical diagnostics, fuel cells, nuclear power
employed for biohydrogen measurement. However, the dry- plants, etc. The challenge of new hydrogen sensors is the
type gas meter was used more than the wet-type gas meter. improvement of performance and reduction of costs [162].
Beckers et al. [91] used two digital flow gas meters to monitor Biological hydrogen production from primary sewage bio-
the continuous biohydrogen where flow meters were placed in solids was investigated in 5 and 10 L bioreactors by Massanet-
series for the validation of the results. The experiments of Nicolau et al. [163]. Both bioreactors were equipment by H2
hydrogen production were performed by Clostridium butyricum sensor, CH4 sensor, and CO2 sensor to measure biogas
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 4 4 2 4 e2 4 4 5 2 24443

continuously. A custom monitoring program written by the Manometric method

LabView programming package was used for logging of sensor
data. In the mentioned research, when sparging was carried The manometric method as an alternative to the liquid
out, sensors and online gas flow were not used to measure displacement method commonly was employed when dealing
gases and water displacement method and gas chromatog- with low volumes of gas production [134]. Pressure measure-
raphy were employed instead of those. Because during ment devices such as manometer [24,253], pressure gauge
sparging, sensors confine the gas flow out of bioreactor and [93,254], and pressure transducers [13,17,255,256] were used in
cause a build-up of pressure in the bioreactor. Faloye et al. dark fermentation (Table 2). Bakonyi et al. [253] employed a
[164] investigated optimum conditions for biohydrogen pro- manometer to investigate dark fermentation hydrogen pro-
duction from glucose by mixed culture. The composition of duction by E. coli. The bioreactor was sealed by a special mano-
biogas was determined by H2 sensor, CH4 sensor, and CO2 metric cap (Fig. 7) which was able to register the increasing
sensor with measuring ranges of (0e100 vol%), (0e100 vol%), pressure of the biogas. The composition of biogas was investi-
(0e50 vol%), respectively. Sensors were interfaced to the Flab- gated by GC equipped with TCD and helium gas as the carrier
Biogas software. The volume of produced hydrogen gas was gas. Gannoun et al. [24] investigated hydrogen production by
measured with the water displacement method. The Thermotoga maritima, Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1, and
hydrogen production from rice mill wastewater by Enterobacter Enterobacter cloacae. A gas pressure manometer for measurement
aerogenes was monitored using a hydrogen sensor. The vol- total pressure in the headspace of 116 mL serum bottles was
ume of produced hydrogen gas was measured with the used. The main compounds in the headspace of serum bottles
method of water displacement [165]. More researches about were carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor. The compo-
using hydrogen sensors in dark fermentation were reported in sition of biogas was determined by GC-TCD, CTR1 column, and
Table 1. The commercial hydrogen sensor is shown in Fig. 5. argon gas at flow rate of 20 mL/min as carrier gas. A mechanical
The commercial sensor brands of Bluesens (Germany) pressure gauge was used by Junghare et al. [93] for measurement
[28,166,167], ATMI GmBH Inc. (Germany) [168e170], and H2 of biogas pressure. The composition of produced biogas from
Scan (USA) [165] were used in dark fermentation. glucose by Clostridium butyricum TM-9A was measured with GC-
TCD equipped with column of HP-PLOT Q and nitrogen at flow
Respirometer rate of 2.8 mL/min as carrier. Montanes et al. [255] and Tena et al.
[256] used a pressure transducer to monitor the pressure and a
The respirometric method is purpose-designed to automatically GC-TCD equipped with Carboxen 1010 PLOT column to deter-
present accurate instantaneous measurements of the production mine composition of biogas. The pressure of biogas in the
of gas on a continuous basis in increments as small as. The headspace of bioreactor was measured using a pressure trans-
method is precise and also has advantageous as it does not allow ducer. Then biogas in headspace was released and pressure of
significant pressure build-up. Anaerobic respirometer can be biogas in the headspace was measured again. The difference of
overcome limits such as labour-intensive and time-consuming pressure was converted into volume of biogas with the ideal gas
and save considerable test time [21,24]. The volume of head- law under the standard conditions [13,254].
space can be reduced to as little as 10 mL, thereby minimizing
changes in gas composition due to dilution of a large volume of
headspace gas. This feature allows the attachment of carbon di- Conclusion
oxide adsorption devices in the gas line. Anaerobic respirometers
indicate a significant improvement to measure the production of The biogas measurement is carried out with manometric and
gas accurately for small bench-scale bioreactors [21]. volumetric devices by manual and automatic methods. The
Oh et al. [127] used respirometric method to measure the vol- volumetric methods are most commonly used in dark
ume of produced biohydrogen from glucose. Then, the composi- fermentation to determine the volume and flow of hydrogen.
tion of hydrogen in biogas was determined by GC equipped with Both manual and automatic methods are used to measure
TCD and a column packed with Molesieve 5A and nitrogen gas as biological hydrogen production. The manual methods are
the carrier gas. Logan et al. [22] studied the production of bio- labour-intensive, however, they are simple, inexpensive, and
hydrogen from glucose either by Owen method or respirometric easy to use. The generated gas during the fermentation pro-
method. The results showed that the respirometric method pro- cess can be collected into a gasbag or helium balloon on-line
duces 43% hydrogen gas more than the Owen method. The bio- and its volume can be measured using a gas meter, water or
hydrogen production from glucose by Clostridium acetobutylicum plunger displacement method, respirometer and manometric
ATCC 824 was investigated by Oh et al. [172]. A Respirometer was method. For measurement of hydrogen fraction in the biogas
used to measure the volume of produced biohydrogen and a GC- gas chromatography and hydrogen sensor were employed.
TCD equipped with a column of Molesieve 5A and nitrogen as Each method has advantages and limitations (Table 3). The
the carrier was employed to determine the amount of bio- water displacement method and gas meter were extensively
hydrogen. A commercial respirometer is shown in Fig. 6. The res- used to measure volume and flow of biogas and gas chroma-
pirometers in dark fermentation were not extensively used and tography was widely employed to measure the composition of
application is limited by performed works by Logan et al. produced biohydrogen in laboratory scale. Using these
[22,127,172,173]. The commercial respirometer brand of Challenge methods together is accurate and sensitive to determine
Technology Inc. (USA) [22] was used in dark fermentation. hydrogen gas.
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