Healing Meditation

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Today we focus on channeling healing energies wherever they are needed.

Find a comfortable position with your back straight like an antenna to the Universe.

Sitting up straight, gently close your eyes.

Take a deep breathe and hold it for a moment.

And then exhale, releasing all the tension of the day.

Take another deep breathe, hold it for a moment and exhale, allowing your body to relax.

Do this one more time. Then allow your body to relax.

As you continue to breathe, visualize the group in this session sitting around in a circle. Relax and
breathe,becoming gently aware of each others presence in this session.

As you continue to breathe and relax, focus your attention inward, away from the physical world
around you toward the center of your being.

And as you breathe, visualize a white pillar of light from above. Imagine the light surrounding you
from all four lower body, front, back sides and beneath you. Visualize the light protecting you,
energizing your body and healing every part of your body.

Gently breathe in and out.Now, imagine this white beam of light travelling down through the crown
of your head, to your shoulders, down to your arms, to your hands and to the tips of your fingers.

Feel the movement of the light. You might feel the tingling sensation in your fingers as this energy
travels through you.

Now hold your hands up apart in front of you as if you’re holding the light in between the space of
your palms near your heart. Gently breathe. And relax.

Allow that light energy to accumulate in the space between your hands. See it spinning and
intensifying. Feel the energy in your hands as it increases.

As this ball of energy gets bigger and bigger, feel free to adjust the position of your hands to what is

Now take your hands and place them on either side of your head. Feel the energy moving through
you. See it transmuting all negativity within you, within your mind, body and spirit. Anything that is no
longer needed is released, leaving only that serves our highest good.

See the cells of your body responding to this energy, and reproducing themselves perfectly.

See your thoughts being directed away from doubt and worry and frustration towards compassion
and peace. As you gently breathe, allow these negative thoughts to drift away to be replaced by love,
understanding and peaceful energy.

(pause for 60 seconds)

Return your hands to the position in front of you, allow this energy to continue to work from you. For
now you are ready to share.

In your mind’s eye, visualize someone you know who is in need of healing, physically, emotionally or
spiritually. See yourself placing your hands, one in front of their forehead, one behind their, aligned in
their brow chakra and their throat chakra. Feel that light traveling through your head, down your
arms, in your hands, and in to the body of the person that you are focusing on.

See the energy, feel the energy doing its work. Allow the energy to work without expectation.
Without worrying about what the outcome might be. Just send an energy of love with that light. For
the highest good of that person.

(pause for 60 seconds)

Now return your hands back to the position in front of you. And visualize the earth hovering in front
of you, in the middle of the circle of this group. Hold both your hands in front of you,palms facing
outward and direct the energy to the earth floating in the space where this energy is building and
protecting the entire globe. Visualize this energy inspiring peace, inspiring healing, inspiring a sense of
unity in whatever way it resonates with the populations of our planet. (pause 5 seconds)

Now, you may repeat the following out loud or silently in your mind:

“Opening my mind, my body, my spirit, my heart, my soul and my entire being to the infinite love,
light and healing energy of the one Creator.”

“Feeling the infinite love, light and healing energy of the one Creator moving through me, moving to
Mother Earth, to heal Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in fifth density.”

“May every soul in pain on Earth in this moment feel infinite love, light and healing energy.”

“May there be peace and love in the hearts of the men and women on Earth right now.”

(pause 10 seconds)

Feel the peace you are creating with this light. See it permeates every person, every animal, every
plant, every mineral, rejuvenating and inspiring.

Begin to bring the light and the love of the one Creator into the image you see. See that rupture of
hurt and pain lightened by this love of the one Creator, shining forth through the eyes of all. Focus
upon the injury, the hurt, and the pain until it is also as bright as the noonday sun.

Let us create together, true peace on earth.

In the silence allow the light to continue to do its work, wherever it is needed.

Pause for 90 seconds

Today you have shared a beautiful gift, the gift of light, the gift of love. Know that this energy is doing
its work even if you cannot see the results with your physical eyes. For every effort no matter how
small or insignificant it may seem, truly does make a difference.

The more we can open our hearts and bless the love flowing through us to the Earth, the more quickly
she will be able to heal, and her people as well. As we work on opening our own hearts and helping
the love energy free flow freely, we are doing significant and substantial work upon our world as well
as upon ourselves. “As above, so below.” To work on the heart of the self is to work on the heart of
the planet (that is, all of us, all the souls of third density together) and the heart of the planet itself.

May this energy continue to do its work for as long as it is needed, wherever it is needed.

And as our words and our thoughts make it so. So it is.

Now, put your hands together and hold them tightly to allow the energy of light and love to continue
to flourish within your body to heal and protect you.

Gently bring your focus back to your physical body and the space around you. And as you re-orient
yourself, give thanks for all of the good work we have done today.

Please repeat this meditation whenever it is needed and the good work will be done. May we serve
together with joy and thankfulness.

So be it.

Your lives on earth are pre-determined. You never will know when it ends but it is already
decided. It can only change when the heavens deemed it necessary. So, please I beg you all - live
your life to the fullest. Forgive, love, understand, have compassion, be brave, take that leap of
faith. No other way but to become the best version of you so when you leave this place, there are
no regrets.
We, the angels are all watching over you no matter what you do, we know, we see. And discuss it
and help if necessary. But we will not intervene if it is for the good of your Soul and/or if your
Higher Self deemed it necessary or unnecessary at the Soul level. There's always a higher
intelligence and knowing that governs.
So keep your faith. Be good, be more forgiving and just love. Love is the only answer.

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