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Introduction to Tosca Automation Tool.

➢ Tosca Automation Tool is developed by Tricentis Technologies.

➢ Tosca is a software testing tool that is used to automate end-to-end testing of the software

➢ Tosca can Automate any kind of applications, like, Web Applications, Desktop Applications, SAP
Applications, API Applications.

➢ Tosca also supports Manual Testing.

Key Features of Tosca Automation?

➢ Tosca is Script Free and Code Free.

➢ All Operations can be performed just by Drag & Drop.

➢ Single line of coding is also not required.

Modules in Tosca?

➢ Modules are used to store the controls information in the form of list of Properties.

➢ Modules plays a key role in identifying any control during execution.

➢ Tosca Identifies the controls by using the properties stored in Modules.

➢ Once we click on Run, Tosca reads the test step and immediately it will go to Modules section
and tries to find the relevant module for that test step.

➢ If relevant module is available in Modules section, then Tosca will execute that step successfully
otherwise it will through up an error and stops the execution.

Types of Modules in Tosca?

➢ Standard Modules

➢ User Define Modules

Standard Modules:

Standard Modules are default modules which comes by default.

User Define Modules:

User define modules are the modules which will be created by Automation test engineers according to
their need.
What are different Types of Control Identifications in Tosca?

Identify by properties:

If at all tosca is unable to identify any control uniquely then we can use Identify by properties and select
the required properties to identify the control uniquely so that Tosca can identify the control and
continues the execution.

Identify by Index:

If at all tosca is unable to identify any control uniquely then we can use Identify by Index and select the
Index of that Particular control to Identify the Control uniquely.

Identify by anchor:

If at all tosca is unable to identify any control uniquely then we can use Identify by Anchor and Drag and
drop the Parent control information to Anchor drop box to identify the Control uniquely.

Identify by image:

If at all tosca is unable to identify any control uniquely then by using Identify by Image we can select
particular region in the application to identify the Control uniquely.

Test Configuration Parameters:

➢ Test configuration parameters can be used to pass specific values to various Testcases.

➢ Test Configuration Parameters are nothing but variables, which we can pass to different test

Test Configuration Parameter Levels

Test configuration parameters can be created in 3 Levels

➢ Project Root Level.

➢ Test case Folder Level

➢ Test case Level

What is Cross Browser Testing?

➢ Cross Browser Testing is also known as Multiple browser testing.

➢ Cross-browser testing is a process of testing web applications across multiple browsers, and it
ensures to deliver a consistent user experience in all the browsers.
What is Rescan?

➢ Rescan is used to update the existing User defined Modules.

➢ By using Rescan one can add the new attributes to the existing User defined Modules.

➢ By using Rescan one can update the existing attributes of any User defined Module.

What is Verify Action Mode?

Verify Action Mode is used to perform the verification on any control in 4 ways.

➢ Exists

➢ Enabled

➢ Visible

➢ Inner text

Regular Expression in Tosca

➢ Regular Expression is also called as Regex.

➢ During the Execution if at all Tosca is unable to Identify the control due to Regular changes in its
properties value then the best solution to overcome this situation is Replacing the
corresponding constant value with a Suitable Regular expression (*).

What is Buffer Action Mode in Tosca?

Buffer refers to values that can be saved/stored temporarily in Tosca Commander and can be used
these buffer values wherever required.

There are 2 types of Buffers available in Tosca

➢ Static Buffer

➢ Dynamic Buffer

Static Buffer:

➢ Static Buffer is a user defined buffer and stores it in Tosca commander and can use them
wherever required.

➢ Static buffers will be creating by using standard modules.

Dynamic Buffer:

➢ Dynamic Buffer can read the values of controls and stores it in Tosca commander and can use
them wherever required.

What is Select Action Mode?

➢ The ActionMode Select allows you to select specified nodes. The required node must have a
unique name.

What is Constraint Action Mode?

➢ The Action Mode Constraint limits the search until it renders a single element.

➢ You can use the Action Mode Constraint if you know which

➢ Set the Action Mode Constraint on specific list item elements to identify the respective list item.
In this case, the combination of selected values should uniquely identify the list item. elements
uniquely identify a list item.

What is Synchronization Time-out?

➢ Synchronization is a process of making the tool to wait until the application is loaded

➢ Synchronization timeout is a dynamic wait time.

Exception Handling or Error Handling in Tosca

During the execution Tosca may face some problematic situations wherein it continues the execution by
using below features.

➢ On Verification Failure

➢ On Dialog Failure

What are Recovery Scenarios/Clean up Scenarios?

➢ During the execution Tosca may face some problematic situations wherein it needs to Recover
by itself by using Recovery scenarios.

➢ A Recovery Scenario is a collection of Test Steps that Tosca executes if particular test fail.

➢ Even If Recovery Scenarios also doesn’t work, then Tosca will move to Clean up Scenarios and
cleans the scenario.
If Condition in Tosca

IF condition is a decision-making statement that guides the tool to make decisions based on specified

➢ If the condition is fulfilled, Tosca moves to THEN statement and executes the Test steps under
Then statement.

➢ If the condition is not fulfilled, Tosca moves to Else Statement and executes the Test steps under
Else statement.

What are the Loops available in Tosca?

Tosca supports While loop and Do While loop,

While Loop:

While loop tests the condition first and if the while condition is satisfied then execute the statements
under loop.

This process continues till condition gets failed.

Do While loop:

Do-while loop executes the statements under loop first and then tests the condition.

This process continues till condition gets failed.

How to take Screenshot in Tosca?

To capture the Screenshot Tosca has provided a Standard Module- TBox Take Screenshot.

We need to Specify below values in order to take any screenshot.

➢ Environment – (Desktop/Mobile)

➢ Directory – Need to Mention the desired folder location

➢ Filename – Just need to mention some file name.

Report Validation in Tosca?

To validate the execution reports, first we need to move the test cases to Execution section and then
Run the test cases from Execution Section.

Once the execution is done, one need to right click on Execution lists and click on Print report and
select the report Execution Entries with detailed logs.
Dynamic Expressions in Tosca

➢ Tosca allows date and time expressions to be generated dynamically.

➢ One can use various dynamic expressions, and which can be combined according to a specific


➢ One can get the length of the String also.

➢ Calc supports basic types of Calculations ( +, _, *, /)

➢ Math performs Calculations with Operators and Mathematical functions. Ex: Pow, Min, Max,
Sqrt, Round.

What is Library in Tosca?

➢ Usually in any web application we will be having some set of actions which needs to be executed
in each and every test scenario, so in this case instead of creating the same test steps again and
again in each Test scenario we will create the Reusable Test step blocks under Library, and We
can call those reusable blocks wherever it is required.

➢ Libraries are used to avoid the duplicacy of test steps.

➢ Libraries can’t be created under any Test cases, Libraries can be used only under folders.

➢ In Each folder only one library can be created.

Business Parameter

➢ Business Parameter are reusable parameters which can be created only under the reusable test
step blocks, under reusable test step blocks we can create Business parameter container, Under
Business Parameter under we need to create Business Parameters and we can link the test step
values with the Business parameters and we can call these Business parameters wherever
required and we can pass the values directly into testcases.

Data Driven Testing?

➢ Performing testing on the same functionality again and again with different sets of data is
known as Data Driven Testing.
Test sheet creation:

➢ Create the test sheet.

➢ Create the required Attributes under the test sheet.

➢ If Business Relevance is selected as Yes, then Tosca generates the combinations automatically.

➢ If Business Relevance is selected as No (or) Result, then Tosca will not generate the
combinations automatically.

➢ Business Relevance “Result” is used to perform Verification.

➢ Under the attributes one can create different Instances with following Characters. Valid,
Invalid, Straight Through.

Generate Instances:

Generate Instances – All Combinations

➢ It will create all the possible combinations

➢ Generate Instances – Orthogonal

➢ It will not Use duplicate data, It will use each instance only once while generating the

➢ Generate Instances – Pairwise

➢ It will first take one pair and then generate the instances.

➢ Generate Instances – Linear Expansion

➢ In order to create the instances in Linear Expansion, every Instance should have at least one
straight through.

What is Test Mandate in Tosca?

➢ In a multiuser workspace, several testers should be able to execute the same tests
simultaneously. They should also be able to execute these tests independently, to not overwrite
other testers' results. You can facilitate this by working with Test Mandates.

What is Explicit Name?

➢ Generally, Tosca won’t allow us to update test case attribute name in any test cases, In order to
do that we need to add one Technical ID parameter in associated module attribute i.e.,
ExplicitName = True, then Tosca allows you to update testcase attribute name.
Exploratory testing in Tosca?

➢ Exploratory testing means learning and testing the application simultaneously.

➢ Exploratory testing is about learning the product, designing, and executing tests, and
interpreting the test results, all at the same time.

How to click on Browser back?

➢ We can use the standard module “Execute JavaScript” to perform browser back,

➢ And we need mention the JavaScript value as window.history.go(-1).

What is Cardinality?

➢ If we need any attribute more than one time in the test step, then we can specify the
Cardinality property value as “0-N” in the Module attribute.

How to handle multiple tabs in a browser?

➢ In the Module we need to add a Configuration parameter with the property name as
“ConstraintIndex” and with the value as tab number as below.
Ex: ConstraintIndex = 1 (For tab 1)

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