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A criminal investigation (that comes from latin word INVESTIGARE which

means to track or to look into for traces) is an undertaking that seeks,

collects, and gathers evidence of a crime for a case or specific purpose.

In other words, criminal investigation is a logical process of collection and

analysis of facts about persons, things and places relative to a crime.

A criminal investigator looks for clues and evidence to determine whether a

crime has taken place. If a crime has been committed, investigators may look
into the background of the accused and try to uncover who committed the
crime. Police agencies and law enforcement are committed to criminal
investigations of every kind, but a growing number of individuals are choosing
to launch their own criminal investigations with the help of professional

Why do I need a criminal investigator?

 They operate within the law to find evidence
 Criminal defense investigators can gather evidence of wrongful conviction or
 Law enforcement investigators are often busy with other tasks
 Criminal investigation divisions can be too short on resources to conduct a
proper investigation
 Exclusively dedicated criminal investigators are more persistent than law
enforcement so they can provide better results
 Criminal investigators are not limited by jurisdiction
A crime is an intended action that is against the rules of law for a community.
A criminal trial in which punishment is pursued by the government differs
from a civil trial, which involves individuals debating their rights. Criminal
acts, such as sexual assault, physical assault, murder, theft, property
damage, and vandalism, would call for investigators to gather evidence so that
charges could be made.

Criminal investigations aims to …. (basa anang 3 ka-pic)


Moving forward, criminal investigation is an art, a science and a process.

Criminal Investigation as an ART.

 It’s based on intuition and sometimes by chance which means that

sometimes investigator has an immediate apprehension or immediate
cognition of something regarding the incident. Investigators has this kind
of intuition because they’ve acquired it within their span of time that
they have been investigating crimes. So, it is a skill that acquired by the
investigator. For example, Holmes upon entering the crime scene saw a
pool of blood. So, there’s now intuition or indication that the crime is a
violent one and maybe it is inclined by passion

Criminal Investigation as a SCIENCE.

 It involves application of knowledge of forensic sciences. A forensic

science would refer to the application of the methods of natural &
physical sciences that matters of criminal or for the purposes of court
presentation. For example, chemistry which is a branch of science that
deals with chemicals & with matters. This now in the application in the
forensic , if the result in the laboratory will be presented for the purpses
of court presentation then that becomes now forensic science.

 It deals with Applied Sciences in order to discover something; also

applies scientific methods of gathering information and arriving at a
certain conclusion.

Criminal Investigation as a PROCESS.

 It involves systematic procedure. You cannot just arrive at a certain

conclusion that this person the one who committed the crime w/o even
conducting a systematic crime scene processing. We cannot just arrest a
person base on suspicion, we must first investigate it systematically.

What are the criminal investigation processes?

Investigation: The investigation involves establishing that a crime was

committed and whether an arrest should be pursued. After confirming
the crime, the evidence is gathered and a suspect identified. If sufficient
evidence is gathered, the suspect is arrested.

Arrest: The suspect is apprehended.

Court Proceedings: All the evidence gathered during the investigation is

presented to the court and a decision is made in regards to punishment.

Another topic to tackle is these FUNDAMENTAL FUNCTIONS OF



▬ ensemble of methods by which crimes are studied and criminals

apprehended.The criminal investigator seeks to ascertain the methods,
motives and identities of criminals and the identity of victims and may also
research for and interrogate witnesses.


▬ evidence is material collected in the course of an investigation for

purposes of proving violations of law and establishing the facts surrounding
such violations. Evidentiary material can be testimonial, documentary, or
physical in nature.
 Preservation

▬ safeguarding and preservation of evidences are fundamental to the

successful solution of a crime. After recognized correctly at crime scene, there
is a need to collect, packed and send them to forensic science laboratory to
properly along with the list of required analysis.

 Evaluation

▬ criminal evidence means any exhibit or testimony presented in

relation to a crime. Criminal Evidence may be presented in different form,
such evidences are used to establish crimes. Before deciding a case, it is very
important to ensure that the criminal evidence that is presented is legal and

 Presentation

▬ presentation of evidence in court to prove the guilt of the accused.



THE Anatomy of Crime: THERE ARE 3 OF THEM ..

1ST Motive – desire or reason why the perpetrator commit the crime. It is the
will that pushes him to do something that is against the law. There are
various reasons or desires why the perpetrator wants to commit the crime,
and these are the following: jealousy, revenge, anger, intent to gain, etc.

2ND Instrumentalities – the means or ways of the perpetrator in committing the

crime. This may be the objects that aid the perpetrator for the successful
commission of an offense. Examples are gun, knife, poison, etc.

3RD is Opportunities – the chance given unconsciously by the victim or to

commit the crime. So, therefore, these are the acts done by the victim or
situations occurred, that attracts the perpetrator and gives the chance of
victimizing the victim. A good example is a girl walking alone at night while
using her cellphone.

Remember this … this Anatomy of Crime is like a TRIANLGE .. its always

present in doing a crime .. but there will be no crime, if the opportunity isn’t
present .. i mean, one can’t commit crime if we don’t give them an
opportunity to do so.

That’s all … (or ikaw na bahala unsaon nimo pag conclude)!

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