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These all contents were collected by me, when i attempted AFC back to September 2015.

might help you people(AFC Awaam).
Best Of Luck AFC Folks.

*Business Communication*
Q.1) When we want to give Information to Middle Management , what is this called?
• Operational
• Tactical
• Strategic
Q.2)Employees Turn Over Report is called?
• Special
• Analytical
• Informational
Q.3)What does “Spam Filters” Do?
Q.4)What is the meaning of “Cult Of Personality”?
• Trustworthy
• Inspirational
• Uninspirational
• Disrespectful
Q.5)What is the mean of “Brisk Walking”?
• Calmness
• Determination
Q.6)What is the Advantage of Email?
Q.7)Advantages of Video Conferensing?
Q.8)When a sales Manager Contacts his Sales Representaive , what does thiscommunication
Q.9)The report which is written on an Operation is called?
Q.10) To motivate Operational Staff , which sequaence follows , least to most?
•,all channel
• All channel,Cicle chain
• Circle,chain ,all channel
Q.11) Which is a type of formal communications?
• written
• oral
• pictorial
• both a and c
Q.12) Defination of attitude and Belief?
Q.13) Horizantal network in communication _____
Q.14)LeastcDominant Network to Most Dominant network is _____
Q.15)Varying Perspective Barrier in Listening can be reduced by ______
Q.16)People Oriented have ____
• High on Patience
• low on patience
Q,17) Result Oriented have _____
• High on Patience
• low on patience
Q.18)Sitting Sitting in Non Verbal refers to ____
Q.19)How internal Communication have done?
Q.20)If manager wants to complete his project Early. Then which Communication direction he
• Horizontal
• Vertical
• Diagonal
• Conventional
Q.21)Which is not the barrier of Communication?
Q.22) if we apply Correctness on the above sentence , selet the most appopraite option?
Q,23)Which is not the consideration of Web Host?
Q.24)Which one is the feature of Critical Listening?
Q.25)____ is the Key to Soul.
• Eyes
Q.26)Defination of Negotiation?
Q.27)Definition of Analytical Repert?
Q.28)In a Formal letter the Subject is.
• Bold
• Underline
• Bold and Underline
Q.29)You are doing Video Conferensing , video quality is not Good , then which typeof
Communication is this?
Q.30)What will you do if you dont know the gender of the recievrr suppose Winter.
• dear winter
• Mr/ms winter
• dear sir/madam
• b and c.
Q.31) Arrange the following from being most satisfied to least satisfied. And opts were different
arrangement of all type of conflicts solutions(collaboration, avoidance etc)
Q.32)Arrange the following from the role of leader being most imp and least imp. And opts were
diff type of networks.
Q.33) Creative thinked make good of
• Analyst
• Auditor
• Brand ambassador
• All of the above


1) What is essentail components of communication?

2) What is Ethics ?
3) Define the interpersonal ?
4) What is world wide web ?
5) Define web hosting the correct option ?
6) When selecting a web host considerations ?
7) Social networking sites ??
8) Variations of the term blog? ( ANS : blogs & Blogers)
9) Which was not advantage of Podcasting?
10) What is people-foused?
11) Result--oriented ?? ( frustrated/unfocused )( ANS BOTH )
12) Information-oriented?? ( ANS : analytical approach )
13) According to Non-verbal Comm ____ Is the term as "WINDOWS OF SOUL" ( ANS : EYE)
14) What is Not a skill for empathy listening ?
15) What is critical thinking ?
16) Which Visual comm is not used in comparing & measure Tends?
17) What are barriers to effective listening ?
18) What is advantage of video-conferencing?
19) What is not Benefit of email ?
20) What are the types of contexts?
21) Define the courtesy?
22) What is horizontal comm??
23) Perception ? Define ?
24) Levels of information?
25) Salutation?
26) Axioms of interpersonal communication
-Irreversibility of communication
27) (‘process of communication) ?
28) Chain network? (ANS : Upward/downward comm)
29) Define Grapevine?
30) Which of the following describe the key purposes of communication?
31) The most effective communication network for facilitating the emergence of a leader is
_____________ network.
A chain
B all-channel
C wheel
D direct
32) Which of the following describe the key purposes of communication?
A Acquiring information, confusing competitors and maintaining relationships
B Disseminating information, justifying prices and maintaining relationships
C Acquiring information, confusing competitors and marketing campaigns
D Maintaining relationships, disseminating information, acquiring information
33) Comparison of formal and informal communication??
34) Concreteness?
35) What is Empathy?
36) Gestures?
37) Outline charts?
38) What is active listening?
39) Barriers to effective feedback? (only four names remember)
40)Techniques of conflict management ? ( only five names of list remeber

*Quantitative Techniques*

-Componding Annuity (Simple) like S=100000 ; P=200000; i= 8% ; n=10 and Find R
-Perputity : R=50000 ; i=8% ; Conpunded Semi Annully
-Indeces Questions like Bases are Equal then Power Must be equal e.g 2^x=4^8 find X
-Stem Leaf Question (Find Mode)
-When T-Test and Z-Test is Used is Used like > 30 or <30 -When we Use Degree of Freedom
( T , Chi-Square , Z Or Both)
-Cramer's Rule 2 Questions Solving Equations and Find Dx
-Matrix Properties ( A+B=B+A , AB=BA etc )
-Value of Z was given and Find X
-Regression Eq. Y on X ( £ x , £ y , £ xy )
-Two Columns were given and was Asked that Find Consistency. ( Di ask Sir Naeem about
-Binomial and Poisson Distribution
-Simple Probability ( 3 die are rolled find probability og getting 3 , 5 and 6
-Positively Skewed ; which one is Greater (Mean , median or Mode)
-Standard Error ( Size= 100 , St. Deviation= 50)
-Spear's Man Rank Correlation.
-Quartile Deviation
-Parche' Index Number ( Po , Pn , Qn were given )
-Horizonal Bar Chart is Used or Not
-IRR ( 3 marks)
-NPV (3 marks )
-Variance (3 marks)
-Weighted Mean
-Harmonic Mean
-For Finding Speed which Central Tendency is Used
-Annuity 2 Questions ( Simple)
-Effective Rate with both Formulas
- X+4/X+3 = 4/5 ; Find X
-Profit Function ( Cost and Revenue Funtion were Given
-Co-efficient of Determination
-Central Tendency Theory ( Mean , Median , Mode , Dispersion and Slope)
- 4 balls are drawn per 5 minutes , what is the probability 1 ball drawn in 10 minutes
-Calculus 4 to 5 Questions

~ Paper-2
3 mark questions were from NPV, matrices ( solving eq) correlation, maxima & minima,
probability, distribution ( normal+ poisson) 1 question of calculation from sampling and
60% calculation and 40% theory based tha. Grid follow kri ha ICAP ne. No question from co-
ordinate system. Finance almost 20% aya ha. Calculas poore 10% ki aai ha. Stats k starting
chapters se bhi kaafi theory aai ha. Mean, median, mode ki calculation, histogram wagheira k
uses. No chi-square.
Overall difficulty level was average in context with preparation.
ICAP question bank agr solve kr k concepts clear hain saare to paper araam se hoga.


Maths was overall very easy.

Compounding and discounting k bilkul straight questions like saari values given awr sirf formula
main put kr k answer nikaalna hai.
One of the questions was: If discount rate is 4%. What will be the amount of X after 4 years?
Matrices se 3 easy questions.
Correlation and regression se b easy sawal aye 3.
Consistency check krne ka ek sawal aya tha jo coefficient of variation se hoga (my friend said
Other questions were like:
»An interview was taken for building new dams. 75% said yes. 15% said no. 10% didnt answer.
10 persons at random were selected. Find the probability that 9 will be in favour.
»In how many ways the word LEADING can be arranged if vowels come together?
»There are 2 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls in a bag. A ball is taken at random. Find the
probability that it is not blue.


Q we have to find mean and median of unequal intervals ,,

Q 600000 , 900000 and 1200000 cash flow h 1 to 3 years
400000 , 750000, 850000 and 1200000 cash flow h 1 to 4 years of another
Eska discounted rate nikalna tha
Q chap 11 se bhot theory ayi thi , 17 , 18
Q H.M , normal distribution ,
Q har chapter se aik aik que aua tha
Q factorize : 3x^2 - 6x + 9
Harmonic mean
76,86,90 observations given thin ungroup.
Q In how many ways the word LEADING can be arranged if vowels come together

*Information Technology*

Q1)Which printer prints on carbon paper

a)dot matrix b)thermal printer c)lesar printer d)inkjet printer

Q2) if you add chart on "microsoft word" and then you want to change the chart type then in
which type it can be changed
A)any type you want b)only line type c) only bar type d)it cant be changed
Q3) how can you align the paragraph on WORD
a) ctrl+j b) ctrl+a

Q4) watermark
Q5 if you merge cells from a1:a7 how it forms
A) centre align and bottom line b) centre align and upperword line
Q6) merge and compare workbook
Q7 in Microsoft word shortcut key of direct print view
Q8 in excel formula =vlookup () what is optional
Q9 excel if there (j7=6) (k7=5) then =NOT (J7+K7=10)
Q10 you add header and footer in excel then you can edit it by
A) only add photo B)only add text c) you can add both photo and text on header/footer
Q11 if you add digital signature on worksheet then
A)it is marked as final b)you can invisible signature c) it can be edit by pressing the edit anyway
d) both
Q12 font on excel
Q13 add table on WORD and you can change the columns of it upto
A)63 b)10 c)12 d)
Q14 excel a1=2 ,a2=4 ,a3=6 ,a4=2 ,a5=02/11/2014 ,a6=3 then =add (a1:a6,2)
A) 7 B) 21 C) 6 D)
Q15 team pAkistan =Proper (a1)
A) TEAM PAKISTAN B) Team Patistan c) team pakistan d)
Q16 use of find and selet key on excel ribbon
Q17 if write something on word then how it can be deleted
Q18 custom number formating
Q19 chart is used for ?
Q20 if worksheet is shared then what you can do
A) compare and merge cell b)delete workbook c) edit it anyway
Q21 What is RAM
Q22 transitions effect
Q23 table of contents
Q24 how workbook/worksheet can update
A) auto b) manual c) d)
Q25 slides
Q26 page break
Q27 conditional formating
Q30 presentation
Q31 what can you add on slides
A)audio b)photos c)both


-Functions (Subtotal, Count, CountA, CountIf)
-Custom Number Formate
Q) Sacatter Chart is Used for what?
Q) Values were given and you have to put them in Custom number Formate for Canadiam
Q) if you have to count Positve number in cells, which functiom will you use?
Q) Something about Line Chart.

-Transiotions Effects
Q) You are a Dept head and you were given a work to make a presentation and you have to
provide your employees way that everyone can make it Easily?
Q) How to Update Table?

-Table Of Contents ( Most most Important Topic)
-Paragraph Spacing
If you have done Table of Contents in word then you can easily Attempt Word portion in yourIT

1st Three Chapters Theory.

Q) What is Command for Formate Hard disk?
Q) Which Printer Type by Strikingin page?
Q) ipconfig is used for what?


-Shortcut key of break line
-To share workseet
-Subtotal function
-Contional formating in scenario based
-Header & Footer
-Shapes on text
-Signature line
-What is Theme?
-ROM & RAM Def : According to correct option
-Import text Data File SAve in ? (Txt) ANS
-Track Changes

-Maximum heigt of row ?
-Table of content

-Front default
--Insert pics from options ?
-Insert Table
-By Default slide orientation ?
-In slide First placeholder we HAve option ? : Normal , Slide Shorter , Notes master ,( Slider
master : Right )
-Printer Theory

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