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Second Edition

From Family Lost

By Alexi Greer
Sanctioned for use with:
From Family Lost

Alexi Greer Table of Contents
Thurston Hillman

Appendix: Game Aids 8
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Organized Play 9
K. Tessa Newton

Avi Kool and Solomon St. John GM Resources
Sebastian Rodriguez Books: Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary 3, and Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide
Maps: Pathfinder Flip Mat: Ghost Town
INTERIOR ARTISTS Online Resource: Pathfinder Reference Document at paizo com/prd
Sebastian Rodriguez

Jason Engle


Justin Lucas
pathfinder Society
The Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign is a worldwide
DEVELOPMENT MANAGER fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts players in the role of an
Linda Zayas-Palmer agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers,
CREATIVE DIRECTOR archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and
James Jacobs chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient
world beset by magic and evil.
Adam Daigle In an Organized Play campaign, characters exists in a common
setting shared by tens of thousands of other gamers from
Erik Mona around the world. Paizo’s Organized Play programs, including
Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society, are campaigns produced by Paizo and used
by a volunteer community of organizers in more than 36 countries on six continents.
Participants in the Pathfinder Society can take their characters to any public Pathfinder
Society event anywhere in the world, and any Game Master can gather a group of
players to run through dozens of different pre-made adventures. It’s a great way to get
in touch with other local gamers, meet new people, and play regularly without all the
prep work and scheduling of a traditional campaign.
HOW TO PLAY Players and GMs both earn special Achievement Points for participating, which they
can use to buy special options for their characters on GMs earn double
Achievement Points rewards for the games they run. For more information on the
PLAY TIME: 1 HOUR Pathfinder Society, on how to read the attached Chronicle Sheet, and to find games in
your area, check out the campaign’s home page at

LEVEL: 3 core rulebook

This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder
roleplaying game provides everything you need to venture
into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from
PLAYERS: 3—6 ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like
alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create heroes of your own
design, destined to become a legend. Build stories with the
highly customizable rules and the richly detailed setting of
Paizo Inc. Golarion. This indispensable volume contains the core rules
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 for players and Game Masters, and is your first step on a
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From Family Lost
By Alexi Greer

Adventure Background Where on Golarion?

The hamlet of Bulviss was one of the Fifth Mendevian
Crusade’s many casualties, but there’s more to its story This adventure takes place in the nation of Mendev, which
than just the hamlet’s destruction. When demons crossed is in the process of moving on from the Fifth Mendevian
the border and broke the crusaders’ rear line, Bulviss Crusade against the former blight of the Worldwound.
had little warning before they’d be overrun. Despite The PCs begin in the city of Nerosyan before moving
this, the hamlet overwhelmingly voted to take up arms to the destroyed hamlet of Bulviss, which is a nearby
rather than flee, and used their wits to rig the town with unremarked ruin. More information on Mendev can be
defenses. They constructed traps and hazards meant to found on page 28 of Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide.
either kill, hamper, or annoy the invaders, hoping to
buy the crusaders time. By some miracle, this defense
worked—but it came at a high cost.
When the crusaders arrived, the settlement’s defiance
had left the demons furious and injured, but none of MENDEV
the population remained. The demons fled without
facing the reinforcements, and what could’ve been a
disastrous break in Mendev’s lines became little more
than a battlefield footnote. The crusaders assumed that Nerosyan
Bulviss had been sacked and the war moved on, unaware
of the towns’ sacrifice. Years later, the Fifth Crusade was
triumphant. Now, the brother of one townsperson is left
searching for answers.

Summary builder). They meet with Castor at his architectural firm

The PCs investigate the ruins of a crumbling hamlet to office, where he explains the details of the job.
help a grieving architect recover a lost deed, and to find
the truth of his brother’s death. Throughout the search, “Have you heard of the settlement of Bulviss? It was a small
the PCs uncover evidence of this small town’s heroic hamlet near the border with the old Worldwound.” Castor
actions during the Fifth Mendevian Crusade, as well sighs. “No, you probably haven’t. It was wiped off the map
as their ultimate demise. The adventure culminates in by demons during the Fifth Mendevian Crusade, when the
a chance to lay the unquiet dead of these townsfolk to crusaders fought the demons. I want you to travel there and
rest. In the end, the PCs can share the tale with their retrieve a deed that should be among the rubble. Mendevian
employer, potentially giving him a chance to move on law says you’re entitled to whatever else you find, as the only
from his grief. others who may claim it are the villagers’ next of kin. And
since I’m the only next of kin that survived the town…”
Getting Started Castor trails off as his gaze drops to his desk. His
The adventure begins in Nerosyan, the capital of Mendev expression is full of barely repressed grief. “My brother,
and once–central command for the war against the Pellas, and I grew up in Bulviss. I’d acquired a valuable tract
demonic hordes that spilled out of the Worldwound. of land after settling here in the capital, but I sent the deed
The PCs are assumed to already be in the city when they to him for safekeeping. Now he’s missing, and I don’t know
answer a bounty posted by Castor Lebris (LN male half‑elf what happened to him.

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
“My hope is that by scouring the town, you’ll find clues The Ruins of Bulviss
about my brother’s fate. You can’t be less helpful than the The trip to Bulviss takes a day and is uneventful, save for
crusaders, at least. Help me recover my deed and bring back the sign of patrols of hired mercenaries who lazily watch
information about my brother. Whatever else you find at out for demonic threats. The approach to the hamlet
Bulviss is yours to keep.” shows evidence of an attack. Farmhouses are destroyed
and fields lay fallow. The town itself is little more than
Castor answers questions as best he can, but he lacks the shells of buildings and a ruined well. A survey of the
details beyond the crusaders’ reports on their findings. area indicates three buildings with the least amount of
Demons sacked Bulviss after they broke through Mendev’s damage, the most promising places to search for clues.
backlines. Though crusader reinforcements routed the
demons soon after, those few hours were enough for the A1 OVERGROWN HOUSE LOW
demons to destroy Bulviss. Castor asked the crusaders This house’s interior is largely intact and light filters
to investigate again, but they only confirmed that the through closed shutters that haven’t opened in years.
area was free of demons before advising him to hire Creatures: A swarm of bats in the rafters panics when
adventurers. After providing this explanation, Castor the PCs enter the house. Their rush to escape breaks
shares a physical description of his brother and marks objects and scatters clues, but even worse, they visually
the town’s location on a map. obscure the hazards in the floor. The bats don’t attack
A PC who succeeds at a DC 16 Perception check the PCs unless attacked first. The PCs can calm the bat
to Sense Motive can tell that Castor’s resentment swarm with a DC 20 Survival check to stop its attack,
goes deeper than he’s letting on. With some prodding, or shoo the bat swarm outside by opening the stuck
Castor admits to this, and that he fears too much time windows with a DC 18 Athletics check (though doing so
has passed to find either the deed or answers to his is likely to expose the PCs to the hazards on the floor).
brother’s fate. Adventurers started leaving Nerosyan If the PCs have other ideas for how to stop the swarm,
once the Worldwound closed, so his calls for help went use these DCs as a guide. After a total of three successful
unanswered for months. The crusaders are equally checks in any combination, all bats have either been
uninterested in helping beyond hunting for lingering calmed or fled the area.
demons. Castor actually plans on selling the deed and The bats leave the area on their own after 3 rounds,
leaving Mendev behind, but he needs closure before he but by that time, their movements have trashed the room
can move on. and made investigation more difficult.
Hazards: Jagged holes in the floorboards conceal
Society (Recall Knowledge) or cunning foot traps filled with inward facing barbs. While
Warfare Lore (Recall Knowledge) normally fairly straightforward to spot, the presence of
A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Society or Warfare Lore the bats makes avoiding stepping in these traps more
check to Recall Knowledge can glean insight to what difficult (see Development on page 6).
they might find at Bulviss. Remember that this check
should be rolled secretly. PANICKED BAT SWARM CREATURE 2
Critical Success It’s odd that the demons broke through the UNCOMMON N LARGE ANIMAL SWARM
crusader’s ranks and were behind the lines for hours but Variant vampire bat swarm (Pathfinder Bestiary 39)
only managed to ransack a small town. Even a small unit Perception +11; echolocation (precise) 20 feet, low-light vision
of demons could’ve wreaked havoc from that position, Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5 (+8 to Climb), Stealth +8
yet they were ultimately routed before going any farther Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha –3
than Bulviss. Echolocation A bat swarm can use its hearing as a precise
Success Being that close to the Worldwound, even a sense at the listed range.
settlement like Bulviss should’ve had some kind of watch AC 16; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +7
system. Though the grace period would’ve been small, HP 25; Immunities precision, swarm mind; Weaknesses area
they still should’ve gotten early warning about the demons damage 3, splash damage 3; Resistances bludgeoning 6,
approaching. The lack of apparent survivors or refugees piercing 6, slashing 3
implies that few people fled. Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feet
Critical Failure Based on the total destruction of the town, the Panicked Flutter [one-action] Each enemy in the bat swarm’s space
PC infers that no one from Bulviss had a chance to flee. The takes 1d6 piercing damage from a combination of bites and
most likely scenario is that the town was overrun before claw scratches (DC 17 basic Reflex save). On a failure, the
ever realizing their peril. creature is also dazzled for 1 round by the flurry of wings.

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost

A. The Ruins of Bulviss




1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ghost Town

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
Stealth DC 10 (trained); DC 20 when the bat swarm is active Stealth DC 23 (trained)
Description A metal pincer trap lies hidden at the bottom of a Description A crossbow hidden by the shrine’s back curtains
weakened spot in the floor. is ready to shoot. The loaded bolt is magically augmented
Disable DC 17 Thievery to jam the pincer’s trigger mechanism with holy power to strike true against demons.
AC 16; Fort +10, Ref +4 Disable DC 20 Thievery (trained) to disable the trigger wire
Pincer Hardness 5; Pincer HP 20 (BT 10); Immunities critical AC 19; Fort +9, Ref +9
hits, object immunities, precision damage Hardness 5; HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities critical hits, object
Slam Shut [reaction] Trigger A creature steps onto a foot pincer; immunities, precision damage
Effect The trap slams shut on the triggering creature’s foot. Crossbow [reaction] (attack) Trigger The holy text is touched or
The creature must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save or take moved; Effect The trap shoots a bolt, aimed where a
1d6+5 slashing damage and 1d4 persistent bleed damage. creature would stand in front of the altar.
Reset The foot pincer must be reset manually before it can Ranged [one-action] crossbow +16, Damage 2d8+12 piercing plus
activate again. 1d6 good

Development: If the PCs calm the bats or get them to The back of the altar has been painted with a message:
clear out before the 3 rounds expire, the house is easy to “May the Inheritor judge our final acts.” Under the
search. Though most objects are just ruined accoutrement, words are the names of townsfolk, nearly a hundred
a half-burned roll of parchment can be found in the people who stayed behind.
fireplace. It shows detailed instructions for making foot Treasure: One of the back rooms was used to
traps and conceal them with rugs or debris, including a stockpile weapons. Though most were smashed by
note that says if they have questions, ask Pellas for help. angry demons, a crossbow with 10 bolts can be found
If the bats escape the house, then they knock enough in the wreckage.
debris to the ground that it makes finding clues harder.
The schematics are now at the bottom of a foot trap, and A3 LEBRIS RESIDENCE
the PCs must succeed at a DC 20 Perception check while Trap schematics litter the inside of this home, along
Searching the room to find it. If the PCs don’t want to with hastily written instructions on how to install them.
disable the trap, they can use effects like a spell, setting Much like his brother, Pellas had a knack for engineering,
the trap off on purpose from a distance, or other creative though whereas Castor focused on architecture, Pellas
solutions to extract the schematics safely. Otherwise, enjoyed intricate mechanics. These skills would become
reward the PCs for creative thinking in this situation to vital to Bulviss’ last stand, but the demons quickly
uncover more clues about the hamlet’s fate. realized he was the mastermind behind their frustrations.
Pellas paid dearly for his bravery, as the PCs will see in
The large building at the center of Bulviss used to act as a Development: An intricate lockbox in Pellas’
catch-all gathering place, but its final function was as the bedroom holds the deed and other mementos from his
townsfolk’s last defense. brother. The PCs can open the box with a successful DC
The signs of battle are obvious upon entering the 20 Thievery check to Pick the Lock, or with the turnkey
hall. Battered and torn remnants of barricades litter the from area A4.
floor and dark stains have seeped into the stones. At the
back of the main hall is a shrine to Iomedae that looks A4 INDIGNANT DEAD MODERATE 3
remarkably intact. Upon it lays a dusty but unharmed When the demons finally overran Bulviss, they turned
copy of Iomedae’s holy book, , opened to act four— the town’s well into a burning pit and cast their victims
Iomedae convincing mortally wounded soldiers to stand to the bottom. The townsfolks’ remains have been down
against attacking wraiths until reinforcements arrive to in the well ever since, slowly corrupted by suffering and
save them. lingering demonic pollution.
Hazard: Knowing the demons would attempt to defile Creatures: After the PCs have finished exploring the
the shrine, the townsfolk concentrated traps around it. previous areas, a mournful howling erupts from the well
The demons ended up springing all the traps, save for as a group of beheaded emerge and begin attacking. One
a sturdy crossbow trap with a divinely blessed bolt that of the flaming skulls matches Pellas’ description and has
remains untriggered. a turnkey lodged inside of it.

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
If the PCs run inside houses, the beheaded follow. The
ceilings indoors are only 10 feet tall, which crafty PCs
can use to their advantage to keep the undead within
Scaling Encounter A4
reach of melee weapons. To accommodate a group of more than four PCs, make
the following adjustments. The adjustments are not
SEVERED HEADS (2) CREATURE –1 cumulative.
NE TINY MINDLESS UNDEAD • 5 PCs: Add two severed heads to the encounter.
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 30 • 6 PCs: Add one severed head and one flaming
Perception +6; darkvision skull to the encounter.
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+8 to Maneuver in Flight)
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int -5, Wis +2, Cha +0
AC 15; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4
HP 7, negative healing; Immunities death affects, disease, Conclusion
mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses By the time the PCs collect the deed, they should also have
positive 1 pieced together the story of Bulviss’ heroism in the face
Speed 15 feet, fly 25 feet of demonic attack. The PCs can return to Castor and tell
Melee [one-action] jaws +6 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 piercing him what they found. The adventure ends on a bittersweet
Gnash [one-action] Requirements The beheaded’s previous action was note, as Castor takes the news with a mix of overwhelming
a jaws Strike that dealt damage to its target; Effect The sadness and pride at his brother’s actions. What is clear is
severed head makes a second jaws Strike as it violently that the people of Bulviss chose to put the lives of others
shakes itself, trying to rip away a mouthful of flesh. On a above their own, even understanding that it might’ve been
success, the target takes an additional 1d4 slashing damage in vain. Now armed with the truth, Castor gets to choose
and 1 persistent bleed damage. how to live the life his brother left him.


NE TINY MINDLESS UNDEAD The PCs fulfill the objective if they recover the deed
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 30 and tell Castor about Pellas’ death. Pathfinder Society
Perception +9; darkvision GMs, see Organized Play on page 9 to determine
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+10 to Maneuver in Flight) appropriate rewards.
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha +0
AC 18; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7
HP 30, negative healing; Immunities death affects, disease,
fire, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses
positive 3
Fiery Explosion When destroyed, a flaming skull explodes
in a blast of fire and bone that deals 1d6 piercing damage
plus 1d6 fire damage to each adjacent creature (DC 18 basic
Reflex save).
Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feet
Melee [one-action] forehead +10 (finesse), Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
plus 1d6 fire
Ranged [one-action] spitfire +10 (agile, fire, range 20 feet), Damage
1d12+2 fire
Flaming Shroud A flaming skull is shrouded in hideous
flames. It deals 1d6 fire damage to any unattended item
it touches and on a forehead Strike. On a critical hit with
a Strike, the target catches fire, taking 1d4 persistent
fire damage. Flaming Skulls
Development: The PCs can extract the turnkey from
Pellas’ remains and use it to unlock the box in area A3 if
they haven’t already done so.

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
Appendix: game aids

Ruined Home Flaming Skulls

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
Organized Play
Characters playing this adventure for Pathfinder Society
credit earn a Chronicle Sheet. If the PCs defeat the
beheaded undead and recover the deed, allowing them to
complete Castor’s request, they earn 10 gp each. Bounties
do not grant Downtime.
The Pathfinder Society Organized Play program uses a
simplified experience point system, in which PCs require
only 12 XP to level up; this adventure grants 1 XP in that
system. It also grants the character 1 Reputation for a
faction of their choice.

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -2 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Reputation
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy

Pathfinder Bounty
From Family Lost
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Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks
Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter. of Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder Bounty #18: From Family Lost © 2022, Paizo Inc.; Author: Alexi Greer

Pathfinder Bounty
Pathfinder Bounty #18:
From Family Lost

Character Name Organized Play # Character #

Adventure Summary
An architect in Nerosyan hired you to retrieve a hidden deed from a hamlet destroyed during the prior war with the demons of the
old Worldwound. You traveled to the ruin, where you overcame several traps and eventually found the deed. You managed to defeat
the host of undead and learned that the hamlet’s citizens chose to sacrifice themselves in a heroic last stand rather than risk other
settlements coming under attack.

Boons Rewards
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathfinder Society (second edition) Starting XP
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at for special character boons,
such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go to XP Gained and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a paizo.
com account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions. Total XP

Starting GP

Reputation Gained GP Gained

Total GP

Items Purchases
Pathfinder Society characters can purchase a wide variety of items. Items Sold / Conditions Gained
For a full list of the items and other options available to Pathfinder
Society characters, visit
characteroptions. Your character can buy items from this list up
to their character level. Chronicle Sheets for Pathfinder Society
adventures sometimes include items, which your PC can buy up to
their character level +2.


Add 1/2 this value to the GP Gained Box

Items Bought / Conditions Cleared



Chronicle Code: EU4R
For more information about the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit

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