Analysis of The Requirements For Offering Industrie 4.0 Applications As A Cloud Service

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Analysis of the Requirements for Offering

Industrie 4.0 Applications as a Cloud Service

Waqas Ali Khan1, Lukasz Wisniewski1, Dorota Lang1, and Jürgen Jasperneite1,2
inIT – Institute Industrial IT, OWL University of Applied Sciences, 32657 Lemgo, Germany,,,
Fraunhofer IOSB-INA Application Center Industrial Automation, 32657 Lemgo, Germany

Abstract—Industrie 4.0 introduces a concept of digitalized Cloud computing is one of the current IT trends, which has
production by allowing agile and flexible integration of new proven its high potential in enterprise and office area in the
business models while maintaining manufacturing costs and recent years. Implementation of cloud technology in the world
efficiency at the reasonable level. In addition, cloud computing is of industrial production opens entirely new business
one of the IT trends that is used nowadays to offer services on
environment. Use of cloud services in the industrial sector
demand from a virtual environment in enterprise and office
areas. The use of cloud computing in an industrial automation gives the opportunity to create platforms that are able to
domain in order to offer on-demand services, such as alarm flood provide flexible control for industrial processes. It involves
management or control as a service, is a promising solution. This e.g. an implementation of app-based software or cloud-based
study examines how the cloud-based applications can meet the functions, such as anomaly detection, product monitoring,
Industrie 4.0 requirements concerning security, communication, predictive maintenance, etc. [4].
self-configuration, reliability, and asset administration shell. The main aim of this paper is to identify the requirements
Moreover, research challenges and existing gaps that need for Industrie 4.0, and also, to investigate how cloud
further investigation are identified and discussed. technology can address some of the open challenges.
Moreover, it is also to provide an overview of the current
I. INTRODUCTION research state, in the field of industrial automation and cloud
computing technology.
Production systems are complex structures composed of
The remaining layout of the paper is as follows. Section I
entities coming from different technological areas, such as
comprises an introduction and a brief overview about the
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and
Industrie 4.0 and cloud technology. Section II describes the
information technology (IT). They are continuously evolving
state of the art of the cloud technology, considering aspects,
to fit current market circumstances to allow production
such as cloud types and available cloud features. In Section
companies to remain competitive. The current trend is to
III, requirements of Industrie 4.0 applications are analysed.
increase the connectivity of the ''things'' (robots, machines, etc.
Section IV provides a detailed overview about the use of the
and also human beings) participating in the production
cloud technology in the industrial automation. Based on this
processes and make systems smarter. This trend, including
overview, research gaps to be addressed in the future are
also some additional aspects, has been defined at the
discussed in Section IV.
Hannover fair in 2011 as the fourth industrial revolution
(Industrie 4.0). According to authors in [1], Industrie 4.0 can II. CLOUD COMPUTING
be defined as an Intelligent Technical System (ITS), which
This section gives a brief overview of the cloud computing
should be adaptive, robust, and user-friendly to its
technology in general. It provides also the cloud computing
surroundings. In Germany, Industrie 4.0 has been initially
definition, discusses available cloud architectures as well as
explored by the Federal Association for Information
service-driven and deployment models. Moreover, it provides
Technology (BITKOM), Central Association of Electrical
an introduction to the edge cloud solution that is able to
Engineering and Electronics Industry (ZVEI), and Mechanical
support services with strict requirements in terms of low
Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) [2]. Similar ideas
such as Industrie 4.0 were established also outside the Europe.
For instance, in the United States it is called Industrial A. Cloud Computing Definition
Internet or in China Factory of the Future. According to National Institute of Standards and Technology defined
authors in [3], so far, phrase Industrie 4.0 has been used 484 cloud computing as “A model for enabling ubiquitous,
times in academic and 1107 times in practical publications. convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of
One of the important aspects of the Industrie 4.0 is to increase configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
connectivity between the industrial processes, by using new storage, application and services) that can be rapidly
trends from IT domain. provisioned and released with minimal management effort or


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service provider interaction” [5]. The main idea extracted from 1) Public Cloud: A cloud owner provides services in terms
this definition is to make computing resources, location, and of cloud applications to end users. These services can be
device independent. This makes the computing resources to be accessed over the Internet. The main advantage of using such
available at any place, assuming that the user can connect to cloud is that there is no need for establishing infrastructure in
the cloud [6]. terms of hardware/software installation, and maintenance.
B. Cloud Computing Architecture 2) Private Cloud: Compared to the public cloud, a private
cloud offers services within an organization. It provides
According to the definition in [7], the cloud computing
architecture can be divided into four layers: the hardware computing power as a service in a virtualized environment,
layer, the infrastructure layer, the platform layer, and the using an underlying pool of physical computing resources.
application layer, see Figure 1. A brief description of each The purpose of using a private cloud is to provide the highest
layer is given below [9]. degree of control and security over the cloud service.
1) Hardware Layer: Manages physical units that are part 3) Hybrid Cloud: To address limitations of a public and
of the cloud, such as servers, routers, switches and power private cloud, many organizations combine both approaches
systems. by creating a hybrid cloud solution. In this approach, some
2) Infrastructure Layer: Organizes the provision of the services are provisioned on demand from the private cloud,
hardware resources, such as computing or disk storage, to the while other services are offered from the public cloud.
users. 4) Community Cloud: This type of cloud is established by
3) Platform Layer: Provides operating systems and several organizations, which have similar requirements and
application frameworks as a service. By providing a agree to share the same cloud infrastructure according to
development platform as a service, it is possible to develop defined policies and regulations. Since this cloud is used by
and test applications, without installing any particular software various organizations, CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) and
on a local machine. OPEX (Operational Expenditure) for cloud infrastructure are
4) Application Layer: Application layer comprises of also shared between them.
cloud applications, such as Facebook, YouTube, etc. These 5) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): This approach is
applications are then offered to the end users as a service. established on top of the public cloud platform. By using
VPC, isolation is achieved between different organizations
C. Cloud Computing Service Driven Model that use the same public cloud. Key benefit of using the VPC
Cloud computing is also classified in a service-driven is that it also provides a feature of Virtual Private Network
model, see more in [9]. As per this model, services are (VPN) that allows each user to design customizable topologies
provisioned on demand. This model can be defined as: and network security settings, such as firewall and intrusion
1) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Providing prevention system (IPS).
infrastructural services on demands such as Virtual Machines.
E. Edge Cloud
Examples of these services are Amazon EC2 or Flexi scale.
2) Platform as a Service (PaaS): Operating systems and The Edge Cloud is a new architectural element that comes
software development frameworks are provisioned on into reality from the convergence of cloud computing and
demand. mobile computing. It is located at the center of a three-tier
3) Software as a Service (SaaS): Provisioning on-demand hierarchy, between the end-user and the central core cloud, as
cloud applications to end-users through the Internet. shown in Figure 2. The Edge Cloud is defined as a standalone
or set of computers that bring specific cloud features close to
D. Cloud Computing Deployment Model end-users (machines or plants). Since the basic cloud
Based on its deployment, cloud computing is classified into infrastructure setup is far away from end-users, sometimes
different types as follows: they have to face higher Internet latency, which is not suitable
for time critical applications. For example, Amazon EC2 data
centres are located in only few cities around the world.
End User Application Layer SaaS To achieve benefits from their computing power, the end-
user requires an Internet connection. Access to these services
Software sometimes becomes impossible, due to bad or no Internet
Developer Platform Layer PaaS
connectivity, making cloud computing technology unsuitable
or simply inefficient for the real-time applications [10]. In
Infrastructure Layer
IaaS Central Core
System Edge
Administrators Cloud
Hardware Layer Cloud

End User
Fig 1. Cloud Computing Architecture [8]
Fig. 2. Edge Cloud in Machine to Cloud Hierarchy [12]

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addition to that, the Edge Cloud offers an additional layer of necessary to optimally respond to security threats in real-time
security in order to protect end users against Distributed and without any human intervention.
Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks at the edge of the
cloud [11]. Thus, the Edge Cloud is also referred to as a “data The Federal Office for Information Security of Germany
centre in a box” with features of self-managing and less published the topmost security threats to industrial control
computing resources that are offered to end-users with low systems of 2016 [22]. The serious security threats concerning
delay time. the cloud environment are listed below:
1) Physical resources of a cloud are not isolated and
various parties use the same resource by means of different
Industrie 4.0 has gained a lot of attention since its virtual machines (VM). In case of improper management of
introduction at the Hannover Fair in 2011. Various research VMs, leakage of customer data becomes possible.
groups, universities, and companies have contributed to its 2) The cloud owner has the full right to evaluate and
development. However, development efforts without agreeing verify customer data stored inside the cloud. This can lead to a
on common definition make the concept of Industrie 4.0 manipulation of process and product data.
vague. “Platform Industrie 4.0” [13] and “Industrie 4.0
Working Group” [14], which are the key promoters of this Besides the above-mentioned security threats, poor data
idea, were so far not able to propose a proper definition privacy and lack of encryption inside the cloud environment is
including its all important features. Therefore, in this paper an also a key problem that still has not been solved by many
extensive literature review describing the requirements of cloud providers. Therefore, for applications hosted in a cloud,
Industrie 4.0 has been conducted. The application scenarios there is a need for an adequate security framework that offers
which have been considered while identifying and collecting end to end security solution to the cloud end users.
Industrie 4.0 requirements are: smart and adaptable factories,
cyber-physical systems (CPS), smart grids, order controlled B. Communication
production, cloud computing, self-organizing and self- The communication requirements for a cloud-hosted
optimizing plants. The terminologies used to describe these application, such as QoS and bandwidth, have been identified
requirements are derived from the literature review of [15] – and marked in Figure 3. Detailed description of each of them
[21]. Requirements for creating a cloud-based industrial is presented below:
application, such as reliability, security, data analysis, asset 1) Quality of Service (QoS): Quality of service
administration shell, self-X, man to machine interaction, and requirements of Industrie 4.0 applications may differ from
communication network, are summarized in Figure 3 and each other. Table 1 shows various QoS parameters, namely
discussed in detail below. latency, packet error rate (PER), and data rate for different
A. Security and Data Privacy applications. Since QoS requirements are different for every
While offering services from a cloud to end users, several communication procedure, a negotiation of QoS parameters
security aspects have to be considered, such as (see also should be included as well. The negotiation should be
Figure 3): performed optimally without any human intervention, a priori
1) Secure Communication Channel: Since communication to a delivery of a new service. This would help to manage the
between a cloud and a machine takes place over the Internet, network resources efficiently and allow to create different
the use of a virtual private network (VPN) is highly business models. Thus, there is a need for adaptable QoS
recommanded for secure exchange of data. Moreover, TLS provisioning, advertising, and discovery procedures from a
(Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) cloud to a machine that fulfills this demand.
protocols should be used to transfer information between a 2) Bandwidth Requirement for Data Transfer: Smart grids
machine and a cloud. require for monitoring their infrastructure the data transfer rate
2) Secure Identities and Platforms: Unique identification of at least 500 kbps/node [24]. To ensure this, smart grid
and authentication by means of cryptographic keys for end operators have to rely on communication link providers.
users and machines is required for the secure exchange of Communication link providers sometimes face congestion on
data. the communication link, which makes it difficult to transfer
3) Self-Healing: Currently, a communication channel and the data to a monitoring center on time. Therefore, there is a
machine performance are monitored manually with the help of need for use of protocols like DASH [25] that handles such
various network management software tools which allow to situation by classifying the data into different files and
detect anomalies and certain problems. However, if a problem assigning to them different priority levels according to their
has to be solved, it is typically perfomed manually, based on importance. Afterwards, these files are assigned with different
the user experience. For a cloud-based industrial application, a bit rates according to their prioritiy level. In this way, all data
self-monitoring and self-healing procedure would be is successfully transfered to a monitoring center without losing
a single piece of information.

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Fig. 3. Industrie 4.0 Requirements [15] - [21]
D. Reliability
Table 1. QoS Parameters for Industrial Applications [23]
QoS Motion Condition Augmented Reliability is defined as “the ability of a system or
Parameter Control Monitoring Reality component to perform its required functions under stated
Latency 250 μs – 1 ms 100 ms 10 ms conditions for a specific period of time” [26]. Industrial
PER 1e-8 1e-5 1e-5 applications, such as smart grids, require reliability ranging
Data Rate kbit/s – Mbit/s Kbit/s Mbit/s – Gbit/s from 99 to 99.99% [24]. Such high reliability is usually a big
problem to offer from a public cloud. Therefore, for cloud-
C. Self-Configuration
hosted applications the reliability was defined as the ability of
In case of a cloud-based industrial application, self- the service that still offers its partial or full features even in
configuration is required between a machine and a cloud for case of sudden unforeseen scenarios such as server crash down
flexible integration. Integration of machines and plants with or cloud interface connectivity issues. Thus, fallback
the cloud platform needs a lot of manual configuration techniques need to be developed so that the application
services, a few of them are as follows: operates properly even if e.g. a communication link gets down
1) generation of user credentials, such as access key and as in the example discussed in [27].
secret access key for accessing the cloud platforms,
2) transfer of keys to a machine or a plant, E. Asset Administration Shell (AAS)
3) storage of keys, Industrie 4.0 introduces the concept of digitalized
4) installation of a certain SDK to access cloud features production in the engineering and manufacturing industry
5) management of keys , which will help to achieve a low-cost production by shifting
6) exchange and installation of security certificates, etc. different real world services to the virtual environment of IT
world (cloud). This concept requires the ability of industrial
To reduce these manual efforts there is a need for a devices to interpret and understand each other. The problem is
mechanism similar as in case of USB that allows to simply relatively solved at the fieldbus and controller level by using
plug a cloud service into the machine or a plant, configure and technologies such as OPC-UA and DDS (Data Distribution
integrate it with the cloud, optimally without any manual Service for real-time systems). However, there still exists the
intervention. challenge to make devices smart enough so that they can
communicate with each other as a prerequisite for cooperation

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scenarios such as intercompany communication, a run-time B. Industrie 4.0 Requirements
order based productions, etc. This demands new techniques Apart from work on the concept and development of the
and approaches for an exchange of information and architecture, in the past, several cloud-based industrial
knowledge between devices participating in the processes in a applications have also been introduced by various research
virtual environment [28]. To meet these demands, the concept groups. These works are described below according to the
of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) was devised. The Industrie 4.0 requirements.
AAS gives a digital representation of all information being 1) Security:
available about and from a physical component. Since so far In [37] the authors introduced the service-oriented
there exists no standardized method for representing the AAS, architecture approach for a SCADA system. They presented
further research is required to fill this gap. an implementation of a SCADA system as a service from a
IV. RELATED WORK AND RESEARCH GAPS cloud. In their work, the authors assume that all entities
operate within a single user domain and require the same
In this section, existing work related to the cloud computing security level. This assumption is no longer valid for the
in the context of industrial automation is presented in detail. implementation of SCADA in a heterogeneous environment
Many of the current research projects, such as [25] and [27], where different entities from different domains require distinct
draw attention to the migration of services from the factory security levels. Similarly, another approach is described in
floor level to the cloud domain so that more control over the [38], in which DCS (Distributed Control System) is offered as
production plant from a remote site can be achieved. In this services from a cloud. This approach implements the solution
section, the investigation of existing works is categorized and for a private cloud only, therefore security threats for public
presented on the basis of framework development and cloud implementations need to be investigated. Besides the
requirements of Industrie 4.0. Moreover, research gaps for above, in [39] the authors offered distributed integration of
each requirement that still need to be explored are discussed Profinet networks as a service from a cloud. In this solution,
below. named “ProfiCloud”, all devices communicate with each other
A. Cloud Manufacturing Framework and Architecture over the Internet. Therefore, TLS protocol is used to ensure
Development the security of transferred data. However, it is a proprietary
solution that works only with certain vendors’ devices,
In 2010, Li et. al [29] introduced the term cloud
therefore not applicable for heterogeneous vendor
manufacturing. In this work, the authors discussed the
environments. Thus various security perspectives related to
impediments related to the implementation of a network for a
the industrial automation, such as trusted hardware security
large manufacturing plant. Moreover, the authors proposed the
modules, software layer security (usage of the micro kernel,
use of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) to solve
the addition of cryptographic services), upgradation of
that problem and introduced the service oriented networked
management platform and security concerns, in case of public
manufacturing model in the form of cloud manufacturing. To
cloud usage is still an open area of research.
further develop the idea of the cloud manufacturing, in [30],
2) Communication:
Tao et. al presented an architecture of cloud manufacturing
In [25], the authors suggest to extend the HTTP protocol
with respect to different cloud deployment models. Besides
by adding the feature of SPDY1 (open networking protocol),
that, the authors also identified the challenges of which compresses the HTTP header and accelerates
standardization in this domain. Xu [31] in 2012 highlighted transmission of data and reduces the latency of an application
several important features of cloud computing that need to be over the web. Besides that, in [40] different web-based
adopted in industrial automation for the purpose of cloud communication protocols are evaluated by examining the
manufacturing. To further extend the use of cloud in industrial bandwidth usage during the transfer of data from a machine to
control systems for long distance communication Wu et. al a cloud. WAK (Web Access Kit), WebSocket and PHP are
[32] proposed the future trends that include development of evaluated in this work. The authors conclude that WAK takes
inter-factory industrial control systems, need of new business less bandwidth as compared to the other two. Also in [41],
models, and new information sharing model between Goldschmidt et. al proposed a concept of cache memory in a
industrial devices. Also, Givehchi [33] in 2013, proposed a gateway (a device used to connect an industrial machine and a
new architecture for using industrial applications from a cloud. cloud). This cache can temporarily store the data in case of
Langmann [34] in 2014 introduced the architecture for web low-bandwidth and send it later to a cloud when the
technologies based on an automation system. Brevoid et. al bandwidth congestion is reduced. Another approach
[35] in 2015 discussed important technical challenges related addressing the bandwidth requirement is presented in [42]. It
to the usage of IoT in industrial automation and proposed introduces the fog computing in the context of IoT. In this
several potential solutions to these challenges. Besides all approach, after careful examination of sensor data at a
these works, Goldschmidt et. al [36] in 2016, for the first time, gateway, only necessary information that is required for the
proposed the lightweight solution in terms of cloud platform IoT application is transferred to a cloud. To implement this
that uses the heavyweight virtual machines and servers. In that approach in industrial automation, the computational power of
work, the authors used Docker and executed multiple PLC a gateway (a device used to connect field devices or machines
services from the Docker environment. to a cloud) needs to be enhanced so that it can handle a
SPDY (Speedy) is an open protocol that is developed by Google for sending
the web data in compressed form.

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complex machine learning algorithm that is used for c) Conserve Network Bandwidth / Data Aggregation: An
examining the data. Thus, various communication offshore oil rig generates almost 500 GB of data weekly [48].
requirements for Industrie 4.0 were examined but there are Due to remote access to the Internet at low bandwidth,
still areas which need further attention and investigation. A continuous streaming of this data to the cloud becomes
few of these open challenges for cloud-hosted Industry 4.0 impossible. Data Aggregation is one of the possible solutions
applications are discussed below. for such problems. Here data aggregation corresponds to a
a) Real-Time Requirements: Industrial applications and collection of information from different machines inside a
networks require real-time guarantees to fulfill control tasks. plant. After collecting this data, only useful piece of
Three types of real-time networks are classified in the information is then sent to a cloud for further analysis. In this
industrial automation domain, as shown in Table 2. This way the data size is reduced and the information that is
classification is based on the communication cycle time. There required only for the cloud application can be transfer to the
have been many cloud-based industrial applications developed cloud. In the data aggregation case, data can aggregate at the
and evaluated for the class 1 of real-time networks. But gateway (a device used to connect cloud and plant machines).
offering services from the cloud for the class 2 and class 3 of Important questions that need to be answered in this approach
real-time networks that involve the non-deterministic WAN are that: Which data need to be stored and which not? What
behavior increases the severity level of meeting these real- should be the time interval after which data is sent to a cloud?
time requirements. Although the approaches in [47] and [27] Another approach is the classification of data on the fly, which
offer control as-a-service from a cloud, they are delivered is discussed in [42]. In this work, Data in Motion (DMo)
from a local cloud present on the factory floor. The Edge protocol for payload handling on Cisco edge routers is
Cloud is one of the possible solutions that address this issue by discussed in the context of IoT. In this paper, the authors
making an industrial controller as a gateway. The gateway is discussed the problem of getting temperature information that
then responsible for handling the class 2 and class 3 lies within a specific range. To address this problem, the
applications, while the rests of applications are offered as authors used the K-means Machine Learning algorithm that
services from a cloud. classifies the sensors data and gives only that values defined in
the required range, thus allowing to optimize the data transfer
b) Application Protocol from a Machine to a Cloud:
to the cloud. Further investigation of this or similar protocols
Adoption of methods and communication protocols suitable
in industrial automation domain is still an open area for
for transfering data from a machine to a cloud is still an open
gap and no standardization efforts have been made in this
direction. Different cloud platforms use different d) Real-Time Hypervisor: Cloud platforms used in
communication protocols for this purpose. For instance, various research projects are installed on the hypervisors (a
Amazon Web Services use MQTT and HTTP while Google computer program that is used to isolate operating systems and
App Engine uses WebRTC and HTTP for transfering data. In applications from the underlying computer hardware). Many
[40], the authors present a time analysis study in which the of them do not support real-time behavior for the virtualized
OPC DA protocol was used to extract and send data from a components of the cloud. Therefore, use of real-time
PLC to a cloud. The average recorded transfer time was 34.87 hypervisors, such as RT-XEN and virtualization of industrial
msec for the instruction transfer to and from a PLC to a web applications on them need to be considered and further
client. Besides this, according to the authors’ best knowledge explored.
no other benchmark studies have been performed to 3) Self-Configuration:
investigate the data transfer time of industrial data to a cloud. Plug-and-Play is the idea required in the configuration of
It is therefore important to classify communication protocols newly added devices, machines, or modules, which saves
according to specific industrial applications because many human efforts and time. The approach that is discussed in [43]
applications require hard real-time requirements that are not addresses the problem of Plug-and-Play by presenting the auto
satisfied by web-based protocols. One possible solution for a configuration approach for the Real-Time Ethernet (RTE)
local cloud in the future is to use the combination of OPC UA networks only. In this approach, OPC-UA is used for
with TSN to guarantee the deterministic time required at the discovery of devices in real-time. After that, the authors used
factory floor level, and then use the web technology to transfer SNMP for identification and configuration of attached
data from a machine to a cloud. modules. Another approach presented in [44] suggests the
modification of sensors interface for easy integration with the
Table 2. Real-Time Network Classification [49]
control system. All these works address the device level
Types Cycle Time Comm. Possible integration but they do not explore the case of a cloud-based
Technology Application
application, machine or plant level integration.
Class 1 ≥ 100 ms DCOM, TCP/IP Process
4) Reliability:
Automation To fulfil the requirement of reliability, different research
RT Ethernet Factory projects adopted different methods. In [27], Gilani et. al
Class 2 1 to 100 ms presented the approach for the soft real-time control
(Profinet) Automation
Motion applications. In this work, an alternative control is provided in
Class 3 < 1 ms Profinet IRT
Control case of broken communication links between machines and

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Table 3. Categorization of Projects on the basis of Industrie 4.0 requirements
Cloud based Industrial Automation Projects
Requirements [25] [27] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47]
Asset Administration Shell

the cloud. However, this concept is evaluated only for the Web technologies can be used to model the plant engineering
local cloud platform, no evaluations and results are provided information. Semantics required to describe local and global
for the case of the public cloud. In a research project vocabularies for that purpose is still an open area for
pICASSO [25], the authors presented an approach, in which researchers as discussed in [2].
control-as-a-service is offered from the cloud. Reliability is
added by introducing additional local control at the factory V. CONCLUSION
floor level, which comes into action when a communication Cloud computing is a technological trend from the IT
link between machine and a cloud is broken. In this work, domain that can be used to offer various industrial applications
performance is evaluated and compared when offering the on demand. In this paper, the analysis of the requirements for
services from LAN as well as WAN. Similarly, in [45], the the cloud-hosted industrial applications was conducted.
authors provided reliability by assuring multiple Internet Afterwards, challenges and research gaps that need further
connections between a machine and a cloud application. exploration were presented. Table 3 presents which
Similar concept is also found in [38], in which multiple Industrie 4.0 requirements were tackled by which industrial
communication links are proposed. Another work focused on automation projects regarding cloud computing . As it can be
redundancy is presented in [46]. Here, Hegazy presented an seen, security, communication, and reliability requirements
implementation of industrial controllers inside a cloud. In this have been discussed in several projects, while asset
work, he addresses the reliability by introducing redundant administration shell and self-configuration have not been
controller inside the cloud. Although all these approaches sufficiently addressed and remain open to future research
address the reliability at different levels, there are still open questions.
areas which need to be further investigated for a reliable cloud
application. For example, load balancing of communication ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
link or fault tolerance techniques used instead of adding This work is funded by the German Federal Ministry of
redundancy inside the cloud. Education and Research (BMBF) for project ADIMA under
5) Asset Administration Shell (AAS): grant number 03FH019PX5.
No work regarding the AAS is found in the literature
review for the industrial application that is offered from the REFERENCES
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